Shear Modulus of Gravel
Shear Modulus of Gravel
Shear Modulus of Gravel
Abstract: A special large-scale torsional resonant column apparatus was used to test gravelly soils. Values of small strain elastic shear
modulus 共Gmax兲 and modulus reduction relationships 关shear modulus 共G兲 versus shear strain 共␥兲兴 were measured for specimens of uniform
and graded crushed limestone gravel, graded river gravel, standard Ottawa and crushed limestone sands, and gravel–sand–silt mixtures.
Measurements of Gmax were used to modify existing three-dimensional constitutive equations for soil elasticity for application to gravelly
soils. The value of Gmax for relatively clean uniform and graded gravels was found to increase with particle size. Soils with a variety of
gradations were tested to identify the particular particle size in a graded material that is effective in determining Gmax. With respect to
modulus reduction, the need to normalize both modulus and strain is demonstrated. Normalization of both modulus and strain 共G / Gmax
versus ␥ / ␥r, where ␥r is defined as reference strain兲 leads to relationships that are approximately independent of stress level for a given
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2005兲131:7共867兲
CE Database subject headings: Shear modulus; Gravel; Shear strain; Soil dynamics.
冦冧 冤 冥冦 冧
de11 C11 − eC12 − eC13 d⬘11
de22 − eC21 C22 − eC23 ⬘
de33 F共e兲 − C31 − C32
e e
C33 d⬘33
= 共4a兲
d␥e12 OCRk p1−n
a 2共1 + e
兲C12 d12
d␥e23 2共1 + e兲C23 d23
d␥e31 2共1 + e
兲C31 d31
where 0.5 for soil, and is analogous to the one-third power in the con-
1 stitutive equations for assemblies of elastic particles. The S terms
Cij = 共4b兲 are elastic stiffness coefficients.
共Sii⬘niiS jj⬘njj兲1/2
Because particulate materials yield during unloading, exclu-
1 sively elastic behavior is limited to infinitesimal increments of
Cij = 共4c兲 unloading, providing that creep strains are eliminated 共Hardin and
Sij共ii⬘ ⬘jj兲n/2 Blandford 1989兲. Elastic properties of particulate materials are
isolated by measuring limiting values of stiffness for cyclic load-
F共e兲 = 0.3 + 0.7e2 共4d兲
ing at small strains, where energy dissipation 共hysteresis兲 is es-
In Eqs. 共4a兲–共4d兲, k depends on PI; pa⫽atmospheric pressure; and sentially zero.
e⫽elastic Poisson’s ratio. The elastic constant n is approximately Eqs. 共4a兲–共4d兲 is the result of synthesis of about 30 years of
冉 冊冉 冊
clean sands with different gradations, particle shapes and mineral f共D兲 = 1 + 共6兲
contents vary from approximately 1,200 to 1,600. Values of Sij ns ⬘0
1 + f0
measured in the laboratory for silty sands, silts, and clays, includ- 30 pa
ing undisturbed samples of low and high plasticity cohesive soils,
where f 0⫽constant that depends on particle size distribution and
sensitive clays, and remolded specimens of pure silt, kaolinite,
ns⫽shape number that quantifies particle shape 共Table 1兲.
or bentonite, vary approximately from 700 to 2,000 共Hardin
The shape numbers in Table 1 were introduced by Hardin
1978兲. Values of Sij increase with time under constant effective
共1985兲 in an analysis of crushing of soil particles, and were also
stress for soils that contain even a small percentage of silt and/or
used to model one-dimensional strain in cohesionless soils 共Har-
clay particles. After long periods of in situ aging, Sij 艌 1,200
din 1987兲. Test results presented herein for angular crushed lime-
may be expected. The scalar functions F共e兲 and OCRk account for
stone 共ns = 25兲 and rounded river gravel 共ns = 15兲 indicate their
effects of void ratio and preconsolidation.
potential usefulness in modeling other soil properties.
