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ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



(Lecturer, Department of Medical surgical Nursing,
Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore, M.P, India)

Universal precautions is an emerging applicable issue and is based on the principle that blood or any
type of fluid coming out from healthy or unhealthy person is assumed to be infective. It is not
practically possible nor allowed by law to test everybody for infection like HIV/hepatitis B. Therefore it
is better to take precautions which prevent transmission of disease by avoiding the contact with body
fluid by universal precautions. This study attempts to assess effectiveness of structured teaching
programme for staff nurses regarding universal precautions on HIV/AIDS in Selected Hospital at
Indore. The study involved single group pre test and post test using pre experimental design. Simple
random sampling method was used to select 40 staff nurses working in Bombay Hospital, Indore. They
were given Structured knowledge questionnaire followed by introduction of Structured teaching
programme and post test conducted after 8 days using same Structured knowledge questionnaire to find
out the effectiveness. Findings revealed that the mean post-test knowledge level (51.2 %) was higher as
compared with the pre-test score (14.10). Thus, the study revealed that the Structured Teaching
Programme was effective in improving the level of knowledge of staff nurses regarding universal
precautions on HIV/AIDS.

Key words: Structured Teaching Programme, Universal Precautions, HIV, AIDS.

“An Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure”.
- Benjamin Franklin
Nurses are the most vulnerable section who get exposed to the professional biological hazards
such as hospital acquired infection due to direct contact with the patients or by-product of human body
such as blood and body fluids. It becomes the prime responsibility of the hospital to protect its
employees from these hazards by providing appropriate working environment. On the same hand, the
employees are equally responsible to protect themselves from the hazard by adopting various measures
of prevention.1
A WHO publication in 2013 indicated the injury rate from sharps, for Nurses - 44%, waste
handlers 5%, for physician & dentist 4% and emergency medical personnel 7.5%. Needle stick injury is
the commonest sharp injury in the hospitals. A study conducted at Lucknow, March-April 2010, has
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shown that approximately. 43% staff nurses have suffered with NSI during their work. In another study
of WHO, it has been estimated that approximately 12 billion injections are used per annum. Out of
these 95% are for therapeutic use. The main reason of these are lack of risk awareness, reusing needles,
lack of safe disposal of infrastructure and over use of therapeutic injection.3
In view of prevalence of HIV infection, the concept of universal precaution is an emerging applicable
method and is based on the principle that blood or any type of fluid coming out from healthy or
unhealthy person is assumed to be infective. Universal precautions are the general measures developed
by CDC Atlanta (Center for the Disease Control – USA) and recommended by WHO to minimize the
risk of infection from blood borne pathogens including HIV infection in Health Care Providers. If these
measures are adopted by the Nurse, the chances of transmission of HIV are very remote. These
measures are to be adopted by all Nurses while dealing with any type of patients.5
Although all nurses are exposed to these diseases, workers engaged in the following areas are
potentially at high risk: blood transfusion unit, intensive care unit, dialysis, operation theatre, and ward
for infected patients.
The easiest way to prevent the spread of infection is to destroy the germs when they are on
hands, equipment and furniture, such as patient beds. Effective ways to destroy germs include:
Antisepsis – destroys or stops the growth of germs; Decontamination – makes objects safer to handle
before cleaning; Cleaning – removes dirt and germs from skin and objects, using soap and water; High-
level disinfection – destroys most germs on objects; Sterilization – destroys all germs on objects, such
as surgical instruments. Additional methods to prevent infection include: protective clothing, safe
disposal of bodily wastes and infected articles, such as dressings, to prevent the spread of infection in
hospitals, nurses and other health care providers follow the practices of medical and surgical asepsis.7
Thorough hand washing is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infection in hospitals.
Cleaning is also necessary for objects used in patient care. Before washing used surgical instruments,
re-usable needles and syringes, and gloves, they should be decontaminated. 0.5% chlorine bleach
solution is best to use for decontamination because it quickly kills the HIV virus.8
In 2001 in response to concerns regarding the transmission of HIV infection during health care
procedures, the centers for disease control recommended universal precautions policy for all health care
settings. Nurses must always perform hand hygiene and wear gloves, masks, protective clothing, and
other indicated personal protective barriers, needles and sharp instruments must be used and disposed
Susmita Chaudhuri, Omkar Prasad Baidya (2014) conducted a cross-sectional study among
the nursing staffs in a tertiary health care centre of Manipur. Respondents were purposively selected
and data were collected using structured questionnaire. out of the total 360 nurses, majority (86.3%)
were aware of universal precaution, 68% mentioned about advantages of wearing gloves, 65% knew
that recapping should be avoided, 81.5% answered correctly that the aim of universal precaution is to
prevent mutual transfer of infection between patients and health care workers. The study concluded that
training of the health care workers, proper equipment supply, posters displaying guidelines and proper
hospital policy of patient load management would significantly help both quantitatively and
qualitatively for effective implementation of universal precaution.
Priti Solanky, Hinal Baria (2013) conducted a cross sectional study carried out among staff
nurses in South Gujarat, India. Self-administered semi structured proforma was used for data collection.
Information regarding knowledge and practice of universal precautions was collected. Out of 88
participants interviewed, almost all of them reported of having awareness about universal precautions

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and personal protective equipments. Only 44.3% nurses mentioned all the correct measures for
universal precautions. 89.77% nurses were aware about health hazards of needle stick injury but only
67.05% correctly reported about how needle stick injury can be prevented. The study concluded that
correct knowledge regarding universal precautions among nursing staff is still not of satisfactory level
and training at repeated interval needs to be given to ensure correct knowledge as well as
implementation of universal precautions.
However, the staff nurses are mainly responsible for prevention of any hospital acquired
infection, and this has been observed by the investigator during his medical surgical nursing practice in
hospitals. Hence, the investigator took keen interest to conduct this study titled as a study to assess the
effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme for Staff Nurses regarding Universal Precautions on
HIV/AIDS in Selected Hospital, Indore.
“A pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme for Staff
Nurses regarding Universal Precautions on HIV/AIDS in Selected Hospital, Indore.”
1. To assess the knowledge of staff nurses regarding universal precautions on HIV/AIDS.
2. To evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme regarding universal
precautions on HIV/AIDS among staff nurses.
3. To find out the association of knowledge score regarding universal precautions on HIV/AIDS
with selected demographic variables of staff nurses.
H1 - There will be a significant difference in the pre test and post test knowledge scores of staff
nurses regarding universal precautions on HIV/AIDS.
H2 - There will be a significant association between the knowledge scores and selected socion
demographic variables.
1. Structured Teaching Programme (STP): refers to a systematically developed instructional
programme using instructional aids, designed to provide information on HIV/AIDS for staff
2. Universal precautions: refers to the practice of avoiding contact with patients' bodily fluids,
by means of the wearing of nonporous articles such as medical gloves, goggles, and face
3. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus): A retrovirus responsible for AIDS.
4. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome): refers to a disease of the human immune
system caused by infection with HIV Variables and is characterized cytologically by reduction
in the numbers of CD4-bearing helper T cells to 20 percent or less of normal thereby rendering
the subject highly vulnerable to life-threatening conditions.
• Independent variables: Structured Teaching Programme on universal precautions on
HIV/AIDS among staff nurses.
• Dependent variables: Knowledge gained regarding universal precautions on HIV/AIDS
among staff nurses.

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In view of the nature of the problem selected for the study and the objectives to be
accomplished, Evaluative approach was considered as appropriate for the present study.
The research design selected for the present study was pre experimental with one group pre test
and post-test design, in which pre test is conducted followed by Structured Teaching Programme and
then conducting post-test for the same group after 8 days.
The study subjects were selected from the Bombay Hospital, Indore.
The target population for the present study was staff nurses who are working in Bombay Hospital,
50 Staff nurses working at Bombay Hospital, Indore.
Simple random sampling method
Inclusion Criteria
Staff nurses
1. Working in Bombay Hospital, Indore
2. Willing to participate in the study.
Exclusion Criteria
Staff nurses who are not
1. Willing to participate in the study.
2. Present at the time of data collection.
A formal written permission was obtained from concerned authorities of selected Bombay
Hospital, Indore, to conduct the study. The data was collected by structured knowledge questionnaire
Self introduction was given by the investigator to the samples and purpose of conducting study was
explained. The structured knowledge questionnaire was distributed for pre test and instructions were
given on answering the questionnaire and doubts were clarified. They were assured of anonymity and
confidentiality. The structured teaching programme as an intervention was administered to the samples.
Post test was conducted with the same questionnaire to the same samples on 8th day.
Data collected from 40 selected respondents were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using
descriptive and inferential statistics.
The findings were presented under the following sections:
Section 1: Socio demographic variables of respondents
Section 2: Pre-test and post test knowledge scores of respondents
Section 3: Association between knowledge level and selected demographic variables.

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Section 1: Socio demographic variables of respondents

Table 1: Classification of Respondents by Age, Sex, Marital Status and Designation
n = 50
Characteristics Category
Number Percent
Age group 24-34 14 28.0
35-45 23 46.0
46-55 13 26.0
Sex Male 6 12.0
Female 44 88.0
Designation Senior staff nurse 15 30.0
Staff nurse 35 70.0
Professional education GNM course 28 56.0
P.C. B.Sc. Nursing 22 44.0
Experience (years) Below 10 20 40.0
11-20 16 32.0
21-30 14 28.0
Attended in-service training Yes 29 58.0
No 21 42.0

Table 2: Pre Test and Post Test Mean Knowledge scores on Universal Precautions on HIV/AIDS


Respondents Knowledge Paired t

Mean Mean (%) SD (%)
Pre test 20.46 51.2 8.6
Post test 32.62 81.6 7.6
* Significant at 5% level
Section 3: Association between Knowledge Level and Selected Demographic Variables
Table 3: Association between Age and Knowledge Level of Pre Test and Post Test on Universal
Precautions on HIV/AIDS

Knowledge Level of Respondents

Sample Pre Test X2 value
(n) Inadequate Moderate
Senior nurse 15 9 6 0.04 NS
Staff nurse 35 22 13
Total 50 31 19

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Knowledge Level of Respondents

Experience Sample Pre Test X2 value
(years) (n) Inadequate Moderate
Below 10 20 17 3
8.82 *
11-20 16 9 7
21-30 14 5 9
31 19
In-service Pre Test X2 value
Education Inadequate Inadequate
Programme N N
Attended 29 13 16 8.64 *
Not attended 21 18 3
Total 50 31 19
Pre Test X2 value
Age Group Sample
(years) (n) Low Moderate
24-34 14 4 10
4.14 NS
35-45 23 7 16
46-55 13 8 5
Total 50 19 31
Pre Test X2 value
Professional Sample
Education (n) Low Moderate
GNM course 28 14 14 3.89 *
P.C. B.Sc 22 5 17
Total 50 19 31
In-service Pre Test X2 value
Education Low Moderate
Programme N N
Attended 29 7 22 5.63 *
Not attended 21 12 9
Total 50 19 31
Pre Test X2 value
Religion Low Moderate
Hindu 32 13 19 0.26 NS
Others 18 6 12
Total 50 19 31

The findings of the study were discussed in the light of previous studies.
Section 1: Demographic variables of respondents

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• 28 per cent of the respondents belongs to the age group of 24–34 years, 46 per cent of the
respondents with age group of 35–45 years.
• Majority (88%) of the respondents were females. 92 per cent of the respondents found married.
• Regarding designation 70 per cent of the respondents working as staff nurses and the remaining
30 per cent were senior staff nurses.
• Majority of the respondents had PUC (88%) and remaining 12 per cent attained up to
graduation as general education. 56 per cent of the respondents had GNM and 44 per cent had
P.C. B.Sc. nursing noticed under professional education.
• 40 per cent of the respondents found below 10 years of experience, 32 per cent noticed with
11–20 years and remaining 28 per cent were more than 20 years of experience.
• Result depicts that 58 per cent of the respondents are attended in-service education.
Section 2: Overall knowledge scores of respondents
The result indicate that the pre test mean knowledge score was found to be 51.2 per cent.
Further, the post test mean knowledge score obtained was 81.6 per cent. The paired t – test result
indicate the significant difference between pre test and post test (t=30.71*) revealing the effectiveness
of intervention programme on universal precautions on HIV/AIDS.
Section 3: Association between knowledge scores with demographic variables
The statistical result indicated that majority of the socio demographic variables no significant
association between and knowledge level of respondents
The findings of the study can be used in the following areas of nursing profession:
Nursing Practice
• Present study would help the nurses to understand, gain and apply the knowledge of universal
precautions on HIV/AIDS, while giving care to the clients in the hospital setting.
• Structured Teaching Programme regarding universal precautions on HIV/AIDS for the health
service providers and professionals should be made as ongoing training programme in the
Nursing Education
• Nursing education should emphasize on preparing SIM for nurses to gain knowledge and apply
while in practice on universal precautions on HIV/AIDS.
• Nursing faculty should be given in-service education to update their knowledge regarding
universal precautions and further improve their skills and abilities in identifying the learning
need of nursing students on universal precautions on HIV/AIDS.
Nursing Administration
• The administrator should take active initiative and develop practical information SIM regarding
universal precautions on HIV/AIDS and other infections in the hospital as well as in the
community setting.
• The nurse administrator should arrange training programmes with materials for nursing
personnel regarding universal precautions on HIV/AIDS. It should be effective and helpful for
nursing personnel.
Nursing Research
• Research should be conducted on preparation of better practices of nursing care and
development of good and effective policies to provide quality care to the clients in relation to
universal precautions on HIV/AIDS.
• There is need to have research based evidence to prove the cost effectiveness of educating
nurses regarding universal precautions on HIV/AIDS.

