The Born To Win Newsletter - June 2019

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June Ronald L.

Dart Ministries 2019

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost,

and began to speak with other tongues,
as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:4 (KJV)
The Next Pentecost
From a sermon by Ronald L. Dart
We observed Pentecost on June 9, 2019. events of Pentecost had taken place a
In light of our recent celebration per- few hundred years earlier, the gift of
haps we should begin to prepare for tongues would have been of no value.
Pentecost 2020. Everyone present would have spo-
I think it is fair to say that God speaks ken Hebrew. It was the Diaspora that
to people in their own language. But it brought Jews back to Jerusalem from
is more than that. He speaks to them in places where other languages were
their culture, their circumstances, their spoken.
times. That being the case, if he were And I am not sure he would give us the
doing today some of the things he did tongues of fire thing either or the sound
in the first century, I suspect he would of a rushing mighty wind—maybe we
do them entirely differently. have experience too many special ef-
For example, if he were doing it fects in the movies—but I suspect we
here, he would do it in English and would be just as surprised as the boys
the gift of tongues would be of little were on that Pentecost when the Holy
help. When you think about it, if the Spirit came on them in power.
But then all that raises the question,
how would God speak to us in this
generation? And how would he inspire
Therefore, I urge you, the church? What gifts would he give
to empower us now? And I also want
brothers, in view of God’s to consider the original problems God
mercy, to offer your faced before the original Pentecost.
But before I do that, I want to show you
bodies as living sacrifices, a sample of how God solves problems.
holy and pleasing to God- There was a prophet in Israel in the
days of Ahab named Micaiah. The sto-
this is your spiritual act ry around him is interesting, but we’ll
of worship. leave that for another day. He comes
Romans 12:1 to a point in his prophecy where he
describes a vision “And he said, Hear
thou therefore the word of the Lord:
2) Ronald L. Dart Ministries • June 2019 I saw the Lord sitting on his throne,
A Quick Review
and all the host of heaven standing
by him on his right hand and on his
left. And the Lord said, Who shall per-
suade Ahab, that he may go up and fall
at Ramothgilead? And one said on this
manner, and another said on that man- ◆◆Read and act on
ner. And there came forth a spirit, and Ephesians 4:17-32
stood before the Lord, and said, I will
persuade him. And the Lord said unto
him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go ◆◆Read and act on
forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the Romans 12:1-21
mouth of all his prophets. And he said,
Thou shalt persuade him, and prevail ◆◆Read your Bible, at least one
also: go forth, and do so. Now therefore,
behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit chapter a day
in the mouth of all these thy prophets,
and the Lord hath spoken evil concern- ◆◆Pray daily—stay in touch with
ing thee” (1 Kings 22:19-23). God, everyday of your life
Now I want us to imagine that some-
thing like that happened prior to Pen- ◆◆Share your faith
tecost in the year of Jesus’ resurrection:
Jesus to the disciples, “Tarry here until ◆◆Remember that sharing your
you are endued with power from on
high.” And then he was gone. Now in faith may mean a visit, a bag of
our imaginary vision, we can see “the groceries, or a warm coat
Lord sitting on his throne, and all the
host of heaven standing by him on his
right hand and on his left” And the ◆◆Care for the lonely
Lord said, “What shall we do with the (3
“The Next Pentecost” continued...

