Dental Clinic Project

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CAP 211 (Visual Programming)

Course Project
Dental Clinic System

1- Instructions to Students:

• The project consists of 4 phases and is worth 15% of the total mark.
• Phases will be submitted on the following dates:

Phase No. Phase Description Submission Week

Phase 1 Design (Interface) week 8, April 12
Phase 2 Coding first part week 10, April 26
Phase 3 Coding second part week 13, May 17
Phase 4 Final submission + Discussion week 14, May 24

• Students must follow conventional naming and programming syntax as well as providing
clear, concise comments where appropriate.
• Students will be assessed on documenting the code, interface design, organization,
methodology, error checking and logic.
• Students should make sure to handle a situation in which the user enters input in a
format different from what they think (all caps, all lowercase, etc.)

2- What you should turn in:

1. One CD contains the executable file(.exe) and the code( .frm)

2. User Manual:
a. An introduction to the application.
b. Screenshots of events that can happen in the application to help explain what
is going on.
3. The Project Declaration Sheet signed by all members of the group.

We have some templates from last semester you can ask your lab instructor to show them to

3- Areas which will be scored and you usually miss them:

Area Scored missing present perfect

Variables are named appropriately
Variables are appropriate type
User is informed how to use the application
(Using ToolTip)
User is given a way to quit the application
Form elements are named appropriately
Comments on Sub Procedures
Comments throughout
Form is attractive in terms of colors, fonts
Form is neatly arranged
Validation of user input
Confirmation messages are used when needed
Code integration
Code testing
Publishing the code to an executable file.

4- Bonus (1 Grade)

Pack your software in a box as if you are going to market it:

• The box should include things like:
o Picture to represent the theme of the software.
o Name of the software.
o System requirements (i.e. Windows, etc)
o Price tag.
o A general description of running the software.
o Some fake critic’s comments (you can make these up…for example: “Best
application of 2009”).

We have some templates from last semester you can ask your lab instructor to show them to

5- Remarks:
• At the final presentation, each member should present her own work.
• Project grading will be on individual work but some marks will be on teamwork.

Good Luck … and ENJOY IT ☺

Reham AlabdulJabbar – Abeer Aldress – Reem Algfari


CAP211 Project Declaration

Second semester 1430 – 1431 H

Plagiarism is the presentation by a student of an assignment that has been copied in whole or in part
from another student’s work, or from any other source (eg published books or internet sites) without
proper acknowledgment in the text. (Your code may have ONLY 5% code from the internet with proper

In any case where a student has been involved in plagiarism this will be reported to the Dean. It may be
reported to Student Administration and recorded on the student’s academic file.
In any case where a student has been involved in plagiarism in an assessable task the marks awarded
for that task will be -15, and no substitution of an alternative task will normally be permitted. In Addition,
penalties may include failing the course and exclusion from the University.

We declare that this submission is our own work and does not involve plagiarism.

Students Names IDs Signatures

Team Leader:

Faculty Use Only (Students don’t fill this part)

Lecturer: Signature:
Lab instructor(s): Signature(s):


Your system should contain two interfaces (administrator and user).
Your system at minimum should include the followings functions but you should search for
similar system and add more functions.

Administrator's Interface functions:

The administrator must log in to the system with username and password to do the following:

1. Store Doctor Information.

_ Input: Doctor Information: Name, Phone number, Specialization (brushing teeth, braces, dental
implants, teeth whitening).
_ Action: the Doctor Information will be saved in the Doctors file.
_ Output: confirmation message.

2. Store Patient Information.

_ Input: Patient Information: Name, Phone number.
_ Action: the Patient Information will be saved in the Patients file.
_ Output: confirmation message.

3. Delete Doctor/Patient information:

_ Input: show list of all Doctors/ Patients then choose the Doctor/ Patient to be deleted.
_ Action: Doctor/ Patient will be deleted from the files.
_ Output: confirmation message.

4. Update Doctor/Patient information:

_ Input: show list of all Doctors/ Patients then choose the Doctor/ Patient to be updated.
_ Action: Doctor/ Patient will be updated and new information will be saved on the file.
_ Output: confirmation message.

5. Booking & Cost calculation:

_ Input: show list of all Doctors then choose the Doctor to be booked.
_ Action: retrieve appointments schedule for that Doctor.
_ Output: after selecting the appointment, display the cost.

Customer's Interface function:

1. Display available appointments for specific Doctor:
_ Input: Doctor Name from combo box.
_ Action: retrieve available appointments for that Doctor.
_ Output: available appointments will be display.

2. Search by Doctor:
_ Input: Doctor Name from combo box.
_ Action: retrieve Doctor Information.
_ Output: Doctor Information will be displayed.

3. Search by Specialization:
_ Input: select Specialization (brushing teeth, braces, dental implants, teeth whitening) from combo
_ Action: retrieve information of Doctors in this specialty.
_ Output: Doctors Information will be displayed.

Example of how your program should look like:

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