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TM Flow Software Manual Installation Manual en

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Software Manual

Original Instruction

Software Version: 1.68

Software Manual TMflow_ Software version: 1.68_Document version: 1.01 i

This Manual contains information of the Techman Robot product series (hereinafter referred to as the TM
Robot). The information contained herein is the property of Omron Corporation (hereinafter referred to as
the Corporation) and Techman Robot Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any
way, shape or form without prior authorization from the Corporation. No information contained herein shall
be considered an offer or commitment. It may be subject to change without notice. This Manual will be
reviewed periodically. The Corporation will not be liable for any error or omission.

logo is registered trademark of TECHMAN ROBOT INC. and the company reserves the ownership of
this manual and its copy and its copyrights.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 2


Revision History Table ..................................................................................................................................9

1. General...................................................................................................................................................10
1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................10
1.2 Warning and Caution Symbols.......................................................................................................10
1.3 Safety Precautions ........................................................................................................................ 11
1.4 Validation and Responsibility .........................................................................................................12
1.5 Limitation of Liability ......................................................................................................................12
1.6 Functional Note Symbol .................................................................................................................12
2. Start up and Activation ............................................................................................................................13
2.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................13
2.2 Start Up .........................................................................................................................................13
2.2.1 Plug in the Power ....................................................................................................................13
2.2.2 Start Up from Packing Pose ....................................................................................................14
2.2.3 Standard Start Up ...................................................................................................................18
2.2.4 TM Robot HMI TMflow Operation ............................................................................................18 Local Operation Method ...................................................................................................19 Wireless Access Point Connection Method .......................................................................19 Wired Network Connection Method ..................................................................................20
3. Safety Settings .......................................................................................................................................22
3.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................22
3.2 Safety Permission Settings ............................................................................................................22
3.3 Safety Setting ................................................................................................................................22
3.3.1 Safety Stop Criteria .................................................................................................................22
3.3.2 Safeguard Port Settings ..........................................................................................................24 Safeguard Port Setting .....................................................................................................24
3.3.3 Collaborative Mode Setting .....................................................................................................24
4. Start Your First Project ............................................................................................................................28
4.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................28
4.2 Initial Setting ..................................................................................................................................28
4.3 M/A Mode and FreeBot ..................................................................................................................29
4.4 Build and Run Your First Project ....................................................................................................30
4.5 Operation Mode .............................................................................................................................33
4.5.1 Auto Mode ...............................................................................................................................33
4.5.2 Manual Mode ..........................................................................................................................33 Manual Control Mode .......................................................................................................33

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 3 Manual Trial Run Mod .......................................................................................................34
4.5.3 Changing the Operation Mode ................................................................................................34
4.6 Hold to Run ...................................................................................................................................34
4.7 Shutdown ......................................................................................................................................35
5. Operation Interface .................................................................................................................................36
5.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................36
5.2 Login/Logout ..................................................................................................................................36
5.3 Connection ....................................................................................................................................37
5.3.1 Local Connection ....................................................................................................................37
5.3.2 Remote Connection ................................................................................................................37
5.4 View ..............................................................................................................................................38
5.4.1 “Display Board” Page ..............................................................................................................38
5.4.2 “Flow” Page.............................................................................................................................39
5.4.3 “IO”Page .................................................................................................................................39
5.4.4 “Simulator” Page .....................................................................................................................39
5.4.5 “Status” Page ..........................................................................................................................40
5.5 Run Setting ....................................................................................................................................40
5.6 Project ...........................................................................................................................................41
5.6.1 Project Editing Toolbar ............................................................................................................41 Create New Project...........................................................................................................41 Save File (Project) ............................................................................................................42 Open Project.....................................................................................................................42 Step Run ..........................................................................................................................42 Point Manager ..................................................................................................................43 Base Manager ..................................................................................................................45 Controller ..........................................................................................................................46 Variables List ....................................................................................................................49 EditBlock ..........................................................................................................................49 Current Base and Base List ............................................................................................50 Current TCP and TCP List ..............................................................................................50 Display Manager .............................................................................................................51
5.6.2 Node Menu and Flow Editing Area ..........................................................................................52
5.6.3 Project Function Menu ............................................................................................................53 Search Function ...............................................................................................................53 Operation Space...............................................................................................................54 ModbusDev ......................................................................................................................54

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 4 Set IO while Project Error .................................................................................................54 Set IO while Project Stop ..................................................................................................54 Stop Watch .......................................................................................................................54 View..................................................................................................................................55
5.7 Robot Setting .................................................................................................................................55
5.7.1 Wizard.....................................................................................................................................55
5.7.2 Vision Setting ..........................................................................................................................56
5.7.3 TCP.........................................................................................................................................56
5.7.4 IO Setting ................................................................................................................................56
5.7.5 Safety Setting ..........................................................................................................................57
5.7.6 Controller ................................................................................................................................57
5.7.7 Speech....................................................................................................................................57
5.7.8 Gripper Button.........................................................................................................................58
5.7.9 Component .............................................................................................................................58
5.7.10 Operation Space ...................................................................................................................58
5.7.11 Command..............................................................................................................................58
5.7.12 Modbus .................................................................................................................................58
5.7.13 Posture Setting......................................................................................................................59
5.7.14 Global Variables ....................................................................................................................59
5.8 System Setting ..............................................................................................................................60
5.8.1 Language ................................................................................................................................60
5.8.2 System Update .......................................................................................................................61
5.8.3 Group ......................................................................................................................................62
5.8.4 User Account...........................................................................................................................62
5.8.5 Network Setting .......................................................................................................................63
5.8.6 Import/Export ..........................................................................................................................64
5.8.7 Date and Time.........................................................................................................................64
5.8.8 Administrator Setting ...............................................................................................................65
5.8.9 Network Services ....................................................................................................................65
5.8.10 Backup and Restore ..............................................................................................................66
6. Point and Base .......................................................................................................................................67
6.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................67
6.2 Base and Right-hand Rule .............................................................................................................68
6.2.1 Right-hand Rule ......................................................................................................................68
6.2.2 Types of Base .........................................................................................................................68 Robot Base .......................................................................................................................68

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 5 Vision Base.......................................................................................................................69 Custom Base ....................................................................................................................70 Tool Base..........................................................................................................................70
6.3 Point Parameter.............................................................................................................................71
6.3.1 Base Shift................................................................................................................................72
6.3.2 Tool Shift .................................................................................................................................73
7. Create Base ...........................................................................................................................................75
7.1 Create Vision Base ........................................................................................................................75
7.2 Create a Custom Base ..................................................................................................................75
7.3 Create New Base Node .................................................................................................................77
7.3.1 Create a New Base by Two Vision Bases ................................................................................77
7.3.2 Create a New Base by Three Dynamic Points .........................................................................78
8. Create End Tool ......................................................................................................................................79
8.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................79
8.2 TCP Setting ...................................................................................................................................80
8.2.1 Create Parameters of TCP with Hand Guidance Teaching ......................................................80
8.2.2 Create Tool Center Point by Input Parameters ........................................................................83
8.3 End Tool Base ...............................................................................................................................84
9. Motion Programming ..............................................................................................................................85
9.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................85
9.2 Point to Point (PTP) .......................................................................................................................86
9.2.1 PTP is the Fastest Way to Move .............................................................................................86
9.2.2 Speed of PTP Motion ..............................................................................................................86
9.2.3 Plan for PTP Movement ..........................................................................................................87
9.3 Line ...............................................................................................................................................87
9.3.1 Line Moves the Shortest Distance ...........................................................................................87
9.3.2 Speed of Line Motion ..............................................................................................................87
9.3.3 Plan for Line Movement ..........................................................................................................88
9.4 Two Steps Motion(WayPoint) .........................................................................................................88
9.4.1 WayPoint.................................................................................................................................88
9.4.2 Plan for WayPoint Movement ..................................................................................................89
9.5 Blending ........................................................................................................................................90
9.5.1 Blending in Movement .............................................................................................................90
9.5.2 Blending Speed Change Chart ................................................................................................90
9.5.3 Set the Blending Percentage ...................................................................................................90
9.5.4 Set the Blending by Radius .....................................................................................................91

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 6

9.6 Motion Nodes ................................................................................................................................92
9.6.1 Point Node ..............................................................................................................................92 Generation Method of Point node .....................................................................................92 Point Node Setting ............................................................................................................92
9.6.2 F-Point Node ...........................................................................................................................93
9.6.3 Move Node..............................................................................................................................94
9.6.4 Circle Node .............................................................................................................................95 Circle Node Setting ...........................................................................................................95 Set Angle= 0°....................................................................................................................96 Set Angle > 0°...................................................................................................................96
9.6.5 Path Node ...............................................................................................................................97 Path & PLine.....................................................................................................................97 Path Node Setting ............................................................................................................98 Path File Import and Export ..............................................................................................98
9.6.6 Pallet Node .............................................................................................................................99
9.6.7 Listen Node ........................................................................................................................... 101
10. Logic Programming............................................................................................................................. 103
10.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 103
10.2 Variable System ......................................................................................................................... 103
10.2.1 Local Variables .................................................................................................................... 103 Global Variables............................................................................................................ 105
10.3 Logic Nodes .............................................................................................................................. 107
10.3.1 SET Node ........................................................................................................................... 107
10.3.2 IF Node ............................................................................................................................... 109
10.3.3 WaitFor Node ...................................................................................................................... 110
10.3.4 Gateway Node .................................................................................................................... 111
10.4 Process ..................................................................................................................................... 112
10.4.1 Process Nodes .................................................................................................................... 112
10.4.2 Subflow Node ...................................................................................................................... 114
10.4.3 Thread................................................................................................................................. 116
11. Vision Node ........................................................................................................................................ 117
12. Communication and Display ............................................................................................................... 119
12.1 Modbus...................................................................................................................................... 119
12.1.1 Modbus System Hardware Structure ................................................................................... 119
12.1.2 Modbus System Software Structure .................................................................................... 120 Set Modbus TCP .......................................................................................................... 120

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 7 Set Modbus RTU .......................................................................................................... 120
12.1.3 Application of Modbus in Project ......................................................................................... 120
12.2 Network ..................................................................................................................................... 124
12.3 IO .............................................................................................................................................. 124
12.3.1 User Defined IO .................................................................................................................. 125
12.3.2 External IO .......................................................................................................................... 125
12.3.3 Status IO ............................................................................................................................. 126
12.4 Command Node ........................................................................................................................ 127
12.4.1 TmComm Instruction Set ..................................................................................................... 128
12.4.2 File Command ..................................................................................................................... 134
12.5 Log Node ................................................................................................................................... 139
12.6 Display Node ............................................................................................................................. 141
12.7 Voice Node ................................................................................................................................ 142
13. Component ......................................................................................................................................... 143
14. Force Related Node............................................................................................................................ 146
14.1 Compliance node ....................................................................................................................... 146
14.2 TouchStop Node ........................................................................................................................ 149
14.2.1 TouchStop- Compliance ...................................................................................................... 149
14.2.2 TouchStop- Line .................................................................................................................. 150
14.3 SmartInsert Node ...................................................................................................................... 151
14.3.1 Approaching ........................................................................................................................ 151 Approaching principle description ................................................................................. 151 Approaching parameters setting ................................................................................... 152
14.3.2 Searching ............................................................................................................................ 152 Searching Parameter Setting ........................................................................................ 154
14.3.3 Pushing ............................................................................................................................... 156 Pushing Principle Description ....................................................................................... 156 Pushing Parameter Setting ........................................................................................... 156
15. Operation Space................................................................................................................................. 157
15.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 157
15.2 Operation Space Setting Page .................................................................................................. 158
15.3 Add / Modify Plane Page ........................................................................................................... 159
15.4 Operation Space Setting Page in the Project Editing Page ........................................................ 162
16. Appendix Modbus List......................................................................................................................... 164

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 8

Revision History Table
Revision Code Date Revised Content

01 October 2018 Original release

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 9

1. General
1.1 Overview
TMflow is a graphical HMI. Its purpose is to provide users with complete, convenient and simple
interfacefor robot motion and logic programming environments. Through the graphical HMI, users can
simply manage and set the parameters of the robot, and use the graphical flow chart to plan the robot
movement and process logic. At the same time, the interface design of TMflow also considers the
operating habits of touch screens, allowing you to manage multiple robots from a single Windows tablet.
Users and system integrators of TM Robot must read and fully understand this chapter before using this
robot. In addition, before the user performs any operation on the robot in accordance with this manual, it
is necessary to read and comply with the "Safety Manual" for the corresponding product's hardware and
software version, and the "Hardware Installation Manual" for the corresponding hardware version,
before the operation can be performed. If part of the operations and actions are due to the changes of
new software design that resulted in differences of description between the "Hardware Installation
Manual" for the corresponding hardware version and this manual, the contents of this manual shall

This manual applies to TMflow Version 1.68. Please confirm your software version before using and reading this
manual. To check the software version, click on the interface on TMflow.

1.2 Warning and Caution Symbols

The Table below shows the definitions of the warning and caution levels described in each paragraph of
this Manual. Pay close attention to them when reading each paragraph, and observe them to avoid
personal injuries or equipment damage.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 10

Identifies an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, is likely to
result in serious injury, and might result in death or severe property damage.
Identifies a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in
minor or moderate injury, and might result in serious injury, death, or significant
property damage.
Identifies a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, might result in
minor injury, moderate injury, or property damage.

1.3 Safety Precautions

This product can cause serious injury or death, or damage to itself and other
equipment, if the following safety precautions are not observed:

 All personnel who install, operate, teach, program, or maintain the system must read the “Hardware
installation Manual”, “Software Manual”, and “Safety Manual” according to the software and
hardware version of this product, and complete a training course for their responsibilities in regard
to the robot.

Read Manual Label; Impact Warning Label

 All personnel who design the robot system must read the “Hardware installation Manual”, “Software
Manual”, and “Safety Manual” according to the software and hardware version of this product, and
must comply with all local and national safety regulations for the location in which the robot is
 Observing the “Intend of Use” section in “Safety Manual”.
 If the installation and application does not observe human-robot collaboration regulations of the
safety regulations, the user is responsible for providing safety barriers around the robot to prevent
anyone from accidentally coming into contact with the robot when it is in motion.
 Power to the robot and its power supply must be locked out and tagged out before any maintenance
is performed.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 11

1.4 Validation and Responsibility
The information provided in this Manual does not include how to design, install and operate a complete
arm application, nor does it involve the peripheral devices that will affect the overall system safety. The
design and installation of the complete system must comply with the standards and regulations for
safety requirements in the country located. Users or integrators should understand safety laws and safety
regulations in the local country, and avoid major risks existed in the entire system.
This includes but not limited to:
 Risk assessment of the entire system;
 Add other machines and additional safety mechanisms based on the definition of risk assessment;
 Set up appropriate safety mechanisms in the software;
 Ensure that users will not modify any safety-related measures;
 Ensure that all systems are correctly designed and installed;
 Label the instructions for use;
 Label the related marks related to arm installation and the contact information of the integrator;
 Collect all documents in the technical folder, including risk assessment and this Manual.

1.5 Limitation of Liability

Even if the safety instructions are followed, any safety-related information in the Manual shall not be
considered as a guarantee that the TM Robot will not cause any personal injury or damage to the TM

1.6 Functional Note Symbol

The following table defines the functional note symbol marked in each paragraph in this manual. Read
the paragraphs carefully to assist the improvement of programming efficiency.

This mark symbol represents the relevant functional details reminder, to assist
the programming and application

This mark symbol represents the relevant functional use tips, to assist the
improvement of programming efficiency

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 12

2. Start up and Activation
2.1 Overview
This manual instructs users of TM Robot to perform start up procedures for the first time. The user must
first read and follow the "Safety Manual" for the corresponding product's software and hardware version,
and the "Hardware Installation Manual" for the corresponding hardware version to install the TM Robot
correctly and properly before executing the operation of this chapter, otherwise, it may result in serious

The following chapters of this manual will describe how to install the TM Robot after
unpacking the box. If it is your first time to install TM Robot without learning all the installation
process starting from unpacking the new product, especially when the robot has been
installed in a working environment, pay attention to the following items in order to perform first
time installation and start up operation according to this manual:
1. In order to avoid the risks of resuming work caused by the changes of the original
working environment and configuration, confirm with the responsible person for the
working environment and keep all necessary configuration records, such as software
settings and all hardware wirings.
2. Remove all IOs for the external connection of the Control BoxControl Box, including
analog IO, digital IO, EtherCAT connection port and network ports. Remove all air lines
or external power lines connecting to the optional equipment before Commissioning.
3. Remove all Control Box external USB interface, serial port, and external connection /
external storage device connections of the network interface.
4. Uninstall any added objects / end-effectors installed to the end flange and any electrical
connections between the end effector and the End Module / Control BoxControl Box.
5. Uninstall any hardware that is installed outside the robot body.

2.2 Start Up
2.2.1 Plug in the Power
Plug the Power Cable of Control Box into the power socket.

For the operations from the product unpacking to plug the Power Cable of the Control Box into
the power socket, read and follow the corresponding contents of the "Hardware Installation

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 13

2.2.2 Start Up from Packing Pose
Step 1. Press the Emergency Switch of the Robot Stick.
Step 2. Press the power button of the Robot Stick to start the power supply of the Control
BoxControl Box.
Step 3. Release the Emergency Switch of the Robot Stick clockwise when the light on Robot
Stick starts blinking.

For the buttons, lights and switch on the Robot Stick, please refer to the Hardware Installatio

While booting up, if the Emergency Switch on the Robot Stick is kept pressed or the Emergency
Stop Port is kept open, the boot process cannot be finished. Follow the instruction shown on the
screen to restart the robot.

