Naad Jun 19

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Jyestha Ashtami
A Monthly Publication of

VOL XXIX No. 06 June 2019

From the Earthly World to the Realm of Gods
Kasturbhai Lalbhai Collection of Indian Drawings

Migration From Gokul to Vrindavana, Line Drawing With

Colour Washes on Paper, Kangra Kalam, Pahari School, C. 1775 A.D.

Elephant with decorative harness and straps, Drawing on Paper

Mughal School, 17th century A.D.
More details on Page no 55-56....
Vol. XXIX No. 06 June 2019
Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) 02-03 Editorial -Sunil Raina Rajanaka

04-05 From the President’s Desk - Col. Tej K. Tikoo

Sunil Raina Rajanaka 06-07 General Secretary’s Column - M. K. Pajan

10-14 News Folio

15 Cartoons of the Month
A N Kaul Sahib – Chairman
M. K. Kaw 16-17 Glimpses of the General Election 2019
Tej N Dhar
Bansi Pandit 18-21 List of Cabinet Ministers
C. L. Kaul
22-25 Narendra Modi - - Dr. Ramesh Tamiri
Prof. R.L. Shant Landslide Victory and Challenges Ahead

26-28 Sharda Mata Temple (Part II) - Upender Ambardar

AIKS Secretariat, New Delhi
244, Sector - 3
R.K. Puram, New Delhi 29-30 Shun Alcohol Dr. Anusheel Munshi
31-35 The Incredible Origins of the Mahabharata - Dr. Susheel Fotedar
Circulation Manager
Hony Capt. Virender Rawat 36 Goddess of Kashmir - Sunil Raina Rajanaka
37-38 Forgotten Grace - Ravinder Gurtoo
Circulation Feedback
& 39-40 I Will Sell My House - Manish Zijoo
Data Processing
Bharti Raina Kaul 40 Beyond Mountains, Do We Belong - Sunita Ticku
8130538867 41-42 Swami Mirza Kak : A Sublime Soul and a Spiritual Guru - Rajinder Premi

Layout & Design 43-44 We and Them -Usha Munshi

Pranav Koul
Nishant Kumar 45-46 Displacement – A Pain - Vidyasagar Koul
M/s Print Orbit
46 Fish in My Pot - Prof Ashok Aima
DISCLAIMER 47 Hearts In Exile - Subrat Saraf
Articles and readers’ letters do not
necessarily reflect the views of the 48 “Some One Said to Me” - Vimarshi Kaul
Editors or AIKS, Editors do not take
responsibility for any errors of facts that 49-52 Naad Education Folio - Vijay Kashkari
may have been expressed by the writers.
55-56 From the Earthly World to the Realm of Gods - Prof. Rattan Parimoo

57-59 Book Review - Ashok Ogra

THIS MONTH'S COVER 61-62 AIKS Matrimonial Service
Page is Dedicated to Victory
of Prime Minister Modi 64 Obituary

Telefax: 011-26107431 E-mail: [email protected] Visit us at :


Dear Readers, growth of India. The reason is not far to

First of all I take the opportunity on behalf seek because PM Modi lived up to his
of Naad to congratulate leader of masses promises. He earned the trust of the masses
Sh. Narendra Modi for his historic win in as in one way or the other the central
general elections of 2019. This thumping government schemes affected the lives of
mandate must be seen as pro-incumbency people. The schemes which were launched
and pro-development. PM led the election in last five years impacted the lives of most
campaign from the front and reached of the Indians. Some of these flagship
almost every corner of the country to schemes like :
campaign for the party. The hard work of Awas Yojana, Swach Bharat, Ujwala
PM Modi led to the historic moment Yojana, Ayushman Bharat, Jan Dhan, Beti
wherein BJP crossed three hundred seats Bachao, etc., had benefited the poor who
mark. The increase in BJP vote share from till 2014 were struggling for their lives. PM
31% in 2014 to 38% in 2019 is not sudden, Modi ensured that government schemes
but reflects the good governance model reach out to the poor and truly lived up to
adopted by PM Modi. Last five years of his slogan of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas.
central dispensation remained scam-free The masses believed that opposition
which is necessary for good governance. has no credibility as the years of dynastic
TIMO Factor politics, nepotism, caste and appeasement
Election of 2019 can be analyzed as Modi politics had only impeded the India growth
of 2019 Vs Modi of 2014. There is Modi story. The BJP manifesto, which was
only (TIMO) factor which clicked with the released before elections, had something
masses as they strongly believed in the for every Indian and this was emphatically
impeccable integrity of PM Modi. The made public so that people can see for
masses could see that here was a man who themselves the inclusiveness charted by the
can deliver amidst all odds as they saw him PM.
working with utmost sincerity in last five The other important factor to be noted
years. The personal connection of PM Modi is that 41% of the first-time voters voted for
with countrymen was an advantage as the BJP. This is mostly due to the connect
everyone believed what the government which Modi has built with the young
was doing was for good of the nation. PM generations. His Man Ki Baat and message
and his colleagues, besides BJP leadership, to children during their examinations had
ensured that the welfare schemes do reach gone down well with them, which resulted
the poor and make them part of India in the large number of them voting for
growth story. It was this inclusive approach Modi.
of PM Modi that endeared him to everyone. Referendum on Security
People loved him and some loathed him, This general election can also be
but no one could afford to ignore him. considered as a referendum on Modi's
Countrymen made sure that this Chaiwala handling of the national security. The way
is given a second chance to charter the Modi dealt with terrorism in last five years

02 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

is commendable. It is to the credit of the PM International Diplomacy
that last five years did not see any terror The last five years also saw India's prestige
attack on Indian mainland. Though getting enhanced across the world. Many
challenges on Kashmir front were largely world leaders have acknowledged the role of
met with firm hand, yet much more needs to PM Modi in shaping India relations with
be done to completely neutralize the terror different countries across the world. Today,
infrastructure. However, I hope the new India has best of the relations with P5
dispensation lays the road map and uses all countries, besides reaching out to South East
efforts to get rid of the terrorism emanating Asian neighbours with a clear emphasis on
from various quarters. Look East policy. However, the new govt
Many people have been critical of must look to enhance its energy security
Modi for raking up the security issue during scenario and explore alternate sources other
run up to the elections. However, most than from West Asia.
pressing security challenge to India is from New Cabinet - Experience,
its neighborhood as the deepening nexus Expertise, Energy
between China and terror state Pakistan is a On 30th May, Modi took oath again as the
cause of worry. Besides, Indian electorate PM of India which was followed by his
retained the memory of Pulwama attack cabinet colleagues. The allocation of
fresh in their mind which claimed more portfolios also clearly emphasizes the right
than 40 paramilitary jawans in Kashmir. blend of experience, expertise and energy.
The retaliatory airstrike at Balakote by The allocation of Home Ministry to Sh.
Indian Air Force under the leadership of Amit Shah is a welcome step. The new HM
PM Modi earned him the credentials of a is not new to such a post as he has
strong leader. Moreover, since many previously handled similar post in Gujarat.
decades Indian people had an earnest wish Mr. Shah has an eye for details and is a no-
for a strong leadership at the helm who can nonsense person and is the one who means
safe- guard the interests of the country from business. As BJP President he has been
both China and terror State Pakistan, both campaigning for abrogation of Article 370
of whom claim vast tracts of Indian and 35A. The times ahead are interesting as
territory. The handling of Doklam by the this man of energy must reshape the
PM was also not forgotten by the masses as internal situation of country. Similarly,
they saw the Modi not yielding any ground appointing career diplomat S. Jaishanker as
to Chinese and thus not succumbing to any minister for foreign affairs reflects that
pressure. People could also see that during right man for right post has been chosen.
last 8 months after withdrawing support to We at Naad congratulate all the members of
PDP-led government in Kashmir, the army Council of Ministers and hope that Nation
has been given a free hand to deal with the achieves higher goals under the able
terrorists. The large-scale hunt also code- leadership of PM Modi and his cabinet
named Operation All Out, also made a lot of colleagues. We shall wait for the day under
new leadership of the country when the
impact among the people who were
aborigines of Kashmir The Kashmiri
concerned about the worsening security
Pandits, are back in their homes and hearths
situation in valley. All these factors on
in a dignified way and when Islamist
security front made an impact which was
supremacists are completely annihilated.
one of the reasons for voting back the
present leadership.

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 03

From the
President's Desk
Modi’s Emphatic Victory
Raises Our Hopes of Return to Kashmir

E ven his best well-wishers did not expect

the kind of victory that NDA, under
Narendra Modi’s leadership, would
notch up in the recently concluded General
elections, 2019. It is a kind of victory who’s far
Gandhi, Indians remained convinced that Modi
is incorruptible. The fact is that Modi
Government remained untainted by the scams
that had marred the UPA I and II. People saw it
as a big achievement.
reaching consequences on the future of India. It Some of the toughest decisions that Modi
is not that just one segment of the population took in his tenure included ; Insolvency and
ensured this victory; the victory margin Bankruptcy Code, Goods and Services Tax,
suggests that nearly every segment of the Direct Benefit Transfers ( in the economic
diverse Indian society voted emphatically for sphere) and conducting surgical strike inside
Narendra Modi to ensure his unprecedented Pakistan in Sept 2016 and later launching an air
victory; the only time in the history of strike on Balakote, deep inside Pakistan, on 26
independent India ( after Indira Gandhi and Feb 2019, after the Jaish e Mohammad had
Nehru) that a ruling party came back with a carried out the Pulwama bombing which
victory margin larger than the one it had got in resulted in the killing of 44 CRPF jawans on 14
the previous election. Feb 2019.
People cutting across regions, caste His foreign policy too has been far more
barriers, economic disparities, religious effective than that of UPA during the latter’s
denominations, rich, poor, underprivileged, two terms. Needless to say, India is no longer
neglected, those on the margins of the society seen as a lumbering elephant unwilling to shake
and male or female voted for NDA to ensure its its lethargy; it is being seen as an economic
massive victory. It is now widely recognized giant in the making. From registering higher
that by and large, people throughout the country GDP and per capita income, to controlling
voted for Narendra Modi, rather than for BJP or inflation, Modi’s tenure has seen an economic
NDA. That is the kind of sway Modi held over revival for which India waited for too long. This
the Indian electorate. has resulted in higher incomes at individual
In my opinion, there are six basic reasons level and massive investment in the core
why Indians voted for Modi in such large sectors, including building and modernizing
numbers. These are; Modi’s welfare schemes, the country’s creaking infrastructure; from
his incorruptible persona, his willingness to highways to railway stations, from freight
take tough decisions, success of his foreign corridors and airfields to ports and river
policy, particularly the tough policy vis a vis waterways. This has turned India into a huge
Pakistan, being an extremely effective lucrative market for the big powers, who see it
communicator, his unwillingness to give up his in their interests to maintain friendly relations
Hindu identity. His welfare schemes touched with India. But credit must go to Narendra
millions of those who were always on the Modi for leveraging India’s huge economic
margins of Indian society; the poorest of the potential to project itself as a leading player on
poor. The toilet revolution, Jan Dhan Yojna, the international field. While keeping his
provision of cooking gas through Ujwala relations with the three big powers, i.e., the U.S,
Scheme, access to electricity, homes for the China and Russia on friendly level, Modi
poor, Mudra loans, health insurance and much ensured that the other European powers like
more. Despite the ‘Chowkidar Chor Hei’ France, Germany and England too sided with
sloganeering by his principal opponent, Rahul India in major multilateral fora. India’s

04 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

relations with its neighbours, except Pakistan, has hustings. The main reason for this preference has
never been better and other regional power power been the degree of trust that our displaced
blocks and important countries like ASEAN, community places in PM Narendra Modi to
Australia, Singapore, etc., continue to be engaged address our core issues; foremost amongst these
as Asia-Pacific attains greater importance in the being the reversal of their genocide and
changing geo-strategic environment. India has rehabilitation in the Valley. Numerous petitions
largely succeeded in isolating Pakistan on the have been handed over to the Government of
issue of terrorism, resulting in a great setback to India over the years; the latest being the one
the latter’s economy. At another level, India presented by a delegation of Global Kashmiri
succeeded in calling Pakistan’s nuclear bluff Pandit Diaspora led by this writer. This
when it attacked Balakote terror training camp. memorandum was presented to the Union Home
Pakistan was left with no option but to eat a Minister, Sh. Raj Nath Singh on 14 Sept 2018, in
humble pie. New Delhi.
Modi has displayed an enormous capacity to We do appreciate that rehabilitation of our
establish direct rapport with India’s teeming community in Kashmir is part of a larger Kashmir
millions by his ability to communicate with them conundrum, whose other equally important
in the language they understand best, dealing with aspects are the scrapping of Article 370 and
issues which are of great importance to them and abrogation of Article 35 A, compelling Pakistan,
articulating their expectations and aspirations in a diplomatically or otherwise, to stop infiltrating its
very effective manner. Today, millions of voters armed militants in Kashmir, neutralizing the
feel empowered mainly because they feel that the armed Jihadis in the State, dealing with
nation’s Pradhan Sevak is talking to them directly separatists, radicalized Kashmiri society and their
on issues which concern them so intimately. underground and over ground supporters in the
It will be futile to overlook Modi’s emphasis Valley.
on embracing Hindu civilizational traditions, Nevertheless, KPs have seen a reassuring
ethos and its past. That Bhagwa has achieved a resolve on the part of the government through
place of prominence during Modi’s five-year rule some of the NDA Government’s actions while
from 2014 to 2019. His visit to holy places which dealing with the larger Kashmir issue; be it
have an unbroken history of many millennia, his withdrawing support from the Mehbooba-headed
prayers in a cave at Kedarnath in keeping with our coalition Govt in J&K, air strike at Balakote,
centuries-old traditions of meditation, his dealing sternly with Hurriyet leadership,
welcoming foreign dignitaries in Kashi, etc., are neutralizing nearly 400 jihadis in ‘Operation All
not merely coincidental sojourns, but a deliberate Out’ or eliminating the complete leadership of
attempt to reinforce our Hindu past; something HM, Jaish and LeT in the last 4 years.
that was deliberately being ignored, nay denied, It is hoped by all Indians that the massive
by the UPA I and II. There is a huge mass of people mandate obtained by Sh. Narendra Modi should
in India who have welcomed this positive change arm this newly constituted Government with all
in the government’s perception. For them, the powers necessary to resolve those intractable issues
issues like cow-slaughter and Ram temple are which have bedeviled the country’s progress since
matters of eternal faith and their participation in independence; these are the Kashmir issue and
the Modi’s electoral campaign has played no Kashmiri Hindus’ rehabilitation in Kashmir, the
mean part in the victory of BJP in recently- construction of Ram Temple at Ayodhya,
concluded elections. introducing bill for implementation of Uniform
As reported in the media, the displaced Civil Code, laws on anti-Cow Slaughter, Abolition
Kashmiri Pandits in migrant camps and those who of Tripple Talaq, etc.
had got their vote transferred to Kashmir by We hope that NDA II will hit the ground
submitting the ‘M’ Form, voted overwhelmingly running to ensure their huge mandate is not
in favour of the BJP. Over 86 % of them voted for wasted, like Rajiv Gandhi did in 1984.
the BJP candidates in their respective
constituencies in Kashmir. Those of us who voted - Col. Tej K. Tikoo
in the rest of the country, too voted for BJP. Thus Email : [email protected]
making BJP their most preferred party at the Mobile : 9899656400

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 05

Maharaj K. Pajan

General Secretary's Column

Emergency Meeting Held on 17 May 2019 Government for their insensitive approach
AIKS held an emergency meeting at its towards the community, listless, in their
headquarter at New Delhi to discuss the recent affairs of governance. The members were also
order passed by Jammu Bench of Hon’ble concerned about the stoicism of the Governor
High Court of Jammu & Kashmir on 6th May of the State.
2019. Copy of the order passed by the Hon’ble
The meeting was presided over by Court is reproduced below: -
President Col. Tej K Tikoo and others who
participated in the discussion included M/s
Vijay Kashkari, Vice President, M K Pajan,
General Secretary and Sanjay Sapru,
It is pertinent to mention that the Court
has taken the action on the callous and
insensitive attitude of the Divisional
Commissioner of Kashmir, for not filling the
report as ordered by the Hon’ble Court. This
disposal has been taken by the Court after
giving several opportunities to the State
Government to file the report. The order says,
“Neither the cost, as ordered has been
deposited nor has the status report been filed.
Last and final opportunity of three weeks’ is
granted to the Divisional Commissioner,
Kashmir, failing which he shall remain
personally present before this court on his own
expense.” Relevant to mention here, in July
2019, Advocate S.S. Nanda representing the
state, had expressed his inability to file the
report and sought some more time. The court
reluctantly gave four weeks' time but subject
to the cost of Rs 20000 to be deposited in
Advocate's welfare fund.
AIKS has been fighting for the cause of
displaced Kashmiri Pandit community at AIKS Hails Victory of BJP in National
different platforms, to protect the interests of Election 2019
deprived, oppressed and displaced KPs. AIKS Congratulates BJP and NDA on its
The members censured the State resounding victory in the just concluded

06 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

General Elections, 2019. that our displaced community voted
In an extraordinary meeting held on 24 overwhelmingly in favour of the BJP, which
May 2019, at New Delhi and presided over by was seen to be truly nationalist.
Dr Tej K Tikoo, President All India Kashmiri At the J&K State level, BJP has received
Samaj, the following resolution was adopted. the largest number of votes across the three
All India Kashmiri Samaj conveys its regions of the State. In Kashmir Valley
warmest greetings to the Prime Minister of nationalist forces voted heavily in favour of
India, Sh. Narendra Damodardass Modi, BJP. The vote included a substantial vote share
Sh. Amit Bhai Shah, President Bharatiya of those Kashmiri Pandits who are presently
Janata Party and other constituents of living in Kashmir and those who voted from
National Democratic Alliance for their camps of the displaced community outside
resounding victory in the just concluded Kashmir.
General Elections, 2019. AIKS would like to appeal to the P.M, Sh.
People of India have overwhelmingly Narendra Modi to take whatever measures are
voted to repose faith in Sh. Narendra Modi's required to reverse the genocide of Kashmiri
government, which kept the national interests Pandits, remove Article 370 & 35 A and work
supreme during their governance of the towards the complete integration of Jammu
country during the last five years of their rule. and Kashmir State with the rest of the Union.
At the same time, people have also rejected It wished the next government headed by
the oppositions' politics of lies, calumny, Sh. Narendra Modi good luck and Good
castism, division and support for those speed.
working against the interests of the country.
AIKS being a frontline organization of M K Pajan
our community has no hesitation in asserting General Secretary

Events of the Month

Amavasya (Nandkeeshvar Yatra) 03rd June 2019

Bhagwan Gopinath Ji's Mahayagya 05th June 2019

Zeashta Ashtami (Kheer Bhawani Yatra, Tulmulla) 10th June 2019

Nirjala Ekadashi 13th June 2019

Sankranti 15th June 2019

Puranmashi 17th June 2019

Sankat Niwaran Chaturthi 20nd June 2019

Dakshinayan 21st June 2019

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 07


Application Form for Life Member

All India Kashmiri Samaj (REGD.)
244, Sector 3, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110022, Telephone : 011-26107431
Web : E-mail : [email protected]

Application No. : ............................ Date : .................

