Naad Jun 19
Naad Jun 19
Naad Jun 19
Price : `50
Jyestha Ashtami
A Monthly Publication of
From the Earthly World to the Realm of Gods
Kasturbhai Lalbhai Collection of Indian Drawings
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Sh. Sunil Raina Rajanaka,
Editor-in-Chief 'NAAD'
All India Kashmiri Samaj, New Delhi.
Dear Sh. Sunil Rajanaka
I have wanted to congratulate you for giving a more coherent
character to the contents of the AIKS Naad since you have been taken
over as Editor-in-Chief of our community journal.
With Best wishes.
(Prof Ratan Parimoo)
Anil Nakhasi
Manoj Kureel
Cabinet Ministers
1. Shri Raj Nath Singh Minister of Defence.
2. Shri Amit Shah Minister of Home Affairs
3. Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari Minister of Road Transport and Highways;
Minister of Micro, Small and Medium
4. Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers.
5. Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Minister of Finance; and
Minister of Corporate Affairs.
6. Shri Ramvilas Paswan Minister of Consumer Affairs,
Food and Public Distribution.
7. Shri Narendra Singh Tomar Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare;
Minister of Rural Development; and
Minister of Panchayati Raj.
8. Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Minister of Law and Justice;
Minister of Communications; and
Minister of Electronics and Information
9. Smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal Minister of Food Processing Industries.
10. Shri Thaawar Chand Gehlot Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment.
11. Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar Minister of External Affairs.
12. Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' Minister of Human Resource Development.
13. Shri Arjun Munda Minister of Tribal Affairs.
14. Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani Minister of Women and Child Development;
and Minister of Textiles.
15. Dr. Harsh Vardhan Minister of Health and Family Welfare;
Minister of Science and Technology; and
Minister of Earth Sciences.
A rare picture of the Sharda Mata temple taken by Sir Aurel Stein in 1893
Shun Alcohol
“Vuzmali gashe gola chamov” (come friend, typically divided into three classes-beers, wines,
let us have a drink under the aura given by a and spirits-and typically their alcohol content is
lightening flash) goes a verse in a Kashmiri folk between 3% and 50%. Nearly one third of the
song, epitomising the glamour, grandeur and population of the world are current drinkers. As
fantasy we tend to associate with a sip of booze. of 2016, women on average drink 0.7 drinks and
Like smoking, “sharaab gol” too has been males 1.7 drinks a day. Discovery of late Stone
associated with brotherhood, friendship and Age jugs suggest that intentionally fermented
fraternity for ages. Unfortunately, the “sharaab gol” drinks existed at least as early as 10,000 BC.
that is so good for bonding and friendship, is not so What are the effects of booze on the human
good for health. And sadly, our Kashmiri Pandit body? In small doses, alcohol causes elevated
community, far from remaining immune to the mood (euphoria), suppresses anxiety, and
drink culture, has embraced it with open arms. It has promotes sociability. However, in higher doses,
even adopted its westernized versions and nuances. it causes a state of drunkenness, irrelevant talk
It has now become vogue for a Kashmiri family to and stupor. Still higher doses can cause coma
celebrate an occasion by opening a bottle of wine. and death. Long-term use can lead several
(Lord Ganpati can wait!) One finds this as a medical social and financial problems. The ills
common scenario in birthday celebrations and on the body caused by alcohol are multiple.
weddings. Earlier, the codeword would be Gastritis, acid reflux issues, slow mentation,
(intizaam chaa saa?) as the “arrangement” would be withdrawal symptoms are some of these.
done in some secluded room. Welcome the age of Chronic drinking leads to irreversible changes in
glasnost and perestroika. Formal counters for liver, heralding liver cirrhosis. This can further
“Drinks” at Kashmiri Pandit marriages are a given lead to lack of appetite and Jaundice. The cancer
now (those seeking further proof can visit burden attributable to alcohol is also significant.
