Chapter 15: Distance Education: Learning and Teaching: Theories, Approaches and Models
Chapter 15: Distance Education: Learning and Teaching: Theories, Approaches and Models
Chapter 15: Distance Education: Learning and Teaching: Theories, Approaches and Models
It is going to be proper to deal with the title of basic concepts as terminology and distance education
When having a look at the definitions of distance education, it could be seen that there are four
components of it, which are the institutional foundation, the difference between teachers and
students, the share of video, sound and data (teaching experiences) and interactive
telecommunication 5. In other words it is possible to bring together the definitions under four titles 6.
In the definitions of distance education theorists, it might be seen that during the early years the time
and place differences between teachers and students were obligatory 7,8,9 , and this obligatory was
attributed 10,11 to one of them in time. That the technology provided the flexibility in the definitions
can be seen. Today we can define distance education as realizing the mass education in a certain
quality under the authority of an institution. Both students and teaching staff make self-sacrifice for
the freedom of environment and time in distance education. It puts the most suitable examples of
recent technology into service for the techniques, methods and strategies of instruction and it does
not ignore the needs of students, and prioritizes the social sharing not only between students and
teaching staff but also with each other.
Open Education
The most crucial quality of open education is that it includes quite a few acceptance requirements. To
give an example, when Open University of England was first established, it did not ask from its
students any diplomas or exam scores, but required a condition to be at the age of 21. These
requirements and flexibilities may change from one institution to another. Today Open Universities are
very well accepted in various countries that the number of their students has exceeded millions. The
universities the number of the students of which exceeds 100.000 are called as mega universities.
Self-learning/teaching materials, effective student support services, logistics, management supports
and web systems play an important role in the success of the Open Universities’. Some of these
universities can be seen as follows:
Allama Iqbal Open University, Pakistan
Anadolu University, Turkey
Athabasca University, Canada
Bangladesh Open University, Bangladesh
Centre National d’enseignementa` distance, France
China Cenrtal Radio and TV University, China
City College of San Francisco, the USA
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, India
Indira Ghandi National Open University, India
Korea National Open University, South Korea
Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University, India
Netaji Subhash Open University, India
Open University, England
Payame Noor University, Iran
Shanghai TV University, China
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand
Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Spain
Terbuka University, Indonesia
Maryland University, the USA
Phoenix University, the USA
South Africa University, South Africa
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, India
Whereas mobile learning is to offer the education via palm devices, smart and mobile phones, mini
tablets and laptops, these devices, which are used in mobile learning, are mobile, user-friendly,
personal, cheap and easy to use. It can be realized that these devices are not bought for educational
purposes but are used for education, as well17.
Blended Learning
This concept was first used as “hybrid learning” in literature, yet those dealing with distance learning
felt uncomfortable themselves since the hybrid was a concept in relation with biology; hence “blended
learning” started to be used commonly. In our culture as the concept of blended is associated with
agriculture it was uneasy to adopt this concept and co-education was suggested. However, in Turkish
education system this concept refers that girls and boys or from 1st to 5th grade students study
together. So, it is a concept upon which is not agreed. Burns describes blended learning as blending
face to face and online learning together provided that online learning has a rate of 30%-79% 18.
Blended Learning Models: These models are as followed for primary and secondary levels19: The
one in which face to face education is dominant and the teacher teaches in the classroom but
presents the course material and resources online; the rotation model in which students study the
face to face and online components of the course with the same teacher alternately; the flexible
model in which most parts of the course are presented by the internet but studied with the teacher in
the classroom environment flexibly, supported with individual or small group works and the teacher
gives some explanations if necessary; the online laboratory model in which course assistants teach in
the classroom and online teacher teaches through the computers in the classroom; the self-blended
model in which students get the course material distantly and online, but at the same time
conventional methods continue in the classroom; and finally the online platform model in which
teaching and materials are all presented distantly and online but some controls are made through
weekly face to face meetings. These models are also valid for higher education.
What is Interaction?
Interaction is “a bilateral developed action which necessitates at least two objects and two actions.
Interaction may occur when these objects and actions interact with each other bilaterally20.” The
interaction in distance education has been equal to mental involvement in time. Providing students
with the mental involvement to education by interaction may be possible only by making them willing
and enthusiastic learners in education. In this case the simplest interaction is that students do
something. This “something” must be further than pressing a button or writing something on a
somewhere. The interaction in education can be described with the characteristics of pace,
elaboration, approval, roaming and questioning21.
