(R.S.Clymer) Temple Illuminati The Son of God PDF
(R.S.Clymer) Temple Illuminati The Son of God PDF
(R.S.Clymer) Temple Illuminati The Son of God PDF
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Copyright^ .
'Tis the magic sign of Life and Immortalily."
Giving a short sketch of the early Hie of Jesus and of His
trainingby the Essenean Order, and an interpretation of
some of His teachings, in harmony with the fundamental
principles of the Temple of Illumination, known as the
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Ifinplf ot Mvmmati
By R. Swinburne Clymer
Published by
Authorized Text-book of the Temple of Illumination.
To Dr. James R. Phelps, my beloved teacher of the long ago,
this book is dedicated ; and it is the hope of the author that it may
be a lasting monument to him.
: ' '
Among the foremost teachers that America ever had,
stood Dr. James R. Phelps, he who is now passed to the Be-
Not only on account of his learning, his knowledge of the
dead languages and of the Ancient Teachings, but also on
account of his absolute honesty and sincerity was he one of
the foremost teachers.
In a letter, which he invariably wrote to the beginner who
came under his training, he said
"My authority —and I dislike that word—goes back for
years,and was conferred by honored brothers now resting
from their labors. For reasons of my own, when I affiliated
with the Order Illuminati of which Count Giounotti,
(then here he mentions the names by which the Master is
known,) was the Hierophant I doubted my ability to take
any prominent position in its activities, and they assigned
me to the care of the back door, to take charge of those who,
fainting by the way or discouraged by the apparent ob-
stacles in the way, were giving up in despair. They called
me '
,' or 'the Keeper of the Door.' I
found out in time that there was but one door to The
Temple, and that entrance and exit were the same. Our
Master says I am the door, by it any man enter in he shall
One is your Master, the Christ, and all ye are brethren. '
6 The Son op God
Brotherly Given,
The Author.
The Mystical Teachings op the Masters
A. Reville, the French writer, sizing up the religious feel-
ing of his time, wrote to this effect: "Always in all human
societies, at a certain period of their existence, a time comes
when from its fundamental
their religion begins to diverge
meaning, then diverges more and more, loses this funda-
mental meaning, and finally crystallizes into permanently
established forms. When it does so, its influence upon the
life of men grows weaker and weaker as it becomes more
of a form from which the life has departed.
ber, 1912.
The Mystical Teachings of the Masters 9
gently choose his steps, and know how to cultivate his mani-
fold powers and to direct them in proper channels.
The Christie Law is the law of growth, advancement, and
progress. Both in its positive and in its negative aspects,
this law is exacting and relentless. Obedience to it is con-
structive and upbuilding, and tends toward growth of soul,
The Mystical Teachings of the Masters 15
Soul. All that the teacher can do is to point the way. Man
himself must travel the path that leads to Divine Illumi-
The book now before the reader attempts to do this. It
attempts to give a clear, positive interpretation of the teach-
ings as given to mankind by Jesus —an interpretation,
which, if lived and not merely believed in, will help those
so living to reach illumination of soul.
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"By what sign shall I overcome the powers of the earth ?"
At the time of the birth of Jesus, there were three orders
among the Jews. They were very similar in their organiza-
tion; hut there was a wide difference in their teachings.
These sects or organizations were the Pharisees, the Saddu-
eees, and the Essenes. We will first speak of the Pharisees
and the Sadducees.
Both the Pharisees and the Sadducees were cordially
united in sentiment respecting all those fundamental points
which constituted the basis of the Jewish religion. All of
them rejected with detestation the notion of a plurality of
gods. They acknowledged the existence of but one Al-
mighty God, or Power, whom they regarded as the Creator
of the Universe, and whom they believed to be endowed with
the most absolute perfection. In this belief, the Essenes al-
so shared. Both sects were equally agreed in the opinion
that God had selected the Hebrews from among all other
nations of the earth as His peculiar people, and had bound
them to Himself by an unchangeable and everlasting cove-
nant. With the same unanimity they maintained the di-
vine mission of Moses that he was the ambassador of heav-
know Him,
All admit that to attain Sonship with Him, to
to become Him, we must be like Him. We must be
raised up in His likeness.
' The mortal must be changed,
or carnal, body.
This mystery of transmutation Jesus had been taught.
More than this, he had to live the life among the Essenes
that brought about such a change. In all his teachings he
taught this doctrine, and how to accomplish the change from
corruptible to incorruptible. This was the purpose of his
God is Intelligence. He is Universal Intelligence and
Wisdom. This Universal Intelligence is in all things. "All
that was, was made by Him." Without this Wisdom and
Intelligence can nothing be made, for God is in all things.
The Infinite Wisdom is all that is, all that has been, and
all that ever will be. If the Universal Intelligence controls
all things, and is changeless, then immortal man, made in
His image, is like Him. He has wisdom and intelligence,
and is empowered even with means of access to the Divine
Intelligence and Wisdom. This is the stage of conscious-
ness that Jesus attained through the training he received
from the Essenes. He attained it through the awakening
and the development of the Soul.
As man lays aside, or draws away from, all that the
world offers, all that the carnal man seeks to attain in am-
bition, fame, self-glory, he is able to grow into the full reali-
zation of his Divine Being, and to attain far more than the
world can ever give him.