facebook, instagram , twitter et al). It is interesting In 2012, an estimated 5.6% of worldwide cancer
to note the Godspeed by which we adopt these deaths were attributable to alcohol. Upper
flashy albeit unhealthy western habits, while airway and food pipe (oesophageal) cancers
turning a blind eye to the good ones (cleanliness, accounted for the majority of alcohol
punctuality, regular exercise etc. etc.). A kashmiri attributable deaths among men. In addition,
friend recently told me about an incident when he alcohol has been causally linked to liver cancer,
went to a Kashmiri social gathering and was almost colorectal cancer and breast cancer. Other
forced to have a drink just when he was about to cancers associated with alcohol include oral
leave. He is a teetotaler, and barely escaped. This, cavity (inside of mouth), pharynx, larynx, (areas
about a community that talks high about its culture, of throat including upper wind pipe), cancer of
intellectualism, heritage and spiritual glory. the lower food pipe, colorectal, liver and female
An alcoholic drink (or alcoholic beverage) breast. The overall consensus is that cancer risk
is a liquid that contains the chemical ethanol. It appears to be linked to alcohol use irrespective of
is usually developed by slow fermentation of the specific alcoholic beverage (e.g., beer, wine,
fruits, sugars or grains. Alcoholic drinks are or hard liquor). Needless to say smoking and
S to
p P Peace to the Departed Soul
AIKS is sad to inform about the demise
of Dr Makhan Lal Hashia, former
President of KSS Faridabad and Vice
President of AIKS on 8th June 2019.
His contribution to the community at
large and residents of Faridabad in
particular will be always remembered.
We pray for eternal peace to the
departed soul and strength to the
Dr. Makhan Lal Hashia
family to bear the loss. (15-09-1936 to 08-06-2019)
Goddess of Kashmir
M aha Ragnya Bhagwati or the Great
Goddess is the titular goddess of
Hindus in Kashmir. She is the
embodiment of cosmic power that underlines all
creativity, activity, and as such is the immanent
Mazgam, Shadipur
and Logripora. While
she was stationed at
Tulmulla, Rama along
with his entourage
form of Universal Consciousness, worshipped visited the goddess to
in Kashmir since time immemorial. The glory of offer his gratitude after
Goddess Ragnya is detailed in Maha Ragnya vanquishing Ravana.
Pradhurbhav, an important chapter of Bringesh Since then, it is
Samhita. The chapter mentions a dialogue believed that Rama
between Shiva and Parvati at their abode in visits Kheer Bhawani shrine - dedicated to
Mount Kailash, where Parvati is keen to learn Goddess Ragnya - on every full moon night to
about the glory and attributes of Goddess offer prayers; people also believe that Hanuman
Ragnya. The dialogue is important as it contains has stationed himself as a full-time attendant at
the universal good and succour for mankind. the shrine.
Parvati wants to know the origin and mode of The temple is located amidst lofty china
worship of Ragnya, who was then, stationed in trees, which appear as sentinels of peace and
Kashmir along with her attendants, the chief tranquility. The place is surrounded by water
among them being Anantnag. With great bodies, with Mount Harmukh in the
persuasion, Shiva divulges the sovereignty of background. The temple finds mention in
the goddess. He reveals that the worship of the Kalhan’s Rajatarangini and Abu Faial’s Ain-i-
Devi was initially done by Ravana in Lanka, Akbar. Every year, a big fair is held on the eighth
where the goddess was duly anointed and day of the waxing moon in the month of Jyeshta
propitiated. Ravana had prayed to Shiva to grant when lakhs of devotees congregate at the shrine
him Adi Shakti and due to his severe penance, to offer their obeisance to the Universal Mother.
Shiva made the goddess stay in his kingdom. In olden times, when means of transportation
The prosperity of Lanka during Ravana’s were few, devotees would come by boats, tongas
rule was attributed to the presence of Adi Shakti. or walk from different parts of the valley to the
However, his sinful acts — abduction of pristine and blaming precincts of the shrine to
Sita and attempt to kill Rama — angered the attend the annual fair. Devotees recite hymns to
goddess. She requested Hanuman to take her to the deity, offer Kheer, milk, sugar, and flowers to
Satidesha, present day Kashmir. Before leaving the goddess as they believe doing so will deliver
Lanka, the goddess cursed Ravana with defeat. them from misfortune and sins, besides granting
Goddess Ragnya travelled to the Himalayas them divine protection. The annual fair at the
along with her attendants with stopovers at shrine is also known for its local savouries; so
different parts of the Kashmir valley before after offering prayers, one can feast on lotus
finally choosing the current location of Tulmulla stem pakoras, puris and halwa. The temple town
in Ganderbal district. Other important places in welcomes everyone, and the locals
Kashmir associated with the goddess are enthusiastically take every care of their guest
Pokhribal, Lok Bhawan, Raithan, Tikker, devotees.
Forgotten Grace
R especting our elders should be a
courtesy ingrained in every one of us.
