Fundamental of Accountancy, Business and Management Reviewer
Fundamental of Accountancy, Business and Management Reviewer
Fundamental of Accountancy, Business and Management Reviewer
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- Defines corporation as “ an - Provide details about the name of
artificial being created by the cooperative….
operation of law, having the right
of succession and the power,
attributes and properties TYPES OF COOPERATIVES
expressly authorized by law or
incident to its existence” 1. Credit cooperative
Board of directors 2. consumer cooperative
- They are elected by the owners 3. producers cooperative
themselves. They will take control of the
4. marketing cooperative
corporation’s activities.
5. service cooperative
Profit Corporation
6. multi-purpose cooperative
- Issues shares of stocks to owners or
shareholders who are holding a 7. advocacy cooperative
stock certificate
8. agrarian reform cooperative
Non- profit Corporation
9. cooperative bank
- Does not issue shares of stocks. Its
owners are called members. 10. dairy cooperative
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Basic Assumptions
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- Assets are assumed to be used for an - it is the most objective and verifiable basis
indefinite period of time and not intended to upon which to account for assets and
sold immediately. liabilities of a business enterprise.
-It allows the company to defer some of its Cost
prepaid expenses until future accounting
periods. - more definite and determinable than other
valuable method.
4. Monetary Unit Assumption
2. Full Disclosure Principle
- The peso is assumed to remain relatively
stable over the years in terms of purchasing - the accountant should include sufficient
power. information to permit the stakeholder to
make an informed judgement about the
- It disregards any inflation in the economy financial condition of the enterprise.
- it assumes that only transactions that can - Information should be disclosed within the
be expressed in terms of money are statement or in the notes to the statement.
3. Matching Principle
-Nonfinancial or nonmonetary information
that cannot be measured in terms of money - it requires that expenses be matched with
are not recorded in the accounting books. revenues.
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-an accountant might be allowed to violate present condition and future outlook
another accounting principle, if an amount is so that informed decision can be
insignificant. made in a timely manner.
- Professional judgement is needed to Reliable Information
decide whether an amount is insignificant or
immaterial. - verifiable and objective.
- states that given two options in the - prepared using the same methods
valuation of business transactions, the each accounting period.
amount recorded should be the lower rather - Consistency allows meaningful
than the higher value. comparison to be made between
different accounting periods and
- It helps the accountant break a tie while between and among different
remaining unbiased and objective. companies.
- It is modifying constraint that allows the
accountant to violate another accounting
principle if there are alternatives to be
-it leads accountants to anticipate or disclose
losses, but it does not allow a similar action
for gains.
- losses and costs are recorded and gains
are recorded when they are realized.
6. Objectivity Principle
- it requires business transactions to have
some form of impartial supporting evidence
of documentation.
- it entails that bookkeeping and financial
recording be performed with independence,
that is free of bias and prejudice.
- reliable and verifiable.
- The consistency and comparability of
the accounting information reported
are also expected from the
Relevant information
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