Understanding Medicare/ Entendiendo Medicare
Understanding Medicare/ Entendiendo Medicare
Understanding Medicare/ Entendiendo Medicare
What is Medicare?
Medicare is our country’s health insurance program for people age 65 or older, certain people
with disabilities who are under age 65 and people of any age who have permanent kidney failure.
It provides basic protection against the cost of health care, but it doesn’t cover all medical
expenses or the cost of most long-term care. The Medicare program is financed by a portion of
the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) taxes paid by workers and their employers. It
also is financed in part by monthly premiums paid by beneficiaries. The Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Services or CMS (formerly the Health Care Financing Administration or HCFA) is the
federal agency in charge of the Medicare program. However, the Social Security Administration
determines who is eligible for Medicare, enrolls people in the program, and disseminates general
Medicare information
There are two parts of Medicare. Medicare “Part A” which is also known as Hospital Insurance
or HI helps pay for care in a hospital and skilled nursing facility, home health care and hospice
care. Medicare “Part B” which is also known as supplemental medical insurance or SMI helps
pay for doctors, outpatient hospital care and other medical services. Anyone who is eligible for
premium free Medicare hospital insurance (Part A) can also enroll in Medicare medical
insurance (Part B) by paying a monthly premium.
In addition to the monthly premiums, there are other “out-of-pocket” costs for Medicare. These
are the amounts a person pays when medical services are actually received, known as
“deductibles” and “coinsurance payments”. The monthly premiums, deductibles and
coinsurance for Medicare change each year. The current Medicare charges can be found at
www.medicare.gov or by calling the Medicare toll free number at 1-800-633-4227.
What Medicare covers is too complex and extensive to discuss in this briefing paper. Instead,
refer to the www.medicare.gov website for a wealth of information about coverage, supplemental
insurance, and service plans in a given geographic area. As you will see, Medicare is available to
many groups. For the purposes of this document, we will focus primarily on Medicare issues
related to individuals receiving Social Security disability benefits.
Many people think that Medicaid and Medicare are two different names for the same program.
Actually, they are two very different programs. Medicaid is a state-run program designed
primarily to help those with low income and little or no resources. Medicare is an entitlement
earned by someone who has paid into the Medicare trust fund through taxes on earned income; it
is not needs based nor means tested. The federal government helps pay for Medicaid, but each
State has its own rules about who is eligible and what is covered under Medicaid. In contrast,
Medicare is a federally run program that has the same eligibility standards and coverage rules
across all 50 states. Medicaid coverage is typically free (with some exceptions in some States)
while Medicare coverage involves premiums, co-payments and deductibles. Some people get
both Medicaid and Medicare. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) refers to
these people as “dual eligibles”. For more information about the Medicaid program in your
state, contact your local Medicaid agency, social service or welfare office. You can find the
federal rules governing Medicaid at www.cms.gov/medicaid/
Individuals age 65 and older who are insured for Retirement benefits under the Social
Security program either through their own work, or through a spouse’s work
Individuals receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) who have met the 24-
month qualifying period for Medicare.
Individuals receiving benefits as a Childhood Disability Beneficiary (CDB) who have
met the 24-month qualifying period that begins no earlier than the person’s eighteenth
Individuals who meet the Social Security disability standards and who are either entitled
to disabled Widow(er) s benefits (DWB) or Medicare on a deceased worker’s record and
who have met the 24-month qualifying period
Individuals who lost cash Title II disability benefits due to work and are in the Extended
Period of Medicare Coverage (EPMC).
Individuals with disabilities who have worked beyond their Extended Period of Medicare
Coverage (EPMC) and are eligible to purchase Medicare Parts A and B coverage as a
Qualified Disabled and Working Individual (QDWI).
Individuals who have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) who have been receiving dialysis
for three months, or who have been performing self-dialysis for one month. Note that people
receiving Medicare under the End-Stage-Renal-Disease provisions do not have to meet a 24-
month qualifying period. Individuals who have Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) also do
not have to meet the 24-month qualifying period beginning 7/1/01.
Government employees who paid only Medicare taxes and meet any of these above
People who are age 65 or older, are not insured for Social Security Retirement benefits,
and pay a premium for both parts of Medicare.
