CH 7
CH 7
CH 7
6: Toxicology
Pesticides are substance or mixture of substance which differ in their physical,
chemical and identical properties from one to other. Hence, they are classified
based on these properties. Some pesticides are also categorized into various
classes depending on the needs. Presently, three most popular classifications
of pesticides which are widely used is classification based on the mode of
entry, pesticide function and the pest organism they kill, the chemical
composition of the pesticide. Based on toxicity of pesticides, WHO classified
them into four classes: extremely dangerous, highly dangerous, moderately
dangerous and slightly dangerous. Improper application of pesticides can
cause severe harmful effect to living system and the environment. Most
pesticides do not distinguish between pests and other similar incidental
lifeform and kill them all. The toxicity of insecticides to an organism is
usually expressed in terms of the LD50 (lethal dose 50 percent) and LC50 (50
percent lethal concentration).
Key words: Pests, Insecticides, Toxicity, Dangerous, Organochlorine.
State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China
Centre for Environmental Sciences, Central University of South Bihar, BIT Campus,
Patna-800014, Bihar, India.
* Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]
Pesticides Classification and Its Impact on Human and Environment 141
nematodes (roundworms) and microbes that compete with humans for food,
destroy property, spread or help carry or spread diseases or are seen as a
nuisance. The most common used pesticides include insecticides, herbicides,
fungicides and rodenticides. The other less well-known pesticides comprise
growth regulators, plant defoliants, surface disinfectants and some swimming
pool chemicals. Most commonly, pesticides are used in health sector and
agricultural crops[2]. They are useful in public health for killing vectors of
the disease, such as mosquitoes while, pests damaging agricultural crops
are killed by pesticides. Naturally, pesticides are potentially toxic to other
non-target organisms, including humans. Hence, it is necessary to use them
safely and dispose properly.
or down within the plant while other pesticides may only move upwards in
plants. If applied to the root zone, it will travel throughout the plant, but if
applied to the leaves it will not move throughout the plant. Furthermore,
few pesticides are considered locally systemic and move only to a short
distance in a plant from the point of contact. Examples of systemic pesticides
include 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) and glyphosate[4].
2.1.4. Fumigants
Fumigants are such pesticides which acts or may kill the target pests by
producing vapor. These pesticides form poisonous gases when applied. These
pesticides in vapor form enter the body of pests via their tracheal system
(respiratory) through spiracles and causes death by poisoning. Some of their
active ingredients are liquids when packaged under high pressure but change
to gases when they are released. Other active ingredients are volatile liquids
when enclosed in an ordinary container and are not formulated under pressure.
Fumigants are used to remove stored product pests from fruits, vegetables
and grains. They are also very useful in controlling of pests in soil.
2.1.5. Repellents
Repellents do not kill but are distasteful enough to keep pests away from treated
areas/commodities. They also interfere with pest’s ability to locate crop.
Pesticides Classification and Its Impact on Human and Environment 143
Also, there are pesticides that control more than one class of pests and
may be considered in more than one pesticide class. Aldicarb, which is widely
used in Florida citrus production, may be considered an acaricide, insecticide,
or nematicide because it controls mites, insects, and nematodes, respectively.
Another common example is 2, 4-D, which is used as a herbicide for broadleaf
144 Environ. Sci. & Engg. Vol. 6: Toxicology
2.3.1. Organochlorine
represent the one of the first group of pesticides ever synthesized and used
in agriculture and in public health. Most of them were widely used as
insecticides for the control of a wide range of insects, and they have a long-
term residual effect in the environment. These insecticides may disrupt
the nervous system of the insects leading to convulsions and paralysis
followed by eventual death. Most common examples of these pesticides
includes: DDT, lindane, endosulfan, aldrin, dieldrin and chlordane. Though,
the production and application of DDT was banned in most developed
countries including United States many years ago, it is still being used in
most tropical developing countries for vector control (particularly where
malaria occurs).
2.3.2. Organophosphates
2.3.3. Carbamates
pesticides cause major environmental pollution as they are quite toxic and
not always biodegradable. Another important advantage of using bio-pesticide
is the fact that they are less susceptible to genetic modification in plant
populations. This confirms the little chance of pesticide resistance in pests,
which is hardly seen in case of chemical pesticides. Chemical pesticides are
further divided into organochlorine, organophosphate, carbamate and
pyrethroids and are discussed already in previous section. Bio-pesticides
group of pesticides derived from natural materials such as animal, plant
and microorganism (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and nematodes). They are
classified into three groups.