More From a manner of speaking, and as always,

we will be speaking to people in their
Ron Dart own language.”
“That’ll work,” said another, “but how
Booklet can we juice it up. They are pretty flat
◆◆How Does the Holy Spirit Work? right now.” “No problem”, said the first
angel, “I’ll go into the room with the
AUDIO PROGRAMS sound of a tornado and give them a
fireworks display they’ll never forget.
Listen @ I’ll put a stream of fire on every one of
◆◆A Christian Pentecost them. That’ll get them out of their seats
and on the road.” And the Lord said,
◆◆Christian Holidays #9 and #10 “Let’s do it.” Or something like that.
◆◆The Next Pentecost And this is detailed for us in the sec-
ond chapter of Acts.
CALL 1-888-BIBLE-44 Now here we sit in the 21st century.
FOR FREE OFFERS If God wanted to make a move with
our involvement today, and he asked
AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE a gaggle of angels for their input, what
MONTHLY NEWSLETTER would they tell him about us and what
we need?
saints at Jerusalem. I told them they “I don’t know where to begin, Lord.
would be endued with power from They need everything.” “What do you
on high. I told them I would build my mean? Don’t they keep the Sabbath
church. I told them to make disciples and the Holydays?” “Well, yes, but
in the whole world including the Gen- there is no hope to get them all togeth-
tiles. Who will go and empower them er on Pentecost. Some of them follow
for the work I have given them to do? a different calendar and some meet on
What do they need?” Sivan 6. Then there are some of them
And one said on this manner and an- who just don’t like one another and
other on that manner. And one came won’t meet together. And then there
forward and said, “On Pentecost, they are those who can’t get together on
will all be together in one place. We their dogma and won’t meet together.”
can do it then.” “Yes, but do what? “What do you mean by ‘their dogma’?”
They can preach the gospel, but most “Well there are those who think they
of the Jews there don’t speak Hebrew. have to use your Hebrew name ex-
They are from all over the place,” Said clusively and look down their nose at
another. “That’s a problem, but these those who don’t. Then there are those
people can take the gospel back with who feel they have to imitate 1st-Cen-
them and spread it much faster than tury Jewish culture and manage to
the 120 we have in Jerusalem.” “Then alienate those who don’t feel that way.”
the problem is simple,” said another.
“We’ll give them the gift of languages. “I see. Then they are badly scattered.”
That should set everyone on his ear, in “Yes, and continuing to scatter. They
are not very useful scattered as they
4) Ronald L. Dart Ministries • June 2019 are. Some of them believe in anarchy
and some of them are so organized not to one of the least of these, ye did
they can’t get any work done.” it not to me. And these shall go away
“Can’t we use them scattered? After into everlasting punishment: but the
all, they are the salt of the earth.” righteous into life eternal” (Matthew
“That’s hard to say. They seem to have 25:31-46 KJV). “Lord, I cannot give
forgotten some of the basics. Consider them good marks in this department.”
what you told them in that parable in “How are they doing with their Bible
Matthew 25: “When the Son of man study?” “Not good at all. Too many of
shall come in his glory, and all the holy them only study their Bible in church.”
angels with him, then shall he sit upon “Well, can we say that they love one an-
the throne of his glory: And before him other?” “Yes, but they are awfully quick
shall be gathered all nations: and he to judge one another and it is not un-
shall separate them one from another, common for them to take one anoth-
as a shepherd divideth his sheep from er’s head off in an argument. And Di-
the goats: And he shall set the sheep otrephes is there.” (3 John 1:9-10 KJV)
on his right hand, but the goats on the “I wrote unto the church: but Diotre-
left. Then shall phes, who loveth
the King say unto Get rid of all bitterness, to have the pre-
them on his right rage and anger, brawling eminence among
hand, Come, ye them, receiveth us
blessed of my and slander, along with not. Wherefore, if
Father, inherit the every form of malice. Be I come, I will re-
kingdom prepared member his deeds
for you from the kind and compassionate which he doeth,
foundation of the to one another, forgiving prating against
world: For I was us with malicious
an hungered, and each other, just as in words: and not
ye gave me meat: Christ God forgave you. content therewith,
I was thirsty, and neither doth he
ye gave me drink: Ephesians 4:31-32 himself receive the
I was a stranger, brethren, and for-
and ye took me in: Naked, and ye biddeth them that would, and casteth
clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited them out of the church.”
me: I was in prison, and ye came unto Now I am going to stop this parable
me. Then shall the righteous answer right here because you all know
him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee as well as I do what the list of our
an hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, failures looks like. What do we
and gave thee drink? When saw we need to do to turn this situation
thee a stranger, and took thee in? or around? (Revelation 2:1-5 KJV) “
naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw . . . Nevertheless I have somewhat
we thee sick, or in prison, and came against thee, because thou hast left
unto thee? And the King shall answer thy first love. Remember therefore
and say unto them, Verily I say unto from whence thou art fallen, and
you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto repent, and do the first works . . . .”
one of the least of these my brethren, (Revelation 3:1-5 KJV) “. . . Be watchful,
ye have done it unto me . . . Verily I
say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it ...Continued on page 8
An Excerpt from a Ronald L. Dart letter written in March 2000