Eligible individuals may enroll in Medicare only at specific times. The initial enrollment period
(IEP) occurs when people first become eligible for Medicare. The General Enrollment Period
(GEP) occurs annually, and a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) occurs when people leave
employment that had health coverage. Social Security beneficiaries are automatically enrolled in
Medicare Parts A and B when they first become eligible. Part A hospital insurance is premium
free for these individuals and is not optional. Social Security beneficiaries who are eligible for
Medicare Part A are not allowed the option of declining participation. However, because a
premium must be paid for Part B coverage, eligible individuals do have the option of turning it
The beneficiary was covered under a group health plan based on the beneficiary’s
own current employment, or based on the employment of the beneficiary’s spouse,
The individual refused or terminated Medicare Part B, and
The person wishes to enroll in Medicare Part B during the 8 month period that
begins the first full month after the employment or group health plan coverage ends,
whichever occurs first.
There is no premium penalty for months that the person declined Part B of Medicare because of
an Employer Group Health Plan. A person enrolling in Medicare during the SEP may choose to
begin coverage with any month of this period.
The Medicare Qualifying period is different from the 5-month Social Security disability benefit
waiting period. The 24-month Medicare Qualifying Period begins with the first month for which
the person is entitled to a payment after the five-month waiting period. Coverage begins the first
day of the 25th month of benefit entitlement.
Denny had a spinal cord injury on the tenth of November of 1999. He is paid his first SSDI
payment for May of 2000. (Since the waiting period must be full calendar months, Denny’s five
full-month waiting period for SSDI was December through April.) Medicare coverage begins for
Denny on the 1st day of May of 2003, provided that Denny still has a disability that meets the
Social Security rules.
When retroactive Social Security Disability benefit payments are due, it is possible that an
individual may meet all or part of the 24-month the qualifying period retroactively. Here’s an
Frieda received Social Security Disability benefits after appealing her initial denial. The
Disability Determination Service of the state where she lived determined that Frieda became
disabled on March 15, 2000. Frieda’s 5-month waiting period was April through August of
2000. Her first month of entitlement was September 2000. Even though Frieda didn’t receive
cash payments until January 2002, the Medicare qualifying period began in September of 2000,
her first month of retroactive entitlement to payments. Frieda will be due Medicare coverage
effective with September 1, 2002, the first day of the 25th month after her entitlement to SSDI
The 24-month qualifying period does not have to be served consecutively. If an individual’s
entitlement to cash benefits stops and they become re-entitled within five years of the prior
termination, the earlier months of entitlement may fully or partially meet the qualifying period
for Medicare entitlement. If the disability is the same as or related to that of the earlier
entitlement, it is possible that the time period for reentitlement without a new qualifying period
could be indefinite.
Dorothy developed breast cancer, and was entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance. Her
date of onset was April of 1997. Since she was not disabled as of the first of April, her waiting
period for benefits was May through September, and she became eligible for payments beginning
in October of 1997. In September of 1998, Dorothy’s cancer was in complete remission and she
reported medical improvement. Her benefits were terminated in October of 1998. Because
Dorothy was no longer disabled under the Social Security rules, she was not entitled to a Trial
Work Period, or to the extended Medicare Provisions. Dorothy’s disability lasted more than 12-
months from the date her disability began. Thus, her entitlement to benefits for that period was
appropriate. She was paid benefits from October of 1997 to September 1998, and had therefore
completed twelve months of her Medicare waiting period. If Dorothy again becomes entitled to
disability payments within five years from the date her benefits were terminated, she would only
need to serve the last twelve months of the qualifying period for her Medicare coverage to begin.
Also, since her reentitlement would occur within five years of her prior termination, Dorothy
would not have to serve the 5-month SSDI waiting period.
The Medicare Qualifying Period continues to be served even when the beneficiary is not in cash
payment status due to SGA level earnings during the Extended Period of Eligibility (EPE).
There is a common misperception that if cash payments cease the Medicare Qualifying Period
also stops being served. In fact, there is no relationship between receipt of cash payments during
the EPE and serving MQP months.
Gary became disabled on January first of 2000, due to an auto accident. Gary’s disability is
permanent. His waiting period for benefits was January through May of 2000. He became
entitled to benefits effective with the month of June of 2000. In July of 2001, Gary returned to
work. He was not performing SGA, but worked steadily. In October of 2001, Gary received a
raise and an increase in his hours, making his earnings substantial. His trial work period ended
March 2002, and his cash benefits ceased April 2002 due to SGA. Although Gary was not due
payments effective with April of 2002, his Medicare Qualifying Period was still running. His
coverage began effective with June of 2002. Keep in mind that even though Gary did not have
Medicare coverage, months of the Extended Period of Medicare Coverage were passing.