Moore is the best known person regarding the interaction in distance education. Moore described 3
types of interaction22: The Interaction of Teaching Staff- Student, Student- Student, and Student-
Content. Anderson and Garrison improved these interactions by adding those three dimensions23:
Teaching Staff-Teaching Staff, Content-Content, and Teaching Staff-Content. Except from these, some
distance education scholars have described various interaction types. These are: the interaction of
Student-Interface24, Vicarious Interaction, and Student-Environment.
Teaching Staff-Student Interaction: The importance of the interaction between teacher and
students has been stated since Plato and Dewey. This importance is also effective in distance
education. If a high-quality interaction between teaching staff and students is desired, it can only be
ensured by a correct choice of the learning activities developed as part of teaching programme and a
proper teaching design27.
provided by teaching staff through various media27. Touvinen classifies these media under five
headings as sound, text, graphics, video and virtual reality28. What kind of interaction may be between
the contents presented by these media and students? The answer of the question could be the
interaction taxonomy28, 29. In this taxonomical interaction types can be classified as objects, linear,
support, updating, configuration, reflective, simulation, hyperlink, stimulus and not stimulus27. It is
notable to say that referring to the known argumentation of Clark and Kozma, both the media in
which the contents are presented and the method which answers the question how to present the
content are crucial.
Teaching Staff-Teaching Staff Interaction: Under this interaction heading, sharing needs of
teaching staff with one another in terms of both their own disciplines, distance education which
includes technical, technological, sociological aspects and pedagogical and androgogia are
emphasized. These needs can be met through forums they will not pay fees, web diaries and
Student-Interface Interaction: It refers to treating the tools when succeeding a task by focusing
on access, skills and qualities to have a successful interaction. In short, it itself is not an interaction
type but a component of other interaction types27.
Vicarious Interaction: All students may not prefer to join the discussion atmosphere in distance
education, in a conversation or asynchronous interaction. It is a fact that these students learn
something in such an atmosphere by just watching the conversation passively3. Indirect interaction is
virtually an interaction type, which we can see in a face-to-face classroom education, the student
himself is seen as a passive one but benefits from the interaction between teaching staff, students
and his peers27.
Social Interaction: It can be called as the interaction between the people32. We can consider
teaching staff-student, student-student, teaching staff-teaching staff, vicarious and students-
environment interactions in this framework.
It is one of the topic titles that is emphasized and should be emphasized in distance education. The
most important quality of distance education student is that he should assume the learning
responsibility, in other words, he is an individual who has learnt learning, can develop learning and
studying strategies in order to learn in distance education, knows what he wants and also knows
where and from whom he should ask for help. Therefore, the institutional structure should be
stretched out in such way that the students would keep some controls in his hand.
Social Context
IRC, ICQ, AOL which new generation does not know what they are when seeing can be accepted as
the ancestors of the present social media33. Social surroundings are the web applications in which
simple essays and publishing techniques are used at micro level and with a point of view of keeping
diary in order to users interact and communicate. Twitter, Facebook and Orkut that bears a Turkish’s
signature can be given as examples18. Social presence theories, which are not virtually new concepts,
have started to attract attention of theorists with the fact that social webs have become widespread in
distance education. Social presence is described as people in online media are perceived as virtual
people and reflect themselves as virtual people, individuals show themselves in these media and
attendants feel one another, the feeling of existing in a social media with other people, the degree of
awareness between the individuals interacting with each other in these media, the student’s
perceiving himself as a part of online course34.
Accreditation means ensuring the quality and effectiveness of higher education institutions and
programmes35 and it is also important for distance education institutions to be accredited.
Accreditation, in other words, can be considered as recognisability. In our country the Council of
Higher Education (YOK) gives the accreditation to the higher education institutions.
Dual-purposeful institutions are those, which start their education history with traditional education
and then start to give distant education on one hand36. The opposite one is rarely seen. The first
example was seen in Australia37. Single purposeful institutions are those, which are opened and
served just for distance education. Some institutions conducting traditional education may offer only
some of their courses by distance education. For example, the course of Introduction to Computing
can be offered by distance education in institution-wide. In addition, the institution can organize some
courses in order to train its staff or to broaden new horizons of its students within the context of in-
service training. These courses, for instance, may be self-improvement courses. The institutions may
organize some certificate programmes such as Language Certificate Programme within the same
concept. In addition to those, blended learning or distance education, known as blended learning,
applications can be seen with distance education applications which support both in-campus face-to-
face education and are supported by the internet and other technologies in dual and single purpose
The start of correspondence education dates back to the invention of writing unless we consider
distance education within the institutional context3. The first distance education effort within the
institutional context announced on Boston Newspaper on March,20 1728 that with the advertisement
called “Calep Philips, the teacher of stenography1 which is a new method” it could teach this method
through letters in a few weeks to the people living in Boston.