Common grace and manners are to treat
elders with dignity and respect. Sadly, these
important dignities have been largely forgotten
are only being remembered for economic helps
and babysitting. This is a major crisis Kashmiri
Pandit community is facing. There are hundreds
of such cases.
There are numerous reasons why adult
today. Information Age has put technology at the children abandon their parents, for what appears
forefront of human communication, making to be no reason. Most of the reasons don’t
today a little less personal than days of the past. amount to a hill of beans when you as a parent
Instead of treating our elders with appreciation
and respect they deserve, many are often too
busy or simply dismiss them and their
contributions to community and family.
After 1990 when the exodus of Kashmiri
Pandits from the valley took place, the people of
this community got scattered all over the globe Abandoning
and the most sufferers were the parents and
grandparents. Children of the community hardly your parents put
stayed with their parents upto the completion of
their basic education and after that they left the them to
home for better education in view of the limited
avenues available around them especially in depression
Jammu which is a concentrated area of Kashmiri
After 1990, in the initial years of migration
there were difficulties in getting are in the throes of traumatic lost memory.
accommodations which resulted in the However later, when you are calmer, you may
scattering of the community but with the time, want to understand why such losses occur. We
most of the people got settled as per their need to remember to respect old aged parents
economic stature. Slowly and steadily children because sometimes they are not able to assert
started moving out for their education and jobs. themselves and demand the respect that is due to
It is the time now when the households of most them. They may be confused or anxious. They
KP concentrated areas look deserted and may have difficulty with their mobility. They
thousands of such households are found with may have difficulty using their hands. They may
elderly people living in these alone. This is also find it hard to say what they feel.
true that Jammu gives them a feeling of their It is everyone's duty to take care of their
motherland because of social connections at this parents, as they have done the same for you.
place but this is also true that most of the But in some cases, it is very difficult and
children have abandoned their aged elders. They especially in families with many siblings, not
Beyond Mountains
Do we Belong?
Sunita Ticku
Yes we do! Divine Sound
Beyond mountains, We sure do belong,
Beyond the skies, And have always belonged!
Beyond the horizons, Ignorance, my dear blurs our sight
Beyond the endless roads, Let us drink from the chalet of
There is a place called home devotion
Within the little city of our The nectar of His love,
subtle hearts Let that intoxication of love
And that’s where we belong Drown our ignorance
Nestled in the cozy warmth of And let us emerge from it
Divine love Purified, to see
Rocking to the pulsations of the The Beyond -
I t is amazing, how we always see two old
and young, men and women; white collar
ones and blue collar ones; whites and blacks,
working women and house makers; housewives
and maids; rich and poor the list goes on and on.
narrated by a family elder to children. The
conversation would also be question answer
type, or instructions from elders to be carried out
by younger members of the family. As much
mundane all this may sound, but just sitting
I would say dichotomy is intrinsic to our nature. together used to give immense feeling of
Out of all these classes, what bothers us (middle closeness and bonding.
class people) most is the generation gap of old For 'them' here referring to the younger
and young. If we happen to be in elderly bracket, generations, we generally carry a stereotype
where I belong to, we would often start image like they mess up their rooms, are
conversation with “In our times…” and end with undisciplined lot, lazy to the hilt, rarely go out to
a despondent tone of “Now look at our kids…” socialize, net worms (replacement for book
We would go on and on and say - we used to go worms), etc. We see our younger generation
out and interact with real people, make real hardly going out (at least that seems to be our
friends, play outdoors, enjoy family meets, go complaint) except may be to a Gym for work
for picnics and so on. Then we feel nostalgic out, a few laps of swim, a game of tennis / squash
about very strange things, such as, those narrow or other such activity to keep the body
smelly lanes, balancing a solo wheel with a reasonably fit. Occasionally, they may hang out
stick, smell from earth after first rain, walking with friends at bars or some social parties. They
over snow with those high wooden sandals, may go out trekking / biking solo or in groups.
sweet pain of frost bites, eating icicles sprinkled Yes, they do spent a lot of time on internet, social
with salt and red pepper, slipping over the media, or chatting on net. But, we oldies have
muddy roads, hanging out at Nukkuds and also picked up these habits good or bad. We
bridges, passing comments on seeing a beautiful missed all these things during our youth, as these
dame, etc. avenues were not available at those times.