The Medicare Qualifying Period of Childhood Disability Beneficiaries may not be met before
the beneficiary’s 20th birthday, since the qualifying period can’t begin before the month of the
individual’s 18th birthday. The 24-month MQP clock will not begin ticking until the month of the
18th birthday, so the earliest point at which Medicare could begin is in the 25th month after this
point, which would be the age of 20.
Individuals who become re-entitled to CDB will not have to serve another 24-month qualifying
period if the re-entitlement occurs within 7 years. Keep in mind that re-entitlement to CDB on
the same parental work record may never occur after 7 years from the last termination.
Michael has been disabled since birth. He turned 18 in January of 2002. He was entitled to
regular child’s benefits until December 2001, and became entitled to CDB benefits in January
2002. Even though Michael had a disability that began earlier, the qualifying period can’t begin
until the month he turned 18. Michael will receive Medicare coverage in January of 2004.
(Note: there is never a 5-month waiting period for CDB benefits).
Qualifying Period for Disabled Widow(er)s Benefits (DWB)
For Disabled Widow(ers) Beneficiaries, the Medicare Qualifying Period may be met through
current entitlement to DWB benefits, or may be met with prior entitlement to SSI benefits.
People who receive DWB benefits may also continue to receive Medicare based on a DWB
benefit, even if they are entitled to a type of Title II cash benefit that does not usually confer
Medicare eligibility on the beneficiary.
Like CDB benefits, a person may not be re-entitled to Disabled Widow(er)s benefits if the prior
termination was more than 7 years in the past. Also like CDB benefits, a DWB does not have to
serve another 24-month qualifying period if the person becomes re-entitled to DWB within 7
Marge had a spinal cord injury on May 5, 1999. Marge became entitled to DWB benefits in
November of the same year, after serving her five-month waiting period for benefits. Marge’s
Medicare began 24 months later, in November of 2001.
Linda was on SSI for several years. Her ex-husband died in May of 2002. The SSA used her
prior SSI entitlement to meet the qualifying period for Medicare. Linda’s Medicare coverage
began in May of 2002.
Example with of qualifying period with DWB Medicare and Mother’s benefits
Jane was 60 when her husband died in February of 2002. Their youngest child was 15.
Although Jane had a disability, it was financially to her advantage to receive benefits as a mother
of a child under age 16, called Mother’s benefits. Jane applied for Mother’s benefits and for
Medicare under DWB benefits. Even though Jane was not previously entitled to Social Security
benefits, the SSA was able to establish that her disability began nine months prior to application.
Thus, Jane served her 5-month waiting period prior to applying for both Mother’s and DWB
benefits. Even though the disability began in the past, her cash benefits could not be retroactive,
since the month her husband died was the first possible month of payment for this benefit. Her
Medicare Qualifying Period began with the first month of entitlement to Mother’s benefits, and
her Medicare became effective 2 two years later, in February of 2004.
In addition to Medicare for people who are disabled under the Social Security rules, the SSA has
a special type of Medicare for people who have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). ESRD is a
condition of the kidneys caused by many factors that requires dialysis or a kidney transplant.
End stage renal disease Medicare is a special program that is not tied to receipt of cash benefits.
ESRD Medicare has less stringent rules for meeting insured status than do Social Security
disability benefits. This type of Medicare also has different rules for when the coverage begins
and when it ends. People who receive Medicare only because of End-Stage Renal Disease do
not have to be otherwise disabled under Social Security regulations. Unless these individuals are
also entitled to cash benefits, they may not access any of the Social Security disability work
incentives—including Expedited Reinstatement.
The rules for establishing insured status for ESRD Medicare are much easier to meet than the
rules for cash disability benefits. In fact, a person may receive Renal Medicare coverage on the
work record of a spouse, or a parent, even though they may not otherwise meet any benefit
criteria. Renal Medicare usually begins with the third month after dialysis begins. Coverage can
begin earlier if the person self-administers dialysis, or was previously entitled to Medicare under
the ESRD provisions. Coverage ends either 12-months after dialysis stops, or 36-months after a
successful transplant.
MQGE are people who worked and paid Medicare taxes, but not Social Security taxes.