In 1883 the possibility of studying “learning through mail” was mentioned on the advertisement of the
30th number of the magazine called Lunds Weckoblad, which is weekly published in Sweden3. The
newly founded mail institution allowed Isaac Pitman for stenography education through
correspondence. There is no information about what happened after the advertisement was published
in 1883, nonetheless, three years later Sir Isaac Pitman Correspondence Education High School was
officially founded thanks to the effort of Isaac Pitman and the support of the Association of
Phonographic Correspondence Education. The first institutional language school of correspondence
education was opened in Germany, 1856 by Charles Toussaint and Gustav Langenscheidt3.
Langenscheidt Dictionaries, which have blue L on yellow cover, have been unforgettable symbols for
the users of foreign language dictionaries.
The first appearing of Turkish distance education as an idea38 was in 1860s when Ottoman University,
Daru’l-fünun, offered courses for the public; the content was published on the page of “Kısm-ı İlmi” of
the newspaper called Takvim-i Vak’ayi in case there were people missing the courses39, 40. It is also
known that at the end of 1800s teachers and students from different regions at American Chicago
University1 conducted some courses. Distance education was put into effect in ıllinois Veslin University
in 1874 in the USA41. Before this date, only men from upper crust could get education in pre-
industrial period in Europe. On those days when the insight of today’s education was shaped, the
students used to listen to the intellectual person as a course in a proper time and place.
1. A method of quick writing that uses symbols in place of letters, words and phrases.
As a concept, William Rainey Harper first suggested correspondence education, which we welcome
with smile even today and we have some suspicious about how it works, in 18901.
The education through radio of Wisconsin Open Education in 1920s enlarged the boundary of the
school upon the boundary of the state.
Then television and computer started to be used as well as radio and public schools, high schools,
military, business and industrial circles made use of those ways of teaching presentation1. It is known
that the educational institutions in the USA during those years established at least 176 radio stations.
In the early of 1930s television teaching programs were prepared for trial purposes in Iowa University,
Purdue University and Kansas State School. The courses with credits started to be offered through
television broadcast in 1950s. From 1957 to 1982 CBS Channel broadcasted courses in higher
education level under the name of Sunrise Season offered by New York University5.
The Institute of Banking and Commerce Law of Ankara University4 initiated the first application of
distance education in Turkey in 1956. In 1975 Ankara Correspondence Education Centre prepared
letters for the Correspondence Education Institutes of Higher Education. For example, Tuncel Özkan
told the 1st year students of Painting Department about saws, the types of saws and how to use them
at the 3rd one of the letters prepared for woodwork42.
Correspondence education, once used to be ridiculed, gained its prestige when one of the pioneers of
distance education, Charles Wedemeyer used multimedia in a modern way at England Open University
in 1970s and at Wisconsin University in 19861. England Open University founded in 1971 started a
new era among the distance education institutions giving diploma. Fern Universitat, Germany, Open
Universiteit, Holland, Universidad Nacional de Edcucaion a Distancia, Spain, Open University of Israel,
Israel, Athabasca University and Universidad Nacional Abierta de Venezuela, Venezuela and Anadolu
University, Turkey could be regarded as the close followers of England Open University, which is a
pioneer with its detailed and elaborate lessons, new contexts and systematic courses.
In 1982 International Council for Correspondence Education changed its name into International
Council for Distance Education in order to reflect the developments of its field1. The current name of it
is International Council for Open and Distance Education.
Satellite technology developed in 1960s; however it was cheap enough to be used in 1980s. The first
satellite system for educational purposes, Learn was presented in Alaska; 19805.The widespread use
of computer webs in 1990s caused the start of a new period in distance education41. The use of live,
bi-directional and high quality sound and videos were started be make use of in education when fibre
optics communication systems became widespread in the late 1980s and early 1990s5. Today scores
of Turkish Universities add interaction to the educational programmes with live courses by using the
infrastructure of fibre optics.
The fact that more adults as students exist in the system is a more predictable situation for distance
education. However it is impossible to exclude the new generation called as digital citizen2 from
distance education. Correspondence education is accepted as the First Generation as long as the
parallel development of distance education to the development of technology is taken into
consideration. Then it proceeds like TV-movie production, interactional technologies: web 2.0 or smart
databases created by semantic web etc. respectively. Nevertheless, the quality of these technologies
is that the previous one does not completely disappear when a new one appears43. For example,
correspondence education still exists like e-mail by changing its ways.
