Automated Testing For Automotive Embedded Systems: 2department 3department 4dsysd
Automated Testing For Automotive Embedded Systems: 2department 3department 4dsysd
Automated Testing For Automotive Embedded Systems: 2department 3department 4dsysd
Since usually test cases are from hundreds to millions, Static error checking should be preceded prior to test
it is time consuming and not easy to verify numerous execution. If there is any static error, test execution may
test cases one by one. In this research, Test-Analyzer is not be operated and exact test result can not be expected.
developed in order to analyze test result automatically. Check model from the Statemate menu helps to unveil
It compares test results from the simulation of the static error in the model.
behavior model with expected results. Fig. 4 shows
analysis result by Test-Analyzer. If an error is detected, 3.3 Functional model testing
the cell is filled with orange color. Target-Suite will be
introduced for the auto-generated code testing in chapter In order to generate test cases automatically uses
3.4 in detail. ATG which is Statemate plug-in program. Test stimuli
and the expected responses are computed by based on
selected activity charts and test goal is selected to cover
outputs, states or transition. Two kinds of files are
Tmne St',
CYL-DRV MTR'DRV BTl_PASS DRV obtained after ATG execution. One is test cases which
0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 can be executed in the Statemate simulation. The other
1 8 2 0 2 2 2 1
2 11 2 0 4 4 4 1 is report file including test coverage information.
3 15 1 0 4 1
4 20 1 Detected Error 4 1
5 23 1 1 4 1
6 27 1 1 4 4 4 1
7 30 1 1 4 4 4 1
8 33 1 4 4 4 1
9 37 1 1 4 4 4 1
10 40 1 1 4 4 4 1
11 43 1 1 4 4 4 1
Fig. 4 Test-Analyzer
Target-Suite consists of hardware equipment and Target-Monitor analyzes and compares execution
control software. Hardware comprises of two main time and values between different environments and
boards: one is target board and the other is data shows the test results on PC. Fig. 9 shows validating
acquisition board. And there are two control software results by Target-Monitor.
programs. One is Target-Practice which can map I/0
signals of the functional model with a real ECU model. 4. CASE STUDY
The other is Target-Monitor which analyzes and shows
the execution result on PC monitor. Fig. 7 depicts the Proposed test automation techniques for automotive
picture of Target-Suite. embedded systems are applied to window lift system.
4.1 window lift system
The functional model of window lift system is
designed by Statemate. This system consists of 4 door
modules and BCM(Body Control Module) and each
ECU is connected by CAN/LIN network. Fig. 8 shows
physical architecture of window lift system and activity
charts of DDM.
Fig. 7 Target-Suite UN ...D ,RM2U
j IIHl, TAhLLL 15RV:A i I
___ ___ __--_---- ---
4.4 Auto-generated code testing Generation of Functional Tests using MSCs,
After the model validation is complete, software of SDL and TTCN", Computer Communications,
each ECU is auto-generated and downloaded into Volume 24, Issues 3-4, Page 374-393, 2001
Target-Suite to test performance and functionality of the [9] D. L. kaleita and N. Hartmann, "Test
software before hardware is built. Recorded file during Development Challenges for Evolving
Statemate simulation is used for the stimuli to the Automotive Electronic Technologies", SAE,
Target-Suite. Execution time and response value is 2004-21-0015, 2004.
validated using Target-Monitor.
In this research test automation techniques are
proposed for functional model and auto-generated code
running in target ECU. Case study of window lift
system is introduced to apply this automation process.
Erroneous automotive embedded system may result
in serious accident or problem related to human life.
Error detection process is simple and repeated process
that is time consuming. Adaptation of proposed
techniques can reduce time and efforts on testing
dramatically. Furthermore test reliability and
consistency could be increased.
In the future study, test automation process is
expended to network and integration test to realize test
automation through the entire process.
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