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Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that
• A similar study can be replicated on a larger sample to validate the findings of the present
• Hospital personnel should be provided with periodic training services regarding universal
precautions on HIV/AIDS.
• A larger study can be carried out to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding
universal precautions on HIV/AIDS.
• Larger study can be carried to assess the knowledge and perception of the nurses universal
precautions on HIV/AIDS.
• A study can be carried to assess the knowledge and practice of ANM’s regarding universal
precautions on HIV/AIDS.
• A similar study may be replicated with purposive sampling in selected participants.
 Kermode M, Jolley D, Langkham B, Thomas MS, Crofts N. Occupational exposure to blood
and risk of bloodborne virus infection among healthcare workers in rural north Indian health
care settings. Am J Infect Control 2005; 33: 34-41.
 US Public Health Service. Updated US public health service guidelines for the management of
occupational exposures to HBV, HIV and recommendations for postexposure prophylaxis.
MMWR Recomm Rep 2001; 50: 1-52.
 World Health Organization. Universal precautions including injection safety. Geneva, WHO;
 Brewer S. Risks and effects of sharps injuries. Nurs Times 2003 Sep 16-22; 99(37): 46.
 West KH, Cohen ML. Standard precautions–a new approach to reducing infection transmission
in the hospital setting. J Intraven Nurs 1997 Nov-Dec; 20(6): 7-10.
 Madan AK, Raafat A, Hunt JP, Rentz D, Wahle MJ, Flint LM. Barrier precautions in trauma: is
knowledge enough? J Trauma 2002 Mar; 52(3): 540-3.
 Gould D, Wilson-Barnett J, Ream E. Nurses’ infection-control practice: hand decontamination,
the use of gloves and sharp instruments. Int J Nurs Stud 1996 Apr; 33(2): 143-60.
 Al-Damouk M, Pudnev E, Bleetman A. Hand hygiene and aseptic technique in the emergency
department. J Hosp Infect 2004 Feb; 56(2): 137-41.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Guided by: Prof. Dr. M.S. Vinsi
JJT University, Rajasthan

Background: -Safe drinking water and basic sanitation is crucial importance to the prevention of
human health. Water can become a vehicle for transmission of faeco-oral group of infections,
because the fecal contaminated of water is common and its avoidance and subsequent
purification is vigilant. One of the goal of MDG states- Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people
without sustainable access to improved water source and sanitation. Aim: To evaluate the
effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding water borne diseases
and its prevention among mothers of under five children. Objectives: To find out the effectiveness
of structured teaching programme on waterborne diseases and its prevention in terms of gain
knowledge among subject. and to know the association between pre-test knowledge with their
selected socio demographic variables. Methodology: An evaluative study design was used to
achieve the objectives of the study. The study was conducted with 30 under five children mothers.
Convenient sampling technique was adopted to select the sample. Structured interviews schedule
was used to evaluate the knowledge on water borne disease among mothers of under five
children. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result:
The result shows that mean post-test knowledge score (14.9) is apparently higher than the mean
pre-test knowledge score (7.4) .there is statistical significance between pre and post-test
knowledge score as‘t’ 16.6*, P<0.05. .chi square values indicates that there is no significant
association of pretest knowledge score with age, religion, family income, drinking water purified
but it is significant in type of family, education, source of water and hand washing done by ash of
under five children mothers
Conclusion: Based on the findings of the study there was a significant increase in the knowledge
of subjects after the introduction of Structured Teaching Programme.

Water is the most indispensable nature resource in the world for every living being. The
entire life-support system is dependent upon this vital resource. It is most important to all as it is
directly consumed by all living entities. From that point of view, water is particularly related with
health. Ninety percent of cases are reportedly attribute to the supply of unsafe drinking water
coupled with improper sanitation and poor hygiene.

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The global picture of water and health has a strong local dimension with some1.1 billion people
lack basic access to drinking water resource, 2.4 billion people have inadequate sanitation
facilities, which clearly accounts for many related acute and chronic diseases. Some 3.4 million
people, many of them are young children die each from waterborne diseases such as intestinal
diarrhea, cholera, typhoid and dysentery. Today we have strong evidence that water-sanitation
and hygiene-related diseases account for some 2,213,000 deaths annually.
“Teach a mother about health and she will teach rest of the mankind”
Every year water borne diseases like Diarrhea Cholera and Typhoid claims the lives of millions
of children in developing world. Water and sanitation related diseases are one of the major causes
of under five children mortality in the world. About 900 million people lack reliable access of
safe water that is free from disease and industrial waste. Every day around 5,000children die from
water borne disease alone. Predicting a plethora of health problems as result of climate change,
the WHO stated that the countries like India would see an increase in water borne diseases as a
result of global warming. Out of three million under five deaths globally, India alone contributes
one third.
Water borne diseases are one of the leading causes for under five children morbidity and
mortality. one of the objectives of child survival and safe motherhood (CSMM) was to reduce
30% of diarrheal related deaths in children under the age of five years by 1995 and 70% by 2000
A.D. The awareness of mothers about waterborne diseases and preventive services is a barometer
by which we can measure the progress of family, community and country. Lack of awareness can
lead to health hazards in country.
A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Prgramme on knowledge regarding
waterborne diseases and its prevention among mothers of under five children in selected rural
community of Indore.
1. To determine the pretest knowledge of the mothers of under five children regarding
waterborne diseases and its prevention.
2. To evaluate the effect of structured teaching programme on waterborne diseases and its
prevention in terms of gain knowledge among subject.
3. To find out the association between pretest knowledge with their selected socio
demographic variables.
H1: There is significant difference among mothers knowledge regarding waterborne diseases and
its prevention after posttest.
H2: Thereis significant association between pre-test knowledge with their selected socio
demographic variables.
 A structured teaching programme will help to enhance the knowledge regarding
waterborne diseases and its prevention among mothers of Under-five children, which in
turn to prevent complication associated with it.
1. The study will be delimited to selected rural community at Indore.
2. Mothers of under five children who are willing to participate in the study.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

A Study was conducted on knowledge and practice of mothers on diarrhea and its
prevention in rural communities. The sample composed of 750 mothers. Out of the total
respondents, 79.3% were literate. The result obtained was 2.6% of mothers had adequate
knowledge and 5.7% regarding practice on prevention of diarrhea and its treatment.
A study was conducted to assess the change knowledge, and self-reported hand washing practices
to 136 mothers after providing 3 months health education using posters and interactive sessions
with flip chart. There was a significant proportion of study participants who named water borne
diseases including diarrhea consisting 79.4%, cholera with 16.2%, 9.6% of typhoid and 39% of
worm infestation. Significant increase in knowledge about hand hygiene measures namely,
washing hands before handling food were 23.5%, keeping nails cut and clean were found to be
8.1%. It was found that washing hands after micturation were 82.4%, and consistence use of soap
in kitchen was 23.3% and after micturation 14% Finding highlighted the importance of health
education in personal hygiene.
Evaluative study approach was used to achieve the objectives of the study.
Population: mothers of under five children who residing in rural community.
1. Independent variable:-Structured teaching programme.
2. Dependent variable: Knowledge among mothers of under five children.
Sample Size: 30 samples will be selected for the study.
Sampling Technique: Convenient sampling technique
Inclusion criteria:-
1. Mothers of under five children between 0-5 years.
2. Mothers who are willing to participate.
3. Mothers who are available during data collection.
Exclusive criteria:-
1. Mothers of under five children who have waterborne diseases.
2. Mothers who are not available during data collection.
Data Collection:
Permission will be obtained from the higher authorities and respondents. Samples are
drawn using convenient sampling technique. Pretest will be done using structured interview
schedule. Structured teaching programme will be given on same day. On the seventh day post-test
will be conducted using same structured interview schedule. The data was analyzed by using
descriptive and inferential statistics.
Section-I: Description of demographic variables
In this study, most of the under five children mothers (50%) belongs to the age group of
19-23 yrs. and are Hindu (56.6%). Most of them are belonging to joint family (73.3%). Among
them (23.3%) are Illiterate. In this the family income (33.3%) are earning 5000-10000 per month.
In this (50%) of under five children mothers are using tap water & (56.6%) of mothers using
boiling methods to purified water, (46.6%) having method of disposal of water in open ground
and majority (73.3%) are doing hand washing through Ash.

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Section- II: Findings related to the effectiveness of self-instructional module on Ebola virus
disease among staff nurses.

Knowledge Mean Deviation Paired ‘t’ value
mean ± SD

Pre-test 7.4 1.65

Post-test 14.9 1.51

The data in the table depicts that the mean post-test knowledge score (14.9) is apparently
higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (7.4) as evidence by the statistical significance
between pre and post-test knowledge score ‘t’ 16.6*, P<0.05 showed that there was increase in the
knowledge level of mothers of under five children after Structured Teaching Programme on
water borne disease and its prevention.

Association of Pre –Test Knowledge Score with Selected Socio - Demographic Variable
N= 30

Age (In 19 – 23 1 14 Not Significant

Years) 2 2.69
24 – 28 1 8
29 -33 2 4
Religion Hindu 2 15 Not Significant
Christian 1 4 3 0.882
Muslim 1 4
Others 0 3
Type of Joint Family 3 5
Family Nuclear Family 1 21 1 5.51* Significant
Family 5000 – 10000 2 8
Income 11000 – 15000 1 6 3 1.32 Not Significant
16000 – 20000 1 6
21000 & Above 0 6
Illiterate 3 4
Primary 1 5
Education High School 0 9
Higher Secondary 0 8 3 7.95* Significant
& Above
Tap Water 0 15
Source of Well Water 1 6 2 6.36* Significant
Water Pond Water 3 5
Drinking R.O. 0 6 Not Significant
water is Boiling 2 15 2 2.37
Purified by Chlorine Tablets 2 5

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Method of Open Ground 1 13
Disposal of Land Fill 2 2 2 4.90* Significant
Waste; Biological 1 9

Hand wash is Soap 1 6

done by; Ash 2 20 2 6.85* Significant
Hand sanitizer 1 0
S –Significant variables
Table: depicted that computed chi square values are not significant in age, religion, family
income, drinking water purified but it is significant in type of family, education, source of water
and hand washing done by ash of under five children mothers. Hence research hypothesis H2 was
1. Health education is considered as an important and best weapon and is a powerful tool
community health nurse would possess to give comprehensive, preventive and promotive care to
the under five children at their door steps. Community health nurse need to apply the public
health philosophy and skill to the relationship of mothers to their knowledge of child care the
purpose of analyzing mothers knowledge on prevention and management of waterborne diseases
and the promotion of optimum, productive ,and socially well-adjusted care givers.
2. Nursing curriculum should lay more emphasis on prevention and management of waterborne
diseases Nurse educators should have responsibility in upgrading the knowledge of students
regarding waterborne diseases by orienting them to the rural area during community posting,
3. More and more research can be carried out to protect the life of under five children, to keep
their health in an optimal way to prevent illnesses and death.
4. In collaboration with rural health the nurse should make sure that they formulate and organize
in service education programmes to co-staff and parents regarding prevention and management of
waterborne diseases.
1. The study can be replicated on longer sample in different setting so that the findings can be
generalized to the larger population.
2. A comparative study may be done on both rural and urban community.
Based on the finding of the study, it was concluded that there was a significant increase in the
knowledge of mothers of under five children after providing the Structured Teaching Programme.
 K. Park. Textbook of preventive and social medicine. Jabalpur: M/S Banarsidas Bhagat:
2011 page n. 94-199.
 Basawanthappa B. T. Community health nursing, 2nd edition ,page n.16-178.
 Ravi Shankar, S.P. Singh, C.B. Tripathi, Indian journal n preventive and social medicine
2006: (3)53:1.
 Rahul Malhotra, Asia Pacific Journal of public health .2008:110(1);277-286
 Cynthia Baschi Pint, Lan Velebith and kenji Shibuya, C.Bullatin WHO.2008; 86:710-77.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Govt. College of Nursing, Ujjain (M.P.)