Keegan described six basic components of distance education in 1980s. It is inevitable today that
these components have transformed44. On table 1 this transformation is outlined.
2. Digital Citizen; Generation Z, is a name used for the cohort of people born from the early
2000s to the present day who are distinct from the preceding Millennial Generation.
Table 1: The Up-to-date Transformation of the Key Words of Distance Education
The Key Components of Distance The Key Components of Distance
Education Described by Keegan Education Adapted to Present Day
The difference between teaching staff and Swerving from the freedom of time and place
student when required
Minimizing the cultural, social or mental
differences between teaching staff and student
The effect of education institution Flexible institution structure centring around the
Using the media to unite teaching staff and Benefiting from teaching technology as well as
student media to unite teaching staff and student
Bidirectional communication Bidirectional communication
Individualized education instead of group Collaborative education taking into
education consideration the individual differences
Industrialized teaching staff A transformation from the teaching staff
fulfilling his responsibilities to the one having
the interdisciplinary working skills
A great number of technological products are used in order to provide students with distance
education. They are widely ranging from printed materials to Internet technologies. Some of the more
up-to-date of these tools/ technologies are mentioned below:
Printed Materials: They can be regarded as the types of the presentation of distance education,
starting its adventure with correspondence education, which have not lost their currency. Printed
materials are those which are very successful at the independence of student and providing the
student control as well as easy to prepare, use and carry and highlight and known by everyone18,45.
The disadvantageous quality of them is that people are reluctant to read the texts when they are too
long. The use of them may be far more difficult especially in the societies who are prone to speaking.
It may also be problematic for the target group who have some constraints like partially sighted,
visually handicapped or dyslexia18. Today the printed or paper media, which the text is offered, has
been moved into CD-ROM, online education, e-reader (e.g. Kindle), tablet computer (e.g.IPad), or
digital media etc18.
Chat Media: They are the systems, which enable the users to communicate online at the same time
in terms of the messages they send each other4. In addition to the advantages of chat media, making
students sit in front of the computer for a certain while can be regarded as a constraint. However,
taking into consideration their qualities can ignore this constraint. For example, they do not delay the
interaction, interaction often takes place and they enable empathy.
Podcast: Educational purposed Podcast is an audio file, which has .mpg extension. They are the
courses which are recorded earlier and include only one concept generally include just audio files, yet
occasionally supported with the visuals which are static or mobile47. These audio files can be the
combination of an event, a song, a talk or various sounds. The audio file is uploaded into a web site or
a web diary site after it is recorded. The target group of this audio file follow this file through a
technology called RSS 2.04, and they can download directly these files to their PC48, smart mobile
phones or mp3 through an audio management program. They can listen to them whenever and
wherever they wish afterwards.
Today podcast are varied as enriched podcast (having the multimedia knowledge containing slide,
picture, visuals, photograph, short video and part), video podcast or vodcast (video content) 49. New
Oxford American Dictionary has accepted the word of Podcast as the word of year of 2005. Podcast is
not a new idea but the continuation of Sony Walkman5. The qualities of effective Podcast are as
The length of it ranges between 3-10 minutes.
It is the independent cases series related with one another.
It is the learning object, which can be reached through Mpeg3 (mp3).
It is kept in a web site or another Internet platform in an easily accessible way.
The current state of the Podcast can continuously be changed and updated.
4. Dyslexia is a very broad term defining a learning disability that impairs a person's fluency or
comprehension accuracy in being able to read.
5. RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated
works such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video in a standardized format.
Webinar: It is also known as virtual seminar, online conference, live meeting, web meeting. It may
be offered through web conference systems or synchronous live platforms. Adobe Connect, Big Blue
Button, even Skype can be given as examples to these platforms18.
Streaming Media: The biggest advantage of the streaming media is that users do not have to wait
to download the complete file to their own computers. As soon as the users access the file, one hand
the file is downloaded; on the other hand the users can start to play the file. As the bandwidth
increases, the possibility of watching the video in high quality or full screen increases as well. The
most crucial point here is to divide into the parts of the format, which will be distributed via Internet.
The user’s computer gets aware of the fact that it is a streaming media and deal with both
downloading and being watched. Streaming sound is the first example of this type multimedia.
Steaming media’s becoming available has contributed a lot to the education50.