For Eqs. 共4a兲–共4d兲 to represent the behavior of gravelly soils
Baseline behavior for sand, silt, and clay soils is defined by
with approximately constant Sij, it is necessary to add a new
f 0 = 0, which corresponds to f共D兲 = 1 based on Eq. 共6兲. The behav-
scalar function f共D兲 to account for effects of particles size when
ior of each of three uniform gravels 共materials 2, 3, and 4 from
grain size 共D兲 is larger than sand size. The necessary modification
Fig. 3兲 is approximated in Fig. 4 by a heavy solid line defined by
of Eqs. 共4a兲–共4d兲 and the nature of the function f共D兲 is based on
Eq. 共6兲 with ns = 25. Values of f 0 are 0.43, 0.91, and 1.22, for
measurements of elastic shear moduli, which are defined in Eq.
particle size ranges of 2.36–4.75, 4.75–9.5, and 12.5–19 mm,
共4a兲 共Geij = dij / d␥eij兲. Insertion of the proposed particle size func- respectively.
tion f共D兲 into Eqs. 共4a兲–共4d兲 yields: Having shown that f 0 increases with particle size for uniform
OCRk f共D兲 Sij materials, the next step is to identify the specific particle size in a
Geij = p1−n共⬘ii⬘jj兲n/2 共5兲 graded material that is effective in determining the value of f 0.
F共e兲 2共1 + e兲 a
The test results in Fig. 5 are for graded crushed limestones 共ma-
where f共D兲 = 1 for sands, silts, and clays. The model for sand, silt, terials 6, 7, and 8 from Fig. 3兲 with the three different particle size
and clay soils will be referred to herein as “baseline behavior.” distributions shown at the top of Fig. 5. Baseline behavior of
crushed limestone sand 共S31 = 1,600, e = 0.1, and n = 0.5兲 is de-
fined by the heavy dashed line. Heavy solid lines approximating
Analysis of Test Results and Modeling of Gmax the data are defined by Eq. 共6兲 with f 0 = 0.28, 0.52, and 0.67,
where f 0 increases with particle size.
The objective of this section is to extend the soil elasticity model Test results for two different gradations of river gravel 共mate-
关Eqs. 共4a兲–共4d兲 and 共5兲兴 to gravelly soils. This requires definition rials 10 and 11 from Fig. 3兲 are presented in Fig. 6 as solid lines.
of the proposed particle size function f共D兲. The proposed form of Baseline behavior for materials with round particles is defined by
the function f共D兲 is based on test results for clean uniform lime- results for Ottawa sand 共materials 9 and 17兲, which are repre-
stone sand and gravels in Fig. 4, which shows a log–log plot of sented by triangle symbols. The heavy dashed straight line ap-
␣ 冉
共D5 − Dsand兲␥w
冉 冊
f 0 = f max 共7兲
共D5 − Dsand兲␥w
reference strain parameter ␥r used to normalize strain in Fig. 9共b兲, Eq. 共10兲 demonstrates that ␥r increases with the square root of
was proposed by Hardin and Drnevich 共1972兲 in their hyperbolic initial effective stress for isotropic confinement. Values of ␥⬘0 can
model for shear modulus reduction: be used as an approximation for anisotropic states of stress, and
共0⬘ / pa兲1 / 2 can be used to normalize strain as shown in Fig. 9共c兲,
G 1
= 共8a兲 where the scatter is slightly more than in Fig. 9共b兲.
Gmax ␥ Use of ␥r for normalization of strain should apply more gen-
1+ 关1 + a exp共−b␥/␥r兲兴
␥r erally to all soils and conditions because the evaluation of max
may be expected to account for stress path differences and for
effects of the cohesion component of strength. Use of 共0⬘ / pa兲1/2
max is attractive because of its simplicity.
␥r = 共8b兲 The development of pore water pressure with loading along a
stress path should be considered when computing max. A relation-
The maximum shear stress parameter max represents the shear ship similar to Eq. 共9兲 must be developed for the stress path being
strength of the soil for the stress path being applied. Since pore followed. Additionally, when pore pressures increase with cycles
pressures do not develop for dry or nearly dry specimens of grav- of loading in an equivalent linear analysis, values of max and ␥r
elly soils, max can be computed from the major and minor initial should be adjusted before computing new values of G.
effective principal stresses 共⬘1 and ⬘3兲, and the effective friction Shear modulus reduction curves measured for twelve different
angle 共⬘兲: gravelly soils and two sands are presented in Fig. 10. Curves are
max =
冑共1⬘ + 3⬘兲2 sin2⬘ − 共⬘1 − 3⬘兲2 共9兲 shown for four different stress levels. For the large resonant col-
umn test, stress was applied by means of vacuum, with additional
Eq. 共9兲 with estimated ⬘ of 40° was used to normalize strain in axial stress 共10–11 kPa兲 produced by the weight of the apparatus
Fig. 9共b兲. attached to the top of the specimen and the weight of the speci-