Medicare benefits for these individuals follow all of the same disability benefit rules that benefits
for people who also paid Social Security taxes follow. For example, these individuals must wait
twenty-nine full calendar months from the date their disability onset date to become covered
under Medicare. This represents the five full months of the benefit waiting period plus the 24-
month Medicare Qualifying Period. Like people who receive cash benefits, dependants may
become entitled on MQGE work records. These dependants do not receive cash payments.
Rather, if they meet the appropriate requirements for Medicare coverage, they may receive
Medicare. People who receive Medicare coverage under the MQGE program may access all of
the work incentives, except for benefit continuation under a Vocational Rehabilitation program
when the DDS determines the person has medical improvement, otherwise known as Section 301
Although Medicare is a valuable resource, it does not pay for prescription medications, nor does
it pay for all services a beneficiary may need. In addition, since Medicare involves deductibles
and coinsurance payments, some people end up with large out-of-pocket expenditures to manage.
Medicare supplemental insurance policies, also called “Medigap Plans”, may help to meet a
beneficiary’s medical insurance needs. These are private insurance policies that are optional for
Medicare beneficiaries to purchase, but which are mandated to exist in each State. A wide array
of plans is available and plans vary significantly in the amount of coverage they provide and how
much they cost. Beneficiaries can go to www.medicare.gov to access interactive electronic tools
that compare various Medicare and Medigap plans as well as prescription drug assistance
programs in their local area.
To qualify for one of the Medicare Savings Programs, the beneficiary must have Part A (hospital
insurance), a limited income, and countable resources such as bank accounts, stocks and bonds,
must not be more than twice the SSI limit ($4,000 for a single person or $6,000 for a couple).
Only the state can decide if a beneficiary qualifies for help under one of these programs. In most
states, the SSI income and resource rules are applied in these eligibility determinations. There
are numerous dual eligibility categories such as Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB), Special
Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLIMB) and Qualified Disabled and Working Individuals
(QDWI). Each of these programs has different eligibility criteria and each pays for different
types and amounts of Medicare out-of-pocket expenditures. To find out if a person qualifies for
one of these programs, contact the state or local medical assistance (Medicaid) agency, social
service or welfare office. A brief summary of the three most common eligibility Medicare
Savings Programs is provided below. For more information on this complex subject, go to
The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 also prohibited “balance billing” of beneficiaries in cases
where States use State Medicaid fee limits as the basis of QMB payment. This means that the
amount paid by Medicare plus the payment made by QMB Medicaid (if any) is considered to be
payment in full for the services rendered. The beneficiary may not be billed for any remaining
balance after the Medicare and QMB payments have been made. The QMB has no legal liability
for payment to a health care provider or health maintenance organization (HMO) for services.
However, a provider or HMO may pursue payment for Medicare deductibles, coinsurances, or
co-payments from a Medicare supplemental insurance policy (Medigap Plan) or an employer
health plan that the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary participates in.
Beneficiaries and Benefits Specialists need to check with the state Medicaid agency for more
information about what is covered and at what level of payment. It is important to understand
that beneficiaries receiving QMB may also have full Medicaid under another category of
eligibility. Many concurrent beneficiaries getting both SSI and SSDI cash benefits have
Medicare, Medicaid and QMB coverage.
***NOTE: Specifically, section 4714 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 amends section
1902(n) of the Social Security Act to clarify that a State is not required to provide any payment
for any expenses incurred relating to Medicare deductibles, coinsurance, or co-payments for
QMBs to the extent that payment under Medicare for the service would exceed the amount that
would be paid under the Medicaid State plan if the service were provided to an eligible recipient
who is not a Medicare beneficiary. Thus, a State's payment for Medicare cost-sharing for a QMB
may be reduced or even eliminated because the State is using the State Medicaid plan payment
rate. In situations where the rate payable under the State Medicaid plan exceeds the amount
Medicare pays, but is less than the full Medicare-approved amount, the policy described Section
3490.14 of the CMS State Medicaid Manual continues to apply. Section 3490.14 of the State
Medicaid Manual requires States to pay, at a minimum, the difference between the amount
Medicare pays and the rate Medicaid pays for a Medicaid recipient not entitled to Medicare. The
CMS State Medicaid Manual can be found at
The rules governing Medicare eligibility, when Medicare begins, and what Medicare covers are
complex. Benefits Specialists may help people understand these provisions, but should
remember that the SSA and CMS make the determination whether someone is entitled to
Medicare coverage. Also, the choice of what Medicare plan to take, or what Medigap policy
would best meet the person’s needs must be up to the individual. The Benefits Specialist can be
instrumental in this decision making process by knowing what options are available and by
presenting the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
The Part A benefit period begins when the person is admitted to the hospital, and ends when the
person has not used Part A coverage for more than 60 days. It is possible to have several
hospitalizations in the same benefit period.
