8000 H
8000 H
8000 H
Our solution
As the latest addition to the Siemens new innovative technological develop-
comprehensive gas turbine product line, ments. To achieve a result of higher oper-
the new SGT-8000H series, and the ational flexibility for both, the gas turbine
Siemens Combined Cycle Power Plant and the power plant, the new gas turbine
(SCC™), the SCC-8000H series, address features less complex but proven technol-
the worldwide demand for more environ- ogy, including the use of air-cooling over
mentally compatible energy. This new steam-cooling for the H-class. Air-cooling
gas turbine frame, developed after the as a design strategy makes the SGT-8000H
merger of the Siemens and Westinghouse series gas turbines an excellent choice for
power generation businesses, combines repowering as there are no ties to the
the best features of the existing product steam cycle required.
lines and technology advancements.
The SGT5-8000H, a 50-Hz version, has
A highly qualified international team of
been built and shipped to be validated at
over 250 experienced engineers and over
a gas turbine power plant in Irsching,
500 employees worked hand-in-hand in
Germany, where it will demonstrate its
developing, manufacturing and assembly
capabilities under real operating condi-
of this new gas turbine.
tions. After successful testing of the gas
The advanced technology of the fully turbine, the gas turbine power plant
air-cooled SGT-8000H series gas turbine will be converted into a single-shaft
continues our long-standing tradition of combined cycle power plant.
satisfying the needs of our customers all
For the 60-Hz market, completion of
around the world. We take an evolution-
development of the SGT6-8000H gas
ary approach when designing our new
turbine will follow after the 50-Hz engine
turbines by incorporating proven features
verification. The 60-Hz gas turbine pack-
and based on the experiences we have
age should also be an excellent choice
gained with our reliable operating units
for repowering applications due to its
over decades. In developing the world’s
air-cooling, operational flexibility,
largest H-class gas turbine for unmatched
efficiency, and low life-cycle cost bene-
efficiency, we combined the best features
fits. Additionally, Siemens plans to devel-
of our proven 50-Hz and 60-Hz Siemens
op a 60-Hz combined cycle power plant
heavy-duty gas turbine product lines with
in multi-shaft configuration to fulfill the
flexibility requirements in meeting
specific customer needs.
Product features
The new, advanced SGT-8000H series gas Features for lowest life-cycle cost
turbines and the SCC-8000H series com- include:
bined cycle power plants feature the H-class – designed for more than 60%
best-in-class technology captured from efficiency in combined cycle mode and
our long line of large direct-drive Siemens reduced emissions at part load
50-Hz and 60-Hz heavy-duty gas turbines
Less complexity in engine and parts
and power plants.
which can lead to lower maintenance
and operating costs
Features for high efficiency include:
Straightforward operational concept
New compressor with advanced blade
Features for advanced operating
Advanced materials to increase the flexibility include:
firing and exhaust-gas temperature
Air-cooled engine for a cooling method
Advanced sealing system for low- that is always present at speed
leakage cooling air
Fast start-up and cycling capability
Advanced high-efficiency, high-pres- to support intermediate load require-
sure, high-temperature combined cycle ments
process with BENSON® boiler, based on
Less complexity in engine and plant
the high mass flow and exhaust-gas
design leading to more flexibility in
temperature of the new engine
operation and reduced start-up time
Improved turndown capability for high
efficiency and low-emissions part-load
Technical data
Siemens Gas Turbine SGT5-8000H and Siemens Combined Cycle Plant SCC5-8000H
(Standard design; rated data at ISO ambient conditions)
Market introduction strategy
The SGT-8000H series gas turbine has Testing and validation approach successfully tested in the test bed of our
been developed in accordance with the To maximize the quality of the new prod- manufacturing plant in Berlin, Germany.
well established Siemens Product Devel- uct, extensive tests are conducted during Combustion tests have been carried out
opment Process (PDP) to create a reliable, all phases of development, production, at several research, customer and
high-quality and competitive product assembly and field validation. The indi- Siemens testing facilities worldwide.
focusing on market and customer vidual components, subsystems and In 2008, the SGT5-8000H is planned to
requirements. The current market intro- engine tests were carried out at Siemens be tested and validated under real oper-
duction of the new gas turbine is also led test centers or at special testing facilities ating conditions including connection
by this process, which allows successful all around the world. to the electric power grid at the Irsching 4
testing and validation before its commer-
Since 2005, all key gas turbine compo- power plant in partnership with E.ON
nents have been pre-validated in several Kraftwerke.
tests before starting with final assembly
of the turbine. The new compressor was
GT Shipment
April 2007 First Fire
December 2007 Series Release
August 2008
2007 2008
Field validation at Irsching 4 power plant
The Irsching 4 combined cycle power Highlights of the validation process:
plant in Germany will be constructed in Test plant operation at customer site
two phases: Irsching 4 (E.ON) exclusively under
In phase 1, the SGT5-8000H will be Siemens PG field test management
tested under real operation conditions Extensive field testing and validation
in a gas turbine power plant. The
Prototype engine equipped with about
testing will be performed under the
3,000 measuring sensors
ownership of Siemens. After start-up,
part-load and base-load validation Commercial release of the new
operation of the plant, a comprehen- SGT5-8000H only after successful
sive endurance testing phase will be completion of testing and validation
conducted. Including this extended The extensive testing and validation in
testing phase, the overall validation simple cycle operation under real grid
program is planned to cover approxi- conditions is intended to ensure that sub-
mately 18 months. sequent commercial product lines will be
In phase 2, the power plant is planned introduced to the market with an ade-
to be extended to a combined cycle quate testing profile and commercial
power plant. The gas turbine will be release will occur only after successful
modified from a fully instrumented to completion of respective trials. We be-
a commercial engine and tested in lieve that this advanced approach maxi-
combined cycle operation. With mizes the reliability and quality of the
Siemens’ determination of the success- products that we ultimately bring to
ful completion of this second phase, market and also can reduce the potential
plant ownership would be handed over risk for our customers.
to the customer, E.ON Kraftwerke.
Published by and copyright © 2007:
Siemens AG
Power Generation
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany