Volumn Correct or 999

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Vast, flexible Data-logging Facility
INTRODUCTION This facility can be configured in up
to five virtual data loggers with indi-
The INSTROMET Model 999 Correc- ved to users requirements. It uses vidual timing and logging a number
tor combines a high performance, low frequency pulses from the gas- of different parameters each. A
battery operated volume corrector meter and active inputs for pressure memory for up to 32,000 logs is pro-
with a versatile data logger in one and temperature. It also corrects for vided.
compact package. Its primary func- compressibility taking the influence
tion is to convert measured line of gas composition into account. It Windows® based Data Retrieval and
volume accurately to base volume. is designed for pressures up to 80 Configuration
Its secondary function is to log any bar (1200 psi). The vast potential of this Corrector
of the parameters and data invol- can be fully exploited because of its
ease of operation. The Windows®
OUTSTANDING based software provided with the
Corrector can be run on any IBM
compatible PC and is a familiar envi-
Very High Operating Accuracy Clear Display with Legends for Easy ronment to communicate with the
To achieve a high operating accur- Interpretation Corrector. The software features
acy over a pressure range of ten to Apart from the display of totalized context sensitive "help" and a com-
one and an ambient temperature line and corrected volumes and of plete instruction manual.
range of-20°C to +60°C the pressure alarms, a separate alpha-numeric dis-
sensor characteristics are stored in play can be configured by the user Easy and efficient maintenance
the sensor and digital mathematical to read other parameters. Audit trail, programmable alarm
methods are used to compensate for and error levels for pressure and
errors. The maximum error including Peak-hour and Peak-day data temperature, easy battery exchange,
ambient temperature effects will be Peak hourly and peak daily volumes flexible calibration of transducers,
± 0. 25%, but in general the error are collected and stored together they all contribute to better main-
will be smaller. with date and time. tenance and quality control.

Three built-in Serial Ports

An infra-red port, a local serial port
and a port for a modem are stan-

Long Battery Life

The replaceable standard D-size Lit-
hium batteries carry sufficient energy
for five years normal operation. This
time can be extended by adding a
second battery.

Dial out facility

An automatic dial out facility is pro-
vided that makes it possible to send
out data using a modem. Dial out
can occur either at regular intervals
or on an alarm. Windows® based
software is provided to monitor the
dial out facility on an IBM compati-
ble PC. The monitor programme can
operate in the background while the
PC is used for other duties.

The Corrector has built-in diagnos-
tics to detect its proper functioning
and to detect whether it operates
within user defined limits of pres-
sure and temperature.

Wide Range Pressure Sensor

Wide range pressure sensors make
it possible to standardise on only
one Corrector for a number of pres-
sure levels, thus reducing stock


Two eight digit liquid crystal displays INFRA RED

with alarm, error and low power COMMUNICATION PORT

legends are provided to display the

totalized line and corrected volumes.
Each total can be configured to dis-
play 6, 7 or 8 digits. The totals can 1/4 N.P.T
also be pre-set enabling the mecha- 2x16 LCD DISPLAY
nical index of the meter to indicate EARTH STUD
the same value as the Corrector
index. The displays can be selected CABLE GLANDS
to blank after a given time interval
of between 1 and 254 seconds.

A third, 2 line by 16 character alpha

numeric display can indicate para- CONNECTOR
meters determined by the functions CLEAR
of five display buttons. This display SELECTED PROGRAMMED DISPLAY OF ALL PORT
will blank after a preselected time DATA VALUES RECALLS AUDIT
if the display buttons are not ope- PARAMETERS SELECTED
rated. The first line identifies the
The five display buttons each give STEEL FLEXIBLE SHEATH.
access to a specific group of related
data or parameters for display. Pres-
meter and subsequent pressing of
the same button steps through the 5) CLEAR / ➝ each can be displayed containing
list of data of that group. When the user defined information.
end of the data list is reached, the Clears latched alarms, peak hour, This can be used for example to
display will return to the first item. peak day or logged data. store information in the Corrector
The buttons are labelled: such as location, installation date,
In addition five information pages etc.
of two lines of sixteen characters These can be viewed by pressing the
DATA button.