Soul Development, or spiritual training, alone is the key
to the door of wisdom and knowledge. The Essenes trained
and developed the boy Jesus into the great and wonderful
Christ. Development is not only controlling and subduing
24 The Son of God
what was this mysterious light though even more familiar
and living than the other which sprang forth from the
depths of his nature, carrying him away to the most distant
tracts of space, and yet uniting him by secret vibrations
with all souls ? Was it not the source of souls and worlds ?
[Was it not his own soul having become awakened and Con-
scious? For all those who follow the Path see the same
dazzling light and are enveloped in and by it.]
He named it His Father in heaven.
' This primitive feeling of unity with God in the light of
Love is the first, the great revelation to Jesus. An inner
voice told him deep in his heart; all the same, it
to hide it
was to give light to his whole life. It gave him an in-
vincible feeling of certainty, made him at once gentle and
indomitable converted his thoughts into a diamond shield,
was the dream of all Jews, especially since Judea had be-
come a Roman province. They journeyed hither from
Perea, Galilee, Alexandria, and Babylon. On the way,
whether in the wilderness under the waving palms, or near
the wells, they cast longing eyes, as they sang their psalms,
in the direction of the hill of Zion. A strange feeling of
oppression must have come over the soul of Jesus, when, on
his first pligrimage, he saw the city girt around with lofty
walls, standing there on the mountain, like a gloomy
fortress, the Roman amphitheatre of Herod at its gates, the
Antonia tower dominating the temple, and Roman legions
lance in hand keeping watch from the heights. He
ascended the temple steps, and admired the beauty of those
marble porticoes, along which walked the Pharisees in
sumptuous flowing robes. [The Pharisees whom he was
later so bitterly to denounce!]
temple of his dreams was the temple of his own soul, re-
God within his
vealed to him by the Inner Consciousness of
own being.]
"Then he descended again into the more populous
quarters of the town, where he saw beggars pallid with
hunger, and whose faces were torn with anguish ; a veritable
reflection of the tortures and crucifixions accompanying
the late wars. Leaving the city by one of the gates, he
wandered among those stony valleys and gloomy ravines
forming the quarries, pools, and tombs of the kings, and
converting Jerusalem into a veritable sepulchre. There he
saw maniacs from the caves, shrieking out blasphemies
against living and dead alike. Then, descending a broad
flight of stones to the pool of Siloam, he saw stretched out
at the water's brink lepers, paralytics, and wretches, cov-
ered with ulcers and sores, in the most abject misery. An
irresistible impulse compelled him to look deep into their
eyes, and drink in all their grief and pain. [As must do
all those who would be saviours of their race.] Some asked
him for help, others were gloomy and hopeless, others again,
with senses numbed, seemed to have done with suffering.
"Then Jesus said to himself: 'Of what use are these
priests, this temple and these sacrifices, since they can afford
no relief to this terrible suffering ? 'And, of a sudden, like
an overwhelming torrent, he felt pouring into his heart the
grief and pain of this town and its inhabitants —
of the
whole of humanity. He understood now that a happiness
he could not share with others was absolutely impossible.
These looks of despair were never more to leave his memory.
Human suffering, a sad-faced bride, would henceforth ac-
company him everywhere, whispering in his ear: 'I will
never leave thee more.
"His soul full of anguish, he left Jerusalem, and pro-
ceeded towards the open peaks of Galilee. A cry leapt
forth from the depths of his heart: 'Father in heaven!
Grant that I may knoiv, and heal, and save.' "
This mighty prayer that went forth from the heart of
Jesus could be granted by none other than the Essenes;
The Mystical Teachings op the Masters 29
and work for one another. They were the only ones that
say that thou art John the Baptist, some Elias, and others
Jeremias, or one of the prophets.
"Among the Essenes, the brothers lived under a com-
munity of property, and in a condition of celibacy, cultivat-
ing the ground, and, at times, educating the children of
strangers. The married Essenes [to whom Mary belonged]
were a with and in subjection to the other,
class affiliated
[as is theTemple of Illuminati affiliated with the Rosicru-
cian Fraternity and under its direction]. Silent, gentle,
32 The Son of God
and grave, they were to be met with here and there, culti-
vating the arts of peace. Carpenters, weavers, vine-plant-
ers, or gardeners, never gunsmiths or merchants. Scat-
tered in small groups about the whole of Palestine, and in
Egypt, even as far as Mount Horeb, they offered one an-
other the most complete hospitality. Thus we see Jesus and
his disciples journeying from town to town, and from prov-
ince to province, always certain of finding shelter and lodg-
"The Essenes were of an exemplary morality, they
forced themselves to transmute passion and anger [into be-
nevolence, peace of mind and power to help others] Their .
ship of the One God, and incarnating this idea into a people.
The Mystical Teachings of the Masters 33
forces of heaven, all the saints from on high and the power
of God; and the Cherubim, the Seraphim, and the Opha-
nim, all the angels of Might, all the angels of the Lord, of
the elect, and of the other Might, serving on earth and
above the waters, shall raise their voices.
"Jesus submitted to the discipline of the Essenes, studied
with them the secrets of nature, and the occult power of
healing. To develop his soul, he gained entire mastery over
the body. Not a day passed without self-questioning and
meditation on the destiny of humanity. ' [For this helped
to awaken his conscience.]
