HGR-B9023-Is01-Steel Rivets & Riveting
HGR-B9023-Is01-Steel Rivets & Riveting
HGR-B9023-Is01-Steel Rivets & Riveting
Issue No: 01
Issue Date: April 2012
This document describes good practice in relation to its subject to be followed by Heritage Railways,
Tramways and similar bodies to whom this document applies.
This document has been developed with and is fully endorsed by Her Majesty’s Railway Inspectorate, a
directorate of the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR).
The Heritage Railway Association has used its best endeavours to ensure that the content of this document
is accurate, complete and suitable for its stated purpose. However it makes no warranties, express or
implied, that compliance with the contents of this document shall be sufficient to ensure safe systems of work
or operation. Accordingly the Heritage Railway Association will not be liable for its content or any
subsequent use to which this document may be put.
This document is published by the Heritage Railway Association (HRA).
Copies are available electronically via our website www.heritagerailways.com
Table of Contents
SECTION Page Number
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Units ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Personal Protective Equipment ............................................................................................................. 3
4. Inspection .............................................................................................................................................. 3
5. General .................................................................................................................................................. 3
6. Materials ................................................................................................................................................ 4
7. Testing of Rivets .................................................................................................................................... 4
8. Comparison of boiler and frame rivets / holes ....................................................................................... 5
9. Rivet Holes ............................................................................................................................................ 6
10. Sizes of Rivets: Finished Sizes.......................................................................................................... 6
11. Rivet Heads ....................................................................................................................................... 6
12. Rivet length ........................................................................................................................................ 9
13. Tacking Holes .................................................................................................................................... 9
14. Precautions in Heating Rivets.......................................................................................................... 10
15. Defective Heads .............................................................................................................................. 10
16. Hydraulic Riveting ............................................................................................................................ 11
17. Pneumatic Riveting .......................................................................................................................... 13
18. Holding up ........................................................................................................................................ 16
19. Wedge Riveting ............................................................................................................................... 17
20. Rivet Tongs ...................................................................................................................................... 20
21. Caulking Rivets ................................................................................................................................ 21
22. Removal of Rivets ............................................................................................................................ 21
23. Riveting in repair work ..................................................................................................................... 22
24. Use of patch screws ........................................................................................................................ 22
25. Hand Riveting Hammers.................................................................................................................. 22
26. Design of Riveting ............................................................................................................................ 23
1. Introduction
This Guidance Note is one of a series dealing with Locomotive Boilers that were produced by the “Steam
Locomotive Boiler Codes of Practice” practitioners meetings.
Railway locomotive boilers are designed to create, store and distribute steam at high pressure. The working
life of such a boiler can be considerably shortened if due care is not taken at all stages of inspection, repair,
running maintenance and day-to-day running.
In the past there have been a series of accidents and explosions due to work being undertaken without
having due regard to the inherent risks involved. It is with that in mind that H.M.R.I. and H.R.A. set up the
series of meetings of boiler practitioners to discuss the issues; distil good practice and codify it into this
series of Guidance Notes.
This guidance is written for the assistance of people competent to perform these tasks. In places the
terminology used may be specific to such practitioners.
This guidance will also be useful to those in a supervisory or more general role, however no work should be
undertaken unless the people concerned are deemed competent to do so.
Where managements decide to take actions that are not in agreement with these recommendations,
following appropriate risk assessments or for other reasons, it is recommended that those decisions are
reviewed by the senior management body of the organisation and a formal minute is recorded of both the
reasons for and the decision reached.
2. Units
The dimensions in this document are variously described in a mixture of imperial and metric units. Where
practical equivalent dimensions have been shown but in some cases the dimensions do not easily equate
and so the units in force at the time the original designs were documented have been used.
5. General
Riveting, originally a crudely formed fastening, has become a highly finished mechanical part requiring great
care in all its details of shape, material and formation. The rivets when completed should have a sufficient
grip in the plates, should fill the holes and should have no sharp corners.
The rivet is the universal fastening of the boiler structure. It fulfils various functions:
a) The rivets of longitudinal seams of the boiler shell have to hold the plates together by the grip of the
heads of the rivets and also withstand the tensile force in the plates by the resistance of the rivets to
6. Materials
Hot Forged Boiler Rivets should conform to BS1633:1958 and BS425:1943 these two standards have been
withdrawn but none the less are still valid.
Many modern steels are cold worked, and although they may have the correct chemical composition, they
will not comply with the mechanical properties. It may be worthwhile to consult with a metallurgist to find a
modern steel to meet all the requirements below.
