Joint Face Detention & Alignment Using Multitask Cascaded Convolutional Networks

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Joint Face Detection and Alignment using

Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks
Kaipeng Zhang, Zhanpeng Zhang, Zhifeng Li, Senior Member, IEEE, and Yu Qiao, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Face detection and alignment in unconstrained en- formance of CNNs in computer vision tasks, some of the CNNs
vironment are challenging due to various poses, illuminations and based face detection approaches have been proposed in recent
occlusions. Recent studies show that deep learning approaches years. Yang et al. [11] train deep convolution neural networks
can achieve impressive performance on these two tasks. In this for facial attribute recognition to obtain high response in face
paper, we propose a deep cascaded multi-task framework which
regions which further yield candidate windows of faces.
exploits the inherent correlation between them to boost up their
performance. In particular, our framework adopts a cascaded
However, due to its complex CNN structure, this approach is
structure with three stages of carefully designed deep convolu- time costly in practice. Li et al. [19] use cascaded CNNs for
tional networks that predict face and landmark location in a face detection, but it requires bounding box calibration from
coarse-to-fine manner. In addition, in the learning process, we face detection with extra computational expense and ignores
propose a new online hard sample mining strategy that can im- the inherent correlation between facial landmarks localization
prove the performance automatically without manual sample and bounding box regression.
selection. Our method achieves superior accuracy over the Face alignment also attracts extensive interests. Regres-
state-of-the-art techniques on the challenging FDDB and WIDER sion-based methods [12, 13, 16] and template fitting ap-
FACE benchmark for face detection, and AFLW benchmark for
proaches [14, 15, 7] are two popular categories. Recently,
face alignment, while keeps real time performance.
Zhang et al. [22] proposed to use facial attribute recognition as
Index Terms—Face detection, face alignment, cascaded con- an auxiliary task to enhance face alignment performance using
volutional neural network deep convolutional neural network.
However, most of the available face detection and face
alignment methods ignore the inherent correlation between
I. INTRODUCTION these two tasks. Though there exist several works attempt to
jointly solve them, there are still limitations in these works. For
F ACE detection and alignment are essential to many face
applications, such as face recognition and facial expression
analysis. However, the large visual variations of faces, such as
example, Chen et al. [18] jointly conduct alignment and detec-
tion with random forest using features of pixel value difference.
occlusions, large pose variations and extreme lightings, impose But, the handcraft features used limits its performance. Zhang
great challenges for these tasks in real world applications. et al. [20] use multi-task CNN to improve the accuracy of
The cascade face detector proposed by Viola and Jones [2] multi-view face detection, but the detection accuracy is limited
utilizes Haar-Like features and AdaBoost to train cascaded by the initial detection windows produced by a weak face de-
classifiers, which achieve good performance with real-time tector.
efficiency. However, quite a few works [1, 3, 4] indicate that On the other hand, in the training process, mining hard
this detector may degrade significantly in real-world applica- samples in training is critical to strengthen the power of de-
tions with larger visual variations of human faces even with tector. However, traditional hard sample mining usually per-
more advanced features and classifiers. Besides the cascade forms an offline manner, which significantly increases the
structure, [5, 6, 7] introduce deformable part models (DPM) for manual operations. It is desirable to design an online hard
face detection and achieve remarkable performance. However, sample mining method for face detection and alignment, which
they need high computational expense and may usually require is adaptive to the current training process automatically.
expensive annotation in the training stage. Recently, convolu- In this paper, we propose a new framework to integrate these
tional neural networks (CNNs) achieve remarkable progresses two tasks using unified cascaded CNNs by multi-task learning.
in a variety of computer vision tasks, such as image classifica- The proposed CNNs consist of three stages. In the first stage, it
tion [9] and face recognition [10]. Inspired by the good per- produces candidate windows quickly through a shallow CNN.
Then, it refines the windows to reject a large number of
non-faces windows through a more complex CNN. Finally, it
uses a more powerful CNN to refine the result and output facial
K.-P. Zhang, Z.-F. Li and Y. Q. are with the Multimedia Laboratory, landmarks positions. Thanks to this multi-task learning
Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, framework, the performance of the algorithm can be notably
Shenzhen 518055, China. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
improved. The major contributions of this paper are summa-
Z.-P. Zhang is with the Department of Information Engineering, The Chi- rized as follows: (1) We propose a new cascaded CNNs based
nese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. E-mail: [email protected] framework for joint face detection and alignment, and carefully


Group CNN 300 Times Forward Accuracy

Group1 12-Net [19] 0.038s 94.4%

Group1 P-Net 0.031s 94.6%
Group2 24-Net [19] 0.738s 95.1%
Group2 R-Net 0.458s 95.4%
Group3 48-Net [19] 3.577s 93.2%
Group3 O-Net 1.347s 95.4%

