Tacitus Grammar Practice File 2

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Grammar Preparation – Note that the questions below are open ended, but in the task you

will have multiple-choice.

All page references are to the Tacitus booklet.

Page 9
vetustate: case and number?
audacior: form of the adjective?
interficere: form of the verb? (be exact)
convocatos: form of the verb?
utrum....uteretur: type of clause? what verb mood is used in it?
ferro/vi: why ablative?
principis: case and number?
casui: declension? case and number?
perierat: tense?
praesumendo: form of verb?
remedia: gender, case, number?
facinori: case and number?
delectus: form of verb?
sperneret: tense and mood?
Page 11
cui: case and number?
navem: why is the accusative case used here?
componi: form of verb?
cuius: case and number?
subridens: form of verb?
naufragio: case?
ut...assignet: type of clause?
fluctus: declension? case? number?
matre defuncta: construction?
sacrificando: form of verb?
Page 13
Neroni: why is the dative case used here?
calliditas: case and number?
temptandae: gerund or gerundive?
advenienti: form of verb? case? why is that case used?
invitata est: voice and tense?
On this page find and quote a 4th declension noun and give its case.
On this page find and quote a purpose clause.
Page 15
rumore: why is the ablative case used here?
crederet: tense? why subjunctive?
sublevavere: form of verb?
loquebatur: tense? what type of verb?
sermonibus: case and number?
prosequitur: tense?
explendam: form of verb?
retinebat: quote in Latin the subject of this verb
On this page find and quote 2 present participles.
Page 17
quietam: quote the noun which it qualifies
praebuere: form of verb?
comitantibus: form of verb?
recumbens: with what does this agree?
grave: with what does this agree?
On this page find and quote a pluperfect tense of a deponent verb.
On this page find and quote an ablative absolute.
Page 19
protectae sunt: voice and tense?
dissolutio: case and number?
nautae: what agrees with it, sceleris or ignari?
eis: case and number?
Page 19 (cont.)
On this page find and quote an abbreviated form of the perfect tense.
On this page find and quote a gerund.
Page 21
se: what case and why is it used?
subveniretur: why subjunctive?
matri: why dative?
contis: case and number?
vulnus: case?
excepit: tense and mood?
lacum: why accusative?
vecta: form of verb?
faceret: tense? mood? clause?
animadverterat: what construction does this verb introduce?
litus: case and number?
impulsam esse: form of verb?
concidisse: form of verb?
On this page find and quote a gerund.
Page 23
vulnus: nom or acc?
misit: tense and mood?
nuntiaret: tense and mood?
filio: case?
fortuna: case?
evasisse: form of verb? why is this verb form used?
visendi: form of verb?
quiete: why ablative?
imperat: tense and mood? what type of clause does this verb introduce?
Grammar Preparation. – answers for self-correction

All page references are to the red Tacitus booklet.

Page 9
vetustate: case and number? abl sing
audacior: form of the adjective? comparative
interficere: form of the verb? (be exact) present act infin
convocatos: form of the verb? ppp
utrum....uteretur: type of clause? what verb mood is used in it? Indirect question, subjunctive
ferro/vi: why ablative? abl governed by verb uteretur
principis: case and number? gen sing
casui: declension? case and number? 4th, dat sing
perierat: tense? pluperfect
praesumendo: form of verb? gerund
remedia: gender, case, number? neuter acc pl
facinori: case and number? dat sing
delectus: form of verb? ppp
sperneret: tense and mood? imperfect subjunctive
Page 11
cui: case and number? dat sing
navem: why is the accusative case used here? subject in an indirect statement /accusative
infinitive construction
componi: form of verb? pres pass infin
cuius: case and number? gen sing
subridens: form of verb? pres participle
naufragio: case? abl
ut...assignet: type of clause? result
fluctus: declension? case? number? 4th, nom pl
matre defuncta: construction? abl absolute
sacrificando: form of verb? gerund
Page 13
Neroni: why is the dative case used here? governed by verb placuit
calliditas: case and number? nom sing
temptandae: gerund or gerundive? gerundive
advenienti: form of verb? case? why is that case used? present participle, dative, governed by
verb obviam iit
invitata est: voice and tense? perfect pass
On this page find and quote a 4th declension noun and give its case – manu OR complexu (both
abl sing)
On this page find and quote a purpose clause. ut facinus...celaretur
Page 15
rumore: why is the ablative case used here? in an ablative absolute
crederet: tense? why subjunctive? imperfect, indirect question
sublevavere: form of verb? = sublevaverunt, perfect active indicative, 3rd person pl
loquebatur: tense? what type of verb? imperfect, deponent
sermonibus: case and number? abl pl
prosequitur: tense? present
explendam: form of verb? gerundive
retinebat: quote in Latin the subject of this verb - aspectus
On this page find and quote 2 present participles. abeuntem, haerens
Page 17
quietam: quote the noun which it qualifies - noctem
praebuere: form of verb? = praebuerunt, perfect active indicative
comitantibus: form of verb? present participle
recumbens: with what does this agree? Acerronia
grave: with what does this agree? tectum
On this page find and quote a pluperfect tense of a deponent verb. erat progressa
On this page find and quote an ablative absolute. dato signo OR duobus amicis comitantibus
Page 19
protectae sunt: voice and tense? perfect passive
dissolutio: case and number? nom sing
nautae: what agrees with it, sceleris or ignari? ignari
eis: case and number? dat pl
On this page find and quote an abbreviated form of the perfect tense. dedere (= dederunt)
On this page find and quote a gerund. descendendi
Page 21
se: what case and why is it used? acc subject in an indirect statement
subveniretur: why subjunctive? purpose clause
matri: why dative? governed by verb subveniretur
contis: case and number? abl pl
vulnus: case? acc sing
excepit: tense and mood? perfect indicative
lacum: why accusative? governed by preposition in
vecta: form of verb? ppp
faceret: tense? mood? clause? imperfect subjunctive in indirect question
animadverterat: what construction does this verb introduce?
litus: case and number? acc sing (it is governed by the prep ad)
impulsam esse: form of verb? perfect passive infinitive
concidisse: form of verb? perfect active infinitive
On this page find and quote a gerund. nando
Page 23
vulnus: nom or acc? acc
misit: tense and mood? perfect indicative
nuntiaret: tense and mood? imperfect subjunctive
filio: case? dat
fortuna: case? abl
evasisse: form of verb? why is this verb form used? perf active infinitive used in an indirect
visendi: form of verb? gerund
quiete: why ablative? opus esse governs the abl case
imperat: tense and mood? what type of clause does this verb introduce? present indicative,
indirect command

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