Telenursing is latest innovation used to deliver nursing services to the clients at a distance. Itwill
be a boon forpeople as it will lessen their frequency to travel to different cities for consultation
thus, saving time and money. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of Structured
Teaching Programme and knowledge regarding telenursing among the staff nurses working in
selected hospital. The objectives of the study werei)To assess the pre-test knowledge level of staff
nurses on telenursing. ii)To assess the post-test knowledge level of staff nurses on telenursing.
iii)To determine the effectiveness of STP in enhancing knowledge of staff nurses about
telenursing. Quantitative research approach and one group pre-test post test research design was
used. The reliability coefficient was found to be 0.94%.The findings of the study suggested that
mean post test scoreis 17.4 which indicates very good knowledge score than the mean pre-test
score 6.5 which indicates average knowledge score. The dispersion of pre-test score 1.8 is more
than the post-test score 0.76. The calculated “t” value for degree of freedom (39) is 20.62 and the
calculated value is greater than tabulated value at 0.05 level of significance which is statistically
acceptable level of significance. Thus, H1 was accepted i.e. there is significant increase in mean
post-test knowledge score than mean pre-test knowledge score.

“Telenursing is defined as the use of telecommunication technology to deliver nursing services to
the clients at a distance.” It combines ICT to provide nursing services to patients who at located at
a distant locations. The American nurse association has defined telenursing as a subset of
telehealth in which the focus is on the specific profession. Now a days nurses use technologies
such as the internet, computers, telephones, digital assessment tools and telemonitoring
equipment in their practice to assess, plan, intervene and evaluate the outcomes of nursing
care.This technique has expanded the scope of nursing practice and it is also changing the face of
standard nursing practice. In developing countries like India practice of telenursing will be a boon
for people as well as for nurses as there remains shortage of nursing especially in the rural areas
as they will be able to access nursing care at home without travelling a longer distance for the
care. For nurses it will expand the scope of nursing practice.

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Due to globalization the entire scenario of medical and nursing practice will change.
However before understanding the new philosophy and paradigm shift, one has to first understand
the fundamentals of how the computers of this information age are already shaping up the future
of health care industry. With future demands for healthcare increasing, it is estimated that the
nursing shortage will range anywhere from 4,00,000 to over one million nurses in the US by
2020 thus telenursing will come into practice.Nurses today work in hospitals that can be
extremely complex, chaotic and generally operate with partial electronic and paper systems. The
facts are that most hospitals are not able to provide for the rapid retrieval of data at the point-of-
care. Technology is absolutely essential to retain nurses and to generally help the workforce.From
the clinical point of view telenursing still utilises the same skills and competencies as atraditional
bedside nursing. Nurses still need strong assessment skills to evaluate clinical situations.
Telenursing is a new branch of treatment and the nurses need to know it for better patient care
and prognosis. Once nurses are trained in the emerging field of care ,this would lead to a swing of
illness towards wellness. Hence investigator got interested in selecting this study to assess the
effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding telenursing among the
staff nurses.
“A study to assess the effectiveness of Structured teaching programme on knowledge
regarding telenursing among the staff nurses at selected hospital, Indore”.
 To assess the pre-test knowledge level of staff nurses on telenursing.
 To assess the post-test knowledge level of staff nurses on telenursing.
 To determine the effectiveness of STP in enhancing knowledge of staff nurses about
H1: There will be significant increase in mean post test knowledge score than mean pre test
knowledge score.
 Staff Nurses may have some knowledge regarding telenursing.
 The study is delimited to staff nurses working in selected hospital of Indore.
The review of literature for the study is divided into 3 headings
 Review of Literature regarding general information about Telenursing
 Review of nursing related to knowledge regarding Telenursing.
 Review of Literature regarding effectiveness of structured teaching programme.
Quantitative research approach was used in the study.
One group pre-test post-test pre experimental research design was used in the study.
Independent Variable: Structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding Telenursing.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Dependent Variable:Knowledge of staff nurses regarding telenursing.
The study was conducted in selected hospital of Ujjain.
The study population consists of staff nurses working in hospital.
Non-probability purposive sampling.
Inclusive Criteria
 Staff nurses willing to participate in the study.
 Staff nurses who are working in selected hospital of Ujjain.
 Staff nurses who are present at the time of data collection.
Exclusive criteria
 Staff nurses who had previous exposure in telenursing.
The tools used for data collection was divided into 2 parts
1. Sociodemographic variables comprising of 4 items.
2. Structured knowledge questionnaire consisting of 20 knowledge item.
Structured teaching programme was developed for providing knowledge to staff nurses
regarding Telenursing.
The tools were send to 3 experts for the validity of tools and teaching programme.
Modifications were made according to the experts suggestions and final tools and teaching
programme was prepared.
Reliability of the tools was established using split half method. The reliability coefficient
for the knowledge test was calculated by using Karl Pearson’s formula. The reliability coefficient
was found to be 0.94% which proved that the tool was highly reliable.
A pilot study was conducted on 10 participants and it was found to be feasible.
To conduct the main study formal written permission was obtained from the concerned
authority before data collection.Data collection was held in the selected hospital of Ujjain. A
sample of 40 samples were selected using non-probability purposive sampling. The investigator
introduced herself and the purposes of the study was explained to the subjects and informed
consents were obtained. The pre-test was administered using structured knowledge questionnaire.
Following the pre-test structured teaching programme was administered to participants. The post
test was conducted on 7th day after administration of structured teaching programme. The
investigator thanked and appreciated all the participants for their cooperation.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Data analysis was planned using descriptive and inferential statistics.
During research confidentiality and anonymity of the participants were maintained. The
participants were ensured that they will not have psychological stress or harm during the study.
Written consents were obtained from the participants and confidentiality of the data was
Raw data was collected and entered in a master sheet for statistical analysis. It was
interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics. The data have been organised under the
following sections
SECTION I: Sample Characteristics
SECTON II:The pre-test knowledge score of staff nurses regarding telenursing.
SECTION III: The post-test knowledge score of staff nurses regarding telenursing
SECTION IV: Effectiveness of Structured teaching Programme in terms of knowledge gain in
Frequency and percentage distribution of sample characteristics
Age: 40% liesin the category of 25-35 years, 20% in the category of 36-45 years, 18 % in the
category of 46-55 years and 22% above 55 years.
Professional Qualification:47% had done B.Sc. Nursing, 17% had done GNM 36% had done
post basic B.Sc. Nursing and none of the participants were M.Sc. Nursing.
Years of experience:35% were having less than 10 years of experience,21% had experience
between 10-20 years experience, 37 % had 20-30 years of experience and only 7% had more than
30 years of experience.
Religion:67% were Hindu, 28% were Christian and only 5% were Muslim.
Pre-test knowledge score of the sample

Pre-test knowledge score Percentage

The tableshows that 47% of the staff nurses were in the category of poor, 41% were in the
category of Average, 12% were in the category of good and none of the participants were in the
category of very good knowledge score regarding telenursing.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Post-test knowledge
The table shows that maximum 57% of Staff Nurses were in the category of good knowledge
score, followed by 34% in very good category. 9% were in the category of average knowledge
score and none of the participant were in the category of poor knowledge score.
Knowledge Standard
Mean t' value
score Deviation

Pre-test 6.5 1.8

Post-test 17.4 0.76

The data presented in the above table shows that the mean post test score (17.4) is higher than the
mean pre-test score (6.5). The dispersion of pre-test score (1.8) is more than the post-test
score(0.76). The calculated “t” value for degree of freedom(39) is 20.62 and the calculated value
greater than tabulated value at 0.05 level of significance which is statistically acceptable level of
significance. Thus,H1 is acceptedi.e. there is significant increase in mean post-test knowledge
score than mean pre-test knowledge score.
The main aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching
Programme and knowledge regarding telenursing among the staff nurses working in selected
hospital. Themean pre-test knowledge score (6.5) of staff nurses implies that they have an
average knowledge score on a scale of 1-20. Thus, Structured teaching programme was
administered to them to improve their knowledge and mean post-test score was calculated. The
mean post-test knowledge score of staff nurses is 17.4 which indicates Very Good knowledge
score. The study is also supported by other studies.
To determine the effectiveness of STP in enhancing knowledge of staff nurses about
telenursing ‘t’ test was calculated.The calculated “t” value for degree of freedom (39) is 20.62 at
0.05 level of significance which shows that there is significant increase in mean post-test
knowledge score than mean pre-test knowledge score regarding telenursing, thus Structured
teaching programme was highly effective in enhancing knowledge of staff nurses.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

After the detailed analysis, this study leads to the conclusion that staff nurses did not have
adequate knowledge regarding telenursing. They require further education and information
because all of them need to enhance their knowledge regarding telenursing. There was highly
significant increase in knowledge of the subjects after administering STP, the paired ‘t’ test
computed 20.62 and mean pre-test knowledge score of 6.5 vs mean post-test knowledge score of
17.4 indicates a high significance.
On the basis of the findings of the study it is recommended that
 A similar study can be replicated on a larger sample so that the findings can be
 A comparative study may be conducted to find out the effectiveness between Structured
teaching programme and Information Booklet.
 An exploratory study may be conducted to identify the attitude of staff nurses and general
public regarding telenursing.
The findings of the study have its implications for nursing practice, nursing education,
administration and nursing research.
Nursing Practice
Structured Teaching Programme is an effective way of delivering knowledge to staff
nurses. Nursing personnel can use this STP to spread awareness among nurses of their hospitals.
Nurses can also educate their clients about the usage of telenursing in improving various aspects
of health.
Nursing Education
Nurse educators can develop newer effective teaching strategies and enhance the
psychometric domain of learning among nursing students. Nursing students should be trained to
acquire the knowledge in telenursing and plan out teaching programme based on the same in
hospital and community areas.
Nurse Educators
Nurse administrator should take an initiative in creating policies or plans in providing
education to the patients regarding telenursing. This study will help the nurse administrators to
assess the organisational structure,communicate the findings and evaluate the practice.
Nursing Research
The study shows that there is lot of scope for exploration in this area. There is need for
extended and extensive research to assess the knowledge and practice regarding Telenursing.
RCTs and mixed method study can also be conducted.
The few limitations of the study are
 The study did not used a control group.
 The study is limited to staff nurses working in a selected hospital.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

 Dr. Sunil Shroff, Telemedicine the possibilities and realities. E-Health/Medical
Informatics/Telemedicine article Chennai 2010.
 Rosemary Currell,Christine Urquhart, Paul Wainwright, Ruth Lewis. Telemedicine
(versus) face to face patient care:effects on professional practice and health care
outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews 2000.
 Joseph C Kvedar. Telemedicine Enables Better Care making Healthcare convenient,
efficient and tailored to individual needs. 2006 Oct 15 ; 26(18)1
 Distance Nursing by using the latest advances in computer technology to increase
medically underserved minority communities access to health care,telenursing is truly a
career for the 21st century.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Associate Professor
Bombay Hospital College of Nursing

“Music is the medicine of the breaking heart and it’s the cup which holds the wine of silence-”. -
Leigh Hunt and Robert Frip

Back ground: For several decades, childbirth educators have focused on the alleviation or
reduction of pain and suffering during the child birth. The management of labor pain is a major
goal of intra-partum care. Aim: Assess the effectiveness of music therapy on reduction of pain
among primi para women’s during active phase of labor. Objectives:To evaluate the effectiveness
of music therapy on level of pain perception among primipara women’s during active phase of
experimental groupMethodology: A evaluative study design was used to achieve the objectives of
the study. The study was conducted with 20 primy para women’s in active phase of labor
purposive sampling technique was adopted to select the sample. The level of pain perception was
assessed with a self-reported visual analogue scale. The data obtained was analyzed by both
descriptive and inferential statistics. Results:During music therapy the all the samples 20(100%)
of experimental group had moderate pain perception were in control group samples20(100%)
had sever level of pain perception. The calculated mean value in Experimental group is 68.2 with
the SD of 0.82 .Among control group the mean value is 96.5 with the SD of 0.35. There was a
significant difference in the pain perception mean score in during and after and musical therapy.
The calculated ’t’ value was 25.61 which was significant at 0.05 level of significance. So it was
statically proved that the musical therapy was highly effective to reduce pain perception among
primipara women’s during active phase of labor.

