A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4
I. Objectives
Share the importance of proper and common nouns for everyday life
Values Integration:
Giving importance of applying small and capital letters on the beginning of each names/ideas.
Topic: Two Kinds of ouns !"nglish#$eference: %anguage &rts ' !pages ()*(+#,aterials: -ower-oint -
resentation ! ommon and -roper ouns# artolina White 0oard ,ar1er and 2ui3
SheetsTeaching ,ethodology: Inductive ,ethod
*4 lass let us stand for our prayer. ! ame of the pupil# 1indly lead the prayer for today.5
&. Greeti"#s
4. +evie,
* 40efore we start our lesson for today do you recall on what you had learned yesterday75* 4What
part of speech tells the names of a person thing place events animal plants and any
forms of nature75* 4 orrect6 Give me one e8ample of a name of a -erson75* 49ery Good6 Give me
one e8ample of a name of a thing75* 49ery Good6 Give me one e8ample of a name of a place that you
visit most75* 49ery Good6 Give me one e8ample of a name of an event which is very special for you75*
4When is your birthday75* 49ery Good6 Give me three e8amples of names of animals plants and
other forms of nature75* 4 or those who got the correct answer let;s give them a 0oom < 0oom
-. Motivatio"
4 lass here;s the dialog of %i3a and his dad about their visit to her grandparents in ,anila. =n her
way she sees many things in ,anila. This conversation will play only by one boy and one girl only. Who
wants to read the conversation of 0en and his dad7 5* The teacher will call one boy and one girl in the
Liza: Oh, Daddy, I’m so excited to see Lolo and Lola. I’m also eager to see Manila. Daddy: There are
many places to see in Manila Liza: eally! "hat are those places# Daddy: On our $ay, $e $ill pass %y
&la%ang, 'ucat, Taguig, Ma(ati and )asay.
* The assigned pupil will go in front of the classand will lead the prayer.* 4Good ,orning Sir rysler65*
The secretary will tell the absentee/s for today.* 4>es Teacher65* 4The oun teacher.5* 4 rysler
* 4ball point pen teacher.5* 4S, Tarlac teacher.5* 4,y birthday teacher.5* 4This coming &ugust ((
teacher.5* 4"lephant teacher.5* 4&cacia tree teacher.5* 4flower teacher.5* The pupils will do the
0oom < 0oom lap.* The call pupils will go in front to portray their roles in the conversation.
Liza: &re there *actories and %ig %uildings# Daddy: O* course, there are. There are also many people,
hospitals and schools. There are animals at the zoo. Liza: Mom, $ill $e +isit the Manila oo# Daddy: -
es, $e $ill
* 4Than1 you6 %et;s give them a ?ooray clap.5* &fter the called pupils read the dialog the teacher
will command the pupils to read the whole dialog !boys and girls#.* 4Than1 you6 %et;s give them a >es6
>es6 lap.5
* The teacher will as1 the pupils regarding to the dialog that they read.
@. Who are the characters mentioned in the dialog7(. What places will %i3a and her father visit7). What
do they e8pect to see in these places7'. What places that they will pass as they going to ,anila7* 40ased
on the dialog who wants to underline the nouns present to the answers to the previous Auestions
&. Discussio"
*4 lass what did you noticed to these underlined words75* 49ery Good6 lass are these words
considered as nouns75* 4&nd why do you thin1 that these words are nouns75* 49ery Good65 The
teacher will discuss and e8plain the definition and description of the two 1inds of nouns: ommon
ouns and -roper ouns. &lso he will give e8amples of proper and common nouns.
?ooray clap.* The boys will read the dialog of %i3a;s Baddyand the girls will read the dialog of %i3a.
* 4The characters mentioned in the dialog are %i3a and her daddy.5* 4The places that they will visit are
,anila and ,alabon Coo.5* 4They e8pect to see factories buildings hospitals and schools.5* 4They
will pass &labang Sucat Taguig ,a1ati and -asay.5* The called pupils will underline all the nouns
present to the answer from the previous Auestions about the dialog.& SW"$S:* 4The characters
mentioned in the dialog are %i3a and her daddy.5* 4The places that they will visit are ,anila and ,alabon
Coo.5* 4They e8pect to see factories buildings hospitalsand schools.5* 4They will pass &labang
Sucat Taguig ,a1ati and -asay.5* 4Teacher there are some words that starts with bigor capital
letter while other words starts with small letter.5* 4>es Teacher.5* 4Teacher because the underlined
words are the names of persons and places.5
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