White Board Applications: It may be also considered as a type of graphics conference. Through
white board application both teaching staff and students can synchronically write, draw on the white
board, and intervene with the writings, review or update them concerning course content or
discussion. They can use mouse, electronic stylus or smart board that is used in the classroom, and
also they can cut, paste, click or drag and drop. The users can keep the contents they created and
use them again for the next times49.
Mobile Applications: That Shaffer heralded that next generation computers would be in the palm
was actually the messenger of the mobile computers. Phones, tablet computers and e-book readers
are some of the mobile devices of the present day. These technological devices do not only connect to
the Internet but also enable its user to use a lot of applications such as electronic spreadsheets,
mnemonic, calendar etc. Therefore, it means that lost homework, forgotten texts, thick and expensive
books appear to have come to an end49.
Learning Objects: e learning describes learning objects51, which are inevitable for content design as
digital information resources, which help learning and can be reused. Learning objects which were
produced as a solution for the needs, which developed course materials should be accessible, reusable
and have some standards, are widely used today52.
Virtual Schools WizIQ
The advantages of distance education since the Internet technologies started to be used for the
distance education service can be reflected as follow4, 5:
If anybody from anywhere in the world can access to the internet, he can access to the course
content and online course materials from home, school, office or public places.
The user can access to the asynchronic course contents whenever he is available round-the-clock.
Students can study at their own speed.
The advantages of distance education since the Internet technologies started to be used for the
distance education service can be reflected as follow4, 5:
If anybody from anywhere in the world can access to the internet, he can access to the course
content and online course materials from home, school, office or public places.
The user can access to the asynchronic course contents whenever he is available round-the-clock.
Students can study at their own speed.
The course materials and activities accessed from the web are independent from the computer
platforms (Windows, Macintosh, Linux etc.)
The use of the technologies used is easy to use for students.
It is easy to update the developed course materials.
It facilitates the training of the large mass of people.
It is easy to enable the interaction via the Internet for the students.
It provides the equality of opportunity for the students.
Online courses providing learning experiences, which would support the different learning styles,
can be designed.
All the students are equal in terms of origin, gender, appearance, and handicap except from
individual differences.
The quality indicators of distance education can be put in order as following: the interaction between
teaching staff and students, effective learning techniques, immediate feedback, various ways of
learning, respect, student support services, teaching staffs support services, program evaluation and
assessment, powerful reason for distance education in relation with the mission of the institution, true
analysis of target group, proper tools and media, the reliability of the technology, institutional support
and institutional resources, guide for the development of course content, review of teaching
The leadership of distance education requires a significant competitive capacity and theories will be
crucial means to fulfil the needs of the distance education institutions and students2. Before moving
on to the theories of distance education it will be useful to describe the theory itself. Turkish
Language Society describes the theory as “1. The abstract information dealt with independently from
the applications. 2. The body of ideas and thoughts on a given issue. 3. The body of rules and laws,
which is the base of the science and explain a lot of circumstances regulated in a systematic way56.
When theories provide a generalization they could decrease the complicatedness. We may encounter
with theories in various ways: It attracts attention that framework and model, which are ones of the
important concepts of the theory, are used as synonym of the theory especially in international
literature. It is pointed out that while theoretical framework offers the assumptions of the components
of the theory in a broad framework regardless of the details of an extensive theory, model is more
outlined compared to theory and represents the structural relationship between the basic concepts.
The theory of distance education must reflect not only self-assembled but also the purposeful nature
of the educational experiences2.
Keegan who has an important role in the theoretical history of distance education classifies the
distance education theories into three groups9, 57:
1. Theory of Autonomy and Independence
2. Theory of Industrialization
3. Theory of Interaction and Communication
Wedemeyer assumes that distance or independent system which has the ability of processing in
everywhere, in which students or a single student exists, has six special features whether or not
teaching staff and students are at the same place or time9:
Theory of Independence
Another scholar who has burst into prominence is Moore among those studying on independence
study. Moore developed a theory related to the variables of “autonomy” and “distance” in 1983.