It was a glorious day for him and for the others of the
Brotherhood as well, when he received the highest teachings
that the Order could give him, and when at last, instead
of being the student, he became the master over that mighti-
est body of men then known to man. Henceforth he was
free, master over his own actions, and recognized as the Su-
preme Hierophant of that Order which had taught him all
the mysteries of both life and death. He had henceforth
no master but his own conscience and the Christ within,
which he had awakened, and which he had become, when he
received Divine Illumination.
Ever since his consciousness had sprung to life, he had
found God within himself: for the fact that "Ye are the
34 The Son op God
not say
"All things are possible to him that believeth."
There is no qualification to this statement ; he said plainly
that all things are possible to him that believeth. But this
means that, if we believe in the laws that he taught, we will
be willing to do as he did —we must think right, act right,
and speak right. Besides this, like him, we must make de-
liberate efforts to reach the Christ Consciousness, or Soul
Consciousness ; for only through this consciousness can man
acquire the power to do these things.
In all respects, the Essenes taught exactly what Jesus
taught during his ministry, and much of that which is now
being taught by their successors, the Rosicrucian Fraternity
and its branch, the Temple of the Illuminati.
The Mystical Teachings of the Masters 37
All men are the Sons of man. In order that they may
know must lift up themselves, they_must
the Christ, they
change themselves from men of senses to men of Soul. Car-
nal desires must be changed, they must be lifted up, and
become the desires of the Soul.
The light that is in man is the conscience. The voice
of the conscience speaks to all men unless it is totally de-
stroyed through continued evil acts, when the light is no
longer with man. Therefore it is necessary for man to heed
this voice, this light, and to follow it while it is still to be
heard; he does not do so, the time will come when
for, if
the voice will no longer be with him.
To the question, "What does lifting up the Son of man
mean ? ' '
Jesus answered, To live in the light that is with-
' '
each good work, kind act, kind and loving thought, the
Christ Child grows until at last he reaches manhood, and
man has become the Son of Cod. From this light comes the
conscience in man. The voice is the conscience.
Speaking further of the light in which men are to walk
while they have the light within them, in Luke 2 :35, Jesus
"Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be
not darkness and in Matt. 6 :23, he says
has, and build up the temple so that the light within him
may shine and point the way to "the truth, the way, and
the life."
Man seeks knowledge, happiness, health, success, peace,
and love outside of himself. He expects to find it in the
world of sense, only to be disappointed and he seeks again ;
there is not a sea over which this ship, with this captain, is
not able to sail.
foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests; but
The Mystical Teachings of the Masters 47
the Son of man hath not where to lay his head." Influ-
enced by the popular Jewish tradition concerning the Mes-
siah, the simple hopes of the disciples conceived of the
kingdom of heaven as being a political government, of
which Jesus would be the crowned king and they the min-
isters. To combat this idea and radically to transform it,
revealing to the apostles the true Messiah, the spiritual roy-
alty; to communicate to them the sublime truth he called
the Father, the supreme force he called the Spirit, mysteri-
ously unitingall souls with the invisible to show them and
to all that share in it. For, when his mind awakens to the
truth, he will learn the right use of all things. His eyes
will open to the truth he will seek the ways of truth, know-
that all life is sacred and that no life can be taken without
incurring penalty upon the guilty one. For this reason,
the man who has awakened, who has found the Path that
leads to Divine Illumination, cannot uphold war. War is
not made right simply by being sanctioned by organized
society,which is called a government, but which in itself is
composed of individuals who are themselves personally re-
sponsible to God, and who, though combined, have no more
right to sanction murder than has the individual man who
stands alone.
Might, under the Divine Law, does not make right. And
it is just as evil, just as destructive to the soul, for many
men in combination to commit wrong as it is for one man
"Thou shalt not kill," has come down to us from the
ages; for the Law holds that he who takes life shall lose
his own life. No one can go contrary to the Divine Law
without suffering its extreme penalty.
brother and then come and offer thy gift. Agree with thine
adversary quickly, whilst thou art in the way with him lest ;
the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into
prison. Verily, I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means
come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farth-
ing." Matt. 5:21-26.
Not only shall we not kill, but we shall not have anger
against any one. To be angry is not only to hurt those
against whom we hold anger, but it is a passion that creates
a poison within our own organism. This poison we diffuse
The Mystical Teachings of the Masters 53
their sons are sent into the fields of war for that which does
not in the least concern them ; when their daughters are be-
ing sold by the thousands to the lowest forms of human life
The Mystical Teachings op the Masters 57
will end, and when he has found the remedy, you can trust
him to use it.
thing of circumstances.
"A wonderful and horrible thing is come to pass in the
land; the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear
rule by their means and my people love to have it so and
; ;
and eternal life can be had through mere verbal faith but ;
they must learn that the only price for which Immortality
of Soul can be bought is right thought, right desire, and
right action.
Not an easy path is this to follow in the beginning, be-
causeit demands work in addition to faith. But once the
work is begun, once man, through his acts, has begun to
bring about right conditions, then will it be just as easy to
follow righteous works as it was formerly to follow un-
righteous works.
