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5 Mix Proportion

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Factors to be considered in the design

of concrete mixtures
 Workability
 Minimum workability for adequate placement
 Strength
 Generally 28 days
 Other ages depending on the application

 Durability
 Chemical attacks
 Repeated freeze/thaw cycles

 Appearance
 Economy
1. Selection of materials
 Cement
 Mineral admixtures (Supplementary
Cementing materials)
 Water
 Aggregate
 Chemical admixtures

2. Determining of mix proportion

Fundamentals of mix design
 Water/cement ratio (w/c)
Abrams Law: For given materials, the strength depends
only on one factor – the ratio of water to cement (w/c)

f  1.5( w / c )
fc = compressive strength
A = empirical constant (96.5 MPa)
B = Constant that depends mostly on cement properties
w/c = water to cement ratio by weight

 Some basic rules for workability

 Workability (flowability)
 For a given slump, water requirement  when
 Max aggregate size 
 Content of angular or rough-textured aggregate
particles 
 Cohesiveness
 Improve cohesiveness
 Increase sand/coarse aggregate ratio
 Partial replacement of coarse sand by a fine
Mix Design Process
 Determine the job parameters
 Strength
 Durability requirements?

 Slump

 Aggregate properties, max. aggregate size

 w/c

 Admixtures

 Calculate batch weights

 Adjusting to the batch weights based on
trial mix
Determining Required Average Compressive
Strength from the Specified Design Strength

 Statistical distribution of concrete strength

 Cannot design concrete on the basis of specified strength
 What constitutes an acceptable percentage of specimens
below the “minimum” design value? (ACI 318: 1%)

 In order to compute the required average compressive

strength of concrete mix, three things must be known:
 specified compressive strength f’c
 variability or standard deviation s of concrete
 allowable risk of having concrete with an unacceptable
(Mindess et al 2003)
Required average strength can be calculated
(1) The probable frequency of the average of 3 consecutive
tests below specified strength f’c will not exceed 1 in 100
f’cr = f’c + 2.33 s/ 3 = f’c + 1.34 s
f’cr = required average compressive strength
f’c = specified compressive strength
s = standard deviation
(2) (a) For f’c  35 MPa, the probable frequency of tests more
than 3.5 MPa below f’c should not exceed 1 in 100
f’cr = f’c + 2.33 s - 3.5 (MPa)
(b) For f’c > 35 MPa, the probable frequency of tests below
0.90f’c should not exceed 1 in 100
f’cr = 0.90 f’c + 2.33 s
 The required average compressive strength f’cr is
determined as the larger value of the above
Required Average Strength
(When Data Are Available to Establish a Standard Deviation)

Specified Required average

compressive compressive strength, f'cr,
strength, f'c, MPa MPa
f'cr = f'c+ 1.34s
 35 f'cr = f'c + 2.33s – 3.5
Use larger value
f'cr = f'c+ 1.34s
> 35 f'cr = 0.90f'c + 2.33s
Use larger value
Modification Factor for Standard
Deviation ( 30 Tests)
Modification factor for
Number of tests standard deviation
Less than 15 Use Table on next page
15 1.16
20 1.08
25 1.03
30 or more 1.00

s is multiplied by the above factor

Required Average Strength
(When There Are Insufficient Data to Establish S)
Specified compressive Required average
strength, compressive strength,
f'c, MPa f'cr, (MPa)
Less than 20 f'c + 7.0

20 to 35 f'c + 8.5

Over 35 1.1f'c + 5.0

These estimates are very conservative, and should not be

used for large projects (over-design, non-economical)
Compressive strength classes (EN-206)

Allowable failure of
the population of all
possible strength under
consideration: 5%

28 days, 150x300 28 days, 150x150x150

mm cylinder mm cube
 Specimen shape and size
 ASTM: cylinder specimens (100x200 or 150x300
 EU and Singapore: cube (100 or 150 mm)
 End restraint and failure mode

 Strength ratio between cube and cylinder
 Commonly assumed to be
fcu = 1.25 fcyl
 Fcu/ fcyl ranges from 1.3 for low-strength concrete to
1.04 for higher strength concrete
 100-mm cube to 100x200-mm cylinder or 150-mm cube to
150x300-mm cylinder

