9 State Variable Approach (Continuous Systems) : Advantages

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State Variable Approach (Continuous Systems)

The main tools of analysis of single input and single output (SISO) systems
are transfer function and frequency response methods where the systems
must be linear time invariant. These tools cannot be applied for time
varying and non-linear systems. In conventional control theory the main
theme is to formulate the transfer function putting all initial conditions to
zero. The state variable analysis takes care of initial conditions
automatically and it isalso possible to analyze time varying or time-
invariant, linear or non-linear, single or multiple input-output systems. The
main target of this chapter is to introduce state variable analysis for
continuous systems.


 It is possible to analyze time-varying or time-invariant, linear or
non-linear, single or multiple input-output systems.
 It is possible to confirm the state of the system parameters also
and not merely input-output relations.
 It is possible to optimize the systems and useful for optimal
 It is possible to include initial conditions.

 Complex techniques
 Many computations are required.


 State: The state of a dynamic system is the smallest set of

variables and the knowledge of these variables at t = t0 together
with inputs for t ≥ t0 completely determines the behaviour of the
system at t ≥ t0. A compact and concise representation of the past
history of the system can be termed as the state of the system.
 State Variables: The smallest set of variables that determine
the state of the system are known as state variables.
The knowledge of capacitor voltage at t = 0 i.e., the initial
voltage of the capacitor is a history dependent term and it
forms a state variable. Similarly, initial current in an inductor
is treated as state variable.
 State Vector: The ‘n’ state variables that completely describe
the behaviour of a given system are said to be ‘n’ components of a
 State Space: The n dimensional space whose co-ordinate axes
consist of the x1 axis, x2 axis,….,xnaxis are known as a state space.


Figure 9.1 shows an nth order system having multiple input multiple

Fig. 9.1

The state variable representation of such a system in the form of n first-
order differential equations is given below:

where is a functional operator.

On integration, we can write

where i = 1, 2, …………, n

Therefore, ‘n’ state variables and hence the state vector at any time t can be
determined uniquely. The functional form of any ‘n’ dimensional time
invariant system is given by
The outputs of such a system is dependent on the state of the system and
instantaneous input.

The functional output equation can be written as

y(t) = g (x, u) (9.3)

where ‘g’ is the functional operator.

For time invariant system, we can write

y(t) = g (x, u t) (9.5)

Eqs. (9.4) and (9.5) gives the state and output equations respectively.

For time invariant system, the functional equations can be written in the
form as below:

y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t) (9.7)

where A, B, C and D are constant matrices.

y(t) = C(t)x(t) + D(t)u(t) (9.9)

where A, B, C and D are time dependent matrices.

Figure 9.2 shows the diagrammatic representation.

Fig. 9.2 Diagramatic representation of Fig. 9.1

The order of the above matrices is given below:

A n × n known as the evolution matrix,

B n × m known as the control matrix,
C p × n known as the observation matrix and
D p × m known as the direct transmission matrix.
This is known as the State Model of the given system.

Example 9.1 Obtain the state model of the parallel RLC network as
shown in Fig. E9.1.

Fig. E9.1

Applying KCL at node X, we get

Applying KCL at node X,

Let v(t) = x1(t) (1)

From Eq. (2) and Eq. (3), state equation can be written as

From Eq. (1), the output equation can be written as

Example 9.2 Obtain the state model of the armature controlled DC

motor shown in Fig. E9.2 where notations have their usual meanings.

Fig. E9.2

Since the torque (T) is proportional to the product of armature current (ia)
and air gap flux (ф), we can write

T ∝ фia (1)

Again ф ∝ if (2)

Using Eq. (2), we get from Eq. (1) as follows:

In armature controlled DC motor, the field current is held constant.

From Eq. (4), we can write,

T = kia (5)

Again, back emf can be given by,

Eb = kbω (6)

The differential equation for the armature circuit is

The torque produced by the armature current overcomes the inertia and
friction, hence we can write,

From Eqs. (6), (7) and (8), we can write the following:

θ = 0.ia + 0.ω + θ (12)


The state model of any system is not unique. Alternate

representations are possible for any given system. Let us
consider a state model of a system as given below.

y = Cx + Du (9.11)

Let the transformation be

x = Mz (9.12)

where M is a non-singular constant matrix.

