2.1 History and Development of Facts Devices
2.1 History and Development of Facts Devices
2.1 History and Development of Facts Devices
single device with a common control system represents the third generation of
FACTS known as Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). It has the unique
ability to control real and reactive power flow independently. (Renz et al.
1999). The first utility demonstration of a UPFC is being constructed at the
Inez substation of American Electric East Claydon 400 kV Substation
VELCO Essex substation conditions SDG & E Talega substation Power in
1998 .
selected as examples for fault simulation and relay testing. Muhd Hafizi Idris
et al. (2012) described a distance relay model using MATLAB/SIMULINK
package. Sim Power System toolbox is used for detailed modeling of distance
relay, transmission line and fault simulation. Inside the modeling, single line
to ground (SLG) fault is selected as a fault type and Mho type distance
characteristic is selected as the protection scheme. A Graphical User Interface
(GUI) is created using GUI package inside MATLAB for the developed
model. The author Kezunovic (2003) developed a simulation model to teach
protective relaying application and design concepts. He introduced new
libraries of signal sources and relay elements for the SIMULINK environment
and outlined the impact on impedance based distance relay for normal
operating conditions as well as for different fault conditions under various
load levels.
Finally, it was demonstrated that when the number of lines connected to the
SVC bus are smaller the error of impedance measurement is also smaller.
view. It is also observed that providing an equal amount of reactive power via
SSSC or STATCOM affects the measured impedance with different patterns.
SVC control system settings and different fault conditions. Six different
phase to phase and phase to ground measuring units of the distance relay are
simulated to resemble the behavior of the relay. The impact of SVC is more
pronounced on the apparent impedance seen by the phase to ground fault
measuring units than the phase to phase units.
suggested a new method to set the distance relays in presence of SSSC for
first zone protection. The boundaries of the relay operation characteristic are
modified according to the control parameters of SSSC to avoid incorrect
operations of the distance relay. The distance relay settings are modified with
the help of an Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) approach.
parameters of the UPFC received from the Phasor Measurement Units (PMU)
installed at the line terminals, fault resistance and system loading conditions.
The trip boundary of the relay is identified using a generalized regression
neural network.
different fault inception angles and different fault types. The results proved
the accuracy of the proposed algorithm.