If the Safeguard Port A: Safeguard Pause Port is kept open while booting up, the boot
process cannot be accomplished. Follow the instruction shown on the screen to restart the

Step 4. The three lights on the Robot Stick keep flashing.

Step 5. The Indication Light Ring of the End Module flashes red during startup.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 14

Step 6. After the start up is completed, the Indication Light Ring of the End Module flashes in light
blue, representing that it enters the Safe Start Up Mode.

Step 7. Then, the user can hold the FREE Button at the end module to release the brakes and
draft the robot to a relatively safe position. When starting the robot from the initial posture after
unpacking, follow the illustration below to push each joint in sequence.

The recommended operating sequence of pushing the joints of TM Robot from Packing Pose to safe posture

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 15

Pay attention when the FREE button is pressed and the brake is released. The robot's body
will sag again due to gravity. When the FREE button is pressed to unlock the brake, be sure to
grasp the end of robot and expect the gravity sagging, and hold the end of robot, to prevent
additional harm that already happened such as pinch injury of human body. If it is found at this
moment that the robot itself cannot sustain the sagging of the robot body due to unstable grip
or physical factors, release the FREE button immediately, and the brake of each robot joint
will be locked again.

There should be no force compensation in Safe Start Up Mode. This means that it requires
more force to move each joints directly against the motor drive.

If you do not follow the above instructions to drag the robot to the safe posture shown in the
above graph, continue to operate downwards to release the Emergency Switch, this may
cause certain joints of the robot (especially the fifth joint) to be outside the joint angle limit
when the robot returns to a normal state. At this time, the robot will not be able to return
correctly and the red light will be on. In this condition, press the Emergency Switch again and
repeat this step to the correct safe posture as shown in the graph.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 16

Step 8. Press and hold the Stop Button on the Robot Stick for about three seconds, the robot will
enter the calibration process. At this time, each joint of the robot will move slightly to calibrate.
After the calibration is completed, the Indication Light Ring of the End Module will return to blue
light, representing that the robot has entered the Auto Mode successfully and it can be used

When the start up completed from the Packing Pose, use the TMflow controller page to move the
robot posture to the origin first (each joint angle: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), then you can use the FreeBot
teaching to drag the robot to the Normal Pose (each joint angle: 0, 0, 90, 0, 90, 0), as shown in
the image below. PPay attention to the Normal Pose and the safe posture after unpacking the
box; the pointing direction of the second joint module of both postures are opposite.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 17

2.2.3 Standard Start Up
Step 1. Confirm whether the robot's posture is safe.
Step 2. Check that the Emergency Switch of Robot Stick is released.

Step 3. Press the power button of the Robot Stick to start the robot.
While booting up, if the Emergency Switch on the Robot Stick is kept pressed or the Emergency
Stop Port is kept open, the boot process cannot be finished. Follow the instruction shown on the
screen to restart the robot.

If the Safeguard Port A: Safeguard Pause Port is kept open while booting up, the boot
process cannot be accomplished. Follow the instruction shown on the screen to restart the
Step 4. Confirm the screen on the Control Box. The display shows the system enters the start up
mode and the power light on the Robot Stick keeps flashing.

Step 5. When the controller is starting up, the Indication Light Ring of the End Module displays
flashing red light. During the process, the robot will run automatic calibration, and each joint of the
robot will move slightly to calibrate.
Step 6. After the controller start up completed, the Indication Light Ring of the End Module will
constantly display blue light; the robot can be used normally at this time.

2.2.4 TM Robot HMI TMflow Operation

TMflow, the HMI, and theTM Robot can be connected in three ways: Connect with the monitor,
keyboard and mouse to the Control BoxControl Box, which enables to start TMflow; or download
the TMflow Client from customer area of the official website, and then install on a Windows Based
computer (e.g. Windows Laptop/ Windows Tablet), after which it can be connected to robot either
by wire or wireless.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 18 Local Operation Method
Step 1. Connect the screen, mouse and keyboard to the Control Box.

Step 2. Click the icon in the upper left of the Human-Machine Operation Interface, call out the
function menu, and click to Login. ("Administrator" default is not set with password, click OK
to login directly.)

Step 3. Click “Get Control” to get control of the robot Wireless Access Point Connection Method

Step 1. Install TMflow on client device.

Step 2. Connect the robot to the same physical AP or entity AP of the same network

Physical AP

Step 3. Connect the client network to the above local area network.

Physical AP

Step 4. Open TMflow on the client device, click the upper left corner to refresh the robot
list, and wait for the corresponding Robot name to appear on the connection screen.

Step 5. Click the robot icon twice to connect with the robot. Pay attention that all the robots in
this network segment will appear in the screen. The user can distinguish which robot to be
connected by the robot's Robot ID (the number displayed below the QR code on the Robot

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 19

Step 6. When the robot connection is successful, the icon will appear in the screen on
the robot and the robot icon will appear in the upper right corner.

Step 7. Click the icon in the upper left corner of the TMflow, call out the function menu and
click to Login.

Step 8. "Administrator" default is not set with password, click OK to login directly.

Step 9. Click “Get Control” to get control of the robot.

Do not mistakenly insert the network cable into the EtherCAT dedicated port of the Control Box.
This action will trigger a robot error. Wired Network Connection Method

Step 1. Install TMflow on the client device.

Step 2. Connect the robot and client device to the same physical AP or the physical AP on the
same network segment, or connect the two ends of the network wires to the robot Control
Box and Client.

Step 3. Connect the client network to the above local area network.

Step 4. Open TMflow on the client device, click the upper left corner to refresh the robot
list, and wait for the corresponding Robot ID to appear on the connection screen.

Step 5. Click the robot icon twice to connect with the robot. Pay attention that all robots in this
network segment would appear in the screen. The user can distinguish which robot to be
connected by the robot's Robot ID.

Step 6. When the robot connection is successful, the icon will appear on the robot in the
screen and the icon of robot appears on the upper right corner.

Step 7. Click the icon in the upper left corner of the Human-Machine Operation Interface, call
out the function menu and click to Login.

Step 8. "Administrator" default is not set with password, click OK to login directly.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 20

Step 9. Click “Get Control” to get control of the robot.

Physical AP

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 21

3. Safety Settings
3.1 Overview
This chapter will introduce safety settings interface of the TM Robot, including the Safety Permission
Settings and Safety Setting.

3.2 Safety Permission Settings

The user of TM Robot must set appropriate account password permissions before starting to use the TM
Robot, with appropriate arrangements for access to operator permission for safety configuration.
When the user has completed the startup and activation according to the previous chapter, and enters
the TMflow interface with the default account password to get the control of robot, click in the upper
left corner of the interface to open the left sidebar (the “Function Menu”) and click the "Setting" of the
Function Menu to enter the setting page, an option labeled as "Safety Settings" can be seen on this
page. This is the safety setting operation area of the product. In addition, the same pages are all
important settings for the robot; if altered arbitrarily, it will cause danger during operation. For proper
permission settings, refer to sections 5.8.3 "Group" and 5.8.4 "User Account" in Chapter 5 "Operation
Interface" to create accounts for personnel authorized to access the safety related setting permissions
and give them permission to access the "Settings" page, and set all other accounts / groups prohibited
to access the "Settings" page to change the safety permission settings.

3.3 Safety Setting

After accessed the "Safety Settings" page, it can be seen that the menus are divided into three
functional blocks: "Safety Stop Criteria", "Safeguard Port Setting", and "Collaborative Mode".

3.3.1 Safety Stop Criteria

In this page, the user can set the TCP speed of the robot, the force of the TCP, the position of each joint,
the joint speed, the joint torque, etc., the related physical meanings and the definition of the safety
function and the precautions that they represent, read and follow the instructions in the "Safety Manual"
and for the corresponding software and hardware versions, before the operation or setting can be

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 22

Angle Setting:
For example, when the first joint position is set to 270° and -270°, then the angle
range in 270°~ 271° and -270°~ -271° will become reducing range shown as the blue
area in the figure. When the first joint move into this range, the basic moving speed of
the robot will be switched to 250mm/sec for path motion and 5% for PTP motion, to
form an angle buffer region to prevent possible overshoot to the joint limit. At the same
time, the angle range in 271°~ 274° and -271°~ -274° is the 2nd buffer range for joint
limit as the red area in the figure. When the joint angle arrives this area robot will stop
moving. Users can only operate the robot by pressing FREE Button to make the robot
leave this area.

For different TM Robot models the maximum angle limits of each joint may be different.
Refer to the product specifications according to the product model and hardware

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 23

3.3.2 Safeguard Port Settings
This block is to set up the function of Safeguard Port for the TM Robot. Due to the design
differences of hardware versions, there are differences in the operation interface displayed in this
block between different hardware. Concerning the electrical connection of the Safeguard Port,
refer to the relevant section of the "Hardware Installation Manual" for the corresponding hardware
version. Safeguard Port Setting

Safeguard Port has a total of two types with Safeguard Port A: Safeguard Pause Port, and
Safeguard Port B: Collaborative Mode Port. For the definition of each safeguard, refer to the
"Safety Manual" for the corresponding software and hardware version. This setting will set up the
resume mechanism of Safeguard Port A: Safeguard Pause Port. Pay attention that the user
should set up this item appropriately according to the risk assessment.

Manual Reset (recommended): When you choose Manual Reset, after the robot has been
paused through Safeguard Port A: Safeguard Pause Port, even if the trigger condition is removed,
the user can only operate the Play/Pause Button or the same action from the Robot Stick to
release the pause and return to the original project process and project speed.

Auto Reset: When you choose Auto Reset, after the robot has been paused through the
Safeguard, once the trigger condition is removed, the robot will automatically release the pause
and return to the original project process and project speed.

3.3.3 Collaborative Mode Setting

When TM Robot is running in Collaborative Mode, it will run at a slower speed and a lower joint
torque stop criteria according to the user's settings. At this time, a purple light will be added to the
robot's light signal for the user to distinguish whether the robot has entered Collaborative Mode.

Pay attention so that the functions described in this section are only to assist the user in
setting the collaborative safety parameters and settings more conveniently. The user should
still perform complete risk assessment according to the robot use environment and conditions
before the robot can be used. TM Robot clearly specifies the following potential residual risks:
There is a risk that causes the robot to hit human body at full speed due to improper use of
safe space settings or by running incorrect projects.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 24

If using the Compliance function in TMflow it is not controlled by Collaborative Mode. The
robot will still run Compliance function according to the force you set. If you want to use
Compliance function in Collaborative Mode, complete a complete risk assessment and set
appropriate force values.

The parameter setting of Collaborative Mode can be divided into two parts: one is “Body Region
Risk Setting” and the other is “Limit Value Setting”. The “Body Region Risk Setting” page is
shown in the figure below.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 25

For the part of “Body Region Risk Setting”, the user can set the human body region that may be in
contact with the robot in collaborative workspace according to the requirements. The calculation
result on the right side of this interface displays the robot's running speed in the Collaborative
Mode. The setting value can be saved after being confirmed by the user. The calculation result
includes the value of the automatic reduced moving speed, the value of the automatic reduced
point-to-point movement speed, the minimum possible contact area between the robot's external
device and human body when entering the Collaborative Mode. The user shall check the
confirmation field in the lower right corner before saving the setting value, to confirm the area
where the robot's external device may in contact with the human body is larger than or equal to
the area confirmation value.

This function is designed to auto adjust the speed of robot in Collaborative Mode following the
biomechanical limits of each body region listed in ISO/TS 15066. The user should consider
more and take responsibility for human body regions not listed in the graph by themselves.
Also, make sure the robot does not have any chance to contact with any dangerous body
region like spine and hindbrain.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 26

It should be noted that although the user can correct the calculation result of this region, but it can
only be set smaller. If the user needs to set more detailed parameters, the user can go to "More
Limit Setting Page" to make corrections. The upper limit setting page is shown in the figure below.

In the setting page of this Collaborative Mode, the user can set the joint speed, joint torque of
robot, but it should be noted that the setting value of this region must be smaller than the setting
value of the standard mode; the setting value can be saved after confirmed by the user.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 27

4. Start Your First Project
4.1 Overview
This chapter will describe how to create and run your first project. Only when you have read all
instruction first and have a full understand about the content of this manual and correctly set the TM
Robots according to the contents of Chapters 2 and 3, the operation of this chapter can be performed.

4.2 Initial Setting

When your device is connected to the TM robot for the first time, follow the wizard steps to complete the
following settings:

Step 1. Follow the steps to set up the robot.

Step 2. Select the interface language.

Step 3. Set the system time.

Step 4. Network settings.

Step 5. Perform voice settings.

Please click the Function Menu>Settings>Wizard to reset if required.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 28

4.3 M/A Mode and FreeBot
Please confirm the Operation Mode of the robot at this time. Please see the Mode Indicator on the
Robot Stick, and identify whether the lamp position is marked as Manual (Manual Mode) or Auto (Auto
Mode). At the same time, it can also be identified by the Indication Light Ring of the End Module, where
green light is Manual Mode, and the blue light is Auto Mode, if it is still in Auto Mode, press the M/A
Mode Switch Button on the Robot Stick to switch to the Manual Mode to perform the follow-up
operations of this chapter. When the indicator of the M/A Mode Switch Button is Green, the Indication
Light Ring of the End Module is green, it is Manual Mode.

Auto Mode Manual Mode

In the Manual Mode, press the FREE button to hand guiding the robot. The hand guidingfunction is only
limited to the Manual Mode.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 29

4.4 Build and Run Your First Project
If this is the first time you are unpacking the TM Robot, there will be no project in the robot. You can build
your first project according to the instructions of this section. The following project target is to run back
and forth between two points (P1 and P2). The setting method is as follows:

Only when you have read all instruction first and have a full understand about the content of this
manual and correctly set the TM Robot according to the contents of Chapters 2 and 3, the
operation of this chapter can be performed.

Step 1. Please confirm the Operation Mode of the robot. If it is not in Manual Mode, refer to "M/A Mode
and FreeBot" section to switch to Manual Mode.

Step 2. Select "Project" below the "Function Menu" and start entering the Project Editing Page.

Step 3. Choose to create a new project and enter the project name.

The project name rule only supports case-sensitive letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), and the
characters “&” and “_”.

Step 4. Enter the project name.

Step 5. Press the FREE button to move the robot to any point by hand guiding, press the POINT button,
to let the project flow recording the point. You can see that the robot automatically names this point as
P1 and has been automatically added after the Start Node and auto highlighted.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 30

Step 6. Press the FREE button and move the robot to any other point by hand guiding. Press the POINT
button to record this point and generate P2.

Step 7. Drag the Goto Node on the left side to the flowchart.

Step 8. Choose the Node that you want to Goto .

Step 9. Press the “Save” button to complete the project editing.

Step 10. Press the Play/Pause Button on the Robot Stick in the Project Eediting Page to start running
the project, at this time, the Indication Light Ring will flash green. Each time when you start running
project from Manual Mode, the Robot Stick looks as follows

Step 11. Trial Run, the project speed of the project will be forced to change to 10% to ensure safety.

Step 12. Press the button (increase running speed) / button (decrease running speed) on the
Robot Stick, to increase or decrease the Project Speed of the robot, adjust the speed of the robot here
to the speed that you think is appropriate.(You can find out the set Project Speed from the % number
displayed on the upper right corner of the HMI)

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 31

Step 13. After set your preferred project speed, press and hold the M/A Mode Switch Button (do not stop
the project). When the two indicator positions on the Robot Stick begin to flash, press the +/- buttons on
the Robot Stick in this order: "+ - + + -" to unlock. After unlocking, the robot will switch to Auto Mode to
complete the trial run, the robot will save the Project Speed at this time as the Project Speed when
running Auto Mode. Remember that if you perform trial run in Manual Mode again, the Project Speed will
be forced to change back to 10%. You must operate this step again to set the Project Speed.

You can not change Project Speed when running Auto Mode.

Step 14. When the Stop Button on the Robot Stick is pressed, its Project Speed is maintained at one
you set. And the project will be labeled as "Tested".

Step 15. If the Play/Pause Button is pressed again in Auto Mode, the speed remains running at the
Project Speed you set and the speed cannot be changed.

Step 16. Congratulations on your successful completion of project editing and running. Press the Stop
Button on the Robot Stick to stop running of the project.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 32

Before completing the adequate training, exploratory self-constructing project and then
conduct the project running may lead to body collision or human injuries due to the
unintended actions.

4.5 Operation Mode

TM Robot comes with two operation modes: Manual Mode and Auto Mode. Current mode can be
determined visually via the Mode Indicator (see Hardware installation Manual) on the Robot Stick, and
the color of the Indication Light Ring on the robot's End Module. (see Hardware installation Manual) The
robot starts in Auto Mode.

4.5.1 Auto Mode

When the robot is in Auto Mode the Indication Light Ring on the End Module is blue and the Mode
Indicator on the Robot Stick is in the Auto position. Under Auto mode, pressing the Play/Pause
Button on the Robot Stick runs or pauses the project. Robot speed is determined by the Project
Speed. The FREE button of the End Module does not work under Auto Mode so there is no
guiding by hand.