∴ Using Eq. (9.12), Eq. (9.10) can be written as

Using Eq. (9.12), Eq. (9.11) can be written as:

y = CMz + Du = Rz + Du

where P = M AM −1

Q =M B −1

R = CM
and D=D

Eqs. (9.13) and (9.14) show that any given state model is not

9.5.1 State Space Representation Using Phase Variables in Controllable Conical

Form (CCF)

Let us consider a transfer function of the following form:

The transfer function in given Eq.(9.15) can also be

represented by the differential equation as follows:

Let us put
Fig. 9.3 SFG

With help of the above representations, the Eq. (9.16) can be

written as

The matrix for output equation of the system is given below:

The matrix A has all ones in the upper off-diagonal and other
elements except the last row. The co-efficient of the last row
has negative co-efficient. This form is known as the Bush or
Comparison form. The other name is phase variable
Controllable Comparison form (CCF).
Example 9.3 Express the following transfer function in CCF
form. Draw the signal flow graph.

From given transfer function we can write

(s + 2s + 3s + 2)Y(s) = 3U(s)
4 3
Let x =y1 (1)

From Eqs. (2), (3), (4) and (5), we can write

and from Eq. (1)

Eqs. (6) and (7) represent the required CCF form. The signal
flow graph is shown in Fig. E9.3.

Fig. E9.3 SFG

9.5.2 Phase Variable CCF Form for Numerator Terms

Let the transform of the system be

Let Y(s) = (b + b s + b s + b s )X(s)

0 1
−3 (9.22)

and U(s) = (1 + a s + a s + a s )X(s)

−3 (9.23)
From Eq. (9.23) it can be written that,

X(s) = U(s) − (a s + a s + a s )X(s)

−1 2 −2
−3 (9.24)

The signal flow graph of Eq. (9.24) is shown in Fig. 9.4.

Fig. 9.4

The SFG of Eq. (9.22) is shown in Fig. 9.5.

Fig. 9.5
Combining Figs. 9.4 and 9.5, the state diagram is shown
in Fig. 9.6.

Fig. 9.6

The relations are given below:

∴ y = Cx + Du (9.26a)

Eqs.(9.25) and (9.26) are statemodel in phase variable form

(CCF). Here matrices A and B in Eq.(9.25a) are of CCF
Generally, the degree of numerator is less than the degree of
Example 9.4 The transfer function of a system is given

Express in CCF form. Draw state diagram and state matrix.

Let Y(s) = (3s + 2s + 7s )X(s)
−1 −2 −3 (1)

and U(s) = (1 + 5s + 12s + 5s )X(s)

−1 −2 −3 (2)

∴ X(s) = U(s) − (5s + 12 + 5s )X(s)

−1 −2 −3 (3)

The SFG is shown in Fig. E9.4.

Fig. E9.4 SFG

and y = 3x + 2x + 7x
1 2 3

9.5.3 Phase Variable OCF Form

Figure 9.7 shows SFG of Eq. (9.27).

Fig. 9.7

and y=x
∴ y = Cx + Du (9.29a)

Matrices A and C are of OCF.

Example 9.5 Express the following transfer function

in OCF form
The given differential equation

Taking Laplace transform of both sides of Eq. (1) we get

2s Y(s) + 4s Y(s) + 6Y(s) + 3Y(s) = 4Y(s)

3 2

or Y(s)[1 + 2s + 3s + 1.5s ] = 2s U(s)

- -2 -3 -3
or Y(s) = 2s U(s) - Y(s)[2s + 3s + 1.5s ]
-3 -1 -2 -3

From Fig. E9.5 we can write

Fig. E9.5 SFG

and y=x 3 (4)

From Eqs. (1), (2), (3) and (4), we can write

9.5.4 Cascade Decomposition

The transfer function is written in terms of the product of

first-order product in cascade decomposition.

Let us consider a general term for discussing the basic

principle in cascade decomposition which is given below:

The two forward paths between nodes X(s) and Y(s) is 1

and bs and the loop gain is –as . It touches both forward
−1 −1

paths. This is shown in Fig. 9.8.