1) DATA /

This button steps the display sequen- DATA LOGGING

tially through the programmed pre-
set operating data. The Corrector can be configured to can be set from 1 minute to 24
log up to 5 tables of data. Each hours.
table can be configured to log selec-

2) DISPLAY / ted parameters at a specific time The INSTROMET Model 999 Correc-
interval. The time interval can be tor can be regarded as containing 5
This button steps the display different for each table. independent data loggers. The log-
through the active operating para- The number of logs for each table ging facility can be configured by
meters. can be set. the user by means of a simple Win-
dows® based software programme.
The number of logs or the total log- All registered data can also be vie-
3) RECORDS / ENTER ging time can only be increased to wed using the same user-friendly
the available memory size of 32,000. Windows® based programme.
Any of the routinely logged para-
meters can be accessed by actuating Each table can be set to stop logging
this button. when the maximum number of logs
is reached (table full) or to continue
logging and overwrite previous
4) ALARMS / B data. High Accuracy Audit trail Maximum Day
Tables can be individually started electronic + Logger + Maximum Hour
Corrector Recorder
The alarm and error conditions and and stopped, started and stopped
the times when they occurred and as a group or set for continuous log-
Data Logger
were cleared are shown by pressing ging. Logged data can be read via +
32.000 records
Data 8Logger
Data Logger
8 Fields
this button. a serial port or by the lower LCD dis- 8 Fields
Data Logger
8 Fields
8 Fields
The logging interval for each table INSTROMET 999 Electronic Volume Corrector

The Corrector can be set to dial out
through a modem either on regu-
lar hourly, daily, weekly or monthly
intervals. The parameters to be sent
out can be selected. It is also possi-
ble to dial out when an alarm
occurs. The specific alarm to initiate
dial out can be selected.
These two instances may be pro-
grammed simultaneously.
Up to three telephone numbers can
be entered. These are entered in
order of priority, the next one to be
tried if five attempts to dial were
not successful. If none of the three
numbers can be reached a second
trial is made after 2 hours.

The Corrector automatically logs any
changes in set-up data with the pre- Sensors are available with the follo-
vious and new value and the time INPUT SIGNALS wing pressure ranges :
and date the change occurred. In 0-2 bar or 0- 30 PSI
addition to these Event Logs, the The Model 999 Corrector accepts 0-3.5 bar or 0- 50 PSI
Corrector automatically logs for all inputs from gas meters equipped 0-5 bar or 0- 75 PSI
alarms the time and date of their with a low frequency (LF) pulse out- 0-7 bar or 0- 100 PSI
occurrence and clearing and their put (voltage free contacts, transis- 0-10 bar or 0- 150 PSI
nature. tor or mosfet), with a maximum fre- 0-17 bar or 0- 250 PSI
It is also possible for the user to pro- quency of 0.5 Hz. One input pulse 0-25 bar or 0- 375 PSI
gram the Corrector to record, with defines the quantity of gas from the 0-40 bar or 0- 600 PSI
the above Event and Alarm Logs, meter which can be scaled by the 0-60 bar or 0- 900 PSI
additional parameters such as pres- uncorrected volume factor giving 0-80 bar or 0-1200 PSI
sure, temperature, flow rate etc. the quantity of gas indicated on the
Depending on the number of addi- display. Pulse rates up to 50 Hz can Full accuracy is maintained between
tional parameters the number of be accommodated using the built in 10 % and 100 % of maximum wor-
audit logs may vary from 40 to 400. pre-divider circuits. king pressure.
The latter one is set by links in the The maximum overload pressure is
Corrector. 1.25 times the maximum working
CALIBRATION range of the sensor. The pressure
connection is a 1/4" NPT female
The Corrector will meet its specified PRESSURE INPUT threaded stainless steel connector.
accuracy without the need for cali- All wetted parts are stainless steel.
bration. However, to fit in with exis- A specially designed pressure sensor The Corrector can be configured to
ting inspection and maintenance is incorporated in the volume Cor- display pressure in PSI, BAR, kPa or
procedures, a calibration facility is rector and maintains its high accur- Kg/cm2
provided. acy over a range of 1:10 The pres-
sure sensors have been individually
The pressure and temperature sen- calibrated and characterized over TEMPERATURE INPUT
sors can be software calibrated with the full range of pressures and tem-
a PC computer connected to a serial peratures. Their characteristics are The temperature sensor is a platinum
communications port. The software stored within the sensor. resistance element with a nominal
allows a choice of calibration resistance of 100 Ω embedded in a
method between either single point The Corrector uses these stored cali- 6mm stainless steel probe with a
calibration or two point calibration. bration data to compensate any maximum pressure rating of 100 bar
Single point calibration allows only temperature dependence or non- (1500 PSI). The standard probe has 3
the zero value (offset) to be chan- linearity. The sensors can therefore meters (9 feet)of cable attached,
ged. be exchanged without the need for screened with a stainless steel flexi-
Two point calibration allows both re-calibration of the Corrector. ble sheath. The gas temperature
zero and range to be calibrated range is -30˚C to +60˚C or -20˚F to
independently. +140˚F. Temperature can be confi-
gured to be displayed in °K, °C or °F.

