Title: "Clsu-Ced Student'S Perception Between Electronic Media and Print Media"
Title: "Clsu-Ced Student'S Perception Between Electronic Media and Print Media"
Title: "Clsu-Ced Student'S Perception Between Electronic Media and Print Media"
Gonzales, Finelareign
Gonzaga, Glaiza Mae
Guzman, Elle Nikkita
Hermosa, Vanessa Karla
Isip, Madelene
BSED 1-2
Media refer to different channels that are used to transmit, store and deliver data or some
information from one place to other, one person to other as well as to the masses (Ahmad, 2018).
Media includes television, radio, advertising, movies, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, and
so forth. With the growing modernization due to globalization, human demand for knowledge is
increasing rapidly. Media serves as an important role in keeping people updated about the events
and innovations around the globe. This information may reached us in two forms, either through
print media which is the oldest method, or the other one, which is the electronic media.
Before there was the internet, television, and the radio, there was the newspaper. The
newspaper was the original platform for mass media. For a long period of time, the public relied
on writers and journalists for the local newspapers to provide them with the latest news in current
events. However, electronic media are known as faster, cheaper, wider reaching, and appeal to
more people as being current and cutting edge technology. (Dayton, 2016).
Print media contain materials that are available to us in printed form and which we can
carry with ourselves or we can simply say they are portable. The major types of print media are
books, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, posters, brochures, and press releases. Electronic
media, on the other hand, imply to that form of media which can only be accessed by an
electronic device. The largely used electronic media are radio, television and internet.
For college students, the use of media provides them with the ability to get more useful
information, to connect with learning groups and other educational systems that make their
study was conducted to gather and to understand the perception of the college students about
electronic media and printed media. It also aims to determine what are their advantages and
disadvantages based on what the students know and experience about using them.
One particular sources comes from a research study conducted by Katherine Dayton.
Dayton's objective was to determine whether print media such as brochures and booklets are
more or less effective than electronic media such as e-mails and webpage advertisements in
attracting consumers. A special interest was taken in higher education recruitment and the
research was completed by advertising to high school students who are in the process of
choosing a school for their higher education experience. The research featured an advertising
campaign launched through both print and electronic platforms, directing the consumers to an
online survey they were able to take to provide feedback about the experience. This project led to
quantifiable data that gave insight as to which channel is more effective at attracting consumers;
most specifically Millennials during their college search (Dayton, 2016). Based on the results of
Dayton's study, Millennials are currently caught between liking the familiarity of print and being
excited by the constant stream of new technology while the older group slightly favored print,
while the younger group slightly favored digital, which shows the gradual trend of the industry to
Another study comes from the International Research Journal of Social Sciences, this
study conducted focuses on a Comparative study between the Effectiveness of Print and
Electronic media as a way of advertising The present study has been built with three fold
objectives that intends to cast light to the attitude people hold towards print and electronic media,
the nature of influence media has on day to day decisions of people and compare the effects of
print and electronic media on people’s life. A sample of 100 students was selected to be included
in the present study. An interview schedule was devised consisting of various items pertaining to
the objectives of the study. The results have indicated more positive attitude towards the
electronic media, especially the Television, and print media has been placed in the second
position. Also the effects of television were observed to be more intriguing than the other form
of media in question. It seems that the new generation is more inclined towards the use of new
media and in coming years there will be significant shift in the role new media in the lives of
people. The study has concluded with proposed future directions for further research in this area
Print Media can be described as the means of mass communication, that is used to
disseminated messages to the general public by way of printed publications, such as newspapers,
journals, magazines, books and so on. Conversely, electronic media is the newly emerged form
of mass media, in which electronic devices or electronic energy is used for the creation and
dissemination of the news and information. The first and foremost requirement, of the print
media, is that the readers should be literate, to understand the written content. On the other hand,
literacy is not the primary requirement in case of electronic media, because, it uses audio, video,
images etc. through which it is easy for the audience to understand the content, even if they are
illiterate. In Print Media, there is always a time limit for the collection of news and any other
information, as its publication remains due until that time. As against, in electronic media, there
is no such deadline for the collection of news and information, as it can be updated anytime.
