Cheung 2000
Cheung 2000
Cheung 2000
Elevation of established blood tumour markers correlates with the stage of breast cancer.The major role of current blood
markers is therefore in the diagnosis and monitoring of metastatic disease. A combination of markers is better than a single
marker with the most widely adopted combination being CEA and one MUC1 mucin, commonly detected as either CA15.3
or CA27.29.Tumour marker measurement is now used as a complementary test in the diagnosis of symptomatic metastases.
In the monitoring of therapeutic response to both endocrine and cytotoxic therapies in advanced disease, biochemical
assessment using blood markers not only correlates with conventional UICC criteria but has a lot of advantages which make
it a potentially superior way of assessment. In this regard, CA15.3, CEA and ESR are the best validated combination.
Studies are ongoing to evaluate the use of sequential blood tumour marker measurements in the follow-up of patients
after treatment for their primary breast cancer, in terms of both early detection and early therapeutic intervention. Further
randomized studies are also required to ascertain that marker-directed therapy is superior to the current practice
for metastatic disease. In line with clinical studies, intensive laboratory work is being carried out to optimize the use of
blood markers in advanced disease as well as to exploit their use in screening and diagnosis of early primary breast cancer.
© 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd
Keywords: Blood tumour markers; measurements; assays; breast cancer; diagnosis, monitoring; therapeutic response;
biochemical assessment.
in clinical practice. At present their use in breast can- MUC1 mucin has a high molecular weight of
cer is confined to metastatic disease, both in its diag- 250–1000 kD with a protein core and carbohydrate
nosis and in the monitoring of response to systemic side chains. The extracellular domain of MUC1 con-
therapy. sists of a heavily O-linked glycosylated peptide core
made up in the main of a variable number of multi-
ple repeats of a 20-amino acid sequence referred to as
Carcinoembryonic antigen the variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) domain
with each VNTR having five potential O-linkage
Carcinoembryonic antigen has been the marker most sites. Glycosylation is under enzymatic control and
investigated. It is a glycoprotein normally found in occurs post-translationally and sequentially, leading
embryonic endodermal epithelium. In the mid 1960s, potentially to the production of four sugar core types
Gold and Freeman isolated CEA from extracts of capable of elongation into polysaccharide chains.
malignant tissue (1, 2). It can be measured by a num- Alterations to these enzymes and to enzymes
ber of commercially available assays of which the involved in post-translational modification, which
automated chemiluminescence system (ACS: 180®, can be associated with disease, will obviously affect
Chiron Diagnostics, UK) is one example. This is a the glycosylation state of MUC1. In general, the poly-
two-site sandwich immunoassay using two antibod- saccharide side chains of tumour associated MUC1
ies: a purified polyclonal rabbit anti-CEA antibody are shorter than those on the normally expressed
labelled with acridinium ester in the lite reagent, and molecule. Both aberrant and up-regulated expression
in the solid phase, a monoclonal mouse anti-CEA of MUC1 are features of malignancy. It is apparent,
antibody covalently coupled to paramagnetic parti- therefore, that MUC1 is highly heterogeneous owing
cles. Increased serum CEA levels have been detected to its polymorphic nature (the VNTRs) and the high
in patients with primary colorectal cancer and in degree of variation in glycosylation. A large number
patients with other malignancies including gastroin- and diversity of distinct monoclonal antibodies have
testinal, breast, lung, ovarian, prostatic, liver and therefore been raised against these different epitopes.
pancreatic cancers (1–5). It might also be raised in It is this finding which has been the basis for the
individuals with inflammatory as well as various development of numerous immunoassay kits such as
other conditions (e.g., diverticulitis, gastritis, gastric cancer antigen 15.3 (CA15.3), mucin-like carcinoma
ulcer, bronchitis, cholangitis, liver abscess and alco- associated antigen (MCA), CA549, CA27.29, breast
holic cirrhosis), especially in the elderly and in cancer mucin (BCM), EMCA, M26 and M29.