Labor is a unique experience associated with a wonderful and meaningful life event, at
the same time it is an un pleasant experience because of the pain associated with it. The
experience of labor pain is a complex, subjective and multidimensional response to the sensory
stimuli generated during childbirth. It is an individualized phenomenon involved with both
sensory and emotional elements. Pain during labor is caused by contractions of the uterine
muscles and by pressure on the cervix. This pain can be felt as strong cramping in the abdomen,

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

groin, and back and some women experience pain in their sides or thighs as well. It is a distinct
sensation, therefore, it can be differentiated from other sensations. For women, labor pain is
severe, unpleasant and traumatizing feeling. It is also an individualized phenomenon which
include both sensory and emotional elements
Labour pain is considered as one of the most intense forms of pain. Psychological
challenge such as anxiety can contribute towards women’s perception of pain and may also affect
their labour and birth experience. Both non-pharmacological and pharmacological approach may
hold good for pain management during labour. Among the non-pharmacologic methods of pain
relief, massage, acupuncture and hot application are proved to be effective techniques for
management of labour pain.
Music is an age-old part of Ayurved. Music therapy is a concept that has been existent
since ages. It explains how different types and pitches of sounds work on major energy systems in
our body. Music can touch the mother deeply and may reduce her anxiety, stress and perception
of pain. Music therapy assisted labor and delivery may also be included in this category since
pregnancy is regarded as a normal part of women's life cycles. It is also a well-established fact
worldwide that the therapeutic music used during pregnancy carry no side effects and is
beneficial for both fetus and mother as well. It relieves stress of the expectant mother and
improves her physical, psychological, intellectual & spiritual health to the optimum level, thereby
making pregnancy a wonderful and blissful experience. Therefore, research in this area may
further shed light on effective management of pain and anxiety of mothers in labor and may
hasten healthy maternal and fetal outcome.The present study intends to assess the effect of music
therapy on labour pain among women in active phase of labour.
A Quasi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of music therapy on reduction of
pain perception among primi para women’s during active phase of labor.in Gov. Medical College
Hospital Aurangabad
1. To evaluate the effectiveness of music therapy on level of pain perception among
primipara women’s during active phase of experimental group.
2. To assess the level of pain perception among primipara women’s during active phase of
labor in experimental group .
3. To assess the level of pain perception among primipara women’s during active phase of
labor in control group.
H1: There is a significant difference between in the mean post-test level of pain perception
among primipara women’s in experimental and control group during music therapy.
1. The music therapy will be an effective intervention among primi para women’s to reduce
their pain perception during active phase of labor.
1. The study will be delimited to selected hospital at Aurangabad.
2. Patient who are willing to participate in this study
3. Patient who are in active phase of labor

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Leodoro J. Labrague, Rheajane A. Rosales, Gilbey L. Rosales, Gerald B. Fiel [5] were
conducted a study on the effects of soothing music on labor pain among Filipino mothers. It was a
quasi-experimental design with random assignment was utilized in this study. Fifty subjects were
taken by dividing them into either music (n=25) or non-music group (n=25). Ten point visual
analogue scale (VAS) was used to assess the participants’ levels of pain and the behavioral rating
scale (BRS) for pain at two time period. Both group were given the usual standard routine of care,
however, music group was exposed to music therapy for 30 minute. It is seen that those in the
music group had statistically significant reduction in reported pain levels compared to those in the
non-music group [VAS (t=7.317, p<0.050)].
A randomized controlled trial was conducted by Phumdong and Good(2003) [4] to
examine the effect of music therapy on sensation and distress of labor pain in 110 primiparous
women during the active phase of labor in Thailand. In the experiment, soft music had been
played for 3 hours to women since the active phase of labor. Dual visual analogue scale was used
to measure sensation and distress of pain before starting the study and at 3hourly post-tests. One-
way repeated measures analysis of covariance indicated that those in music group had
significantly less sensation and distress of pain than those in control group. In this study it is
revealed that music have reduced substantially severe pain across 3hours of labor and delayed the
increase of affective pain for 1 hour.
Evaluative study approach was used to achieve the objectives of the study. And the
research design used wasNon randomized control group design (quasi experimental)
Target population: The term primipara women’s in labor admitted in Gov. Medical
College Hospital during study period was the target population for this study and the primipara
women’s who are in active stage of labor considered as Accessible population for the study.
Three types of various were identified in this study.
1. Independent Variable: Musical Therapy
2. Dependent Variable: pain perception of primipara women’s during active phase of labor that
will be tested before and during musical therapy
3. Demographic Variable: Age, Educational status, Physical activity during antenatal period,
Awareness regarding labor process and labor pain, Type of pregnancy.
Convenient sampling technique was used to select 20 primipara women’s as sample
Inclusion criteria
Primipara women’s
1. Who are willing to participate in the study
2. Who undergoing normal vaginal delivery
3. Who are between 37-42 weeks of gestation
4. Who are having the cervical dilation of 3-7 cm
5. Who is Co-operative.
Exclusion criteria
1. Those who have complications associated with labor and delivery
2. Mothers who are received other pain reliving interventions in last 2 hours
Test re test method was used to check the reliability of the tool.The reliability was found to as
0.95 and the self- report visual analogue scale was found as reliable to collect the data regarding
pain perception among primipara women’s

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

The women who met the criteria were included for the study. Data collection was started
after obtaining permission from the Hospital Authority. Written informed consent was obtained
from all the primipara women’s participated in the study. The socio demographic data was
obtained using structured interview schedule. Self- report visual analogue scale was used to
measure the level of pain perception during contractions. pain during each Uterine contractions
were assessed for 10 minutes by placing the hand over the fundal area above the umbilicus. The
level of pain felt during each contraction is measured. The average score of pain during 3
continuous uterine contractions are taken as one measurement in pretest and posttests. Pre
interventional pain assessment is done for both experimental and control group. Then the music
therapy is given for the experimental group for 30 minutes using headset. The pain perception
during musical therapy was assessed after 20 th minutes of starting the music therapy. The data
was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Distribution of Socio- Demographic Variable:-
In experimental group majority 12(60%) of participants was from the age group of 22-25 years
.7(35%)of them were graduates. All the women had moderate level of physical activity during
antenatal period. Only 48% of them had basic awareness regarding labor process and labor pain.
Majority 14(70%) of the primipara women had unplanned pregnancy.
Assessment level of pain among primipara women’s during active phase of labor before
music therapy among experimental group
Level of pain perception Experimental Group
Before music therapy
Frequency % Mean SD
No pain (0–4 mm) - -
Mild pain(5-44 mm) - -
Moderate pain (45–74 mm) 1 5% 93.95 0.46

Severe pain (75–100 mm) 19 95%

In pretest95% of the experimental samples had severepain5% of them had moderate pain
perception. The calculated mean value is 93.95 with the SD of 0.46
Assessment level of pain among primipara women’s during active phase of labor before
music therapy among control group
Level of pain perception control Group
Before music therapy
Frequency % Mean SD
No pain (0–4 mm) - -
Mild pain(5-44 mm) - -
94.3 0.43
Moderate pain (45–74 mm) 02 10%

Severe pain (75–100 mm) 18 90%

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

In pretest 90% of the control group samples had severe pain 10% of them had moderate pain
perception. The calculated mean value is 94.3 with the SD of 0.43
Assessment level of pain among primipara women’s during active phase of labor during
music therapy among experimental and control group

Level of pain perception Experimental group control Group

During music therapy
Frequency % Frequency %
No pain (0–4 mm) - - - -
Mild pain(5-44 mm) - - - -
Moderate pain (45–74 mm) 20 100% - -

Severe pain (75–100 mm) - - 20 100%

MEAN 68.2 96.5
SD 0.82 0.35
During music therapy the all the samples 20(100%) of experimental group had moderate pain
perception were in control group samples20(100%) had sever level of pain perception. The
calculated mean value in Experimental group is 68.2 with the SD of 0.82 .Among control group
the mean value is 96.5 with the SD of 0.35.
Evaluating the effectiveness of musical therapy
Group Mean SD t -value

Before Musical therapy 0.46
Primipara mothers
During Musical 25.61
68.2 0.89
Experimental group
Enhancement 25.75
*Significant at 0.05 level
There was a significant difference in the pain perception mean score in during and after
and musical therapy. The calculated ’t’ value was 25.61 which was significant at 0.05 level of
significance. So it was statically proved that the musical therapy was highly effective to reduce
pain perception among primipara women’s during active phase of labor.
Implications of the Study
1. An in service education programme can be organized to train the nurses about the use of
music therapy during labor and to create awareness among nurses so that Nurses can
understand the importance of different non-pharmacological, measures to reduce pain of
the mothers during labor.
2. The alternative and complimentary therapies (the music therapy is one of them) can be
included in the syllabus of the curriculum of basic nursing programme.
3. Opportunities to be given for doing research in field of music therapy as well as other
relaxation techniques to reduce pain of the mothers during labor to improve the labor

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

4. Emphasis should also be given on publication of findings of these types of researches in
various journals. Research findings could also be presented at various nursing forums for
developing awareness among nurses.
1. The study can be replicated on larger sample in different setting so that the findings can
be generalized to larger population.
2. A similar study may be done on both primipara and multipara mothers.
3. A comparative study can be conducted to assess the effectiveness of other nursing
measures along with music therapy such as breathing exercises, warm water bath
(Hydrotherapy), TENS, acupuncture, aromatherapy, reflexology, position and labour
support for effective pain management during lab
Music therapy is a non-pharmacological intervention, which has been used widely to
promote comfort as well as relaxation. The present study investigates the effectiveness of music
therapy in reducing pain perception during active phase of labor among primipara women’s.
Music therapy included songs based on selected ragas was given to the women for 30 minutes.
The result of the study suggests that the music was effective in reducing pain perception during
labor. During the musical therapy the women’s feel so released and comfortable and many of
them feel sleepy during therapy.
This study provides evidence for the use of music as an empirically based intervention of
women for labour pain during the active phase of labour. It does not need much training and can
be used with ease. Music therapy is a cost-effective intervention to reduce pain during labour.
 Lowdermilk,Perry, Maternity nursing 7th edition, Missouri:mosby publishers,2004;page
 Myles,Text book for midwives,7th edition, Elsever publishers. 2014; page no.349
 Liu, Y.H., M.Y. Chang, and C.H. Chen, Effects of music therapy on labour pain and
anxiety in Taiwanese first‐time mothers. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010. 19(7‐8): p.
 Chang, M.Y., C.H. Chen, and K.F. Huang, Effects of music therapy on psychological
health of women during pregnancy. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2008. 17(19): p. 2580-
2587. [2].
 Cignacco, E., et al., The efficacy of non‐pharmacological interventions in the
management of procedural pain in preterm and term neonates. European Journal of Pain,
2007. 11(2): p. 139-152.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Lecturer (CHN Department)
Bombay Hospital College of Nursing

Back ground: Electronic waste (e-waste) is hazardous substances which contaminate the
environment and threaten human health, if disposal protocols are not meticulously
managed.Aim: Assess the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Knowledge regarding E-
Waste Management and Its Impact on Health among System Operator.Objectives:1.To assess the
pre and post interventional level of knowledge regarding E-Waste Management and its Impact on
Health among System Operator. 2. To find out significant difference between pre and post
interventional level of knowledge regarding E-Waste Management and its Impact on Health
among System Operator. 3. To associate the pre interventional level of knowledge regarding E-
Waste Management and its Impact on Health among System Operator with their selected
demographic variables.Methodology: An evaluative approach with Pre-experimental one group
pre-test post-test design was used for the study. The sample consists of 20 System Operators were
selected by using Non-Probability convenient sampling technique. Structured questionnaires
were administered to evaluate the knowledge on E-Waste Management and its Impact on health
before and after introduction of Self-instructional Module. The collected data was analyzed by
using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results:The result showed that there was a significant
difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge scores as assessed by the paired t-test value
is 5.96 at 0.05 level of significant. Hence it is statistically interpreted that Self-instructional
Module could be an effective strategy to improve the knowledge of System Operators on E-waste
management and its impact on health.