A few nights ago when I was assumes the role of church

reading again a little essay by C.S. government is to maintain unity in
Lewis on “Membership” (from a the body of Christ. But in the last
collection titled, “Fern Seeds and newsletter I made it plain enough
Elephants”), Lewis forced me to once that government can, at best,
again consider Paul’s “one body” maintain conformity. Unity is a
statements, and to take a deeper look horse of a different color.
at 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. Unfortunately, while Paul exhorts us
It is clear enough that Jesus intended to unity, he doesn’t give us a technique
for His church to be one body. But for achieving it. And indeed, perhaps
the problem facing us now is how we there isn’t one. What Paul does is
get there from here. There are those describe the results we are looking
who are trying to resolve the problem for, how things are supposed to fit
by creating other centralized church together and work together. He
organizations. One problem with also, in Ephesians 4, describes it as
this is that the centralized church a growth process. In other words, it
tends to think of itself as “the body” does not involve a revolution, but
and therefore to exclude from the growing toward a goal.
body those who are not inside “the Another thing that is clear in
body.” In recent years, we have Ephesians 4 is that leadership is
seen the spectacular failure of a important. Without leadership,
centralized church organization. It people will tend to mill around and
was supposed to be the very best way accomplish nothing. The problem
to maintain the unity of the body of in the church today is that we have
Christ, but in the end it became the experienced such a spectacular
very instrument of destruction. failure of leadership, that we are
There is an illusion abroad that afraid to trust leaders again. It is not
hard to see why. But unless we can
6) Ronald L. Dart Ministries • June 2019
overcome this fear, we have no hope that there was so much dust in the
of building the next church. For the air that it was really hard to see the
gifts of God produce leaders and we outlines of what God might be doing
can’t afford to keep killing off the with us.
gifts out of fear. While I am, as others are, frustrated
At the same time, leaders need to with the condition of the church, I
be accountable. They need a track am just beginning to see hopeful
record of performance, a spirit signs. I do believe that the Spirit of
of service and a commitment to God which is in us will eventually
freedom. Paul had a shortage of draw us together, and there are signs
leaders in his time, commenting that of that cropping up here and there.
he had no one like Timothy who What is fascinating is that the most
would naturally care for the state effective efforts are taking place at
of a church. I know exactly how he the grass roots level.
felt every time someone asks me if I
know of a church they can attend in One of the biggest hurdles we must
their area. overcome is the fact that we come
from a knowledge-based tradition.
Now the reason this is such a problem This a problem because knowledge is
is because of the very reason Jesus not the basis for unity—knowledge
said he would build his church. We tends rather to divide, because
are stronger together than we are there is an infinite number of ways
separated and scattered. The mere knowledge can be divided and
formation of a church of a dozen synthesized.
adults creates a power center. It may
not be much power, but it is there. One of the early Christian heresies
And it seems no amount of power is was called “Gnosticism” from
too small to be grasped at. The real the Greek word for knowledge.
challenge we face in building the Gnosticism was characterized by
next church is in the management of a belief in esoteric knowledge.
power. The problem was that there were
I do not believe there is any system of lots of different pieces of esoteric
checks and balances that will prevent knowledge and so the Gnostics were
power problems in a church— always divided and ultimately came
every church in the world has these to nothing. They, like the church of
problems and has to struggle with God today, could never seem to get
them. The solution does not lie in their act together. We can’t be neo-
Congregationalism, centralization, Gnostics and find the unity we are
authoritarianism or anarchy. I looking for.
believe the solution to the problem Note from Blake Silverstein: Unity
lies at the grass roots. within the church is not power based
Some time ago I was asked about or knowledge based. It is based on
my vision for the church, and I had love. “By this shall all men know that
to admit that I didn’t have one. It ye are my disciples, if ye have love one
wasn’t that I hadn’t thought about it to another” (John 13:35).
a great deal, because I had. It was just (7
“The Next Pentecost” continued...