smokers (5,6). MUC1 mucin as detected by CA15.3 sandwich
Serum CEA is elevated in 30–50% of patients with capture assay using specific monoclonal antibodies
symptomatic metastatic breast cancer (7–9). A num- 115D8 (raised against human milk fat globule mem-
ber of studies have reported a positive correlation branes) and DF3 (raised against a membrane
between changes in serum CEA and therapeutic enriched fraction of metastatic human breast carci-
response in patients with metastatic breast cancer noma) was the first mucin marker in which sequen-
(10–13). tial changes were reported to correlate with
therapeutic response (16–19). CA15.3 is most widely
used and is regarded as the “gold” standard against
MUC1 mucin which other assays are compared. Serum CA15.3 is
elevated in 54–80% of patients with metastatic breast
Polymorphic epithelial mucin (PEM) is one of a num- cancer (16,19–23). It may also be increased in other
ber of descriptive terms for the large glycoprotein benign (e.g., chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, tuber-
encoded by the MUC1 gene. The glycoprotein MUC1 culosis, sarcoidosis and systemic lupus erythemato-
mucin is expressed by most “wet” epithelia e.g., sus) and malignant (e.g., lung, ovarian, endometrial,
bladder, breast, stomach, pancreas, ovary and respi- gastrointestinal and bladder carcinomas) conditions.
ratory tract. In normal breast tissue, MUC1 is These should normally be considered and excluded
expressed on the apical surface of epithelial cells in as causes of elevated CA15.3 by a detailed history
the ducts and acini from where the molecule is shed and examination as well as investigations.
via milk fat globules and in soluble form into the Owing to the presence of numerous epitopes
milk. In case of tumours, cell polarization is lost and against which a variety of monoclonal antibodies can
this altered cell surface expression, coupled with the be raised in the detection of circulating MUC1
disruption of the normal tissue architecture caused mucin, use of different monoclonal antibodies can in
by the growing tumour, allows MUC1 mucin to be a minority of individual patients produce different
shed into the circulation where it can be measured by results in the monitoring of breast cancer. As men-
means of immunoassays (14, 15). tioned the CA15.3 test has been most widely used
until recently when the CA27.29 monoclonal anti- no value in employing a combination of MUC1
body has been utilized in a competitive radioim- mucin markers (28–30). CA15.3 has a higher sensitiv-
munoassay to detect MUC1 mucin (24). Different ity than CEA but with a similar specificity. However,
limits in the normal range have been reported when combining different markers has been shown to be
using different assays and the results were found to better than any single marker in the diagnosis and
be not interchangeable (23). Variations have also monitoring of metastatic breast cancer. The most
been encountered between manual and automated widely adopted recommendation has been the com-
methods. It is therefore necessary to emphasize the bination of CEA and one MUC1 mucin, most com-
use of the same MUC1 mucin assay for interpreting monly detected as CA15.3 (31, 32). The sensitivity of
sequential results. If for some reason it is necessary to tumour marker measurements for detecting metasta-
change test methods during patient follow-up, a new tic disease can be increased to over 80% when both
baseline has to be established (25). CA15.3 and CEA are used (33).
When these two markers are used together with
ESR, the sensitivity can reach beyond 90% (33–37). It
Tumour marker spike has been known that ESR, a test frequently used in
clinical medicine, tends to increase in patients with
Another phenomenon worth noting during the mon- cancer, particularly as the disease progresses.