Electronic waste (e-waste) is one of the fastest-growing pollution problems worldwide
given the presence if a variety of toxic substances which can contaminate the environment and
threaten human health, if disposal protocols are not meticulously managed. In 2006, the United
Nations estimated the amount of worldwide electronic waste discarded each year to be 50 million
metric tons. There are tones E- wastes junked and dismantled; dismantling is not only involve in
unscrewing but also shredding, tearing and burning. The smoke and dust particle consists of
carcinogens and other hazardous chemicals which causes severe inflammations and lesions
including many respiratory and skin diseases.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Most people involved in informal recycling are the urban poor with low literacy levels,
and hence have very little awareness regarding the hazards of E-waste and the recycling processes
(Sinhaet al., 2011). A large number of workers are involved in crude dismantling of these
electronic items for their livelihood and their health is at risk; therefore, there is an urgent need to
plan a preventive strategy in relation to health hazards of E-waste handling among these workers
in India (Monika & Kishore, 2010).
India is the fifth biggest producer of e-waste in the world; discarding 1.7 million tonnes
(Mt) of electronic and electrical equipment in 2014 (Economic Times, 2015). Due to low
awareness and sensitization e-waste is thrown along with garbage which is collected and
segregated by rag pickers.E-waste-connected health risks may result from direct contact with
harmful materials such as lead, cadmium, chromium, brominated flame retardants or
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), from inhalation of toxic fumes, as well as from accumulation
of chemicals in soil, water and food.E-waste also has adverse effects on human health, such as
inflammation and oxidative stress – precursors to cardiovascular disease, DNA damage and
possibly cancer.Therefore creating awareness among people those handling these E-waste, about
the importance of E-waste Management is very much essential in the community area among
general public, stake holders, rag pickers, computer operators etc.
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Knowledge
Regarding E-Waste Management and Its Impact on Health among System Operator working in a
selected Private Hospital, Indore.
 To assess the pre and post interventional level of knowledge regarding E-Waste
Management and its Impact on Health among System Operator working in selected
Private Hospital, Indore.
 To find out significant difference between pre and post interventional level of knowledge
regarding E-Waste Management and its Impact on Health among System Operator.
 To associate the pre interventional level of knowledge regarding E-Waste Management
and its Impact on Health among System Operator with their selected demographic
 H1: There is a significant difference between pre and post-interventional level of
knowledge scores regarding E-waste management and its impact on health among
System operators at ≤0.05 level.
 H2: There is a significant association of pre-interventional level of knowledge score
regarding E-waste management and its impact on health among System operators with
their selected socio demographic variables at ≤0.05 level.
1. Rajesh Kumar (2016) conducted a study on ‘Current Scenario of E-Waste Management
in India: Issues and Strategies.’He explained about Electronic waste or e-waste which
refers to unwanted, obsolete or unusable electronic and electrical products. Ever
increasing usage of electronics and electrical equipments has resulted in piling up of e-
waste. The current practices of e-waste management in India encounters many challenges
like the difficulty in inventorization, ineffective regulations, pathetic and unsafe
conditions of informal recycling, poor awareness of consumers and reluctance on part of
the stakeholders to address the issues. As a result toxic materials enter the waste stream
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

with no special precautions to avoid the known adverse impacts on the environment and
human health as well resources are wasted when economically valuable materials are
dumped. The purpose of this paper is to find out various issues related to e-waste and
suggest strategies for effective e-waste management in India.
2. AnweshaBorthakur (2012).A study on ‘Electronic waste in India: Problems and
policies.’Electronic waste or E-waste is relatively a novel addition to the ever-
growing hazardous waste stream. It includes discarded electronic and electrical
equipment. Developing countries are facing enormous challenges related to the
generation and management of E-waste which are either internally generated or imported
illegally; India is no exception to it. However, the existing management practices related
to E-waste in India are reasonably poor and have the potential to risk both human
health and the environment. Moreover, the policy level initiatives are not being
implemented in an appropriate way. During the course of the study it has been found that
there is an urgent need to address the issues related to E-waste in India in order to avoid
its detrimental future consequences.
In this study, an evaluative approach with Pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test
design was used. The study is conducted in selected Bombay Hospital, Indore. The sample
consisted of 20 System Operators through non-probability convenient sampling method.
The researcher designed a tool consisting of sample demographic variables and structured
questionnaire data was collected by administering structured knowledge questionnaire and Self-
instructional Module was provided regarding E-waste Management and its impact on Health
among System Operators. Then after 7 days post- intervention was conducted by same structured
knowledge questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential
Description of demographic variables
 With regards to the age group of System Operators, 10(50%) was belonged to the age
group of 30-<40 years, 07(35%) was belonged to the age group of 20-<30 years and
03(15%) was belonged to the age group of 40 and above years.
 Majority of the selected System Operators i.e. 11(55%) were female while 09(45%) were
 Regarding educational qualification 14(70%) had done Graduation, 04(20%) had done
Post graduation and only 02(10%) had done Diploma course.
 The data further reveals that most of them 11(55%) have 1-5 years of experience,
07(35%) had 6-10 years of experience and 02(10%) had 11 & above years of experience.
 In relation to experience of E-waste management, most of the System Operators 17(85%)
have any previous knowledge whereas only 03(15%) did not had previous knowledge.
 The study depicts that Most of the System Operators got information regarding e-waste
management through internet i.e. 07(35%), 06(30%) from Newspaper, 04(20%) from
books and 03(15%) didn’t have information regarding e-waste management.
Findings related to the effectiveness of Self-instructional Module on E-waste management
and its impact on health among System Operator. N=20
Knowledge Mean Mean Mean Standard 't' value
difference Percentage Deviation
(%) (S.D)
Pre-intervention 6 39.7% 1.43
3.1 5.96*
Post-intervention 9.1 60.26% 1.35

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

The data in the table depicts that the mean post-test knowledge score (9.1) is apparently
higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (6) as evidence by the statistical significance
between pre and post-test knowledge score ‘t’ 5-96*, P<0.05 showed that selected Self-
instructional Module is effective to increase the knowledge level of System Operator.
Table 1: Association between Pre-interventional knowledge scores with their selected
demographic variable.
Selected Pre-interventional knowledge score
demographic Df x2
Inadequate Moderate Adequate
(0-10) (11-20) (21-30)

Age (in years):

20-<30 0 7 0
4 6.91
30-<40 3 6 1
40 & above 2 1 0

Male 5 4 0
Female 0 10 1 2 8.43*

Educational Qualification
Diploma 1 1 0
4 5.70
Graduate 4 10 0

Post graduate 0 3 1

Years of Experience

1-5 2 9 0
4 2.70
6-10 2 5 1

11 & above 1 1 0

Previous knowledge

Yes 4 12 1
2 0.28
No 1 2 0

Source of information

Books 0 3 1

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

News paper 1 5 0 6 8.03*

Internet 2 5 0

No information 2 1 0

NS – Non significant variables

Table 2 depicted that computed chi square values are not significant in age, gender, educational
qualification, years of experience and previous knowledge but it is significant in source of
information. Hence research hypothesis H2 was rejected. It shows null hypothesis.
 The infection control team should take initiatives to collaborate with the governing
bodies as well as the hospital administration to formulate standards protocols and policies
to emphasize Electronic Waste Management from the point of generation to its final
disposal and establishes managerial responsibilities.
 Self-learning materials, pamphlets, and booklets can be distributed about Electronic
Waste Management and its impact on Health done in community area which will help to
create awareness and knowledge among general public, stake holders, rag pickers,
computer operators etc.
 A similar study can be conducted on a large scale.
 More researches need to be conduct in the area of Electronic Waste Management in
different settings such as electronic shops, community and other organizations.
 There is a potent need for extended and intensive nursing research to elaborate and
stretch out Electronic Waste Management.
On the basis of findings it was concluded that Self-instructional Module was effective to
improve the knowledge of System Operator regarding E-waste Management and its impact on
health. The interest of System Operators to learn about E-waste Management and its impact on
health result in enhancement of knowledge with good percentage.
 DipsikhaDasgupta et al. (2015). Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
www.ijera.com ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 5, ( Part -3), pp.99-107
 Rajesh Kumar (2016). Current Scenario of e-waste management in India: issues and
strategies, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6,
Issue1, ISSN 2250-3153
 AnweshaBorthakur (2012).Electronic waste in India: Problems and policies, International
Journal Of Environmental Sciences, Volume 3, No 1, ISSN 0976 – 4402
 World Health Organization. 2017. http://www.who.int/ceh/risks/ewaste/en/
 IOP Institute of physics. http://www.iop.org/news/11/may/page_51103.html
 DEM Rhode Island. Electronic Waste (E-Waste) for Businesses

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Lecturer, Department of Medical surgical Nursing,
Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore, M.P, India

Back ground: The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a subgroup
of retrovirus) that causes HIV infection and over time acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune
system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive. Without treatment,
average survival time after infection with HIV is estimated to be 9 to 11 years, depending on the
HIV subtype. Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, pre-ejaculate, semen, vaginal
fluids, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and
virus within infected immune cells.HIV infects vital cells in the human immune system such
as helper T cells (specifically CD4+ T cells), macrophages, and dendritic cells. HIV infection
leads to low levels of CD4+ T cells through a number of mechanisms, including pyroptosis of
abortively infected T cells,[5] apoptosisof uninfected bystander cells,[6] direct viral killing of
infected cells, and killing of infected CD4+ T cells by CD8 cytotoxic lymphocytes that recognize
infected cells.[7] When CD4+ T cell numbers decline below a critical level, cell-mediated
immunity is lost, and the body becomes progressively more susceptible to opportunistic
infections.Aim: Assess the effectiveness of the training program of HIV/AIDS on increasing
knowledge of Bsc nursing fourth year students. Objectives:1. To assess the pre and post test
knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS of BSc nursing 4th year students .2. To find out the effectiveness
of the training programme regarding HIV/AIDS on knowledge of BSc Nursing 4th year
students. 3.To find out the association of pre-test knowledge score with selected socio
demographic variables of BSc(N) 4TH year students. Methodology: A evaluative study design was
used to achieve the objectives of the study. The study was conducted with 30 students of Bsc
nursing fourth year. Pre-experimental, one-group pre-test, post test design was adopted for this
study. The data obtained was analyzed by both descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The
result revealed that training program was an effective intervention to increase the knowledge of
the students.