and strengthen the things which doing something useful with his own
remain, that are ready to die: for I have hands, that he may have something to
not found thy works perfect before share with those in need. Do not let
God. Remember therefore how thou any unwholesome talk come out of
hast received and heard, and hold fast, your mouths, but only what is helpful
and repent. . . .” (Revelation 3:14-22 for building others up according to
KJV) “. . . As many as I love, I rebuke their needs, that it may benefit those
and chasten: be zealous therefore, and who listen. And do not grieve the Holy
repent. . . .” Spirit of God, with whom you were
There are two very big ideas here: We sealed for the day of redemption.”
can expect God’s rebuke and chastise- Yes, but what is involved with that?
ment and we must repent and be zeal- “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and an-
ous. ger, brawling and slander, along with
What do we need to do? Well, I have every form of malice. Be kind and
a little list: (Ephesians 4:17-32 NIV)“- compassionate to one another, forgiv-
So I tell you this, and insist on it in the ing each other, just as in Christ God
Lord, that you must no longer live as forgave you.”
the Gentiles do, in the futility of their (Romans 12 NIV) “Therefore, I urge
thinking. They are darkened in their you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy,
understanding and separated from the to offer your bodies as living sacrific-
life of God because of the ignorance es, holy and pleasing to God—this is
that is in them due to the hardening your spiritual act of worship. Do not
of their hearts. Having lost all sensi- conform any longer to the pattern of
tivity, they have given themselves over this world, but be transformed by the
to sensuality so as to indulge in every renewing of your mind. Then you will
kind of impurity, with a continual lust be able to test and approve what God’s
for more. You, however, did not come will is—his good, pleasing and perfect
to know Christ that way. Surely you will. For by the grace given me I say
heard of him and were taught in him to every one of you: Do not think of
in accordance with the truth that is in yourself more highly than you ought,
Jesus. You were taught, with regard to but rather think of yourself with sober
your former way of life, to put off your judgment, in accordance with the mea-
old self, which is being corrupted by sure of faith God has given you. Just as
its deceitful desires; to be made new each of us has one body with many
in the attitude of your minds; and to members, and these members do not
put on the new self, created to be like all have the same function, so in Christ
God in true righteousness and holi- we who are many form one body, and
ness. Therefore each of you must put each member belongs to all the oth-
off falsehood and speak truthfully to ers. We have different gifts, according
his neighbor, for we are all members to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is
of one body. ‘In your anger do not sin’: prophesying, let him use it in propor-
Do not let the sun go down while you tion to his faith. If it is serving, let him
are still angry, and do not give the devil serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if
a foothold. He who has been stealing it is encouraging, let him encourage; if
must steal no longer, but must work, it is contributing to the needs of others,
8) Ronald L. Dart Ministries • June 2019
let him give generously; if it is leader-
About Us
Christian Educational Ministries (CEM)
was founded in November 1995
by the late Ron and Allie Dart as an
independent, non-denominational
ministry to serve the public and
individual Christians of every kind.
Mr. Dart, was an ordained minister
and evangelist, has served God
through hundreds of sermons, radio
broadcasts, Bible Studies, and books.
His clear, conversational style brings
clarity and simplicity to difficult
Biblical topics.
Ronald Dart’s radio ministry, Born to Win,
is broadcast around the world and on
the Born to Win website.

Download Now!

Scripture Reading Plan
July 2019
This year we are reading chapters out of a different part of the Bible each day—
each Sunday from the Epistles, Mondays from the Law, Tuesdays from History,
Wednesdays from the Psalms, Thursdays from Poetry, Fridays from Prophecy, and
Saturdays from the Gospels. For those who really enjoyed the scripture writing
program we encourage you to choose a scripture each day from your reading and
continue your scripture writing in 2019 as well.
July 1 Lev 7-9 July 17 Psalms 84-86
July 2 2 Kings 1-5 July 18 Prov 11-12
July 3 Psalms 78-80 July 19 Ezek 31-36
July 4 Prov 8-9 July 20 Luke 21-22
July 5 Ezek 19-24 July 21 Col 3-4
July 6 Luke 17-18 July 22 Lev 16-18
July 7 Phil 3-4 July 23 2 Kings 16-20
July 8 Lev 10-12 July 24 Psalms 87-89
July 9 2 Kings 6-10 July 25 Prov 13
July 10 Psalms 81-83 July 26 Ezek 37-42
July 11 Prov 10 July 27 Luke 23-24
July 12 Ezek 25-30 July 28 1 Thes 1-3
July 13 Luke 19-20 July 29 Lev 19-21
July 14 Col 1-2 July 30 2 Kings 21-25
July 15 Lev 13-15 July 31 Psalms 90-92
July 16 2 Kings 11-15
CEM Mission
• First, to share the Gospel of
Jesus Christ to the world.
(Matthew 28).

Comments From • Second, to teach the disciples

of Jesus Christ so that they

Our Listeners
may be “proficient and
equipped for every good work.”
(2 Timothy 3:17).
Dr. Levi Webb • Third, to teach and train this
generation and the next with
Baltimore, MD studies and programs focused
on youth, through the Darts’
“My name is Dr. Levi Webb special passion, Youth Edu-
cational Adventures (YEA).
and I am the Senior Pastor for (Deuteronomy 11:19, Proverbs 22:6).
Covenant Brit Ministries in • Fourth, to bring God’s people
Baltimore, MD. I have been an closer together, through cooper-
admirer and supporter of Ronald ative efforts wherever they may
be. (2 Corinthians 5:18).
Dart’s teaching ministry for
many years. I believe that your To this end, we teach the Bible and
its Truth, with a goal of helping
ministry is one of many that God people make their own lives work
is using and I am grateful for while they are a positive influ-
the teaching messages that your ence and blessing to those around
them. Follow Mr. Dart and CEM
ministry has imparted, which is @, Facebook,
vital in these last days” YouTube, and other media.