itoring process is the occurrence of “tumour marker Elevation of ESR has been reported in patients with
spike” (26, 27). It is a transient increase from baseline metastatic breast cancer (9, 38–40). Our group has
with a subsequent return to or below baseline levels devised a biochemical index score using CA15.3, CEA
in up to 30% of patients who show a response to ther- and ESR in the monitoring of therapy in advanced
apy. The peaks usually occur within 30 days of com- breast cancer (34, 38). One criticism raised against the
mencing a new therapy although spikes may last as use of ESR is that it is not tumour specific. In fact all
long as 90 days. It is therefore important to take note patients have already had the diagnosis of breast can-
of this phenomenon rather than interpreting it as dis- cer and the presence of metastatic disease has been
ease progression in the early course of therapy. diagnosed also by methods other than blood tumour
Spikes can be distinguished from a true progressive markers (i.e., clinically and/or imaging). Concurrent
rise in a tumour marker either by waiting to repeat malignancies, particularly with both showing dissem-
marker measurements until 2–3 months after starting inated disease, are uncommon. The chance therefore
treatment or alternatively by measuring marker lev- of having a second malignancy (even asymptomatic)
els after both 1 and 2 months of treatment (25). will have been greatly reduced by clinical assessment
not to mention radiological investigations. Hence the
use of ESR in monitoring patients with advanced
Sensitivity and specificity breast cancer is specific for the reasons noted above.
The sensitivity of the blood markers can be
Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease. From early increased by using a combination of markers. The
studies it was clear that no single blood marker specificity of tumour marker measurement has been
would suffice for monitoring the therapeutic improved by using cut-off based criteria (41). A num-
response for advanced breast cancer. Different ber of cut-off values have been used in the various
MUC1 mucin assays appear equivalent and there is reported studies (Table 1) (20, 22, 34, 42–45). A higher
cut-off value is chosen since it is unusual to see ele- advanced disease. Elevation of markers can be seen
vation of the markers in patients with in benign con- more in locally advanced primary disease though
ditions. Molina et al. achieved a specificity of 99% not as many as in patients with metastatic disease.
when the cut-off values were taken as 10 ng/ml for Blood tumour markers were reported to be raised in
CEA and 60 U/ml for CA15.3 (22). They also incorpo- 33% and 68.2% of patients with locally advanced pri-
rated the criterion of having a serial rise of >15% in mary and metastatic breast cancers respectively in a
relation to the previous value to attain such results. large series which included patients with benign dis-
Comparable results have also been obtained by our ease as well as normal controls. Statistical analyses
group using the mean +2 SD of the normal controls to showed that blood tumour markers were not useful
calculate the cut-off value for each marker. in diagnosing primary cancers (stage I/II or stage III)
To qualify a change, an increase or decrease more (9). Moreover, their role in diagnosing locally
than the inter-assay coefficient of variation (i.e., advanced primary disease is minimal since the diag-
>10%) was required (34, 37, 38). We found compara- nosis can easily be made clinically but their measure-
ble results when using either 10% or 20% as a change ment after primary therapy may be clinically useful.
although various percentages were employed in Blood tumour marker measurements have minimal
other studies (Table 2) (22, 30, 33, 38, 46). role in diagnosing locoregional recurrence after pri-
mary treatment for early breast cancer. Nevertheless,
the measurement of CA15.3 at the time of local recur-
BLOOD TUMOUR MARKERS IN CURRENT rence has been found to be useful. Elevation of
CA15.3 at that time indicated either the presence of
CLINICAL PRACTICE radiologically visible metastases or predicted the
development of symptomatic metastases sooner than
Diagnosis in patients who had local recurrence and a normal
CA15.3 measurement (51).