Stage 3: This stage is similar to the second stage, but in this

stage we aim to describe the face in more details. In particular,
the network will output five facial landmarks’ positions.
B. CNN Architectures
In [19], multiple CNNs have been designed for face detec-
tion. However, we noticed its performance might be limited by
the following facts: (1) Some filters lack diversity of weights
that may limit them to produce discriminative description. (2)
Compared to other multi-class objection detection and classi-
fication tasks, face detection is a challenge binary classification
task, so it may need less numbers of filters but more discrimi-
nation of them. To this end, we reduce the number of filters and
Fig. 1. Pipeline of our cascaded framework that includes three-stage mul- change the 5×5 filter to a 3×3 filter to reduce the computing
ti-task deep convolutional networks. Firstly, candidate windows are produced
through a fast Proposal Network (P-Net). After that, we refine these candidates
while increase the depth to get better performance. With these
in the next stage through a Refinement Network (R-Net). In the third stage, improvements, compared to the previous architecture in [19],
The Output Network (O-Net) produces final bounding box and facial land- we can get better performance with less runtime (the result is
marks position. shown in Table 1. For fair comparison, we use the same data for
design lightweight CNN architecture for real time performance. both methods). Our CNN architectures are showed in Fig. 2.
(2) We propose an effective method to conduct online hard
C. Training
sample mining to improve the performance. (3) Extensive ex-
periments are conducted on challenging benchmarks, to show We leverage three tasks to train our CNN detectors:
the significant performance improvement of the proposed ap- face/non-face classification, bounding box regression, and
proach compared to the state-of-the-art techniques in both face facial landmark localization.
detection and face alignment tasks. 1) Face classification: The learning objective is formulated as
a two-class classification problem. For each sample , we use
II. APPROACH the cross-entropy loss:

In this section, we will describe our approach towards joint (1)

face detection and alignment.
A. Overall Framework where is the probability produced by the network that indi-
The overall pipeline of our approach is shown in Fig. 1. cates a sample being a face. The notation denotes
Given an image, we initially resize it to different scales to build the ground-truth label.
an image pyramid, which is the input of the following 2) Bounding box regression: For each candidate window, we
three-stage cascaded framework: predict the offset between it and the nearest ground truth (i.e.,
Stage 1: We exploit a fully convolutional network[?], called the bounding boxes’ left top, height, and width). The learning
Proposal Network (P-Net), to obtain the candidate windows objective is formulated as a regression problem, and we employ
the Euclidean loss for each sample :
and their bounding box regression vectors in a similar manner
as [29]. Then we use the estimated bounding box regression
vectors to calibrate the candidates. After that, we employ ‖̂ ‖ (2)
non-maximum suppression (NMS) to merge highly overlapped
candidates. where ̂ regression target obtained from the network and
Stage 2: all candidates are fed to another CNN, called Refine is the ground-truth coordinate. There are four coordinates,
Network (R-Net), which further rejects a large number of false including left top, height and width, and thus .
candidates, performs calibration with bounding box regression, 3) Facial landmark localization: Similar to the bounding box
and NMS candidate merge. regression task, facial landmark detection is formulated as a

Fig. 2. The architectures of P-Net, R-Net, and O-Net, where “MP” means max pooling and “Conv” means convolution. The step size in convolution and pooling
is 1 and 2, respectively.