Current specifications for steel rivets for pressure vessels may be found in American code ASTM A31 - 04
The Material should comply with the following.
a) An ultimate tensile strength of 22/30 tons per square inch
b) Yield strength; 50 per cent of the tensile strength
c) The sulphur content; 0.050 per cent Maximum
d) The phosphorus content; 0.050 per cent Maximum
e) The manganese content; 0.30 to 0.7 Maximum
f) The carbon content; 0.12 to 0.18 Maximum
For Example BS970: 1991/1996 EN32C or EN 3A,B,C , BS4360:1979 .40B , 080M15 , 080A15,070M20 ,
S235JR , S275JR or BS EN 10277:1999 C15 / C16. All of these types of mild steel will have suitable
properties for rivet manufacture but may not comply with the above specification. It is a requirement when
ordering from the manufacturer that a batch is selected from stock by specifying the criteria required, as
material certificates will exist for each production run, it will be a matter of matching the most applicable
grade from the supplier. Certain grades will only have mechanical or chemical analysis from the mill and the
missing certification will be acquired from an accredited testing laboratory.
Materials Produced to other modern equivalent e.g. European or American specifications may be accepted
by agreement with the competent person.
The Repairer shall be responsible for ensuring that all materials used are fit for the purpose and shall make
these available for inspection as required. Copies of chemical and mechanical test/mill certificates shall be
provided for the competent person and for the owners repair records.
The chemical test must be taken in conjunction with the physical tests; the first indicates the possibilities of
the material and the latter is the actual capability.
Each batch of rivets shall be subject to bend and flattening testing.
For ‘specifications for steel rivets and bars for rivets, pressure vessels’ see ASME SA31
7. Testing of Rivets
Flattening Test
Rivets for the flattening test shall be selected at the rate of at least two rivets per batch. Each tested rivet
shall have the head flattened while hot until the final diameter is equal to 2 ½ times the nominal diameter of
the shank. The flattened head shall not show any cracks.
Fig 1
In the event of a test rivet failing to comply with the specified requirements ,two further test rivets from the
same batch may be selected and the test re carried out, should both re-tests prove to be satisfactory the
rivets represented shall be accepted, but should one or both fail they must be rejected.
Fig 2
Figure 3 shows a general fabrication rivet with a small radius below the head and the reduced hole
preparation required.
Fig 3
9. Rivet Holes
Figure 4 below shows the shape of the hole for boiler rivets. The object of the countersunk portion is to
facilitate the flow of metal to the parallel shank and enable the hole to be tightly filled. The conical part of the
shank not only facilitates the above action but helps to reduce the stress at the junction of the shank and the
Fig 4
All rivet holes should be drilled from the solid plate after the plates have been bent to form and are fixed
together in the position they will occupy when finally riveted up.
After this drilling through the solid has been done the plates should be taken apart, and the rough edges,
formed in drilling the holes, taken off with a countersinking tool, so that the edge of each hole is left with a
slight countersink, and no burr remains such as might lie between the plates and prevent a tight joint being
When holes are punched in heavy steel plate there is considerable loss of strength (up to 30% in ¾" plate)
unless the holes are enlarged between 1/16” and 1/8" by reaming after punching. The reaming process
removes the inferior metal from around the punched hole.
Fig 5
Fig 6
Ellipsoidal Head
Ellipsoidal head and pan head rivets as in figures 7 and 8 are less common in locomotive boiler construction,
but may be used where previous designs require them or where space is limited for a snap headed rivet
Fig 7
Pan Head
Fig 8
Countersunk Heads
Countersunk heads are adopted in the construction of new boilers and in repair work, more particularly
where hand work is necessary or where the projecting cup head would not give sufficient clearance.
Where, however, it is practicable and especially where the rivets are in tension, cup heads should be used.
The countersunk form of head has its own disadvantage as compared with the regular cup head. There is a
greater weakening effect to the plate as more material is removed, and the relatively thin oblique form of the
face of the head does not grip the plates so well.
The best form of countersunk head requires careful consideration. Generally the countersink should
penetrate about half through the plate and not more than three quarters in any form of countersink head.
In figure 9, the countersink is shown right through the plate and there is a sharp edge left at point C, Instead
of the rivet holding by compression on the inclined portions AA. it may be holding merely on the corner B and
thus have little binding power on the plate it is intended to connect while the concentration of strain at C. may
tend to initiate fracture.
Fig 9
There are many variations in the forms of countersink heads adopted but experience indicates the type of
head used generally in railway boiler work is the shallow countersunk snap head, see figure10, or the
rounded countersunk head, see figure 11, as these give the most satisfactory results. This form gives a
substantial head with usually satisfactory grip and takes up the contraction after cooling more effectively than
a head without any lip. Where, however, there are special reasons for truly flat heads the proportions shown
on figure 12 are recommended.