Most studies consistently showed that elevation of In the diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer,
blood tumour markers correlated with the stage of CA15.3 assay has been shown to be superior with
breast cancer. In the majority of studies no significant CEA being the next most clinically useful marker
increase in marker values was found in patients with (47). High sensitivity up to 87% with high specificity
primary breast cancer compared to controls reaching 96% have been reported when using
(9,19,43,47). However some groups have claimed that CA15.3 alone (52–54). Various reports of sensitivity
MUC1 mucin is significantly elevated in primary of common markers are summarised in Table 3 (22,
breast cancer compared to normal controls (48,49). 33–35, 43, 44, 52, 55). As mentioned a sensitivity of
Even if CA15.3 is statistically raised in patients with >90% could be reached when a panel of three mark-
primary breast cancer it raises the question as to the ers i.e., CA15.3, CEA and ESR are used (34–37). Blood
value of a preoperative CA15.3 for the individual tumour markers are specific “alarm” indicators of
patient. CA15.3 and CEA were found to be increased metastatic disease and preoperative elevation might
respectively in only 31% and 26% of patients with pri- indicate under-staging (41). O’Hanlon et al. found
mary breast cancer when lower than usual cut-off val-
ues were used (25 U/ml and 3 ng/ml respectively) TABLE 3 Sensitivities of blood tumour marker measurements in
(42). However the increased sensitivity is at the cost metastatic breast cancer
of lower specificity. With the low sensitivity of the
current marker assays, blood tumour markers have Marker(s) Sensitivity References
yet been proven to be useful in screening and CEA alone 50% Safi 1991 (43)
diagnosis of early breast cancer (9, 19, 41, 43, 47, 50). 46% Molina 1995 (22)
The major role of current blood tumour markers 53% Jäger 1995 (45)
in the diagnosis of breast cancer is therefore in CA15.3 alone 73% Safi 1991 (43)
81% O’Brien 1992 (55)
54% Molina 1995 (22)
TABLE 2 Percentages of change in blood tumour marker 56% Jäger 1995 (45)
concentrations (See text) 87% Coveney 1995 (52)
CEA or CA15.3 80–90% Al-Jarallah 1993 (44)
% change References
64% Molina 1995 (22)
10 Williams 1990 (38) 81% Jäger 1995 (45)
10 or 20 Robertson 1999 (33) 94% Coveney 1995 (52)
15 Molina 1995 (22) CEA or CA15.3 or ESR 92% Robertson 1991 (34)
20 Iwase 1994 (46) 100% Dixon 1991 (35)
25 Deprés-Brummer 1995 (30) 96% Robertson 1999 (33)
that CA15.3 correlated with tumour burden. In a have been shown to be the best combination vali-
prospective study of the role of preoperative meas- dated retrospectively and prospectively. A biochemi-
urement of CA15.3 in 500 patients with breast cancer, cal index score using these three markers was
patients with a value >40 U/ml had an 83% chance retrospectively derived, prospectively validated, both
of having at least stage III disease. The authors there- in a single unit and in a multicentre study (33, 34,
fore recommended a routine use of tumour markers 36–38, 60). Namely, any change in marker while the
in the preoperative assessment of patients with a patient is on therapy is related to the pre-treatment
presumptive diagnosis of primary breast cancer (53). value. A cut-off for each marker of the mean +2 SD of
A normal tumour marker level generally suggests the normal controls is calculated. Patients who never
the absence of metastatic disease. This was substanti- show an elevation of the marker above this level are
ated by a study of over 150 patients revealing that a regarded as biochemically unassessable for that par-
normal CA15.3 value was strongly predictive of a ticular marker. Patients with an initial pre-treatment
negative bone scan and vice versa (56). In the recently value below the cut-off which subsequently rises
published British Association of Surgical Oncology above the cut-off or patients with an initial value
(BASO) Guidelines for the Management of Metastatic above the cut-off which subsequently increases above
Bone Disease in Breast Cancer in the United the inter-assay coefficient of variation (i.e., >10%) are
Kingdom, tumour marker (CA15.3 and CEA) meas- regarded as showing an increasing marker level
urement is recommended as one of the diagnostic (scored +2), indicative of biochemical progression.
tests in addition to the time-honoured algorithm Patients who start with an initially high value which
using plain radiographs, serum calcium and skeletal falls to below the cut-off or patients with an initial
scintigraphy for a woman with clinical suspicion of value above the cut-off which subsequently decreases
bony metastases (57). by more than the inter-assay coefficient of variation
At present blood tumour marker elevation is not for that marker (i.e., >10%) are regarded as showing a
used as the sole means of diagnosis of metastatic decreasing marker level (scored –2), indicating a bio-
breast cancer. Nevertheless, as will be outlined chemical response; ESR falling by >10% is scored –1.
below, there are currently studies ongoing looking to Patients with levels which start and remain above the
identify patterns of marker changes and marker ele- cut-off but which move by less than the inter-assay
vation which would allow early therapeutic inter- coefficient of variation (i.e., ±10%) are regarded as
vention by clinicians for occult metastatic disease. If being biochemically stable and scored +1. These
these studies are successful it could be envisaged in changes and the scoring attached to them are sum-
future that tumour marker measurement might then marised in Table 4. Scores for individual markers are
be accepted as the method for monitoring patients in then added together to produce an overall biochemi-
the follow-up period after primary treatment and cal index score. Total scores >0 are considered as bio-
that elevated blood markers might be an indication chemical progression while an index score of ≤0 is
to change systemic therapy. considered a biochemical response.
The role of blood tumour marker measurements
has been shown to be useful in the monitoring of
Monitoring response to endocrine therapy and cytotoxic therapy
(including standard regimen using cyclophos-
The use of blood tumour markers in the monitoring phamide, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil, as well as
of therapeutic response in patients with metastatic mitozantrone, anthracycline and even docetaxel con-
breast cancer is well established. Various markers taining regimens) (33, 34, 36–38, 60, 63).
have been employed starting from more than a Traditionally the response to systemic therapy is
decade ago, including CEA, C-reactive protein, fer- monitored using criteria laid down by the
ritin, orosomucoid, CA15.3, HMFG1 and HMFG2 International Union Against Cancer (UICC) (64).
(monoclonal antibodies raised to human milk fat Biochemical assessment using blood markers has
globule membrane fractions), NCRC-11, BCA225,
MCA, TPS etc (9, 18, 19, 30, 33–37, 43, 44, 46, 52,
58–61). CA15.3 was found to be superior to other TABLE 4 Scores for changes in blood tumour marker
markers (18, 19, 43, 52) although there has been some
recent work suggesting that TPS may be of use (59). Upper limit Normal Decrease Stable Increase
However others have suggested that TPS does not of normal limits (>10%) (±10%) (>10%)
add to current markers (62).
CEA 6 ng/ml 0 –2 +1 +2
As mentioned previously, a combination is better
CA15.3 33 U/ml 0 –2 +1 +2
than a single marker when blood tumour marker
ESR 20 mm/hr 0 –1 +1 +2
measurements are considered. CA15.3, CEA and ESR
been shown to correlate with conventional UICC cri- marker measurements at 3 and 6 months of therapy.
teria with a lot of advantages which make it a supe- Furthermore, biochemical assessment may result in
rior way of monitoring patients with metastatic breast at least 50% cost-savings when compared with con-
cancer. The UICC criteria assess structural changes as ventional assessment by clinical/radiological criteria
visualised on imaging while tumour markers assess which often require expensive imaging techniques
the dynamics of the tumour which could be detected such as CT or MRI scans (68).
earlier. The imaging tests according to UICC criteria
reflect structural change – a late event because it
depends on at least one metastasis reaching a signifi- BLOOD TUMOUR MARKERS IN FUTURE
cant size. Changes in blood tumour markers appear CLINICAL PRACTICE
to reflect the total tumour burden which may be
measurable from the summation of numerous sub-
clinical metastases. Blood tumour marker measure- Diagnosis
ments are more objective and are reproducible while
interpretation of imaging can be subjective. Bio- Despite recent advances in breast cancer care (e.g.,
chemical response or progression occurs in line with mammographic screening, breast conservation and
and often pre-dates UICC assessed response or pro- adjuvant therapy), the majority of patients will still
gression (41). A lead time of 1–10 months ahead of develop metastases from which they will ultimately
UICC assessed response or progression has been die. Early detection of metastases by intensive imag-
reported when assessment was made using blood ing tests has been reported to be of no benefit over
markers (22, 35, 46, 52, 63). This allows more effective routine follow-up in terms of patients survival
palliation which is especially important in patients (69–71). However, tumour markers are known to be
with advanced breast cancer. Early discontinuation of elevated in some patients even before radiological
ineffective therapy, early change of treatment for non- evidence of metastases. Some evidence can be cited
responders and further continuation of effective treat- in support of the view that earlier detection using
ment are made feasible. Using a combination of blood tumour markers may be clinically worthwhile.