The President
All India Kashmir Samaj
244, Sector-3, R.K. Puram
New Delhi - 110022
Dear Sir,
I hereby apply for Life membership of the All India Kashmiri Samaj.
My Particulars are as under :
Name (In full) : .....................................................................................................................................
Date of Birth : ............................ Father’s/Husband’s Name : ...........................................................
Address : ..............................................................................................................................................
....................................................................................................... Pin : ...............................................
Tel : (Res.) : .......................................................... Office : ...................................................................
Mobile : ....................................... Email : .........................................................................
I have studied the AIKS Constitution and agree to abide by the policies and programmes
of the AIKS.
With best wishes
Yours Sincerely

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Cheque No. : ...................................................... Drawn on (Bank) : ...............................................

Amount : .............................................................. Date : ..................................................................
AIKS Receipt No. : ..............................................
(Life Members will receive a free copy of Naad for Fifteen Years)

08 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

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Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 09

Birthday Celebrations of at the various Kendras of the Trust. Evening
Bhajan programme by prominent artists was
His Holiness Shaivacharya held at many Kendras to end the day’s
Swami Lakshmanjoo Maharaj celebrations.
On Wednesday, 1st May 2019, the lunar birthday Srinagar Kendra
of Shaivacharya Swami Lakshmanjoo Maharaj Nearly 250 devotees participated in the
was celebrated all over the country. Swamiji event at the Srinagar Kendra of Ishwar Ashram.
Maharaj, who was the latest in the series of chain This Kendra was the place where the birthday
of masters in Kashmir Shaivism, was a supreme function used to be held during earthly life of
realised soul and commanded mastery over all Swamiji Maharaj and as such holds special
theoretical as well as practical aspects of significance for all devotees of Swamiji
Kashmir Shaivism. Maharaj.

The celebrations were held in the various Jammu Kendra

Kendras of Ishwar Ashram Trust at Srinagar, Nearly 3000 devotees participated in the
Jammu, New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. In event to have blessings of Swamiji Maharaj.
addition the event was celebrated at the After the morning Pooja, the devotees had
upcoming Kendras too at Pune and Kolkata. Prashad at the Kendra. The prashad vitran,
Many devotees, who are not physically close to which started around 1 PM, went on as late as 8
any established Kendra, celebrate the occasion pm at the Kendra.
at their homes itself. The celebrations began Bangalore Kendra
around 9.30 AM with recitation of ‘Gurustuti’, a The Center invited small Children (11)
collection of verses in praise of Swamiji from Sri Kailash Ashram, RajaRajeshwari
Maharaj, composed by the learned scholar from Te m p l e B a n g a l o r e w h o r e c i t e d
Varanasi, Acharya Rameshwar Jha, nearly 60 RudramChamakam right after the Birthday
years ago. At the conclusion of the Gurustuti, Prepyun. These Children are learning Shastras
devotees presented their compositions and Agamas under the guidance of Sri Sri
of devotion. This was followed by the Jayendra Puri Swamigal.The recitation
Birthday Pooja (preypyun) which went on continued for 25 minutes and the mantras
f o r n e a r l y a n h o u r. P r a s h a d w a s recitation was a blissful experience for all
subsequently served to all the devotees. devotees. Gifts were given to the children and
Several Hundred devotees came to receive the the warden on behalf of Ishwar Ashram Trust.
Blessings of Swamiji Maharaj and have Prashad Earlier, the team from Ishwar Ashram,

10 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

Bangalore had visited Sri Sri Jayendra Puri
Swamigal at his Ashram and gifted two books to Tributes Paid to Sur Samrat Vijay
Swami Jayendra Puri Swamigal.ji. One, Malla & Sh. Sarwanand Koul Premi
authored by Swami LakshmanJoo Maharaj - Floral and Musical tributes were paid on 11th
"Trika Shastra Rahasya and the other with May, 2019 to two community legends namely
Commentary by Swami Ji – “Utpaldev’s Sur Samrat Vijay Malla ji a noted singer &
Shivstrotravali". The Puja concluded at 1:30PM Sarwanand Koul Premi ji a well known poet, on
and was followed by Prasad vitran. their death anniversaries which falls on 9th and
Delhi Kendra 1st May respectively. The program was
Delhi Kendra had almost 300 devotees patronised by prominent organisations of NCR.
attending the event to have the Blessings of The programme organised by ATHROT in
Swamiji Maharaj. The Bhajan Sandhya was led collaboration with KECSS, Delhi was supported
by Shri Gautam Raina. He was present along by All India Kashmiri Samaj (AIKS), Jammu
with his talented students, who melodiously Kashmir Vichar Manch (JKVM), Kashmir
sang devotional songs. This was followed by a
dance recital by young toddlers and songs by a
team led by Ms Anjali ji and Ms Seema ji. The
singing of bhajans continued beyond 7 PM.
Mumbai Kendra
Swamiji's Birthday celebration this year at
Mumbai Kendra witnessed significantly higher
turnout than previous years, possibly because
the day coincided with Maharashtra day. In spite
of intense heat and humidity, devotees came
from all corners of the city and received the
Blessings of their beloved Master. Starting with
the Birthday Prepyun, followed by Gurustuti
and playing of Swamiji's various videos and
audio lectures, the day flew away with full Samiti Delhi, KSS Faridabad, Save Sharda
religious fervour. All devotees had Prashad Committee, Tika Lal Taploo Foundation, Y4PK
which was followed by Bhajans / Kirtan keeping and Roots in Kashmir.
the devotees engrossed. It was a most fulfilling After floral tributes to the legends, the
and satisfying day to receive Swamiji's grace. program was followed by a Musical tribute by
The divine fervour all over the Kendras younger generation of Artists from Jammu &
reminded all devotees of what Swamiji used to NCR. A poem of Sarwanand Koul Premi
say on his birthday “All gods and goddess have dedicated to Mata Saraswati was composed and
descended here today. Ask for anything and it sung by Vanshika Bhat, followed by prominent
shall be yours”. But the one thing that Swamiji songs of Vijay Malla ji presented by Himanshi
wanted his devotees to do and to ask for was self- Raina, Bhavik Pandita, Vansh Pandita, Upasana,
awareness and self- realisation in each and every Sharad Pandita, Vishal Pandita, Chhavi Koul,
action of life. Let us pray that HIS Blessings Sagar Koul and Vanshika Bhat. Devotional songs
continue to be showered on HIS devotees to in Kashmiri were sung by the young artists. Two
carry them forward towards that mission. documentaries were shown on the occasion. The
audience appreciated the video clip of Sur samrat
Vijay Malla, dedicated by Ravi Mech and R K
Bhan who is architect of the profile.
Sh M K Kaw Rtd IAS and Community icon
was the Chief Guest. He appreciated Athrot for
taking such initiatives on regular basis and
lauded the efforts of Athrot in keeping the
culture alive. The families of Sursamrat Vijay

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 11

Malla & Sarwanand Koul Premi were presented
a memento as token of love from community and
from Mrs Shivraj Pandita who is an admirer of
these legends. All the performers were
felicitated on the occasion by Athrot, KECSS
and by Mrs Shivraj Pandita. Kehwa break was
provided by Saal Flavours and event was well
anchored by Deepti Tikoo, welcome address was
read by Kanwal Peshin while as vote of thanks
was presented by Dr Rajinder Tikoo. The
programme was witnessed by a large number of
prominent people of NCR.
The audience was spell bound by the Sharma Ji of Chowgam as the Head Priest.
mesmerising performance of the young artists. Others who organised the Hom were S/Sh. Hira
Lal Raina, Veerji Raina, O. N. Booni, Sameer
Devasthan Sudhar Sabha Perform Pandita, Surinder Bhat, Haresh Koul, P. K.
Sharma and Hira Lal Pandita.
Hawan at Hawanad Chawalgam Kulgam The asthapan is managed by Devasthan
Hawanad Chawalgam Kulgam is a small village Sudhar Sabha.
that had a population of about 100 Kashmiri Presently the Devasthan has some semi
Pandit families prior to 1990. Presently two pacca rooms which cater to the needs of housing
Hindu families’ habitat the village. The village is the devotees. The management of the Devasthan
blessed with the _*ASTHAPAN*_ of Lord Sudhar Sabha has outlined a project for the
improvement of the Deity’s premises. To
complete the project, the managing committee
of Devasthan Sudhar Sabha has appealed for the
donation. The donations can be deposited in the
following account, “Devasthan Sudhar Sabha
Hawanad Chawalgam Kulgam, PNB A/C:
4575000100048237, IFSC: PUNB0457500”

ABT Distributes Stationary in

Migrant Camp Schools
Ganesha. The Deity is represented by a huge Amar Balidan Trust/Society (ABT) a registered
_*Kashmir Elm*_ tree known as _*BRAN*_ in Society founded by Late Sh. A N Vaishnavi and
Kashmiri. The asthapan is revered by both the Late Sh. H L Chatta started its endurance on 25
communities equally. Jan 1999 with the sole objective to serve the
Every year on the occasion of Ganesh needy displaced from valley due to terrorism
Chaturdashi (VAISHAK SHUKLA PAKSHA and militancy in 1990. Amongst the prominent
CHATURDASHI) a HAWAN is performed founders include a famous community activist
which is attended by huge gathering of KPs
drawn from different parts of the country and
adjoining villages. Prashad is served to the
devotees after Purna Aahuti. This year too the
occasion was attended by a huge gathering
drawn from various parts on 18th of May 2019.
Pilgrims from Jammu were ferried in SRTC
buses provided by the Relief Organisation. The
function lasted for four days from 16.5.2019 to
This year the Hawan was led by Shri P. K.

12 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

Shri M. L. Malla. The trust has been doing
yeoman's service to the society in the field of
education, social activities and Medical sector.
Under education sector this society has been
providing free service with regard to counseling
for admission in professional institutes outside
state and providing financial assistance to needy
ones. Sponsor students for vocational courses.
Under social sector this trust has been
organising Sammohik yagneopavit to needy KP
boys. Till date trust must have performed this Vessu and Shadi Lal Koul. The Chairman of the
sanaskar to more than 800 boys Apart from this Trust, Sh. R.L. Pandita apprised the house about
trust has also solemnized marriage ceremony of the background of the struggle followed by the
so many needy girls too. In continuation to the Trust since the bill was blocked in J&K
objectives of Trust, in the month of May Legislative Assembly due to some Legislators.
stationery kits to 55 students of different migrant Dr. A.N. Pandita, former Chairman of the Trust
institutes in Jammu. The Schools included, 1 expressed resentment against the Ministers and
Govt HS School camp Jagati 10 students, 2 Govt Legislators for not fulfilling their promise to the
Middle School for migrants Jagati 8 students, 3. members of the Trust. Others who spoke
Govt HS School camp Nagrota 7 students included S/Sh. Kashmiri Lal Bhat, Judge B. L.
4.Govt HSS for migrants Purkhoo 10 students Saraf , Brij Lal Bhat, H.L. Bhat, Bushan Lal,
5.Govt HSS for migrants Roop Nagar. 10 B.L. Zar, M. K. Jalali, M. K. Bambroo, M K
students, 6.Govt HSS for migrants Bohri Bharat and C.L. Pandita. AIKS was represented
Jammu. 10students by S/Sh. A.K. Raina and Vijay Kashkari.
The team which visited the Schools to Sh. H.L. Jad presided over the meeting.
distribute the stationary kits was led by the Trust All the members unanimously resolved, “Since
President, A.K. Raina. Dr. Manorama Bakshi, temples and shrines represent thousands of years
Secretary All India Kashmir Samaj was special old civilizational ethos of Kashmir, we as the
invitee of the Trust to accompany the team to representatives of the Hindu society of Kashmir
Govt HSS for migrants Bohri. are morally bound to take the struggle of the
passage of Temples and Shrines Bill forward to
PNBMT Meets for Future Strategy the conclusion of achieving acceptable result.”
Suggestions of the members for crucial and
for Passage of Temple Bill critical methods to be adopted for future struggle
PNBMT (Pt. Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust), were noted down by the trust. The Chairman
an organisation representing Kashmiri Pandits assured the house to discuss point to point the
for the passage of Kashmir temples and shrines action program.
bill met in Jammu on 27th of May, 2019 to
discuss the future strategy to be adopted to get Press Brief of Panun Kashmir
the bill enacted, to save the temples and shrines
Panun Kashmir welcomed the massive mandate
of Kashmir from further damage.
which Modi led BJP received in the recently
PNBMT is a nodal agency of various
concluded Parliamentary elections and said the
Kashmiri Pandits' social, religious and trade situation in Kashmir valley is critical and
organisations, mandated to press the concerned requires measures that deal a decisive blow to
authorities for the passage of Kashmir Temple Muslim separatism there.
and Shrines Protection Bill and setting up of It is time that separatist movement in
temple board. Bill will create an elected shrine Jammu and Kashmir is made full of stakes and
board which would manage temples and shrines policy of Governing Jammu and Kashmir
in the Kashmir Valley. Twenty members of the through half way separatism is abandoned lock
trust representing various organisations stock and barrel.
deliberated on the agenda, put before the house Government of India needs to accept that
by the Secretaries of the Trust, S/Sh. Sundari Lal there is an Islamist separatist epidemic which

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 13

has taken Kashmir into its grip. Islamic suffered a genocide and forthwith drop the
indoctrination apparatus is functioning with ease coinage 'migrant' used for them and initiate all
and comfort and pushing the Muslim populace required steps to punish the perpetrators of this
towards a totalitarian religious fascist rebellion. genocide.
In Kashmir a Syria type situation is sought to be It has to be remembered that Government
created. Both day to day terrorism as well as of India is a signatory to the UN Conventions for
Islamic indoctrination infrastructure needs to be prevention and punishment of the Crimes of
destroyed in Jammu and Kashmir. Genocide. Till now Government of India has
There is an imperative necessity to tell the treated the issue of internal displacement as an
world that the separatist movement in Jammu issue akin to earthquake or flood victims and
and Kashmir is a totalitarian assault on freedom sought to reverse it through economic packages.
and coexistence. This can be only done if the This has led to perpetration of a Crime of Denial
world is told in unambiguous terms that of Genocide against them.
separatism in Kashmir declared its presence in We appeal to Government of India to
the state by unleashing genocide on the Hindus abandon the policies of Denial of Genocide of
of Kashmir. The world at large has to be made to Hindus of Kashmir and institute in its place a
realise this grim reality. comprehensive policy of permanent Reversal of
Panun Kashmir urges Government of India Genocide. This can be done by creating a
to understand the importance of this fact so that centrally administered Union Territory of Panun
the Muslim public ferment in Kashmir is placed Kashmir to the East and North of river (Vitasta)
in its regressive fascist context and separatism in Jhelum in Kashmir valley.
Jammu and Kashmir exposed in front of the Panun Kashmir urges Government of India
world in its true form. to immediately start a dialogue with the
Panun Kashmir welcomed the statement of representatives of Panun Kashmir so that policy
Home Secretary of Government of India when of permanent Reversal of genocide of Hindus of
he acknowledged that JKLF was responsible for Kashmir is put in place.
the genocide of Hindus of Kashmir. Creation of Panun Kashmir is a critical
The present government needs to carry this necessity to defeat Jihad and prevent Kashmir
realisation forward formally by accepting at the from becoming a spring board of Islamist
highest level that Hindus of Kashmir have terrorism and subversion into India.

Sh. Sunil Raina Rajanaka,
Editor-in-Chief 'NAAD'
All India Kashmiri Samaj, New Delhi.
Dear Sh. Sunil Rajanaka
I have wanted to congratulate you for giving a more coherent
character to the contents of the AIKS Naad since you have been taken
over as Editor-in-Chief of our community journal.
With Best wishes.
(Prof Ratan Parimoo)

14 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

Cartoons of the Month


Anil Nakhasi

Manoj Kureel

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 15

Glimpses of the General Election 2019

16 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

BJP's political dominance now matches the Congress' BJP has bridged the urban-rural divide, increasing its vote
dominance of the 1980s shares in rural, semi-urban and highly urban constituencies
Rural constituencies are defined as constituencies with less than 30% urban population
according to the 2011 Census; urban as constituencies with urban population between
30% and 60% highly-urban as constituencies with urban populations greater than 60%

The Modi wave was felt the strongest in Uttar Predesh,

Bihar and West Bengal
Size of the bubble Indicates vote share swing

BJP's vote share has gone up in constituencies

with high SC/ST presence
Vote share (%)

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 17

List of Union Ministers
The President of India, as advised by the Prime Minister, has directed the allocation
of portfolios among the following members of the Union Council of Ministers:-
Shri Narendra Modi Prime Minister and also in-charge of:
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Department of Atomic Energy;
Department of Space; and
All important policy issues; and
All other portfolios not allocated to any

Cabinet Ministers
1. Shri Raj Nath Singh Minister of Defence.
2. Shri Amit Shah Minister of Home Affairs
3. Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari Minister of Road Transport and Highways;
Minister of Micro, Small and Medium
4. Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers.
5. Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Minister of Finance; and
Minister of Corporate Affairs.
6. Shri Ramvilas Paswan Minister of Consumer Affairs,
Food and Public Distribution.
7. Shri Narendra Singh Tomar Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare;
Minister of Rural Development; and
Minister of Panchayati Raj.
8. Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Minister of Law and Justice;
Minister of Communications; and
Minister of Electronics and Information
9. Smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal Minister of Food Processing Industries.
10. Shri Thaawar Chand Gehlot Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment.
11. Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar Minister of External Affairs.
12. Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' Minister of Human Resource Development.
13. Shri Arjun Munda Minister of Tribal Affairs.
14. Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani Minister of Women and Child Development;
and Minister of Textiles.
15. Dr. Harsh Vardhan Minister of Health and Family Welfare;
Minister of Science and Technology; and
Minister of Earth Sciences.

18 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

16. Shri Prakash Javadekar Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate
Change; and
Minister of Information and Broadcasting.
17. Shri Piyush Goyal Minister of Railways; and
Minister of Commerce and Industry.
18. Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas; and
Minister of Steel.
19. Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi Minister of Minority Affairs.
20. Shri Pralhad Joshi Minister of Parliamentary Affairs;
Minister of Coal; and Minister of Mines.
21. Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey Minister of Skill Development and
22. Shri Arvind Ganpat Sawant Minister of Heavy Industries and Public
23. Shri Giriraj Singh Minister of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and
24. Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat Minister of Jal Shakti.

Ministers of State (Independent Charge)

1. Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the
Ministry of Labour and Employment.
2. Rao Inderjit Singh Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the
Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation; and Minister of State
(Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Planning.
3. Shri Shripad Yesso Naik Minister of State (Independent Charge) of
the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and
Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy
(AYUSH); and Minister of State in the
Ministry of Defence.
4. Dr. Jitendra Singh Minister of State (Independent Charge) of
the Ministry of Development of North Eastern
Region; Minister of State in the
Prime Minister's Office;
Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances and Pensions; Minister of
State in the Department of Atomic Energy; and
Minister of State in the Department of Space.
5. Shri Kiren Rijiju Minister of State (Independent Charge) of
the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports; and
Minister of State in the Ministry of MinorityAffairs.
6. Shri Prahalad Singh Patel Minister of State (Independent Charge) of
the Ministry of Culture; and
Minister of State (Independent Charge) of
the Ministry of Tourism.

