Procedure:: Defining Constraints
Procedure:: Defining Constraints
Procedure:: Defining Constraints
Training Files:
Download the training files using the button below, if you have not done so already.
Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models
display, then click File > Manage Session > Erase Not Displayed.
2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to the
PTCU\CreoParametric2\Simulate_Modeling\Constraints folder and click OK
1. To review the model settings, click File > Prepare > Model Properties. The Model Properties
dialog box appears.
4. Click Diameter from the Measure group. The Diameter dialog box appears.
5. Select any half of the hole as shown in the figure. The value of the diameter is reported in the
Diameter dialog box. Repeat for the remaining holes. 21-03-2018
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Figure 1
8. Right-click AL2014 and select Edit Definition. The Material Definition dialog box appears.
9. Review the values for Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, and the units specified. Click OK.
2. Click Coordinate System from the Datum group. The Coordinate System dialog box appears.
5. Enable Plane Display and Axis Display . Press CTRL and select the axis Hole_B and the
datum plane Front on the model.
7. Click in the first Use field. Select the axis Hole_B in the model. 21-03-2018
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9. Click in the second Use field. Select the datum plane Right in the model.
10. Select T=90 from the Project drop-down list. The coordinate system is displayed as shown.
Figure 2
12. Define a second coordinate system for hole C using the same method. Use the following
◾ axis Hole_C
2. Click Displacement from the Constraints group. The Constraint dialog box appears.
3. In the model, select any of the half surfaces of hole B. The remaining half of the hole is
automatically selected and two surfaces are listed in the References section as shown. 21-03-2018
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Figure 3
5. In the model tree expand Simulation Features and select the Hole_B cylindrical coordinate
system, CS1.
Note that the Translation section displays R, Theta, and Z.
7. Click OK.
8. Apply the same constraint conditions to Hole C, using the cylindrical coordinate system created for
Hole C, CS2.
10. Click Displacement from the Constraints group. The Constraint dialog box appears.
11. Enable Point Display . In the References section, select Points from the drop-down list. 21-03-2018
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Figure 4
13. Use the WCS and complete the Translation section as shown.
Figure 5
All these constraints are part of the same constraint set and, therefore, act on the system at
the same time. 21-03-2018