4.5.2 Manual Mode

When the robot is in Manual Mode the Indication Light Ring on the End Module is green and the
Mode Indicator on the Robot Stick is in the Manual position. Manual Mode can be further broken
down into Manual Control Mode and Manual Trial Run Mode. The user can tell the difference
using the status of the green Indication Light Ring on the End Module as well. Constant green
light indicates Manual Control Mode while flashing green light indicates Manual Trial Run Mode. Manual Control Mode

In Manual Mode, if the robot is not moving then it is in Manual Control mode. Press the FREE
button on the End Module to guide the robot by hand guding or use the “Controller” page to
jog the robot. When the robot is in Manual Control Mode, all robot motion will be limited to
less than 250mm/sec. If the robot speed exceeds 250mm/sec then it will stop on an error. In
addition, Hand Guiding Mode can only be activated from Manual Control Mode. The FREE
button on the End Module can be pressed to move the robot by Hand Guiding.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 33 Manual Trial Run Mod
When the user is in the HMI's project editing page, pressing the Play/Pause button on the
Robot Stick enters Manual Trial Run Mode. The 250mm/sec speed limit does not apply while
editing projects in Manual Trial Run Mode but the project run speed will be reduced to 10%
during each trial run. The add/subtract buttons on the Robot Stick can be used to adjust the
project run speed in Manual Trial Run Mode. Each button press increases or decreases
project run speed by 5%. This is used to adjust the project run speed.

4.5.3 Changing the Operation Mode

To change the Operation Mode of the robot, use the Mode Switch Button on the robot control to
cycle between Auto/Manual modes. The system cannot be changed from Auto to Manual Mode
while the robot is running a project in Auto mode. The robot must be stopped by pressing the Stop
Button on the Robot Stick before it can be switched to Manual mode. To switch from any Manual
Mode (Manual Control or Trial Run) to Auto mode, hold down the Mode Switch Button. Once both
Mode Indicator lights on the Robot Stick start blinking, follow the “+ - + + -” sequence and press
the Add/Subtract buttons on the Robot Stick to unlock and switch to Auto mode. When the robot
is switched from Manual Trial Run Mode to Auto mode, the Project Speed will be set to the default
Project Speed. In other words, the running speed in Auto Mode for this project will now be fixed
unless it is changed by another trial run.

4.6 Hold to Run

When the TM Robot is in Manual Control Mode it can several jogging function, including:
• joint angle movement
• Robot Base end movement
• Tool Base end movement
• self-defined base end movement
• move to visual initial position
• visual servo action
• step run
• move to point
• hand guiding
• other functions
In these functions, the safety of TM Robot is enhanced by Hold to Run design. Hold to Run in TM
Robot's system is divided into two categories. When performing higher risk control operation, various
functions shall be operated by the Hold to Run design using the physical buttons on the Robot Stick.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 34

The first category is to jog the robot by continuously pressing the Plus / Minus Button of the Robot Stick.
The second category is to jog the robot to move by continuously pressing the software button on the
TMflow. Once the physical button or software button is released half way, the robot will stop operation
immediately, and will continue operation when pressed again. Some of the functions have two
categories of Hold to Run functions. The user can choose one of above functions to implement.
If user chooses to use the buttons on TMflow connected with the robot through TCP/IP or Wi-Fi, the TM
Robot will automatically stop your control of the robot and stop the robot operation when the connection
is broken. Note that, depending on the quality of connection, there may be a maximum detection delay
of disconnection of 0.7 seconds. It may cause the robot to continue to move along the original Hold to
Run command after you release the software button.
If user chooses physical button to perform Hold to Run function, the detection time of releasing the
button is 30ms by the system. Therefore, in the case of control operations of higher risk, the Robot Stick
should be used to operate each Hold to Run function.

4.7 Shutdown
There are two shutdown methods:
Method 1:
Press "Shutdown" at the bottom left of the “Function Menu”. A warning window "Do you want to shut
down remote robot?" pops up. Press "OK" to shut down properly.

Method 2:
Press and hold the Power Button of the Robot Stick, when you hear a "beep beep" sound, the Power
Button can be released. The Power Indicator of the Robot Stick is flashing red and the robot performs

The below Shutdown methods are prohibited:
1. Unplug the power plug directly
2. Loosen the power cord of Control Box directly
3. Loosen the power of robot body directly

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 35

5. Operation Interface
5.1 Overview
The first chapter will introduce the operation interface of TMflow, including the icons in the “Function
Menu”: “Login/Logout”, “Connect”, “View”, “Run Setting”, “Project”, “Setting”, and “System”.

5.2 Login/Logout
After waiting for the start up completed, click on the top left corner to expand the Function Menu.
The listed icons from top to bottom are:
 “Login/Logout” – Login/Logout to start using the robotic arm,
 “Connect” - available robot list, “View” - display page when project is running,
 “Run Setting” - project list and default project to run,
 “Project” - create or edit project,
 Setting - robot setting,
 System - system setting,
 Shutdown - shut down robotic arm, as shown in the graph below.

Function Menu
The login window will pop up when clicking Login. Please enter your account number and password to
start using the robotic arm.

Default account is “administrator”, default password is blank.

Please refer to Chapter 2 for the detail operation method from start up to complete login: Start up and

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 36

5.3 Connection
5.3.1 Local Connection
If you control the robot with the screen, keyboard and mouse with the Control Box, follow the
instructions below to log in and connect.
After completed login, click the “Get Control” below the robot to get control. To release control,
click “Release Control” again to release control. Please refer to Chapter 2 for detail operation
method: “Start up and Activation”

Get/Release Control (Local)

5.3.2 Remote Connection

If you control the robot through your own device (desktop computer, laptop, tablet), follow the
instructions below before login.

Please click the upper left corner to refresh the robot list, the robot can be connected will be
displayed in the robot list.
After the connection is completed, the symbol in the lower right corner of the robot can be
seen. Login can be started after the connection is completed.
After login is completed, click the “Get Control” below the robot to get control. If to release the
control, click “Release Control” again to release control. Please refer to Chapter2 for detail
operation method: “Start up and Activation”

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 37

5.4 View
In the view page, the user can monitor project progress and the robot, as the figure below from left to
right are the “Display Panel”, “IO”, “Simulator” and “Status”.

“View” Page

The robot can provide remote and local multi-logins, but only one person can get
Control at a time.

5.4.1 “Display Board” Page

In theDisplay Board page, the user can monitor the project running status, including the vision job
result at left and the status display at right. The status display contains both description and

variable that can be switched by and buttons on the upper right

corner, the description content can be changed through the Display Node, the variable can be
changed through the Display Management in the project.

“Display Board” page

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 38

5.4.2 “Flow” Page
In Manual Mode, the flow will be displayed and indicate the current process running position
when the project is running. Through this page, the user can conveniently monitor the process as
well as properly optimize and modify the process. In Auto Mode, this page will not show.

5.4.3 “IO”Page
The IO page provides IO status monitoring and operation tools for the user, capable of monitoring
the status of digital/analog input, and operate the digital and analog outputs in this page. When
the project is running, the IO is controlled by the project and cannot be changed manually.

“IO” page

5.4.4 “Simulator” Page

In the “Simulator” page, the user can monitor the current robot posture. Press Ctrl on the
keyboard plus the right mouse button can rotate the 3D model, Ctrl plus the left mouse button to
zoom in and out of the 3D model, and Ctrl plus the mouse double or middle button to move the 3D

“Simulator” Page

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 39

5.4.5 “Status” Page
In the “Status” page, the controller temperature, voltage of the robot, power consumption of the
robot, robot current, IO current of the Control Box, and the tool side I/O current can be monitored,
and the currently running project or preset project will be displayed on the upper right corner.

“Status” page

5.5 Run Setting

In the “Run Setting”, all executable projects can be viewed. Such as, displayed on the file
represents this project is running currently, displayed represents this project can be run in Auto
Mode. If the project is to be run in Auto Mode, it must go through the Trial Run process. The running
method of Trial Run is performed in Manual Mode. After adjusting the speed, press the M/A Mode
Switch Button on the Robot Stick while the project is running, and complete the project with complete
Trial Run procedure and ensure the safety while running.

Single project icon

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 40

5.6 Project
Click in the upper left corner to expand the Function Menu, click the "Project" in the Function Menu
to start creating and editing the flow. In the figure below, the top is the Project Editing Toolbar, and the
left is the Node Menu, the right sidebar contains System Log and System Function Menu. Click to
expand the "System Log" which is folded on the right. Click to expand the System Function
Menufolded on the right.

Project Editing Page

5.6.1 Project Editing Toolbar

The Project Editing Toolbar is located at the top of the Project Editing Page. From left to right the
functions are "Create New Project", "Save Project", "Open Old Project", "Step Run", “Diagnosis”,
"Point Manager", "Base Manager", "Controller", "Variable", "EditBlock", "Current Base and Base
List ", "Current Tool and Tool List", "Display Manager". Create New Project

Click to create new project, the project name can only use English, number and
underline (underline symbol is: _).

When save the file, if there is a file with the same filename, it will be
overwritten, save the file with care to avoid file loss.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 41 Save File (Project)

Click to save project, project name can only supports case-sensitive letters (A~Z) &
numbers (0~9) &_ (underline symbol is: _).
If the previous project is not closed properly, a prompt window will appear when the project is
opened. If you select "Yes", the last saved file version will be opened and all subsequent
modifications will be discarded. If you select "No", the file will open with the last state before
closing, and for the user to perform the file saving operation. Open Project

Click to open existed projects. Click the mark on the right of filename in the project
list to delete the project.

Please note that deleted projects cannot be restored. Step Run

Step Run is used to confirm accuracy of the editing motion, the start running node of Step
Run can be Start, Point Node, or the node that is not reversed gray to facilitate the user to
evaluate the correctness of the node/motion. Step run can start running the selected node by
press and hold the on the screen or the "Plus button" on the Robot Stick. Release the
button during press and hold process, the robot will stop operation, and continue to move
after press and hold. When the Step Run pane displays "(Node name)_finish" representing
the node running is completed, release or the "Plus button" on the Robot Stick is
pressed and hold again to continue running the next node. In the condition of the Step Run
window is opened, the FREE Button at the End Module cannot be used to hand guide the
robot. At the same time, both the variable system and the decision formula will not operate.
When there is a logical branch node (e.g., If Node, Gateway Node) the path of pass or fail can
be selected freely to check each decision branch internal motion programming is correct
through Step Run.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 42

Step Run

When using “Step Run” through the Subflow node, click Next to enter
Subflow page, or click another node to skip the Subflow steps.
Although the variable system will not operate, the Vision Node will run,
the Vision Node parameter value and output value can be refreshed
through Step Run Vision Node to facilitate subsequent programming and
fine tuning. At the same time, since the variable system will not work, the
Pallet Node will only run the first point. Point Manager

The Point Manager will list all points and their parameters can be used, including the category
of points: General point, fine-tuning point, and dynamic point (for the creation and applicable
node of all categories of points, refer to the Point node, F-Point node, and TouchStop node),
the reference base to which the point is attached, and the tools used by the point. In the Point
Manager, represents Vision Base, represents Custom Base. Click the on the right
side of specific point can enter the information page of the point. The point name can be
modified in the information page, and find out the reference coordinates, tools and detail
coordinates of the point: [X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz]. Below the information box, there are tools
provided to the user to operate the points, from top to bottom, they are: “Controller”,
“Overwrite new pose to this point”, “Re-recording on Another Base”, “Save as”, and “Delete
This Point”.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 43

Point Manager

 Controller: Enable the Controller to operate robot, refer to Controller for the operation method
of Controller.
 Overwrite new pose to this point: Write the current robot position and posture at this point and
overwrite the original value.
 Re-record on Another Base: re-record this point on another Base, change the reference coordinate.
 Save as: Save as other point with new name.
 Delete This Point: Deleting this point

The point system and the nodes are mutually independent. The
changes made in the Point Manager will be applied to all the nodes
that use this point. Before the change, check all the nodes sharing this
point again to avoid the occurrence of unintended motion.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 44 Base Manager
The Base Manager will list all the Bases can be used, the tag will indicate the Base
used by the robot at that time, represents Vision Base, and represents Custom Base.
Clicking on the right of the specific base can access the information page of the base.
Clicking to set as the current base will change the current reference coordinate used by the
robot to this Base. Below the information, there are tools provided for the user to operate the
Base. Refer to Chapter 6 “Point and Base” for the definition of Base and 7.2 “Create a
Custom Base” for the details how to create the Custom Base.

Base Manager

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 45 Controller


The controller provides users with direct control to the robot, divided into: motion control, IO
control and FreeBot settings. Motion control includes three tabs: "Joint", "Base", "Tool", which
correspond respectively to “move according to the joint angle setting”, “move according to the
reference base”, and “move according to the tool base”.
Motion Control: After the motion control tab is opened, there are two kinds of motion control
methods, single-joint/single-axis movement or moving to a specific target, and the single
joint/single-axis movement is used as follows: Click the joint/axis to be moved first, then press
or on the left bottom corner, or press the + or - button on the Robot Stick to move the
joint/axis in a positive or negative direction. The method of moving to a specific target is: Fill
the target to be moved in the textbox on the right, then press and hold the "Move" button
below to move the robot to the target position.

Base tag is utilized to move to a specified target with respect to the specified
Base, and Tool tag is utilized to move to a specified direction with respect to Tool

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 46

Controller (IO Control)

IO Control: Click "IO" tab to open the IO control page. In the IO control, the output value of
each IO can be controlled independently, including Control Box IO, End Module IO, and
external expansion IO. The detailed IO specifications and applications can refer to chapter
12.3 “IO”

Controller (Freebot Control)

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 47

FreeBot Setting: In the FreeBot Setting, the movement limits of the robot while pressing the
FREE Button can be set. The settings are divided into “Free all joints”, “Free XYZ”, “Free
RXYZ”, “SCARA like” and “Custom Setting”.
 Free all joint: The user can freely drag the robot through the FREE Button.
 Free XYZ: The user can use the FREE Button to make the robot performing
translation-only motion in Robot Base.
 Free RXYZ: The user can use the FREE Button to make the robot performming
rotation-only motion in Robot Base.
 SCARA like: The user can use the FREE Button to make the robot performming motion
on X, Y, Z, RZ directions of Robot Base, as the traditional SCARA robots. This mode is
suitable for teaching simple pick and place jobs, to avoid accidentally causing
unnecessary rotation in degrees of freedom when teaching.
 Custom Setting: The user can freely set the degree of freedom to be released and fixed,
to facilitate hand guiding.

FreeBot Degree of Freedom Limitation

Press button Function
Six Degrees of Freedom, the robot end movement and
Free all joint
posture change are not restricted
Three Degrees of Freedom, the robot end can only move
Free XYZ
XYZ directions.
Three Degrees of Freedom, the end can only change its
SCARA Four Degrees of Freedom (X, Y, Z, RZ)
Custom Setting Degrees of Freedom to be set by the user.

The FreeBot setting is still valid after the controller page is closed.
Therefore, if you find that the robot cannot be pulled at a certain degree
of freedom, check whether your FreeBot setting is correct.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 48 Variables List
TMflow has its own variable system that all types, names, and initial values of all variables
can be seen in the variable list. The variable types include both single variables and arrays,
the new variables can be added through the add variable or add array button above the
variable list.

Please use " " to enclose the string when inputting the string value to
avoid being treated as a variable. EditBlock
By extending the EditBlock menu, multiple nodes can be selected, either selection with frame
or individual click. The user can then drag and drop all the selections, or click copy and paste
icon to copy and paste all nodes, or perform Base Shift for all nodes. All EditBlock related
behaviors, including copy-and-paste function can only be performed under the same project.

EditBlock Tool

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 49 Current Base and Base List
The Base list will list all Bases for this project and also indicates the Current Base. In the
Base list, the front symbol represents the type of Base, and represents Vision Base,
represents Custom Base. The Base displayed in the box is the Current Base and can be
replaced through clicking the list.

Whenthe user clicks on the Base list and adds a new point, the point
will be recorded on the Current Base.

Base List Current TCP and TCP List

The TCP list will list all the TCPs. In the TCP list, the front symbol represents the type of tool,
represents the general TCP, and represents the built-in TCP list of the hand-eye
camera. The TCP displayed in the box is the current TCP, and can be replaced by clicking on
the list.

When the user clicks the TCP list and adds a new point, the point will
be recorded with the current TCP.

Tool List

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 50 Display Manager
In the Display Manager, the user can set the variables to be displayed on the display panel
and interact with the user when the project is running. Variables are divided into two types:
displayed to the user and input by the user. The page where the user may input variable
value can protected with a password, to avoid unauthorized operators intervening with or
modifying the robot's motion behaviors by modifying the variables. On the top part of the
display management panel, the time period of the refreshing of the display of variables can
be specified, and the variable will update the display information according to the set time.
Please set the refresh time appropriately to avoid users receiving wrong variable information.

Display Management

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 51

5.6.2 Node Menu and Flow Editing Area
In the Project Editing Page, the user can create projects. The Node Menu in the left side is a list of
nodes that can be used. Drag the icon of each node to the Flow Editing Area to create Flow.

Project Edit

In the lower right corner of the project editing window, there are , and display percentage
used to adjust the display percentage to facilitate reading. In addition, there is an automatic

connection mode switch button, click to enable automatic connection mode, and click any
two nodes in the automatic connection mode, to connect these two nodes according to the order
of clicking. If you want to exit the automatic connection mode upon completed programming, click

it again to close the automatic connection mode.

If you use a touch screen for project editing, automatic connection mode will
greatly simplify your connection process, dragging between each endpoint is no
longer needed, simply enable the automatic connection mode and click on the
nodes desired to be connected to connect.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 52

5.6.3 Project Function Menu
The Project Function Menu will display the settings and tools related to the project, including
search function, Operation Space, ModbusDev, Set IO while Project Error, Set IO while Project
Stop, Stop Watch, View.

