Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Principles of management are broad and general guidelines for decision making and
behavior of managers.
The principles serve as general practical guidelines to the managers for making decisions,
taking action and solving various problems systematically. They are not rules, but only a
guide to action. Principles are applicable to different kinds of organizations such as
business, hospitals, clubs and educational institutions, etc.
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HENRY FAYOL was born in France in 1841. He got degree in mining engineering in 1860
and started working as engineer in a coal mining company. In 1888, he was promoted as
the managing director of the company. At that time the company was in the situation of
insolvency. He accepted the challenge and applied his managerial techniques to bring out
the company from this situation and he succeeded. When he retired after 30 years the
company was a leading coal-steel company with strong financial background.
Henry Fayol became famous as “Father of Management studies and thoughts”, because
of his following contributions:
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1. DIVISION OF WORK: According to this principle the whole work must be divided
into small tasks or units and instead of assigning the whole work to one person one
task or unit of work should be assigned to one person according to the capability,
qualification and experience of the person. When a person is performing a part of job
again and again he will become perfect and specialized in doing that and the
efficiency level will improve.
Fayol said not only the factory work but technical, managerial and skill jobs should
also be divided into small segments for specialization.
In bank one person is receiving cash, one is giving cash, one is making entry in pass
book, one is giving loan, one is doing F.D., etc. So work is divided and bank operates
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9. SCALAR CHAIN: Scalar chain means line of authority or chain of superiors from
highest to lowest rank. Fayol insists that this chain must be followed strictly in the
organization. Every information must pass through every key of this chain, no
skipping of any one key should be allowed.
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delayed so in case of emergency and urgent information, Fayol permitted a short cut
in the chain which is called Gang plank. Gang plank permits direct communication
between the employees working in different position without following the scalar
chain. For example, if E wants to pass urgent information to O then instead of
following scalar chain route, he can directly communicate with O by constructing a
gang plank.
10. PRINCIPLE OF ORDER: In this principle order does not mean command but it
refers to orderly arrangement of men and material that is a fixed place for everything
and everyone in the organisation. Fayol insists that there must be a fixed place to
keep every material and thing used in the organisation and fixed place or seat or
cabin for every employee of the organisation so that no time and energy is wasted in
search of any material or any person.
11. PRINCIPLE OF EQUITY: Equity refers to kind, fair and just treatment to
employees. Employees will put their maximum efforts only when they are treated with
kindness and justice. Equity means no discrimination on account of sex, religion,
language, caste, belief or nationality.
13. INITIATIVE: Initiative refers to taking the first step with self motivation. Fayol
suggested that employees in the organisation must be given an opportunity to take
some initiative in making and executing a plan. It gives immense satisfaction to
employees. So managers must welcome the suggestions and ideas of employees
before framing the plan.
14. ESPIRIT DE CORPS: Management must encourage and promote team spirit,
unity and harmony. This will bring coordination and cooperation in organisation. A
manager should replace “I” with “WE”. This will give rise to mutual trust and
belongingness among team members. It will minimize the need for using penalties.
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F.W.TAYLOR was born in USA in 1856. In 1878 he joined Midval Steel Company as a
mechanical engineer. Using his engineering background Taylor set out scientific
studies and techniques. He was primarily concerned about the efficiency of workers
and optimum utilization of resources. Taylor’s principles and techniques were based
on the observations he conducted in factories where methods of production lack
planning and working methods were haphazard.
Contributions of Taylor:
“Scientific management means knowing exactly what you want men to do and seeing
that they do it in the best and cheapest way.”
1. Science, not rule of thumb: According to this principle Taylor insists that
each job performed in the organisation should be based on scientific enquiry
and not on intuition, experience and hit and miss methods. He says that there
must be thinking before doing which is not in case of rule of thumb. Rule of
thumb means dictatorship of manager whereas scientific decisions are based
on cause and effect and scientific measurement of methods and ways of
Taylor insisted on introduction of scientific inquiry into the domain of
management practice. Taylor believed that there is only one best method to
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maximize efficiency this method can be developed through work study and
analysis. The method so developed should be substitute of rule of thumb.
2. Harmony, not discord: according to this principle those who work together in
an organisation must work in harmony that is with mutual give and take and
proper understanding. Generally in every organisation there are two groups of
people- workers group and management group and both the groups work as
rivals of each other as workers feel that they are underpaid and are
overburdened with the work and management always feel that workers are
good for nothing. In this principle Taylor insists that there is need for both
the groups to change their attitudes for each other. He insists on mental
revolution which means complete change of attitude and outlook for each
other. They must develop positive thinking for each other and work with
harmony and avoid discord as their objectives are in one direction only.
Management should share the gains of the company with workers at the same
time workers must contribute to their best level. Taylor feels that prosperity of
organisation depends upon prosperity of employer as well as employees.
Japanese work culture is a classic example of such a situation. In Japanese
companies, paternalistic style of management is in practice. There is complete
openness between the management and workers. If at all workers go to strike
they wear a black badge but work more than normal working hours to gain the
sympathy of the management.
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1. Gang boss: he arranges all the machines, tools and other resources
required for performance of the job so that there is no delay.
2. Speed boss: this foreman assures timely completion of job.
3. Repair boss: this boss ensures that machines and tools are kept in
working conditions.
4. Inspector: this boss keeps a check on quality control of the output.
Taylor emphasized that when every foreman instructs and orders, the worker’s
efficiency will improve.
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For example: standard task is 10 units. Rates are: Rs. 50 per unit
for producing 10 units or more and Rs. 40 per unit for producing
less than 10 units.
Worker A produces 11 units; he gets Rs. 550 (11*50)
Worker B produces 9 units; he gets Rs. 360(9*40)
The difference of Rs. 190 will motivate B to perform better.
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1. Operations research: it was developed during 2nd world war to optimize the
development of war.
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