Bitemark Sterofoam
Bitemark Sterofoam
Bitemark Sterofoam
Djeapragassam Parimala, Mariappan Jonathan Daniel, Subramanian Vasudevan Srinivasan, Jimsha Vannathan Kumaran
Context: The scope of Bitemarks in forensic dentistry is widening as they help the forensic expert in identifying the perpetuator in
medicolegal cases. The greatest challenge in Bitemarks analysis is the time‑dependent changes produced in Bitemark patterns on
various substrates at the scene of the crime. Aims: To analyze the time‑dependent changes in Bitemarks on Styrofoam sheets.
Settings and Design: Single centered prospective study. Materials and Methods: Twenty‑five subjects were randomly chosen,
and dental casts prepared. Then test bites were registered on Styrofoam sheets, overlays prepared from these test bites on
subsequent days (day 1, 2, 3, 4) and checked for matching accuracy. Statistical Analysis Used: The data were analyzed using
Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA to compare the overlays from dental stone cast with test bites on Styrofoam sheets on subsequent days.
Results: The P value was found to be 1 which is statistically not significant implying that there were no significant time‑dependent
changes in the pattern of Bitemarks. Conclusions: There were no time‑dependent changes in the pattern of Bitemarks on Styrofoam
sheets hence they serve as better materials than Bitemarks on human skin or food substrates obtained from the scene of the crime.
Correspondence: Dr. Djeapragassam Parimala, The Bitemarks thus obtained formed the base from which
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Mahatma Gandhi overlays were generated by tracing the pattern of Bitemarks
Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry, India. on transparent sheets with a marker [Figure 2a]. The sheets
E‑mail: [email protected] were numbered on the back side for easy recognition on the
subsequent days. The sheets were left at a dry place in normal
Access this article online room temperature, no special preservation techniques
Quick Response Code: or protocols were followed. The Bitemark patterns were
Website: analyzed for time‑dependent changes [Figure 3]. Overlays
were generated on four subsequent days from these sheets
to analyze the alteration in the pattern of Bitemarks with time
DOI: elapse [Figure 2b]. A reference overlay was generated for each
10.4103/0976-237X.152948 subject from the dental casts by tracing the incisal edges of
anterior teeth with marker on a transparent sheet [Figure 2c].
S77 Contemporary Clinical Dentistry | March 2015 | Vol 6 | Supplement 1
Parimala, et al.: Analysis of time‑dependent changes in Bitemarks on Styrofoam sheets
Table 1: Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA comparing overlays for recording both class and individual characteristics. Coffee/
time‑dependent changes cold drink cups are the most common form of Styrofoam
Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA result bitten object. Dorion (1989) reported the use of Styrofoam as
Day n Sum of Kruskal–Wallis an impression media for registering and analyzing a suspect
P level LS
ranks test H dentition.[3,13,14]
1 25 1262.5 0.0000 1.0000 NS
2 25 1262.5
Wax and Styrofoam behave quite differently from human
skin, as they undergo permanent plastic deformation under
3 25 1262.5
stress, unlike skin that has visco‑elastic properties.[15] The
4 25 1262.5
problem with this method is that wax and skin are very
P value 1 not significant implies that there is no changes with time elapse. different in consistency and require different amounts
LS: Level of significance; NS: Not significant; ANOVA: Analysis of variance
of pressure to produce a mark, and if too much force
is used the wax Bitemark will most likely produce an
was both contraction and expansion of Bitemark specimens,
overlay that does not reflect the real situation.[16] The use
even within individual skin samples. He concluded that even
of disposable plates and cups have increased these days,
standard techniques for storage and preservation of Bitemark
and so it is possible that one may find these at the scene
samples will not produce reliable dimensional accuracy.[10] In
of the crime more interestingly with a Bitemark. In our
our study, with Styrofoam we found that 16% of the cases
study, Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA test was used to analyze the
showed moderate matching with the dental casts (i.e. 4 out
time‑dependent changes by comparing the overlays from
of 25 samples had a matching accuracy score 2) and 84%
dental stone cast with test bites registered on Styrofoam
showed excellent matching (i.e. 21 out of 25 samples had a
sheets on subsequent days and the P value was found to be
matching accuracy score 3). This discrepancy occurred when
1 which is statistically not significant implying that there
there existed crowding in the dental arches with one or two
were no significant changes in the pattern of Bitemarks
teeth well above or below the incisal plane. This is suggestive
of the superiority of Styrofoam over dental casts because with time elapse. This is possibly because of the permanent
the pattern registered on Styrofoam sheets are the result of plastic deformation these sheets undergo with the biting
the biting force applied which is probably the more accurate pressure. Styrofoam forms part of the hard group of
reproduction of the dynamic process of biting; whereas the materials called thermoplastic elastomers. An elastomer
reference overlay is merely traced from the static dental will undergo an immediate, linear and reversible response
model. to high strain to an applied force. This response has a
mechanical analogy with a spring according to Hooke’s Law.
Avon et al. (2005) studied the ageing of human Bitemarks on Nonlinear, time‑dependent irreversible response is a viscous
in‑vivo models of porcine skin and stated that porcine skin response according to a dashpot model.[17] Research is
exhibited similar changes like human skin. He concluded that needed in assessing the physical properties and biomaterial
the passage of time will result in loss of tooth depressions in perspective of Styrofoam sheets and further studies with
human or porcine skin. The status of the tissue at the time prolonged time duration is needed.
of biting; the time elapsed between the biting and when the
analysis was made; condition of the skin injured; the clarity of Through our study, we would like to suggest the possibility
the marks and the site of the wound; must all be considered of the use of Styrofoam as a test bite registration material
in determining the evidentiary value of any Bitemark.[11] as an alternative to the dental casts. Bitemarks may
be offensive or defensive in nature and for this reason
In this study, we have analyzed the time‑dependent changes Bitemark evidence is collected from both the victim and
in Styrofoam and we found that the inter canine distance and suspect.[18] In certain cases wherein the victim is severely
mesio‑distal width of the incisal edges obtained in the test injured and with restricted mouth opening Styrofoam can
bites on the Styrofoam sheets remained the same suggesting be used as an alternative. Identification of individuals
that there was no alteration in the pattern of Bitemark with is not always straightforward and easy especially in
time elapse. Stavrianos et al. (2011) in their study of Bitemarks medicolegal cases where the individuals are either unable
on bitten apple to compare accuracy of two methods in to give accurate answers or are purposefully misleading.
Bitemark analysis have stated that they had refrigerated the Living individuals for whom identification is required
apple; which could possibly be to overcome the shrinkage are criminals attempting to elude custody, amnesia
with time elapse.[12] In the case of fruits the water content victims, comatose victims, victims of disfiguring trauma
of fruits influence the Bitemarks; the more juicy the fruit the or persons requiring identity confirmation following
less prominent the Bitemark. identity theft. [19] Impression making may be difficult
in special situations like in young children, mentally
Styrofoam comes in many thicknesses, shapes and colors. challenged individuals, emotionally disturbed victims of
Teeth will usually imprint fairly accurately in Styrofoam, rape, child abuse, individuals with gagging, bed ridden
been suggested till date. Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.