Fig. 9.8 SFG

The SFG is shown in Fig. 9.9.

Fig. 9.9 SFG of cascade decomposition

Example 9.6 Find cascade decomposition of the transfer

function given below:

Fig. E9.6 SFG

From Eqs. (1), (2) and (3), we can write that

9.5.5 Parallel Decomposition

This method is based on partial fraction approch

From Eq. (9.32), it can be written as

where d ’s are constants.


= d y (s) + d y (s) + … + d y (s)

1 1 2 2 n n (9.35)

The inverse Laplace Transformation of the above equations

Fig. 9.10 shows the SFG of Eq. (9.37).

Fig. 9.10 SFG of parallel decomposition

and inverse Laplace transform of (9.35) is

y = dy + dy + … + d y
1 1 2 2 n n

∴ y = Cy + Du (9.40a)
Another form of parallel decomposition is discussed
Equation (9.34) can be written as follows:
The inverse Laplace transform of the above Yi’s are given by

The SFG is shown in Fig. 9.11.

Fig. 9.11 SFG of parallel decomposition

∴ y = Cy + Du (9.46)
Example 9.7 Find parallel decomposition of the transfer
function given below:


From Fig. E9.7 we can write

Fig. E9.7 SFG

9.5.6 Jordan’s Canonical Form

If there are repeated roots of denominator of a transfer

function for parallel decomposition. Let the transfer
This is called Jordan’s canonical form.
Example 9.8 Derive Jordan’s canonical form for the
following transfer function

From Fig. E9.8, we get

Fig. E9.8 SFG

and y = 6x − 6x + 6x
1 2 3 (4)

From Eqs. (1), (2), (3) and (4) we get


The roots of the characteristic equation |λ I−A| = 0 are called


the Eigen values of the matrix A(n × n).

The n × 1 vector p that satisfies the matrix equation

|λ I−A| p = 0 is called eigen vector of A(n × n) associated

i i

with the eigen value of λ where λ is the Eigen value of A.

i i
Example 9.9 Find the eigen values of


From the state model equations, we can derive the transfer

function of the system. From definition of transfer function,
we can write

For a linear time-invariant system the dynamics can be

written in vector differential form as follows:

y = Cx + Du (9.50)
Taking Laplace transform of Eq. (9.49), we can write

sX(s)–x(0) = AX(s)+ BU(s)

∴ [sI– A] X(s) = BU(s) [Taking x(0) = 0]

∴ X (s) = [sI – A] BU(s)

−1 (9.51)

Taking Laplace transform of Eq. (9.50), it can be written as

If there is no direct coupling between input and output, D =

0. Eq. (9.52) becomes
Therefore, transfer function is the ratio of two polynomials
of s. The denominator polynomial of s of the transfer function
is known as characteristic equation.
The characteristic equation is given by

|sI – A| = 0 (9.54)

Under similarity transformation, the invariance of transfer

function can be proved. It is possible to show that the transfer
functions C[sI – A] B and C*[sI – A] B* are identical.
−1 −1

∴ C*[sI – A] B* = CP[sP P – P AP] P B = CP[P (sI –

–1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1

A)P] P B
–1 –1

= CP P (sI – A] P P B [∴ (XY)–1 = Y X
–1 –1 –1 –1 –1

= C[sI – A] B –1

Therefore, under similarity transformation, the transfer

function remains unchanged.
Example 9.10 Find the transfer function when

Therefore, (sI – A) exists.–1


For time invariant system, the state equation is given by

which is divided into two types as follows:

1. homogeneous state equation

2. non-homogeneous state equation

The equation is said to be homogeneous if A is a constant matrix and U is a

zero vector. In this case no control forces are applied. The equation is said
to be non-homogeneous if A is constant matrix and U is a non-zero vector.
In the first case discharging a charged capacitor is an example while in the
second case total response is an example.

9.8.1 Solution of Homogeneous State Equation

In homogeneous case, the term u(t) is not present.

The Eq. (9.49) becomes

Taking Laplace transform of Eq. (9.55), we get,

sX(s) − x(0) = AX(s)

∴ (sI – A) X(s) = x(0)

∴ X (s) = (sI – A)−1x(0) (9.56)

∴ X(s) = ϕ(s) x (0) (9.57)

where ϕ(s) = (sI – A) −1 (9.58)

called the resolvent matrix.