HIV/AIDS epidemic has decimated populations widely all over the globe. According to
the recent global scenario 33 million (30-36 of people living with HIV worldwide in 2007) and in
that 2.7 million people infected with the virus, 2 million people died of HIV related causes. In
resource limited settings, where there is lack of skilled man power like Doctors and Pharmacists
to take care of infected people, the Nurses have been increasingly involved in providing care and
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

treatment to HIV/AIDS infected people.HIV/AIDS has to be fought not at the national level but
also in the micro level and in economically backward projects where the message of awareness,
prevention, and lifestyle changes has to be reached. The Nurses have a key role to play in
following aspects of HIV/AIDS care: Basic care, psycho-social, Education and counseling,
palliative care, Referrals and linkages, ART adherence, Infection control, diet and nutrition,
issues related to women and pregnancy.
Everyone has a purpose in life-a unique or special talent to give to others, and when we
blend this unique talent with services to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our
spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.Today’s society is complex and ever changing. As
children grow they must learn not only to cope with current demands but also to prepare for the
many unexpected event facing tomorrow. When researcher did the clinical she felt there should a
training on HIV/AIDS. As the students during the researchers clinical duty were not confident
enough and had fear too perform care to HIV/AIDS patients. Therefore the researchers set to see
the effectiveness of training programme among nursing students because they are the ones who
has to manage these type of cases later in hospitals.
A pre-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of training programme on
knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS among BSc Nursing 4th year students in Bombay Hospital
College of nursing Indore (M.P).
 To assess the pre and post test knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS of BSc nursing 4th year
 To find out the effectiveness of the training programme regarding HIV/AIDS on
knowledge of BSc Nursing 4th year students.
 To find out the association of pre-test knowledge score with selected demographic
 Nursing students: Here the nursing students mean the students of Bsc nursing fourth
year students.
 Knowledge: Fund of information that students has in memory about HIV/AIDS.
 Planned teaching programme: it is systematically developed verbal and video
instructions to provide information for BSc nursing students of fourth year.
 HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV for short, is a retrovirus that targets the
human immune system. The human body is unable to eliminate the virus, meaning that
once a person is infected there is no cure.
 AIDS: AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is defined as the stage of infection
with HIV-1, or HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), in which an infected person's
immune system has become so weak that he or she is at risk of developing other
infections or cancers (or has already developed them) that can potentially lead to death.
 Effectiveness: significant gain in knowledge on HIV/AIDS after planned teaching
programme as assessed by their response to structured questionnaire.
 Assess: to make a judgement about the nature or quality of planned teaching programme.
 Evaluate: It refers to the assessment of effectiveness of planned teaching programme
regarding HIV/AIDS.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

1. The training programme will be an effective intervention among Bsc nursing fourth year
students to improve their knowledge which they can use to take care of HIV/AIDS in
The study is delimited to:-
1. Bsc nursing students of fourth year in Bombay Hospital College of nursing.
2. Bsc nursing students who are willing to participate.
3. Bsc nursing students present at the time of data collection.
To achieve the objectives the following hypothesis were formulated.
 H1  There will be a significant difference in the pre test and post test knowledge
level of BSc Nursing 4th year students after undergoing training programme on
HIV/AIDS at 0.05 level of significance.
 H2  There will be a significant association of pre-test knowledge score regarding
HIV/AIDS with selected socio demographic variables of BSc Nursing 4th year students
at 0.05 level of significance.
Tuncay Ergene at all (2017)The goal of this study was to assess the impact of peer
education and single-session educational lectures on HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitude change
among university students (n = 157 male, n = 230 female; mean age = 20) on the campuses of
two metropolitan state universities in Ankara, Turkey. The students were randomly selected to
participate in peer education (n = 204), single-session lecture (n = 74) or wait-list control (n =
109) groups. Statistical analyses reveal significant differences in knowledge and attitudes,
personal behavior, and awareness of HIV/AIDS. Both the peer education and HIV/AIDS lecture
strategies were more effective in eliciting change in student's knowledge and attitudes than the
control condition (p > .05). Male and female students in both experimental groups showed higher
attitude scores compared with all students in the control group.

Kamiru HN at all (2016) Effectiveness of a training program to increase the

capacity of health care providers to provide HIV/AIDS care and treatment in Swaziland.
Implementation of HIV care and treatment programs in sub‐Saharan Africa is a complex
undertaking that requires training of health care providers (HCPs). The purpose of this
study was to evaluate Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative's (BIPAI) HCP training
program in Swaziland. The specific aims were: (1) to assess coverage and delivery of the
training program; and (2) to determine the impact of the training program on HCPs'
knowledge about HIV and pediatric practices, attitudes toward HIV/AIDS patients, and self‐
efficacy to provide antiretroviral therapy (ART). The evaluation was a multimethod design
with two types of data collection and analysis: (1) one‐group pretest‐posttest survey with
101 HCPs; and (2) semi‐structured in‐depth interviews with seven trainers from Baylor
College of Medicine and 16 local HCPs in Swaziland.Process evaluation showed that the
training had good coverage, was delivered as intended, and improved as the work
progressed. The training program led to a significant increase (p=0.0000) in HCPs'
knowledge about HIV/AIDS, ART, and relevant clinical pediatrics practices between pretest
(mean 68.7% SD 13.7) and post training (mean 84.0% SD 12.0). The training program also
increased trainees' self‐efficacy to provide ART and their attitudes toward AIDS patients
(p=0.0000 and 0.02, respectively). In conclusion, BIPAI training program in Swaziland had

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

good coverage of all health care facilities and HCPs in Swaziland. The training was effective
in imparting knowledge and skills to HCPs and in their attitudes toward HIV/AIDS patients
Ms.Smriti Arora (2016) .A study to evaluate the effectiveness of a training programme on
knowledge, attitude and practices of adolescents related to HIV/AIDS in selected schools of
Delhi. The main aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of a training programme in
improving the knowledge, attitude and practices of adolescents related to HIV/AIDS. The
objectives of the study were to: assess and compare the knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP)
of adolescents before and after administration of a training programme on HIV/AIDS; determine
the relationship between knowledge, attitude and practice of adolescents before and after
administration of a training programme on HIV/AIDS; determine the association of selected
variables with KAP of adolescents related to HIV/AIDS and determine the acceptability of
adolescents on the training programme related to HIV/ AIDS. This quasi experimental study
following pretest posttest design was conducted among 175 adolescents (93 in experimental
group and 82 in control group) in two conveniently selected govt. schools in East Delhi. there was
a significant increase in the KAP scores of adolescents from pretest to posttest (day 15 and 30).
There was also a significant increase in the mean pretest to posttest knowledge scores in the
control group but no statistical significant change was observed in mean pretest to posttest
attitude and practice scores.
For any research work the methodology of investigation is of vital importance. Research
methodology is a way to solve problems. It is systematic procedure in which the research starts
from initial identification of the problems to final conclusion. Research methodology includes
research approach, research design, setting, the population, sample, criteria for sample, method of
sample selection, description of tool, testing of the tools, pilot study, procedure for data
collection, plan for data analysis. Evaluative approach helps to explain the effect of independent
variable on the depended variable. Pre-experimental, one-group pre-test, post test design ( )
was adopted for this study.
Variables under study are
Dependent variable (DV) knowledge
Independent variable (IV) training programme
Extraneous variable (EV) age, member of voluntary agency, educational background, hiv/aids
programme attended, source of information.
Setting- The study was conducted in Bombay Hospital College of nursing (Indore M.P).
Population- The target population in this study was students of Bsc nursing fourth year.
Sample and sample size 30,Sample technique-convenient sampling is done in this study.
Sampling criteria
Inclusive criteria:-
Students of both sex who are,
 Bsc nursing fourth year of Bombay Hospital College of nursing Gwalior MP.
 Willing to participate in this study.
 Present at the time of study.
Exclusion criteria
Students of both sex who are,
 Not willing to participate.
 Bsc nursing fourth year students of other college.
Description of the tool
The following instruments tools were developed in order to generate data.
1. Demographic data.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

2. Structured knowledge questionnaire to assess the knowledge of students in relation to
The nursing students who met the criteria were included for the study. Data collection
was started after obtaining permission from the Hospital Authority. Written informed consent was
obtained from all the nursing students participated in the study. The socio demographic data and
knowledge was obtained using structured questionnare. The data was analyzed using descriptive
and inferential statistics.
Distribution of Socio- Demographic Variable:-
The analysis of demographic data of the sample is described in terms of age, member of the
voluntary agency, source of information, educational background using frequency and
percentage. Pre-test score with selected demographic variable association was analysed using chi-
square. Comparison between the pre-test, post-test knowledge score has shown by comparing the
mean, median, mode, standard deviation.
Frequency and percentage of socio demographic variables.

S. Demographic Level of the knowledge Chi2 Tables Infe

N % N % N %
1 Age
A21-22yrs 1 3.3 1 3.3 0 0 8.075 9.489 NS
b) 23-24 yrs 4 13.4 19 63.3 0 0 df=4
c) 25-26 4 13.4 1 3.3 0 0
2 Any training attended or not
a) yes 2 6.7 0 0 0 0 5 5.993 NS
b) No 7 23.3 21 70 0 0 df=2
3 Membership on clubs
a) NSS 0 0 3 10 0 0 6.429 12.592 NS
b) NCC 0 0 4 13.4 0 0 df=6
c)READCROSS 0 0 3 10 0 0
d) None 9 30 11 36.6 0 0
4 Source of Information
a) Parents / Family 0 0 2 6.7 0 0 3.923 12.592 NS
b) Mass media 5 16.6 16 53.3 0 0 df=6
c) Printed aids 2 6.7 2 6.7 0 0
d) Friends 2 6.7 1 3.3 0 0
6 Course
a) BA 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.556 12.592 NS
b) B Sc 3 10 1 3.3 0 0 df=6
c) B Com 2 6.7 0 0 0
d) 12th 4 13.4 20 66.6 0 0

The demographic profile of students participated for the study. The finding of the study showed
that in majority of the students,
 77 % of students belongs to 23-24 age group , 17 % of the students are between 25-

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

26 years age group in experimental group, and 6% of the students are between 21-
 10% of students are member of NSS,13 % of students are member of NCC , 10 % of
students are member of Red Cross and 67% of students not member of any
voluntary agency.
 72% of students are getting information from TV , 14% of students are getting
information from printed aids, 7% of students are getting information from parents
7% of students get information from friends.
 80% of students background education is intermediate 7% of students background
information is Bsc and Bcom is 13.
 10% of students in joined NSS, 13% of students were in NCC, 10% in red cross and
67% were not had any club membership.
 There is no association between the demographic variables with the pre-test
knowledge score as the calculated chi square value is less than the table chi square
Knowledge test Mean Median Mode Standard
Pre-test 22.53 22.5 20,21,28,26 each 4 times 4.5
Post-test 28.86 29 27,31 each 5times 3.5
‘t’ 8.878755 which is > than table ‘t’ value 0.00001

 The mean post test knowledge score of the students (28.86), was higher than their
mean pre-test knowledge score (22.53).
 The ‘t’ value is statistically significant at 0.05 level as the calculated value of ‘t’
(8.878755 of knowledge ) is greater than the table value of ‘t’(0.00001).
So, the training programme is effective as the calculated ‘t’ value is greater than the table value
and mean,meadian,mode of post test is greater than the pre test values of the same.
Implications of the Study
1. An in service education programme can be organized to train the nurses for better access,
assessment and continuity of care.
2. Opportunities to be given for doing research in field of HIV/AIDS Care of Patients (COP),
Management of Medication(MOM), Patient Rights and Education (PRE) .
3. Emphasis should also be given on publication of findings of these types of researches in
various journals. Research findings could also be presented at various nursing forums for
developing awareness among nurses for continual quality care.
1. The study can be replicated on larger sample in different setting so that the findings can
be generalized to larger population.
2. A similar study may be done on staff nurses.
3. A comparative study can be conducted to assess the effectiveness of other college
nursing students.
4. A similar study may be done with both experimental and control group.
By this study we came to know that there is no association between the demographic
variables and there is a significant effectiveness of the training programme on the knowledge of
the students of Bsc nursing fourth year regarding HIV/AIDS.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