We would barge into our relative's or What I feel our real problem is that our
friend's house without pre-intimation or pre- younger generation spends very less time
appointment, and yet be greeted with a smile on interacting with us. Let us dwell into this area a
the face of the host. We would spent hours just bit more. When children are at home, they spent
having small one-liner conversations, since most of the time in their rooms. We don't even
there never was much to talk about - no have our dinner together each one takes food in
arguments or discussions. Most conversations a plate and positions oneself in front of the idiot
(particularly in which ladies would indulge) box. There are no common areas of interest to
revolved around who is where, who is getting keep older and younger generations connected.
married and how that redefines the web of Our priorities are different, determined by at
relations, and who has left for his/her final what stage of life we (We and Them) are. We are
adobe. Sometimes, a biopic of a noble person, a going down the hill after having reached the
funny experience and / or a folk tale would be peak of our aspirations / achievements, whereas
Displacement - A Pain
“Years passed memories stay as dear as near and other unexpected incidents. The elderly
as yesterday” people were all together ruined because they had
Now we are about to complete three to remain confined to the four walls of the house.
decades of forced displacement from of our They did not know when the sun rises and when
motherland (valley of Kashmir). Most of the the sun sets. A large number of houses remained
families halted at Jammu and Delhi, while as locked in Jammu locality because elderly parents
others went to the other states of the country. By and other kiths and kins are forced to accompany
and large the community has settled down their siblings who are working either in different
themselves in parts of states of the country or
country though the desire outside the country.
to go back to their These elderly parents do
motherland is still there. not get a fair deal as was
There is dire need to keep expected. Instead, they
this longing for our roots have to visit frequently to
alive so that whenever their loves one’s and in
favourable situation this way these people are
arises we can move back always on the run. Since
to our homes. This long a major chunk of
lining can be kept alive population is housed in
by scholars, intellectuals Jammu division and the
and luminaries in our people celebrate the
society. If they actively marriage ceremonies and
consider and plan for other rituals of their
establishing contacts children in the newly
with the Govt. of the day constructed magnificent
then it is possible that we marriage halls where
may have not to wait too they have to pay heavy
long for our return. In my charges for such
opinion, forced displacement was altogether an functions. The community as a whole never
unfortunate event which did a tremendous loss to thought of constructing community halls for
the community in all respects, while as some conducting marriage ceremonies and other
termed this as a blessing in disguise. But
ultimately, we had to pay a high price for this.
Climatic conditions had a great impact on our
lives and people became victims of numerous
Mulsims in Kashmir have to shun the
ailments which they had never experienced in path of violence and adopt approach
their lives earlier. So many people lost their
precious lives due to the fatal diseases while as for secular values
other became victims of snake bites, accidents
Fish in My Pot
Prof. Ashok Aima
Two fish, Anpoorna has come,
in my small pot, What a pleasure life is,
They have a Golden tint, Let’s play on!
Magnificent they are,
Elegant enough, Some time, my fish,
Dancing in their space, Rise to the top of the tank, Stay motion less for
Left and right, Up and down, sometime!
They have Energy galore, I get worried,
Enjoying freedom all the way, What happened?
Live in peace and harmony, But touching each other,
I look at them sometime, I imagine,
Be part of them, They have concern, concerned about beings,
Energy is life, Life is energy! Human being surrounding them,
My mother sees them, Why Killing?
And complaints, “Why in box, let them live in sea Man is nobler mind,
with other.” Why then this,
I reply, “They are in their apartment and enjoy!” Frogs separate,
My daughter gives them food, And dance again to their own tune,
They recognize her, feel her, identify her, A surprise!
For them, Good time will come, I am sure.
(This poem was sent to Editor
by Prof. Ashok Aima few
weeks before he left his mortal coil)
And the huge clock of time nominated, for eradication, the pain was
has struck the thirtieth year of exile. injected to us.
My eyes blinked in 1990 for a fraction In the cries of Azadi, our blood turned the
and it is 2019..... Vitastawaters red, and the pulpits of
My Kashmir, my Motherland remains peace announced murder of India
snatched since then......
Leaving everything behind, the home, the
Insane was it that snatched her from us, toys,
cruel was it that smashed our roots, the books, the Samovaar and the garden
and pushed us into a never ending exile. of marigold,
We now keep getting displaced ever since, all at the gunpoint of enemies of
from house to house, as our homes now humanity,
appear in the dreams alone. we left, we were forced and we await
Carrying the ashes of our homes and our
culture, while bearing the load of broken The ashes of our home and our culture
towers of our temples there, overtired are now seem lighter,
now our emotions and hearts, as the wind of progression kept blowing
with the burden of our desecrated Gods. them off.