Moore’s point of view is completely out of the school environment and according to him school
environment is the place where teaching activities take place through classroom, course or seminars
and learning activities. According to Moore, distance education is an education system in which
students are independent and they are far from the teaching staff in terms of time and place. In this
theory the system of distance education has three sub-systems: Student, teaching staff,
communication way. All these sub-systems have much more distinctive features than other education
Moore emphasizes that teaching has two stages: “Pre-event” and “Interaction”. In pre-event stage the
teacher chooses the objectives and develops teaching syllabus and strategies. In interaction stage, he
faces with students, provides oral stimulants, makes some explanations, ask questions, and guides for
students. According to this, teaching takes place in the classroom atmosphere during the school
Distance Concept: Moore uses the concept of distance as the meaning of students and teaching
staff are apart from each other. In this way, Moore tries to classify the distance education programs
depending upon distance concept. There are two criteria he uses for this: Dialogue (D), mutual
communication must be ensured, and Structure (S), the program must meet the students’ individual
Autonomy Concept: Michael Moore was impressed by Charles Wedemeyer, Carl Rogers, Allan
Tough, and Malcom Knowles in creating the autonomy concept in relation with independent student.
University students rely on teaching staff for explanation, guides, and questions. Moore states that the
authority of decision-making is given to teaching staff and this approach does not comply with
theories of adult education.
Moore points out that all teaching-learning processes have these components given below:
Preparation activities, in which objectives and strategies are set,
Application activities, in which information, datum and ideas are actualized,
Evaluation activities, in which a judgement is made on the efficiency of reaching the objectives of
teaching processes.
According to Moore, independent study is an education program in which learning program is different
from teaching program in terms of time and place. Students have an effect as much as teaching staff
upon learning objectives, resources, and determining the evaluation.
Theory of Industrialization
Otto Peters conducted most of the early studies on distance education in the early 1960s. Peters
states that he developed a theoretical structure related to the field when completing the analysis of
analytic and comparative systems of distance education. He puts forward that developing a system for
distance education must be quite different from conventional, verbal education9. The teaching ways
which are indirect and cannot be described as distance education suggested by Peters are those;
correspondence education, printed learning materials, audio-visual education, educational radio and
television, programmed learning, computer-based training, independence study, special studying,
learning through teaching materials9.
The relationship between theory of industrialization and distance education has been compared under
these titles9:
Rationalization: It is the characteristics of distance education in which teacher conveys his
knowledge and abilities theoretically to the unlimited number of students in a stable quality.
Division of Labour: Provided that the number of the students registering for distance education is
very high, the other academicians apart from the teachers preparing the distance education
perform performance evaluation.
Mechanization: In distance education, mechanization changes the nature of teaching-learning
Accumulation Point: Teaching responsibility changes its place at given points while teaching staff
do not.
Mass Production: Mass education is the subject in distance education.
Planning and Organization: It requires extensive programming just like in industry.
Standardization: It requires much more standardization compared to traditional education.
Functional Change and Objectivity: The role of the teacher is divided into three ways: The one
presenting information (Distant Unit Author), the one assessing the knowledge and improvement
(teaching staff), and advisor (advisor of subject program).
Monopolization: There is trend of monopolization of the institutions of distance education for the
education of a given region or area. Localization and centralization are the basic characteristics of
the management of distance education systems.
According to this theory, the essence of teaching is the interaction between teaching and learning;
this may occur by the way of resembling the interaction in the presentations about the courses of
subject area prepared beforehand and making the students taking into consideration the various point
of views, approaches and solutions by interacting with the course.
Holmberg explains the basics of the approach, which he calls guided didactic chat as follows58:
1. The feelings resulted from the personal relationship in teaching and learning promotes the
motivation and pleasure of studying.
2. These feelings can be fostered through well-developed self-learning materials and bidirectional
distant communication.
3. Mental satisfaction and motivation for studying could be possible by the way of using the
acquisitions from studying objectives and using the proper studying procedures and methods.
4. Using a friendly language and an atmosphere, where the rules exist, reveal the feelings resulted
from the personal relationship, which will enable the first item to occur.
5. The messages sent and received as the way of chatting are easy to understand and remember.
6. The media that distance education make possible can use the concept of chat.
7. Planning the work and providing guidance whether by institutions or students is necessary for a
study which is designed based upon the explicit or implicit target understanding.
A Synthesis of Theories
The distance education theory of Perraton points out the originality of distance education systems59.
This theory consists of the theories regarding current communication and spread and education
philosophy theories. It is based on the assumptions that distance education can enable any types of
sources to be used for education, remove quite a few constraints caused by formal education systems,
reduce the cost, extend the service, and develop the education purposeful communication60. This
theory is explained with different situations which put forth the distance education methods that could
be used to universalize the education (e.g. you can use any media to teach anything); remark the
need for increasing the dialogue (e.g. distance education can be organized in a way that dialogue
exists in); are with regard to the methods (e.g. feedback is an essential part of the distance education
Transactional Distance
It is known that Moore structured the theory of transactional distance over the theory of
independence study he developed earlier. The concept of “transaction” shows the special nature
between teaching staff and student in a distance education process. This relationship occurs during
the process of the interaction between students and teaching staff in which students get experiences
and meanings individually. In the process of getting experience and meaning students, teaching staff
and content play an ever-changing dynamic role.
