5 Mix Proportion
5 Mix Proportion
5 Mix Proportion
of concrete mixtures
Minimum workability for adequate placement
Generally 28 days
Other ages depending on the application
Chemical attacks
Repeated freeze/thaw cycles
1. Selection of materials
Mineral admixtures (Supplementary
Cementing materials)
Chemical admixtures
f 1.5( w / c )
fc = compressive strength
A = empirical constant (96.5 MPa)
B = Constant that depends mostly on cement properties
w/c = water to cement ratio by weight
20 to 35 f'c + 8.5
Allowable failure of
the population of all
possible strength under
consideration: 5%
Strength ratio between cube and cylinder
Commonly assumed to be
fcu = 1.25 fcyl
Fcu/ fcyl ranges from 1.3 for low-strength concrete to
1.04 for higher strength concrete
100-mm cube to 100x200-mm cylinder or 150-mm cube to
150x300-mm cylinder
- Form: 150/5= 30 mm
- Space between bars =
30x3/4=22.5 mm
Space between bar & form
= 25x3/4 = 19 mm
Select aggregate with max. size 19
25 mm
30 30 30 30
4. Estimation of mixing water and air content
The quantity of water required to produce a given
slump is
dependent on the max size, shape and grading of
aggregate, amount of entrained air
not greatly affected by cement content
Water Requirements for Different Slumps
and Sizes of Aggregate
Non-air-entrained concrete
Water, kg/m3 of concrete,
for indicated sizes of aggregate
9.5 12.5 19/ 25 37.5 50 75 150
Slump, mm /10 mm 20 mm mm mm mm mm
mm mm
25 to 50 210 200 185 180 160 155 130 113
75 to 100 225 215 200 195 175 170 145 124
150 to 175 240 230 210 205 185 180 160 —
Approximate amount of
entrapped air in non-air-
3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0.2
entrained concrete,
Based on well-shaped, angular coarse aggregate
5. Selection of w/c or w/cm
[w/cm = water / (cement + mineral admixture)]
If no historical data are available
- make trial batches with different w/c, establish a
relationship between strength and w/c
- estimation of w/c for the trial mixes from Table 10.3
Cylinder Water/Cement by mass
compressive strength at
28 days, MPa Non-air-entrained concrete
45 0.37
40 0.42
35 0.47
30 0.54
25 0.61
20 0.69
15 0.79
5. Selection of w/c or w/cm
Checking w/c against the max. allowable w/c for
exposure conditions
Generally, more severe exposure conditions
require lower w/c
The minimum of the w/c for strength and durability
is selected for proportioning of the concrete
Exposure classes related to environment actions (EN-206)
Exposure class Class Description of the environment
No risk X0
Corrosion induced XC1 Dry or permanently wet
by carbonation
XC2 Wet, rarely dry
XC3 Moderate humidity
XC4 Cyclic wet and dry
Corrosion induced XS1 Exposed to air-borne salt but not in direct
by chloride from contact with sea water
sea water XS2 Permanently submerged
XS3 Tidal, splash and spray zone
Chemical attack XA1 Slighly aggressive chemical environment
XA2 Moderately aggressive chemical
XA3 Highly aggressive chemical environment
Exposure classes related to environment actions
(SS EN 206-1, 2009)
Exposure classes related to environment actions
(SS EN 206-1, 2009)
Exposure classes related to environment actions
(SS EN 206-1, 2009)
Exposure classes related to environment actions
(SS EN 206-1, 2009)
Recommended limiting values for composition and
properties of concrete (SS EN 206-1: 2009)
Durability – Exposure classes related to
environment influences
• SS EN 544-1: 2009 Complimentary Singapore Standard
to SS EN 206-1
(ACI 211.1)
Coarse Aggregate Content per m3 of Concrete
Fresh concrete: slump, cohesiveness, segregation
tendency, unit weight, finishing
Hardened concrete: strength 28 days or other ages