Our blood seems drained out now, For good, as there seems none to share the
by the piercing of shattered panes of our
Homes divided, families divided, so got
I yet search for my lost weeping
in a competition of false realisation, all
childhood, and my elders relentlessly
search for their soil turned red. moved apart.
My grands went into nothingness, in the
want of a glimpse, Yet our ancestors call us out loud,
of their harvest they had watered by their their ashes blowing helter swelter in the
blood and sweat Valley,
and our Kul-devi invites us loud like a
Our homes turned into dogdens and thunder.
dumpyards, We wish to breathe our last at Home in
our temples turned into crumbling ruins, yet, Kashmir
our keys hang rustically on the walls of and may out Ashes flow with the waters of
our living rooms now. the Vitasta.
Our Indianness was objected and
Someone said I was too bold, I was disturbed but not shaken,
Can't I keep myself on hold. Firm I was still full of love.
Someone said I m trouble, I stood like a mountain,
Scattered piece of misery. Between conditioning of theirs and
peace within.
Someone said to go lie on pyre,
For that is where I m meant to be. There conditions and so many
Someone said to go dig in,
Could not dare move my belief on me.
To create some space in earth to fit in..
Their approach was to pollute,
The purity held within me.
Someone said I think too much,
Thoughts that evoke fear. I m whole, the whole is I.
Someone said I m afraid to lose, I have nothing for to cry.
The nothing I have in me. They said I m full of nothing and that
is how they see me,
Someone said all she could, I said this nothing is all I want to be....
îî COUNSELLING helping to solve many challenging problems in
Artificial Intelligence computer science, software engineering and
In computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), is operations research. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is
called machine intelligence. A machine or constantly and actively growing and changing. AI
mechanical device is a mechanical structure that uses continues to expand human capability beyond our
power to apply forces and control movement to imagination.
perform an intended action. Machines can be driven This course is about to learn the basics of AI
by animals and people, by natural forces such as wind and its applications. Parts of this course are featured
and water, and by chemical, thermal, or electrical in the Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree and
power, and include a system of mechanisms that the Data Analyst Nanodegree programme. AI is
activate input to achieve a specific application of applied to advancements to the growth of the
output forces and movement. They can also include automotive industry of self-driving vehicles. As of
computers and sensors that monitor performance and 2016, there are over 30 companies utilizing AI into
plan movement, often called mechanical systems. In the creation of driverless cars.
simple words, AI may be described as the theory and Finance and economics have long used AI
development of computer systems able to perform systems to detect charges or claims outside of the
tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as norm, flagging these for human investigation. The
visual perception, speech recognition, decision- use of AI in banking can be traced back to 1987 when
making, and translation between languages. Security Pacific National Bank in US set-up a Fraud
There are six identified simple machines which Prevention Task force to counter the unauthorised
are the elementary devices that put a load into use of debit cards. Programs like Kasisto and Money
motion. Modern machines are complex systems that stream are using AI in financial services.
consist of structural elements, mechanisms and Artificial intelligence (AI) has a range of uses
control components and include interfaces for in government. It can be used in areas such as
convenient use. Examples include a wide range of emergency services, health and welfare, as well as
vehicles, such as automobiles, boats and airplanes, assist the public to interact with government, through
appliances in the home and office, including the use of virtual assistants. The use of AI in
computers, building air handling and water handling government comes with significant benefits,
systems, as well as farm machinery, machine tools including efficiencies resulting in cost savings.
and factory automation systems and robots. Artificial intelligence is breaking into the
Artificial intelligence was founded as an healthcare industry by assisting doctors. According
academic discipline in 1956. But, as an academic to Bloomberg Technology, Microsoft has developed
course, could not found the place in academic AI to help doctors find the right treatments for
institutions due to several reasons. Earlier the subject cancer.
was thought to be a fiction. But scientists working on Some of the Institutes in India which offer
it were optimistic to succeed in their efforts. By the Master courses in Artificial Intelligence are:
middle of the 1960s, research in the U.S. was heavily University of Hyderabad, IIT Bombay, IIT Madras,
funded by the Department of Defense] and IISc Bangalore and ISI Kolkata.
