Proposal Penelitian
Proposal Penelitian
Proposal Penelitian
Ink is a substance that has carbon content as a pigment agent, and is usually
liquid or powder. Ink ingredients are pigments, resins, binders, solvents and
additives. Pigments (organic or inorganic) function as givers of color considered to
be the main constituents of ink. Resin binds ink together into the film layer and
binds it to the surface. Binder is used to bind colors. Solvents are used to make ink
flow so that they can be transferred to the printed surface. Substance additives serve
to improve the physical properties of ink to suit different or flexible situations
(Robert, 2014).
a. Absorption rate
The absorption rate test is used to observe the behavior of ink on a
medium such as paper. This test can be done by comparing the absorption
path length with the time interval of paper absorption to the ink (Wiguna
and Susanto, 2015).
b. Density
The density test is done by measuring the mass and volume of ink using
a picnometer, the greater the ink density means the greater the density of
the ink particles (Anova and Muchtar, 2017; Rengganis, Yulianto and
Yulianti, 2017).
c. Organoleptic
The organoleptic test is used to determine the level of receipt of ink in
the community. This organoleptic test includes test parameters as in
Table 2.2 (Anova and Muchtar, 2017):
Table 2.2. Parameters in Organoleptic Test
No Parameter Indicator
1. Aroma of Ink
4. Dry Time
d. Viscosity
Viscosity test to measure the thickness of the ink using the Oswald
Method. The viscosity of this ink is determined by the binder of ink. The
viscosity of ink is calculated by equations (Rengganis, Yulianto and
Yulianti, 2017):
𝜇 = 𝜇𝑜 𝜌 (1)
𝑜 𝑡𝑜
e. Homogeneity
The homogeneity test is used to determine the homogeneity of the
ink, wherein the ink-making ingredients are stirred to become a
homogeneous solution. The test is done by dropping one drop of ink on
the transparent glass surface, then the ink on the glass surface must show
a homogeneous arrangement and free from particle spots (Anova and
Muchtar, 2017).
2.5.Relevant Research
There have not been many studies that have examined the manufacture
of ink. For dragon fruit skin, the application in making ink is still small. Dragon
fruit skin contains high levels of anthocyanin. So that the skin of the dragon
fruit can be further developed in the manufacture of colored ink. The research
on ink making that has been done is listed in Table 2.3.
Table 2.3. Ink Making Research that has been done
2. Use of Citronella and Independent: Stirring The viscosity produced at stirring (Harismah et al., 2017)
Pearl Oil (Cananga Variations is 300, 400, and 500 rpm is 600
Odorata) as Anti- dPas, 450 dPas, and 400 dPas.
Dependent: Ink Replica
Mosquito Ink Repelants
3. Dragon Fruit Skin Independent: the volume of dye The ink density is in the range of (Ramadhani et al.,
Anthocyanin Pigment used 0.948 grams / ml - 1.118 grams / 2017)
(Hylocereus polyrhizus) ml. Through a test of the intensity
dependent: light intensity,
as Organic Ink of the translucent light shows that
density, and wavelength
there is still a lot of light that can
penetrate the ink. The biggest
absorbance is at a wavelength
range of 900nm.
4. Printer Ink from Leaf Independent: Variation in With variations in the (Wiguna and Susanto,
Waste Charcoal Carbon Concentration concentration of leaf waste 2015)
carbon (1-6 grams), the optimum
Dependent: Level of Light
composition is at 4 grams of
Intensity, Absorption Rate, and
carbon leaf waste with the
Ink Performance
absorption rate on the paper is
1.04 mm / s