Histology of Muscles: Learning Objectives
Histology of Muscles: Learning Objectives
Histology of Muscles: Learning Objectives
By the end of this lecture, the students should be able to understand:
Be able to distinguish the three types of muscle at the light and electron microscope levels,
including distinctive features of each muscle fiber.
Know the structural elements that harness muscle contraction to the movement of a body part.
Muscle Function
1. Contraction for locomotion and skeletal movement
Muscle classification
1. Muscle tissue may be classified according to a morphological classification or a functional
There are two types of muscle based on the morphological classification system
1. Striated
Functional classification
1. Voluntary
2. Involuntary.
Types Of Muscle
Types of muscle: there are generally considered to be three types of muscle in the human body.
Contains the same contractile proteins as skeletal and cardiac muscle, but laid out in a different
Muscle Terminology
Myofiber Or Myocyte: a muscle cell
The terminal cisternae act as calcium storage sites. The calcium ions stored in the terminal cisternae are
essential in muscle contraction.
These bundles are surrounded by a connective tissue sheath called the perimysium.
Each fascicle is made up of several muscle cells known as myocytes or myofibers or delicate
muscle fibers.
Each muscle Cell is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath known as the endomysium
The muscle fibers show the cross-section of alternating light and dark bands. The dark bands are called A
bands and light bands are called Ibands.
The sarcomere extends from Z line to Z line and is about 2.5μm in resting muscles.
The A band shows the presence of light zones in center, the H band containing only Myosin
The H band is bisected by „M‟ line.
Striated muscle filaments contain 4 types of proteins; Actin, Tropo-myosin, Troponin and Myosin.
Thin filaments are composed of First three proteins and thick filament of Myosin.
Thin filaments are formed by filamentous protein called as F-actin. F-actin is composed of two strands of
MYOSIN: myosin is a much larger complex, can be dissociated into two pairs of heavy and light
Heavy chains are thin rod like molecules that form the Heads which are ATP binding sites able to
bind Actin.
Analysis of thin section of Striated muscles show presence of cross bridges b/w thin and thick
filaments. The bridges are at head of myosin molecules involved in the conversion of chemical
energy into mechanical energy.
Nerve supply.
A motor nerve fiber and muscle fiber are collectively known as a motor unit.
Cardiac Muscles
1. Involuntary .
2. Striated,
3. Nucleus is oval.
4. Found in Myocardium.
7. Unique character of cardiac muscle is presence of darkly stained transverse lines that cross the
chain of cardiac cells, these bands often follow an irregular step like course and are known as
Intercalated discs.
Cardiac t-tubule are found at the level of „Z‟ band, rather than A-I junction.
Triads are not common in cardiac muscles but T-tubule is associated with one lateral
endoplasmic reticulum cisternae are called Diads.
Smooth Muscles
1. Smooth muscle is found in stomach, intestine, urinary and genital tract.
2. Fusiform cells.
8. Characteristic contractile activity depends upon the Actin and Myosin filaments.