 Cylinders are cast and tested in the same position

 For cubes, the loading direction is perpendicular to the
casting direction
ACI Method of Mix Design - Ten Steps
1. Required information
2. Choice of slump
3. Choice of maximum aggregate size
4. Estimation of mixing water and the air content
5. Selection of w/c or w/cm
6. Calculation of cement or cm content
7. Estimation of coarse aggregate content
8. Estimation of fine-aggregate content
9. Adjustments for moisture in the aggregates
10. Trial batch
1. Required information
 Sieve analysis of fine and coarse aggregate, fineness
 Dry-rodded unit weight of coarse aggregate
 Bulk specific gravity of materials
 Absorption capacity, or free moisture in the aggregate
 Information on structure including the type and
dimensions of structural members, minimum space
between reinforcing bars
 Required strength
 Exposure conditions
 Relationship between strength and w/c for available
combinations of cement and aggregate
 Job specifications [e.g., max w/c, min. slump, strength at
early age (normally 28d)]
2. Choice of slump
Recommended Slump Ranges
Slump, mm
Concrete construction
Maximum Minimum
Reinforced foundation walls and
75 25
Plain footings, caissons, and
75 25
substructure walls
Beams and reinforced walls 100 25
Building columns 100 25
Pavements and slabs 75 25
Mass concrete 50 25
3. Choice of maximum size of aggregate

 Using a large max size of a well-graded aggregate

will produce less void space than using a smaller
 Large aggregates minimize the amount of water
required, therefore reduce the amount of cement
 The maximum allowable aggregate size is limited by
 the dimensions of the structural elements and
space between reinforcement
 capabilities of construction equipment
Situation Maximum aggregate size
Form dimensions 1/5 of minimum clear distance
Clear space between reinforcement or pre-stressing tendons 3/4 of minimum clear space
Clear space between reinforcement and form 3/4 of minimum clear space
Unreinforced slab 1/3 of thickness

- Form: 150/5= 30 mm
- Space between bars =
30x3/4=22.5 mm
Space between bar & form
= 25x3/4 = 19 mm
Select aggregate with max. size 19
25 mm

30 30 30 30
4. Estimation of mixing water and air content
 The quantity of water required to produce a given
slump is
 dependent on the max size, shape and grading of
aggregate, amount of entrained air
 not greatly affected by cement content

 Estimation of water from Table 10.2 if no data are

available for a given aggregate
 The recommendations in Table 10.2 are reduced for
other aggregate shapes

Water Requirements for Different Slumps
and Sizes of Aggregate
Non-air-entrained concrete
Water, kg/m3 of concrete,
for indicated sizes of aggregate
9.5 12.5 19/ 25 37.5 50 75 150
Slump, mm /10 mm 20 mm mm mm mm mm
mm mm
25 to 50 210 200 185 180 160 155 130 113
75 to 100 225 215 200 195 175 170 145 124
150 to 175 240 230 210 205 185 180 160 —
Approximate amount of
entrapped air in non-air-
3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0.2
entrained concrete,
Based on well-shaped, angular coarse aggregate
5. Selection of w/c or w/cm
[w/cm = water / (cement + mineral admixture)]
 Strength
If no historical data are available
- make trial batches with different w/c, establish a
relationship between strength and w/c
- estimation of w/c for the trial mixes from Table 10.3
Cylinder Water/Cement by mass
compressive strength at
28 days, MPa Non-air-entrained concrete
45 0.37
40 0.42
35 0.47
30 0.54
25 0.61
20 0.69
15 0.79
5. Selection of w/c or w/cm
 Durability
 Checking w/c against the max. allowable w/c for
exposure conditions
 Generally, more severe exposure conditions
require lower w/c
 The minimum of the w/c for strength and durability
is selected for proportioning of the concrete
Exposure classes related to environment actions (EN-206)
Exposure class Class Description of the environment
No risk X0
Corrosion induced XC1 Dry or permanently wet
by carbonation
XC2 Wet, rarely dry
XC3 Moderate humidity
XC4 Cyclic wet and dry
Corrosion induced XS1 Exposed to air-borne salt but not in direct
by chloride from contact with sea water
sea water XS2 Permanently submerged
XS3 Tidal, splash and spray zone
Chemical attack XA1 Slighly aggressive chemical environment
XA2 Moderately aggressive chemical
XA3 Highly aggressive chemical environment
Exposure classes related to environment actions
(SS EN 206-1, 2009)
Exposure classes related to environment actions
(SS EN 206-1, 2009)
Exposure classes related to environment actions
(SS EN 206-1, 2009)
Exposure classes related to environment actions
(SS EN 206-1, 2009)
Recommended limiting values for composition and
properties of concrete (SS EN 206-1: 2009)
Durability – Exposure classes related to
environment influences
• SS EN 544-1: 2009 Complimentary Singapore Standard
to SS EN 206-1