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 19

7. Shri Raj Kumar Singh Minister of State (Independent Charge) of
the Ministry of Power;
Minister of State (Independent Charge) of
the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy; and
Minister of State in the Ministry of Skill
Development and Entrepreneurship.
8. Shri Hardeep Singh Puri Minister of State (Independent Charge) of
the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs;
Minister of State (Independent Charge) of
the Ministry of Civil Aviation; and Minister
of State in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
9. Shri Mansukh L. Mandaviya Minister of State (Independent Charge) of
the Ministry of Shipping; and
Minister of State in the Ministry of
Chemicals and Fertilizers.
Ministers of State
1. Shri Faggansingh Kulaste Minister of State in the Ministry of Steel.
2. Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey Minister of State in the Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare.
3. Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal Minister of State in the Ministry of
Parliamentary Affairs; and
Minister of State in the Ministry of Heavy
Industries and Public Enterprises.
4. General (Retd.) V. K. Singh Minister of State in the Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways.
5. Shri Krishan Pal Minister of State in the Ministry of Social
Justice and Empowerment.
6. Shri Danve Raosaheb Dadarao Minister of State in the Ministry of Consumer
Affairs, Food and Public Distribution.
7. Shri G. Kishan Reddy Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
8. Shri Parshottam Rupala Minister of State in the Ministry of
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
9. Shri Ramdas Athawale Minister of State in the Ministry of Social
Justice and Empowerment.
10. Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti Minister of State in the Ministry of Rural
11. Shri Babul Supriyo Minister of State in the Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
12. Shri Sanjeev Kumar Balyan Minister of State in the Ministry of Animal
Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries.
13. Shri Dhotre Sanjay Shamrao Minister of State in the Ministry of Human
Resource Development;
Minister of State in the Ministry of
Communications; and
Minister of State in the Ministry of
Electronics and Information Technology.

20 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

14. Shri Anurag Singh Thakur Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance; and
Minister of State in the Ministry of Corporate
15. Shri Angadi Suresh Channabasappa Minister of State in the Ministry of Railways.
16. Shri Nityanand Rai Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
17. Shri Rattan Lal Kataria Minister of State in the Ministry of Jal
Shakti; and Minister of State in the Ministry
of Social Justice and Empowerment.
18. Shri V. Muraleedharan Minister of State in the Ministry of External
Affairs; and Minister of State in the Ministry
of Parliamentary Affairs.
19. Smt. Renuka Singh Saruta Minister of State in the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
20. Shri Som Parkash Minister of State in the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry.
21. Shri Rameswar Teli Minister of State in the Ministry of Food
Processing Industries.
22. Shri Pratap Chandra Sarangi Minister of State in the Ministry of Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises; and Minister
of State in the Ministry of Animal Husbandry,
Dairying and Fisheries.
23. Shri Kailash Choudhary Minister of State in the Ministry of
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
24. Sushri Debasree Chaudhuri Minister of State in the Ministry of Women
and Child Development.

For immediate release.

(Ashok Malik)
Press Secretary to the President

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 21

- Dr. Ramesh Tamiri

Narendra Modi-Landslide Victory and Challenges Ahead

N ever before in country’s history of

democracy have elections been won on
pro-incumbency or capability of a
leader as we saw this year. Unprecedented
mandate given by people of India across the
country to PM Modi is a record in itself. The
scale of victory has baffled supporters as well as
detractors of Modi. Will this mandate be
consolidated further in 2024 or was it just
another chance given to Modi to implement understands well the aspirations of people far
what he promised in first term? In the first term better than any other leader. Modi strongly
Modi contested elections on twin planks of believes that without bringing transformational
economic development and corruption -free changes at every level the loot of poor people
governance. In the recently held elections he cannot be ameliorated. As a patriot Modi wants
made two issues focus of his campaign— to develop country in to a major economic
economic development and national security. power having its rightful place in comity of
People trusted him. How could they trust him nations. Modi is a proud nationalist with firm
unless he had done something substantial. commitment to link nation-building to Indian
Modi is different from all other political civilisation. Lastly, Modi has charisma and rare
leaders of 20th century—whether from grand ability to communicate with people in the idiom
old party Congress or his own Sangh Parivar. they understand.
Nothing succeeds like success. Senior BJP Modi comes from ranks of Sangh Parivar.
leader LK Advani one lamented pariah like But when it comes to consolidation of Hindu
status of his party by sarcastically calling it society, state and nation-building he does not
‘majestic isolation.’ Modi has not only broken carry this baggage too far. He is a pragmatic
that isolation but delivered mandates which politician who pursues an approach that
make BJP virtually the sole national party. delivers on basic agendas.
Modi Magic Five Processes
What is the Modi magic? Modi is no ideologue Modi’s success owes to implementation of five
who indulges in intellectualism to buttress his main strategies, which he successfully
claims to leadership. He also does not assume integrated:
airs of being a statesman in the making. He 1.De-lutyenisation—Political and
prides in his humble origins –‘Chaiwala’ and ‘ a economic model followed by Nehru bestowed
faqir’ in highest Indian tradition who enormous powers to the state in disbursing state
graciously thanks his countrymen for largesse. A corrupt state apparatus with licence-
‘bestowing such a huge mandate.’ permit raj as governing principle created what
As a Sangh pracharakhe has extensively Prof. JD Sethi calls a ‘rentier parasitical
toured breadth and length of India and class’.He characterised Indian state as

22 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

‘Imperial-bureaucratic state’,which worked –‘Mandalised Hindutva’ is different from SP-RJD
against the interests of people. This state Mandalisation. The former primarily focuses on
operated through brokers and celebrated non-elite OBCs and Dalits and is unifying in
cronyism. These brokers and crony is built the approach. This focus creates a positive approach
narrative to justify anti- country and anti-people to state-building. Mandalisation of SP and RJD is
policies of the state and anti-BJP opposition. essentially reactionary, focused on elite class
Modi understood well that elitism not only within OBCs and divides Hindu society in to
dominated economic, political and social imaginary fault lines.
discourse but also blocked entry of subaltern 3.Democratisation- Congress’s electoral
groups in to corridors of state power. Making calculus of ‘Brahmin-Dalit-Muslim’ alliance in
this elite class and its detested coterie — early years and SP - RJD – BSP alliance of
Lutyen/’Khan-market gang’ the focus of his ‘Jatav-Yadav-Muslim’ alliance kept EBOBC
frequent attacks he projected this cabal as anti- g r o u p s i m p o v e r i s h e d e d u c a t i o n a l l y,
people and ‘anti-country.’ This endeared him to economically and in terms of political
the vast subaltern – BPL (Below poverty empowerment.
line)India,which had nothing but contempt for In his social engineering experiment Modi
this privileged class. If India remained poor with worked on this segment through economic and
gross disparities in national wealth it was this social inclusion by making them equal
privileged class, which refused to share national beneficiaries of various development and social
wealth and privileges with subaltern India. De- inclusion schemes. He unleashed a democratic
lutenisation campaign struck an emotional cord revolution through which people left out during
with common man. Refusal to give press past seven decades of development feel
conferences and take questions are part of de- empowered. It is they who are deciding the fate
lutenisation campaign. of elections. Direct transfer of money, gas
2.Manadalisation — During Pre- connections, toilets, housing benefits and health
Independence years Hindu nationalist outfits like insurance have awakened this under-privileged
RSS and Hindu Mahasabha failed to hegemonies India to the reality what state could do but did
their politics for two reasons. One, they stayed not do. Massive surge in support for Modi needs
away from anti-colonial movement for various to be understood in this context.
reasons and yielded advantage to Congress. Democratisation of development and political
Secondly, much needed campaign against inclusion is a major contribution of Modi to
casteism & untouch ability was not felt important. Indian politics in recent years.
This role was taken up by Gandhi and Dr. 4.Hinduisation-Hinduisation is a category
Ambedkar. This flawed approach isolated RSS different from concept of Hindu Rashtra or
and later BJS / BJP from depressed castes. Hindu theocratic state. Modi’s Hinduisation
For long Sangh Parivar talked about believes in constitutional nationalism where
consolidation of Hindu society. Though RSS democracy is supreme. Hinduisation
had worked in tribal heartland to counter phenomenon is different from ‘majoritarian
attempts at proselytization by evangelical Hindutva.’ Hinduisation means where the state
groups, yet it was Modi-Yogi combine that is not against Hindus or Hindu civilisation. This
accomplished the historic task of unifying Hinduisation has political and cultural contours.
Hindu society by addressing aspirations of Politically, it will not abandon Hindus where
under-privileged castes. Success of this they are victims of ethnic cleansing or cultural
experiment has led to consolidation of Hindu aggression — Pakistan, Bangladesh,
society and frustrated attempts by anti-Hindu Afghanistan, TMC ruled WB and Article 370
forces to deprive majority community from its
rightful share of political power. Increasing
popularity of Modi over Nitish Kumar in recent
years indicates vast potentiality and success of
‘Mandalisation of Hindutva.’
Modi-Yogi approach on Mandalisation

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 23

dictated J&K.Culturally,it denounces attempts procurement prices, storage of surplus grains &
to deny Hinduism its central cultural role. favourable marketing, shrinkage of landholdings,
It is interesting NDA II did not focus on etc. Govt. has already initiated some measures -
saffronisation of education or aggressive direct transfer of money, raising procurement
promotion of cultural nationalism. It focused on prices to make farming lucrative and purchasing
secular issues of national security, sending back surplus stocks to avoid under-pricing.Formation
Bangladeshi infiltrators, promotion of digital of co-operatives and boosting animal husbandry
India and building new IITs, IIMs and modern & poultry need urgent attention. Another sector
universities as symbols of resurgent India. which provides mass employment to farm hands
5.Lateralisation-Modi’s pragmatic is construction sector. Despite passage of Reality
approach in coalition building by encouraging bill further measures have not been taken to
lateral entries from other parties has paid rich deliver full benefits. Unscrupulous builders need
dividends. It has compensated organisational to be phased out.
weakness in certain regions and helped BJP National Security
spread to areas, hitherto outside its Country needs to delineate various national
organisational and political reach. Building a security threats and evolve a comprehensive
countrywide presence gives BJP enough space national security doctrine to deal with these. Main
to experiment new political and social strategies. threats are cross border ideological terrorism
Modi-Amit Shah-Yogi have been central sponsored by Pakistan and Maoist terrorism. The
pillars of these five processes. 'Joan of Arc' of two have different features. Former seeks to
Indian journalism Chitra Subramaniumaptly balkanise country by exploiting existing and
described 2019 verdict as INDIA HAS creation of new fault lines. Though neutralisation
COME HOME of terroris should remain first target there is need to
Challenges and Consolidation of Mandate build effective long-term antidotes to Pakistan’s
What are short-term and long-term challenges game-plan of balkanising India.
before NDA III? What should be its immediate Internal subversion -its pattern and modus
priorities? How can it extend its reach further operandi need to be understood and tackled
organisationally as well as politically? firmly. For punishing the guilty there is need to
Short-term challenges: tighten existing laws or frame new stringent
Economy laws that stand judicial scrutiny.
Economic growth, addressing unemployment Maoist terrorism is a cocktail of Left
and under-employment and main issues of farm extremism, absence or weak state in tribal
sector should be priorities. Increasing tax hinterland and extortion industry. This Maoist
revenues, curbing wasteful state expenditure, terrorism is sustained by a group which outwardly
bridging trade deficit, boosting exports and function as NGOs and use democratic space for
building small/medium industries to generate promotion of subversion. There is another threat
mass employment besides infrastructure which has not received adequate focus either in
development should be main focus. All desired mainstream press or Govt. reports. There are
structural reforms - decreasing role of state and certain foreign funded groups which are trying to
tax-labour reforms should be initiated without change social demography in certain states through
delay. Land acquisition policy should be framed proselytization campaigns. These groups attack
at the earliest. Major attention should be given to native culture, oppose economic development and
manufacturing, particularly related to export foment separatism. MHA needs to evolve an
sector. Pilgrimage tourism needs special focus. effective policy to deal with this long-term threat.
Magnitude and nature of farm distress is more Presence of crores of Bangladeshi
a hype than actual reality. A section of farming infiltrators is a serious issue that threatens
populationis on its own moving away from national security and foments political discord.
farming- wholly or partly. Secondly, another Certain political parties in border states have
section of farmers is entering small trade within been facilitating this infiltration to create
their own areas. Govt. can fast-track this transition. prospective vote-banks.These infiltrators have
Issues of farmers primarily relate to managed Aadhar & Voter identity cards, ration

24 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

cards and bought land. Political mandates are promoted. Secondly, there has been no attempt
being subverted through proxy voting by these at countering disinformation campaign of
infiltrators. Secondly, economic opportunities Pakistan and its proxies. This disinformation
of local people are being snatched away by these ensures regular recruitment of local youth in to
outsiders. These infiltrators indulge in jihadi ranks of jihadists and perpetuates feelings of
activities and crime. alienation. This disinformation campaign is
Three steps are needed to tackle this menace. centred around issues pertaining to history of
1.Identification of all the infiltrators living Kashmir problem, role of army/security forces
in India-state-wise. & so-called Human rights violations, and
2.Punishment of guilty officials who have country’s Kashmir policy. Doctrination of
supplied vital documents. This will serve a Salafist ideology also needs a counter-campaign
lesson for others not to repeat this. to wean youth away from terrorism. There is
3.De-registration of infiltrators as voters. need to involve instruments of state as well as
4.Issuance of economic permits for two private individuals besides national press to
years to infiltrators during which they can leave counter Pakistan’s disinformation.
India. With Bangladesh economy on upswing There are three important doable for which
the infiltrators will have an incentive to go back. work should be initiated- removal of 35 A, UT for
Process of granting Indian citizenship Ladakh and politico-constitutional dispensation for
certificates to non-Muslims from neighbouring resettling Kashmiri Hindus in a secured area.
countries needs to be speeded up. But these Miscellaneous
victims of religious persecution should not There is a well-hatched conspiracy by Left-
become burden of one state only. All states Liberals and other vested interests to subvert
should share the burden. This will help gain democratic verdict by defaming BJP and
consent of people of border states for passage of creating imaginary fears in sections of minority
Citizenship Bill. community. Govt. must counter this campaign,
Kashmir : identify contours of conspiracy and motivations
NDA III should build upon major initiatives it of people engaged in this campaign.
has taken during past one year. Elimination of Prime Minister has reassured the minority
terrorists and smashing terrorist infrastructure is community that winning its trust was foremost
important before assembly elections are held.
concern of his Govt. Minority community too
Counter-insurgency operations have yielded
needs to walk extra-mile in building bridges of
better results during Governor’s rule. Complete
neutralisation of terrorists will deliver two trust and understanding with the BJP Govt.
results. One, it will establish the writ of the state Another area which needs sensitive handling is
so necessary in winning population to state side issues of Language and regional sensibilities.
in conflict zones. Two, removal of fear of Nothing controversial should be said or done
terrorists in local population will help in which creates regional tensions. PM’S new
political mobilisation against jihadists. slogan of NARA - National Ambition Regional
Blocking channels of finance to terrorists, Aspiration should be lived up to in its true spirit.
banning secessionist outfits Jamaat-e-Islami & (The writer is a researcher on Kashmir
JKLF, barring Govt. Employees from affairs)
association with secessionist outfits, stopping
ads to pro-separatist media and fixing
mainstream regional outfits for indulging in
political blackmail have yielded positive results.
Never before secessionist camp has been in
such disarray and demoralised as it is today.
Two major tasks need to be taken up to get
more results. One, revamping of state
administration. Competence and loyalty to
Indian state among state officials need to be

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 25

- Upender Ambardar

Sharda Mata Temple

Repository of Faith; Legend and Love – Part II
S arada Mata Temple, dedicated to the
Goddess Sarada, is located in Dhrov
region of Pakistan occupied Kashmir. In
spite of being out of bounds for the worshippers
presently, the faith and allegiance to the temple
Pothkhagali, which was also used as halting place
by those yatris, who would not prefer to make a
stopover at Ganesh Pael. Pothkah Gali was
followed by the destinations of Mirwali Naar,
Dunaar (Dunari) and the villages of Jumgun and
has in no way lessened. The strong emotional Katchban. The village of Kanthawali was the next
bond associated with the temple which stretch stop, which was followed by small villages of
back to the age-old times continue to remain Shawlbouth, Baensawali, Andher Bela and
alive even today. The temple represents the Dudhniyal. Dudhniyal had a narrow suspension
spiritual, religious and cultural soul of Kashmir footbridge. The pilgrims and travelers would
as the Goddess Sharada is regarded as the unload their horses here as the narrow footbridge
presiding and governing deity of the entire would not permit the loaded horses or horses with
Kashmir region. the riders to cross it. After taking the path along the
As the Goddess of speech, intellect and bank of Kishanganga river, the travelers would
exalted thoughts, Sharda Mata is believed to be reach the village of Bella Mohammed Khan,
present wherever speech, communication and followed by Sheikh Bella and Mundkar villages.
language exist. Goddess Sharda is also known by Dusuth was the next village, followed by
the name of Vaksavitri, the Creater of all kinds of Khowaja Seeri and Kharigham villages.
communication, knowledge and wisdom, Kharigham was the nearest village on the route to
particularly the spiritual one. Sharda temple. Till 1947, the village of Liderwan
Prior to 1947, the holy pilgrimage would had a lone Kashmiri Pandit household of Late Sh.
usually start from the village Tikar (Kupwara Thoker Pandit Thusoo. He along with his wife late
district). The next stops were Batergham and Hiri Smt. Sokhded and their two sons Sh. Tika Lal
villages. From Hiri, one could proceed either via Thusoo and Sh. Nand Lal Thusoo and their
Trehgam or through Liderwan. Liderwan, at a extended families would reside there. Both, Sh.
distance of about six kms. from Kupwara, used to Tika Lal and Sh. Nand Lal, jointly ran a grocer's
be the base camp for the yatris coming from shop at Liderwan. They also owned a house and a
Baramulla, Sopore, Kupwara, Srinagar and other shop at the village Shardi itself. Smt. Rekhmaal,
parts of Kashmir. wife of late Sh. Nand Lal Thusoo, Smt. Teezmaal,
The arduous journey commencing from wife of Late Sh. Tika Lal Thusoo and Smt.
Liderwan had halting spots at Zurhome, Marhome Dhanwati, wife of Sh. Sona Lal Thusoo, the elder
(Marhama), Budan Pathar and Ganesh Pael. The son of Late Sh. Tika Lal Thusoo, apart from doing
area of Ganesh Pael was also known by the name of their house hold chores would also manage the free
Bandook Pael by the native Gujjars. Ganesh Pael community kitchen (langar) for the devotees
owed its name to the striking resemblance of a huge proceeding on pilgrimage to the Sharda temple.
boulder to Lord Ganesh's appearance. They would prepare rotis, cook dry vegetables and
The area of Ganesh Pael would also serve as pack them with pickles for the yatris. A free
the resting place for the pilgrims. Next to it was kitchen run by them at the village Dudhniyal