Print Media does not offer live discussion whereas electronic media offers a feature of live
programming, through which live discussion is possible. The coverage of print media is limited
to a particular region, city, state or country. Unlike, there is a worldwide reach of electronic
media. The language used in various forms of print-media is reader-friendly, i.e. the information
is provided in such manner, which is easily understandable to the reader. On the contrary, in
electronic media, that language is used to convey the message, which is known and
understandable to a large group of people. When it comes to updating, print media is updated
periodically, in the sense that newspapers are published daily, while journals and magazines are
published weekly or monthly, etc. In contrast, in electronic media, the news and information can
Despite the huge influx of electronic media advertising as of 2015, print still has a place
in a company's promotional strategy. The key is to know when newspapers, magazines and print
collateral offer efficient and impacting ways to engage your target audience. The enduring
message is a core benefit of print media, according to a January 2014 Association Media and
Publishing article. A newspaper or magazine article may sit on a table or in a rack at a home or
business, allowing for repeated exposures moving forward. Brochures, flyers and other collateral
pieces often are reviewed multiple times and shared with other potential buyers. In contrast,
many types of digital messaging, including banner ads, disappear after generating an impression.
Print media also enables reader flexibility. Magazines in particular have high reader engagement
because readers often give the publication full attention. Electronic messages, however, typically
get delivered without warning or consideration of reader preparedness. For some buyers, taking a
print ad or coupon to the store for help in buying is preferred relative to using electronic
message improves the impact as well, according to Association Media and Publishing.
(Kokemuller, 2017)
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic media as a reference
for students?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using print media as a reference for
3. What are the significant differences between using electronic media and print media
based on the students view?
4. What are the perception and the attitude of the students about electronic media and
print media?
2. To determine the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic media and print
3. To identify the difference between using electronic media and print media.
4. To identify the perception and attitudes of the students toward using electronic media
and print media.
5. To help not only the students but also the other users of electronic media and print
media on the proper way of using these resources.
D. Significance of the Study
To the Parents and the Community
This will provide basic knowledge to the community, most especially to the parents about
the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic media and print media as a source of
information. This will also give them idea on what might suit their preferences when it comes to
reading and what they must know about what to give to their children as a reference materials.
To the Businessman
This will give them guidelines on producing print media's that highly suit the readers and
for them to have an idea on how they can further enhance the usage electronic media and print
To the Researcher
This research study will serve as a baseline information on the researches about
electronic media and print media. It will also help researchers to enhance their skills in writing,
reading, and understanding facts as well as exploring their ideas about the field of literature and
To the Students
This research study will help them to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of
using electronic media and printed media. Students will gain knowledge about what can be the
best tool they can used in studying, one that can facilitate learning and beneficial in many ways.
To the Teachers
This study will help teachers to gain knowledge about what instructional tool will be the
best to be implemented in the classroom to further enhance the students knowledge and to
promote learning in a much easier and enjoyable way.
To the Readers
This research study will help the readers to choose the best reading material that can help
them enjoy and understand their favorite novels, stories and other genres of literature.
E. Scope and Limitation
This research study aim to gain a better understanding about the CLSU-CED student’s
perception about electronic media and print media with a particular focus on explaining and
understanding the advantages and disadvantages of using the two reading materials. This study is
limited only on the analysis and comparison of the collected data from the 30 CLSU-CED
students who will be the participants and subject for the survey conducted. This study was
conducted from November to December 2018 at Central Luzon State University, Science City of
Muñoz, Nueva Ecija. The survey will be done at the College of Education, CLSU, Science City
of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.
F. Theoretical Framework
A lot of literature exists on the advantages and disadvantages of electronic media and
print media. This part will lay the groundwork for much of the study and analysis that takes place
in later chapters. So, the basis for this section will be to evolve a theoretical framework that
examines the perception between electronic media and print media. The aim was to determine
students’ evaluation of print and electronic media and whether or not the print media is slowly
This part of the study shows the results and discussion of the data gathered with regards
Education Students and their perception between electronic media and print media.