CA15.3, CEA and ESR, practically 100% of patients It is now established that adjuvant therapy prolongs
are biochemically assessable (34, 39, 42). In a study survival compared to waiting and using the same
conducted by the European Group for Serum Tumour therapy when symptomatic metastases are diag-
Markers in Breast Cancer, 83 patients with metastatic nosed (72). The concept could be extended to treat-
breast cancer assessable for CA15.3 and CEA (with 67 ment of patients post-surgery who appear disease-
patients assessable for ESR as well) were recruited free clinically but in whom there is other evidence of
and prospectively evaluated in 11 centres from six metastases (i.e., elevation of blood tumour markers).
European countries. Among the 67 patients who had This could apply irrespective or not of whether
all three markers assessed in the form of the biochem- patients received adjuvant therapy.
ical index score, 84% of patients had elevation of one Blood tumour markers have been recognized to be
or more of these three markers while during therapy potentially more useful than clinical and/or radiolog-
the number rose to 96%. The other 4% remained in ical assessment since 1980s (42). Blood tumour marker
remission throughout the study and all markers measurements can identify metastatic relapse in
remained below the cut-off levels (33). 50–80% of patients during follow-up after treatment
Biochemical assessment provides the only vali- of primary breast cancer with a lead time of 2–12
dated method of assessing the response to systemic months (22, 35, 41, 55, 73). A large series was reported
therapy for disease unassessable by UICC criteria by Molina et al. in Spain (22). During the follow-up of
e.g., irradiated lesions, hilar enlargement, pleural 1023 patients after treatment of primary breast cancer,
effusion, ascites, bone marrow infiltration, sclerotic 246 of them developed metastases. Elevation of blood
bone metastases, lytic bone metastases (in patients tumour markers were seen prior to the relapse in 46%
receiving bisphosphonates) which account for and 54% with a lead time of 4.9 months and 4.2
10–40% of all patients (60, 65–67). In the mentioned months respectively for CEA and CA15.3 with a speci-
BASO Guidelines for the Management of Metastatic ficity of 99% for both markers. Higher levels of mark-
Bone Disease in Breast Cancer, blood tumour marker ers, higher sensitivity and longer lead time were
(CA15.3, CEA and ESR) measurement is also recom- found in patients with oestrogen receptor or proges-
mended a valuable tool in monitoring therapy (57). terone receptor positive primary tumours. To improve
In addition to subjective assessment by symptoms, the accuracy of detection, diagnosis should not be
radiological assessment (plain radiographs with based on a single value of elevation. Either using
or without skeletal scintigraphy or MRI scan), serial measurements to confirm a persistent elevation
patients should have sequential blood tumour or watching out for the trend rather than discrete
values has been recommended (21,47). Most studies The American Society of Clinical Oncology chose
employed CA15.3 with or without CEA while recently a cautious policy to recommend that present data
other markers such as serum c-erbB2 protein were also regarding both CEA and CA15.3 were insufficient to
found to be useful e.g., better sensitivity was achieved recommend their routine use in the diagnosis of
when using c-erbB2 rather than CA15.3 in patients recurrent breast cancer during follow-up (66). As
with over-expression of c-erbB2 in the primary tumour mentioned, at the time of occult metastasis which is
tissue (74). When compared with other diagnostic only detected by blood marker measurements, the
methods, the tumour volume is about 2–8 times tumour volume is much less than when the patient
smaller if detected only by blood markers (75). Two develops symptoms. The prognosis of patients at the
studies published at around the same time in Spain time of symptomatic metastasis is poor with a
and Germany have found a high sensitivity (64–81%) median survival of two years. It would seem logical
and specificity (99%) when using a combination of to postulate a potential beneficial effect when treat-
CA15.3 and CEA in the diagnosis of symptomatic ment is started earlier, which is possible with blood
metastases in over 9000 patients with primary breast tumour markers. In fact, results of two small pilot
cancer (46, 73). studies supported this hypothesis. In a preliminary
The use of blood markers for measuring tumour randomized study in Germany, Jäger et al., showed
burden and monitoring therapy is supported by that treatment of relapse based only on increased
studies in advanced disease as mentioned early in CEA and CA15.3 reduced the risk of developing
this review. The various advantages of objectivity, metastasis from 88% to 39% at 12 months. A longer
reproducibility, cost-savings etc seen in the manage- disease-free survival was also suggested (76).