Students who will interpret and give the meaning to the learning process will advance on the structure
and dialogue in process. Each transaction, which students will perform, will depend on student’s
mental potentials, status and experiences61. According to Moore, geographical and conditional
distance is not more important than perceptive distance between students and teaching staff62.
Michael Moore, a theorist of distance education, firstly expressed his ideas on the theory of
“Transactional Distance” in 1972 and suggested the concept of “Transactional Distance” in 1980s. The
concept of transaction of Moore in this theory is based on the ideas of Dewey: “The environment must
meet the needs of individuals to get experience whatever the circumstances are.” Condition and
experience are two parts, which cannot be separated from each other. Depending upon these theories
Moore described the transactional distance as a function of dialogue, structure and autonomy within
the context of transaction in a curriculum in 199361. Accordingly transactional distance has two
extents. The first extent consists of dialogue and structure components, the second extent consist of
autonomy of individual or in other words his independence63.
Equivalency Theory
This theory took its place in the history of education theories in 1999.When virtual learning is thought
to be a subfield of distance education; theory of equivalency in distance education comes out. Some
supporters of distance education ignore in a wrong way where and when the students learn and they
try to organize the learning environment in the same way for all students. This is because it is thought
that all students have the similar opportunities in learning. According to Simon the reason why the
distance education applications have been successful in the USA is that the learning experiences and
output of the students of distance education and traditional education are tried to be equalized rather
than likening or equalizing the environments64.
Each student can use various teaching strategies, change his learning resources or designate new
activities individually. If the courses of distance education are designed effectively and ensured equal
learning experiences, students can accomplish the objectives of the course65.
The key point of this approach is the equality between the students of distance education and
traditional education. The students of distance education and traditional education are not equal in
terms of environment but the point is that they must be equal in terms of learning. According to this
theory, even if the experiences of those students are apart from each other, the thing is that they
must have the same learning output64.
Another key point is the context in which learning experiences are obtained. Various students may ask
for various learning contexts with their various learning backgrounds at various environments at
various times. Some of them may prefer to make more observations and some of them may also
prefer to practice more. At this point the purpose of planning the education is to offer these
experiences to every single student equally. The principle of syllabus is to struggle to offer the
substantial proper learning environments and experiences for all students or given students64.
All the theories suggested before describe the classical distance education. These traditional theories
distinguish distance education from traditional education. The approaches except from the theory of
equivalency regard the physical and time autonomy of teaching staff and students in the application of
distance education as inevitable. On the other hand, equivalency theory emphasizes that it is possible
to make concessions partly to time autonomy. As the reason of this, it is asserted that it is necessary
to call upon the educational potentials of synchronic applications to get equal experiences to face to
face learning expeiences66. However; the potential of recent technologies decreases this distance60.
Cooperation: Learning accompanies with the interaction between individuals. Even it enables just
students to get help and courage from other students by guiding them in their programs without the
help of a teaching staff. In a social atmosphere those who are the part of an educational activity have
to cooperate with each other both in planning and performing. In the extreme point a student needs a
group that does everything together they agree upon. In another extreme point when a good number
of people come together to listen to a lecturer, sharing could be confidential.
Freedom: Cooperative freedom is more related to limited freedom than unlimited one. It is said that
students should have the rights of making choices rather than being limited by a strict distance
education program. It is pointed out that freedom is highly important in distance education. The need
for continuing education and life-long learning is increasing for a lot of people. Most of today’s
students have full-time jobs and they have to care about their families. If distance education makes
most of them leave their very well going family lives or jobs performances, those people are reluctant
to maintain it. They need flexible education; education enables job, family and education to be
combined in an administrative way. Freedom is a complex structure. It has a lot faces and features.
The theory of cooperative freedom claims that the features reflecting the special importance of
distance education are time, location, speed, media, access, and curriculum. None of them can be
thought to be separate from one another; each of them should be comprehended as a piece of a
puzzle. On diagram 2 the faces of the hexagon of Cooperative Freedom can be seen.