35% 38%
30% 33%
Percentages of respondents
0% 0% 3%
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Figure 1 shows the percentage of respondents in terms of age. From the 30 students who
participated in the survey, majority of the respondents are from 18 years of age with a
percentage of 38%, followed by students within 19 years of age with 33% and from 20 and 21
years of age with 13% both. The lowest percentage are from ages 24 with 3%.
Within the gender between male and female, 70% of the respondents are female and 30%
are male. These results shows that majority of the students who are expose on using electronic
Table 1 shows the percentage of the respondents in terms of their section. The highest
percentage was obtained from the 1st year level, specifically from BSED 1-2 with 17%
followed by the sections of BSED 1-1, BSED 4-2 and BSED 4-5 with 10%. BEED 1-1, BEED
1-2, BSED 1-5, BSED 1-6 AND BSED 1-4 has two respondents each which is equivalent to 7%
each. The lowest percentage was obtained from the sections of BEED 4-1, BEED 4-2, BTLED 1-
8, BSED 1-3, BSED 1-4 and BSED 4-3 with a percentage of 3% each.
Each students response from the different perception implied on the survey varies
depending on what they prefer based on the given item. The result of the study about their
perception between electronic media and print media was measured by the computed
or both of them in terms of what satisfy them from each items given on the survey
questionnaire. Each items were group based on the factors which includes satisfaction, suitability
and usefulness that affect the student's perception between electronic media and print media.
Table 1.1. CLSU-CED Student's perception between electronic books, paper books or both of
them in terms of Satisfaction
ITEMS E-Media P-Media Both Total
% % % %
Table 1.1 shows the student's perception between electronic media, print media or both of
them in terms of satisfaction. In terms of affordability and cost-effectiveness that satisfies the
student's pocket, the highest percentage was obtained from the electronic media with 47%. From
the 30 students, 40% of them prefer electronic media as the most environmental friendly to used.
However, 40% of them also prefer that both electronic media and print media are environmental
friendly to used. Print media are also comfortable to read according to the 50% of the
respondents. In terms of clear graphics and images that gives the students visual entertainment,
the highest percentage was obtained from electronic media with 50% but the assurance that the
content of the books are free from plagiarism was obtained from print media with 67%.
Electronic media allows students to do things more easily because it is hassle free according to
the 63% of the respondents. When it comes to making their personal bookshelves, 73% of the
students prefer the print media and at the same time, they can personalize the look and feel of
Table 1.2. CLSU-CED Student's perception between electronic media, print media or both of
them in terms of Suitability
Items E-Media P-Media Both Total
% % % %
It is easier to maintain attention and
30% 33% 37% 100%
concentration when reading
Easier to carry around 60% 13% 27% 100%
Allows you to have multiple sources
63% 23% 13% 100%
open/in use at once.
The content is up-to-date 43% 7% 50% 100%
It is available everywhere 53% 7% 40% 100%
24/7 accessibility 43% 20% 37% 100%
Easy to organize 10% 47% 43% 100%
I can share it to my friends and
37% 23% 40% 100%
classmates while reading
Easier to make copies 30% 23% 47% 100%
Table 1.2 shows the result of the student's perception between electronic media, print
media or both of them in terms of what is suitable for the student's study needs. In terms of what
makes the student maintain attention and concentration when reading, the highest percentage
came from both electronic media and print media with 37% and 60% of the students prefer
electronic media as the easiest one to carry around. According to the 63% of the respondents,
electronic media allows multiple users to read at once. When it comes to the content being up-to-
date, both electronic media and print media got the highest percentage with 50%. Electronic
media is available everywhere according to the 53% of the respondents and electronic media is
also chosen by the respondents in terms of 24/7 accessibility. When organizing is involve, 47%
of the students prefer print media as the easiest to organize. For the respondents, 40% of them
prefer both electronic media and print media when it comes to sharing what they are reading to
their friends and classmates and both were also easier to make copies according to the 47% of
the respondents.