ment of patients with metastatic disease could be Nicolini et al., from Italy, in a retrospective, non-ran-
extended to the diagnosis of recurrence in the follow- domized study of 384 patients attending a postoper-
up of primary breast cancer patients. Being a simple ative follow-up clinic after treatment of their primary
and an efficient test, blood tumour marker measure- breast cancer, evaluated the role of early therapeutic
ments could even be carried out at the primary intervention based on blood tumour markers (CEA,
healthcare level which will further enhance the cost- CA15.3 and TPA) (77). Among all patients who
effectiveness of the follow-up programme. relapsed, 28 patients were treated “early” based on
Despite such encouraging results in various stud- rising tumour markers while 22 patients were treated
ies the medical community is still unconvinced that after radiological diagnosis of metastases as in the
regular blood tumour marker measurements will in usual practice. The authors found a lengthening of
fact provide significant lead time and therapeutic the time from marker increase to the appearance of
advantage in the diagnosis of metastases. They there- clinical or radiological signs of metastasis (13.5 ver-
fore continue to recommend clinical follow-up with sus 3.4 months) as well as improved overall survival
imaging investigations when patients develop suspi- (42.9% versus 22.7% at 72 months) when patients
cious symptoms despite the fact that the imaging were treated “earlier”.
tests according to the UICC criteria reflect structural As mentioned, studies are currently ongoing to
change (a late event) while changes in blood tumour identify individual patterns of changes in markers
markers appear to reflect the dynamics of change in including the lead time in the diagnosis of recurrent
tumour burden. Our group is at present co-ordinat- breast cancer. This should not prevent pilot studies of
ing a prospective, international, multicentre study of the potential value of early therapeutic intervention
early detection of recurrent disease after primary based on rising blood tumour markers. Our group
surgery for operable breast cancer – current follow- has therefore started a prospective, multicentre, ran-
up protocols versus the use of sequential blood domized, pilot study of early intervention based on
tumour marker measurements. All patients are fol- tumour markers in the follow-up of patients with
lowed up 3-monthly for two visits after surgery, primary breast cancer. This study is seen as a pilot for
thereafter 6-monthly up to 5 years and annually a future large prospective randomized study which
afterwards. Diagnostic investigations for possible would compare standard practice with early treat-
recurrence are carried out as directed by symptoms ment intervention based on blood tumour marker
and clinical findings. Blood samples are collected for measurements.
the measurements of CA15.3 and CEA at each visit.
The purpose of the study is to establish the presence
of a significant lead time to symptomatic metastasis Monitoring
in a well-designed research context. Hopefully the
future follow-up protocols for primary breast cancer Although the usefulness of blood tumour markers
patients will incorporate regular blood tumour has been well established in the diagnosis and mon-
marker measurements. itoring of advanced breast cancer, blood marker
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