Product Quality For Competitive Advantage in Marketing: Meera Singh
Product Quality For Competitive Advantage in Marketing: Meera Singh
Product Quality For Competitive Advantage in Marketing: Meera Singh
Meera Singh1
(Computer Department,G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology/ Pune University ,India)
ABSTRACT: This article focuses on the major role played by the quality of product in competitive advantage
in marketing and the steps to attain the product quality. Product quality is a vital area because it decides the
market share of the firm. It is also used as one of the product differentiation strategy by few leading firms.
Marketing has to set the quality standards for the firm’s products. Constantly verifying these standards and
upgrading them as per the needs & growing sophistication of the market is a crucial task in product
management. Product quality, customer satisfaction, and company profitability are intimately connected.
Higher levels of quality results in higher levels of customer satisfaction. . Quality creates value and customer
satisfaction. Marketers play several roles in helping their organization to define and deliver high-quality goods
and services to target customers. In this article few steps are discussed which marketers should implement to
contribute to total quality management and customer satisfaction for customer and company profitability. Only
through continuous managing for excellent quality the firm can maintain bright product / brand image in the
customer’s mind in this competitive world.
A company that satisfies most of its customer‟s needs most of the time is called a quality company, but
we need to differentiate between conformance o quality and performance quality. The drive to produce goods
that are superior in world markets has led some countries to recognize and award prizes to companies that
represent the best quality practices, for example the Deming Prize in japan, The Malcolm Baldridge National
Award in the United States, and the European Quality Award. Quality is the key to value generation and
customer satisfaction [1]. Total quality is job of all the departments in an organization. Marketers play various
roles. In helping their organizations to define and deliver high- Quality goods and services to target customers.
Firstly, they bear the major responsibility for correctly identifying the customer‟s requirements. Secondly, they
also communicate customer expectations to product designers. Thirdly, they make sure that customers have
received proper instructions, training, and technical assistance in the use of the product. Fourthly they must
check the customers have received proper instructions, training, and technical assistance in the use of the
product. Fifthly they must stay connected with the customers after the sale to ensure that they are satisfied and
remain satisfied. Lastly they must cater customer ideas for product and service improvements and convey them
to the relevant departments. This will lead to contribution towards total quality management in the organization.
It also increases the customer satisfaction manifold. Customer satisfaction means good word of mouth and more
market share thus increase in company‟s profitability. 5|Pa ge
Product Quality For Competitive…
immensely in acquiring high market share. Thus it can be clearly stated that product quality leads to competitive
advantage in marketing.
Management of product quality continually returns to the idea of „processes‟. This is because of the
emphasis on designing quality into a product rather than adding it on. The organization should make sure that
the design of products should take into account customer requirements. Thus it should look into quality issues
from the beginning and the key performance characteristics are selected and tracked. The analysis and
improvement of processes is important to implement quality benchmarks [3]. The organization should never
lose sight of the fact that quality product management is a results- oriented approach. The best quality product
system is worthless if it does not result in products that meet customer requirements. Quality must contribute to
and be accompanied by superior operational performance- which means that an organization‟s productivity and
financial success is the final measure of product quality management. The organization should make sure are in
place [4]. There should be thorough system of measuring and tracking quality throughout the production/
delivery processes is in place, based on key indicators. Cause and effect diagram as shown in fig.1 helps to
improve processes through analysis/ simplification, benchmarking, process research, alternative technology and
incorporation of customer data. The organization should define and communicate its quality requirements to
employees, suppliers, including identification of key indicators. Assessment findings are used to initiate actions
to improve quality of product. An organization can eliminate the quality problems through improvement in the
process. 6|Pa ge
Product Quality For Competitive…
It can be concluded that to survive and thrive in today‟s competitive world product quality is the most
important strategy. This article gives an overview that due to product quality; an organization can attain
competitive advantage in marketing. Product quality management is visible signal of a firm‟s commitment to
quality. It facilitates cost cutting, improves employee morale, and provides efficiency in production. This whole
idea makes quality integral to every phase of an organizations‟ business. Quality in purchasing is as important as
it is production similarly after sale service quality is also important for product quality management. But only
planning is not enough but management plays very crucial role in product quality management. Firstly, the top
level management should be a part of it and then every worker of the firm. Senior managers lead the entire
quality effort; individual employees take on new responsibilities and become leaders within groups and quality
improvement teams. The customer defines the quality. Measurements determine whether customer needs are
being met [9]. It encourages management by fact and alerts when processes do not yield the expected results.
The focus on product quality enables the firm to take a close look at the whole concept of quality thus gives it a
competitive advantage in marketing.
[1] Kuehn, Alfred A. and Day, Ralph L., Strategy of Product Quality, Harvard Business Review, November- December 1962.
[2] Newman, J.W., (ed), On Knowing the Consumer.(New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1966).
[3] Harper W. Boyd Jr., and Sidney Levy (1963), New Dimensions in Consumer Analysis,Harvard Business Review, pp.129-140
[4] Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, Valarie A. and Berry, Leonard L., A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for
Future Research, Journal of Marketing, Fall 1985.
[5] Theodore Levitt, The Marketing Mode. (New York: McGraw-Hill, p.2, 1969).
[6] Mohan Sawney, Seven steps to Nirvana. (New York: McGraw- Hill, 2001).
[7] Philip Kotler,Kotler on Marketing. (New York: Free Press, 1999).
[8] Juran, J.M., Managerial Breakthrough. (New York:McGraw-Hill, 1964).
[9] James, Myers H. and William, Reynolds. H., Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Management. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Company, 1967) 8|Pa ge