Table 1.3. CLSU-CED Student's perception between electronic media, print media or both of
them in terms of Usefulness
Item Paper Books E-books Both Total
% % % %
Table 1.3. shows the result of the student's perception between electronic media, print
media or both of them in terms of usefulness. From the 30 respondents, 53% of them prefer
electronic media as the medium that provide students with information about the current events .
Both electronic and print media is capable of being a reference book for future purposes
according to 57% of the total respondents. When it comes to citing the page number, print media
are more easy to cite than electronic media with 40% of total percentage of the respondents. For
53% of the total respondents, print media are easier when it comes to skimming and scanning.
According to the 70% of the respondents, electronic media are also easier to use when doing a
keyword search or to find content. Both electronic and print media obtained 67% of the total
respondents when it comes to being able to be used as a resources for research. When it comes
to annotating and marking a particular content on the book, both electronic media and print
media got highest percentage of 43%. For the students, when it comes to writing on the pages,
print media has the ability that can be useful for them with 73% of the total percentage.
According to the 40% of the students, electronic media are good for storage but for the durability
of information, print media obtained the highest percentage with 47%. When it comes to quick
reference, 43% of the students prefer electronic media to used and also for navigating and
browsing information with 83%. For highlighting a specific sentence or paragraph and other
important information, print media are more useful according to 60% of the respondents. When it
comes to copying and pasting important and needed information, electronic media is the most
useful with 80% of the total percentage of the respondents. When it comes to the ability to zoom
and scale that is useful for the students when reading long text, electronic media obtained the
highest percentage with 90%. The highest percentage for reproducing a copy came from print
media with 57% and for ability to make book reviews, print media obtained 37% of the total
percentage. And lastly, electronic media obtained the highest percentage when it comes to the
With all the results gathered, it is seen that electronic media have appeal to more students
than print media. This result verifies the statement reported by Stabel (2015) that "When
comparing print to electronic media, it is easy to assume that electronic is always better in
today’s society. It is expected for electronic media to grow 15.9% annually until 2018, while
print is only growing 2.8% each year." According to Dayton (2016), " Electronic media are
faster, cheaper, wider reaching, and appeal to more people as being current and cutting edge
technology." This supports the result of this study which indicated that electronic media has been
the best medium for students when it comes to getting information as well as using it as a
Each students response from the different perception implied on the survey varies
whether they agree or disagree with the particular types of support. The finding of the study
about their perception between the electronic media and print media was measured through the
media. With a mean of 2.47, the students disagree that the font size and typeface in the
electronic media were easier to read than the print media which means that reading will be easier
when electronic media is used. In terms of scrolling the pages up and down, the students agree
with a mean of 3.23, that electronic books are convenient to used when reading and they have to
scroll the pages. A mean of 3.30 resulted from the students answers which stated that they agree
that it was easier to turn the pages in the electronic media compare to the print media. The
students also agree that it was easier to find important information in the electronic book than the
With a mean of 2.90, the students agree that they don't have to go to the library or any
stores anymore just to read books, magazines and newspapers because they already have
electronic media on their cell phones, laptops and other devices. When dealing with health, a
mean of 3.17 resulted which states that students agree that their eyes hurt after reading from the
electronic media than the print media. In terms of comfort when reading, students agree with a
mean of 2.90 that it is easier to lie on the bed and lie on the sofa while reading when they used
electronic media instead of print media. In addition, with a mean of 2.87, students also agree
that print media are much more comfortable to used when reading because it's pages are nice and
soft to the touch compared to the electronic media which are hard like they were using an ATM
card. With a mean of 3.43, the student's strongly agree the print media are better than electronic
media because print media can still be readable in 50 years so they can treat it as a lifetime
property compared to electronic media which might get lost together with the changes in
technology. In terms of achieving the feeling of success in getting information, with a mean of
3.30, the student's strongly agree that print media can make them feel successful tan electronic
media because print media are the physical reminders of their intellectual journey. A mean of
3.10 resulted from the answer of the students which states that they agree that print media are
great to share with their friends, classmates, and family compare to electronic media.