26 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

would also provide meals to the pilgrims. They Mata Temple was also known by the name of
also owned water driven mills at Katchban and Amarnath. It was in the form of a massive boulder
Shardi villages and had also constructed a over which water from the adjoining mountain
dharmshala for the pilgrims at Dudhniyal. would flow down in a 'havan-kund' patterned
A primary school built by them at Dudhniyal natural enclosure below.
catered to the educational needs of Gujjar children Smt. Arundati Dass, wife of Sh. Dina Nath
residing there and in the adjoining areas of Dass of Bomai (Sopore) is the daughter of Late Sh.
Dudhniyal. As such they were the pioneers in the Nand Lal Thusoo of Liderwan. Despite advanced
introduction of primary education in this remote age, she retains memories of her formative years
region. The Thusoo brothers would also make spent at Liderwan and Shardi.
arrangements for horses and palanquins for old and According to Smt. Arundati Dass, before
infirm pilgrims. Liderwan, the first major pilgrimage destination in
According to Sh. Puranji Thusoo, the the earlier times was the village of Jumagund. It is
grandson of late Sh. Nand Lal Thusoo, a densely at a distance of 30 kms from Liderwan. She
foliaged upland area in the close proximity of the recollects that those on the horse backs would
Sharda temple was known by the name of Ganesh proceed on journey at the crack of dawn from
Ghatti. As divulged to him by his elders, it had a Jumagund and would reach Dudhniyal in the
cave, the narrow opening of which would allow the afternoon. The horses were driven on the hilly
entry of a single person at a time. The open space track by their owners called 'markbans' locally.
inside the cave was said to be big enough to Jumagund village had then only a few scattered
accommodate about a dozen pilgrims. The inside Gujjar dwellings. At Jumagund, most of the
of the cave, on one of its side resembled the image travelers would cook rice and vegetable
of Lord Ganesh, on which water drops would preparations usually of 'hak' and potatoes in
trickle down from a naturally formed Sheshnag earthen pots (laej) on make-shift ovens in the open.
like configuration located above. As per a local Reminiscing further about those days, she said that
lore, a Kashmiri Pandit of religious disposition life was simple and unostentatious, devoid of any
posted at Shardi village during Maharaja's rule was competitiveness.
once directed in a dream by Lord Ganesh to come She further revealed that the turban in those
to the said cave to have his darshan there. It days was a part of the identity and culture for
resulted in the discovery of the cave and Kashmiri Pandits. Kashmiri Pandit ladies in
subsequent naming of the cave area as Ganesh addition to sporting traditional ethnic dress of
Ghati. According to Sh. Puran Ji Thusoo, a hill 'Pheran' and head dress of 'Targa' would also wear a
side elevated area in close proximity of the Sharda veil (burka) over it while moving out of their

A rare picture of the Sharda Mata temple taken by Sir Aurel Stein in 1893

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 27

homes. In contrast to the black colored veil worn by sheltered in the sanctified spring of the Amrit
Muslim women, Pandit ladies would wear white Kund'.
colored 'burka'. The burka clad Pandit women were As per a local legend, a Kashmiri Pandit lady
referred to as 'Setra Khatoon'. belonging to Gulgam, Kupwara was an ardent
Mrs. Arundati Dass said the peculiar believer of Goddess Sharda. Driven by acute
ambience combined with spectacular picturesque poverty, she came all the way from Gulgam to
surrounding around the temple would arouse Sharda Mata temple and reverentially prayed to
spiritual ecstasy in all and sundry. The stone steps the Goddess to be redeemed from the deprivations.
leading to the temple at the start were smaller in Pleased with her devotion, a divine 'thali' is a
size. The staircase was called 'Pandav Haer' in believed to have emerged from the sacred spring
their times. underneath the holy 'Shila'. It was believed to
According to her, on chiseled stone steps of provide food whenever the said lady desired but,
'Panda Haer', four to five devotees could climb up on the condition, that none other than her could
together at a time. Before entry into the temple, make use of it. However, once the said lady is said
there stood a huge 'Bren' tree on the left side of the to have utilized the divine thali to offer food to her
plain area. It had a stone idol of Lord Ganesh at its brother. The divine thali is believed to have broken
base, which was smeared with 'sindoor'. Before into pieces at that very moment and
making an entry into the temple, the devotees simultaneously the thali is said to have vanished
would perform puja of Lord Ganesh. The enclosure from the sacred spring. Another Sharda temple
of the temple was spacious enough to lore says that ferocious frontier tribal raiders,
accommodate two dozen devotees at a time. Smt. locally called 'Baemb' (Bamboos) once attacked
Arundati recounted that a huge 'Shila' about six feet the temple in order to grab the 'gold' and 'diamond'
long and about the same width and half a foot thick ornaments and other precious stones' supposed to
was the holy sanctum sanctorum of the temple. The exist in the spring beneath the holy Shila.
'Shila' was regarded as the manifestation of They attempted to remove the sacred Shila,
Goddess Sharda. It was in the middle of the inner under which the divine spring exists. To their
enclosure of the temple. As per belief, a spring of shock, stinging wasps, poisonous snakes and
divine nectar (amrit kund) existed underneath the deadly insects were believed to have emerged
holy 'Shila'. from the cracked corner of the Shila, which was
A streamlet, which flowed in the courtyard of slightly damaged in the process of uprooting.
the temple was believed to have its origin at the Frightened by this dreadful sight, 'Baemb' are said
divine 'Amrit Kund'. It was known by the name of to have fled away without causing much damage to
Madhumati. A traditional belief says that the the holy Shila. The damaged corner of the Shila,
devotees could hear the sound of the underground which was seen even up to the year 1947 bore
water flow, if one would put his ears on the Shila testimony to this belief. During the conversation,
surface. According to a native folklore, Goddess Smt. Arundati reminisced that a small idol of Mata
Sharda is believed to have taken shelter inside the Sharda also occupied a reverential place inside the
divine spring beneath the sanctified 'Shila' after temple those days. However, for the devotees, the
coming out from the nearby mountainous area of hallowed Shila regarded as the manifestation of
Narda on account of the displeasing and annoying Goddess Sharda was the sanctum sanctorum and
pursuits of the demons there. Narda is a towering epitome of reverence. The devotees would pay
and giant mountain about 6-7 kms. away from obeisance to the Shila amidst chanting of hymns
Sharda Mata Temple. According to the same lore, and sacred shlokas in praise of Mata Sharda. They
Narda is regarded as the manifestation of the would also undertake a circuitous walk around the
Goddess Sharda in the virgin form. Interestingly, holy Shila.
Goddess Narda is one of the 'Kul Devis', of some of One of the devotees and an erstwhile native
the Dogra Rainas of Jammu region. The temple of that area revealed that the divine and holy
lore believes that Goddess Sharda draped in the ambience of the shrine was reportedly vandalized
celestial attire and wearing divine gold and jewel and desecrated by the tribal raiders and Pakistani
ornaments resides in the 'Amrit Kund' underneath armed forces during the Kabali raid of October
the holy 'Shila' of the temple. The same lore also 1947 and painfully enough, the revered
says that the consecrated embellishments, Swayambhu Shila and the sanctimonious amrit
accompaniments, divine garments and eating kund beneath it do not exist now as the revered
utensils like 'thali' of Sharda Mata are also temple was plundered by the kabalis.

28 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

- Dr. Anusheel Munshi

Shun Alcohol
“Vuzmali gashe gola chamov” (come friend, typically divided into three classes-beers, wines,
let us have a drink under the aura given by a and spirits-and typically their alcohol content is
lightening flash) goes a verse in a Kashmiri folk between 3% and 50%. Nearly one third of the
song, epitomising the glamour, grandeur and population of the world are current drinkers. As
fantasy we tend to associate with a sip of booze. of 2016, women on average drink 0.7 drinks and
Like smoking, “sharaab gol” too has been males 1.7 drinks a day. Discovery of late Stone
associated with brotherhood, friendship and Age jugs suggest that intentionally fermented
fraternity for ages. Unfortunately, the “sharaab gol” drinks existed at least as early as 10,000 BC.
that is so good for bonding and friendship, is not so What are the effects of booze on the human
good for health. And sadly, our Kashmiri Pandit body? In small doses, alcohol causes elevated
community, far from remaining immune to the mood (euphoria), suppresses anxiety, and
drink culture, has embraced it with open arms. It has promotes sociability. However, in higher doses,
even adopted its westernized versions and nuances. it causes a state of drunkenness, irrelevant talk
It has now become vogue for a Kashmiri family to and stupor. Still higher doses can cause coma
celebrate an occasion by opening a bottle of wine. and death. Long-term use can lead several
(Lord Ganpati can wait!) One finds this as a medical social and financial problems. The ills
common scenario in birthday celebrations and on the body caused by alcohol are multiple.
weddings. Earlier, the codeword would be Gastritis, acid reflux issues, slow mentation,
(intizaam chaa saa?) as the “arrangement” would be withdrawal symptoms are some of these.
done in some secluded room. Welcome the age of Chronic drinking leads to irreversible changes in
glasnost and perestroika. Formal counters for liver, heralding liver cirrhosis. This can further
“Drinks” at Kashmiri Pandit marriages are a given lead to lack of appetite and Jaundice. The cancer
now (those seeking further proof can visit burden attributable to alcohol is also significant.
facebook, instagram , twitter et al). It is interesting In 2012, an estimated 5.6% of worldwide cancer
to note the Godspeed by which we adopt these deaths were attributable to alcohol. Upper
flashy albeit unhealthy western habits, while airway and food pipe (oesophageal) cancers
turning a blind eye to the good ones (cleanliness, accounted for the majority of alcohol
punctuality, regular exercise etc. etc.). A kashmiri attributable deaths among men. In addition,
friend recently told me about an incident when he alcohol has been causally linked to liver cancer,
went to a Kashmiri social gathering and was almost colorectal cancer and breast cancer. Other
forced to have a drink just when he was about to cancers associated with alcohol include oral
leave. He is a teetotaler, and barely escaped. This, cavity (inside of mouth), pharynx, larynx, (areas
about a community that talks high about its culture, of throat including upper wind pipe), cancer of
intellectualism, heritage and spiritual glory. the lower food pipe, colorectal, liver and female
An alcoholic drink (or alcoholic beverage) breast. The overall consensus is that cancer risk
is a liquid that contains the chemical ethanol. It appears to be linked to alcohol use irrespective of
is usually developed by slow fermentation of the specific alcoholic beverage (e.g., beer, wine,
fruits, sugars or grains. Alcoholic drinks are or hard liquor). Needless to say smoking and

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 29

alcohol (which is a common occurrence,
remember) make a super dangerous cocktail.
Many common areas (oral cavity, throat area) are
exposed to both the toxins and this has a
synergistic (rather than just additive) effect
Although relative risks are clearly highest with
moderate and heavy drinking, risk persists even
among light drinkers. (light drinking means
consuming less than 12.5 gm per day). Some time
back the lay public got elated by some medical
reports that taking red wine is good. I would see
many adults flashing their glasses of red wine and an economic burden of INR 3127 billion (US$
say “ Oh , this is good for health”. But this is what 48.11 billion) on the health system. Societal
current American guidelines have to say. burden of alcohol, inclusive of health system
American Institute for Cancer Research in cost, out of pocket expenditure and productivity
conjunction with the World Cancer Research losses will be INR 121,364 billion (US$ 1867
Fund has recommended that “If alcoholic drinks billion). (Jyani et al IJDP 2019).
are consumed, limit consumption to two drinks a To summarise, for those who are already
day for men and one drink a day for women.” having this exotic heavenly drink for some time,
Furthermore, they go on to say “For cancer my advice would be to significantly cut down or
prevention, it’s best not to drink alcohol.” stop the habit altogether. For those who have not
The global alcoholic drink industry is big started, I congratulate them and request them to
indeed, exceeding $1 trillion. The financial maintain status quo and be teetotallers
implications of alcohol use are in no way throughout life. This life given to us by
miniscule. An interesting scientific recent report Almighty needs to be utilised for better goals
from India dwells on the impact of alcohol on rather than mundane pursuit of spirits.
Indian economy and the figures are frightening. Can our community, instead of swaying
Between 2011 and 2050, alcohol attributable and falling to this ill, stand up and say a big
deaths would lead to a loss of 258 million life “No” to the “sharaab gol”, the alcohol menace,
years. Treatment of these conditions will impose once and for all!.

S to
p P Peace to the Departed Soul
AIKS is sad to inform about the demise
of Dr Makhan Lal Hashia, former
President of KSS Faridabad and Vice
President of AIKS on 8th June 2019.
His contribution to the community at
large and residents of Faridabad in
particular will be always remembered.
We pray for eternal peace to the
departed soul and strength to the
Dr. Makhan Lal Hashia
family to bear the loss. (15-09-1936 to 08-06-2019)

30 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

- Dr. Susheel Fotedar

The Incredible Origins of the Mahabharata

T he sun was just rising in the east as the sage
opened his eyes, sitting erect in
padmasana on the banks of the majestic
Ganges. Seeing the world manifest outside him
afresh while he slowly came out of Samadhi, he
Vasu was the name of the king who ruled a
vast expanse of earth somewhere in the land
called Bharata. He was a follower of Dharma
who upheld all the rules and regulations as spelt
out by the wise sages. The innocent people of his
smiled to himself. Once again, he wondered kingdom loved him as did he, but this year had
loudly, as the inside flowered magically to been bad for all of them. The distant mountain
become the outside,” Ah! How beautiful! Once that surrounded the kingdom like a fort had
the breath moves out, the Supreme become arrogant. Having fallen in love with the
undifferentiated Self decides to become the beautiful river flowing through the land, he had
differentiated world and as it moves back in, how embraced her in a fit of passion and was now
effortlessly does this universe of mine get drawn refusing to let her go. As the river bed dried, the
in once again and melt into a wordless Unity plants and trees withered away slowly. What
beyond the grasp of the mind. Maya, you are the was once a fertile expanse of land sustaining the
beautiful, divine Mother that gives birth to this vast populace of the kingdom, now became
Objective Reality, and yes, you are the terrible one barren. People started suffering and the young
too that eats it up at the appointed time. How ones even began dying of starvation.
majestic! How overflowing with bliss!”
The story was taking shape in his mind for
the last few days and it was going to reach a This is the unbelievable story of the birth of
grand conclusion over a period of time, he knew.
Images were getting constructed effortlessly as a Vyasa, that incredible saint who compiled
parallel world of a mythical reality was slowly the Vedas and authored the Puranas
building up in his fertile mind-- as real as the
external world; as unreal as the objective reality!
The characters were falling naturally into their The king initially requested the mountain
respective places and a wonderful narrative was to let go of the river in the larger public interest
binding them together slowly, weaving them all but the mountain refused to do so as he was
together to create a story, a legend that would simply blinded by a selfish kind of love. When
seamlessly merge with the apparently real world the mountain refused the king’s entreaties
outside. Myth was bound to flow gracefully into several times, the king naturally became very
the locks of Time and then go on to continue as angry. Not able to take the suffering of his people
contemporary history like the heavenly river anymore, he went up to the mad mountain and
that erupted from the feet of Narayana to flow kicked him on his butt. Wincing in pain and
violently into the open locks of Shiva and getting indented at a tender spot, he let go of the
become the calm, life-giving Ganges whose river, who now, released from a suffocating
fertile banks pulsated with creative ideas and embrace, started to flow merrily back through
life-sustaining philosophies strewn all over. the kingdom. Once again, the land became

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 31

fertile as plants and trees of all kinds gratefully all-consuming love! Sighing heavily in the
started to grow back to their original opulence. throes of passion, he was overcome by a crisis
Beautiful flowers with chirping birds singing the and as he came to he pondered at the problem he
glories of the kind king could be seen all around faced now. His wife was in season and he had
now. The people were once again happy. unfortunately lost his seed here in the forest. But
The river too was joyful now. As she he kept his calm. Carefully wrapping the seed in
hummed in hushed tones about her new-found a large leaf of a heavily-scented tree, he called to
freedom, she naturally felt thankful to the a hawk soaring high in the sky,” O dear friend,
gracious king and wanted to gift him something kindly take this offering to my wife who is in her
memorable. As the passionate embrace of the season in my palace! I would be highly obliged.”
mountain had resulted in her becoming And then he continued with his hunting games.
pregnant, she decided to give birth to a son and a As the hawk took charge of the seed and
daughter and in the course of time handed them dutifully flew towards the kingdom, another
over to the king. The king was overjoyed. He hawk spotted the burden and thought it to be a
made the boy his general and married the piece of meat. The hungry bird dived at it and in
beautiful daughter called Girika, as she was the angry struggle that ensued the seed fell into the
fathered by the wretched mountain. river Yamuna flowing below. At that very time a
Time passed. The kind king continued with large fish was passing through; the seed fell inside
his dhaarmik ways as spelt out by the great seers. its mouth and the fish accidentally swallowed it.
He obviously had all the good qualities that a king Not knowing the nature of the thing it had
ought to possess but was at the same time addicted swallowed, the fish went on with the seed
to the hunt. The queen though was not aware of the growing inside its tummy. Ten months passed and
intensity of his devotion to this kingly sport. One one unfortunate day the fish was caught by a
day, when the time of her menstrual impurity had fisherman of a distant country who could not
passed, she dutifully informed her husband and believe his luck as it was his largest catch of the
went to the river to cleanse herself. The husband season. Wondering at its bulging tummy, the poor
knew that in accordance with the infallible laws of fisherman was amazed to find a boy and a girl
dharma, it was the ripe time for the queen to inside as he cut it open. The fish who was
conceive and beget him a son. As he waited basically a nymph under curse was released from
eagerly, he was visited by his elderly relatives who its miserable existence and the liberated soul flew
coaxed him to go hunting with them and for once happily back to heaven! The fisherman
he could not resist the temptation to leave while meanwhile remembered the good king of his
the queen was still away. country who despite marrying several times was
As he wandered away into the distant still childless. Picking both the boy and the girl up,
countryside, the beauty of the deep forest he ran to the palace and dutifully handed over the
overwhelmed him. The enchanting smell of wild two to the king. The ageing monarch was happy to
flowers, the majesty of the virgin landscape, and see the boy and immediately made him the prince
the sweet songs of completing all the necessary religious formalities
chirping birds after calling in the royal priests. It was certainly
were simply too the happiest day of his life for he had now found a
much for his successor to the throne.
youthful heart to But he refused to take charge of the girl
bear. Entangled because she had a sickening fishy smell.
by intense desire, Rewarding the fisherman abundantly he ordered
he sat under a tree him to take the girl back with him and bring her
remembering his up as his own daughter. The girl was nicknamed
beautiful wife. Matsyagandha, the one with a fishy smell; but
Ah, how he the foster-father refused to accept this degrading
longed to be one name for an innocent child whom he had grown
with her, deep in fond of by now. He called her Satyawati, the
the embrace of an “Truth”, and brought her up with the greatest

32 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

love and care for he too did not have any child. hurry, he told the surprised woman, “Mother, I
As the girl grew up, she dutifully did the have to go for I am duty-bound to work for the
household chores and at the same time helped interest of mankind in general. But do not worry.
her father by ferrying people across the Yamuna Whenever you need me for anything you desire,
in her small boat. Time passed the way it had to just remember me and I shall be there.” Saying
while she continued serving her foster father as this he crossed over to the other side and vanished.
usual plying a boat on the waters of the river Meanwhile, as promised by the great Yogi
Yamuna. One day a very great Yogī named Parashara, her virginity returned once more.
Parashara came to be ferried to the other shore. This is the mind-boggling beginning of the
On seeing the amazingly beautiful Satyawati Mahabharata! This is the fantastic origin of
with tapering thighs and a heaving bosom Satyawati who was Matsyagandha and then
smiling at him, the sinless one was mastered by a became Gandhavati after she was blessed by a
passionate desire. Understanding the whole sinless Yogi.
delicate situation, the young but wise girl told This is the unbelievable story of the birth of
the saint, “O blessed Yogi, pray do not do Vyasa, that incredible saint who compiled the
something that will bring shame on my family. Vedas and authored the Puranas while at the
Look at all those saints along the shores waiting same time went on to become the real begetter of
to be carried across. They are all watching.” both the parties, the Kauravas and the Pandavas,
Thereupon the Yogi who possessed all the in that timeless story, Mahabharata.
eight Siddhis brought down a fog by which all What a story!
was obscured but still shaking with fear, the What a myth!
beautiful Matsyagandha said,” Know me to be a What a Reality!
virgin maid under her father’s keep. Do not It was getting darker now. Time had flowed
destroy something that cannot be restored.” past him as he lay immersed in meditation. The sage
But the sinless one who was totally was a siddha with total control over his prana. The
overcome with an all-consuming desire, anusandhana of Ajapa Gayatri had continued
reassured the frightened girl,” Do not worry, O uninterrupted as the vikalpas created the story
innocent one! I will restore your virginity once within his fertile mind. With each apāna his breath
my needs are satisfied and moreover, I will also naturally sounded ‘So’ and with the onset of prana
grant you a wish. Do ask for whatever you the other half of the mantra, ‘Ham’ reverberated in
desire.” And when everything was over the girl his consciousness effortlessly going on from the
begged him to rid her of the fishy smell that Vaikhari through Madhyama and Pasyanti to merge
troubled her day and night. The great saint was in the ether as Paravak. Straddling the worlds of
only too happy to restore her virginity and rid her Shuddhadhva and Ashuddhadhva, he could clearly
of the sickening smell that had been her curse see the reflection of SvatantryaShakti within
since she was born. Instead he bestowed her himself as it magically became Maya and
with an enchantingly sweet smell that could be transformed the Undifferentiated Oneness into the
now smelt from a distance of many Yojanas. Differentiated World. Maya, the Great Mother!
“Now onwards you will be known as Maya the Terrible Annihilator!
Gandhavati, O blessed little girl!” These were Getting up slowly from his seat, he smiled to
the parting remarks of Parashara, the great, very himself. He had for long struggled with the idea of
great Yogi, as he alighted on the yonder shore. trying to save the great mystic truths for posterity.
The young woman carried on her work as if But then the truths were highly complex,
nothing had happened and one fine morning, understood by a minuscule minority that had
after nine months, she gave birth to a dark little received the grace of Lord Śiva or a competent
boy on a small isle in the middle of the river Guru and very rarely that of the Bhairava Shastras
Yamuna far from the sights of troublesome themselves. Having realized their oneness with the
people who would have asked uncomfortable great Lord, these blessed souls were mostly
questions of an innocent girl. The boy that was reluctant to pass on the realization to someone other
born immediately got up as he was the saint than the spiritually competent disciples. Under
Vyasa, the wide one; and as he left the spot in a these circumstances what was the way out? How

