Protecting Out-Of-Service Steam Boilers
Protecting Out-Of-Service Steam Boilers
Protecting Out-Of-Service Steam Boilers
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The water-side surfaces of steam boilers are vulnerable to corrosion when air
contacts moist metal surfaces during out-of-service periods. Therefore, in order to
prevent corrosion, the boiler water-side surfaces must be protected by:
1. Keeping the surfaces completely dry, or
2. Excluding air from the boiler by filling it with properly treated water.
The choice between the dry and wet lay-up methods depends on how long the boiler
is expected to be out of service. The dry lay-up method is preferable for long
outages (i.e., for 3 months or more), whereas the wet lay-up method has the
advantage of permitting the boiler to be returned to service on reasonably short
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The following steps should be taken when using the dry lay-up method of boiler
1. Maintain the operating control parameter concentrations within their respective
control limits until boiler shutdown;
2. After the boiler has cooled somewhat but is still hot, drain the unit completely;
3. Thoroughly flush loose deposits from the water-side surfaces, and if necessary,
remove adherent deposits with a chemical cleaning procedure;
4. Thoroughly dry the water-side surfaces using a forced air heater;
5. Place a desiccant such as calcium oxide (i.e., dehydrated lime), silica gel, or
activated alumina in trays and distribute them in the steam drum, and if possible
in the mud drum as well for water tube boilers, and on top of the tubes for fire
tube boilers. The usual amount of desiccant required is 20 lbs. of calcium oxide,
100 lbs. of silica gel, or 150 lbs. of activated alumina per 1000 ft2 of boiler
heating surface;
6. Seal the boiler completely, blanking off all openings through which steam from
another boiler (i.e., do not rely on the steam stop valve) or air may enter;
7. After approximately two months of lay-up, open the boiler, inspect the moisture
absorbing chemical, replace it when necessary (i.e., calcium oxide forms a
crust, silica gel gets gummy & activated alumina gets mushy when saturated),
and re-seal the boiler.
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The following steps should be taken when using the wet lay-up method of boiler
1. Maintain the operating control parameter concentrations within their respective
control limits until boiler shutdown;
2. After the boiler has cooled somewhat but is still hot, drain the unit completely;
3. Thoroughly flush loose deposits from the water-side surfaces, and if necessary,
remove adherent deposits with a chemical cleaning procedure;
4. Fill the boiler completely to the stop valve with softened, and if possible
deaerated, water that is treated with catalyzed sodium sulphite and caustic soda
such that a minimum sulphite concentration of 200 mg/l SO3 and a minimum OH
alkalinity concentration of 200 mg/l CaCO3 are maintained in the boiler water;
5. Recirculate the boiler water once per week using a circulating pump (note:
continuous circulation is not recommended because of possible air in-leakage
at the pump);
6. After recirculation, perform sulphite & OH alkalinity tests on a boiler water
sample, and add chemicals as required in order to maintain the concentrations
of these control parameters within their control limits of 200 mg/l SO3 minimum
sulphite concentration and 200 mg/l CaCO3 minimum OH alkalinity
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