These groups of pesticides are produced by plants naturally. Also, the gene
necessary for production of pesticide is introduced into the plant through
genetic engineering. Hence, the pesticide then produced by such plant and
the genetic material introduced are together defined as plant incorporated
protectants (PIPs).
Under this method of classification, pesticides are classified into two groups
as broad spectrum pesticides and selective pesticides. Broad spectrum
pesticides are those pesticides that are meant to kill a wide range of pests
and other non-target organisms. They are nonselective and are often lethal
148 Environ. Sci. & Engg. Vol. 6: Toxicology
to reptiles, fish, pets and birds. Some examples of broad spectrum pesticides
are chlorpyrifos and chlordane. Selective pesticides on the other hand are
those pesticides which kill only a specific or group of pests leaving other
organisms unaffected or with a little effect. A good example of selective
pesticides is 2, 4-D which affects broad-leaved plants leaving the grassy
crops unaffected.
Pesticide formulations are a mixture of the active ingredient (AI) and inert
ingredients. Active ingredients are chemicals that aimed to control target
pests, while inert ingredient (such as water, petroleum solvent, wetting
agents, spreaders, stickers, extenders) are the materials added to the AI to
make pesticide safer, more effective and easier to measure, mix and apply.
They are also more convenient in handling. One group of pesticide may be
mixed with another group of non-pesticides or used in combination to produce
such pesticides. One group of pesticides is combined with another group of
pesticides in such a way that the effectiveness of one pesticide increased
and will provide better protection against one pesticide compound. Also,
they are capable of controlling multiple pesticides in single dose of application.
Pesticide formulations can be divided into three main types: solids, liquids
or gases. Some formulations are ready for use while others need further
dilution with water or, a petroleum-based solvent, or air (as in air blast or
ULV applications) before they are applied. The most commonly used
formulations are listed under following headings: Liquids Powders Granules
Under this formulation, the active ingredient is mixed with various inert
clays to form particles of various sizes. The size of granules used in vector
control usually ranges from 20 to 80 mesh. Granular formulations are
prepared for direct application and require specialized dispersal equipment.
They can be applied from the air or on the ground. They may be used with
small hand-cranked units, or simply scattered by hand (with appropriate
personal protection). Granular applications of pesticides are especially useful
in treating mosquito larvae in locations where heavy vegetation would
otherwise prevent the insecticide from reaching the water. They are also
favored in situations where drift would otherwise be a problem. Baits
Baits contain active ingredients that are mixed with a pest food or attractant.
The main usages of baits include control of household pests such as ants,
mice, rats, roaches, and flies. They are also used outdoors to control birds,
ants, slugs, snails, and agricultural pests such as crickets and grasshoppers. Dust
Ultra low volume concentrates (ULV) are sold as technical product in its
original liquid form, or solid product dissolved in a small amount of solvent.
These concentrates may approach 100% active ingredient. They are designed
to be used as is or to be diluted with only small quantities of specified
solvents. These special-purpose formulations are used in agricultural,
forestry, ornamental, and mosquito control programs. Larger droplets are
considered inefficient, wasteful, and can have undesirable environmental
effects. However, ULV applications, when done correctly, are very effective
and very safe to people and other non-target organisms.
150 Environ. Sci. & Engg. Vol. 6: Toxicology
Depending on the health risk associated with pesticides and toxic behavior
of pesticides. The World Health Organization (WHO) classified them into
four categories[7] . WHO conducted an experiment on rats and other
laboratory animals by administering a dose of pesticide orally and dermally?
They then estimated the median lethal dose (LD50) that produces death in
50% of exposed animals to reach this conclusion. The ranking class from
lowest to highest toxicity in numbers I through IV indicates extremely toxic,
highly toxic, moderately toxic, slightly toxic, respectively (Table 2).