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 33

could the general public remain interested in the Vrittis; on the other, there are the five sons of
truths of the Shaiva Shastras? Light, the ‘pale-hued’ Pandu, representative of
It was here that Lord Śiva, in one brilliant the Jnanendriyas that have to conquer these forces
instant of TīvraShaktipata, bestowed upon him of darkness, the Vrittis, the harbingers of a painful
the capacity to create a living myth that would duality, the progenitors of a differentiated world
contain all the mystical truths in concrete form; of suffering.
in the characters and narratives of a great epic, at But then Satyawati also carries Yogis to the
once enthralling in its vast sweep and at the same yonder shore, the one beyond all duality, and
time deeply metaphorical for the ones caring to shows them her real face; the one of
look beyond superficialities but not SvatantryaŚakti, the Spandana, the Vimarsha of
discriminating enough to experience the the ineffable Shiva! She also decides to ferry, in
ultimate truth yet. one act of immense Shaktipata, Rishi Parashara,
For who was Satyawati? Or rather who is an imperfect Yogi, who has gone beyond being a
this Timeless Satyawati, the great Truth? It is none SakalaPramata but is hovering between the
other than Maya. The very circumstances of her states of Pralayakala and Vijnanakala, having
birth are so fantastically mind-boggling and conquered Karma Mala but not able to see
unreal, yet there she is, palpably Real, the ‘Truth’ through the Mayiya and Anava Malas. But then
for the ignorant ones, the Sakalas, totally under the before doing so, she once again makes it a point
sway of the three Malas, Anava, Mayiya and to reveal her immense binding powers to the
Karma. Unreal in the final analysis but Real, the great Yogi as she entices him with her supreme
Truth, for the ones enmeshed in its web! And what beauty to commit one final act of indiscretion
is her job? She ferries people from one shore to the before taking him across to the yonder shore!
other. The ignorant ones obviously stay on this And who is conceived from this indiscreet union
shore, the one full of the duality of pain and on the boat while it is being plied in the middle
pleasure, of heat and cold, of virtue and vice and of Yamuna? It is the great seer Vyasa, meaning
yes, of knowledge and delusion. Entranced by the the one with a lot of width stretching across and
sweet smell of Gandhavati they go on wallowing straddling both the Real and the Unreal. He is
in their agonizing world of duality unaware of the fittingly given birth to by Satyawati on a small
fact that basically she is Matsyagandha, the one isle in the middle of the vast Yamuna away from
with a despicable fishy smell to be abhorred and both the shores! He then becomes the one who,
avoided if one wants to enter the realm of the as a collector of the Vedas, author of the Puranas,
Truth. Even the virginity that she presents etc., provides the world with its literature of
Shantanu with is not true, yet the deeply revelation, and at the same time, as the actual
SakalaShantanu is carried away and thereby goes begetter of the two families of Light and
on to create the mythical world of Mahabharata Darkness, produces even on this hither shore of
where ultimately the forces of Light and that of duality, an essentially revelatory history, which,
Darkness fight their eternal battles. On the one if read as merely factual, obscures the Ultimate
hand, there are the sons of the blind Dhritrashtra, Reality and read as a metaphor, liberates!
the hundred ones, or rather the ‘hundreds’ of blind Sandhya was approaching. The day was
slowly handing over the reins of Time to night. It
was time for the sage to leave Vyutthana and
enter Samadhi once more. Sitting in padmasana
once again, he drew in the world deep into his
Self through the powers of anusandhana and left
the world of Ashuddhadhva once more. As he
ascended the Timeless world of Shuddhadhva,
the mantras accompanying him too started to
attain different hues. Ascending first to the state
of Shuddha Vidya, he became the Mantra
Pramata as he entered an unstable state where
his consciousness hovered between

34 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

experiencing the Truth of the whole universe the supreme sense, the mantra ‘aham idam’
and that of himself as the Reality though all the started to reverberate of its own accord. He
time remaining full of consciousness, full of found out that the Self pervaded the whole
bliss, full of a supreme will, full of knowledge, universe now while in the previous state of
and full of action. The mantra that reverberated Ishvara where he was the MantreshvaraPramata,
spontaneously within him was ‘aham aham, the experience was of the Universe being within
idam idam’. Gradually he rose to the level of the Self. It was night time now. With darkness
Ishvara, becoming the MantreshvaraPramata as enveloping everything outside, the world of
the mantra ‘idam aham’ started to repeat itself objects apparently got dissolved into a pitch-
within his being. His consciousness was more dark blackness. But this was the darkness of
stable now and though he could still feel the Tamas that Sakala Pramatas experienced every
universe as one with himself, it had lost the day. Meanwhile, the sage had ascended to the
touch of Reality that it possessed earlier on. The ineffable last state of Śiva were also the
Jiva was slowly getting united with Shiva. differentiated world dissolved in an
The Samadhi of the sage was getting Undifferentiated Unity. But the resemblance
deeper as he now rose to the state of Sadashiva ended here. The sage was full of Prakash and
and became the Mantramaheshvara Pramata. Vimarsha beyond the three Gunes of Sattva,
Full of a profound bliss, overflowing with Rajas and Tamas, as Thickness melted into I-
complete knowledge, a perfect will and capacity nests and everything became Parmahansa, the
to act while remaining absolutely conscious in Autar, the Indescribable Beyond!


lsDVj & 53] fxtksj] uks,Mk] fu;j daputaxk

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 35

- Sunil Raina Rajanaka

Goddess of Kashmir
M aha Ragnya Bhagwati or the Great
Goddess is the titular goddess of
Hindus in Kashmir. She is the
embodiment of cosmic power that underlines all
creativity, activity, and as such is the immanent
Mazgam, Shadipur
and Logripora. While
she was stationed at
Tulmulla, Rama along
with his entourage
form of Universal Consciousness, worshipped visited the goddess to
in Kashmir since time immemorial. The glory of offer his gratitude after
Goddess Ragnya is detailed in Maha Ragnya vanquishing Ravana.
Pradhurbhav, an important chapter of Bringesh Since then, it is
Samhita. The chapter mentions a dialogue believed that Rama
between Shiva and Parvati at their abode in visits Kheer Bhawani shrine - dedicated to
Mount Kailash, where Parvati is keen to learn Goddess Ragnya - on every full moon night to
about the glory and attributes of Goddess offer prayers; people also believe that Hanuman
Ragnya. The dialogue is important as it contains has stationed himself as a full-time attendant at
the universal good and succour for mankind. the shrine.
Parvati wants to know the origin and mode of The temple is located amidst lofty china
worship of Ragnya, who was then, stationed in trees, which appear as sentinels of peace and
Kashmir along with her attendants, the chief tranquility. The place is surrounded by water
among them being Anantnag. With great bodies, with Mount Harmukh in the
persuasion, Shiva divulges the sovereignty of background. The temple finds mention in
the goddess. He reveals that the worship of the Kalhan’s Rajatarangini and Abu Faial’s Ain-i-
Devi was initially done by Ravana in Lanka, Akbar. Every year, a big fair is held on the eighth
where the goddess was duly anointed and day of the waxing moon in the month of Jyeshta
propitiated. Ravana had prayed to Shiva to grant when lakhs of devotees congregate at the shrine
him Adi Shakti and due to his severe penance, to offer their obeisance to the Universal Mother.
Shiva made the goddess stay in his kingdom. In olden times, when means of transportation
The prosperity of Lanka during Ravana’s were few, devotees would come by boats, tongas
rule was attributed to the presence of Adi Shakti. or walk from different parts of the valley to the
However, his sinful acts — abduction of pristine and blaming precincts of the shrine to
Sita and attempt to kill Rama — angered the attend the annual fair. Devotees recite hymns to
goddess. She requested Hanuman to take her to the deity, offer Kheer, milk, sugar, and flowers to
Satidesha, present day Kashmir. Before leaving the goddess as they believe doing so will deliver
Lanka, the goddess cursed Ravana with defeat. them from misfortune and sins, besides granting
Goddess Ragnya travelled to the Himalayas them divine protection. The annual fair at the
along with her attendants with stopovers at shrine is also known for its local savouries; so
different parts of the Kashmir valley before after offering prayers, one can feast on lotus
finally choosing the current location of Tulmulla stem pakoras, puris and halwa. The temple town
in Ganderbal district. Other important places in welcomes everyone, and the locals
Kashmir associated with the goddess are enthusiastically take every care of their guest
Pokhribal, Lok Bhawan, Raithan, Tikker, devotees.

36 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

- Ravinder Gurtoo

Forgotten Grace
R especting our elders should be a
courtesy ingrained in every one of us.
Common grace and manners are to treat
elders with dignity and respect. Sadly, these
important dignities have been largely forgotten
are only being remembered for economic helps
and babysitting. This is a major crisis Kashmiri
Pandit community is facing. There are hundreds
of such cases.
There are numerous reasons why adult
today. Information Age has put technology at the children abandon their parents, for what appears
forefront of human communication, making to be no reason. Most of the reasons don’t
today a little less personal than days of the past. amount to a hill of beans when you as a parent
Instead of treating our elders with appreciation
and respect they deserve, many are often too
busy or simply dismiss them and their
contributions to community and family.
After 1990 when the exodus of Kashmiri
Pandits from the valley took place, the people of
this community got scattered all over the globe Abandoning
and the most sufferers were the parents and
grandparents. Children of the community hardly your parents put
stayed with their parents upto the completion of
their basic education and after that they left the them to
home for better education in view of the limited
avenues available around them especially in depression
Jammu which is a concentrated area of Kashmiri
After 1990, in the initial years of migration
there were difficulties in getting are in the throes of traumatic lost memory.
accommodations which resulted in the However later, when you are calmer, you may
scattering of the community but with the time, want to understand why such losses occur. We
most of the people got settled as per their need to remember to respect old aged parents
economic stature. Slowly and steadily children because sometimes they are not able to assert
started moving out for their education and jobs. themselves and demand the respect that is due to
It is the time now when the households of most them. They may be confused or anxious. They
KP concentrated areas look deserted and may have difficulty with their mobility. They
thousands of such households are found with may have difficulty using their hands. They may
elderly people living in these alone. This is also find it hard to say what they feel.
true that Jammu gives them a feeling of their It is everyone's duty to take care of their
motherland because of social connections at this parents, as they have done the same for you.
place but this is also true that most of the But in some cases, it is very difficult and
children have abandoned their aged elders. They especially in families with many siblings, not

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 37

everyone shoulders the responsibilities and one gifts will pale in comparison to even just a minute
particular sibling ends up bearing the burden. of lucid joy or comfort that the parent might feel
They become bitter and lose their freedom and seeing their children by their side when they
independence. And the worst thing is that complete this earthly sojourn. After they depart
despite all this the parents take out all their this world, no amount of self-pity or realization
frustration on this caregiver child as she/he is the will help assuage our guilt for not having been
only one available. People might say it is a there for them when they needed us most.
matter of personal choice. Well, many make that Choice of a single child and then the
choice and abandon their parents to fend for compulsions of this child is another big reason
themselves during their last days. These are the when parents don’t get attention. It has
people who took care of us during our most increasingly become important now to live in
vulnerable ages and they certainly didn’t do it multiple occupancies like residential flats with
out of necessity. We should show some gratitude facilities for senior citizens. Many such projects
for their sacrifices and at the very least, be there are coming up in India and it may become a
for them when they are most vulnerable or take compulsion to live in such places to ease down
them with us to our place wherever it is. the pressure on children. Every time a child is
Abandoning your parents put them to not at fault. In present world children too have
depression which can affect every aspect of their limited resources to provide attention and
life, impacting energy, appetite, sleep, and facilities to the parents, therefore it is important
interest in work, hobbies, and relationships. to plan such living in advance. The community
Supporting them financially is important as is shrinking day by day, therefore likeminded
well. But all the money spent on the old age people can stay together in such places and can
homes, international phone calls, meaningless be helpful to each other.

38 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

- Manish Zijoo

I Will Sell My House

My childhood came to life again, After all, it was in these lanes and by-
lanes, I had played games like chupan-chupayee(i-spy) and cricket.

A fter about so many years, 29 years to be

precise, I touched the land of my Birth-
Kashmir with a bit of excitement and
some trepidation. My Brother’s Facebook
Friend Shahid was waiting for me at the Airport
As I was approaching my house in Kralyar,
Rainawari, I got lost in the thoughts of my
childhood and the memories flashed in front of
my eyes. It was as if yesterday, I left this place
amidst violence, but the depilated erstwhile
to receive me. He had made it unequivocally Kashmiri Pandits houses quickly pulled me into
clear that I have to stay with him at his house in the present reality. I recalled my neighbors who
Nagin area. He and his family greeted me with lived there. How could I forget Jallas,
open arms, though It was the first time they had Bhandaris, Duranis, Vakils and Jallali’s.
ever met me. They made me feel so comfortable, I stood for a while, looking at those houses
I felt as if I was at home. and the members of those houses, for a while,
Next Day, My Father’s Friend Mr Sheikh seemed to come alive. My childhood came to
greeted me with open arms at his residence at life again, After all, it was in these lanes and by-
Khanyar. Mr. Khan’s son was killed in a Gun- lanes,I had played games like chupan-chupayee
battle with the Indian forces and is revered by all (i-spy) and cricket.
in his locality for his Son’s “Sacrifice”. I was in I was shocked when I saw my ancestral
touch with him through phone for many months home, It was in shambles but so was I.
now and he had promised to accompany me to Somehow, I reposed myself and entered
my former residence at Rainawari as well as my home. There was another surprise waiting
Ganderbal. for me. As I opened the door, a voice interrupted
When I visited Rainawari, I could not me,”who are you”? I looked around and saw an
believe it is the same place that I and my family elderly man, I said,”This is my home and I had
left almost 3 decades ago. Though the lanes and come for a visit, who are you?” I could see his
sub-lanes are the same, yet something is amiss. face had turned pale, but he feigned a bold
The lanes and sub-lanes have been encroached reply,”No! This is my Home. I can even show
by some people living there. My Father’s friend the papers of this house.” I maintained my calm,
told me that many low-income people had gave him a smile and said” I have come to sell
purchased houses of Kashmiri Pandits in the this property”. Before he could say anything, my
Nineties and many affluent Muslim families father’s friend intervened and said to him,” He
migrated to the plush localities of Srinagar. has not come to disturb you; he will have a look

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 39

at this house and leave”. The occupant of my The neighborhood temple whom we called Bod-
home agreed half-heartedly. Mandir has also changed, no longer have the
I knew this is a very common problem, temple bells reminded the people in Rainawari,
which Kashmiri Pandits are facing in Kashmir. I of the existence of Bhairava. Had I heard even
recalled when I had met a senior politician of one ringing of the temple bell, I would have
Kashmir, I was told that the people who oppose stayed without a second thought, but that is not
most, the return of Kashmiri Pandits into the the case.
valley, are those who have illegally occupied Will I be interested in coming back
their properties. Even my friend Sunil Shangloo to Kashmir? My answers is “yes” I will,
is also fighting a case in Kashmir as his property when my neighbors will be filled with that
has also been occupied illegally. much love, which they showered me pre 1990.
I made my mind to sell the house in I will come that day when I will have freedom
Kashmir. It is not the same place which I had left of choosing and practicing my religion
23 years back. If my neighbors had been living without getting hounded again. Until then,
there, like in the past, I would not have thought I will choose to live separated from by
even for a second to come back and live there. beloved Homeland.