Taking inverse Laplace transform of Eq. (9.59), it can be written as

x(t) = ϕ(t) x(0) (9.60)

where ϕ(t) is given in Eq. (9.60). If ϕ(t) is known, it is possible to transit
from x(0) to x (t). So ϕ(t) is called the State Transition Matrix (STM). To evaluate
STM, the methods are classified into two graphs as follows:

1. The methods that need the knowledge of Eigen values are

1. Inverse Laplace transform method

2. Cayley Hamilton method
3. Sylvester’s method

2. The methods that do not need the knowledge of Eigen values are

0. Infinite power series method

1. Taylor’s series expansion method.

9.8.2 State Transition Matrix

x(t) = ϕ(t) x(0) = eAtx(0)

is the solution of

Taking derivative of Eq. (9.61), we get,

9.8.3 Properties of STM, ϕ(t)

1. ϕ(0) = eA0 = I
2. ϕ(t) = eAt = (e−At)−1 = [ϕ(−t)]−1
3. ϕ−1(t) = ϕ(−t)
4. ϕ(t1 + t2) = e(t1+t2) = eAt1eAt2 = ϕ(t1)ϕ(t2) = eAt2eAt1 = ϕ(t2)ϕ(t1) t1 + t2
5. [ϕ(t)]n = (eAt)n = eAnt = ϕ(nt)
6. ϕ(t1 - t2)ϕ(t2 - t0) = eA(t1 - t2)eA(t2 - t0)

= e(t1 - t2 + t2 - t0) = ϕ(t1 - t0)

Example 9.11 A linear time invariant system is characterized by the

homogeneous state equation

The initial state is

Find the resolvent matrix ϕ(s), state transition matrix ϕ(t) and ϕ−1(t) and the
solution of the given equation.


This is an homogeneous equation because u = 0.

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we get,
9.8.4 Solution of Non-homogeneous State Equation

In this case u (t) is taken into account.

Taking Laplace transform of Eq.(9.49), we get,

s X(s) – x(0) = AX(s) + BU(s)

∴ (sI – A) X(s) = x(0) + BU(s)

∴ X(s) = [sI – A] −1 x(0) + (sI – A) −1 BU(s) (9.64)

Taking inverse Laplace transform of Eq. (9.64), we get,

x(t) = LT−1[(sI – A)−1 x(0) + (sI – A) −1BU(s)]

= LT−1[(sI – A) −1 x(0) + LT−1[sI – A) −1BU(s)]

Now LT−1[(sI – A)−1x(0)] = ϕ(t) x(0) = eAtx(0)

Eq. (9.67) represents the solution of non-homogeneous equation. It
consists of (i) the term eAtx(0) called homogeneous or free response and (ii)

the term called forced response or non-homogeneous


Example 9.12 A linear time invariant system is characterized by the non-

homogeneous state equation

Determine the non-homogeneous solution if and u is a unit step



For non-homogeneous equation, the solution is given by

From Example 9.11, φ (t) can be written as follows:


Any linear time invariant system can be represented by the

dynamic equation

and y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t)

The state x(t) will be controllable at t = t when there exists a


piecewise continuous input u(t) which will drive the state to

any final state x(t) for finite time interval (t − t ) ≥ 0. The
system is called controllable if every state of the system is
controllable in finite time interval.
For controllability of the system the matrix

[s] = [B AB A B … A B] must have rank n.

2 n−1

If there is no connection between a certain state and input, the

state is not controllable as shown in Fig. 9.12.

Fig. 9.12 x is not controllable


Example 9.13 Find the controllability of the system

described by the state equation

Since the matrix is singular, the system is not controllable.


If any state of a system can not be observed from

measurements, it is called unobservable. From Fig. 9.13, it is
clear that the state x is not connected to output. Therefore the

state x is called unobservable.


Fig. 9.13 x is unobservable


Any linear time invariant system can be represented by the

dynamic equation
and y(t) = Cx(t) + Du(t)

The state x(t) is said to be observable if there exists a finite

time t ≥ 0 for any given input u(t) so that the knowledge

of u(t) for t ≥ t ≥ t , the matrices A, B, C, D and output y(t)

1 0

for t ≥ t ≥ 0 are sufficient to determine x(t ).