The priests of the people fear to teach the truth because
there is danger that, if the people learn that faith in a creed
can not save, they will forsake them (the priests). The
priests suppose that only through hypocrisy can they hold
the people to the church. This seems plausible, but is not
true ; for works begin in faith. He that teaches man a true
faith first, and then shows him how to put his faith into
practice, will be the one by whom an enlightened people
will stand.
"Faith without works dead." It is therefore neces-
lest they should see with their eyes, and perceive with their
And who is it that can kill the soul? None can kill the
soul within us except ourselves. Other men can take the
life of the body from us but, if we allow them to take that
Only God and the Divine Law are to be obeyed and man ;
that loseth his life shall find it. ' Matt. 10 :31.
But, says the seeker, if you do lay down your life in that
way, another will simply take your place. Granted. But
we have nothing whatever to do with the actions of another.
Each man is an individual. Each man is individually re-
sponsible for that which he does. There can be no plea that
he was forced to do thus and so. Nor can he set up the plea
that others did so and so. He deals only with himself and
his God, and is responsible only for himself and his acts.
That which others do is not an example by which we can be
saved. Our only guide is: "What says the Divine Law of
my own Being ? Only in obedience to the Divine Law is
or ill as the case may be. This is covered by the law that
says: "He that taketh life by the sword shall perish with
the sword."
This being true, would it not be better for man to obey
the Law in the first instance, and thus avoid the penalty?
His advancement would be faster, his achievements and his
pleasures greater, and there would be no old debts to pay.
But men have been led to believe that the chief aim of life
is to gain honor, fame, money, or the many other things
usually thought of as bringing happiness. It is a mistake
to consider this the chief aim of life. Man's highest duty
64 The Son of God
injury with kindness. " "To the not good I would be good
in order to make them good.
Our penal code has forgotten all the divine laws, if in-
deedit ever knew them. The Law of Hermes was As it is '
above, so is it below. ' According to this principle, the laws
of the country and the state should be in harmony with the
Divine Law, and therefore all methods of punishment
should be corrective. But such today is not the case, the
laws of the state and of the country are directly opposed
to the Divine Law and
; the methods are not corrective but
This does not mean that those who manifest criminal
tendencies should be turned loose on society at large, but
that jails and penitentiaries should be institutions of learn-
ing—places where men are taught the principles of right
and justice, where they are taught some useful labor, and
where they are shown that the wages of sin is death.
No criminal has ever been reformed through the brutality
of modern methods of correction or punishment. The crim-
inal is already bitter against organized society; and well
he may be, for it is generally admitted that the methods of
organized society are defective. To punish is not to arouse
the better nature of him who is punished, and to make it
Man an animal only so long as he is ruled by the animal
to wear than they need, and by caging them like some wild
beast. You can make them good by being good to them,
by showing them that there is that within them which is
God-like but which they are now degrading. The profes-
sional reformer cannot do this, for he attempts to do one
thing while leading a life that is contrary to his actions.
Such men manifest through the personality just what they
are, and no one feels this quicker than the criminal.
The Greeks in 1070 B.C. came yet nearer to the wording
of Jesus: "Do not that to thy neighbor which thou would
take ill from him.
The law under which men live at the present time has
nothing whatever to do with consideration for the other
man, but only with consideration for the self. The question
is not What can I do for you ? but What can I get out of
you? The Divine Law, and the Law under which all men
must come sooner or later, is simple as to what is best for
all. Understanding of the Law simply means knowing that
exactly as we do to another, so will we be done by. This is
true, not because God rewards or punishes, but because with
every act we set into motion a law that affects us as directly
as it does the one with whom we deal.
This does not advocate that the laws under which men
now live should be set at naught at once and without no-
tice.That would mean anarchy and chaos. But men should
be taught the Divine Law, and gradually they should re-
place the present laws that are contrary to the divine laws
with requirements and standards that are in harmony with
the Divine Law. Only in this is there protection, and all
things must proceed in an orderly manner.
The Hebraic law taught this same truth. In a parch-
ment, believed to have been the first inscribed some twenty-
five hundred years ago, is to be found: "Whatsoever you
do not wish your neighbor to do to you, do not that to him. '
At the first Buddhistic Council held at Rajagriha in 466
B.C., the scribes almost duplicated the advice of Egypt's
priest, in the writing :
' One should seek for others the hap-
piness one desires for oneself.
This is sound advice for this reasonUnder the Divine
Since all countries and all ages have had such sublime
statements of the Divine Law, why do we find men who ex-
ist by robbing their fellowmen, by cheating, by sending
others to war, by trading in the innocent? The answer is
simplicity itself: men do these things because they believe
it be to their interest to do so.
One thing, which more than anything else explains men's
actions, is that they regard these standards as religious, as
belonging to the church and those that have to do with the
church. No longer caring for religion, they think that these
principles do not apply to them. They must understand
that divine laws are not limited to religion; that religion
is not their author that they are practical conditions
; —con-
ditions which are absolute in business and in all affairs of
life because they are part of the Divine Order of the uni-
Kuie, the working man would soon be one of the most in-
dependent and favored of the gods, of all men.
"Two thousand years ago a law of God became known
to men, the law of reciprocity, that one should act unto
others as one wishes to act to oneself.
' This law is so simple, comprehensible to every one, and
obviously gives the greatest welfare possible to man. And
therefore it would seem that as soon as men had learned this
law they ought immediately, as far as possible, to fulfil it
themselves, and to use all their powers to teach this law and
its fulfilment to the rising generations.
