Procedure:: Using Modal Analysis
Procedure:: Using Modal Analysis
Procedure:: Using Modal Analysis
Training Files:
Download the training files using the button below, if you have not done so already.
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models
display, then click File > Manage Session > Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to the
PTCU\CreoParametric2\Simulate_Analysis\ModalAnalysis folder and click OK
2. Click Model Setup from the Set Up group. The Model Setup dialog box appears.
4. Click OK.
2. Click Materials from the Materials group. The Materials dialog box appears.
3. Select ss.mtl from the Materials list and click Add Material .
4. Select pvc.mtl from the Materials list and click Add Material .
5. Click OK.
It is always a good practice to know the properties of the materials you are using
independent of their source (default or customized library). You can do this by right-clicking
in a material in the Materials list and selecting Properties.
6. Click Material Assignment from the Materials group. The Material Assignment dialog box
7. Press CTRL and from the model tree select JOINT_AXIS.PRT and CLAMPING_YOKE.PRT. 21-03-2018
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8. In the Properties section, select SS from the Material drop-down list, and verify that (None) is
selected in the Material Orientation field.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Material Assignment from the Materials group. The Material Assignment dialog box
11. Press CTRL and from the model tree select DESK_PLATE.PRT and both BRACKET.PRT
12. In the Properties section, select PVC from the Material drop-down list, and verify that (None) is
selected in the Material Orientation field.
2. Click Analyses and Studies from the Run group. The Analyses and Design Studies dialog box
3. Click File > New Modal. The Modal Analysis Definition dialog box appears.
◾ Select the Output tab. Deselect all boxes in the Calculate section.
◾ Select the Convergence tab. Select Single-Pass Adaptive in the Method field.
5. Click OK.
6. In the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box, select desk_modal and click Start Run . Click
Yes to run interactive diagnostics.
7. Click Display Study Status to view the summary report after the analysis is complete.
Note that the Modal Analysis has failed. In the summary report, Creo Simulate specifies the
reason for the failure. The reason is that the folding tray has a rigid body mode. In other
words, it can freely move without deformations. That is true considering the connections
defined between the components.
8. Close all dialog boxes and return to the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.
9. Right-click desk_modal and select Edit. The Modal Analysis Definition dialog box appears. 21-03-2018
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12. In the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box, select desk_modal and click Start Run . Click
Yes to run interactive diagnostics and to remove existing files, if required.
13. Click Display Study Status to view the summary report after the analysis is complete.
Notice in the summary report the frequency values for each of the modes. Notice the
frequency of the rigid mode (Mode 1). This is reported since you have turned on the option
to search for the rigid mode.
14. Close all dialog boxes and return to the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.
2. Click Review Results . The Result Window Definition dialog box appears.
◾ Select Mode2 from the list of modes. Deselect any other mode.
◾ Select the Quantity tab. Verify that Displacement and Magnitude are selected.
Figure 1 21-03-2018
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5. Click File > Exit Results to return to the Creo Simulate window. Click No to the prompt to save the
results window. 21-03-2018