1 0

The necessary and sufficient condition for observability is that

the following matrix

must have rank n.

Example 9.14 The dynamic equation of a system is
represented by
Is the system observable?

Since V is singular, the system is observable.


Example 9.15 Obtain the state model of the network shown

in Fig. E9.9.

Fig. E9.9
Using KCL at node X, we can write

Again by mesh equation, we get

From Eqs. (1) and (2), we get

and output is
Example 9.16 Express the following transfer function in (i)
CCF and (ii) OCF form.

1. CCF Form:

Let Y(s) = (5s + 2s + 6s )X(s)

−1 −2 −3

and U(s) = (1 + 7s + 11s + 8s )X(s)

−1 −2 −3

∴ X(s) = U(s) − (7s + 11s + 8s )X(s)

−1 −2 −3

The SFG is shown in Fig. E9.10.

Fig. E9.10
Eqs. (4) and (5) represents model in CCF form.
2. OCF Form:

and y=x 3 (10)

Fig. E9.11

Eqs. (11) and (12) represents the OCF form.

Example 9.17 Derive the state equation of a system having
transfer function as follows:

Use (i) cascade and (ii) parallel decomposition.

1. Cascade Decomposition:

Fig. E9.12

2. Parallel Decomposition:
Fig. E9.13
Example 9.18 Determine the resolvent matrix ϕ (s), State
transition [ϕ (t)], and ϕ (t) of the following system:

For the given system
Taking inverse Laplace transform, we get,


Example 9.19 Find the output response of the following

and output y = [1 0] x

where u(t) is the unit step input and x (0) = 0 and x (0) = 0.
1 2

In example 18.11 it has already been obtained
Therefore, the output response in given by

Example 9.20 Find the controllability of the system

described by the state equation


∴ S = [B AB]


Since the matrix is non-singular, the system is controllable.

Example 9.21 The dynamic equation of a system is
represented by

Is the system observable?

Since V is singular, the system is not observable.

State The state of a dynamic system is the smallest set of

variables and the knowledge of these variables
at t = t together with inputs for t ≥ t completely determines
0 0

the behaviour of the system at t≥ t .0

State Variables The smallest set of variables that

determine the state of the system are known as state variables.
State Vector The ‘n’ state variables that completely
describe the behaviour of a given system are said to be ‘n’
components of a vector.
State Space The n dimensional space whose co-ordinate
axes consist of the x axis, x axis, …, x axis are known as a state
1 2 n

State Equation The equations which describes the
relationships between the derivations of the state variables is
a function of state variable, input and parameter time are
called the state equations.
State Transition Matrix The matrix operator which
determines the transition of any initial state x(0) at t = 0 to a
state x (t) at time t is known as state transition matrix.
Controllability The state x (t) will be controllable
at t = t when there exists a piecewise continuous input u(t)

which will drive the state to any final state x (t) for finite time
interval (t – t ) ≥ 0. The system is called controllable if every

state of the system is controllable in finite time interval.

Observability If any state of a system can not be observed
from measurements, it is called unobservable.
Eigen Value The roots of the characteristic equation |λ I − i

A| = 0 are called the Eigen values of the matrix A(n × n).

Transfer Function

Resolvent Matrix

State Transition Matrix

A=e At

1. ϕ(0) = eA0 = I
2. ϕ(t) = eAt = (e−At)−1 = [ϕ (−t)]−1
3. ϕ−1 (t) = ϕ (−t)
4. ϕ(t1 + t2) = e[t1 + t2] = eAt2 = ϕ(t1)ϕ(t2) = eAt2eAt2 =
5. [ϕ(t)]n = (eAt)n = eAnt = ϕ(nt)
6. ϕ(t1 - t2)ϕ(t2 - t0) = eA(t1 - t2)eA(t2 - t0)
= e[t1 - t2 + t2 - t0) = eA(t1 - t0) = ϕ(t1 - t0)


Q1. Define the following:

1. State
2. State variables
3. State vector
4. State space
5. State equation
6. State transition matrix
7. Controllaibility and
8. Observability