laboratories had been established around the world. Educational Requirements for Careers in
AI's founders were optimistic about the future: Artificial Intelligence are Knowledge of various
Herbert Simon predicted, "Machines will be capable, level of math, including probability, statistics,
within twenty years, of doing any work a man can algebra, calculus, logic and algorithms, Bayesian
do". Marvin Minsky agreed, writing, "Within a networking or graphical modeling, including neural
generation ... the problem of creating 'artificial nets, Physics, engineering and robotics, Computer
intelligence' will substantially be solved". By the science, programming languages and coding. The
twenty-first century, AI techniques have experienced aspirants must have qualified B.Sc, B.Com, B.A
a resurgence following concurrent advances in Best Countries to Study MS Abroad is USA
computer power, large amounts of data, and (USA has always been the best and favorite study
theoretical understanding; and AI techniques have abroad destination for pursuing Masters), United
become an essential part of the technology industry, Kingdom (UK) ( Master courses duration in UK are
Phalgun-Chaitra 2075
Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076/ 5094
/ 5094(Saptarishi)
(Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 51
of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, gave its entrance-based undergraduate, masters, M.Phil
special permission to three class XII students and and PhD programs for the 2019-20 academic season.
four class X students for appearing in Board Exams As per the reports the NTA has asked DU to
on later dates. send its terms and conditions for the tests and other
details. DU will be the second central university to
îî CBSE CLASS 12 ENGLISH PAPER PATTERN go for NTA’s computer-based admission tests after
CBSE Letter to Parents DU conducts Delhi University Entrance Test
Some key changes have been made by the CBSE for (DUET) for offering admission into few of its UG
the new academic session of 2019-20. The CBSE has and PG courses.
written a letter to all the parents of students saying
that it will now focus on skill-oriented learning. îî SCHOLARSHIP
The Art Education, Sports Period, Introduction Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search
of new subjects like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Early Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search
Childhood Care Education and Yoga has been made (JBNSTS) Kolkata invites applications for Junior
mandatory by the CBSE. Talent Search Test (JTST) & Senior Talent Search
The board has also introduced the culinary art Test (STST ) for awarding JBNSTS Scholarships
for class 6 to 8 students while making art integration a
cross-cutting theme across all the discipline. A
podcast named “CBSE- Shiksha Vani” has also been The Scholarship is awarded in the field of
launched for parents, students and the public to Basic Science (Hons), Engineering and Medicine for
provide them interesting information regarding the the students of West Bengal.
Board’s activities and guidelines from time to time. Students who have passed 10+2 examination
Regarding the introduction of sports, games or yoga in science category in 2019 and are aspiring to study
period in schools, the CBSE chairman Anita Karwal Basic Sciences/Medicine/Engineering in West
mentioned the importance of physical activities in the Bengal are eligible. Those who have passed H.S. or
letter. equivalent examination in science category before
Film and Television Institute Gets AICTE Nod for 2019 are not eligible to apply. Pass course and
Five Courses Diploma course students shall not be eligible. Final
Five courses of the Film and Television Institute of selection of scholar is subject to submission (in the
India (FTII), Pune, have been given approval by the month of September 2019) of their proof of
All India Council for Technical Education. admission in the 1st year UG (Science (H)/ Engg.
The approval makes India’s premier film /Med) course in any institute of West Bengal
school, FTII, the first and only institute in this For Junior Talent Search Test (JTST) 2019
category in the country to receive such recognition. Applicant who have passed 10th standard
Of the five FTII courses which have received examination in 2019 with minimum 75% marks/
AICTE approval, four are in television wing equivalent C.G.P.A. (in aggregate) and currently
(direction, electronic cinematography, video editing, studying in class XI in science stream (with at least
and sound recording and TV engineering) and one in subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics,
film wing (feature film screenplay writing). Biology, Statistics, Electronics, Computer Science)
“This is a historic moment for the FTII to have in any school in West Bengal are eligible to apply.
received AICTE approval for all five PG Certificate Those who have passed 10th standard examination
courses. This makes FTII the first film school in India before 2019 are not eligible to apply
to receive this recognition,” Chairman of FTII D e t a i l s a r e a v a i l a b l e o n We b s i t e
Governing Council Brijendra Pal Singh said. Downloadable Forms are available
In the recent years, FTII’s television courses or may be obtained by sending
have been in the limelight winning several National self-addressed stamped (Rs.10/-) envelope to
awards and even international honours. The AICTE JBNSTS, 1300 Rajdanga Main Road, Kolkata-
approval lends more value to the TV courses making 700107 (West Bengal). For hard copy application,
them as attractive as the film wing specializations, he please clearly mention either JTST or STST (as
said. applicable) on the top of the envelope.