"Especially would it seem that the men of our Christian
the teachings that are necessary for man, or for the salva-
tion of man.
"And yet, almost two thousand years have elapsed and
men not only refrain from fulfilling this law and from teach-
ing it to their children, but in most cases they do not them-
selves even know it, or, if they do, they regard it either as
unnecessary or as impractical and yet, unless this one great
need of all these things. But seek ye first his kingdom and
his righteousness (inner consciousness as being one with
God) and all these things shall be added unto you.'
"If man fulfils what God requires of him, if he observes
His law, then God also will do for him that which he re-
quires. So that the law of doing to others as one would wish
to be done to oneself relates to God also. 'For., once man
gets into harmony with the Father within, there is a certain
power given to him by which, or through which, he obtains
the things that he needs.
"The principle of true religion is clearly expressed in
the Gospel by the words: 'Do unto others as thou wouldst
wish that others should do unto thee.' This is the whole
law and the prophets. If this principle were recognized as
the chief religious principle by all men, then egotism, which
is the readiness to sacrifice one's neighbor's welfare to at-
tain one's own ends, would disappear of itself. So that I
recognize as the cause of evil in general, and of wars in
particular, solely the ignorance of true religion.
' The only solution of the social problem for rational be-
ings gifted with the capacity to love consists in the aboli-
tion of force, and in the organization of a society founded
on mutual respect and rational principles voluntarily ac-
cepted by all. Such a condition can be obtained only by the
development of true religion. By this term, I refer to the
fundamental principles of all religions, which are first, the :
the good of any one else, but only for our own good, and
In general, man is weak, he is inclined to be ruled by the
flesh; consequently, he is miserable, because, though having
the potentiality of a god, he still is little more than an ani-
mal, and the animal nature and the divine nature are not
as yet in harmony. He will continue to be an animal until
such time as he seeks to know himself, until he masters the
animal tendencies, and kindles the vestal lights on the Al-
tar. first learns the Divine Law
This he cannot do until he
and obeys On the animal plane, he obeys the law of his
good, for all that is pure, and for the good of the children
of man.
The Christie religion, the method of living advocated by
the Temple of Illumination, enables man to attain the
highest degree of power, of knowledge, and of conscious-
ness, because it teaches him the Divine Law, it shows him
how to make the beginning and how to go forward, step by
step, until the highest stage of development has been
It is practical, in that it does not theorize, and in that it
and all that we do. "We cannot plead that we have been
harmed by another, cursed by another, or have suffered loss
through another. Though God is cursed by man, he does
not curse man in return, but forgives his acts. In reality,
under the Divine Law, man curses himself rather than any-
one else and through his acts he brings about his own pun-
"Then came Peter and said unto him, Lord, how often
shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him ? Until
seven times ? Jesus said unto him, I say not unto thee, Un-
til seven times: but, Until seventy times seven." Matt.
18 :21.
laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay
me that thou owest. So his fellow servant fell down at his
feet and besought him, saying, Have patience with me, and
I will pay thee all. And he would not but went and cast:
a debt and must be paid but with the paying of the debt
82 The Son of God
To love our fellow man is to be willing to help him in
every way possible. It means that our
be one of life will
through such service did Jesus become the Son of
God. But not he alone has become the Son of God. All
men, through love and service to humanity, may become the
only begotten Sons of the Father. He who can and does
love has God within himself; and it is from this that the
power comes to heal the sick and to do all manner of good.
"Ye are the temples of the living God" should be written
in letters of fire above the doors of all places wherein man
dwells. And to make this a fact it is only necessary that
84 The Son op God
God does not need our service personally but his creation ;
no one can follow the Christ who is not willing to obey the
Divine Law and to exchange his carnal, material life for
the higher life.
man and take his life, and still love him. That which we
love we do not attempt to destroy, we cherish it, we try to
keep it from destruction and even give ourselves so that the
loved one may live.
"Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt love thy
neighbor and hate thine enemy (Lev. 19 :17-18). But I say
unto you: Love your enemy, and pray for them that per-
secute you for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the
good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust. For if
ye love them that love you, what reward have ye ? Do not
even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your breth-
ren only, what do ye more than others? Do not even the
Gentiles the same? Ye therefore shall be perfect, as your
heavenly Father is perfect."
In this we have the Law; for, if we have mastered the
evil in us so that we love our enemies as we are commanded,
we will no longer wish to resist him that is evil. We will
love all, knowing that each does only that which he under-
stands to be for his own good.
The Mystical Teachings op the Masters 8.9
become like Him. For this reason, the man who is truly
seeking "the truth, the way, and the life," will not resist
evil; he will pray for them that persecute him just as the
Father sends the sunshine even upon those that are indiffer-
ent to Him.
If we love only those that love us and that are kind to us,
we do not more than the most degraded of humankind is
doing. Even the most hardened criminal has a sort of love,
an affection for those of his own kind who show kindness to
him. If we want to become men of power, Sons of God,
we must show love and kindness to all, even those who do us
injury, even as the Father sends the rain to those who are
To hate an enemy will not make him better, nor yet will
it free us from his hatred and his persecution. But if we
refuse to receive the hatred, if we give love in exchange for
the hatred, then will we receive the blessings of love; and
our love to such will be like coals of fire, searing into the
conscience and allowing them no rest until they discontinue
their persecution.