Project Function Menu Search Function
In Search Function, the search can be performed by the node name or variable name. Please
click the first search box to determine the search target (searching with node name or
variable name used in the node). If searching with a node name, select , and input the
keyword in the search box behind it. If searching with a variable, select ,
and input the variable in the input box. The in the input box can be clicked to input from
the pop up variable list, or input the keyword directly. The search limit condition can be
specified below the search box, for the user to narrow the search range so that the user can

filter out the desired targets. If you want to jump to a specific search result, click in front of

the item in the result list directly.

Searching Pane

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 53 Operation Space
The Operation Space can be used to set the operation space configuration of the project.
Refer to chapter 15. “Operation Space” for instruction. ModbusDev
ModbusDev Tool can be used to set the Modbus Master/Client in the project. Refer to 12.1
“Modbus” for instruction. Set IO while Project Error

This tool can set the IO output status when project has an error. Refer to 12.3 “IO” for
instruction. Set IO while Project Stop

This tool can set the IO output status when project stops. Refer to 12.3 “IO” for instruction. Stop Watch

Through the Stop Watch tool, the user can calculate the running time elapsed between two
nodes, and plan the motion, manage the production cycles more conveniently through the
Stop Watch runtime analysis tool, and optimize time for each flow.
After clicked Stop Watch tool, click “New" can add a Stop Watch. Stop Watch includes four
parts, the beginning node, the ending node, records in a specific variable, and the note
description, click in front of Start and End. Then, click the note to be configured to
complete the configuration. To save the variable, when Stop Watch is running, the time result
obtained while running can be output as the variable to facilitate the user to analyze this
parameter. Please select a double type variable in the variable list and fill in the variable box
to use this function.

Stop Watch Setting Page

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 54 View
View tool provides the user with a quick view of the current camera's live image, the camera
name can be selected in the upper left corner of the image, click below the image to
bring up the camera adjustment parameters.

View Tool Floating Window

5.7 Robot Setting
The parameters related to the robot can be set in Robot Setting, the settings from left to right and from
top to bottom are: Wizard, Vision Setting, TCP, IO Setting, Safety Setting, Controller, Speech, Gripper
Button, Component, Operation Space, Command, Modbus, Posture Setting, and Global Variable.

Robot Setting Page

5.7.1 Wizard
The robot setting Wizard will guide the user through robot basic settings step by step, including
language, time and date, network setting and speech setting

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 55

5.7.2 Vision Setting
Vision Setting tool provides the user to modify the camera parameters and manage vision files.

5.7.3 TCP
In the TCP setting, the user can create a TCP through FreeBot teaching and Manual-inputting
parameters. Please refer to 8.2 TCP Setting for the method of use.

5.7.4 IO Setting
In the IO Setting, the default value of the output signal at the time of starting up, and the meaning
represented by the self-defined IO can be set.
Using self-defined IO, the user can trigger or read the button on the Robot Stick with external
device through the IO port on the Control Box, after the setting is complete, click the "Save"
button in the lower right corner to save the setting.

Output Default Value Setting

Control Box Input Meaning Control Box Meaning
channel Output channel
9 Stick + button 9 Stick + button
10 Stick - button 10 Stick - button
11 Stick M/A button 11 Stick M/A Mode Switch
12 Stick Play button 12 Stick Play Button
13 Stick Stop button 13 Stick Stop Button
14 System Error Indicator
15 Simulated E-Stop 15 Simulated E-Stop
button button
User Defined IO Setting Table

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 56

5.7.5 Safety Setting
In the Safety Setting, the user can set the safe stop criteria, safeguard port settings, and etc.
Refer to Chapter 3 "Safety Settings” for details.

5.7.6 Controller
Please refer to “Controller” for the use of controller

5.7.7 Speech
In the Speech Setting, the user can set the speech parameters, including the buzzer, speech
function and error message broadcasting or not, broadcast language, speed and volume. To use
the speech function, connect the speaker to the Control Box.

Speech Setting

If using "Speak and Move", the speech will be saved into a buffer and deleted only if the system
finishes speaking it. That means, if the Voice is used in a Thread with a quick loop, the buffer size
will increase quickly, that the robot might keep speaking without an end.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 57

5.7.8 Gripper Button
In the Gripper Button Setting, the user can set the behavior after the GRIPPER Button on the End
Modle is pressed. If the gripper used is a general I/O type gripper, click "Grip" to set the IO signal
required to close the gripper. Click "Release" to set the IO signal required to open the gripper. If
the gripper in use needs to depend on TM Component to operate, select the user-defined
component. Please refer to Chapter 13 "Component” Component in regard to the use of TM

Gripper Button Setting

5.7.9 Component
In the Component Settings, the user can select the component to be started from the component
list. Please refer to Chapter 13 "Component” for the use of component

5.7.10 Operation Space

For the method of using Operation Space, refer to Chapter 15 "Operation Space”.

5.7.11 Command
In the Command Settings, the user can select and enable the Command from the component list.
Please refer to 12.4 “Command ” for the use of Command, there are two system default
Commands: File and TmComm.

5.7.12 Modbus
In the Modbus Setting, the user can set the Modbus slave related settings. The system provides a
total of two Modbus communication methods: Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU. Click
on the top to open/close the mode .Click the "Code Table" button in the lower left corner to open
the Modbus slave encoding definition file..

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 58

5.7.13 Posture Setting
The Posture Setting provides a convenient tool for the user to quickly move the robot to a
commonly used posture, as they are Packing Pose, Normal Pose, and Home Pose from top to
bottom respectively. Packing Pose can reduce the space occupied by the robot to facilitate the
user to pack and transport the robot. The Normal Pose is the most common work starting posture
of the TM robot, and the Home Pose is the posture with all joint rotation angles are 0 degrees.

Posture Setting
5.7.14 Global Variables
The use of Global Variables is similar to the variable system in the project, but the variables in this
system can be used in all projects. Please refer to “Global Variables” for the method of
use for Global Variables.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 59

5.8 System Setting
The System Setting includes settings related to this software. From the left to right and from the top to
bottom they are:
Language, System Update, Group, User Account, Network, Import/Export, Date and Time, Administrator
Setting, and Network Services.

System Setting Page

The System Setting will modify the related settings of the software
system. If you are using a remote version, this System Setting will not
change the setting in robot’s Control Box side system, and it is the
System Setting of the Client side system.

5.8.1 Language
Please select the system language to be displayed.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 60

5.8.2 System Update
To update the TMflow on the robot, the user needs to download and unzipped the update files
from the website of the Company. Then, place all the content generated from the unzipped files
into the root directory of the USB flash drive named TMROBOT, as shown below, and plug into
the USB port on the Control Box. Please make sure the flash drive name must be TMROBOT.
After plug the USB flash drive into the control box. Please click the OK button on the System
Update page to start the update.

System Update

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 61

5.8.3 Group
In this setting, the user group can be created. Input the Group name from the right pane to create
the Group. Select the scope of this Group's permissions when creating, including run setting,
project, settings, view, system. Press "OK" after settings are completed to create the Group. After

creating the Group, click to modify information, or click to delete item.

Group Setting Pane

5.8.4 User Account

In this setting, the User Account can be created. Input the User Account and Password from the
right pane to create the User Account. It is necessary to select the Group to set the access

permission when creating the User Account. After completed creating the User Account, click
to modify information, or click to delete item.

User Account

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 62

5.8.5 Network Setting
In the Network Setting, the currently enabled connection list will be displayed, click the item to set
its parameters. If you choose Get IP from DHCP, the current connection IP will be displayed in
reversed gray below

Connection List

Network Setting

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 63

5.8.6 Import/Export
In the Import/Export, the user can import items from the flash drive or export items to the flash
drive. The name of the flash drive must be TMROBOT. To use the Export function, use the
"Export" button in the upper left corner to select Import or Export, then select the desired data
from the left menu. Click the item in the list on the left to be added to the list on the right. After
completing the new addition, click "Send" at the bottom right to start the Export procedure. To use
the Import function, click on the "Import" button in the upper left corner, then select the robot of
the data source in the flash drive from the robot list, then select the desired data from the left
menu. Click the item in the list on the left to be added to the list on the right. After completing the
new addition, click "Send" at the bottom right to start the Import procedure.

5.8.7 Date and Time

In the Date and Time, the user can change the time of the operating system that this software

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 64

5.8.8 Administrator Setting
In the Administrator Setting, the administrator password can be changed/set. The default
administrator password is blank. To protect the security of robot use and data, change the
administrator password during initial use.

Login Page

5.8.9 Network Services

In the Network Services, the user can set the time for uploading data and the shared folder of the
target network, and transmit the Log information. In order to ensure that the network connection
and the user account password is correct, press the "Test Connection" button first when
completed the setting to avoid data loss.

Network Services Setting

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 65

5.8.10 Backup and Restore
This function provides users to backup and restore the current TMflow version, including projects,
TCPs, robot parameters and all other contents. A backup file will be generated by clicking Backup
button. After users upgrade the TMflow version, the restore function can be used to restore the
previous version and the file content. When executing restore function, it will show a window and
display "After restoring the backup file, the current data will be removed. Do you want to restore
the backup file? (Yes / No)".

Backup\Restore page

The number of backup files is limited to three.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 66

6. Point and Base
6.1 Overview
In the space, draw three linearly independent lines, select their unit length, direction, to create a new
Base. The projection of any point in the space in a three-dimensional space is the position of the point in
this Base.

Base value of the Point

To describe a point, in addition to X, Y, Z coordinate positions, it is also necessary to define its direction
in the space Rx, Ry, Rz to describe the posture of the point in the space.

Coordinate axis rotation

The Base is a system that defines the corresponding position and posture of the robot in
three-dimensional space. In the TM robot, the Base is divided into four categories: Robot Base, Custom
Base, Tool Base, and Vision Base.
This Chapter will introduce the basic direction judgment method for the Base first, and define the
physical meaning of the Robot Base, so that the user can understand the Base of robot, and use the
controller system to move the robot in the specified Base. Finally, how to convert between different
Bases will be introduced, which is for the user to complete the work flow without reprogramming the
project in the situation of absolute position changes while relative positions do not change.
Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 67
6.2 Base and Right-hand Rule
6.2.1 Right-hand Rule
The Right-hand Rule is a method of determining the direction of the three-dimensional Base. In
the system of Base of robot, the right-hand coordinate system can be used to determine the
positive direction of the Z-axis, as shown in the illustration, the thumb, index finger, and middle
finger represent the right hand coordinate X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis respectively, and three
fingers are perpendicular to each other. In addition, the Right-hand Rule also determines the
positive rotation direction of the coordinate axis in the three-dimensional space, bending finger.
The direction pointed by the finger is the positive rotation direction of the coordinate axis.

Right-hand Base
6.2.2 Types of Base
The Bases defined in the robot are divided into Robot Base, Custom Base, Vision Base and Tool
Base according to the purpose. The user can complete the point planning and application in the
space using intuitive methods, according to these different base applications. Robot Base

The Robot Base is also called the world coordinates system. In the definition of robot, it is
defined as the Base of the robot. When the robot is running, no matter how the position or
posture is changed, it will not affect the direction and position of the initial point of the

Robot Base

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 68 Vision Base
Vision Base can be further divided into visual servoing positioning and fixed-point positioning.
The concept of visual servoing positioning is to approach the object with camera, so the Base
is created on the camera. In fixed-point positioning , the relationship between the image
coordinates and the robot is known to calculate the positioning object with absolute
coordinates and its Base is created on the object.

Servoing Vision Base is created on the camera

Fix-point Vision Base is created on the object

The robot's vision can be simply built with the Base in parallel to the operation plane, allowing
the user to complete assembly, processing, and other related applications on an inclined
plane, and can also use the Vision Base to position the robot in the space.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 69 Custom Base
The Custom Base provides the user with a method for creating the reference Base of the
motion node. The user can jog the robot to move to the origin, any point on the X-axis and XY
planes of the Base, to create a Custom Base, refer to 7.2 “Create a Custom Base” for the
detailed method. Tool Base

Tool Base is used to define the position and posture of the robot TCP. Before using the Tool
Base, the position and posture of the TCP must be defined ( refer to Chapter 8, “Create End
Tool”). If the TCP is not defined, the flange center point will be used as the origin of the Base.
In the same project, if the tool is worn out or the tool is changed, you only need to redefine the
Tool Base without having to reprogram the flow.

Tool Base

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 70

6.3 Point Parameter
For the robot-defined Point Parameter, in addition to define the position and posture of each point, it will
also regulate the recorded Base of each point and the tools it applies, if the tool it applies is T0,
represents No Tool.

Point Parameter Information

If the user needs to apply different tools on the same project, or perform the same operation on different
operation planes, different information can be reassigned to the created point. This section explains the
advanced settings in the Point node as an example, this setting can be divided into two categories of
Base Shift and Tool Shift to modify the Base of point and the tool applied.

Shift function of Point Node

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 71

6.3.1 Base Shift
The Base Shift is to transfer the point to another Base without changing the position and posture
of its relative Base. In this example, the coordinate is rotated, translated, to converte to another
Base. In this new Base, the position and posture of the point related to its reference Base is not
changed. In the case of change in absolute position, the relative position is maintained. This
function allows the user to complete the same job on different Bases.

Base Shift Schematic Diagram

Record point P1 on Base 1. At this time, use the Base Shift to record the point to the new base
Base 2. This operation will not modify the data of original point, only valid for this set node, and
the modified node Base will be presented with pink box.

Node with Base Shift

This function is different from re-record on another base in the Point
Manager. The function of re-record on another base is to present the
position and posture of the point with respect to another Base.
Therefore, the absolute position of the original point is not changed.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 72

6.3.2 Tool Shift
Record point P1 on T1.At this time, use Tool Shift to change the tool T1 applied to P1 to tool T2.
In practical applications, this function can be used if the tool is worn out or the same path is
completed using different tools. This function is divided into two categories: Keep Pose and Keep
Path. The same as the Base Shift, this operation does not modify the data of the origin position,
only valid for this set node, and the tool icon of the modified node will rounded with pink borders.

Node with Tool Shift

Keep Pose: If the tool selected when the robot records the path is incorrect, the Keep Pose
function of Tool Shift can be used to substitute the correct tool parameters of this node. This
setting will not cause changes to the robot's posture and position, that is, it overlaps with the
original track when running the project.

Tool Shift using Keep Pose

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 73

Keep Path: The robot will try to make the point recorded with new tool the same as the old tool's
point, and further change the robot's posture to conform to the new tool's setting; however, it may
not be achieved due to space or robot mechanism limitations.

Tool shift using Keep Path

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 74

7. Create Base
7.1 Create Vision Base
Vision Base can be generated through Vision Node in the Flow, which can be defined based on the
target object or on the camera depending on which method is being chosen (Servoing or Fixed-Point).

7.2 Create a Custom Base

Click on the Base Manager above the project editing page. The user can use three points to create a
new Base. Since the information of each point is recorded on the Base, only three points need to be
redefined when changing the work plane. It is possible to implement the motion on another plane
without reprogramming.

Base Manager

There are three buttons in the center of the three-point Base, from left to right, they are Set the Base
Origin, Set any Point on X-axis of the Base, and set the Base on any Point on the Positive X - Positive Y
Plane. Refer to 6.2 Base and Right-hand Rule to use the Base correctly.

The user can use the controller button below to enable the controller to operate the robotic arm, or use
the FreeBot mode to pull the robotic arm to the target position (“Pointing 0,0,0”, “Point on X-axis”, “Point
on Surface”). Press the corresponding button at this time will record the robot's current position at this
point. After the setting is completed, the in front of the button will disappear. After all three points are
set, press "OK" to create the Base.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 75

Build a Base by 3 Points

There are 3 buttons representing the 3 points which define a base, i.e. Origin (0,0,0), Point on X-axis, and Point on
Surface, refer to 6.2.1 Right-hand Rule.
The user can use the controller button below to enable the controller to operate the robot, or use the FreeBot mode to
pull the robot to the target position (Pointing 0,0,0, Point on X-axis, and Point on Surface). Press the corresponding
button at this time will record the robot's current position at this point. After the setting is completed, the in front of
the button will disappear; after all three points are set, press "OK" to create the base. This point is TCP point.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 76

7.3 Create New Base Node
7.3.1 Create a New Base by Two Vision Bases
Drag the New Base Node from the left side. After clicked Edit on the upper left of the node, the
user can select to use two Vision Bases to create a new Base, or use three dynamic points to
create a new Base.

New Base Node

Click to create a new Base with two existed Bases, will open a new page. The user can select two
created Vision Bases. The distance between two Bases will be calculated automatically
according to selected Base parameters. During the project running, after the distance between
two Bases is updated, if the calculated distance falls within the tolerance range set by the user, a
new Base will be created by calling the function. If error occurs and it goes out of range, the
program will run through the Fail path for this node, that is, the Base cannot be created.

Create a new Base by two Vision Bases

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 77

7.3.2 Create a New Base by Three Dynamic Points
Clicking on “create a new Base with three points” will pop up a new page. This function can only
use dynamic point to create a Base and must work with TouchStop Node to create a dynamic
point, and finally complete creating the Base with implementing three times of the TouchStop
Node. The 1st point determines the Base origin, the 2nd point determines the X-axis of the
reference surface, and the 3rd point determines the orientation of the reference surface. For
detailed application methods, refer to 7.3 "Create New Base Node”.