Connect with Ronald L. Dart Ministries:

P.O. Box 560 Whitehouse, TX 75791 [email protected]

(903) 839-9300 1-888-BIBLE-44 (903) 839-9311 /Twitter /YouTube /Pinterest

“The Next Pentecost” continued...

ship, let him govern diligently; if it is There is a line in a lovely song, “I May
showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully. Never Pass This Way Again.” It says, “I
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; will share my faith with every troubled
cling to what is good. Be devoted to soul.” I really like that because every-
one another in brotherly love. Honor one doesn’t want to hear. But the trou-
one another above yourselves. Never bled soul does, and God knows there
be lacking in zeal, but keep your spir- are plenty of them. And sometimes
itual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful sharing your faith with a troubled
in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in soul means a visit, a bag of groceries,
prayer. Share with God’s people who or a warm coat. Stay in touch with the
are in need. Practice hospitality. Bless lonely. Don’t let them think that no one
those who persecute you; bless and do cares.
not curse. Rejoice with those who re-
joice; mourn with those who mourn. To share your faith, your faith needs
Live in harmony with one another. Do to be strong and well grounded. Read
not be proud, but be willing to associ- your Bible. Read at least a chapter ev-
ate with people of low position. Do not ery day of your life. That will take you
be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil nearly seven years to finish it all, but
for evil. Be careful to do what is right that may be better than you are doing
in the eyes of everybody. If it is pos- now. Pray three times a day besides
sible, as far as it depends on you, live meal times, (and besides your prayers
at peace with everyone. Do not take while driving your car.) You don’t need
revenge, my friends, but leave room to pray an hour a day, every day of your
for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is life. But you do need to touch God, ev-
mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the ery day of your life—focused, alone, in
Lord. On the contrary: ‘If your ene- quiet worship.
my is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty,
give him something to drink. In doing This is a short to-do list. But it is man-
this, you will heap burning coals on his ageable for anyone. And I have to tell
head’. Do not be overcome by evil, but you as any good teacher should—there
overcome evil with good” will be a test.
For help finding a radio Christian Educational Ministries
station near you call
Whitehouse, TX 75791

Listen online at
P.O. Box 560

July Schedule
1st…..............................Samuel #13 17th….................................Kings #3
2 ................................Samuel #14
18th.................................…Kings #4
3rd.................................Samuel #15 19th,20th,21st...…Leadership Found
4th..............................…Samuel #16 22nd….................................Kings #5
5th,6th,7th...One Nation Under God 23rd….................................Kings #6
8th…..............................Samuel #17 24th.................................…Kings #7
9th…..............................Samuel #18 25th.................................…Kings #8
10th............................…Samuel #19 26th,27th,28th...Leadership and Honor
11th............................…Samuel #20 29th.................................…Kings #9
12th,13th,14th…......Leadership Lost 30th…...............................Kings #10
15th.................................…Kings #1 31st...............................…Kings #11
16th….................................Kings #2

Contact us for FREE copies of these messages.

A Vision for the Church—FREE CD
Mr. Dart looks at 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians
4 and asks, if there is no overt authority to hold
the church together, what will? You can order it
on CD by returning this order form or calling,
you can listen on our website, or you can use the A Ronald L. Dart Ministry
Ronald L. Dart Born to Win app.

Christian Origins Part 1— CD Series

In 2010, about 2.3 billion people worldwide called themselves Christians!
How could 12 men, bearing witness of One, create a religion that changed
the world? This series talks about the rest of the New Testament after the
Gospels—the letters of Paul and all the others that began the Christian
faith. Part one starts in the Book of Acts with the beginning of the Church.
There are 16 programs on 8 CDs in Part 1 and it is available for $16.95—
or buy the total series of 96 messages on 48 CDs which regularly sells for
$189.95 and is reduced for you to $94.95, a 50% discount!
Also available in MP3 CD format.
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Born to Win
P.O. Box 560
Whitehouse, TX 75791-0560

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