The first commandment is: "Be at peace with all men."
Consider no man as insignificant or foolish. If peace be
destroyed, strive to reestablish it with all your strength. The
service of Cod is the destruction of enmity. "Know that
90 The Son of God
all men are brothers and sons of the one God; break peace
with no man.
"Be ye merciful, even as your Father is merciful." To
be like the Father, we must do as the Father does for this ;
judgment ye be judged.
Jesus was careful to enjoin all men to forgive others, that
they might have their own trespasses forgiven. This idea
he repeated many times. It follows, then, that every man
before bringing his offering of prayer is required to pardon
all trespasses. If he does not the offering is acceptable
neither to God nor to his own conscience ; for it is not given
in love. Only thoughts created in love are acceptable to the
The Mystical Teachings op the Masters 91
fine clothing, and say, Sit thou here in a good place; and
ye say to the poor man, Sit thou here, or sit under my foot-
stool are ye not divided in your own mind ? And become
Do not
kill. Now if thou dost not commit adultery, but
thou art become a transgressor of the law. So speak
harmony with the Divine Law and to reach the state called
Soul Consciousness, or Oneness with the Father. Not
merely through faith and faithful attendance upon a
church, is Sonship possible ; but, only through obedience to
the Divine Law, can man become the Son of God.
The End.
94 The Son of God
As taught by
Urn-pit of Jiltmrnjoh
Temple op Illuminati
or instructors.
The teachings must necessarily be general, intended to
enlighten as well as to arouse the conscience, in order that
the aspirant may become self-reliant in his choices and in
his decisions. The purpose is to give such clear exposition
of the Divine Law that the student may learn to determine
beforehand the reactionary effects of thought and deed, and
thus be led to choose the right.
It is intended that the fundamental laws of the Christ
shall be taught, and how
to live in harmony with -them.
The goal in mind for the students is to become masters them-
selves of themselves, rather than to come under the control
of a master. All powers, all mastership, all divinity, comes
from within, from the Soul, from the Center of the Being.
The teacher can only direct the student to the path that
leads to Illumination of Soul. But the student must travel
the path and must do the work for himself. However, by
persistent effort the student may become even as the teacher
and possibly even greater. Not slavery does the Temple
teach, but freedom from slavery; mastership over condi-
tions, not bondage under conditions. Obedience to the
spirit of the teachings is necessary for no one can learn the
To the seeker who has made up his mind to live the true
life, the thing that looks like an impassible barrier to Son-
ship and Illumination is the memory of the past; for the
memory of his past life comes before him again and again
Temple op Illumestati 7
shall hold for us — this, the hardest task of all, becomes the
Giver of Life and Light and Immortality.
It is to be clearly understood that no one can receive the
Temple Degree —Knight of the Eose and Cross —who has
not at least taken the first year's instructions in Soul Sci-
ence, and who does not possess the text-books that form a
part of the instructions.
A chain can be only as strong as its weakest link, and an
Order can be of greatest service only when its members un-
derstand the laws of which each member is to make use in
his service to humankind. If there is but one member who
is ignorant of these laws, the whole Fraternity will be
Soul Science is the science that teaches equal develop-
ment of the physical, the mental, and that which concerns
the soul, giving perfect balance and harmony in their cul-
Soul Science is not simply a religion. It is a Science-Phi-
losophy-Religion ; and it is in perfect harmony with the
teachings of Jesus, the great Master. It is founded not on
theory, but on facts —material, tangible facts —the teach-
ings of the Masters, proved true and scientific, and appli-
cable and practical, time and time again.
8 Soul Science
Mind is mortal and dies with the body but that which the ;
— —
mind builds the Soul lives on through eternity. This
power, which the mind is able to build, and which we recog-
nize as the Soul, is the greatest power man can know —
power that is a thousand times greater than the mind.
The power of the Soul can be used to regain health when
you are ill, to maintain it when you are well and strong to ;
The Name
As the name, Soul Science, indicates, the teaching is, pri-
marily, the science of Soul Illumination, or the science of
the Soul : it unfolds and interprets the laws and the princi-
ples underlying the growth, the culture, and the training
of soul powers. Every science implies its corresponding
art. These instructions, when applied, become the finest of
fine arts —the art of the interpretation of truth ; the art of
the application of truth to human needs; the art of culti-
vating and encouraging the most delicate graces of heart,
the most subtle uses of thought power, the most refined
touches and imaginings of consciousness; the art of "right-
eous judgment;" the art of putting a kind interpretation
on the deeds of others; in short, the art of the Christ-life.
They become an art that constantly lures one on to perfec-
tion a perfection, however, that as constantly evades and
escapes one's grasp; yet, with every escape, it lures the
more enticingly. The science and the art of illumination
must go hand in hand the one giving a clear understanding
ery, failure, and sorrow for perhaps you are reversing the
great laws.
Do you know that you have the power to make yourself
what you will? It rests with you whether you become a
success or a failure. Success in all things lies within the
palms of your hands, if you but know the laws that control
body, mind, and soul. It is the knowledge of these Great
Laws that the Soul Science Philosophy teaches. To follow
the instructions requires very little formal or verbal faith
for when the student obeys the laws, results must become
manifest. There can be no failure, if one gives persistent,
honest, faithful, conscientious attention to the task of Soul
Development. As in working at the building of a house, if
the plans are correct, results are sure.