The output can be divided by deci- works in a Windows® environment.
ERRORS FAULTS AND mal factors of 0.1 to 1000. Each gas- The 3 serial ports are :
ALARMS meter pulse represents a specific line
volume that is not necessarily equal 1) An infrared communications
The program and data memory are to a unit of volume. port on the front cover of the
automatically tested by using check- The corrected volume associated Corrector.
sum methods. All entered data is with the uncorrected line volume 2) A passive port using a Fischer
checked for corruption too. A watch- will be a factor F times the line connector at the side of the Cor-
dog circuit tests for correct micro- volume. This factor is a function of rector.
processor operation. pressure and temperature. 3) A RS232 port which can be
A FAULT is indicated if a failure is As it is impossible to generate frac- active or passive on the internal
detected during these self checking tional pulses, only the integer value terminal of the Corrector.
procedures. is generated and the remainder is (Active or passive determined by
An ALARM is generated if the sen- added when the next gasmeter electrical safety requirements).
sors are operating outside their pulse arrives. Similarly, if the uncor-
range. This is also the case if a gas- rected volume output pulse is sca- Each serial port can be configured
meter input pulse is received before led to the gasmeter pulse any to access, read or write different
the last output pulse routine has remainder is handled in the same data to or from the Corrector.
been completed. way. Both remainders can be acces- Security is maintained by having 3
Apart from this, the user can define sed for checking purposes. The on levels of access, each level protected
limiting values for pressure and tem- and off period for each pulse can be by a different password.
perature. Transgressing these limi- selected to have a nominal duration
ting values can be monitored. of either 10 ms, 45 ms, or 360 ms
and the maximum number of pul- BATTERY POWER SUPPLY
An alarm output can be generated ses per gasmeter pulse is 15.
for any one or any combination of The power for the Corrector is pro-
either operation outside of the user The output is an optically isolated vided by a battery unit which con-
defined limiting values, alarm or pre- open collector transistor used as a tains two replaceable “D” size lit-
sence of a fault condition. The spe- passive switch and rated as follows: hium cells.
cific combination of conditions when
such an alarm should occur can be Maximum continuous voltage: 10 Vdc. When fitted with “D” cells of 19 Ah
programmed. Maximum continuous current: 0,5 mA. rating the unit will provide a nomi-
The output is an optically isolated nal five years operation when the
open collector transistor used as a These values may be limited by local gasmeter frequency is 0.5 Hz. To
passive switch and rated as follows: safety requirements. achieve long battery life the LCD dis-
plays are normally blanked. When
Maximum continuous voltage: 10 Vdc. the battery is disconnected in order
Maximum continuous current: 0,5 mA. SERIAL PORTS to be replaced, the Corrector is
inoperative but the stored and dis-
Three serial ports are provided which played data is retained by a lithium
DEFAULT VALUES are used for the initial configuration back-up battery.
and data entry to the Corrector and
A default value facility is provided to give access to the logged data and The capacity of this battery back-up
where a pre-set value can be used audit data. is such that replacement should not
for an active input in the flow cal- To enter or extract data from the be necessary during the life of the
culation should that input go above Corrector it is necessary to use the Corrector. It will provide back-up
or below the values set by the high software provided with the Correc- for up to 1000 hours without the
and low alarm values. tor and a PC computer. The software main batteries being connected.
The default facility is available on
pressure and temperature.
The default facility can be deleted.

The Model 999 Corrector has two
optically isolated collector outputs
that can be used for pulse rate or
status signals.
Both corrected and uncorrected
volume can be allocated either to
one or both outputs. Alternatively
they may be used for volume in an
alarm condition. The uncorrected
output gives a pulse
per unit of line
volume (m3 or ft or decimal mul-
tiples thereof) taking account of the
scaling of the input pulses.