In terms of the feature of the print media, with a mean of 2.93, the students agree that
because of the titles written in print media, people will know what they are reading which makes
reading a community-building act compared to electronic media which only shows a bunch of
people staring at their own devices. Print media are said to be helpful than electronic media
based on the result with a mean of 3.07 which states that students agree that buying print media
will help the writers, the authors, to earn money for a living compared to electronic media which
can be easily downloaded in the internet. When dealing with security, students strongly agree
with a mean of 3.53 that print media are theft-resistant because snatchers likes gadgets compared
to a bundle of papers. The students also strongly agree with a mean 3.37 that they feel much
more accomplished when reading information on print media than on electronic media because
they can see when they were almost done reading by looking at the thickness of the pages on
According to Egelund (2016) printed media stay in circulation for a long period of time
because of their conventional but loyal readers. This is especially important for publications,
businesses, companies, establishments that are looking for local customers. It is much easier to
target a specific audience over a longer period of time with print media. Physical interaction and
experience is important to people. Nothing is the same as physically flipping pages, touching a
book or writing notes which no one can experience online. The world is better experienced
through touch and movement because it can create a lasting impression on an audience. Print
media can do that. Most importantly, print media can provide better content quality.
This study was primarily conducted to gain a better understanding about the student's
perception between electronic media and print media as well as determining the advantages and
disadvantages of electronic media, print media, and their differences and the students perception
about them.
From the 30 students who participated in the survey, majority of the respondents are from
18 years of age with a percentage of 38% and are mostly female with 70%. The highest
percentage when it comes to the sections who participate in the survey was obtained from the 1st
year level, specifically from BSED 1-2 with 17% followed by the section BSED 1-1, BSED 4-2,
and BSED 4-5 with 10% and from BEED 1-1, BEED 1-2, BSED 1-5, BSED 1-6 and BSED 4-1
with 7%.
The Central Luzon State University - College of Education student's perception between
electronic media and print media varies in many ways which includes factors such as
satisfaction, suitability, and usefulness. From the results, the advantages and disadvantages of
each media can be clearly seen depending on the factors. Students have variety of view as to
what is suitable for their studies, what satisfy their needs, and what is much more useful between
electronic media and print media. The student's perception between the two was also best
describe based on their features and characteristics which was compared. From the results, all of
the students agree on the features, characteristics, used and other factors which means that both
electronic and print media were important to the students in many ways but varies depending on
some points.
It can be concluded that students have varied perception between electronic and print
media. Both electronic and print media have advantages, disadvantages, differences and
similarities depending on the factors such as satisfaction, suitability, usefulness and also their
varying features and characteristics. Either way, despite of the similarities and differences, the
students of the CLSU-College of Education look at both electronic and print media as important
learning tools on their studies and for the betterment of their skills and widening of their
knowledge that can be best attained from using both media as their sources.
The community, most especially the parents can used this study to understand the
student's perception between the electronic media and print media in order for them to have
knowledge about what they should choose as a learning tool for their children. Future researchers
can also used this study as a baseline of information to conduct future research about the
perception of other students from other colleges inside and outside Central Luzon State
University regarding electronic media and print media. This research study can be a useful
information for the teacher to gain a much deeper understanding about the attitudes and
behavior of their students towards the learning tools used in reading activities, assignments etc.
Dayton, K. (2016) [Online]. The Comparison of Effectiveness between Print Media & Electronic
{available at http://www.isca.in/IJSS/Archive/v3/i7/5.ISCA-IRJSS-2014-102.pdf}
Surbhi, S. (2017) [Online]. Difference Between Print Media and Electronic Media {available at
Egelund S. (2016) The Advantages of Print Media in Today’s Digital World {available at