14 Soul Science
The Instructions
The Preliminary Course in Soul Science, covering the
first year's work, includes one typewritten lesson a week,
and the following books
' Soul Science, the Way to Immortality,
' '
' The Illuminated Faith,
"The Divine Law."
A nominal fee of twenty-five dollars is asked for the first
The will of God
supreme in the universe, operating di-
"When man realizes that the soul is the result of his own
building, that the edifice of character is the result of the
mind's selecting, rejecting, and executing, he will spare no
pains in giving himself such training as a Master Architect
Man is made in the image of God. He is a reflection of
the Infinite, possessing the powers and the attributes of the
Infinite. In different beings, these divine qualities are in
different stages of unfoldment. In one, they may be in a
latent state, concealed from view beneath the crust of a
selfish personality; but, unless they have been burned and
seared by the fire of persistent wrong doing, they are none
the less a potentiality, awaiting the unfolding processes of
growth. In another, they may be in the incipient stages of.
a nucleus of goodness. In this state, they indicate an ac-
tive, wholesome conscience although the life may be pain-
R. Swinburne Clymer.
Allentown, Pa.
/l\ %
All books herein listed are part of the teachings formulated and
given by The Temples of the Illuminati and Illumination
Published by
summarized the fundamental principles
In the Preface is
Jesus an Essene.
In this chapter is given an historic sketch of the training
that Jesus received among the Essenes. The harmony is
clearlyshown that exists between the teachings of the Esse-
nes and those of the true Rosicrucian Order and the con- ;
The Sages.
In this book are given quotations from the great sages
representing different nationalities to show that the Illumi-
nated Masters of all ages agree in regard to the essentials
of a living Religion and Philosophy, and that all those who
lived in harmony with the Divine Law reached the same
state of Soul Consciousness.
32 Catalog of Mystical Books
Second of the Text=books Issued by the Temple
of Illumination
. contents
The Christ.
Showing who and what the Christ is. The Son of God;
His Work the Inner Man how you may become the Son of
; ;
Giving the laws for the inner development that lead to
Real Initiation. It also gives many of the laws and rules
for Soul Development.
Showing the necessity of forming a clear idea of what
you wish to be. Also of the necessity of developing this
idea. Full mental laws are given.
Power of Love.
One of the greatest powers in the universe. It shows how
all things may be accomplished.
Temple of Illumination.
Giving a discourse on the Temple of the Illumination of
the Soul. The religion that millions demand, but have here-
tofore sought in vain. Leaders are wanted everywhere.
True Soul Science. Giving concisely, but fully, instruc-
tions that are alone worth more than the cost of the book.
Explaining why prayer is and is not effective. It reveals
this most important mystery.
Annunciation or Conception.
When the Soul succeeds in arousing the Mind and the
Will to a desire for Truth, for Wisdom, and for greater
Love, it is planting the seeds, or the Conception. Man can-
not, and will not, accept of anything until there is some-
thing within him which tells him that it is truth. Thus,
when we turn from an old condition to a new one, from an
old belief to a new belief, it is a condition of Conception
that has taken place.
The Confession.
Repentance of old deeds and turning away from them,
acceptingnew and higher belief in a just law and living it,
this is repentance. It is a confession ; for to give up the old,
and accept the new, is to confess that the old was in the
Building of a Soul.
The mystery for the millions to know for to know is to
The meaning of At-one-ment. Unless we become at-one
with, the Father we cannot know the Christ. To know the
Christ is to become Illuminated. None can reach Immor-
tality except through the Atonement.
The real meaning of Crucifixion. Soul Science and the
Christie Interpretation alone can give the true meaning.
The Passover.
There are few who know the true meaning of the Pass-
over. The Passover is not a feast to be held once a year, but
has a deeper, a mystical, or occult, meaning. None can be-
come Immortal, none can become one with the Father, un-
less they have gone through the Passover.
Illumination is the resurrection of the Christ. The Re-
surrection always comes after the Passover.
The Christ.
John the Baptist taught the Laws of the Mind, or Mental
Healing; but Soul Science and the Christie Interpretation
teach the Healing of the Soul.
Throughout the lessons of the book, the subject of Christ-
hood is exhaustively dealt with. Do not think that the
method of attaining Christhood is only hinted at for much ;
Soul Consciousness.
To reach Christhood is to become Soul Conscious. Those
who reach Soul Consciousness reach what several well-
known writers have named "Cosmic Consciousness."
Illumination is reached when the mind has become awak-
ened and enlightened, and when through this awakening
the Mind Forces are used in the building, or creation, of a
' '
Soul that is Consciously Conscious.
Catalog of Mystical Books 39
The Goal.
John recognized the one great Law that the goal of
St. —
all human endeavor
is to become a Conscious Soul, a Cosmic
St. John has been called the Philosopher of Love because
the base of the whole work in the redemption of man, ac-
cording to his teachings, is love.
to find new life, a new faith in God and His revealed teach-
Catalog op Mystical Books 41
The wise know that it is not well to undertake any de-
velopment unless one clearly understands what he is doing.