The harmful effects that occur from a single exposure by any route of entry
are termed “acute effects.” The four routes of exposure are dermal (skin),
inhalation (lungs), oral (mouth), and the eyes. Acute toxicity is determined
by examining the dermal toxicity, inhalation toxicity, and oral toxicity of
test animals. In addition, eye and skin irritation are also examined. Acute
illness generally appears a short time after contact or exposure to the
pesticide. Pesticide drift from agricultural fields, exposure to pesticides
during application and intentional or unintentional poisoning generally leads
to the acute illness in humans[12,13]. Several symptoms such as headaches,
body aches, skin rashes, poor concentration, nausea, dizziness, impaired
vision, cramps, panic attacks and in severe cases coma and death could
occur due to pesticide poisoning (Table 3). About 3 million cases of acute
poisoning due to pesticides are reported worldwide every year. Out of these
3 million pesticide poisoning cases, 2 million are suicide attempts and the
rest of these are occupational or accidental poisoning cases[14].
Any harmful effects that occur from small doses repeated over a period of
time are termed “chronic effects.” Suspected chronic effects from exposure
to certain pesticides include birth defects, toxicity to a fetus, and production
of benign or malignant tumors, genetic changes, blood disorders, nerve
disorders, endocrine disruption, and reproduction effects. The chronic
toxicity of a pesticide is more difficult than acute toxicity to determine
through laboratory analysis. Continued and repeated exposure to sub lethal
quantities of pesticides for a long period of time (may be several years to
decades), causes chronic illness in humans [15] . Symptoms are not
152 Environ. Sci. & Engg. Vol. 6: Toxicology
Diseases References
Cancer (Childhood and adult brain cancer; Lee et al. ; Shim et al.[18]; Heck et al.[19];
Renal cell cancer; lymphocytic leukemia Xu et al.[20]; Band et al.[21]; Cocco et al.[22]
(CLL); Prostate Cancer)
Neuro degenerative diseases including Elbaz et al.[23]; Hayden et al.[24]; Tanner et
Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease al.[25]
Cardio-vascular disease including artery Abdullah et al.[26]; Andersen et al.[27]
Diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes) Son et al.[28]
Reproductive disorders Petrelli and Mantovani[29]; Greenlee et al.[30]
Birth defects Winchester et al.[31]; Mesnage et al.[32]
Hormonal imbalances including infertility Xavier et al.[33]
and breast pain
Respiratory diseases (Asthma, Chronic Chakraborty et al.[34]; Hoppin et al.[35]
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD))
of pesticides may cause long term residual effects while otherwise acute
fatal effects. For example, most organochlorine pesticides which are
persistent in the environment for long time, hence, resulting in
contamination of groundwater, surface water, food products, air and soil.
Most insecticides once applied to kill pests; it may also adversely non-
target organisms such as earthworm, natural predators and pollinator[37].
Pesticide applications can cause decline in earthworm populations. For
example, carbamate insecticides are very toxic to earthworms and some
organophosphates have been shown to reduce earthworm populations[38].
Unfortunately, natural predator such as parasitoids and predators
(essential for controlling pest population level) are most susceptible to
insecticides and are severely affected[39]. The destruction of these natural
predators can exacerbate pest problems. Usually, if natural enemies are
absent, additional insecticide sprays are required to control the target
pest. Additionally, pesticides can also affect predator behavior and their
life history parameters including growth rate, development time and
other reproductive functions.
Pollinators such as bees, fruit flies, some beetles, and birds can be used
as bio-indicators of ecosystem processes in many ways as their activities
are affected by environmental stress caused by pesticides application and
habitat modifications[40]. Use of pesticide may also causes direct loss of insect
pollinators and indirect loss to crops because of the lack of adequate
populations of pollinators[5].
154 Environ. Sci. & Engg. Vol. 6: Toxicology
industrial effluent, surface run off and transport from pesticide treated soils,
washing of spray equipment after spray operation, drift into ponds, lakes,
streams and river water, aerial spray to control water inhibiting pests[14].
Pesticides generally move from fields to various water reservoirs by runoff
or in drainage induced by rain or irrigation[43]. Similarly, the presence of
pesticides in air can be caused by number of factors including spray drift,
volatilization from the treated surfaces, and aerial application of pesticides.
Extent of drift depends on: droplet size and wind speed. The rate of
volatilization is dependent on time after pesticide treatment, the surface
on which the pesticide settles the ambient temperature, humidity and wind
speed and the vapor pressure of the ingredients. The volatility or semi-
volatility nature of the pesticide compounds similarly constitutes an
important risk of atmospheric pollution of large cities[44].
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