1. State: The state of a dynamic system is the smallest set of
variables and the knowledge of these variables at t = t0 together with
inputs for t ≥ t0 completely determines the behaviour of the system
at t ≥ t0.
2. State Variables: The smallest set of variables that determine
the state of the system are known as state variables.
3. State Vector: The ‘n’ state variables that completely describe
the behaviour of a given system are said to be ‘n’ components of a
4. State Space: The n dimensional space whose co-ordinate axes
consist of the x1 axis, x2 axis … xnaxis are known as a state space.
5. State Equation: The equations which describe the relationships
between the derivations of the state variables is a function of
state variable, input and parameter time are called the state
6. State Transition Matrix: The matrix operator which
determines the transition of any initial state x (0) at t = 0 to a
state x (t) at time t is known as state transition matrix.
7. Controllability: The state x (t) will be controllable
at t = t0 when there exists a piecewise continuous input u(t) which
will drive the state to any final state x(t) for finite time interval
(t – t0) ≥ 0. The system is called controllable if every state of the
system is controllable in finite time interval.
8. Observability: If any state of a system can not be observed from
measurements, it is called unobservable.

Q2. Define the following:

1. eigen value
2. transfer function
3. resolvent matrix and
4. state transition matrix

1. Eigen Value: The roots of the characteristic equation |λiI−A| =
0 are called the Eigen values of the matrix A(n × n).

2. Transfer function =

3. Resolvent Matrix
4. State Transition Matrix

A=e At
Q3. Give the properties of state transition matrix.
1. ϕ(0) = eA0 = I
2. ϕ(t) = eAt = (e−At)−1 = [ϕ (−t)] −1
3. ϕ−1 (t) = ϕ (−t)
4. ϕ(t1 + t2) = e[t1 + t2] = eAt2 = ϕ(t1)ϕ(t2) = eAt2eAt2 = ϕ(t2)ϕ(t1)
5. [ϕ(t)]n = (eAt)n = eAnt = ϕ (nt)
6. ϕ(t1 - t2)ϕ(t2 - t0) = eA(t1 - t2)eA(t2 - t0)

= e[t1 - t2 + t2 - t0) = eA(t1 - t0) = ϕ(t1 - t0)


Q1. Find the state model of the electrical network shown

in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Q2. Find the state model of a system whose transfer function

is by direct decomposition method.


Q3. Find the state model of a system whose transfer function

is by direct decomposition method.


Q4. Determine state equations for the differential equation

given below.


Q5. Determine state equations for the differential equation

given below.
y=x +x 1 2

Calculate the transfer function and also determine the

zero input response y(t) when x (0) = 1 and x (0) = −1.
1 2

[Ans.: ]

Q6. A state variable formulation of a system is given by the

expression u and y
1. Find the transfer function of the system.
2. Compare the state transition matrix.
3. Solve the state equation for a unit step input under zero initial

[Ans.: (a)



1. The state equation of a linear system is given by whose

the state transition matrix of the system is

2. The state and output equations of a system are as under:
State equation:

Output equation:

The system is
0. neither state controllable nor output controllable
1. state controllable but not output controllable
2. output controllable but not state controllable
3. both state controllable and output controllable
3. The value of A matrix is X = Ax for the system described by the
differential equation is is

4. The minimum number of states necessary to describe the
network shown below in a state variable form is

Fig. 1
0. 2
1. 3
2. 4
3. 6
5. The state diagram of a system is shown below. The system is

Fig. 2
0. controllable and observable
1. controllable but not observable
2. observable but not controllable
3. neither controllable nor observable
6. For the state equations
y(t) = Rx(t) + Su(t), match the following

List I List II

0. P 4. n×P
1. Q 5. q × n
2. R 6. n × n
3. S 7. V × P

7. Consider the state transition matrix

The eigen values of the system are

0. 0 and −6
1. −1 and −5
2. 1 and −5
3. 0 and 6
8. Given the homogenous sate space equation.

the steady state value of ,given the initial state

value of x(0) = [10 –10] , is

9. The control system shown below is represented by the equation

The matrix G of the system is:





Fig. 3

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (b)

6. (a) (3), (b) (1), (c) (4), (d) (2)

8. (c) 9. (d)

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