To undertake to run an engine, without understanding the
mechanism, and how to set it into motion, how to stop it,
how and how to oil it, would be dangerous. It is
to feed,
meddle with the human machine with-
just as dangerous to
out an understanding of the Divine Law.
The Forces.
The Divine Law controls all the forces in nature. The
DivineLaw and the Natural Law are one; but the Divine
Law applies to the things of the Soul, while the Natural
Laws apply to the Material manifestations. To break one
is to break the other.
True Guidance.
The book is a guide, it is such a guide as all need who de-
sire to follow the Path and Light, and Love. Oc-
to Life,
cult and Mystical Laws are clearly interpreted, and the
reasons given.
Going Astray.
There is no danger of the seeker's going astray if he
studies these Laws and obeys them.
will enable the seeker to make all the resources of his four-
fold nature available and productive, so that he may create
and execute plans, make his way through obstacles, and
realize his highest ideals in other words, an intelligent ap-
Higher Soul Culture
The lessons on Soul Culture in this book are a happy
combination of two important features: first, they afford
instruction concerning the fundamental truths of life ex-
pressed in language simple yet comprehensive second, they ;
Lesson One. .
Teaching that within himself each one must seek for, and
find, all power. Telling what to do, and how to do it, in
order to develop the likeness of the Christ, the true Christ-
isis, within himself.
Lesson Two.
The beginning of wisdom and knowledge. Teaching the
Science-Religion, the wedding of Science with Religion.
The giving up of mere belief in the acceptation of reality.
Lesson Three.
Life is concentration. Concentration is accumulation.
Accumulation is power. The Magnetic Center : its finding,
Lesson Four.
The undevelopedsoul within man like unto a seed. The
seeds that dormant, the seeds that spring up and die,
and the seeds that spring up and grow. The Divine Spark
within. The development of the Christisis. Man a creator.
The esoteric teachings of the Masters.
Lesson Five.
The whole external universe is the outpicturing of the
thoughts retained within the Infinite Soul. God pictures
44 Catalog of Mystical Books
Lesson Six.
The Master of Mysticism, Jacob Boehme. "God intro-
duces His will into nature for the purpose of revealing His
power in light and majesty to constitute a kingdom of joy."
"Will, the lever that lifts in any desired direction. How to
use the power. Two aspects of the force. The grand fac-
Lesson Seven.
Mind not magnetic. Mind is electric. The Soul is the
Magnetic Center. Mind the dynamo. Mind an electrical
generator. The laws of creation. The great secret of per-
sonal magnetism.
Lesson Eight.
The physical plane. The earth plane. The Soul plane.
Limitation is bondage. Limitation is not reality, not it is
Lesson Nine.
"I and the Father are One." "I am in the world but
not of the world." The proof that man may live on the
earth plane, but not be of that plane. All states are but
conditions of mind and soul. Man is limited only as he
limits himself. The voice of conscience is the voice of God
speaking within us.
Lesson Ten.
The new life. In trying to find the universal life, you
Lesson Eleven.
Individual responsibility. No one can escape from the
law of cause and effect. It is absolute.
this life ; or, the Law concerning the present life in its eso-
teric sense so that when the present life ends, it will be
actually a continuation of the present life on another plane
of existence.
These Laws as here taught are practical. "We know that
they are practical, for they are, in nearly every case,
answers to questions received from some perplexed student.
These expositions of the Divine Law are answers to such
questions as were received from students in the Temple of
Illuminati and appeared in The Initiates, we therefore
know that they are adapted to seekers' needs.
46 Catalog of Mystical Books
upon the fact that God made all things and that when he
made them He made them good. The School of the Christie
Interpretation admits this fact; bnt it recognizes the
greater fact that, when God made man, he gave him free-
will, the right to use things for good or for evil, and that a
and the truth shall make you free, is full of meaning but '
' ;
we must know how to search for truth, where to find it, and
how to apply it.
The Law of Faithfulness.
What constitutes faithfulness? To whom should we be
faithful? All Divine Laws center around one Being, the
One Being manifested in two. God the Father, or call Him
what you will, is the One Being man is but a part of that
real things in life, no matter upon what plane man may be.
Before he can attain full satisfaction, man must understand
the Law of Faithfulness.
The Leaders.
Men have said that in this age it is almost impossible for
a man to succeed. The fact is, never in the history of the
world was there such a demand for real capable men and
women. But they must be capable in the real sense of the
word, they must be fully rounded out, proficient in the
things they would undertake; and above all, they must be
loyal to that which they undertake, in other words, put
their whole heart, mind, and soul into the work, and not
attempt to dabble in this, that, and the other thing. The
Illuminati, with its Christie Interpretation, needs leaders,
truemen and women and there ; is power, contentment, and
advancement for such.
The Confessional.
Can the confession, or rather, canany confessional have
any part in the work of the Illuminati? To answer this
question, we need but ask another : Is it necessary for men
and women in the present age to confide in anyone? Is it
mind of pent-up
necessary for them, at times, to relieve the
feelings? We
do not endorse the old idea of the confes-
sional but we believe that human nature is much the same
today as in the fore time, and that men and women need
those in whom they can confide and from whom they can
receive instructions and words of encouragement.
52 Catalog of Mystical Books
The common error concerning miracles is to regard them
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