Create a new Base by three Dynamic Points

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 78

8. Create End Tool
8.1 Overview
This Chapter will introduce the settings of TCP (Tool Center Point). The TCP is the reference point for
tool interaction with the workpiece. The TCP includes six parameters: X Coordinates, Y Coordinates, Z
Coordinates, Rx Coordinates, Ry Coordinates, Rz Coordinates. Description is referenced from the
center coordinates of the flangeCustom Base. The TCP will be attached to the end of the robot, and
move with the center coordinates of the flange.
On the robot, apart from the position and orientation reference values of the six elements, the tool
weights and the inertia values can also be inputted to compensate the performance during the operation
to avoid misread the effect of the tool on the robot as an external force. The TCP Setting can be
accessed from the Robot Setting page.

TCP Definition

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 79

8.2 TCP Setting
This Section describes how to get parameters of TCP from "Teaching", "Manual Input or choose from
Saved File".

TCP Setting Items

8.2.1 Create Parameters of TCP with Hand Guidance Teaching

The principle of creating the TCP by teaching is to teach the robot to reach the same point in the
space through different posture, to calculate the position of TCP relative to the robot end flange
automatically. The Calibration Pin Set sold by the Company or custom made calibration tool can
be used to calibrate the fixed calibration point in the space during teaching process. The number
of calibrations varies depending on the user's operation method and accuracy requirements. The
number of teachings on the TCP is at least 4 times.
The process of creating a TCP by teaching is shown as follows.

1. Setting the times of calibration and quality of tools

2. The position of the TCP is clearly marked on the tool. In this example, the tool is a
Calibration Pin Set, and the TCP is located at the tip of the needle.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 80

3. Fix the Calibration Needle on a solid surface.

Teaching Screen
4. Then align the end of tool to the calibration point by teaching, and follow by clicking the
record on the screen.

The robot posture needs to change during teaching

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 81

5. Repeat this action until completed and the TCP numerical results and error values are
displayed. After confirming there is no mistake, input the tool name to save the file, and set it
as the current tool for the robot.

6. After completed teaching, the positioning result will be displayed. It is recommended to

calibrate this value equal or less than 0.3 to ensure accuracy.

Result of Teaching TCP

In addition to the user's human errors and the number of calibrations, the
error of establishing a TCP by teaching is also related to the selected
teaching posture. The selection principle of posture is that the more the
changes of each joint the better. Between each teaching point, it is
necessary to ensure that 1 to 6 joints are rotated to achieve the best
calibration result.

When using the Calibration Pin Set to teach TCP, the controller can be
used to fine-tune the moving robot. Between each teaching point, it is still
necessary to ensure that 1 to 6 joints are rotated.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 82

7. The calibration result can be saved for future use.

Save Teaching Result

8.2.2 Create Tool Center Point by Input Parameters

If the user clearly knows the TCP relative to the position of robot end flange, the coordinate
parameters can be inputted manually, and after the input is completed, click "Save as" to create a
new TCP data. To modify the TCP parameter value, click "Open" button to select the item to be
modified from the list, and after the modification is completed, click "Apply" button in the lower
right corner to save the changes and set this TCP to the current TCP to be used by the robotic
arm. In this interface, all TCP data on the robotic arm can be managed, click "Open" button to
open the TCP list of the robot. Click behind the item to delete the TCP data.

Manual input parameters of TCP page

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 83

8.3 End Tool Base
Please refer to the following figure for the definition of Tool Base.

Tool Base

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 84

9. Motion Programming
9.1 Overview
This chapter will introduce the robot's commonly used motion nodes, describe its basic features and
motion modes, and let the user understand how the robot will move after executing the relevant settings.
This chapter will first introduce the robot motion mode, and explain what is blending, and then perform
basic explanations and examples for the relevant motion nodes and robot arranging in groups.

TM Robot motion type




PTP (Point to Point): The robot moves to the target point along the closest path of the joint angle space
Line: The tool moves in a straight line at the specified speed
WayPoint: The tool performs two-stage path movement at the set Z-axis height, and it is often used for
the applications of pick and place objects.
Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 85
9.2 Point to Point (PTP)
9.2.1 PTP is the Fastest Way to Move
The PTP mode determines the robot’s motion by calculating the angular variation of each axis,
and is not limited by the singular point. If the robot’s motion is not limited, it is recommended to
select PTP movement.

Singular Point can be briefly described as 1. Decrease in the degree
of freedom of the robotic arm, resulting in the inability to achieve
certain motion. 2. The angular velocity of specific joint approaches
infinity, resulting in loss of control of the robotic arm. 3. Exceeding the
limit position of the internal operable range (robot working space) or
calculation error of the mathematical model. Please refer to "Safety
Manual" for details.

PTP Motion

9.2.2 Speed of PTP Motion

The PTP speed is based on the motion joint that takes the longest time. The PTP mode may
cause the TCP to over speed limit, especially when the arm length is longer, and should be
avoided. Speed percentage and time to top speed can be set in PTP speed setting.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 86

9.2.3 Plan for PTP Movement
In the example, working with the TCP T4 to move the workpiece from P1 to P2 does not need to
limit the robot movement path, using the PTP setting at the P2 Point node, after the robot reaches
P1. In this case after the arm reaches P1, the fastest movement path will be planned to move to

PTP Application Examples

9.3 Line
9.3.1 Line Moves the Shortest Distance
A straight line is the shortest distance between two points. The Line mode specifies that the path
between the two points is planned as a straight line.

Line Motion Simulation

9.3.2 Speed of Line Motion

Line mode may cause joint speeding. Try to avoid speeding close to singular point, or make the
posture large-angle movements over a short distance. Speed percentage and absolute speed
value can be set in Line speed setting.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 87

9.3.3 Plan for Line Movement
The figure below explains that this project sets two points P1, P2, and tool T22. Using the Line
setting at the P3 Point node, after the arm reaches P1, it will move to P2 with Line path.

Line Application Examples

ABS (Absolute) speed setting, including Point, Path, Move, and nodes can be
used when the speed is linked with Project Speed. When not clicked, the arm
motion maintains the ABS set speed. The warning window will pop up when the
speed setting exceeds 250mm/s, and check automatically, display "Speed
exceeds 250mm/s, needs to be linked with Project Speed ".

9.4 Two Steps Motion(WayPoint)

9.4.1 WayPoint
The 2 steps movement will maintain a part of Z-axis displacement on the point Base, after the 1st
step XY axis is aligned and in position, the 2nd step will move toward Z-axis, and this is often
used in the applications of pick and place objects. The 1st track is planned as PTP and the 2nd as

WayPoint Motion Status

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 88

WayPoint Setting Items

9.4.2 Plan for WayPoint Movement

The following figure is an example to illustrate that if there are obstacles around the workpiece to
be picked, it is easy to cause robot end collision. This project creates a point P1, sets the
WayPoint motion mode, retains a Z axis height before reaching P1 point, and then goes
downward to pick the workpiece, to prevent collisions.

WayPoint Application Examples

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 89

9.5 Blending
9.5.1 Blending in Movement
In the process of planning for tracks, the robot will not accurately pass through each programmed
point, which has the advantages of reducing the number of robotic brakes and reducing wear and
shortening the cycle time. As shown in the figure below, a movement from P1 to P3 is planned,
and P2 does not need to be accurate in position. At this time, Blending can be set at P2 point.

Blending in space

9.5.2 Blending Speed Change Chart

The cycle time can be shortened by Blending as shown in the figure below.

Blend = Yes

P1 Time

+ = velocity
P2 Time

BlendValue = Blending Percent

Blending Percent = B / A

Blending speed change chart

9.5.3 Set the Blending Percentage

Line, PTP, Circle motion modes can click to set the track radius.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 90

9.5.4 Set the Blending by Radius
Line and PLine motion can click to set the Blending by radius. Line is a commonly used
motion mode of Point Node, and PLine is a unique motion mode of Path Node. For details, refer
to the sections with corresponding title of this Manual.

As shown in the table below, blending can improve the smooth
running of robot, but when the Blending radius has been set by Line
motion, blending with Circle and PTP cannot be used.

Line PLine
P2 P2
Blend = Radius Blend = Yes
P2 C

B End Blending

R Start Blending From A to B to C


BlendValue = R BlendValue = Blending Percent

R = Blending Radius Blending Percent = R / Distance between A&B

The table of valid blending setting (moving from P1 to P2)

P2 PLine Line PTP Circle
P1 % Radius

PLine O
% O O O O
Radius O O
Circle O O O

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 91

9.6 Motion Nodes
9.6.1 Point Node Generation Method of Point node
TMflow currently has two methods to generate a Point. The point generated will enter the list
of Point Manager.
1. Drag the Point Node from the Node Menu to the Project Editing Area to add the new
2. Press the "POINT Button" at the End Module to add the point. Point Node Setting

The Point Node can be set to motion mode, Blending, Base Shift and Tool Shift. The robot will
determine the mode of moving to this point according to the above setting.

Point Node setting items

 Motion mode setting: Set motioin type

 Point Management: Can choose from a existing point or open the Point Manager
 Blending setting: Set blending type
 Advanced setting: Base shifting / Tool shifting
 Payload: Load setting of robot end
 Precise positioning: Whether moves to the point precisely

If you have not selected Precision Positioning, the robot arm will not stop at
the Precision Point but instead directly move on to running the next
command. If you select Precision Positioning, the robot arm will wait until
motion along all axes has stabilized at the Precision Point before moving on
to running the next command.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 92

9.6.2 F-Point Node
This Node can perform fine tuning of X, Y, Z Axis ±10mm and Rx, Ry, Rz±5° at the existed point.
During the project running, the F-Point variable can also be corrected in the “View” page. In
addition, since inputtin variable to fine tuning point is a dangerous action when the project is
running, the login password protection is designed on the interface. Please set and use the
settings appropriately.

F-Point Node Settings

In a single project, the number limit of F-Points is 20.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 93

Adjust F-Point parameter during project running
9.6.3 Move Node
This node can set values from the Base X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ or six-axis angles J1~J6 to determine
robot movement distance/angle, and then perform relative movement from current position.

Move Node Setting Items

 Joint angles can be set to determine the relative movement of the robot
 Relative movement of distance and angle can be set
 The set relative movement distance can be replaced by a variable

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 94

9.6.4 Circle Node Circle Node Setting
The Circle node plans the path pass through point P2 and end point P3, and uses P1 as the
path start point, 3-point setting circle, and plans for arc movement.

The Circle node plans arc path with 3-point setting circle

Circle Node Settings

Step1. Set pass through point, end point

Step2. Define path arc length with angle

Step3. Speed Setting

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 95 Set Angle= 0°
3-point setting circle Users can define the path arch length with angle after setting the Circle.
When set angle is 0°, the robot will move from P1 Start Point to P3 End Point through P2. At
this time, the robot posture will change with the point, as shown in the figure below.

The circle motion status of set angle=0° Set Angle > 0°

Define the path arc with angle, when set angle >0°, and with 3-point setting circle, the robot
moves the set angle from P1 Start Point through P2, P3. At this time, the robot posture will
fix as P1 point posture.

The circle motion status of set angle=270°

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 96

9.6.5 Path Node
This node can read and run the .Path path file and control the robot to move according to
the .Path file path. Path & PLine

The Path file is a collection of points that can be generated by a third-party CAD –to-Path
software partnered with TM Plug&Play. PLine is a special motion mode of the Path file, and
its blending setting is different from that of the Line, providing that the robot can smoothly
move between dense points.

Blend = Yes

B End Blending

Start Blending From A to B to C


BlendValue = Blending Percent

Blending Percent = R / Distance between A&B

PLine Blending relationship chart

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 97 Path Node Setting

Path Node Settings

 Path File: Select Path to run from the Imported Path File
 Speed: Set the speed percentage when path is running, and valid to the 1st point at the
same time.
 First Point Motion Setting: In the initial point setting, the PLine mode can be selected
only when the 1st point of path is PLine, and the speed setting is only ABS.
 Path Property: Path Property displays the Tool and Base of the Path
 Path Task: IO Setting of Point on Path Path File Import and Export

Please refer to 5.8.6 “Import/Export” for Path File Import/Export. When importing the Path file,
import Base and Tool together, setting the same name of (i.e. Path1_Base, Path1_Tool) in the
Base and Tool list of the flow. Path file import is only applicable to user-specified projects and
preset with Robot Base and NoTool if there is no Base and Tool information.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 98

9.6.6 Pallet Node
This node can set three-point coordinates and row and column values, to control the robot’s
motion between the row and column. There are a total of two modes, applicable to regular display
applications, such as: pallet placement applications.

Pallet Node Settings

 3 points establish Pallet: 1st Point is the start point of the 1st row, and determines the robot
posture, 2nd Point is the end point of the 1st row, 3rd Point is the end point of the last row.
 Number of Rows and Columns: Define the number rows and columns.
 Pallet Pattern: Parallel or zig-zag

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 99

 Number of layers and the thickness of each layers: Set number of levels and height of each
 The direction of the pallet: bottom-up or top-down
 Pallet will automatically generate a set of variables of row, column & height, connected to
Pallet movement position

Users can use the function of “Correlate to variable” to correlate the row and
column with varuables. After variables were assigned to the row and column, the
variables can be used to manipulate or display which slot in the Pallet to be

Pallet needs to work with Loop in order to move to the next position of Pallet.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 100

9.6.7 Listen Node
In the Listen Node, a TCP/IP server (Socket Server) can be established and be connected by an
external device to communicate according to the defined format. All the functions available in
"Expression Editor" can also be executed in Listen Node.

 Send Message:
When entering this node, it will initiate a message
 Print Log:
Enable Communication Log (shown on the right)
 Connection Timeout:
When entering this node, if more than the time
(milliseconds) is not connected, it will be overtime.
If <= 0, no timeout
 Data Timeout:
When connected, the timeout will be exceeded
when there is no communication packet
If <= 0, no timeout

Socket Server is set up after the project is running and closed after the project is stopped. When
the Socket Server is successfully established, the IP and Port will be displayed in the Notice Log
window on the right.
IP HMI  System  Network  IP Address
Port 5890

When the process enters the Listen Node, it stays in the Listen Node until it triggers and leaves
with the exit condition.
Pass: Executes ScriptExit() or item stopped
Fail: 1. Connection Timeout
2. Data Timeout
3. Before the Socket Server been established successfully, the flow process has entered
the Listen Node

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 101

The command received by listen node will be executed in order. If the command is not valid, an
error message will be returned carrying the line number with errors. If the command is valid, it will
be executed.
The command can be divided into two categories. The fist category is commands which can be
accomplished in instance, like assigning variable value. The second category is commands
needs to be executed in sequence, like motion command and IO value assigning. The second
category command will be placed in queue and executed in order. About the detail command list
and communication format, refer to manual, “Expression and Function of Expression Editor and
Listen Node”.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 102

10. Logic Programming
10.1 Overview
This Chapter will introduce the logic nodes commonly used in TMflow programming, explain its basic
features and use methods, and let users understand how to let robots understand instructions and
commands and determine the next motion. In the area of logic programming, the most important is the
application of variables. In TMflow, the variables are mainly divided into two categories: global variables
and local variables, therefore, this chapter will introduce variables first and teach them how to assign
variables, then conduct basic explanations and examples of how the logic nodes are paired with these

10.2 Variable System

10.2.1 Local Variables
The local variables can only be called in a single project, and its effective range is only within the
project that created these variables. The creation method can enter into the variable system on
top of TMflow. In this page, a single variable or array variable can be declared and assigned with
the value. According to the different data formats, TMflow provides six types of variables of int,
float, string, double, bool, and byte. The physical meaning of the variables is shown in the Table
below. If no value is assigned, then preset the string initial value as empty, and the remaining
variables are all 0. The newly added local variables will appear in the project's variable system,
and begin with "var_" to represent the local variables in the variable system.

Variable System

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 103

Variable Type
Type Type Description Saved Data
Structure compostured of
characters, such as "TMflow"
string String
(double quotes must be added to
represent the string)

int Integer −231 ~231 − 1

Floating point number 10−37 ~1038

(decimal) (Effective digit 6~7 digits)

Double-precision 10−307 ~10308

floating-point number (Effective digit 15~16 digits)

bool Boolean True, False

byte Byte −27 ~27 − 1

After clicked the newly added variable, the declaration of variable can be performed. For
example, the integer type variable TM_Robot=0 can be declared.

In addition to declare a single variable, array can also be declared. The array declaration
method is to set the name of the array variable and the size of the array. The default value is
0. As shown in the following figure, an array with size 10 and name Array is declared, so the
array {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} can be obtained. Ifthe user wants to obtain the first value of
the array, TM_Robot[0] can be called in calling the array SET Node.

The corresponding number of first number for the array is 0, and so on.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 104 Global Variables
The global variables can be accessed by clicking "Global Settings" on the "Robot Setting"
page. Global variables can pass values to each other in different projects, that is, the global
variable values can be accessed or changed in different projects. As shown in the figure, an
integer type global variable is declared as Global=0. The newly added global variable will
appear in the project's variable and it will be represented as a global variable starting with
"g_". Test with the examples of the following figure, in this project each time after the SET
node, the global variable g_Global number is increased by 1, after running the project 66
times, press stop on the Robot Stick to end the project, at this time, the global variable
declaration page changes the number to 66. At this time, this variable is used by other
projects, the initial value will be 66, with this method to complete passing and interactive use
of the between different projects.

Declare Global Variables

Global variables will not be initialized when the system shuts down.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 105

Global variables used in the product

Global variables after project is run

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 106

10.3 Logic Nodes
10.3.1 SET Node
This node can set the states of IO, and change the type and value of the variables. When passing
through this node, all parameters will be changed to the set result.

SET node

In the application of variables, the SET Node can add and subtract variables, often working with
the IF Node to select the path, or interrupt the infinite path of the project. As shown in the figure
below, set an integer type of variable count=0. Each time passing through the SET Node, the
count value is added by 1. Finally, working with Display to display the number of times the project
is repeatedly running.