Paulsen states that cooperative freedom is a made-up concept13. At first glance, it seems as if it is in
contradiction with itself. “Cooperation” shows the group interaction, yet “Freedom” indicates the
individual freedom. If a distance education system combining the group cooperation with the freedom
for individuals is developed, a distance education system which has the cooperation freedom is
Besides the theories of distance education, syllabus models and main learning theories also directly
affect distance education. New terminology has been noticed in the literature of the field under the
effect of these theories: cognitive, social and teaching readiness... The cognitive readiness refers that
the students structure and verify new information in learning atmosphere. In cognitive behaviourist
model, the students must be informed about teaching objectives in the system offered to the students
by applying teaching systems syllabus models. Distance education applications, which have broken
new ground with new technologies, mention about another concept, social readiness, which
distinguishes itself among the other cognitive behaviourist models42.
In the applications of cognitive behaviourist distance education, teaching readiness has undergone a
change. In the age of correspondence education teaching staff used to have only the words he
transferred into written paper in his hand. In our age he added sounds and gestures into his power by
means of synchronous technologies. However, the discussion is still going on whether the recorded
videos have the same effect when shared asynchronically42.
Socio-constructivist theories have effects on distance education. Numerous theorists agree upon the
fact that learning is not something the individual makes up in his mind, but it occurs within its own
context and relations. The role of teaching staff in socio constructivism has changed from focus of
control into guidance, organizing activities and designing a structure in which these activities will take
part. In this regard, cognitive readiness requires presenting the real life experiences to the students
by going out of the traditional classrooms. Constructivists think that cognitive readiness could be
achieved through the ways such as role-playing67, imitation68, and questioning depends based on
dialogue69. In socio constructivism distance education, social readiness comes up with quality
interaction. Gestures, intonation and body language support this. Teaching readiness consists of
choosing, preparing, teaching and teaching directly of educational applications when needed. But it
may lead to problems in crowded classes42.
The third generation of distance education pedagogy is the connectivism42. This concept is offered as
the new learning theory of digital age, which has four key principles such as autonomy, connectivism,
variety, and explicitness70. Connectivism assumes the access to the web technologies from anywhere.
The fact that a great deal of information exists and the role of students does not mean memorising or
understanding all of them is accepted by connectivism. However, it is known that students have the
capacity of finding and using this information in case of need42.
Holberg mentions that by choosing some traditional learning theories (behaviour management model
of Skinner, written instruction model of Rothkopf, organizers model and cognitive communication
model of Ausubel, discovery learning model of Bruner, experiential learning model and formalized
learning model of Rogers) he made a systematic research and they all were likely to be applied in
distance education3. Laurillard states that those could be used in online learning media: Experiential
learning theory of Dewey, stage theory of cognitive development of Piaget, social development theory
of Vygotsky, discovery learning model of Bruner, conversation theory of Pask, problem-based learning
theory of Schank, deep learning theory of Marton, and socio-cultural learning theory of Lave71.On the
other hand, Holmberg underlines that the variance of target group should be taken into consideration
based upon the view of Keegan which asserts that distance education is a whole system rather than a
method of teaching3.
We can approach to the instructional design in distance education with various points of views. These
points of view are those: ADDIE Model, the technology to be used interaction types, student
autonomy, and student’s control or financial issues44.
Instruction systems design models such as ADDIE, Algo-Heuristic, Dick and Carey Model, Instruction
Systems of Robert Gagne, Kemp, Morrison and Ross Instruction Systems Model, Rapid Prototyping
and Emphatic Teaching Design, could be applied to distance education environments72. Just
prototyping model is going to be mentioned as an example out of instructional design models
considering the limits of this book.
Rapid Prototyping
The design model of rapid prototyping instruction systems chooses the most crucial steps of ADDIE. It
identifies the most urgent needs of education and enables the teaching design to come out with the
help of template tools, the minimum budget, and a professional team of 1-3 persons as the shortest
time as possible (fewer than 3 weeks) 73. Rapid prototyping is actually a design methodology of
software engineering, and also its software design is similar to instructional design. Rapid prototyping
has a lot of positive aspects: it allows and supports the students to join the design process; those who
joining to this design process must let their mentality change; target group has the conscious that
they cannot get aware of their needs without joining the application process; mistakes are recognized
earlier; prototyping promotes the creativity since it gives feedback instantly; it accelerate the cycle of
instruction development74.
The common trait of these four models is that courses are divided into units, units are divided into
modules, and modules are divided into subjects. If it is a 14-week course content, it is going to be
divided into 14 weeks5. If the course content is for in-service training, it is going to be divided into the
hours of the training.
Distance education as a concept started to be used in 1970s and was first put into words officially
in International Postal Tuition Council in 1982.
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