Fire Department Guide: Creating and Maintaining Business Continuity Plans (BCP)
Fire Department Guide: Creating and Maintaining Business Continuity Plans (BCP)
Fire Department Guide: Creating and Maintaining Business Continuity Plans (BCP)
2009 1
The Office of the Fire Marshal is promoting business continuity within the fire services in New
Brunswick. We are encouraging all fire departments to develop a plan in order to maintain
essential services within their community. In conjunction with our partners, we have
prepared this document that can be used as a guide to prepare your own Business Continuity
Plan (BCP).
The Department of Public Safety, Emergency Measures branch (EMO) has implemented
plans and programs to protect the community during emergencies. In partnership with local
first responders, health organizations, social services, utilities and volunteer groups, EMO
strives to improve its level of preparedness. Continuous testing, training and updating ensure
that plans are capable of addressing any emergency that occur in our communities.
To deal with community emergency situations, public servants along with members from key
areas of our communities have been organized into eight EMO Districts. In the event of a
community emergency, the EMO District Coordinator and team are dispatched to the
communities Emergency Operations Center, where the emergency situation is strategically
managed to assist the on-scene emergency responders.
But what happens if the emergency responders upon whom we have become so dependant
upon are not available to us in the case of a community emergency? It is our hope that each
fire department within New Brunswick has asked them selves that same question. And as a
result, have found the need to develop a solid Business Continuity Plan.
Business Continuity Plans (BCP) are sometimes referred to as Disaster Recovery Plans
(DRP) and the two have much in common. However a DRP should be oriented towards
recovering after a disaster whereas a BCP shows how to continue doing business until
recovery is accomplished. Both are very important and are often combined into a single
document for convenience.
Business continuity is the process of planning so that your department can cope with the un
expected. It ensures that, when faced with disruption or disaster, you can carry on or resume
emergency operations with minimum delay. A well thought out plan should be transferable to
any case scenario whether it is the loss of human resources (pandemic) or the loss of your
building including your emergency equipment (fire).
This guide is intended to provide information to help fire departments begin, refine and
maintain individual BCP Plans. We must first plan our own strategies in order to be ready
during the event of a community wide emergency.
2009 2
Getting Started
Section 1
2009 3
1. Assign fire department business continuity responsibilities.
Fire Department Business Continuity Coordinator
2nd Alternate
2009 4
2. Fire department mission and business functions/processes.
Departmental Mission
The __________Fire Department protects lives, property and the environment from fire and exposure to
hazardous materials, provides pre-hospital emergency medical care, offers programs which prepare our
residents for emergencies and provides non-emergency services, including fire prevention and related
code enforcement, to residents and visitors of ________ (Town, Village etc.)
Critical Function/Process – Core services to the fire department’s mission or have been designated as an essential service for the
Maximum Allowable Outage – The amount of time caused by disruption in operation before significant impact is incurred.
Impact – Include a brief description of the impact of discontinued operations past the maximum allowable outage. Impact should take
into consideration in both non-monetary and monetary outcomes. Impacts can be measured with respect to human resources
and staff safety or morale, department reputation, loss of critical etc
Dependencies – Internal or external resources or inputs necessary for fire department business function/process to operate
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Other Fire Department Functions/Processes
The fire department also has the following functions/processes. While important, the delay of these services would not cause
significant impact with respect to the fire department in achieving its mission.
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3. Identification and evaluation of scenarios, risks, events and threats.
The following are sample scenarios that were identified based on the likely hood of event.
Scenario, risk or Description Impact on Mission Mitigating Additional General Strategy Does
threat (Specific details of Critical Activities/Strategies Activities/ Strategies Options for scenario
(Likely events, event.) Functions/Processes (Impact on resources To Be Considered Recovery warrant
both internal and (Impact on resources necessary for a process business
external, that could necessary for a process to function.) continuity
disrupt operations to function.) plan?
of our department.) (Yes/No)
Human Resources HR reduced by 30% Reduction in Mutual Aid Implement Potential to Yes
due to illness response time Auxiliary members process to place relocate
Loss of expertise Retired members mutual aid & equipment
(pump operator, auxiliary on Exercise
drivers) etc. stand by emergency plan
Reach to retired to staff
members coverage area
Fire leading to a Isolated building loss Examples include: Mutual Aid from Implement a Relocate Yes
loss of building and near by community process to personnel
contents Equipment Loss Reallocation of perform a backup resources.