The Corrector has the option of fit- * Corrected Volume Remainder in A second security switch allows limi-
ting a second battery unit which, if an alarm condition ted data to be changed and all data
connected permanently, will * Uncorrected Volume Total in an to be read from the Corrector.
approximately double the time alarm condition
required between battery changes. * Uncorrected Volume Remainder Software security levels allow either
A battery symbol is shown on the in an alarm condition all data to be programmed and
upper LCD display when the main * Current day’s Corrected Volume read, limited data such as time, date
batteries require replacing. The indi- Total and gas composition to be changed
cation is given when power for * Current day’s Uncorrected and all data to be read or no ability
approximately 1 month operation Volume Total to change data but read all data.
remains. BASEEFA Certificate No: * Corrected Volume Flow Rate
Ex96D2007 * Uncorrected Volume Flow Rate Software security uses user identifi-
* Peak Hour Flow Rate cation and password codes.
* Time and Date of peak hour flow
The Model 999 Corrector is approved * Date of peak hour flow rate
to the stringent CENELEC standards * Pressure with units of bara or The fixed parameters in the INS-
EN 50014 and EN 50020 as intrinsi- psia TROMET Model 999 Corrector are
cally safe to EEx ia II A T4. The units * Temperature with units ˚C or ˚F set using the serial data link con-
are manufactured at our BASEEFA * Time or flow weighted average nected to a PC.
approved factory which guarantees pressure. The operating and configuration
that these high safety standards are * Time or flow weighted average data are entered using user-friendly,
observed. temperature. familiar, Windows® based software
BASEEFA Certificate No: Ex96D2007. * Correction Factor and featuring extensive context sen-
The Model 999 Corrector is highly * Compressibility Factor sitive "help" functions.
immune to electrical interference and * Compressibility at Base
satisfies stringent requirements on Conditions The configuration can be set-up on
the emission of electromagnetic * Current Alarm Status a PC without a corrector being con-
radiation. Optional accessories are * Clearing of logged data nected. The configuration is then
available to provide interfaces later downloaded to the corrector.
between hazardous and safe areas. It can also be saved and used as a
SELECTABLE LOGGED template for other correctors, simp-
PARAMETERS lifying the set-up procedure even
CONSTRUCTION futher. When installing and com-
Each of the 5 logging tables can be missioning the INSTROMET Model
The Corrector is housed in a cast alu- configured to log any of the follo- 999 Corrector the index of corrected
minium enclosure containing the wing parameters: and of uncorrected volumes can be
pressure sensor, batteries and elec- set.
tronics. It is weather proof to IEC * Uncorrected volume
144-IP66. The use of state of the art * Corrected volume This makes it possible for the uncor-
surface mount technology for the * Instantaneous pressure rected index to show the same value
electronic circuits results in a very * Average Pressure as the mechanical counter of the
compact instrument. * Instantaneous temperature meter. Maximum and minimum
* Average temperature values for temperature and pressure
Very high reliability is assured by the * Correction factor can be selected. The volume per
use of quality components and strict * Uncorrected flow rate pulse received from the gasmeter
quality control. The Corrector is * Corrected flow rate has to be entered. Base temperature
approved to European Standards for and pressure can be set. To accura-
electromagnetic susceptibility and Each of these logger tables can be tely correct for compressibility the
emission. It will operate accurately independently started and stopped gas parameters heating value, rela-
in environments with high levels of and its time interval can be chosen tive density (specific gravity), molar
electromagnetic interference. independently. The logged data can N2 and/or CO2 content have to be
be downloaded to a PC for further set The software provides easy
processing using the familiar Win- means to set the parameters related
SELECTABLE DISPLAY dows environment. to alarm functions and associated
PARAMETERS default values. The pulse outputs are
also configured using this software
Operation of the five magnetic but- SECURITY programme.
tons on the front of the corrector
gives access to the following para- The Corrector has three levels of The compressibility factor Z is calcu-
meters: software security and two hardware lated according to AGA 8 or GERG
* Corrected Volume Total security levels. using the measured values of pres-
* Corrected Volume Remainder sure and temperature and the sto-
* Uncorrected Volume Total A hardware security switch can be red gas composition as parameters.
* Uncorrected Volume Remainder set to inhibit any data changes allo- Alternatively a fixed compressibility
* Corrected Volume Total in an wing only data to be read from the factor can be used.
alarm condition Corrector.


The Model 999 corrector can be fitted on most INSTROMET gas meters. For fitting to meters that are made in North
America an integral index adapter can be supplied. The adapter can easily be changed to suit the direction of rotation
of the meter. In addition it can be supplied for either pole or wall mounting.
30 27,5 10


1/4 N P T


110 115


The Corrected Volume is calculated using the following:

V = N • UC
P t +To 1
and Vn = V• P • b •
b t+To K Instromet/SM-RI-X turbine gas meter with model 999 volume corrector

For gauge pressure sensors

P = Pg + Pa
The following information will help us determine which
where corrector best suits your requirements.
V = Line or uncorrected volume
N = Number of pulses received from gasmeter Model : 999 Volume Corrector
UC = Uncorrected volume factor
Vn = Volume corrected to base conditions Pressure sensor : range (select from page 4)
P = Absolute Pressure
Pb = Absolute base pressure Units : metric/imperial
tb = Base temperature ˚C or ˚F or ˚K
t = Gas temperature ˚C or ˚F or ˚K Temperature sensor : length 150/ 250 mm
To = Zero temperature (273.15 K or 459.67 R)
K = Z/Zb Compressibility ratio Calibration by : INSTROMET/
Z = Compressibility Weights and Measures
Zb = Compressibility at base conditions
Pg = Gas pressure (gauge) Documents : Calibration certificate
Pa = Atmospheric pressure (for gauge pressure sen- Intrinsic Safety certificate
sors entered as Pmin)
F = Correction factor WINDOWS® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Inc.

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