– To cater to the higher ambient temperatures in

Singapore, consider the required concrete for at
least one class higher than that based on exposure
conditions in accordance with the requirements in
BS EN 206
6. Calculation of cement or cementitious
material content
 = mixing water (step 4) divided by the w/c (step 5)
 if the concrete is used in flatwork, check minimum
cement content requirement

Nominal maximum size Cementing materials,

of aggregate, mm kg/m3
37.5 280
25 310
19 320
12.5 350
9.5 360
7. Estimation of coarse aggregate content

Volume of Coarse Aggregate per Unit volume of Concrete

Maximum size of Fineness modulus of sand

aggregate, mm 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00
9.5/10 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44
12.5 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
19/20 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60
25 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
37.5 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.70
50 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
75 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76
150 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81

(ACI 211.1)
Coarse Aggregate Content per m3 of Concrete

Assume: Max. aggregate size = 9.5/10 mm

Fineness modulus of sand = 2.8

Volume of coarse aggregate in concrete

= 0.46 m3 of coarse aggregate/m3 concrete

Assume: Dry rodded unit weight = 1567 kg/m3 (oven dry)

Coarse aggregate content (Oven dry)

= 0.46 • 1567 kg/m3 = 715.5 kg/m3

Coarse aggregate content (SSD)

= 715.5 x (1+Absorption capacity)
8. Estimation of fine aggregate content
 Mass (Weight) method
 Wfa = Wc - Weight of other ingredients

Wfa = weight of fine aggregate

Wc = unit weight of concrete
 Estimate according to Table 10.9
8. Estimation of fine aggregate content
 Volume method
 The components weight and specific gravity are used to
determine the volumes of the water, coarse aggregate, and
cement. These volume + volume of air are subtracted from
a unit volume of concrete to determine the V of fine

Vfa  Vcon  Vcem  V ca  Vw  Va

 Vcon  Wcem / 3.15  W ca / 2.65  Ww / 1  Va
1000 liters kg kg/l

 convert the V to weight (generally using bulk SSD specific

9. Adjustments for aggregate moisture
 The mix proportions determined by steps 1 to 7 are
assumed to be on a saturated surface dry (SSD) basis.
 If aggregate contains free moisture, the mixing water should
be  and aggregates correspondingly  according to the
amount of free moisture in the aggregates.
 If aggregate is air dry, the mixing water should be  and
aggregates correspondingly 
Total water in aggregate – absorption = free moisture
 Example:
 Coarse aggregate, absorption capacity =1%,
effective absorption = 0.5%
 Fine aggregate, absorption capacity = 1.3%, total
moisture content 4.5%
 Assume a concrete mix proportion based on SSD:
 Cement = 400 kg/m3, Water = 200 kg/m3, Coarse
aggregate = 1050 kg/m3, Fine aggregate = 710 kg/m3
 Estimated unit weight = 2360 kg/m3
 Actual mix proportion with the given aggregates
 CA: 1050 – 1050x0.5% = 1045 kg/m3
 FA: free moisture = 4.5% – 1.3% = 3.2%
710 + 710x3.2% = 733 kg/m3
 Water: 200 + 1050x0.5% - 710x3.2% = 182 kg/m3
 Estimated unit weight = 2360 kg/m3
10. Trial batch
 Purpose
 Verifies that a concrete mixture meets design
requirements prior to use in construction.

 Determine
 Fresh concrete: slump, cohesiveness, segregation
tendency, unit weight, finishing
 Hardened concrete: strength 28 days or other ages

 Adjust concrete mixture accordingly

 Strength does not meet requirement (workability ok)
 Reduce w/c

 Keep water content unaltered

 Increase cement, reduce aggregate
10. Trial batch
 Adjust concrete mixture accordingly (cont’d)
 Workability does not meet requirement (strength ok)
 Keep w/c unaltered

 Slump too low

 Increase water and cement content
( 6 kg/m3 water will  slump by ~25 mm)
 Use WRA or superplasticizer
 Slump too high
 Reduce water and cement content
 Reduce the dosage of WRA or SP
 Segregation
 Increase fine aggregate and reduce coarse aggregate
 Replace coarse sand with a finer sand
 Chemical admixtures
 W/C: below which level do we need to consider to use
WRA or SP?
 EN 206-1
 If the total quantity of liquid admixture exceeds 3 l/m3 of
concrete, its water content shall be taken into account
when calculating the w/c
Mixture Design & Testing of Concrete
– Lab Class
• Lab manual
• Read risk assessment files in the folder of lab class
• For safety reasons, students are required to wear shoes
(no open-toe footwear allowed) to the lab class
• Mix design of the concrete
– targeted slump of 100 mm
– strength requirement of grade 40 (based on 100-mm cube)
• Test of concrete cubes

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