Variable count

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 107

SET symbol list
Symbol Symbol description
a+= b a=a+b

a−= b a=a−b

a ∗= b a=a∗b

a/= b a = a/b

a=b Specifieda Value is b

In the box below, the existing variables can be selected and used for calculation.

Expression Edit

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 108

The SET Node can also set the Analog IO, when enabling Analog IO when passing through the
SET Node and giving the external device with a specific voltage, until after the path (Path1) is
completed, and the output voltage value is stopped.

Analog IO Applications

10.3.2 IF Node
In actual robot running, different conditions may occur due to many factors. For example, job
failure, success, and communication errors may occur in various function nodes. These results
will return the corresponding variable values. The user can use the IF node to handle these
conditions according to different variables. The IF can judge or compare the state of IO, the state
of variable, and judge the compliance. And take the Yes or No path according to whether the
condition of the judgment is reached.

IF Node

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 109

IF Judgment Symbol
Symbol Symbol Description
< Less than
> More than
== Equal to
<= Less than or Equal to

>= More than or Equal to

!= Not Equal to

And in the judgment of Compliance, as shown in the figure below, the variables obtained from
using the result of Compliance in this project to program the follow-up flow.

IF node Compliance variable judgment

10.3.3 WaitFor Node

The main function of the WaitFor Node is to hold the project, and continue to run after the set
conditions are met. It can be set according to IO, Time, Variables and other conditions to judge
whether to start the run.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 110

10.3.4 Gateway Node
The Gateway Node is a conditional judgment formula similar to the IF Node. When it is used, a
corresponding number of sub-nodes will be generated automatically according to the settings.
The user can set the meeting conditions for these sub-nodes, and judge according to the
conditions from top down. When the condition is met, the judgment of the next sub-node is no
longer performed, as shown in the figure below. The user sets five cases, therefore, five
sub-nodes are generated in the flow.

Gateway Node judges five conditions

From the vision point of view, Gateway can simplify the layout and increase the visibility of the

IF Node judges five conditions

If the gateway case is pulled empty, it represents the judgment condition of none
of the above.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 111

10.4 Process
10.4.1 Process Nodes
Flow nodes are mainly divided into four major categories: Pause, Stop, Goto, and Warp. And, the
function of Pause node is the same as the pause on the Robot Stick. During the project running, if
passing the Pause node, the project is paused, at this time, the Robot Stick can be used to
restore the original behavior of robot motion. User can use voice function in a pause node, robot
will read out the content when reaches the node.

The function of Stop Node is the same as the Stop Button on the Robot Stick, as shown in the
figure below. During the project running, if passing the Stop Node, the project is ended.No node
can be connected after Stop. If Stop node does not exist in the flow, the project will not end
automatically. It is necessary to press the Stop Button on the Robot Stick again to end the project.

Stop Node ends Project

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 112

The Goto Node provides the user with unconditional transfer in the TMflow. When passing
through this Node, it will directly transfer to the set target Node, as shown in the figure, to use the
Goto Node. If the condition of the judgment formula is met, the next step transfers to P1 directly.
Although the application of Goto can be achieved using the connection method, the complexity of
the line will reduce the readability of the flow. The Goto Node will display the connection path only
when the node is clicked, and the path of the connection will be displayed and indicated by red

Goto Node Flow Transfer

Goto Node Connection

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 113

The Warp Node can be directly transferred to another project and run, cannot connect with any
node later, and the parameters of variables, Base, and Tools will not pass to another project. If the
user wants to transfer variables between two projects, global variables can be used. As shown in
the figure, when the TMflow of project runs beyond the Warp Node, the project is transferred to
another project.

Warp Node transfers to another project

10.4.2 Subflow Node
When the number of Nodes in the flow becomes larger and larger, certain blocks of the project
may be used repeatedly. If the Nodes in these repeated blocks need to be modified, it may cause
inconsistencies in the parameters, therefore, the Subflow Node of TMflow can be used. This
Node will create a new page, and share the variables, tool parameters, Bases with the original
page. The concept of modularization created with this method allows the user to simplify the
project editing flow, and improves the readability of the flow. Duringflow programming, it is
recommended to use Subflow to simplify the whole flow, as shown in the figure, in this project the
nodes running the same action only need to be programmed once.

Subflow Node Modularization Concept

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 114

The Subflow Node can be dragged into the flow from the Node Menu. If the current project does
not have any Subflow page, then a new page will be added automatically. If the current project
already has Subflow page, then a query box will pop up whether to create a new page. In addition,
the query pop up on the top left of the flow can be clicked and add new Subflow page, then make
it corresponded to the Subflow page through editing of the Subflow Node. If this page needs to be
deleted, then click the Edit icon of the Start Node in the Subflow page to delete.

Menu to create Subpages

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 115

10.4.3 Thread
TMflow provides the function of Thread, allowing state monitoring and data acquisition to be
independent from the robot. Click the query box pop up on the top left of the flow tab to add
Thread page.

Thread Page

Inside the Thread page, only these actions can be added to the Project Editing Page: using the
logic to judge, display the value of the node, and cannot use the motion type Nodes. The Thread
pages are divided into two types. The first one is when the project pauses, the Thread page is
also paused at the same time. The other is when the project is paused, the Thread page does not
pause, and the user can still get the data or update the variables in the Thread page and view in
Display, the window frame is presented in blue. If the page needs to be deleted, then click the Edit
icon of the Start node in the subpage to delete.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 116

11. Vision Node
Vision Node provides the creation of plane with fixed-point type, servo type, and object type as well as a
variety of AOI identification functions. The display of Vision Node in flow, in the most complicated situation,
each affiliate icon is shown as in the figure below: The Base icon on the right side is for which Base is to
record the vision node of this vision job, the Base icon on the left side is for which Base is be generated by
this vision job.

TM Robot records the relative relationship of objects by recording the points on different Vision Bases. When
the environment changes, the robot can be compensated by the principle of coordinate transformation
without re-teaching the robot's point positions. The position, as shown in the following figure, records the
point P1 on the Vision Base to complete the task of pick and place, and performs the placement operation at
the fixed position P2.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 117

Part of the vision functions can generate variables such as the string of the barcode, the number of objects,
the color of identify, and etc. The following is a multi-object recognition function, which outputs the number of
objects found.

When using the Vision Bases, make sure to choose the correct Base
from the list on the upper right corner as Current Base.

If the user chooses an incorrect Base, user can use the “Re-record on
another base” function in Point Manager to re-record the point to the
correct Base.

Please reference to “Software Manual: TMvision” for further details.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 118

12. Communication and Display
12.1 Modbus
Modbus is a Master/ Slave type communication protocol (Master/ Salve), the user can use Modbus
Master to read or write the parameters and save them in the robot register, such as position, posture
and IO status. User can program with the obtained parameters or monitor the status of robot. TM Robot
provides two communication protocols: Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU, at the roles of Master and Slave
can be existed at the same time. The user can get the data from the external Modbus device or robot
register. The external device \, such as, IPC, PLC as Master, can sldo sends commend to the TM Robot
to get the related data.

Robot Modbus protocol

Master is also called as Client; Slave is also called as Server.

12.1.1 Modbus System Hardware Structure

Modbus is divided into two communication protocols: Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU. Modbus
TCP uses RJ45 for communication and there is only one position in the Control Box that can use
RJ45 to perform communication of Modbus TCP: The “LAN” port marked in the “Hardware
Installation Manual”. In the case of Modbus RTU, it uses serial port for communication.
Regarding the above connection approaches, see the instructions of “Hardware Installation
Manual” for the position of the connectors.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 119

12.1.2 Modbus System Software Structure Set Modbus TCP
In the TMflow "Setting" Page, Click Modbus to access "Modbus Slave" Page, the user must
confirm the IP is obtained in order to enable the Modbus TCP function. IP filter can set the
network mask, and the communication with the robot must be in the set domain. Set Modbus RTU

In the "Modbus Slave" RTU setting page, parameters need to be synchronised with the
external device before usage. After the parameters are confirmed, Modbus RTU then can be
opened through the Serial port, allowing the robot to communicate with difference devices.

12.1.3 Application of Modbus in Project

The value obtained by Modbus can be used for many applications, such as writing robot’s own
status to an external device via Modbus. The settings inside the TCP / RTU devices are the same.
This Chapter will use the Modbus TCP reading the robot's x direction coordinates as the example
for description.
TM Robot coordinates in the Modbus list
Name FC 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟔 Type R/W
X 04 7001~7002 1B59~1B5A Float R
Y 04 7003~7004 1B5B~1B5C Float R
Z 04 7005~7006 1B5D~1B5E Float R

First click ModbusDev from the list on the right side of TMflow to build the relevant parameters for
the TCP device.

ModbusDev Access Page

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 120

After adding TCP device, the user can set the parameters of TCP device, such as name, address
and other related information. After completing the setting, press OK button to save. Using
TMflow to get the robot parameters, users can directly use the preset local IP to operate. Then,
click Edit to add the pre-read/write location in this device.

Modbus TCP Local IP

Modbus Device Setting

If communicating with an external device, then it is necessary to set the IP
address and related parameters of the external device.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 121

The users can view the list of Modbus, in the lower left of the Modbus setting page, and input
address of 7001, variable type as Float according to the list. After completed setting, the user can
program the Flow, and the subsequent maintenance can also be set again using the ModbusDev
on the right side. The following will use the aforementioned setting to program Flow, read the
current X coordinate position of the robot. The user must create a variable to store the X
coordinate value in the register.

Big-endian is the high byte stored at the lowest memory address and must be
checked here.

Modbus X Axis Position Parameter Setting

In this example, a float type variable var_Position_X is created, so that the variable
var_Position_X gets the robot's coordinate value in the X direction. And use the Set Node to
insert the new variables and the variables obtained by Modbus into the upper text box, and finally
use the Display node to verify whether the X coordinate value obtained in the Modbus address is

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 122

Save the Variable of Modbus Value

Use the obtained variable of SET node to obtain the value of Modbus

Display displays the value obtained by Modbus

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 123

12.2 Network
Using Network Node allows the robot to communicate with external devices through RJ45 (TCP/IP).
Before that, user should confirm or modify all network parameters at the Network Setting; it is suggested
that the external device connected and the robot should be in the same subnetwork.

Network Setting

12.3 IO
TM Robot provides the user with two formats of digital IO and analog IO. Digital IO controls two state
represented by H and L (High/Low), if the output is High represents output voltage of the Control Box is
24V, if Low, then the output voltage will be pulled to GND.
The Control Box configures 16 sets of digital IOs.
The Control Box configures 6 sets of analogy IOs. The user can also use the SET node to give the AIO
specific voltage (-10V~10V) to complete the job in actual operation.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 124

12.3.1 User Defined IO
Using self-defined IO, the user can trigger or read the button on the Robot Stick with external
device through the IO ports on the Control Box. After the setting is complete, click the "Save"
button in the lower right corner to save the setting.

Control Box Input Meaning Control Box Meaning

channel Output channel
9 Stick + button 9 Stick + button
10 Stick - button 10 Stick - button
11 Stick M/A button 11 Stick M/A Mode Switch
12 Stick Play button 12 Stick Play Button
13 Stick Stop button 13 Stick Stop Button
14 System Error Indicator
15 Simulated E-Stop 15 Simulated E-Stop
button button
User Defined IO Setting Table

12.3.2 External IO
TM Robot provides external IO extention functions, which can be extented by the TM Plug &Play
EtherCAT IO extension modules, and the added IO interface port can be call by the controller to
test, and to complete the flow programming by the SET node.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 125

12.3.3 Status IO
Status IO is that when the project is stopped or in error, the status of the IO is changed to the set
value according to these conditions and can be accessed from the Project Function Menu. Click
the icon of “Set IO while Project Errors” or “Set IO while Project Stops” to access the setting page.

Status IO Setting

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 126

12.4 Command Node
For special applications, such as reading File, RS232 data, and other functions, the user can import the
executable file into the robot and use the Command Node to call the Shadow Server. The Shadow
Server should be slave while the Command node in the flow is Master.
There are 2 build-in Shadow Servers, i.e. "File" and "TmComm" which will be introduced in the following

Instruction set communicates with HMI

Instruction set access window

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 127

Enable TmComm Instruction set

12.4.1 TmComm Instruction Set

The TmComm instruction set can read/write strings to the RS232 communication terminal. Before
use, it is necessary to ensure that the TmComm in the instruction set is enabled. After confirmed
that it is enabled, click Command Port 36900 inside the flow and use the Command node to send
corresponding string or variable to this Port, and create a string type variables to accept the
returned results.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 128

Tmcomm Instruction set
Set the serial port, the following parameters are port name, baudrate, parity, databits,
ComSet = 3 9600 n 8 1
3: Set as Com3
9600: baudrate
[n | e | m | o | s]: Checking code, n:None, e: Even, M: Mark, o: Odd, s: Space
8: Length of data
1: stop bit
Function Open the set Serial port, you must first open before you can transfer data
ComOpen ComOpen = 3
3: Set as Com3
Function Write data to the serial port
ComWrite = 3 John is good boy.
ComWrite 3: Set as Com3
John is good boy.: The first non-blank visible character after serial port number 3 is the
data start command
Function Read the data in the current serial port
ComRead = 3
3: Set as Com3
ComRead * This command will read all data of the buffer in the command serial port number and
send it back.
It is recommended to first check whether there is enough data in the buffer to read, in
order to avoid reading the data and not to identify it.
Function Take serial port data and remove the starting specified string
ComReadAfter = 3 abc
3: Set as Com3
ComReadAfter abc: Specified string
*This command will read all the data of the buffer in the command serial port number
and send it back. It is recommended to check whether there is enough data in the
buffer to read, in order to avoid reading the data and unable to read it.
Function Close serial port
ComClose ComClose = 3
3: Set as Com3
Function Check the serial port buffer data length
ComCheckBuffer = 3 eq 5
3: Set as Com3
ComCheckBuffer [eq | le | ge | lt | gt] eq: =, le: <=, ge: >=, lt: <, gt: >
5: Data length
Check whether the length of the data in the Com3 buffer is equal to 5
*return: [y | n]
Function Clear the unread data in the serial port
ComClearBuffer ComClearBuffer = 3
3: Set as Com3
Take the serial port content, return the specified length of data after the specified
ComReadPos address
Example ComReadPos = 3 15 4 8
Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 129
3: Set as Com3
15: Total read length
4: Return data from the fourth character (counting from 0)
8: Specify the length of returned data
* Assume that there is information 123456789ABCDEFKKK in the buffer of the current
serial port3
The instruction ComReadPos = 3 15 4 8 will read the first 15 (123456789ABCDEF)
characters, leaving only KKK three characters in the buffer area.
At the same time, the 8-character length data (56789ABC) will be returned from the
4th character.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 130

Directive summary flow

In this example, insert the RS-232 into Com1 of the TM Control Box, and communicate with the
robot using RS232. After the obtained values have been processed with data analysis, the
obtained results will be displayed on the Display Node.

Command node gets RS-232 information

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 131

ComSet is used to set the serial port. After completed setting, ComOpen will open the set serial
port again. In order to avoid overload, the process can be worked with WaitFor node as the
interval, or use the wait time in the Command node as the interval. After ComOpen is opened, if it
is not required to send strings additionally to request data, then set the serial port required to read
and use the string to receive.

Set and open serial port

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 132

Read data and receive it as variable

At this time, the variable var_receive will receive a string of characters. The user can conduct
string disassembly, type conversion, analysis conversion, etc., according to the protocol of
product specification to convert it into a readable state and use it as TMflow variables.

SET Node setting

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 133

Finally, the obtained value is displayed on the screen using the Display node, and use the Goto
node is to recur and update the value continuously. In the figure above, the first line is the original
string obtained from the beginning, the second line is the hexadecimal representation after
disassembled the string, the third line is to converted the hexadecimal number into decimal
number, and the last line is the analyzed valid value by converting the value obtained by RS-232.

Display node displays the obtained value

The function of the Command node, if using the Network node, can also
achieve the same purpose by setting the local IP (

12.4.2 File Command

The File Command provides the user with operations of reading, modifying, and deleting files in
the shared folder. The user can communicate with the robot through RJ45. Please confirm that it
is enabled from Command List before using. After confirmed, use the Command node to send
corresponding string or variable to this Port, and create string type variables to accept the
returned results, and complete the flow programming with this concept.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 134

File Command
Add 001.txt to file folder on the remote computer and write test=001
Write = 1 1 \\\file\001.txt test=001
1: mode, currently fixed at 1
1: Write mode, 1 is to write a new file for writing, 2 is to write an existing file
Function \\\file: write target (IP location and folder)
Write And 001.txt: text file name to be written
Example Test=001: What to write
Successful write will return: \\\file\001.txt
Error return content:
Command length error:illegal parameter
File path error: FILEEMPTY
Delete 001.txt in remote computer file folder
Delete = 1 1 \\\file\001.txt all
1: mode, currently fixed at 1
1: delete mode, 1 delete file, 2 delete the specified content in the file
\\\file: Delete target (IP location and folder)
001.txt: text file name to be deleted
All: constant
Delete And Example 2: 001.txt in the remote computer's file folder, delete test=001
Example Delete = 1 2 \\\file\001.txt test
Success return content:
Error return content:
Command length error:illegal parameter
File path error: FILEEMPTY
No deletion specified in the file: Delete Failed
Example 1: Reading the contents of 001.txt in the remote computer's file folder
(example: test=001)
Read = 1 \\\file\001.txt test
1: Read variable value
Function \\\file: Read target (IP location and folder)
001.txt: text file name to read
Read And
Test: content to read
Example Success return content:
Variable content, such as example 1 will return 001
Error return content:
Command length error:illegal parameter
File path error: FILEEMPTY
No specified content read in file: KEYWORDEMPTY

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 135

Search for the existence of 001.txt in the remote computer file folder
Function 1: search file
\\\file: Search target (IP location and folder)
Search And
001.txt: text file name to search for
Example Success return content:
File exist
Error return content:
File path error or file does not exist: FILEEMPTY

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 136

The method of using File Command, using write/delete as an example: In Command node, Send
Input write instruction, then receives the Write return result through the new variable. In this
example, a string type variable, receive, is added. Use the Command1 node to create a text file
with filename of TM_Robot in the location of The text file content is text=001,
and in Command2, use receive variable to receive File Command for the return value of
Command1, finally, use the Display node to display the received value receive on the screen.