Information loss apparatus and restoration Exercise
90% reduction in equipment from Establishment of emergency plan
service (due to nearby community a temporary fire for command
multiple service station center to restore
locations) departmental
Halt of all operating
operations (all capacity to
services provided 20%.
within same area)
Other examples Case specific Case specific Back up Maintain Based on case Case specific
may include: generators documentation of scenario
flooding, and Manual work backup generator
storms that lead to around procedures testing centrally
the loss of utilities,
loss of network,
2009 7
Developing the Plan
Section 2
2009 8
Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
Primary Needs (seasonal) Alternate 1 Alternate 2
Fire Station Minimum of 2 bays Joe’s Service Station Franks Trucking
during winter months
Communications Radios, chargers, cell Community Center Local ambulance
Room phones, phone bay, school
Equipment / Source for Alternate 2 Alternate 3
Services Replacement
Fire apparatus Neighboring depts. Suppliers Government (DNR)
Power Generator Suppliers
Heat Propane heaters Suppliers Government
2009 9
Recovery Summary
5. Document recovery plans to recover critical functions for
each scenario.
General Recovery Strategy
This is a high level statement of the solutions determined to recover fire department’s business
function to a predetermined operating capacity.
Relocate to identified alternate facility and restore operations to 20% capacity within 2
Recovery Tasks
The following tasks will need to be performed to accomplish our strategy:
Detail for each Recovery task is included in a Detailed Process Task located at _______.
List assumptions made regarding scenario and the related planning. Examples include:
• Workspace and required resources are available.
• All fire department members or personnel with equivalent skills are available.
Assumption 1
Assumption 2
Assumption 3
2009 10
Detailed Process Task
6. Determine details to complete tasks.
For each task listed within the Recovery Summary, list the details and applicable information
necessary to carry out that task. Each task should be provided on a separate page.
Task Name
The name should be the same name listed within the Recovery Summary.
Team Lead
Insert name of firefighter who will be the team lead of each specific task.
Task Summary
Provide a brief description of major steps involved within the task and the desired
results when the task is completed.
Required Skill Set Description
Provide general Include detailed knowledge and access requirements.
knowledge requirements
for completion of the task
in the event backup
personnel are required.
Internal Dependencies External Dependencies
Personnel Written Mutual Aid Agreement
Recovery Tasks
The following steps will need to be performed to accomplish our task:
Recovery Day Days Days Day Team
Steps 1 2-3 4-7 8 Member
2009 11
Contact Information
7. List contact information.
Fire Chief
Contacted Recover Phon Office Addres
Y/N Name y Role Cellular Pager e-mail e Phone s Skills Notes
Representative/ Alternate (account
Dept. Contact Address Phone Phone’s e-mail number, etc)
2009 12
Resource Appendices
8. List necessary resources and reference materials.
Facility Requirements
Infrastructure requirements Number-descriptions
Phone lines
Network connections
Electrical requirements Number of outlets, special voltage requirements
Fire Service Equipment
Equipment Requirements
List, phones, copiers, and immediate requirements for emergency set up.
Qty Description Comment (vendor name, Day needed
purpose, etc.)
1 Phone lines
10 Radio chargers
2009 13
Qty Description Comment Day needed
Form Description Revision Minimum Current Storage Contact Printer Day needed
# Date Needed Inventory location information information
Vital Records
Description Storage Media Record Type Storage Comment
Site (disc, (original, Frequency
fiche, duplicate) (D, W, M, Q, S, Y)
Insert or attach existing procedures for daily procedures and procedures or checklist for process that will be unique to the
recovery process.
2009 14
Maintaining the Plan
Section 3
2009 15
9. Train firefighter personnel on the plan.
Include information about how the components of this plan will be communicated to the staff
(meetings, access to electronic copy on intranet site, etc.). Include timeframes needed to train staff.
2009 16
11. Maintain the plan.
The (Department Name) business continuity plan has been reviewed and tested. The
procedures provided in this plan meet the department’s expectations for business continuity
under the assumptions which have outlined in this plan.
___________________________ ________________________
Fire Chief Date
___________________________ ________________________
Fire Department Coordinator Date
2009 17