Beyond Mountains
Do we Belong?
Sunita Ticku
Yes we do! Divine Sound
Beyond mountains, We sure do belong,
Beyond the skies, And have always belonged!
Beyond the horizons, Ignorance, my dear blurs our sight
Beyond the endless roads, Let us drink from the chalet of
There is a place called home devotion
Within the little city of our The nectar of His love,
subtle hearts Let that intoxication of love
And that’s where we belong Drown our ignorance
Nestled in the cozy warmth of And let us emerge from it
Divine love Purified, to see
Rocking to the pulsations of the The Beyond -

40 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

- Rajinder Premi

Swami Mirza Kak :

A Sublime Soul and a Spiritual Guru
K ASHMIR through its recorded history
has been the land of saints, scholars and
mystics. After Lal Ded, Sahzanand and
Roopa Bhawani, the Valley was again blessed
with the birth of one more saint- poet Mirza Kak,
died, his mother also passed away. Mirza Pandit
returned to Hangalgund and continued to live
there with his elder brother, Bhulla Pandit. One
incident relating to Mirza Kak's life merits
mention here. One day after his father's death,
who contined the Vakh parampara in Kashmir. when he got busy in the fields, his mother forgot
Vakhs are the quintessence of spiritual and to send him his mid-day meals. With scorching
religious sayings and utterances of mystics and heat from above and hard labour in the fields,
saints. Kashmir has been a sacred land where Mirza Kak felt pangs of hunger. He waited for
tirthas, sacred springs and places of worship are some time under the shade of a tree, where he
found in abundance. One such tirtha is dedicated fell asleep. The Divine Mother of the Universe,
to goddess Hingla Devi in Brang Pargana. realising the pangs of hunger of Her true Bhakta,
According to Brangesh Samhita, the Brang appeared before Mirza Kak with a large plate of
Pargana has been named after Brangesh Muni, sweet Kheer and offered it to him with Her own
the author of this Samhita. The Brangi river, benevolant hands. Mirza Kak mistook her as his
which runs through this pargana, also bears his own mother and partook of the Divine Kheer.
name. The village has thus got the name of The Mother disappeared and Mirza Kak set to
Hingalagund which later got abridged to work again. Some time later, his mother arrived
Hangalgund. In this village near Kokernag lived there greatly lamenting her forgetfulness. Mirza
a pious Brahmin named Lassa Pandit. He had Kak took no notice of this and remained busy
two sons - Bhulla Pandit and Mirza Pandit. with his work. This indifference of her son was
Aversion Towards Worldly Bhulla Pandit got misunderstood by his mother as a silent protest
married and lived a householder's life, while for having been kept hungry. She begged for
Mirza Pandit remained a bachelor throughout pardon for her mistake and requested that he
his life. From the early childhood, Mirza Pandit should partake of the meal which she had
remained engrossed in Bhakti and prayers. He brought, after much delay though, Mirza Kak
developed aversion towards wordly pleasure was greatly surprised and told her that he had
and led a very simple life. For this, he was already eaten to his fill the Kheer served to him
nicknamed as a simpleton. Mirza Pandit, when a earlier. His mother was surprised to know this.
grown-up boy, was adopted by his mother's She affirmed that she had not brought anything
sister who lived in village Acchan in Pulwama for him to eat earlier. Realising this, Mirza Kak
Tehsil. He used to help her in domestic chores understood that it was the Divine Mother, Who
and also worked with his adopted father in his had fed him with Kheer earlier. Miracles
fields. Some time after Mirza Pandit's father Recounted There are many such stories

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 41

recounted about the miracles he did or great spiritual saint, gave Guru Dakhshina to
experienced. Lalleshwari (Lal Ded) is reported Mirza Kak under instructions of Shri Sharika
to have appeared before him in the guise of a Bagwati. Mahatma Parmanand of Oma Nagri
virgin and showered her blessings on him. Since along with his disciples came to Hangalgund to
then he began reciting Vakhs. It was the Pathan meet Mirza Kak. Many used to come to seek his
(Durrani) rule in Kashmir then and forced and help and blessings. The stones of his miracles
unpaid labour was exacted from the Kashmiri are a legion. Mirza Kak was born on the first day
Pandits. A Pathan soldier forced Mirza Kak to of the dark fortnight of Posh 1805-Bikrami. He
carry a load of rice from the village to Srinagar attained Nirvana on the second day of dark
and to bring a receipt for its delivery. On his way fortnight of Jesht 1891. Hundreds of his Vakhs
to Srinagar near Achhabal, the Divine Mother are available in print. A replica Samadi of
appeared before him and took off the load and Swami Mirza Kak has been established in
sent him back to the village with a proper receipt Nagrota post exodus. Swami Mirza Kak trust is
of delivery. When it was handed over to the looking after the day to day maintenance of the
Pathan, he thought it was a fraud being played on Samadi and has been appealing to the
him. He got the receipt verified and from that community and devotees for donations, so that a
moment became a disciple of Mirza Kak. A big Dharmshala and a big library could be
yearly pension was sanctioned by the Pathan established.
rulers to Mirza Kak, which lapsed in 1949 when Rajinder Premi
the government led by the National Conference New Delhi
withdrew the grants. A kardar from Srinagar, a [email protected]

42 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

- Usha Munshi

I t is amazing, how we always see two old
and young, men and women; white collar
ones and blue collar ones; whites and blacks,
working women and house makers; housewives
and maids; rich and poor the list goes on and on.
narrated by a family elder to children. The
conversation would also be question answer
type, or instructions from elders to be carried out
by younger members of the family. As much
mundane all this may sound, but just sitting
I would say dichotomy is intrinsic to our nature. together used to give immense feeling of
Out of all these classes, what bothers us (middle closeness and bonding.
class people) most is the generation gap of old For 'them' here referring to the younger
and young. If we happen to be in elderly bracket, generations, we generally carry a stereotype
where I belong to, we would often start image like they mess up their rooms, are
conversation with “In our times…” and end with undisciplined lot, lazy to the hilt, rarely go out to
a despondent tone of “Now look at our kids…” socialize, net worms (replacement for book
We would go on and on and say - we used to go worms), etc. We see our younger generation
out and interact with real people, make real hardly going out (at least that seems to be our
friends, play outdoors, enjoy family meets, go complaint) except may be to a Gym for work
for picnics and so on. Then we feel nostalgic out, a few laps of swim, a game of tennis / squash
about very strange things, such as, those narrow or other such activity to keep the body
smelly lanes, balancing a solo wheel with a reasonably fit. Occasionally, they may hang out
stick, smell from earth after first rain, walking with friends at bars or some social parties. They
over snow with those high wooden sandals, may go out trekking / biking solo or in groups.
sweet pain of frost bites, eating icicles sprinkled Yes, they do spent a lot of time on internet, social
with salt and red pepper, slipping over the media, or chatting on net. But, we oldies have
muddy roads, hanging out at Nukkuds and also picked up these habits good or bad. We
bridges, passing comments on seeing a beautiful missed all these things during our youth, as these
dame, etc. avenues were not available at those times.
We would barge into our relative's or What I feel our real problem is that our
friend's house without pre-intimation or pre- younger generation spends very less time
appointment, and yet be greeted with a smile on interacting with us. Let us dwell into this area a
the face of the host. We would spent hours just bit more. When children are at home, they spent
having small one-liner conversations, since most of the time in their rooms. We don't even
there never was much to talk about - no have our dinner together each one takes food in
arguments or discussions. Most conversations a plate and positions oneself in front of the idiot
(particularly in which ladies would indulge) box. There are no common areas of interest to
revolved around who is where, who is getting keep older and younger generations connected.
married and how that redefines the web of Our priorities are different, determined by at
relations, and who has left for his/her final what stage of life we (We and Them) are. We are
adobe. Sometimes, a biopic of a noble person, a going down the hill after having reached the
funny experience and / or a folk tale would be peak of our aspirations / achievements, whereas

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 43

younger generations have to strive to reach the cooking, cleaning, earning, looking after
pinnacle of their career, provide best for their children, etc. After all, we are concerned that
families and fulfill their individual aspirations. they are able to cope up with the challenges
We are at different emotional planes too, which thrown up at them by the present social setup,
are determined by our age. Against this where men and women are supposed to share
background, how can we even think of having no their responsibilities. We feel they should
generation gap. interact with real people relatives and friends -
Probably, we would be better off in and develop and maintain emotional bonds.
accepting the generation gap in terms of After all, we are concerned that at no stage of
differences in opinions, lifestyle and social their life they find themselves alone. The last
outlook. Really speaking, neither 'We' nor and not the least, we feel they better take care of
'Them' have any role in broadening the chasm. us when we are at the fag end of our life. After
But, still a couple of things keep nagging our all, we are concerned about ourselves,
mind. notwithstanding that we may project ourselves
We feel what mistakes we have made, our as modern and independent.
younger generations must not repeat. After all, Our younger generations will definitely
we are concerned about them. We feel our have counter arguments to each of the above,
younger generation must get into habit of saving, and may be those would be eye opener to us.
so that these savings will help them to sail We probably can cope up with 'We and
through the old age. After all, we are their well Them' syndrome, but what we are really worried
wishers. We feel they should be capable of about is 'We and Them' turning into
taking care of all dimensions of their life 'Only Me.'

44 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

-Vidyasagar Koul

Displacement - A Pain
“Years passed memories stay as dear as near and other unexpected incidents. The elderly
as yesterday” people were all together ruined because they had
Now we are about to complete three to remain confined to the four walls of the house.
decades of forced displacement from of our They did not know when the sun rises and when
motherland (valley of Kashmir). Most of the the sun sets. A large number of houses remained
families halted at Jammu and Delhi, while as locked in Jammu locality because elderly parents
others went to the other states of the country. By and other kiths and kins are forced to accompany
and large the community has settled down their siblings who are working either in different
themselves in parts of states of the country or
country though the desire outside the country.
to go back to their These elderly parents do
motherland is still there. not get a fair deal as was
There is dire need to keep expected. Instead, they
this longing for our roots have to visit frequently to
alive so that whenever their loves one’s and in
favourable situation this way these people are
arises we can move back always on the run. Since
to our homes. This long a major chunk of
lining can be kept alive population is housed in
by scholars, intellectuals Jammu division and the
and luminaries in our people celebrate the
society. If they actively marriage ceremonies and
consider and plan for other rituals of their
establishing contacts children in the newly
with the Govt. of the day constructed magnificent
then it is possible that we marriage halls where
may have not to wait too they have to pay heavy
long for our return. In my charges for such
opinion, forced displacement was altogether an functions. The community as a whole never
unfortunate event which did a tremendous loss to thought of constructing community halls for
the community in all respects, while as some conducting marriage ceremonies and other
termed this as a blessing in disguise. But
ultimately, we had to pay a high price for this.
Climatic conditions had a great impact on our
lives and people became victims of numerous
Mulsims in Kashmir have to shun the
ailments which they had never experienced in path of violence and adopt approach
their lives earlier. So many people lost their
precious lives due to the fatal diseases while as for secular values
other became victims of snake bites, accidents

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 45

functions where off we could pay nominal much as much as majority community can do. For
charges for such functions and events. We always such thing to happen Muslims in Kashmir have to
think individually and not collectively, we are shun the path of violence and adopt approach for
disarrayed and never consolidated ourselves on a secular values. World is fast becoming a global
common platform. As I have above mentioned village and now a days exclusivism cannot be
that unity is a paramount weapon and is the accepted. Meanwhile, the displaced people will
hallmark of our existence. Off and on there have also have to play an important role by doing much
been discussions going on in different quarters ground work on behalf on this. Some of our
about the safe and honourable return of Kashmiri youths who have been appointed in different
Pundits to their homes and hearths. In this departments of the government under special
context, governments at the central and the state package are presently working in the Kashmir
level are doing their homework to arrange safe division. These youths should work with full
return of the displaced people, but these agencies confidence, and any untoward situation against
would hardly come to any conclusion until and then needs to be brought to the notice. The last
unless the Muslim community in Kashmir valley but not the least, I have to submit that migration is
come forward voluntarily and initiate their a burning issue and need of the hour is that the
activities for such a great and genuine mission. government at the state and central levels rise to
There is no second opinion about this fact that the occasion and tackle the problem to the entire
government alone cannot provide security so satisfaction of one and all.

Fish in My Pot
Prof. Ashok Aima
Two fish, Anpoorna has come,
in my small pot, What a pleasure life is,
They have a Golden tint, Let’s play on!
Magnificent they are,
Elegant enough, Some time, my fish,
Dancing in their space, Rise to the top of the tank, Stay motion less for
Left and right, Up and down, sometime!
They have Energy galore, I get worried,
Enjoying freedom all the way, What happened?
Live in peace and harmony, But touching each other,
I look at them sometime, I imagine,
Be part of them, They have concern, concerned about beings,
Energy is life, Life is energy! Human being surrounding them,
My mother sees them, Why Killing?
And complaints, “Why in box, let them live in sea Man is nobler mind,
with other.” Why then this,
I reply, “They are in their apartment and enjoy!” Frogs separate,
My daughter gives them food, And dance again to their own tune,
They recognize her, feel her, identify her, A surprise!
For them, Good time will come, I am sure.
(This poem was sent to Editor
by Prof. Ashok Aima few
weeks before he left his mortal coil)

46 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

Subrat Saraf

And the huge clock of time nominated, for eradication, the pain was
has struck the thirtieth year of exile. injected to us.
My eyes blinked in 1990 for a fraction In the cries of Azadi, our blood turned the
and it is 2019..... Vitastawaters red, and the pulpits of
My Kashmir, my Motherland remains peace announced murder of India
snatched since then......
Leaving everything behind, the home, the
Insane was it that snatched her from us, toys,
cruel was it that smashed our roots, the books, the Samovaar and the garden
and pushed us into a never ending exile. of marigold,
We now keep getting displaced ever since, all at the gunpoint of enemies of
from house to house, as our homes now humanity,
appear in the dreams alone. we left, we were forced and we await
Carrying the ashes of our homes and our
culture, while bearing the load of broken The ashes of our home and our culture
towers of our temples there, overtired are now seem lighter,
now our emotions and hearts, as the wind of progression kept blowing
with the burden of our desecrated Gods. them off.
Our blood seems drained out now, For good, as there seems none to share the
by the piercing of shattered panes of our
Homes divided, families divided, so got
I yet search for my lost weeping
in a competition of false realisation, all
childhood, and my elders relentlessly
search for their soil turned red. moved apart.
My grands went into nothingness, in the
want of a glimpse, Yet our ancestors call us out loud,
of their harvest they had watered by their their ashes blowing helter swelter in the
blood and sweat Valley,
and our Kul-devi invites us loud like a
Our homes turned into dogdens and thunder.
dumpyards, We wish to breathe our last at Home in
our temples turned into crumbling ruins, yet, Kashmir
our keys hang rustically on the walls of and may out Ashes flow with the waters of
our living rooms now. the Vitasta.
Our Indianness was objected and

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 47

"Someone Said to Me..."
Vimarshi Kaul
Someone said it is hard to find, To make me lose the treasure within.
The key of that locked door. Someone said all he could,
Someone said it is hard to open, To make my heart beat in pain.
Even if I find the key.
Someone said all possible,
Someone said I am an open book, To rip my soul apart.
Yet locked somewhere hopelessly. With every single drop of tear,
Someone said I am so hidden, My mind got a touch of chaos.
Why can't I let people see?
To that someone who couldn't come
Someone said that the rain will cause to halt,
me pain, Or give a pause to the words and
The water I will drown in. thoughts.
Someone said to go cry in rain, I could still stand tall,
That would wash away all with it. Let go of the things so out of tune.

Someone said I was too bold, I was disturbed but not shaken,
Can't I keep myself on hold. Firm I was still full of love.
Someone said I m trouble, I stood like a mountain,
Scattered piece of misery. Between conditioning of theirs and
peace within.
Someone said to go lie on pyre,
For that is where I m meant to be. There conditions and so many
Someone said to go dig in,
Could not dare move my belief on me.
To create some space in earth to fit in..
Their approach was to pollute,
The purity held within me.
Someone said I think too much,
Thoughts that evoke fear. I m whole, the whole is I.
Someone said I m afraid to lose, I have nothing for to cry.
The nothing I have in me. They said I m full of nothing and that
is how they see me,
Someone said all she could, I said this nothing is all I want to be....

48 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

Vijay Kashkari

îî COUNSELLING helping to solve many challenging problems in
Artificial Intelligence computer science, software engineering and
In computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), is operations research. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is
called machine intelligence. A machine or constantly and actively growing and changing. AI
mechanical device is a mechanical structure that uses continues to expand human capability beyond our
power to apply forces and control movement to imagination.
perform an intended action. Machines can be driven This course is about to learn the basics of AI
by animals and people, by natural forces such as wind and its applications. Parts of this course are featured
and water, and by chemical, thermal, or electrical in the Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree and
power, and include a system of mechanisms that the Data Analyst Nanodegree programme. AI is
activate input to achieve a specific application of applied to advancements to the growth of the
output forces and movement. They can also include automotive industry of self-driving vehicles. As of
computers and sensors that monitor performance and 2016, there are over 30 companies utilizing AI into
plan movement, often called mechanical systems. In the creation of driverless cars.
simple words, AI may be described as the theory and Finance and economics have long used AI
development of computer systems able to perform systems to detect charges or claims outside of the
tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as norm, flagging these for human investigation. The
visual perception, speech recognition, decision- use of AI in banking can be traced back to 1987 when
making, and translation between languages. Security Pacific National Bank in US set-up a Fraud
There are six identified simple machines which Prevention Task force to counter the unauthorised
are the elementary devices that put a load into use of debit cards. Programs like Kasisto and Money
motion. Modern machines are complex systems that stream are using AI in financial services.
consist of structural elements, mechanisms and Artificial intelligence (AI) has a range of uses
control components and include interfaces for in government. It can be used in areas such as
convenient use. Examples include a wide range of emergency services, health and welfare, as well as
vehicles, such as automobiles, boats and airplanes, assist the public to interact with government, through
appliances in the home and office, including the use of virtual assistants. The use of AI in
computers, building air handling and water handling government comes with significant benefits,
systems, as well as farm machinery, machine tools including efficiencies resulting in cost savings.
and factory automation systems and robots. Artificial intelligence is breaking into the
Artificial intelligence was founded as an healthcare industry by assisting doctors. According
academic discipline in 1956. But, as an academic to Bloomberg Technology, Microsoft has developed
course, could not found the place in academic AI to help doctors find the right treatments for
institutions due to several reasons. Earlier the subject cancer.
was thought to be a fiction. But scientists working on Some of the Institutes in India which offer
it were optimistic to succeed in their efforts. By the Master courses in Artificial Intelligence are:
middle of the 1960s, research in the U.S. was heavily University of Hyderabad, IIT Bombay, IIT Madras,
funded by the Department of Defense] and IISc Bangalore and ISI Kolkata.
laboratories had been established around the world. Educational Requirements for Careers in
AI's founders were optimistic about the future: Artificial Intelligence are Knowledge of various
Herbert Simon predicted, "Machines will be capable, level of math, including probability, statistics,
within twenty years, of doing any work a man can algebra, calculus, logic and algorithms, Bayesian
do". Marvin Minsky agreed, writing, "Within a networking or graphical modeling, including neural
generation ... the problem of creating 'artificial nets, Physics, engineering and robotics, Computer
intelligence' will substantially be solved". By the science, programming languages and coding. The
twenty-first century, AI techniques have experienced aspirants must have qualified B.Sc, B.Com, B.A
a resurgence following concurrent advances in Best Countries to Study MS Abroad is USA
computer power, large amounts of data, and (USA has always been the best and favorite study
theoretical understanding; and AI techniques have abroad destination for pursuing Masters), United
become an essential part of the technology industry, Kingdom (UK) ( Master courses duration in UK are

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 49

shorter than other countries, it only takes 1 year as Machine learning engineers are in high
compared to other countries)Australia and Canada. demand as more companies adopt artificial
The other fields, AI is applied are Military, intelligence technologies. With demand outpacing
Advertising, Art and Video games. supply, the average yearly salary for a machine
There are also leading Courses and Training learning engineer is a healthy $125,000 to $175,000.
Programs on Artificial Intelligence in India. They According to Economic Times (daily news
are; PG Diploma in Machine Learning and AI from paper), Artificial intelligence was not the hottest job
IIIT-Bangalore. of 2018. Artificial Intelligence/machine learning
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and specialists rank sixth in the list of highest-paid
Machine Learning BY IIIT, Hyderabad in professionals. Bangalore and Pune rule when it
Association with Talent Sprint. comes to cities that pay employees the most at all
PG Program in AI and Machine Learning by levels, according to the report. In India, It may take
Great Learning. more time to command high salaries.
Full Stack Machine Learning and AI Program
by JIGSAW Academy PG Certificate Program in AI îî ADMISSION ALERTS
and Deep Learning by MANIPAL Pro learn Admission for Degree Engineering, Degree /
Applied Machine Learning Course by Applied Diploma Pharmacy for wards of Jammu &
AI Course Kashmir Migrants
PG Diploma in Machine Learning and AI by Applications are invited from the wards of J&K
Careers of Tomorrow— AMITY Online. migrants as per the provisions of the Government of
Columbia University’s AI Program by Pearson Gujarat for admission to first year Degree
Professional Program Masters in AI, Machine Engineering, Degree / Diploma Pharmacy courses
Learning and Deep Learning by ZEKELABS after 12th (HSC) Science Stream in Govt./ Grant-in-
AI Course by MINDMAJIX Technologies INC aid / Self-financed institutes (two seats per institute).
The education is imparted in classes, classes Application forms and other details are available on
and online or online. The classes are held in website:
Bengaluru, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Gurgaon, Eligibility for admission for Degree
Hyderabad, Noida, Mumbai and New Delhi. Engineering, Degree/ Diploma Pharmacy shall be as
Some of the Institutes in India which offer per above mentioned Notifications. Students
Master courses in Artificial Intelligence are: applying under this category for admissions to the
University of Hyderabad, IIT Bombay, IIT Madras, first year Degree Engineering, Degree/ Diploma
IISc Bangalore and ISI Kolkata. Pharmacy are exempted from GUJCET-2019.
Educational Requirements for Careers in Eligible and interested candidates should apply in
Artificial Intelligence are Knowledge of various the prescribed application form available on the
level of math, including probability, statistics, website along with self attested copies of relevant
algebra, calculus, logic and algorithms, Bayesian documents and a demand draft for Rs. 350/- for
networking or graphical modeling, including neural Degree Engineering, Degree/Diploma Pharmacy
nets, Physics, engineering and robotics, Computer courses in favor of “Admission Committee for
science, programming languages and coding. The Professional Courses” payable at Ahmedabad so as
aspirants must have qualified B.Sc, B.Com, B.A to reach the Committee on or before 17/06/2019 up
Best Countries to Study MS Abroad is USA to 05.30 p.m. Merit list of all eligible candidates shall
(USA has always been the best and favorite study be placed on the website on 22/06/2019. Counseling
abroad destination for pursuing Masters), United program will be held on 05/07/ 2019 from 11.00 a.m.
Kingdom (UK) ( Master courses duration in UK are at the office of the Committee.
shorter than other countries, it only takes 1 year as Help Line Number: 079-26566000 (24 X 7)
compared to other countries)Australia and Canada.
The Six Hottest Jobs In Artificial Intelligence Jiwaji University, Gwalior UG/ PG admission
are : Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Online Applications are invited for admission to the
Software Developer, Robotics Scientist, Business Graduate Courses, Post-Graduate Courses, M.B.A,
Intelligence Developer and AI Research Scientist. M.Tech. Law and M.Phil offered by the University at is a degree site that has its campus for the academic year 2019-20. Date of
revealed the top artificial intelligence roles that are Entrance test will be held on 28 June 2019 •
currently most in demand. The site also publishes The aspirants seeking admission to MCA,
business school reviews, showcases innovative MBA, B.E. (Electronics, Computer Science &
degree programs and provides graduate students with Chemical) & B. Pharma. should apply through DTE,
tools and data. Bhopal. More details can be found on their website