 Gaeta Bhatt, Bandana Pataki, Ash Pratinidhi, Anagram Gape, Abuja desai Indian journal
of community medicine vol. 29, No. 3 (2004-07 - 2004-09)
 Indian Journal of Community medicine volume: 29Issue:3
 Becker, Marissa L, department of Medical Microbiology, India-Canada Collaborative
HIV/AIDS Project (ICHAP), Bangalore.
 Michel v Relfa, Volume 46, Issue 11, Pages 1448-1456 (November 2009).journal of
nursing studies Received 20 October 2008; received in revised form 1 May 2009; accepted
7 May 2009
 Side Iran Ahmed Mohamed Zama Hassali, Am J Pharm Educ. 2009 February 19
 Solomon S, Kumarasamy N, Ganesh AK,re.yrg Centre for AIDS Research and Education,
Madras, India.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



HOD of Medical and Surgical Nursing Department,
Bombay Hospital College Of Nursing, Indore

Needle stick injuries may lead to dangerous hazards such as infections with hepatitis B&C and
HIV. Nursing students are particularly exposed to occupational hazards such as needle stick and
sharp injuries due to limited knowledge and experience.
Aim: This study was conducted to assess the effect of structured teaching programme on
knowledge of undergraduate B.Sc.Nursing 1st year nursing students toward prevention of needle
stick injuries during clinical training.
Method: One group pre-test and post-test, pre-experimental design was used, with non-
probability convenient sampling technique. Information was collected from 50 B.Sc.Nursing 1st
year students using structured knowledge questionnaire. Structured teaching programme was
conducted of same group. After 7 days posttest was done by using same structured knowledge
The overall pre test knowledge scores of B.Sc.Nursing 1sy year students were found 10.2 and the
overall posttest knowledge scores was found 17.14. The computed “t” value is 6.19 that is
significant at 0.05 which indicates that structured teaching programme was effective in
increasing the knowledge of B.Sc nursing 1st students regarding needle stick injury.
The knowledge and awareness of B.Sc nursing 1st year students regarding Needle stick injuries
was increased thus study revealed that structured teaching programme was highly effective to
increase their knowledge level.

A needle stick injury is a percutaneous piercing wound caused by a sharp instrument
commonly encountered by people handling needles in the medical setting such injuries are an
occupational hazard for health care professionals. Needle stick injuries are particularly dangerous
because they may transmit blood borne disease including hepatitis B hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS
Needle stick injuries are common event in the healthcare environment when drawing blood,
administering an intramuscularly or intravenous drug or performing any procedure involving
sharps, accidents can occur and facilitate the transmission of blood borne diseases. Injuries also

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

commonly occur during needle recapping or via improper disposal of devices into an over field or
poorly located sharps container. Lack of access to appropriate personal protective equipment or
alternatively, employee failure to use provided equipment, increases the risk of occupational
needlestick injuries.
In 2007, the world health organization estimated annual global needle stick injuries at
2million per year, and another investigation estimated 3.5million injuries yearly .The European
Bio-safety Network estimated 1million needle stick injuries annually in Europe .The US
occupational safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimated 5.6million workers in the
health care industry are at risk of occupational exposure to blood borne diseases via percutaneous
injury .The US centers for diseases control and prevention( CDC) estimates more than 600,000
needle stick injuries occur among health care workers in the US annually.
Among healthcare workers nurses and physicians appear especially at risk; those who
work in an operating room environment are at the highest risk. An investigation among American
surgeons indicates that almost every surgeon experienced at least one such injury during their
training within the medical field, specialties differ in regard to the risk of needle stick injury:
surgery, anesthesia, otorhinolaryngology (ENT) Internal medicine and dermatology have high
risk, where as radiology and pediatrics have relatively low rates of injury. In the United States,
approximately half of all needle stick injuries affecting healthcare workers are not reported, citing
the long reporting process and its interference with work as their reason for not reporting an
incident. The American nurses Association estimates that the numerous needle stick injury only
about 1,000 health care
Workers actually contract an infection besides exposure to blood borne pathogens; the
nurse is also at risk for about 20 other infections that can be transmitted through a needle stick,
including tuberculosis, syphilis and malaria. When a nurse get exposed to a needle stick, the risk
of transmitting various types of blood borne pathogens that is human immunodeficiency virus,
hepatitis B or hepatitis C from an infected patient to a health care worker is greatly increased.
The estimated no. of needle stick injuries in the UK is 100,000 and Scotland is 4,000.In
Australia, the number of claims for needle stick injuries increased 12.6% between 1997 and 1998.
WHO estimates that, globally there are three million accidental needle stick injuries each year.
While some studies have been conducted in developed countries investigating factors related to
NSIs among HCWs in general, there are a few researches in literature addressing the predictors of
NSIs in developing countries, specially focusing on nurse. Nursing is a crucial occupation in Iran
and nurses constitute the majority of the HCWs' force. However, the lack of safe sharps devices
(devices with built-in safety features) and the high ratio of patients to nurses in the country's
hospitals have imposed work environments characterized by a high potential in predisposing the
nurses to risk of NSIs.
“A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding
prevention of needle stick injury among B.Sc. Nursing 1st year students of Bombay Hospital
College of Nursing, Indore”
• To assess the pre-existing knowledge level regarding prevention of needle stick injury in
B.Sc Nursing 1st year students
• To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on prevention of needle
stick injury in B.Sc Nursing 1st year students.
• To find out the association of pretest knowledge level with selected Socio demographic

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

• H1: There will be a significant difference in the knowledge levels of B.Sc nursing 1st
year students before and after the structured teaching programme regarding prevention of
needle stick injury.
• H2: There will be an association of the pretest knowledge score of structured teaching
programme on prevention of needle stick injury with selected socio demographic
Hypothesis is tested at 0.05 significance level
The study assumes that,
• Structured teaching programme may be an effective method to improve the knowledge
level of the B.Sc Nursing 1st year students regarding prevention of needle stick injury.
Ilhan M.N., et.al. (2006) The present study revealed that the majority of the nursing students
were 20-21years/old and highly percentage of them 30.3% were carried out their clinical training
in the intensive care units, these factors may increase risk rate of needle stick and sharp injuries
between nursing students due to limited clinical experience and special care which was needed
for patients in ICUs. The common factors that increase risk for needle stick and sharp injuries are
age when were less than twenty four years, having less than four years of nursing experience &
training and when nurses are working in the critical units as operation room or intensive care
Louis Pretorius, et.al, (2011), had done an experimental study on the incidence of needle stick
injury among students and registered nurses the sample size was 198 students with the
questionnaire method and it was found that alone 17% of student nurses sustain needle stick
injury but only 55% of these are reported.
Research approach: A Quantitative research approach was used for this study.
Research design :In this study a pre experimental one-group pre test, posttest design was used.
Dependent variables: In this study the knowledge of the B.Sc.Nursing 1st year students was
the dependent variable.
Independent variables: Structured teaching programme was the independent variable.
Setting: This study was conducted at Bombay Hospital College of Nursing Indore.
Population :In this present study the population is B. Sc. Nursing 1st year students.
Sample size: The sample size comprised of 50 student nurses studying in Bombay Hospital
College of Nursing Indore.
Sampling technique: Non-probability purposive sampling was used in this study to select the
The tool used in this study are: - Section A Socio demographic data. Section B Structured
knowledge questionnaire to assess knowledge of student nurses regarding needle stick injury.
Reliability of tool: The tool was tested for reliability on 15 B.Sc nursing students of Bombay
hospital college of nursing, Indore. Using Karl Pearson's correlation formula. The reliability
coefficient obtained was 0.85, which showed that tool was reliable.
Written permission was obtained from ethical committee of Bombay hospital college of
nursing Indore prior to the data collection .The study was carried out in the same way as that of
the pilot study .A total of 50 samples were selected for the main study from the B.Sc nursing 1st
year student. The respondents were approached individually prior to the administration of

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

structured knowledge questionnaires. The investigator obtained the informed consent from the
respondents and confidentiality was assured. pretest was taken.
Time taken for the administration of structured knowledge questionnaires was 15–20
minutes. Structured teaching programme was conducted on prevention of needle stick injury for
research study participants. After 7 day’s posttest was conducted with the same tools. When the
posttest was completed the investigator terminated the data collection procedure by thanking the
respondents for their co-operation and participation.
RESULTS: Data reveals that most of the subject 60% were in the age group of 18-19 year, 30%
were in the age group of 20-21 years and 10% in the age group of
22-23 years.70% of the population were the Christian and remaining 30% of the population was
Hindu. Concerning vaccination 100% of the populations are vaccinated for hepatitis B. Regarding
the previous knowledge 100% of the population has not attended the conference or seminar on
needle stick injury.
Mean ‘t'
Knowledge Mean deviation
Difference Value
Pre-Test 10.2 5.27
6.94 6.19*
Post-Test 17.14 6.01
* Significant at 0.05
The mean post test knowledge score 17.14 apparently higher than the mean pretest knowledge
score 10.2 the dispersion of pretest score (standard deviation 5.27) is more than that of the post
test score (S.D 6.017) and the competed t value shows that there is a significant difference
between pretest and post test mean knowledge score (t-6.19) this indicate that information
structured teaching programme was effective in increasing the knowledge of B.Sc nursing 1st
year students regarding needle stick injury. Thus the hypothesis that there will be significant
increase in posttest knowledge score than mean pretest test knowledge score is accepted. Majority
of socio-demographic variables have non-significant association with pre-test knowledge scores.
Hence, H2 hypothesis is rejected.
Nursing service: Student nurses should avail to the maximum benefits of the educative faculties
from the hospital. Health education can be used as an effective means for explanation of the
prevention and management of needle stick injury; among staff nurses to maintain quality and to
reduce the incidence rate.
Nursing administration: Nurse administrator can conduct in service education to the student and
the staff to create the awareness about the different level of prevention and safety precaution
during needle stick injury. Health education programme can be conducted for the attendance of
nursing student who are doing practices in clinical areas. Nurse administrators could prepare
appropriate teaching material / protocols.
Nursing research: The result of the study should be discussed with other nursing students;
nurses and community leader; so as to put forward joint effort in making decision and educating
other in a large scale.
Researcher can conduct studies on assessment of need of the staff nurses and student nurses in
their terms of their knowledge, attitude, belief and practices in caring for patients and can
determine the effectiveness of education in terms of improved and healthy rearing practicing.
• The findings of this study suggest that nurse educators must reconsider current
curriculum design, course content, and teaching methods concerning nursing student
knowledge and practice regarding needle stick and sharp injuries.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

• Nursing students degree programs must be included in nursing training curriculum about
• It is essential that nursing and midwifery students should be protected from professional
risks like other health care professionals through trained about how to avoid blood-borne
pathogens by using infection control measures.
• It also indicated that the hepatitis B vaccination for nursing students should be
encouraged and recommended since it was shown that a low percentage of nursing
students had received their complete series of hepatitis B vaccine.
• Replication of the study on a larger probability sample from different geographical areas
should be done to achieve more generalizable results.
• Sharp waste Management must be included in training program about NSIs as collecting
contaminated sharp wastes immediately after use (without recapping the needle), and
using puncture proof sharp containers that will not leak liquids.
CONCLUSION: This study revealed that B.Sc.Nursing 1st year students had poor knowledge
regarding needle stick and sharp injuries during clinical training. Educational intervention had a
positive impact on knowledge and practice of undergraduate nursing students' toward needle stick
and sharp injuries. This educational intervention significantly reduced the incidence of NSIs
• Wicker S., Jung J., Allwinn R., Gottschalk R., Rabenau H.F. Prevalence and prevention
of needlestick injuries among health care workers in a German university hospital. Int
Arch Occup Environ Health. 2008;81:347–354
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attributable to contaminated sharps injuries among health-care workers. Am J Ind Med.
• Lakbala P., Azar F.E., Kamali H. Needlestick and sharps injuries among housekeeping
workers in hospitals of Shiraz, Iran. BMC Res Notes. 2012;5:276.
• Nsubuga F.M., Jaakkola M.S. Needle stick injuries among nurses in sub-Saharan Africa.
Trop Med Int Health.2005;10:773–781.
• Kotwal A., Priya R., Thakur R., Gupta V., Kotwal J., Seth T. Injection practices in
metropolis of North India: perceptions, determinants and issues of safety. Indian J Med
Sci. 2004;58:334–344.
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• Pandit N., Choudhary S. Unsafe injection practices in Gujarat, India. Singapore Med J.
• Kakizaki M., Ikeda N., Ali M., Enkhtuya B., Tsolmon M., Shibuya K., Kuroiwa C.
Needlestick and sharps injuries among health care workers at public tertiary hospitals in
an urban community in Mongolia. BMC Res Notes. 2011;4:184.
• Ozdelikara A., Tan M. Conditions in which nurses are exposed to the hepatitis viruses
and precautions taken for prevention. Aust J Adv Nurs. 2012;30:33–41.
• May D., Brewer S. Sharps injury: prevention and management. Ment Health Pract.
• Ebrahimi H., Khosravi A. Needlestick injuries among nurses. J Res Health Sci.
• Hanafi M., Mohamed A., Kassem M., Shawki M. Needlestick injuries among health care
workers of University of Alexandria Hospitals. East Mediterr Health J. 2011;17:26–35.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Asst. Prof., Bombay Hospital
College of Nursing, Indore(M.P.)