regression problem and we minimize the Euclidean loss: helpful to strengthen the detector while training. Experiments
show that this strategy yields better performance without
‖̂ ‖ (3) manual sample selection. Its effectiveness is demonstrated in
the Section III.
where ̂ is the facial landmark’s coordinate obtained
from the network and is the ground-truth coordinate.
There are five facial landmarks, including left eye, right eye, In this section, we first evaluate the effectiveness of the
nose, left mouth corner, and right mouth corner, and thus proposed hard sample mining strategy. Then we compare our
. face detector and alignment against the state-of-the-art methods
4) Multi-source training: Since we employ different tasks in in Face Detection Data Set and Benchmark (FDDB) [25],
each CNNs, there are different types of training images in the WIDER FACE [24], and Annotated Facial Landmarks in the
learning process, such as face, non-face and partially aligned Wild (AFLW) benchmark [8]. FDDB dataset contains the an-
face. In this case, some of the loss functions (i.e., Eq. (1)-(3) ) notations for 5,171 faces in a set of 2,845 images. WIDER
are not used. For example, for the sample of background region, FACE dataset consists of 393,703 labeled face bounding boxes
we only compute , and the other two losses are set as 0. in 32,203 images where 50% of them for testing into three
This can be implemented directly with a sample type indicator. subsets according to the difficulty of images, 40% for training
Then the overall learning target can be formulated as: and the remaining for validation. AFLW contains the facial
landmarks annotations for 24,386 faces and we use the same
∑ ∑ (4) test subset as [22]. Finally, we evaluate the computational ef-
ficiency of our face detector.
where is the number of training samples. denotes on the A. Training Data
task importance. We use Since we jointly perform face detection and alignment, here
in P-Net and R-Net, while we use four different kinds of data annotation in our training
in O-Net for more accurate facial land- process: (i) Negatives: Regions that the Intersec-
marks localization. is the sample type indicator. In tion-over-Union (IoU) ratio less than 0.3 to any ground-truth
this case, it is natural to employ stochastic gradient descent to faces; (ii) Positives: IoU above 0.65 to a ground truth face; (iii)
train the CNNs. Part faces: IoU between 0.4 and 0.65 to a ground truth face; and
5) Online Hard sample mining: Different from conducting (iv) Landmark faces: faces labeled 5 landmarks’ positions.
traditional hard sample mining after original classifier had been Negatives and positives are used for face classification tasks,
trained, we do online hard sample mining in face classification positives and part faces are used for bounding box regression,
task to be adaptive to the training process. and landmark faces are used for facial landmark localization.
In particular, in each mini-batch, we sort the loss computed The training data for each network is described as follows:
in the forward propagation phase from all samples and select 1) P-Net: We randomly crop several patches from WIDER
the top 70% of them as hard samples. Then we only compute FACE [24] to collect positives, negatives and part face. Then,
the gradient from the hard samples in the backward propagation we crop faces from CelebA [23] as landmark faces
phase. That means we ignore the easy samples that are less 2) R-Net: We use first stage of our framework to detect faces

Fig. 3. (a) Validation loss of O-Net with and without hard sample mining. (b)
“JA” denotes joint face alignment learning while “No JA” denotes do not joint
it. “No JA in BBR” denotes do not joint it while training the CNN for bounding
box regression.

from WIDER FACE [24] to collect positives, negatives and

part face while landmark faces are detected from CelebA [23].
3) O-Net: Similar to R-Net to collect data but we use first two
stages of our framework to detect faces.
B. The effectiveness of online hard sample mining
To evaluate the contribution of the proposed online hard
sample mining strategy, we train two O-Nets (with and without
online hard sample mining) and compare their loss curves. To
make the comparison more directly, we only train the O-Nets
for the face classification task. All training parameters includ-
ing the network initialization are the same in these two O-Nets.
To compare them easier, we use fix learning rate. Fig. 3 (a)
shows the loss curves from two different training ways. It is
very clear that the hard sample mining is beneficial to perfor- Fig. 4. (a) Evaluation on FDDB. (b-d) Evaluation on three subsets of WIDER
mance improvement. FACE. The number following the method indicates the average accuracy. (e)
Evaluation on AFLW for face alignment
C. The effectiveness of joint detection and alignment
To evaluate the contribution of joint detection and alignment, landmarks and the ground truths, and normalized with respect
we evaluate the performances of two different O-Nets (joint to the inter-ocular distance. Fig. 4 (e) shows that our method
facial landmarks regression task and do not joint it) on FDDB outperforms all the state-of-the-art methods with a margin.
(with the same P-Net and R-Net for fair comparison). We also F. Runtime efficiency
compare the performance of bounding box regression in these
two O-Nets. Fig. 3 (b) suggests that joint landmarks localiza- Given the cascade structure, our method can achieve very fast
tion task learning is beneficial for both face classification and speed in joint face detection and alignment. It takes 16fps on a
bounding box regression tasks. 2.60GHz CPU and 99fps on GPU (Nvidia Titan Black). Our
implementation is currently based on un-optimized MATLAB
D. Evaluation on face detection code.
To evaluate the performance of our face detection method,
we compare our method against the state-of-the-art methods [1, IV. CONCLUSION
5, 6, 11, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28, 29] in FDDB, and the In this paper, we have proposed a multi-task cascaded CNNs
state-of-the-art methods [1, 24, 11] in WIDER FACE. Fig. 4 based framework for joint face detection and alignment. Ex-
(a)-(d) shows that our method consistently outperforms all the perimental results demonstrate that our methods consistently
previous approaches by a large margin in both the benchmarks. outperform the state-of-the-art methods across several chal-
We also evaluate our approach on some challenge photos1. lenging benchmarks (including FDDB and WIDER FACE
benchmarks for face detection, and AFLW benchmark for face
E. Evaluation on face alignment alignment) while keeping real time performance. In the future,
In this part, we compare the face alignment performance of we will exploit the inherent correlation between face detection
our method against the following methods: RCPR [12], TSPM and other face analysis tasks, to further improve the perfor-
[7], Luxand face SDK [17], ESR [13], CDM [15], SDM [21], mance.
and TCDCN [22]. In the testing phase, there are 13 images that
our method fails to detect face. So we crop the central region of REFERENCES
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