Hirarc Note

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Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk

Control (HIRARC)

Dr. Ahmad Nazib Alias


• Hazard means a source or a situation with a potential

for harm in terms of human injury or ill health,
damage to property,
• Hazad suatu situasi atau sumber ynag berpotensi
untuk terjadinya kecedaraan kepada manusia, sakit
kesihatan, kerosakan harta
• Danger: Relative exposure to hazard
• Bahaya: dedahan kepada hazad
• Risk means a combination of the likelihood of an
occurrence of a hazardous event with specified
• Risiko adalah kombinasi diantara kemungkinan
(kebarangkalian) untuk terjadinya hazad pada masa
• Risk assessment means the process of evaluating the
risks to safety and health arising from hazards at
• Hazard control means the process of implementing
measures to reduce the risk associated with a hazard.
What is Risk?
How to predict the risk?
Purpose of HIRARC
a) Legal requirement
b) to identify all the factors that may cause harm to
employees and others (the hazards);
c) to consider what the chances are of that harm actually
be falling anyone in the circumstances of a particular
case and the possible severity that could come from it
(the risks); and
d) to enable employers to plan, introduce and monitor
preventive measures to ensure that the risks are
adequately controlled at all times.
When to Carry out Risk Assessment?
• Before operation
• During operation
• After operation
When to Review Risk Assessment?
1. Internal Operation
 Before modification, changes or introduction of new
- material, machinery or processes, working
2. External – legal requirement
Basic Component of Risk Management
1. Hazard Identification
2. Risk assessment
3. Risk Control
4. Review
HIRARC Process
Sources of Hazard

1. Man Unsafe act

2. Machinery Installation, layout
3. Materials  Substances such as
chemicals, radioactive and gases
4. method The way people carry out their
5. Media Work place condition i.e. air
quality, ventilation, lighting, noise,
Classification of Hazard
Classification Example
Physical Mechanical ( Sharp point, edges, overload)
Electrical (Electrical cord insulation damaged,
wire cover)
Biological Blood borne, viruses, bacteria and Fungus
Chemical Exposed to carcinogens chemicals
Ergonomic Awkward design of workstation
Psychological Stress, sexual harassment and violent
Assessment- Identifying Hazard
• Information Gathering (Area Map, site
• Review of Documents and publication
• Inspection and observation
• Measurement of the atmosphere, monitor
• Health or medical surveillance
• Previous hazard analysis
Hazard Analysis
• Job safety analysis
• HAZOP (Hazard Operational)
• Fault tree
Hazard Analysis (Job safety )
• Identify job to be done
• List things that can go wrong
• To identify and evaluate safety hazards ib
the process plants
• New design or process
• “What if” questionnaire method
Fault Tree Analysis
Near Miss!!!
Risk Rate
Risk rate = Severity x likelihood
= hazard x exposure
Likelihood = is an event likely to occur within the
specific period or in specified circumstances
@ How much quantities of chemicals enter the body
Severity of Hazard

Severity is the outcome of event

 Harm to health
 Damage to property
 Damage to environment
 Combination of the above
Risk Rate
Risk Rate
Risk Control
Langkah-Langkah Kawalan Risiko

Elimination Most

Substitutional Modified the process



Engineering Control Fair

Safe work system
Admin. Control &practice

PPE Least

Spot The Hazard
Spot The Hazard
Spot The Hazard
Spot The Hazard
Spot The Hazard

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