Fig 10
Fig 11
Fig 12
In obtaining the percentage of the plate remaining, for calculating the strength of a joint in which countersunk
rivets are used, account should always be taken of the material removed in forming the countersunk portion.
Fig 13
The A.S.M.E. Boiler Code gives the following conditions governing riveting:
Barrel pins (drift pins) fitting the holes and tack bolts to hold the plates firmly together shall be used. A rivet
shall be driven at each side of each tack bolt before removing the tack bolt.”
Fig 15
Figure 15 shows a head which is eccentric (C), otherwise satisfactory. (D) shows a head which is fairly
centrally made but heavily lipped on one side; this is probably due to a little excess of material in the rivet,
and if not excessive is not a serious defect. (E) shows a head round which the die of the riveting machine
has indented the shell plate. Probably the rivet when inserted in the hole has been rather too short, and
consequently there was not sufficient material to properly fill the die, leading to some indentation of the shell
plate which is poor practice.
Yoke Riveters
A compression yoke riveter is shown in figure 17. It is suspended from a crane and is readily moved to the
Fig 17
A frame (A) of cast steel forms the yoke of the machine and carries the operating mechanism. The distance
(B) from the centre line of the rivet dies to the inside of the throat is called the reach of the riveter, and the
depth (C) between the jaws is called the gap. The lower rivet die (D) is held in a die holder in the stationary
lower jaw of the yoke. The upper die (E) is held in a die holder that is threaded and adjustable vertically in
the plunger (F). The plunger slides up and down inside a ram (G) held in the upper jaw of the yoke. The
adjustable feature of the upper die enables the riveter to be set so as to accommodate rivets of different
The rivet is driven, by a hydraulic power pack with a gauge to show the pressure applied.
The holes drilled in the yoke are located to the centre of gravity of the machine to allow it to be suspended as
shown, with the rivet dies horizontal, or even inverted, with the operating cylinder below instead of above, to
suit different kinds of work.
Fig 18
The bulging takes effect not only at the edge of the plates, but also between the rivet holes; and in the case
of longitudinal seams, as the plate cannot extend in the longitudinal direction, it tends to arch between the
rivet holes.
When this bulging occurs at the ring seams it stretches the plates between the rivet holes and thereby
increases the circumference and at the same time the diameter of the shell at the seam; this increased
diameter can be seen by applying a straight edge along the shell plate.
Hot riveting is possibly the most hazardous activity that occurs during boiler repairs, and is therefore worthy
of special safety note.
Pneumatic rivet guns generally contain an unrestrained, or non-captive, bullet, which strikes the shaft of the
head-forming snap to create the riveting action and form the head. Should the gun be discharged when the
snap is not against the rivet, the snap and bullet can become dangerous projectiles and cause serious injury.
For this reason, any personnel not directly involved in the riveting process shall stay well clear, and rivet
guns shall not be pointed at any person, nor used for practical jokes. Operators shall also take care that the
trigger is never engaged when the snap is not against the rivet and plate.
Any person within a direct line of the rivet gun (such as the holder up or the rivet catcher) is in a vulnerable
position, and the operator shall take every precaution to ensure their safety.
When using a riveting gun with an external, unguarded trigger, it is recommended that a second isolating
valve be fitted on the gun so that the operator can turn the air off when the gun is not in use. This obviates
accidental discharge if the trigger is bumped or the gun mishandled.
When holding the gun between operations, the thumb shall be inserted between the handle and the trigger to
minimize the risk of accidental triggering.
Whenever the rivet gun is not in the operator’s hands, the bullet and snap should be removed to prevent
accidental discharge.
Fig 19
Fig 20
After the plunger (g) has been driven forwards in the cylinder, the valve (f) shifts and cuts off the admission
of compressed air behind the plunger. This valve movement at the same time uncovers the exhaust
passage and allows the air behind the plunger to escape by way of the port (j). Also, it admits air to the port
(k) leading to the end of the cylinder, and puts pressure on the front end of the plunger (g). The plunger is
then driven back into the cushion chamber (h). The valve then shifts again, admitting air behind the plunger,
another blow is delivered, and the sequence of actions is repeated.
Air enters the hammer from a hose through the connection (l) and its admission to the working barrel is
controlled by the valve (m), the stem of which is in contact with the trigger, or latch, (b). The valve is closed
by the pressure of the spring (n) beneath the removable cap (o). The rivet set (i) is held to the end of the
hammer barrel by a spring clip (p).