Remote add notepad and write information

Display node displays received variables

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 137

In the example of figure below, In Command1, send delete command to delete text file with
filename of TM_Robot in the location of

Remote delete notepad file

The function of the Command Node, if using the Network Node, the local IP
( can be set to achieve the same purpose.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 138

12.5 Log Node
The Client end can set up the network to create shared folder and communicate with the robot through
the LAN. In the project, the set variables and strings can be saved to this shared folder with this Node.
The customers can use their own computers to view the history messages stored in the Log Node in the
Shared Folder. As shown in the figure below, the robot motion is programmed in the main flow, and the
Thread constantly takes its angle information using Modbus to write the angle information into the text.

Log node gets the current angle

Modbus Setting

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 139

Log of Thread Page, SET Node Settings

Node Text Example

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 140

12.6 Display Node
The function of Display Node is to display the specified variable or string on the screen of display
according to the format specified by the user. For example, it can be used to display the state of variable,
the value obtained by serial port, the parameters of robot, or the result of running. In addition, the
Display area can change the background color and text color, the user can change the color according
to the results, and seven colors are supported with red, green, blue, yellow, black, white and gray.

Display displays the robot's position

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 141

12.7 Voice Node
When running through Voice Node, the speakers, headphones and other devices can be used to
broadcast the set of text or variables. According to different usage, it can be divided into talking while
moving (Speak and Move), or moving after finishing talking (Speak, then Move), detailed syntax is the
same as that of the Display Node.

Voice node in TMflow application

For example, user can create a string type variable Hello, and input the combination of variable and
string in the Voice node. At this time, the external broadcast device will say “Hello World” according to
the setting, but be careful that if a space is not added in front of World, then it will become "HelloWorld",
the result with error will be different from the expected result.

If using "Speak and Move", the speech will be saved into a buffer and deleted only if the system

finish speaking it. That means, if the Voice is used in a Thread with a quick loop, the buffer size

will increase insanely, that the robot might keep speaking without an end.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 142

13. Component
Component is an independent software package provided for the robot. For Plug&Play supported items,
the user does not need to write additional programs, and does not need to read the manuals of both
parties before integrating, only need to import the software package and can use in TMflow directly.
After downloaded the software package, place the folder with filename of TM_Export in the root
directory of the USB flash drive. The name of the USB flash drive must be TMROBOT. After inserted the
USB into the robot's Control Box, the software package can be exported/imported into the robot on the
robot system page.

TMROBOT Flash Drive Schematic Diagram

Import / Export Page Access Window

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 143

Import Component

After imported the software package, the imported software package needs to be enabled in the Robot
Setting page. After enabled, the software package imported in each project will be added to the left side
of TMflow. The user can use it directly after dragged from the left side.

Robot Setting Page Component

The setting parameters of each software package are not the same. The instructions in the upper right
corner of the software package node can be clicked to view the parameters need to be set and the
method of usage.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 144

Some of the Component needs to use the Command to communicate with the robot.
When this type of Component in imported, the corresponding Command will be added
in the Command list. Please confirm whether the corresponding instruction set is

The robot provides a simpler process programming method for the gripper-type software package. On
the robot setting page, click the Gripper button to set the job triggered by the Gripper button at the End
Module. The concept is when clicking the Gripper button, a set of Component is added in the flow and
execute once, and two Components are used in sequence (remember that some of the grippers need to
be executed with SET Component before can be used). In practical applications, the robot uses the
FREE Button, working with the buttons of End Module record gripper and point, to complete flow
programming without TMflow control.

Gripper Setting Page to enter the Window

Gripper Button Setting Page

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 145

14. Force Related Node
14.1 Compliance node
The Compliance node can set the force limit when the robot moves along a single Base. This setting can
be used for various applications of collision testing, object assembly, and object searching. The user can
determine the direction of robot motion based on the Current Base or Tool Base.

Compliance Node
 Base setting: Move according to the Tool Base or Current Base
 Robot movement direction setting: Set the robot to move along a certain axis, or choose to
use manual teaching method
 Stop Condition Setting:
 Timeout: This node will be release if the set time is reached before or while running the
 External resistance detection: When the resistance is sensed, the speed at the robot
end is close to zero, and the node is released
 Digital Input: Set a digital input signal, this node is released when the signal is met
 Stroke % for DIO Detection: When the moving distance exceeds the relative percentage,
there will be different Int values output to the variable to perform judgment
 Variable: Set Stroke % for DIO Detection Receiving Variable
 Analog Input: Set an analog input signal, when met, this node is released

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 146

The motion settings of Compliance Node can be divided into two types: single axis and teaching. Refer
to the example description in this Section for single axis. For the teaching, the Compliance node can
choose to teach with line direction or rotation direction. The user can use the two points of teaching to
perform relative movement to complete the assembly, collision and other jobs, after complete the setting
of relevant parameters, the user can specify the speed of motion and other additional stop conditions in
the motion mode, to ensure that the tool will not be damaged. In the Compliance mode, the safety
settings still function.

Compliance node teaching setting

 Teaching setting: teach in a line direction or rotation direction
 Teaching Point: Set two points and calculate the direction and distance. These two points
are not recording the actual points, the movement method is relative movement similar to the
Move node.
 Range Adjustment: Provide the user with direct adjustment of distance or angle in the
original direction without resetting the teaching point

Line Direction

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 147

Rotation Direction

Compliance node single axis setting

The user can pre-program the solution for any possible situation according to the result of variable
returned by the Compliance node, and coordinated with the IF node.

Compliance Variable Selection

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 148

14.2 TouchStop Node
14.2.1 TouchStop- Compliance
Capable of setting the force limit when the robot moves along a single Base. This setting can be
used for various applications of object searching, creating a new Base, and recording the current
coordinate value of triggering TouchStop.


TouchStop-Compliance Settings

 Motion Mode Setting: Move using Compliance or Line method

 Base Setting: Move according to Tool Base or Current Base
 Robot movement direction setting: Set the robot to move along a certain axis, or choose to
use manual teaching method
 Stop Condition Setting:
 Timeout: Set the length of time to stop and release this node
 External resistance detection: When the resistance is sensed, the speed at the robot
end is close to zero, and the node is released
 Digital IO: Set a digital input signal as the stop and release of this node
 Stroke % for DIO Detection: When the walking distance exceeds the relative percentage,
there will be different Int values output to the variable to perform judgment
 Variable: Set Stroke % for DIO Detection Receiving Variable
 Analog IO: Set an analog input signal as the stop and release of this node
 Record the point of stop position: The stop position or trigger position can be selected, when
the robot takes over at the above stop condition, it can set the self defined point name, and
recording the current robot position at this time.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 149

14.2.2 TouchStop- Line
This function is designed to set the robot's line movement along a single Base, and working with
the signal to stop the robot motion. This setting can be used for the application of external sensor
on external tool and record the position. The user can determine the direction of robot motion
based on the Current Base or Tool Base.

TouchStop-Line Settings

 Motion Mode Setting: Move using Compliance or Line method

 Base Setting: Move according to Tool Base or Current Base
 Robot movement direction setting: Set the arm to move along an axis, or choose to use the
teaching method
 Stop Condition Setting:
 Digital IO: Set a digital Input signal as the stop and release of this node.
 Analog IO: Set an analog Input signal as the stop and release of this node.
 Braking distance: Set the distance of motor braking. If the braking distance is set to
80mm, the motor will brake and stop after the robot end from the initial position to after
the running of 80mm.
 Record the point of stop position: The stop position or trigger position can be selected, when
the robot takes over at the above stop condition, it can set the self defined point name, and
recording the current robot position at this time.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 150

14.3 SmartInsert Node
The SmartInsert Node allows the robot to perform assembly/pushing jobs. The smart design enables
difficult object assembly/pushing jobs to be completed through simple and quick setting. The pushing
action of SmartInsert Node can be divided into three steps: Approaching, Searching, and Pushing. This
Node needs to be worked with the cooperating force sensor in TM Plug&Play for use. The following
describes the three steps of pushing.

14.3.1 Approaching Approaching principle description
Before using the Smart Insert node, the user shall place the inserting object as close to the
assembly as possible. In the Approaching step, the robot will move toward the z axis direction
of the Tool Base until the force sensor detects 5 Newtons (N) of resistance, to be judged as in
contact with the inserting object.

(a) Try to make the robot as close to the inserting object as possible
(b) When the contact force is 5 Newtons, the robotic arm ends the
Approaching step

Since the contact force needs to reach 5 Newtons, the Approaching
step will end. The user needs to confirm that the inserting object and
object to be inserted are able to withstand at least 5 Newtons of
force, so as not to damage the product.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 151 Approaching parameters setting
The Approaching of SmartInsert Node provides three setting parameters (Approaching
Speed, Moving Distance Limit, Time Out). Among them, the speed range of approaching
speed is 0.5-10mm/s, and the maximum moving distance limit range is 1-100mm, and the
timeout time can be set between 1-20 seconds. It is worth noting that the approaching
direction of the Smart Insert Node is the Z axis direction of the Tool Base.

Approaching Parameter Setting

14.3.2 Searching
After ended the Approaching step, enters the Searching Stage. Searching can be divided into two
strategies of Spiral and Line. The figure below is the motion method of the Spiral strategy. This
searching strategy uses the Approaching contact point as the center of the circle, that is, the
contact stop point between the inserting object and the object to be inserted, and searches
outward in a spiral motion method until the stop condition is met. If the user selects Line method
for searching, the robotic arm will follow the search axis set by the user to perform Line search
until the stop condition is met, as shown in the figure. Regardless it is Spiral or Line searching
method, the robotic arm exerts a downward fixed force Tool Z Axis direction during the search.

The Spiral searching method starts from the contact point and spirals outward to search for the
inserting target

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 152

The robotic arm will search in the set direction and move in a straight line

The Searching stop condition can be divided into "Completed Searching" and "Stop Searching",
of which Stopping Searching also is that the inserting point cannot be found within the searching
condition, such as the searching time is too long, the searching distance is too long, etc. On the
other hand, if after the inserting object entered the inserting point, the combined force of X-Y
Plane is greater than 5 Newtons (N), and the Z Axis does not have contact force which is 0, then it
is judged as Completed Searching, and enter the final Inserting Stage.

When the XY combined force of collision is greater than 5 Newtons, it is judged as Completed

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 153 Searching Parameter Setting
In the operation interface, the user can select the Spiral or Line method for searching. The
following describes the parameter settings for each searching mode. In Spiral searching, the
Searching Radius, Circling Frequency, Height Tolerance, and Time Out need to be set. The
following is definition explanation of each setting condition as shown in the Table below.

Spiral Searching Function Setting Parameters Definition

Terminology Definition Setting Range
Maximum moving radius of spiral
Searching Radius 1-30mm
searching motion
Spiral search process, the number of
Circling Frequency 0.5-1.5Hz
circling per second
The maximum movement height of the
Height Tolerance 1-100mm
robot in Tool Base Z axis
Timeout Allowed searching time 1-20sec

It is worth mentioning that during the spiral searching process, the robotic arm may walk out
of the boundary of the inserting object, and misjudge it as "Inserting Point Found". Therefore,
setting the Height Tolerance can prevent the occurrence of misjudgment.
In general, if the geometry shape of the inserting object is circular, such as
positioning pins, it is recommended to use the spiral searching method; if the
geometry shape of the insert object is rectangular, such as SDRAM, it is
recommended to set the searching method to Line.

Spiral searching parameter setting interface

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 154

Line searching setting, its parameter setting interface is shown in the figure below. Different
from the spiral searching, the line searching can set the size of contact force size of the Tool
Base Z axis and the line searching direction (Searching Direction). The line searching
parameters are defined as shown in the Table below.

Line searching function setting parameter definition

Terminology definition Setting Range
Contact Force Tool Base Z-axis contact force 5-150N
Select Tool Base X or Y axis search
Searching Direction -----
Searching Speed Moving speed of line searching 0.5-10mm/s
Maximum searching Allowed maximum moving distance of
distance searching
Timeout Allowed Searching Time 1-20sec

Line searching parameter setting interface

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 155

14.3.3 Pushing Pushing Principle Description
After completed the Searching steps, the pushing has been aligned to the pushing point. In
the pushing process, the robotic arm will move toward to Z-axis direction until reached the
stop condition, such as detected the Z-axis contact force or the stroke distance of pushing is
met. If X, Y, RX, RY, and RZ detect external force resistance, the Smart Insert node will
automatically move smoothly in the opposite direction of the collision to avoid causing
collision interference in the pushing process. Pushing Parameter Setting

Parameter setting of Pushing is similar to the Line Searching. The user can set the Contact
Force, Pushing Speed, Moving Distance Limit and Time Out of the Pushing process. The
definition and setting of each parameter is shown in the Table below.

Pushing function setting parameter definition

Terminology Definition Setting Range
Contact Force Tool Base Z-axis contact force 5-150N
Searching Speed Moving speed of line searching 0.5-10mm/s
Maximum moving
Allowed maximum moving distance 1-100mm
Timeout Allowed searching time 1-20sec

Pushing parameter setting interface

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 156

15. Operation Space
15.1 Overview
TMflow provides two spatial characteristics of plane and cube for operation space environment
construction. When the robot crosses different operation space while running, the robot will switch
between stop, Collaborative Mode and full speed mode. When calculating the position of robot and its
related actions in Operation Spaces, the TCP is utilized as the reference point. In other words, the
position of the TCP decides the actions in Operation Spaces of the robot. When working in the
Collaborative Mode and full speed mode, all the safety setting, including TCP speed, TCP force, joint
torque and etc. follows the settings in “Safety Setting”. However, pay attention that this function is not a
safety function defined by TM Robot. This function is only suitable for dividing operation space, assisting
the user in understanding the spatial concept during teaching and programming, or let the robot to
decelerate in advance to allow smoother process of deceleration before the robot moves through a
safety sensor installed in the space.
Regarding to the switching and triggering of Collaborative Mode, use the Safeguard Port : Collaborative
Mode of this product. Add appropriate safety device when use such as appropriate installation and
configuration of safety sensor connected to the safety protection port with dual channel connection.

This function cannot be mistakenly used as a safety function. The user must conduct a
comprehensive risk assessment according to the environment and conditions of use, and
configure equipment such as a grating, laser scanner and others that comply with the safety
regulations, and work with the safety protection port of this product from the external device to
trigger the Collaborative Mode or pause. Set the operation environment correctly, or use other
appropriate safety designs to prevent people from entering the robot's full speed space. This
function is only to assist the user in understanding the space concept more easily during the
teaching and programming process. The Reduced Plane / Space function shall only be used
in the teaching process to know the Reduced Space and full-speed running area, instead of
being mistakenly used in the switching between the Collaborative Mode and full speed mode,
and mistakenly viewed as a safety function. When the Stop Plane/Space is used during the
teaching process, the user shall regard this function as to avoid setting the point or motion
across the prohibited area, and shall mistakenly regard this function as a purpose of space
limitation related to safety that mistakenly regarded as a safety function. The Company clearly
specifies the following potential residual risks: There is a risk that causes the robot to hit
human body at full speed due to improper use of safe space settings or running incorrect

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 157

15.2 Operation Space Setting Page
Click "Operation Space" in the Robot Setting Page to access the Operation Space Setting Page. As
shown in the figure below, the left side of this page provides space setting, the middle is the virtual robot
interface, and the right side is the controller interface.

The Operation Space Setting Function list on the Left Side is shown as follows.

Delete the selected

Add Plane Delete Plane

Add Cube Set Point Reset Characteristics

Plane chareacters Reverse Stop Plane
distance setting

Switch to Reduced

Switch to Stop Plane

The list will display all built characteristics. When the user clicks on the characteristics in the list, the
robot virtual interface located in the center will display the selected characteristics in dark blue, and the
user can delete, reset and other setting on the selected characteristics. When the robot is about to
enters the deceleration zone, the robot will start deceleration in advance, but the state of the Indication
Light Ring of the End Module will not change.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 158

15.3 Add / Modify Plane Page

The Add / Modify Plane Page can be accessed by clicking the button for add new plane or click button of
reset characteristics after selected the plane characteristics. In this page, the user can build a plane by
setting three points. The set order of three points can be randomized. The robot virtual interface will be
displayed with the corresponding color ball. When three points are set, a dark blue virtual plane will
appear. At this time, click the OK button to build the plane. It is necessary to pay attention that when the
phenomenon of common point or collinearity occurs, this virtual plane will not be able to be built. The
button function list is shown as follows.

Set 1st Point Set 2nd Point

Set 3rd Point

OK Cancel

Confirm the built Plane Cancel the built Plane

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 159

Add / Modify Cube Page

The Add/Modify Cube Page can be accessed by clicking the button for Add Cube or selecting the Cube
characteristics, then click the Reset Characteristics button. In this page, the user can build a cube with
the four point set by TCP. The set order of three points can be randomized. The robot virtual interface
will be displayed with the corresponding color ball, but it needs to be built according to the relative
relationship of the icons. After completed setting of the four points, a dark blue virtual cube will appear.
Click the OK button at this time to build the Cube. It is necessary to pay attention that when the
phenomenon of common point or collinearity occurs, this Cube will not be able to be built. The button
function list is shown as follows.

Set 1st Point Set 2nd Point

Set 3rd Point Set 4th Point

OK Cancel

Confirm the creation of Cube Cancel the creation of Cube

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 160

After the user completed building the operation space, it can be identified from the 3D screen: as shown
in the following figure, the whole sphere displayed is the maximum movable range of the robot, the
Reduced Space is in green block, the Full Speed Space is in red block, and the Stop Space is the space
removed from the robot's movable range.

The convenient setting of the operation space is achieved by a complex spatial geometry
algorithm, which may result in a space division that is not as expected by the user under
certain specific setting conditions. The user shall fully check whether the result of the space
sphere in the 3D image is as expected before saving the settings. Improper use of a safe
space configuration, or saving unexpected settings, or an incorrectly run project, can all cause
situations where the robot hits a human body at full speed.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 161

15.4 Operation Space Setting Page in the Project Editing Page
After built the plane, the user can access the Project Editing Page. Click "Operation Space" on the
folded panel on the right side to access the Operation Space Setting Page.

The Intelligent Slowdown function in the lower left of the figure above provides the ability for the robot to
automatically pre-decelerate in the schedule of the project node. If this function is checked, when the
project is running, the system will calculate whether the robot's next node position crosses the space, if
the space is crossed, then the robot will start deceleration at the current node.

The Intelligent Slowdown function only judges whether the initial position and end point of the
robot TCP enters the deceleration zone from the full-speed zone or not. Therefore, if the initial
position and the end point are both located in the full-speed zone, and the TCP position enters
the deceleration zone during the operation, the smart pre-deceleration function will not

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 162

On the Project Function Menu in Project Editing Page, open the "Operation Space" setting. After
pressed “Preview”, combine the selected operation space selected by "Select Operation Space Setting"
and the Base set by the Choose binding Base, and display on the 3D simulator. If there is a need to
modify this operation space, the button can be pressed to access modification. Before saving, the user
is responsible for checking the correctness of the displayed operation space and maintaining its own
safety. If the generated operation space is not correct, click the Edit button and remove the last plane,
then perform reset again; after pressed Save, the system will save the operation space displayed by the
3D simulator. Binding Base is a function that facilitates the user to record the definition of the operation
space in the environmental Base; however, pay attention that based on the safety consideration that
Binding is a one-time action. After Binding, if the Base is updated in other interfaces, it needs to be
returned to this page for binding again.

Preview Display the generated operation space on the 3D simulator.

Delete, add, or edit planes to modify the operation space displayed in the
3D simulator.

Save Save the display screen in the 3D Simulator.

After clicked the “Preview” button, if the set page needs to be modified, click the “Edit” button below
Step2, to modify in this screen.

If the modification is completed, click the Save button on the top left to save the file. If modification is not
required, then click the X button on the top right to return to the setting page without saving.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 163

16. Appendix Modbus List
Classify Function Code R/W Note

Digital Output 01 R
Digital Input 02 R
Register Output 03 R Classification
Register Input 04 R description
Digital Output 05 W
Register Output 06 W

Robot Status FC 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟔 Type R/W Note

Error or Not 02 7201 1C21 Bool R
No: 0
Project Running or Yes:1
02 7202 1C22 Bool R
Not No: 0
Project Editing or Not 02 7203 1C23 Bool R
No: 0
Project Pause or Not 02 7204 1C24 Bool R
No: 0
Get Control or Not 02 7205 1C25 Bool R
No: 0

End Module FC 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟔 Type R/W Note

DI 0 02 0800 0320 Bool R

DI 1 02 0801 0321 Bool R
DI 2 02 0802 0322 Bool R
High: 1
DO 0 01/05 0800 0320 Bool R/W
Low: 0
DO 1 01/05 0801 0321 Bool R/W
DO 2 01/05 0802 0322 Bool R/W
DO 3 01/05 0803 0323 Bool R/W
AI 0 04 0800~0801 0320~0321 Float R

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 164

Control Box DI/O FC 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟔 Type R/W Note

DO 0 01/05 0000 0000 Bool R/W

DO 1 01/05 0001 0001 Bool R/W
DO 2 01/05 0002 0002 Bool R/W
DO 3 01/05 0003 0003 Bool R/W
DO 4 01/05 0004 0004 Bool R/W
DO 5 01/05 0005 0005 Bool R/W
DO 6 01/05 0006 0006 Bool R/W
DO 7 01/05 0007 0007 Bool R/W
DO 8 01/05 0008 0008 Bool R/W
DO 9 01/05 0009 0009 Bool R/W
DO 10 01/05 0010 000A Bool R/W
DO 11 01/05 0011 000B Bool R/W
DO 12 01/05 0012 000C Bool R/W
DO 13 01/05 0013 000D Bool R/W
DO 14 01/05 0014 000E Bool R/W
DO 15 01/05 0015 000F Bool R/W High: 1
DI 0 02 0000 0000 Bool R Low: 0
DI 1 02 0001 0001 Bool R
DI 2 02 0002 0002 Bool R
DI 3 02 0003 0003 Bool R
DI 4 02 0004 0004 Bool R
DI 5 02 0005 0005 Bool R
DI 6 02 0006 0006 Bool R
DI 7 02 0007 0007 Bool R
DI 8 02 0008 0008 Bool R
DI 9 02 0009 0009 Bool R
DI 10 02 0010 000A Bool R
DI 11 02 0011 000B Bool R
DI 12 02 0012 000C Bool R
DI 13 02 0013 000D Bool R
DI 14 02 0014 000E Bool R
DI 15 02 0015 000F Bool R

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 165

Control Box AI/O FC 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟔 Type R/W Note

AO 0 03/06 0000~0001 0000~0001 Float R/W

AI 0 04 0000~0001 0000~0001 Float R
AI 1 04 0002~0003 0002~0003 Float R

Robot Coordinate FC 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟔 Type R/W Note1 Note2

X (Cartesian coordinates) 04 7001~7002 1B59~1B5A Float R Dword mm

Y (Cartesian coordinates) 04 7003~7004 1B5B~1B5C Float R Dword mm
Z (Cartesian coordinates) 04 7005~7006 1B5D~1B5E Float R Dword mm
Rx (Cartesian 1B5F~1B60 degree
04 7007~7008 Float R Dword
Ry (Cartesian 1B61~1B62 degree
04 7009~7010 Float R Dword
Rz (Cartesian 1B63~1B64 degree
04 7011~7012 Float R Dword
Joint 1 04 7013~7014 1B65~1B66 Float R Dword degree
Joint 2 04 7015~7016 1B67~1B68 Float R Dword degree
Joint 3 04 7017~7018 1B69~1B6A Float R Dword degree
Joint 4 04 7019~7020 1B6B~1B6C Float R Dword degree
Joint 5 04 7021~7022 1B6D~1B6E Float R Dword degree
Joint 6 04 7023~7024 1B6F~1B70 Float R Dword degree
X (Tool coordinate) 04 7025~7026 1B71~1B72 Float R Dword mm
Y (Tool coordinates) 04 7027~7028 1B73~1B74 Float R Dword mm
Z (Tool coordinates) 04 7029~7030 1B75~1B76 Float R Dword mm
Rx (Tool coordinates) 04 7031~7032 1B77~1B78 Float R Dword degree
Ry (Tool coordinates) 04 7033~7034 1B79~1B7A Float R Dword degree
Rz (Tool coordinates) 04 7035~7036 1B7B~1B7C Float R Dword degree
X (Robot coordinates) 04 7037~7038 1B7D~1B7E Float R Dword mm
Y (Robot coordinates) 04 7039~7040 1B7F~1B80 Float R Dword mm
Z (Robot coordinates) 04 7041~7042 1B81~1B82 Float R Dword mm
Rx (Robot coordinates) 04 7043~7044 1B83~1B84 Float R Dword degree
Ry (Robot coordinates) 04 7045~7046 1B85~1B86 Float R Dword degree
Rz (Robot coordinates) 04 7047~7048 1B87~1B88 Float R Dword degree

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 166

Robot Coordinate
(When touchstop node be FC 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟔 Type R/W Note1 Note2

X (Cartesian coordinates) 04 7401~7402 1CE9~1CEA Float R Dword mm

Y (Cartesian coordinates) 04 7403~7404 1CEB~1CEC Float R Dword mm
Z (Cartesian coordinates) 04 7405~7406 1CED~1CEE Float R Dword mm
Rx (Cartesian coordinates) 04 7407~7408 1CEF~1CF0 Float R Dword degree
Ry (Cartesian coordinates) 04 7409~7410 1CF1~1CF2 Float R Dword degree
Rz (Cartesian coordinates) 04 7411~7412 1CF3~1CF4 Float R Dword degree
Joint 1 04 7413~7414 1CF5~1CF6 Float R Dword degree
Joint 2 04 7415~7416 1CF7~1CF8 Float R Dword degree
Joint 3 04 7417~7418 1CF9~1CFA Float R Dword degree
Joint 4 04 7419~7420 1CFB~1CFC Float R Dword degree
Joint 5 04 7421~7422 1CFD~1CFE Float R Dword degree
Joint 6 04 7423~7424 1CFF~1D00 Float R Dword degree
X (Tool coordinate) 04 7425~7426 1D01~1D02 Float R Dword mm
Y (Tool coordinates) 04 7427~7428 1D03~1D04 Float R Dword mm
Z (Tool coordinates) 04 7429~7430 1D05~1D06 Float R Dword mm
Rx (Tool coordinates) 04 7431~7432 1D07~1D08 Float R Dword degree
Ry (Tool coordinates) 04 7433~7434 1D09~1D0A Float R Dword degree
Rz (Tool coordinates) 04 7435~7436 1D0B~1D0C Float R Dword degree
X (Robot coordinates) 04 7437~7438 1D0D~1D0E Float R Dword mm
Y (Robot coordinates) 04 7439~7440 1D0F~1D10 Float R Dword mm
Z (Robot coordinates) 04 7441~7442 1D11~1D12 Float R Dword mm
Rx (Robot coordinates) 04 7443~7444 1D13~1D14 Float R Dword degree
Ry (Robot coordinates) 04 7445~7446 1D15~1D16 Float R Dword degree
Rz (Robot coordinates) 04 7447~7448 1D17~1D18 Float R Dword degree

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 167

Robot Stick FC 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟔 Type R/W Note

Project Running Speed 04 7101 1BBD Int16 R %

M/A Mode 04 7102 1BBE Int16 R A:1; M:2
Play/Pause 05 7104 1BC0 Bool W
Stop 05 7105 1BC1 Bool W Bottom down: 1
Stick+ 05 7106 1BC2 Bool W Bottom up: 0
Stick- 05 7107 1BC3 Bool W

Others 1 FC 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟔 Type R/W Note

Current Time: Year 04 7301 1C85 Int16 R

Current Time: Month 04 7302 1C86 Int16 R
Current Time: Date 04 7303 1C87 Int16 R
Current Time: Hour 04 7304 1C88 Int16 R
Current Time: Minute 04 7305 1C89 Int16 R
Current Time: Second 04 7306 1C8A Int16 R
IPC Connect Number 04 7307 1C8B Int16 R ≦ User Connect Limit
HMI Version 04 7308~7312 1C8C~1C90 String R
User Connect Limit 04 7330 1CA2 Int16 R 0: No limit
Modbus Proxy Port 04 7319 1C97 Int16 R 5432
Last Error Code 04 7320~7321 1C98~1C99 Int32 R Dword
Last Error Time: Year 04 7322 1C9A Int16 R
Last Error Time: Month 04 7323 1C9B Int16 R
Last Error Time: Date 04 7324 1C9C Int16 R
Last Error Time: Hour 04 7325 1C9D Int16 R
Last Error Time: Minute 04 7326 1C9E Int16 R
Last Error Time: Second 04 7327 1C9F Int16 R

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 168

Others 2 FC 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟔 Type R/W Note1 Note2

Controller Temperature 04 7340~7341 1CAC~1CAD Float R Dword Celsius

Manipulator Voltage 04 7342~7343 1CAE~1CAF Float R Dword Voltage
Manipulator Power
04 7344~7345 1CB0~1CB1 Float R Dword Watt
Manipulator Current 04 7346~7347 1CB2~1CB3 Float R Dword A
Control Box IO Current 04 7348~7349 1CB4~1CB5 Float R Dword mA
End Module IO Current 04 7350~7351 1CB6~1CB7 Float R Dword mA
X (TCP Value) 04 7354~7355 1CBA~1CBB Float R Dword mm
Y (TCP Value) 04 7356~7357 1CBC~1CBD Float R Dword mm
Z (TCP Value) 04 7358~7359 1CBE~1CBF Float R Dword mm
RX (TCP Value) 04 7360~7361 1CC0~1CC1 Float R Dword degree
RY (TCP Value) 04 7362~7363 1CC2~1CC3 Float R Dword degree
RZ (TCP Value) 04 7364~7365 1CC4~1CC5 Float R Dword degree
Mass (TCP Value) 04 7366~7367 1CC6~1CC7 Float R Dword Kg
Ixx (Principal moments
04 7368~7369 1CC8~1CC9 Float R Dword
of inertia)
Iyy (Principal moments
04 7370~7371 1CCA~1CCB Float R Dword
of inertia)
Izz (Principal moments
04 7372~7373 1CCC~1CCD Float R Dword
of inertia)
X (Mass center frames
with principal axes w.r.t. 04 7374~7375 1CCE~1CCF Float R Dword mm
tool frame)
Y (Mass center frames
with principal axes w.r.t. 04 7376~7377 1CD0~1CD1 Float R Dword mm
tool frame)
Z (Mass center frames
with principal axes w.r.t. 04 7378~7379 1CD2~1CD3 Float R Dword mm
tool frame)
RX (Mass center frames
with principal axes w.r.t. 04 7380~7381 1CD4~1CD5 Float R Dword degree
tool frame)
RY (Mass center frames
04 7382~7383 1CD6~1CD7 Float R Dword degree
with principal axes w.r.t.

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 169

tool frame)
RZ (Mass center frames
with principal axes w.r.t. 04 7384~7385 1CD8~1CD9 Float R Dword degree
tool frame)
Sreserve 1 04 7501~7502 1D4D~1D4E Float R Dword
Sreserve 2 04 7503~7504 1D4F~1D50 Float R Dword
Sreserve 3 04 7505~7506 1D51~1D52 Float R Dword
Sreserve 4 04 7507~7508 1D53~1D54 Float R Dword
Sreserve 5 04 7509~7510 1D55~1D56 Float R Dword
Sreserve 6 04 7511~7512 1D57~1D58 Float R Dword
Sreserve 7 04 7513~7514 1D59~1D5A Float R Dword
Sreserve 8 04 7515~7516 1D5B~1D5C Float R Dword
Sreserve 9 04 7517~7518 1D5D~1D5E Float R Dword
Sreserve 10 04 7519~7520 1D5F~1D60 Float R Dword
Sreserve 11 04 7521~7522 1D61~1D62 Float R Dword
Sreserve 12 04 7523~7524 1D63~1D64 Float R Dword
Sreserve 13 04 7525~7526 1D65~1D66 Float R Dword
Sreserve 14 04 7527~7528 1D67~1D68 Float R Dword
Sreserve 15 04 7529~7530 1D69~1D6A Float R Dword
Sreserve 16 04 7531~7532 1D6B~1D6C Float R Dword
Sreserve 17 04 7533~7534 1D6D~1D6E Float R Dword
Sreserve 18 04 7535~7536 1D6F~1D70 Float R Dword
Sreserve 19 04 7537~7538 1D71~1D72 Float R Dword
Sreserve 20 04 7539~7540 1D73~1D74 Float R Dword
Sreserve 21 04 7541~7542 1D75~1D76 Float R Dword
Sreserve 22 04 7543~7544 1D77~1D78 Float R Dword
Sreserve 23 04 7545~7546 1D79~1D7A Float R Dword
Sreserve 24 04 7547~7548 1D7B~1D7C Float R Dword
Sreserve 25 04 7549~7550 1D7D~1D7E Float R Dword
Sreserve 26 04 7551~7552 1D7F~1D80 Float R Dword
Sreserve 27 04 7553~7554 1D81~1D82 Float R Dword
Sreserve 28 04 7555~7556 1D83~1D84 Float R Dword
Sreserve 29 04 7557~7558 1D85~1D86 Float R Dword
Sreserve 30 04 7559~7560 1D87~1D88 Float R Dword

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 170

Others 3 FC 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟔 Type R/W Note

1: Solid Red, fatal error.

3: Solid Blue, standby in Auto Mode.
4: Flashing Blue, project running in Auto
Robot 5: Solid Green, standby in Manual Mode.
04 7332 1CA4 Int16 R
Light 6: Flashing Green, project running in
Manual Mode.
9: Alternating Blue&Red, Auto Mode error.
10: Alternating Green&Red, Manual Mode

Others 4 FC 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝟏𝟔 Type R/W Note

User Define Area 01/02/03/04/05/06 9000~9999 2328~270F User-define R/W

Software Manual TMflow Software version: 1.68 171

Cat. No. I626-E-01 1018 (1018)

19888-400 A

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