DU Entrance Exam May be Conducted by From 01st June 2019, filling of application
National Testing Agency form will start and dead date of application is 31st
As per TOI report, Delhi University has requested July 2019 and of examination 25th August 2019.
National Testing Agency (NTA) to conduct exam for Feedback : [email protected]
Sumo Group
425, Gemstar Commercial Complex, 422-424, Gemstar Commercial Complex, 425, Gemstar Commercial Complex,
Ramchandra Lane Extn., Kachpada, Ramchandra Lane Extn., Kachpada, Ramchandra Lane Extn., Kachpada,
Malad (W), Mumbai - 400 064. Malad (W), Mumbai - 400 064. Malad (W), Mumbai - 400 064.
Tel.: 0091 22 28449341 / 42 Tel.: 0091 22 42108888 Tel.: 0091 22 32108578 / 32107242
Fax: 0091 22 28819841 Fax: 0091 22 42108899 Fax: 0091 22 28819841
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Web: Web: Web:
1. Looking for a Suitable Match for our Son Born, 7th September 1991 (11.02AM) at Jammu,
height (178cms). B.E (C.S.E). Presently working in MNC AS Team Leader in Gurugram
(Haryana), earning handsome salary. Interested person may contact on MB- 8826008555. Email-
[email protected].
2. Looking for a Suitable Match for our Son Born, 2 January 1991 (6.30PM) at Jammu, height
(5'.11”). B.Tech (C.S.E) computer Science from VTU Bangalore, Karnataka University.
Presently working as Senior Business Development specialist in Sales in Net Surion (USA) MNC
at Bangalore, earning handsome salary. Parents are settled in Jammu & Pune. Interested person
may contact on MB- 7006171324, 9055272134, 8717090264. Email- [email protected]
3. Seeking a suitable alliance for our daughter born on Aug 30, 1992 at 3.37 AM at Jammu. She is
180 cms tall. She has done B.Com & M.Com from H. L. College of commerce, Ahmedabad.
Additional. Qualification Data Scientist. Presently working as Business Analyst in Tatvic
Analytics, Ahmedabad. Interested may send tekni & kulawali on email id-
[email protected], Mob: 9419147374.
4. Suitable alliance invited for our son Bipin Wanchoo born on 22nd June 1990 at 08.15 AM in
Jammu. Height 5'.9". Studied B.E from University of Mumbai. Working as a senior Consultant
with Capgemini in Pune, earning handsome salary. Parents living in Jammu. Interested may
contact with full Kulavali at [email protected] & MB- 7006410298/7889971482
5. Suitable alliance invited for our son Akshit, born 10 December 1991, 1410 hrs at Jammu,
Height 166 cms, B Tech( Software Engineering) from Delhi college of Engineering, MS/PhD in
Electrical Engineering from USA, Presently working with Intel Oregon, USA. Interested may
contact Bharat Peer, email id- [email protected] / 8146625401, Anita Peer/ 9872967824
6. Suitable alliance for our daughter born on December 9, 1991 in Faridabad (Time: 9.58 AM).
She is 5'.7" tall and has had done BBA from IP university, Delhi. She is an Asst. Manager Talent
acquisition (Recruitment) in NCR. Parents belong from Habba Kadal Srinagar. Presently living in
Faridabad. Interested may send CV & Kulawali along with snaps of the boy on our email id-
[email protected]. You can also contact us on mob: 8447956643.
7. Suitable alliance is invited for my daughter who is legally separated, issueless, born on
22.4.1986 at 10.25 hours at Srinagar. She is BE (CSE) from MIET Jammu, through Jammu
University and M.Tech (IT) through Karnataka State Open University, Mysore. She is working as
an Executive in a Govt. of India Enterprises, and presently posted at Jammu. Job transferable
anywhere in India. The previous marriage lasted for a very brief time due to certain peculiar
circumstances which ultimately lead to legal separation. Interested may kindly send their tekni
Printed and Published by Tej Kumar Tikoo on behalf of All India Kashmiri Samaj . Published at 244, Sector 3, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110022
Email: [email protected] Printed at Royal Press, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi -110020 Editor: Sunil Raina Rajanaka