50 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha

Phalgun-Chaitra 2076
2075 / 5094 (Saptarishi) new academic session 2019-20, Savitribai Phule
For Non-Entrance Test Based Courses, Pune University (SPPU) has announced that it will
admission Date is 10, July, 2019. conduct its first Online Entrance Examination (OEE)
The student can apply for admission by between June 10 and 20.
filling application form online through The university stated that the dates will vary for or individual subjects and candidates will need to check
The admission rules, fee and departmental the home page of the SPPU website for the entrance
information can be seen at: test schedule. Online application forms can be filled
The printout of admission form along with the on or before May 25.
Photocopies of the Mark Sheets and other required This is the first time that admissions for all UG
documents like Kashmiri migrant are required to be and PG courses will be conducted through a
submitted to the Chairman Admission Committee, mandatory entrance test. Until now, admissions to
School of Studies in Physics, Jiwaji University, only select courses were conducted through entrance
Gwalior-474011, either by Speed Post or in person. exams while for a majority of courses, admissions
M.Sc. Neuroscience is DBT sponsored were conducted purely on merit.
programme. Candidates admitted shall get a
fellowship of Rs. 5000/- P.M. îî EDUCATION NEWS BYTES
Reservation is applicable as per MP Govt. / Change in Exam Pattern for CBSE Class 10
University rules. Board Exam 2020
Submission of admission for Entrance test The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
based courses is without late fees plans to introduce certain changes in the examination
Tuesday June 18, 2019 and with late fees pattern of class 10 from 2020 onwards with a purpose
Thursday June 20, 2019. to reduce the burden of class 10 students.
Detailed information about various courses can The exam pattern will be bifurcated into two
be obtained from our university levels instead of just a single 100-mark paper. To
website check the ability of students, an internal exam will be
Contact Numbers: 0751-2442801, 2442603, conducted by the school and this internal exam will
2442701, 2442712, 9425113496, 9425742232, and
be of 20 marks. Therefore, the common CBSE exam
9301123457 Toll free: 1800-233-1964
will be 80 marks instead of 100 marks. The CBSE
Central University of Orissa Admission named this move “learner-centric” and emphasized
Admission of students for all the programmes on the importance of internal assessment. This new
offered by the University is on the basis of Entrance exam pattern will only be applicable on English and
Examination conducted at the National Level. Mathematics exam. The students who will clear the
The University offers a number of Under- internal exams conducted by school, will be eligible
Graduate/Post-Graduate and Research Programmes
for the final written exams.
namely, B.Ed., B.C.A. and M.A. in Economics,
Moreover, the class 10 students will now have
English, Hindi, J&MC, Odia, Sanskrit, Sociology,
M.Sc. in Statistics, Anthropology, Biodiversity and an option to choose between the difficulty level of the
Conservation of Natural Resources, MBA, and 5 math exam from “standard” to “basic” level. The
year Integrated M.Sc. in Mathematics. Research easier version of the math syllabus will be called
Programmes namely; M.Phil, and Ph.D. mathematics-basic whereas the current syllabus will
Reservation for Kashmiri Migrant is 1 to 2 seats as be called the mathematics-standard. However, the
per the department. Candidates are to apply through students who will choose an easier version of math
on-line for the UG/PG programmes and are to log-in syllabus i.e.mathematics-basics, will not be allowed
to the University website There shall to take mathematics as a major subject in higher
be an entrance examination for admission to all the studies.
programmes on the dates determined by the CBSE Sets Pace for Talent Promotion in Sports
University. Please read the Important Notes The special drive of CBSE to promote talents in
mentioned on the website before filling-up the online sports led the authorities to a departure from set
Application Form. Closing date of online application practice of following the fixed exam schedule this
form is 7th June 2019. Date of Entrance Examination year. There were six students who were to represent
is 29th and 30th June 2019 India at various sports events while other class X and
University website:
XII students were busy writing CBSE board exams
Admission UG/PG Pune University according to the preset date sheet.
Pune University seeks application for admission to After confirmation from the Sports Authority
all undergraduate and postgraduate courses for the

Phalgun-Chaitra 2075
Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076/ 5094
/ 5094(Saptarishi)
(Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 51
of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, gave its entrance-based undergraduate, masters, M.Phil
special permission to three class XII students and and PhD programs for the 2019-20 academic season.
four class X students for appearing in Board Exams As per the reports the NTA has asked DU to
on later dates. send its terms and conditions for the tests and other
details. DU will be the second central university to
îî CBSE CLASS 12 ENGLISH PAPER PATTERN go for NTA’s computer-based admission tests after
CBSE Letter to Parents DU conducts Delhi University Entrance Test
Some key changes have been made by the CBSE for (DUET) for offering admission into few of its UG
the new academic session of 2019-20. The CBSE has and PG courses.
written a letter to all the parents of students saying
that it will now focus on skill-oriented learning. îî SCHOLARSHIP
The Art Education, Sports Period, Introduction Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search
of new subjects like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Early Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search
Childhood Care Education and Yoga has been made (JBNSTS) Kolkata invites applications for Junior
mandatory by the CBSE. Talent Search Test (JTST) & Senior Talent Search
The board has also introduced the culinary art Test (STST ) for awarding JBNSTS Scholarships
for class 6 to 8 students while making art integration a
cross-cutting theme across all the discipline. A
podcast named “CBSE- Shiksha Vani” has also been The Scholarship is awarded in the field of
launched for parents, students and the public to Basic Science (Hons), Engineering and Medicine for
provide them interesting information regarding the the students of West Bengal.
Board’s activities and guidelines from time to time. Students who have passed 10+2 examination
Regarding the introduction of sports, games or yoga in science category in 2019 and are aspiring to study
period in schools, the CBSE chairman Anita Karwal Basic Sciences/Medicine/Engineering in West
mentioned the importance of physical activities in the Bengal are eligible. Those who have passed H.S. or
letter. equivalent examination in science category before
Film and Television Institute Gets AICTE Nod for 2019 are not eligible to apply. Pass course and
Five Courses Diploma course students shall not be eligible. Final
Five courses of the Film and Television Institute of selection of scholar is subject to submission (in the
India (FTII), Pune, have been given approval by the month of September 2019) of their proof of
All India Council for Technical Education. admission in the 1st year UG (Science (H)/ Engg.
The approval makes India’s premier film /Med) course in any institute of West Bengal
school, FTII, the first and only institute in this For Junior Talent Search Test (JTST) 2019
category in the country to receive such recognition. Applicant who have passed 10th standard
Of the five FTII courses which have received examination in 2019 with minimum 75% marks/
AICTE approval, four are in television wing equivalent C.G.P.A. (in aggregate) and currently
(direction, electronic cinematography, video editing, studying in class XI in science stream (with at least
and sound recording and TV engineering) and one in subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics,
film wing (feature film screenplay writing). Biology, Statistics, Electronics, Computer Science)
“This is a historic moment for the FTII to have in any school in West Bengal are eligible to apply.
received AICTE approval for all five PG Certificate Those who have passed 10th standard examination
courses. This makes FTII the first film school in India before 2019 are not eligible to apply
to receive this recognition,” Chairman of FTII D e t a i l s a r e a v a i l a b l e o n We b s i t e
Governing Council Brijendra Pal Singh said. Downloadable Forms are available
In the recent years, FTII’s television courses or may be obtained by sending
have been in the limelight winning several National self-addressed stamped (Rs.10/-) envelope to
awards and even international honours. The AICTE JBNSTS, 1300 Rajdanga Main Road, Kolkata-
approval lends more value to the TV courses making 700107 (West Bengal). For hard copy application,
them as attractive as the film wing specializations, he please clearly mention either JTST or STST (as
said. applicable) on the top of the envelope.
DU Entrance Exam May be Conducted by From 01st June 2019, filling of application
National Testing Agency form will start and dead date of application is 31st
As per TOI report, Delhi University has requested July 2019 and of examination 25th August 2019.
National Testing Agency (NTA) to conduct exam for Feedback : [email protected]

52 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

List of June
Team NAAD pays homage to the martyr's who were brutally killed by Jihadi's in Kashmir which
eventually lead to the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandit's from their Homeland. NAAD shall regularly pay
homage on monthly basis to these innocent victims of Islamic fundamentalism. The given below list is not
comprehensive we request community members along with friends, and relatives of victims to share further
details of martyr's so that we can compile a complete list and pay our tribute to them.

S. No. Martyr’s Name Location Killing Date

1 Sh. Ramesh Kumar Anantnag 01.06.1990

2 Sh. Badri Nath Gosanigund, Anantnag 02.06.1990
3 Sh. Damodhar Raina Kulgam, Anantnag 02.06.1990
4 Sh. Bushan Lal Koul … 02.06.1990
5 Sh. Satish Lal Kalla … 03.06.1990
6 Sh. Shiban Krishen Kallu Bagi Mehtab, Srinagar 03.06.1990
7 Smt. Girja Tickoo Bandipore 04.06.1990
8 Sh. Shiben Krishen Koul Baramulla 04.06.1990
9 Sh. Aftab Ram Rainawari, Srinagar 04.06.1990
10 Sh. Gokal Nath Bagi Mehtab, Srinagar 04.06.1990
11 Sh. Jawahir Lal Bhat … 06.06.1990
12 Sh. Radha Krishan Patwari Turoo, Anantnag 06.06.1990
13 Sh. Raj Kr. Jailkhani Zero Bridge, Srinagar 07.06.1990
14 Sh. Sham Lal Lal Mandi, Srinagar 07.06.1990
15 Sh. Ramesh Kr. Raina … 07.06.1990
16 Sh. Radha Krishan … 07.06.1990
17 Sh. Chhota Lal Maisuma, Srinagar 07.06.1990
18 Sh. Inder Kumar Natipora, Srinagar 11.06.1990
19 Sh. Kanaya Lal Mahraj Gunj, Srinagar 11.06.1990
20 Sh. Pushkar Nath Danwachi 11.06.1990
21 Sh. Omkar Nath Raina Devi Angan, Srinagar 11.06.1990
22 Sh. Ashok Kr. Pandita … 12.06.1990
23 Sh. Triloki Nath Mahraj Gunj, Srinagar 12.06.1990
24 Sh. Chuni Lal … 13.06.1990
25 Sh. Chaman Lal Kawoosa NOT KNOWN
26 Sh. Rugh Nath … 14.06.1990
27 Sh. A. K. Safaya Habakadal, Srinagar 15.06.1990
28 Sh. Dayaram Koul Srinagar 15.06.1990
29 Sh. Ashok Kumar Sopore 15.06.1990
30 Sh. Saroop Nath … 16.06.1990
31 Sh. Desh Raj Hari Singh, Srinagar 16.06.1990
32 Sh. Gopi Chand Kupwara 17.06.1990

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 53

33 Sh. Badri Nath Koul … 18.06.1990
34 Sh. Jawahir Lal Ganjoo Bana Mohalla, Srinagar 18.06.1990
35 Smt. Parana Ganjoo …. 18.06.1990
36 Smt. Durga Koul Bana Mohalla, Srinagar 18.06.1990
37 Sh. Tej Krishan Pandit …. 19.06.1990
38 Sh. Rajinder Kr. Tickoo Pulwama, Shopian 20.06.1990
39 Sh. Sanjay Thusoo Nowgam, Srinagar 22.06.1990
40 Smt. Jigri … 22.06.1990
41 Sh. Bal Krishen Tatoo Habakadal, Srinagar 22.06.1990
42 Sh. Baljee … 22.06.1990
43 Sh. Makhan Lal Raina …. 22.06.1990
44 Smt. Rohini … 22.06.1991
45 Sh. M L Bhat … 22/23.06.1990
46 Sh. Ashok Kumar Khanka Sukhta, Srinagar 23.06.1990
47 Sh. Prathavi Nath Tickoo Khanka Sukhta, Srinagar 23.06.1990
48 Sh. Ashwani Kumar Srinagar 23.06.1990
49 Sh. Gopi Nath Raina Khanka Sukhta, Srinagar 23.06.1990
50 Sh. Ashok Kumar Kotha … 24.06.1990
51 Sh. Som Nath Chattabal, Srinagar 24.06.1990
52 Sh. Chaman Lal Tickoo … 24.06.1990
53 Sh. Badri Nath Wattal … 25.06.1990
54 Sh. Satish Kumar Raina Ganderbal, Srinagar 26.06.1990
55 Sh. Brij Lal Raina Dambi, Dola 26.06.1990
56 Sh. Satish Kumar Ganderbal, Srinagar 26.06.1990
57 Sh. Gopal Nath … 26.06.1990
58 Sh. Ramesh Razdan … 26.06.1990
59 Sh. T N Raina Srinagar 26.06.1990
60 Sh. Yogesh Kumar Rambagh, Srinagar 26.06.1990
61 Sh. Gopi Nath Raina … 26.06.1990
62 Sh. Ram Chand Behama 26.06.1990
63 Sh. Vivek Labaroo … 29.06.1990
64 Sh. Rajinder … 30.06.1990
65 Sh. Omkar Nath Mattoo …. 30.06.1990
66 Prof. Neelkant Raina Khan Sokhta, Srinagar 30.06.1990
67 Sh. Tej Dhar Budhgami Ali Kadal 30.06.1990
68 Sh. Shamboo Nath Behama 30.06.1990
69 Sh. Madan Mohan … 11.06.1991
70 Sh. Kashi Nath Koul … 13.06.1991
71 Sh. Nanajee … 13.06.1991
72 Smt. Rohini … 22.06.1991
73 Sh. Dura Nath Rafiz … 03.06.1992
74 Sh. Prem Nath Bhat … 06.06.1993
75 Sh. Raj Nath … 05.06.1996

54 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

From the Earthly World to the Realm of Gods :
Kasturbhai Lalbhai Collection of Indian Drawings
Kasturbhai Lalbhai Collection of Indian art in Ahmedabad has a great historical importance besides the
quality of the art objects and their range. A part of this art collection is deposited as gift at the Lalbhai
Dalpatbhai Institute of Indology, comprising of over 1855 drawings and unfinished paintings, representing
most of the schools of Indian Miniature paintings. The collection was formed by the famous painter brothers
Gaganendranath Tagore (1867- 1938) and Abanindranath Tagore (1871 -1951) in Calcutta, initially in
collaboration with E.B. Havell (1861 -1934) who initiated the Revival of Indian Art during the first decade of
the 20th century. A large number of drawings and paintings were obtained from a traditional artist in Patna as
recorded by Ananda Coomaraswamy who published fifteen of them along with drawings from his own
collection in 1910. Inspired by the nationalistic sentiments for the arts around the beginning of the 20th
century, the creative activities and the collecting enthusiasm of the two artists were intimately related and one
nourished the other. E. B. Havell as principal of the School of Art and Craft in Calcutta had set an example by
establishing a full-fledged 'Indian Art Gallery' as part of his art institution replacing the copies of European art
with original Indian paintings, stone sculptures, metal objects and textiles. Several British and European
sympathizers had collaborated with E.B. Havell as well as Abanindranath and Gaganendranath, who put
together their collective energies towards the improvement of artists' training as well as concerning
appreciation of India's newly discovered art heritage. It was in such a stimulating atmosphere that in 1909
young Ananda Coomaraswamy joined the revivalist activities centered around the Tagore house-hold in
Kolkata. Ananda Coomaraswamy not only expanded his own collection, but he also shared and influenced
the selections made by Tagore brothers in their art collection. Eventually this prestigious Indian art collection
was offered to Shri Kasturbhai Lalbhai, the leading industrialist and philanthropist of Ahmedabad where the
great collection was shifted in around 1940.
In this book a selection of approximately 450 drawings, has been taken up which are classified in terms of
schools and styles, exploring identification of provenance and themes of concerned drawings. However,
eventually the drawings are organized in thematic groups and the guiding concept is to place the themes
reflecting this terrestrial world in which we are living, as the centre. Traversing through a hierarchical
sequence would mean to begin with the animal world and the last culminating section to be that of
Mahishasuramardini from the realm of gods. The transition from animal world to human world would involve
a section on man and beast relationship, which includes a section on hunting. The human world has divisions
such as ordinary people at work known as ‘trades’ or ‘occupations’ involving human skills and technology,
very intrinsic to daily survival, and a part of civilizational growth of mankind. Next segment is devoted to
scenes of entertainment, such as music performances along with which we are included Rāgamālā
paintings, followed by other human activities namely festivals, marriage processions, etc. Next section then
takes up likenesses of ordinary persons but specific human beings and culminates with portraits of
dignitaries, Kings, Nawabs, who have risen in their status of power in the material physical world, and who
are also the patrons of art. These are divided into three units, (i) Mughal dynasty Kings, (ii) Nawabs and
Hindu aristocrats from Murshidabad, (iii) Hindu and Sikh rulers. Images of Sufis and episodes from the lives
of religious saints such as Guru Nanak (Janam Sakhi), Shri Chaitanya and Vallabhacharya provide a
transitional phase towards the segment dealing with the spiritual world of the gods. The section on the world
of gods including Hindu mythology, is subdivided into Vaishnava themes, Ramayana, Vishnu/Krishna,
Shaiva themes and the folios illustrating Devi killing demons. The last section is something like a climax of the
book dealing with the power of feminine divinity. These drawings give us an insight into the working of Indian
artists' mind and creativity. This amazing collection of Indian Drawings is aesthetically much comparable to
the very famous drawings of the European Old Masters of the Renaissance period.