Once someone has completed the Medicare Qualifying Period, do they get to use
Medicare to pay past bills?
Medicare entitlement begins with the First day of the 25th month of entitlement to cash benefits.
That is the first month for which Medicare can be billed for services. Medicare cannot be billed
for prior months.
If someone’s cash benefits are terminated retroactively, will the Medicare coverage be
terminated retroactively as well?
In most cases, the earliest Medicare coverage can stop is the month after the month the person
received the notice that their disability benefits would terminate. There is no retroactivity to the
Medicare termination.
Can a person use a Special Enrollment Period if the person is covered under COBRA?
Months of coverage under COBRA do not qualify as coverage under an EGHP for beginning a
Special Enrollment Period. This is because Medicare is secondary if the person, or the person’s
spouse is actively employed, but primary if not employed and under COBRA. If the person does
not request Medicare within the Special Enrollment Period, the person risks paying a higher
premium by waiting to enroll under the General Enrollment Period if more than 12 months
elapse between the possibility of enrollment, and receipt of coverage.
When does the 24-month waiting period begin for someone who goes from regular
childhood benefits to Childhood Disability Benefits?
In some situations, a disability is established for a child prior to attaining age 18. Even in those
circumstances, the Medicare Qualifying Period does not begin until age 18 is attained. Thus,
Medicare may not begin before the month that age 20 is attained by the individual.
Can someone who was previously entitled, but has to serve a new Medicare Qualifying
Period purchase Medicare?
If someone was previously entitled to Medicare that was terminated more than five years before
reapplication, the person must serve a new 24-month qualifying period. These individuals may
purchase Medicare based on the prior period of entitlement while waiting for Medicare under the
new entitlement period. There is no premium penalty for requesting Medicare Part A more than
twelve months after the person was first eligible, if the person is purchasing Medicare due to a
disability. For Part B, however, the premium penalty rules apply for premium Medicare for
people with disabilities. To enroll in premium Medicare during a waiting period, the person must
access either a General Enrollment Period, or a Special Enrollment Period.
Primary coverage is the insurance that pays first. This is usually Medicare for people who are
not covered by an employer’s group health plan. If people are working, or have a working
spouse with an employer group health plan, the Employer Group Health Plan (EGHP) is usually
primary. (Note that for people who pay a Part A premium, or for whom the state of residence
pays a Part A premium, Medicare is always the primary insurance.)
The secondary insurance is the insurance that pays what the Primary insurance didn’t pay---
subject to the Secondary insurance’s coinsurance and deductible rules. For example, the doctor
charges $100.00. Medicare determines that $50.00 is reasonable and customary for the service.
Medicare is primary, and pays $40.00, 80% of the reasonable charge. The person has a
secondary insurance that pays 90% of the customary charge, and uses the same customary
charges as Medicare. The secondary insurance would pay an additional $5.00, the difference
between what Medicare paid, and what the non-Medicare insurance would have paid if the
person did not have Medicare.
If an individual enrolls late in Medicare Part B, it is possible that they will have to pay a higher
premium. If the enrollment is more than 12-month after the first opportunity to enroll, then the
individual pays 10% more in premiums for each 12-month period they delayed enrolling. This
“premium surcharge” does not apply if the person enrolls in Medicare Part B through a Special
Enrollment Period.
If the person had a penalty for late enrollment in Medicare Part B will they always have
to pay the surcharge?
If the person is continuously entitled to Medicare until the beneficiary reaches age 65, then the
surcharge will drop at age 65. If the person is entitled to Medicare under a disability, and then is
later reentitled under a disability, the new entitlement does not carry the penalty from the earlier
period of benefits.
When beneficiaries pay Medicare premiums, what month of insurance is covered by the
Even though Social Security benefits are paid for the month that has just passed, Medicare
premiums are deducted from the benefit for the current month of coverage.
Denny receives a payment for March that represents payment for the month of February. A
Medicare Part B premium comes out of that payment. The Medicare premium is for March, not
February’s coverage.
Additional References
“Training Manual for Dual Eligibles Program”, KPMG Barents Group, 2001 M Street NE,
Washington, DC 20036, Updated 2000, Abridged Version.