02 Intravenous Fluids
02 Intravenous Fluids
02 Intravenous Fluids
Normal distribution of water in the body: a man of 70kg total body weight:
Daily fluid balance under normal conditions: a man of 70 kg total body weight:
Input Output
Source Volume (ml) Site of loss Volume (ml)
Water 1000 Urine 1000
Food 650 Skin (insensible) 500
Oxidation (insensible) 350 Lungs (insensible) 400
Faeces 100
Total 2000 Total 2000
Adapted from[5]. Daily (24 hour) fluid requirements of a healthy adult are 25–35ml/kg.
Further, normal fluid and electrolyte balance can also be significantly altered in
malnutrition, medical treatment (e.g., Diuretics, NSAIDs), and organ dysfunction
(e.g., Oedema in Heart Failure, Renal Failure, Liver Failure i.e. re-distribution)[5, 6].
The Colloid Osmotic Pressure, [Oncotic Pressure], (mmHg) for: Plasma is 25;
Gelofusin is 26–29; 5% Albumen is 20; and 0 for Crystalloids.
The pre- (rarely available) and post-fluid loss body weight is the most accurate
parameter for assessing total fluid deficit. There is no formula available for an
accurate estimation of total fluid deficit[12]. Hence, assessing hypovolaemia and IVF
requirement is a summation of:
a. History: fluid losses, e.g. diarrhoea and vomiting; co-morbidities; current
medications etc.;
b. Clinical examination: current status and trends in:
5. Re-assess and continuously monitor the clinical fluid status/response to therapy (at least daily):
a. History – fluid losses, co-morbidities, current medications etc.
b. Clinical examination – ABCDE (trends and context):
BP/PR: the most important parameters to guide the volume of fluid replacement required;
Body weight (base line and daily): the best measure for assessing and monitoring volume balance–
Fluid balance charts.
c. Laboratory investigations:
Laboratory values (UEs);
u[Na] may be helpful in patients with high volume GI losses:
Reduced u[Na] excretion (,30 mmol/L)5total body Na depletion
u[Na]: if,155persistent volume depletion and the need for more fluids
NB. u[Na] values may be misleading in the presence of renal impairment or diuretic therapy
Adapted from[1].
Abbreviations: NS5Normal Saline, HM5Hartmann’s Solution
Routine Maintenance*: the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
(NICE) recommendation for starting routine maintenance fluids, by giving 25–35ml/
day of hypotonic crystaloids ([4% D/1/5 NS/27 mmol KCl]/L) under close monitoring
to provide 1mmol/kg of Na, Cl and K[1], has since been disapproved in a recent
North American publication[2]. Isotonic Fluids are recommended as the first choice,
because hypotonic (Na,130) IVF was the main ‘reported’ cause of hospital-acquired
hyponatraemia[2]. The ‘evidence-base’ for favouring isotonic fluids over hypotonic
fluids was from comparative prospective studies in a different population, children,
the majority of whom were surgical and critical care patients rather than acute
admission units or general wards[2]. Of the isotonic fluids ‘balanced’ crystalloids are
probably superior to normal saline[6, 8]. However, the disparity would confirm that
close clinical and biochemical monitoring is as important as the choice of intravenous
fluid type.
Give less volume, ~20ml/Kg/day, for elderly and those with renal and
heart failure[1].
4–5% D‡5is given to prevent excess catabolism and limit starvation ketosis, 50–100g
of glucose/day[1, 2]. It prevents hypoglyacaemia, but does not provide complete
nutritional support[1, 2]. Involve the dietician to address nutritional needs[1].
Prescribing IVF should be part of the core medical pre- and post-graduate training.
Hospitals need to appoint a senior medical staff members, doctors and nurses, as
intravenous fluid management champions, and arrange for periodical tutorials and
workshops on the subject. Monitor and Audit.
[1] National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE 2013): Intravenous fluid therapy for
adults in hospital. (Clinical Guideline 174). www.nice.org.uk/CG174.
[2] Moritz, M.L. and Ayus, J.C. Maintenance Intravenous Fluids in Acutely Ill Patients. The New
England Journal of Medicine (2015), Vol. 373, pp. 1350–60. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1412877.
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