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 55

Prof. Rattan Parimoo
Prof. Ratan Parimoo has been Head of the Department
of Art History & Aesthetics for 25 years (1966 - 1991) at
the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. He was
appointed Professor in 1978 and has also served as
Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the same University
for 6 years (1975 - 1981). He began his teaching career
in Art History & Aesthetics in 1959. Besides being a
leading art historian, (he was awarded the Jawaharlal
Nehru Fellowship, 1991 - 1993), he is also an eminent
painter. He was one of the earliest students of the
Faculty of Fine Arts, M.S.U., Baroda having passed
B.A. in painting in 1955 and M.A. in painting in 1957.
Another significant aspect of his personality is that he is equally at home with both
contemporary as well as traditional arts of India in his critical writings. As a life led as painter,
art historian and art teacher, he has been interested in interdisciplinary study of the arts,
which is reflected in the encyclopedic critical anthology edited by him entitled, 'Creative Arts
in Modern India'. As a recepient of Commonwealth Scholarship, Prof. Parimoo went to
London University to study History of European Art at the Courtauld Institute of Art. He
received the Rockfeller Grant to travel in the U.S.A., where he studied Indian Sculpture
briefly under the great art historian, the late Dr. Stella Kramrisch. He was invited to
participate in the wenty-third World Congress of the International Society of Education
through Art, held in Australia. He is the chief editor of the prestigious collections of papers
read on the occasions of the seminars organized in his department at Baroda, viz. (i) UGC
workshop on History of Art, (ii) Vaishnavism indian Art & Culture, (iii) Ellora Caves:
Sculptures Architecture, and (iv) the Art of Ajanta: New erspectives. His individual
publications include, (a) Paintings of the Three Tagores: banindranath, Gaganendranath
and Rabindranath, enlarged edition, The Art of Three Tagores, (b) Studies in modern Indian
Art, (c) Sculptures of Sheshasayi Vishnu, d)Life of Buddha in Indian Sculpture, and (e)
Essays on New Art history Studies in Indian Sculpture.
He has written extensively on the subject of Jatakas in uddhist Art emphasizing on
narratology in the Indian pictorial arts. He also continues to write on Modern Indian Art. In
2009 he edited 'Historical Development of Contemporary Indian Art 1880 - 1947', published
by Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi.
He is currently the Director of L.D. Museum & N.C. Mehta Gallery, Ahmedabad, where he
has published the following books: (a) N.C. Mehta Collection, Vol I- Gujarati School and Jain
Manuscript Panting (b) N.C. Mehta Collection, Vol II- Rajasthan, Central Indian, Pahari, and
Mughal Paintings, (c) From the Earthly World to the Realm of Gods, Kasturbhai Lalbhai
Collection of Indian Drawings.

56 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

Kundan Lal Saigal :
His Life & Music
Author : Sharad Dutt
Transcreated by : Jyoti Sabharwal
Reviewed by
Ashok Ogra

Hailed as the emperor of music, a musician of

masses, Kundan Lal Saigal died exactly a year
before Gandhiji. The number of people who grew up listening to Saigal would be anything but
substantial now. What happens to Saigal's legacy, then, once these people are gone too? That is
what prompted SharadDutt to write his biography “Kundan: Saigal's Life & Music,” to keep his
memory alive forever, like his immortal songs that continue to resonatewith a large section of the
The book under review celebrates the greatness of Kundan lal Saigal, who without any formal
training in music, recorded 185 songs, apart from acting in 36 films, in a short span of about 15
What is less known is that Saigal also lent his voice to Tamil version of Devdas. Reproducing
few lines from the song he sang in Tamil:
(A man falls from grace when he is excessively in love, pierced by cupid's arrow)
(Oh endearing parrot, it is best that we live together. Unity is strength).
Kundan also sang many non-film songs including in Persian.
Sharad ascribes the success of Kundan Saigal to the singer's rare ability 'to invade the realm of
popularity and enchant the masses while retaining classical base'. That is why his music continues
to resonate a century later.
Sharad has taken pains to visit all the towns and cities that shaped Kundan Saigal to become
such a legend. He builds the narrative around conversations with those who knew or worked with
him and delivers one of the most well researched authentic and definite biographies of one of the
greatestsingers cum actorof the 20th century.
The book starts with singer's initial struggle to gain entry and earn recognition from the
doyens who were part of the New Theatre in Calcutta and Ranjit Movie toneand other producers in
According to Sharad, Saigal never let go the memories of that excruciating struggle even
when he touched the heights of stardom. He writes: “This realization gave him a sense of
detachment from the material world and its trappings. It also bonded him with the underprivileged,
which was manifested in his generosity and philanthropic streak”.
Kundan's father, Amar Chand Saigal, had migrated from his home town Jalandhar to Jammu
where he worked in the court of Maharaja Hari Singh. Kundan was born on April 4, 1904 in
Mohalla Mastgarh, Jammu. He inherited the talent from his mother Kesar Kaur who used to sing
Bhajans. After exactly forty days, Kesar bathed new born son in River Tawi and then visited Sufi-
Pir Salman Yosuf, and laid the baby at his feet to seek benediction.
Saigal attended a primary school close to his residence and later shifted to Sri Ranbir Singh

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 57

High School. He also attended Prince of Wales College (presently Gandhi Memorial College). But
he never showed great inclination towards studies often inviting reprimand from his teachers.
During early 1900s, theater was a rage in Jammu and some Parsi theatre groups like Alfred,
New Alfred and Victoria were active in staging dance dramas and plays at the Old Secretariat, while
Ramleela was staged by Diwan Mandir Rangmanch (now christened Sanatan Dharam Natak
Kundan would often be invited to lend his voice to Sita's anguish and sing songs during
Ramleelas. Incidentally, after Kundan left Jammu, the role of Sita was played by Om Prakash
Bakshi who after joining Bollywood came to be known as comedian Om Prakash. Similarly,
Omkar Nath Dhar was another artist who would participate in Ramleela but later acquired a new
identity and fame as Jeevan, playing the villain in Hindi films.
After his retirement, Kundan's father decided to settle down in Jalandhar. He was never
enamored of his son's desire to pursue music and often scolded him for not taking up a regular job.
This prompted him to leave for Delhi where he worked as an electrician and later took up a sales
representative for Remington typewriters.
During one business visits to Calcutta (Kolkata) in 1931, Saigal met B.N. Sircar of New
Theatres who hired him on a five-year contract at a monthly salary of Rs 200.At New Theatres,
Kundan also got to meet celebrated musicians of those times Raichand Boral, Pankaj Mullick and
Timir Baran Bhattacharya - who further chiseled his craft.
Kundan Saigal set the ball rolling with his maiden film MOHABBAT KE AANSU (1932) on
January 16, 1932, under the supervision of music director Raichand Boral. The film was directed by
Premankur Atorthy. The film credits showed his name as Saigal Kashmiri perhaps fearful of his
father who din't want him to join the film industry.
But the film flopped. His next two films, ZINDA LAASH and SUBAHKA SITARA met a
similar fate. However, his songs in YEHUDI KI LADKI became a hit:
(She is such a severe critic that I can't relate the grief of my heart).
The author gives credit to Kundan Saigal for ushering in the new era of ghazal-singing as he
made poetry come alive, given his superb command over the language. A bilingual artist, Saigal
could sing and speak Bangla as proficiently as any Bengali. And the real feather in his cap was
being the only non-Bengali whom Gurudev Tagore gave permission to sing RabindraSangeet.
Sharad writes: “When CHANDIDAS in Bangla was remade in Hindi with singer-actor
Kundan in the lead, his stellar act and sterling singing wowed the viewers, It was his first
professional success…”
Soon, Nitin Bose directed POORAN BHAGAT in Hindi. Though Saigal didn't get any role in
this film, Bose consented to picturise four bhajans on Saigal as a street singer. But his most defining
role was yet to come. Saigal sang two songs in PC Barua's classic DEVDAS in Bengali, adapted
from Sarat Chandra Chatterjee's novel. But it was in the Hindi version of DEVDAS that Saigal
came to play the lead role. The film met with huge success and the songs sung by Saigal are popular
even today:
(Beloved, come and dwell in my heart)
(The days of agony don't seem to get over),
(There is no peace without the beloved).
Now Saigal was heading for super-stardom.
B.N. Sircar, too, held Saigal in high esteem, as in his words, “Saigal was not good-looking.
And yet he became popular. He was not glamorous, he was real, and he was true. A man dies in his

58 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

legends, but Saigal would stay alive in his songs and in his acting.”
It was time for Saigal to move to Bombay and he shifted base in 1941. He swung roles in films
produced by Ranjit Movietone: BHAKT SURDAS, TANSEN and BHANWRA.
But it was SHAHJEHAN (1946), directed by A R Kardar with lyrics by Majrooh Sultanpur
and Naushad providing the music thatendeared the singer to the masses:
(Such boundless sorrow, didn't know the heart is so fragile)
(When the heart is broken, what purpose does it serve to live).
He had by now already become a household name across the country.
It is said that even the greatest of men have feet of clay and Saigal, whose addiction to alcohol
was as much talked about as the magic in his voice, was no exception. But Sharad marshals facts to
demolish the theory that Saigal died because of excessive alcohol. According to the author, the
reason of his death was diabetes as opposed to those floating in the industry. This research work of
almost eight years is practically a correct work on his life. Similarly, Dutt takes great pains in
correcting few other facts: "Take for example the correct date of his birth- it is April 4, 1904 and not
April 11”.
The author also refers to the absence of bonhomie between Malika Pukraj and Kundan though
both belonged to Jammu.
Sharad who makes no bones of his admiration for the singer but at the same time the author in
him is conscious of his responsibility towards readers.Archival records, rare photographs and
posters of Saigal's films embellish and enriches author's account.
The original book titled 'Kundan' was written by Sharad Dutt in 2004 and earned the author
National Award for Best Book on Indian Cinema.
The book under review 'KUNDAN SAIGAL: HIS LIFE & TIMES' was released last month at
a well attended function in Delhi. It has been transcreated into English by noted journalist and
author Jyoti Sabharwal of the reputed Stellar.
Sharad is an award winning documentary filmmaker and former DDG of Doordarshan, an
author and above all a connoisseur of art and literature. In the words of the author: “My formative
years were filled with music, particularly Saigal's songs, which over the decades became a
The book also reflects on singer's visits to astrologers during the phase he was struggling to
gain foothold in the movie industry. He visited noted astrologer Viswanath Rajgadia at NaiSarak,
Delhi. On examining his horoscope, the astrologer said to him: “All I wish to say is that this is a play
of the stars. Anything is likely to happen, but without purushrarth (mettle and perseverance), even
stars can't alter your fate.”
We all know that Saigal achieved an iconic stature in the film industry. But what the astrologer
didn't know or didn't want to tell young Kundan was that his stardom wouldn't last that long.
Soon after finishing shooting for SHAHJEHAN and PARWANA, his health started
deteriorating and he decided to go back to Jalandhar to recuperate and return to Bombay after
sometime. But that was never to be.
He died on January 18, 1947 leaving behind millions of grieving fans.
As a tribute to this legendary singer, Shard aptly quotes Saquib Lakhnavi:
(The world was listening with great fondness. I went off to sleep while narrating the saga).
It is one such book that lovers of music and Bollywood will find informative, engaging and
(Courtesy: This article has appeared in Daily Excelsior: April 28, 2019).

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 59

With best compliments from

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60 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

Matrimonial Service

1. Looking for a Suitable Match for our Son Born, 7th September 1991 (11.02AM) at Jammu,
height (178cms). B.E (C.S.E). Presently working in MNC AS Team Leader in Gurugram
(Haryana), earning handsome salary. Interested person may contact on MB- 8826008555. Email-
[email protected].
2. Looking for a Suitable Match for our Son Born, 2 January 1991 (6.30PM) at Jammu, height
(5'.11”). B.Tech (C.S.E) computer Science from VTU Bangalore, Karnataka University.
Presently working as Senior Business Development specialist in Sales in Net Surion (USA) MNC
at Bangalore, earning handsome salary. Parents are settled in Jammu & Pune. Interested person
may contact on MB- 7006171324, 9055272134, 8717090264. Email- [email protected]
3. Seeking a suitable alliance for our daughter born on Aug 30, 1992 at 3.37 AM at Jammu. She is
180 cms tall. She has done B.Com & M.Com from H. L. College of commerce, Ahmedabad.
Additional. Qualification Data Scientist. Presently working as Business Analyst in Tatvic
Analytics, Ahmedabad. Interested may send tekni & kulawali on email id-
[email protected], Mob: 9419147374.
4. Suitable alliance invited for our son Bipin Wanchoo born on 22nd June 1990 at 08.15 AM in
Jammu. Height 5'.9". Studied B.E from University of Mumbai. Working as a senior Consultant
with Capgemini in Pune, earning handsome salary. Parents living in Jammu. Interested may
contact with full Kulavali at [email protected] & MB- 7006410298/7889971482
5. Suitable alliance invited for our son Akshit, born 10 December 1991, 1410 hrs at Jammu,
Height 166 cms, B Tech( Software Engineering) from Delhi college of Engineering, MS/PhD in
Electrical Engineering from USA, Presently working with Intel Oregon, USA. Interested may
contact Bharat Peer, email id- [email protected] / 8146625401, Anita Peer/ 9872967824
6. Suitable alliance for our daughter born on December 9, 1991 in Faridabad (Time: 9.58 AM).
She is 5'.7" tall and has had done BBA from IP university, Delhi. She is an Asst. Manager Talent
acquisition (Recruitment) in NCR. Parents belong from Habba Kadal Srinagar. Presently living in
Faridabad. Interested may send CV & Kulawali along with snaps of the boy on our email id-
[email protected]. You can also contact us on mob: 8447956643.
7. Suitable alliance is invited for my daughter who is legally separated, issueless, born on
22.4.1986 at 10.25 hours at Srinagar. She is BE (CSE) from MIET Jammu, through Jammu
University and M.Tech (IT) through Karnataka State Open University, Mysore. She is working as
an Executive in a Govt. of India Enterprises, and presently posted at Jammu. Job transferable
anywhere in India. The previous marriage lasted for a very brief time due to certain peculiar
circumstances which ultimately lead to legal separation. Interested may kindly send their tekni

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 61

and Kulawali per return mail to R K Raina on email id [email protected] or phone 7006003635
or can WhatsApp the details on 9419264309.
8. Seeking divine matrimonial alliance from respectable KP families for our son, BE (E & TC);
Born: 29 June '89, Srinagar, Kashmir (Time: 9.12 am); Height - 5'.8”. Presently posted at Pune as
'Team Leader' in ACCENTURE (A fortune 500 Global MNC).Those interested may kindly
contact our family ( now in NOIDA ) with relevant details on Mob : 9412224683 / 7982907003 ;
Email : [email protected] / [email protected]
9. Alliance invited for our daughter, born 30.11.1992 at 3:42 am in Mumbai. Height 164 cm, B.E.
(Comp. Engineering Gujarat University), P.G. (Animation Gujarat University). Presently
working in an internationally reputed Noida based company as an Animator. Parents based at
Baroda. Interested may respond with Tekni and Bio-data to [email protected]. Mob:
9898046098 / 9898086097
10. Seeking suitable alliance for our son, born at Srinagar on 23rd July, 1988 at 11.59 AM, 173
CMS. He is pursuing his own business at Valsad, Gujarat having a decent annual income in seven
figures. The family is currently based in Faridabad. Interested may please contact for further
details on email: [email protected] or Mobile/WhatsApp: 9810847376
11. Wanted Alliance for my Son Date of Birth 3rd July 1983, Time of Birth 11:10 AM @ Kashmir.
Qualified BDS Doctor with Post Graduation in Endon, Presently working at Delhi. Boy is legally
divorced after short marriage of few months. Interested may contact me @ 9419853205;
[email protected]
12. Wanted suitable match for our daughter born on, 11th Aug. 1993 at 12.10 A.M. at Delhi.
Height 5'6", Education B.E. (Electronic & Communication) and MBA (Marketing and Finance)
currently working with Insurance Company at Gurugram. Interested may please contact with
Tekni/Kulawali on E-Mail: [email protected] or contact on Mob. No. 9810775153,
13. Seeking Suitable Alliance for my son 167 cms. tall born in Ghaziabad on 7th July 1990 at
18.42 hrs. B.E.(CS) Working with MNC at Gurugram. Interested may please contact at
9219551200, 9818721322, EMAIL: [email protected]
MARCH 1989 AT 1.15 PM SRINAGAR HT 159 CMS.PRESENTLY Working Innov service
private LTD as Branch Relation Executive for State Bank of India Card Jammu . SHE HAS
8825065500 , 9419120204
15. Suitable alliance for our daughter born on June 8, 1985 in Chandigarh She is 5'4" tall and has
had schooling and college education from premier institutes of Delhi University. She is an MBA
in HR and working for an MNC in Gurugram. Interested may send CV & Kulawali along with
snaps of the boy on our email id- [email protected]. You can also contact us on mob:
9810210809 and 9871675975.

62 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXIX l NO. 06 63
We Remember you Papa on
22nd Death Anniversary
"To live in the hearts of those we love is never to die"

Ashok Kumar Raina

(17th Nov 1947 - 15th June 1997)
This day changed our lives forever. The tragedy created a huge void in our lives. Our family was
struck by the lighting of terror that took away my father forever. Ashok Kumar Raina (Principal Higher
Sec. School, Gool(J&K)) was martyred by barbaric terrorists for performing his duties with utmost
honesty and dedication, for spreading the light of education in that region.
Every day without you has been hard, but on this day especially we can’t help but think how much
we wish you were here with us. Dad, your guiding hand on our shoulder will remain with us forever, We
always miss you.
Om Shanti

Deeply missed and fondly remembered by :

Wife - Mrs. Santosh Raina Lidhoo
Daughter - Mrs. Vitasta Bhat
Son-in-Law - Mr. Anil Bhat
Son - Mr. Vikas Raina
Daughter- in - Law - Mrs. Jagriti Raina
Grand Children :- Families :-
Vanshika Bhat, Ashvina Bhat, Raina Family, Bhat Family,
Shivansh Raina Malla Family, Khashu Family, Lidhoo Family.

64 NAAD l JUNE 2019 Vaishakh-Jyestha 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi)

In Fond Memory of Compassion Incarnate

Dr. Predhiman Kaw

Dear Kakaji,
Two year have passed since that fateful day when you breathed your last. In
intellectual accomplishment you were unparalleled. Your noble heart was filled
with compassion. Rightly were you hailed as the father of plasma physics. Today
we pay our humble homage to your fond memory.
Lovingly remembered by :
Arjan Nath Kaul & Raj Kumari Urvashi Anurag, Achintya and Amrit
Yoshita, Ashwini & Sohum Sharma
Dr. Ramesh Kaul and family
Sona, Siddhartha, Samved & Shivani
Saroj Sushma & Opinder Bhan Neha, Anant, Savitur & Sanat Swarup
Kunti Nischay & Sankalp Geetika, Prashant, Vivek, Kunal,
Sheila & Chaman Lal Pooja Brij Krishen Sadhu Lakshmi &
Raj & Maharaj Krishen Rattan Lal Munshi, Kishni Sadhu
Ratna & Onkar Nath Kaul, Rita & Ram
Asha and Dev Swarup Krishen Sadhu Usha and Rattan Lal
Iti, Rahul Monaal & Shashank Mattoo Raina Shanta Kothidar
And other relatives and friends

D-31, Pamposh Enclave, New Delhi - 110048

AIKS NAAD, JUNE 2019 RNI Registration No. 53585/92
Posted on 10th/11th of every month Postal Registration No. DL-SW-17/4164/15-17

Printed and Published by Tej Kumar Tikoo on behalf of All India Kashmiri Samaj . Published at 244, Sector 3, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110022
Email: [email protected] Printed at Royal Press, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi -110020 Editor: Sunil Raina Rajanaka

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