Activity Research Design

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Individual Activity: Research Design

Objective: This activity is to assess the student’s application of knowledge of the different research designs and how it can be used for different types of studies.
Instruction: Fill out the matrix below using the questions found on the top most row. You must be able to analyse and examine each type of research design (e.g. Explanatory, Grounded Theory and Phenomonological) using the questions
on the top most row. The first part has been filled out as an example/guide.

How many samples are

How many variables
required for this research What is an appropriate
are needed to
What are the strengths and design? analysis for this research Generate a research
How is this design What is the goal of this implement the
Research Design weaknesses of this research design? Qualitative or scenario to illustrate
classified? research design? research design?
design? Are the samples Quantitative – explain and this research design.
comprised of the same or justify.
Identify the variables.
different individuals?

A psychiatrist studied the

middle-age male - "K.P.",
Strength: A case study can
who suffers from alcohol-
suggest new variables for study
Typically, this method of induced memory loss
and thereby generate new
research does not utilize resulting in Korsakoff's
An in-depth study and hypotheses for future study Varies – depends on what single subject - one individual
Descriptive inferential statistical techniques, Syndrome. A comparison of
Case Study detailed description of a the study’s objective/s is studied in depth over time
however deviant-case analysis this case with a middle-
single individual. Weaknesses: Does not attempt is/are
can be used to compare similar aged male who did not
to explain behavior, lacks
cases that differ in outcome abuse alcohol suggested
internal validity, limited
that long term alcoholism
was a causal factor in the
memory loss of K.P.

B.Grounded Theory


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