18. Holding up
In places where there is room for
backing up a rivet, cylindrical dolly
bars may be used. The offset dolly
bar, recessed at both ends, as shown
Fig 21 in figure 21 (a), to fit the rivet head, is
a convenient form to hold against the
rivet while the other head is riveted
When conditions permit, pry dollies
may be used.
The gooseneck dolly as shown in (b)
and the straight pry dolly shown in (c)
are holding on devices ordinarily
employed. These tools may be
modified in any suitable way to meet
unusual conditions in riveting work.
Jam holder on
A common method of holding up a headed rivet is to use a ‘jam back’ it is a simple air powered cylinder
usually with a piston of around 4inches in diameter and has a stroke of about 5inches .the piston holds the
snap and the back of the cylinder has a threaded boss to enable a bar to be attached to wedge it between
the rivet head and a suitable opposing surface.
Fig 23
It is sometimes necessary to pull the packing blocks clear of the rivet hole to get the rivet in place, in any
position (A & B).
Start from one side and work to the opposite side one hole at a time until complete. From the corner of the
firebox crown to where the box starts to go straight (i.e. the valley and legs) are riveted with the boiler on its
sides (a) to (b), see figure 24.
Fig 24
This time a different main packing piece and differing thicknesses of secondary packing are used as the
water space reduces; see figure 25 (A & B).
Fig 25
Fig 26
This time the long wedge is used with packing blocks as before (A & B),but with a length of rod welded to
them to get the rivets wedged at point (a), for this operation long tongs (spring or normal) are used to get the
rivets down the water space into the hole. This method of riveting is performed with the boiler on its side.
Fig 28
The spring block wedge bars shown in figure 28 are another form
used in backing up rivets in narrow water leg spaces.
They consist of two tapered forged steel heads a and U shaped
spring handle b, with a central wedge c having a tapered head
and an offset handle d to clear the spring handle of the other
wedge bars. In the use of these wedge bars, the bars a are
inserted first and then the central wedge c is driven into place.
Holding on bars
An objection to straight wedge bars is that they flatten the rivet heads; furthermore, considerate care must be
taken in handling the bars to keep them central with the rivet shank. For these reasons a cup bar in
connection with wedge bars is often used. A cup bar is shown in figure 29.
Fig 29
Fig 30
They are made with two jaws (a) and two handles (b) hinged together as shown, the jaws being curved so as
to enable the rivet shank to be gripped easily and securely.
When rivet holes are out of arm’s reach, either long handled rivet tongs or three pronged spring tongs shown
in figure 31 are employed.
Fig 31
Pitch of Riveting
Too wide a pitch of rivets allows the plates to spring up between the rivets, and prevents proper fullering and
caulking. On the other hand when rivets are spaced too closely together the net plate section is unduly
reduced, and the squeezing by the machine sometimes distorts the plate and renders a seam leaky which
would be tight with a wider pitch. When large rivets are close together the plate between them becomes
unduly heated in riveting, which also tends to leakage. Having regard to the foregoing, the rivets should not
be pitched more closely together than is given in Table 2.
Table 2
Size of Rivet Hole Single Riveting Double Riveting
3/4 inch 1 3/4 inch 2 inch
13/16 inch 2 inch 2 1/4 inch
7/8 inch 2 1/8 inch 2 1/2 inch
15/16 inch 2 1/4 inch 2 3/4 inch
Size of Rivet in relation to thickness of Plates
In deciding on the diameters of rivets care must be taken to keep the diameters up in relation to the
thickness of the plates to be riveted together. If the rivet is unduly long in proportion to its diameter, no
amount of squeezing on the ends would suffice to fill the hole towards the centre part of it. In the practical
carrying out of riveting there must always be sufficient material in the ends which are squeezed together to
flow up the shank and fill the hole. Generally the diameter of the rivets should be fixed according to the
thickness of plates which are to be riveted together, and should be somewhat as given in Table 3. (The rivet
in no case should be less in diameter than the thickness of the plate.)
Table 3
Thickness of Plate Diameter of Rivet Holes & Finished size of Rivet
3/8 inch 3/4 inch
7/16 inch 13/16 inch
1/2 inch 13/16 inch
9/16 inch 13/16 inch
5/8 inch 7/8 inch
11/16 inch 7/8 inch
3/4 inch 15/16 inch
13/16 inch 1 inch
7/8 inch 1 inch
15/16 inch 1 1/16 inch
1 inch 1 1/16 inch
Lap of Plate
The lap of the plate, that is the distance from the centre of the rivet hole to the nearest edge of the plate,
should not be less than one and a half times the diameter of the rivet hole.
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