Respecting patient’s right is a fundamental aspect of providing health care. To supply quality
services and health care, it is evident that patient’s rights are known to patients and staff nurses.
The objectives of the study were:i)To examine the awareness level of patient’s rights among out-
patients admitted in NABH accredited Hospital. ii)To analyse awareness level of patient’s rights
among staff nurses working in NABH accredited Hospital. iii)To find out the association of
awareness level of staff nurses regarding patients’ rights with selected socio-demographic
variables.iv)To find out the association of awareness level of patient’s rights with selected socio-
demographic variables of out-patients.An explorative study was done on 20 patients and 20 staff
nurses of selected NABH Hospital. Separate Sociodemographic variables for patients and staff
nurses were prepared along with Multiple choice questions, which were administered for data
collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used and data was represented in graphs and
tables. Results: Out-Patients: The mean score of awareness of patient’srights among
outpatients was 7.55 (S.D. 2.51) which indicates that out-patients were having good awareness
regarding patients right. Significant association was found between awareness level of out-
patients and educational status at 0.05 level of significance. For other sociodemographic
variables no significant association was found.StaffNurse’s: The mean awareness score of
patient’s right among staff nurses was 11(S.D. 2.19) and this value indicates that staff nurses
were having very good awareness regarding patient’s rights. No significant association was
found between awareness level ofstaff nurses withtheir socio-demographic variables at 0.05 level
of significance.
Out-Patient,Awareness, Patient’s Rights, Assess, Staff Nurse

Since the introduction of the Human Rights Act by the United Nations in 1948,
legislations on patient’s rights have been passed all over the world. Examples of them are the
1968 Sydney Declaration on organ transplantations, the 1964 Helsinki Declaration on research
subjects, and the 1978 Alma-Ata, Basic Health Services Declaration. The main reason of
increasing in legislation is that observance of patients’ rights is an essential part of quality
improvement efforts in health services.
In many declarations, the purpose of patient’s rights is to ensure the ethical treatment of all
patients. Patient’s rights are defined on the basis of patients’ satisfaction with treatment process,
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

confidentiality, informed consent and privacy. Patients have more necessary physical, mental, and
social needs than other individuals. This is because of their specific situations and vulnerability
that may make them unable to meet all requirements. As such, considering patient’s rights is
Awareness of the rights of patients is important for both patient and staff nurse. The
awareness level of nurse and patient will varies from patient to person. The awareness of rights of
patient for patient and staff nurse will helps in proper patient care.
Un awareness of the patient of their rights may limit their expectation from the physician and if
they become aware of the content of the patient’s rights their satisfaction from current situation
may alter.
A. M Kanerva, T.Suominen and H.Leino-Kilpi studied patient rights in the context of
short stay surgery which was based on a definition according to which informed consent consist
of 5 elements: consent, voluntariness, disclosure of information, understanding and competence.
K.Merakou , P.Dall- Vorgia , T.Garanis- Papadatos and J.Kourea- Kremastinou studied
the way in which patient’s rights were being exercised in every day hospital practice and found
that patient ignore the fact that special regulations exist regarding their rights.
I choose this topic because the Out-patients are not aware of their rights so that they can
miss the excellent care. The health care personal because of overload or negligence they do not
perform complete patient care which includes the consent and proper medical care.
“An explorative study to assess the awareness level of the staff nurses and out-patients regarding
patient’s rights at selected NABH hospital of Indore”.
 To examine the awareness level of patient’s rights among out-patients admitted in
NABH accredited Hospital.
 To analyse awareness level of patient’s rights among staff nurses working in NABH
accredited Hospital.
 To find out the association of awareness level ofstaff nursesregarding patients’ rights
with selected socio-demographic variables.
 To find out the association of awareness level of patient’s rights with selected socio-
demographic variables of out-patients.
H1: There is a significant association of patients’ rights awareness score of staff nurses with their
selected socio-demographic variables.
H2: There is a significant association of patients’ rights awareness score of out-patients with their
selected socio- demographic variables.
 Staff Nurses working in NABH hospitals will be aware of patient’s rights.
 Out-Patients of NABH hospitals will be aware of patient’s rights.
 Out-Patients who are not willing to participate in study.
 Staff Nurses not willing to participate in the study.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Health care embraces a full range of services covering health promotion and protection,
disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care and rehabilitation.
The reviews are divided into 4 sessions
1. Literature related to patient’s awareness of their rights.
2. Literature related to level of awareness of nurses regarding patient’s rights.
3. Literature related to awareness of health professionals regarding patient’s rights.
4. Literature related to public awareness of patient’s rights.
The research design selected for the study is exploratory descriptive research design.
 Awareness level of patients and nurses
 Hospital environmental factors.
In the present study the independent variable the Educational level of out-patients and
staff nurses.
This study is conducted in selected NABH accredited hospitals of Indorei.e. Bombay
Staff Nurses working in NABH accredited hospital and out-patients who came for
treatment in NABH hospital.
The study sample consists of 20 staff nurses and 20 out-patients in selected NABH
accredited hospital of Indore.
The sampling technique used for the study is non-probability purposive sampling.
Inclusion Criteria
 Out-Patient who were willing to participate in the study
 Out-Patient who were educated and were able to read English.
Exclusive criteria
 Out-Patient who were not educated and were unable to read English.
A structured questionnaire consisting of 15 items was prepared to assess the awareness
level of the nurses and patients regarding patient rights. Separate sociodemographic variables
were prepared for staff nurses and Out-patients.
The tool was submitted to 3 experts. Modification were done according to the expert’s
opinion and final tool was developed.
The reliability co-efficient was calculated by Karl Pearson’s formula. The reliability co-
efficient of Out-patient’s was found to be 0.76% andfor staff Nurse it was 0.84%.Thus tool
was found to be valid, reliable and feasible for the purpose of study.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Pilot study was conducted on 5 staff nurses and 5 patients and it was found to be feasible.
 Written permission was obtained from the concerned authority before data collection.
 A sample of 20 patients and 20 nurses were selected using purposive sampling technique.
 The investigator introduced herself and the purpose of the study was explained to the
subjects and informed consents was obtained.
 The awareness test was given using a structured awareness questionnaire. The time taken
to complete the questionnaire was 20 – 30 minutes.
 The investigator thanked and appreciated all the participants for their co-operation.
Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Permission was obtained from the ethical committee, during research confidentiality and
anonymity of the participants were maintained. Written consents were obtained from the
participants and confidentiality of the data was maintained.
The findings were organized and presented under the following sections:
Section 1:Sample characteristics of Out-Patients
Section 2:Sample characteristics of Staff Nurses
Section 3: The awareness test score of Out-Patients regarding awareness of patient’s rights.
Section 4: The awareness test score of staff nurses regarding awareness of patient’s rights.
Section5: Association between awareness test score of Out-patients and selected socio-
demographic variables.
Section 6: Association between awareness test score of staff nurses and selected socio
demographic variables.
Selected Sociodemographic variables of out-patients with frequency and percentage
For age15% were in the age group of 20-30 years, 55% were in the age group 31-40 years,25%
were in the age group of 41-50 years and only5% were in the age group 51-60 years. With regard
to gender 55% were male and 45% were female. With regard to religion 100% of patients were
Hindu. Regarding the education of the out-patients 70% were educated up to higher secondary,
30% were educated up to graduation and above.
Selected socio demographic variables of staffnurses with frequency and percentage.
Regarding the professional qualification of staff nurses, 10 % had done GNM and 90% had
done B.Sc. Nursing.With regard to attained any in service education 100% of nurses attained the
in service education regarding patient’s rights.With regard to working place of staff nurses 70%
of nurses were working in ICU, 25% were in general ward and 5% of nurses were posted in O.T.
With regard to years of experience was that about 10% nurses with less than 1 year, 85% were
with 1-5 years of experience and only 5% were with more than 10 years of experience.
Mean, Median and standard deviation of awareness of patient’s rights among patients.
Sample N Mean Median Standard
Patients 20 7.55 7 2.519
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

The data presented in table indicates that mean score of awareness of patient’s rights among Out-
patients was (7.55) and this value indicates that Out-patients were having good awareness
regarding patient’s rights.
Mean, Median and standard deviation of nurses among awareness of patient’s rights
Sample N Mean Median Standard
Staff Nurses 20 11 11 2.19
The data presented in the above tableindicates that mean score of awareness of patient’s rights
among staff nurses was (11) and this value indicates that the staff nurses were having very good
awareness regarding patient’s rights.
Frequency and percentage distribution of awareness of out-patients regarding patient’s
Awareness Score Frequency Percentage(%)
Excellent 0 0
Very Good 5 25%
Good 9 45%
Average 6 30%
Poor 0 0
The table indicates that majority (45%) of Out-patients are having good awareness and the data
shows that 30% are average and 25% are in good, None of them are included in excellent and
poor category(0%).
Frequency and Percentage distribution of awareness level of staff nurses regarding
patient’s rights.
Awareness Score Frequency Percentage(%)
Excellent 5 25%
Very Good 11 55%
Good 3 15%
Average 1 5%
Poor 0 0
Chi – square value shows association between awareness test score of outpatients and selected
socio demographic variables. N=20
Marks 0-3 3-6 6-9 9-12 12-15 Df Chi-
(poor) (average) (Good) (v. (excellent) square
good) value
Age in 20-30 0 0 1 2 0 6 8.4741
years 31-40 0 4 5 2 0 (NS)
41-50 0 2 3 0 0
51-60 0 0 0 1 0
Gender Male 0 4 5 2 0 2 1.054
Female 0 2 4 3 0 (NS)
Religion Hindu 0 6 9 5 0 0 0
Christian 0 0 0 0 0
Muslim 0 0 0 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0 0

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Education Primary 0 0 0 0 0 2 9.614
* (S)

Middle 0 0 0 0 0
Higher 0 6 7 1 0
Graduate 0 0 2 4 0
and above
The computed chi –square values between awareness test score of Out-patients and the socio
demographic variables shows that there was significant association between educational status
and awareness test score at 0.05 level of significance. But for age, gender and religion there was
no significant association, so hypothesis H2 is rejected.
Chi – square value showing association between knowledge test score of nurses and selected
socio demographic variables. N=20
Marks 0-3 3-6 6-9 9-12 12-15 Df Chi-
(poor) (average) (good) (v.good) (excellent) square
Professional GNM 0 1 2 7 4 3 2.716
qualification Post BSc 0 0 0 0 0 (NS)
BSc 0 0 1 3 1
MSc 0 0 0 1 0
Attained any Yes 0 1 3 11 5 0 0
in service No 0 0 0 0 0
Working ICU 0 1 2 7 4 6 1.489
place Casualty 0 0 0 0 0 (NS)
General 0 0 1 3 1
OT 0 0 0 1 0
Years of <1 Year 0 0 0 2 0 6 5.6692
experience 1-5 Year 0 1 3 9 4 (NS)
6-10 Year 0 0 0 0 0
>10 Year 0 0 0 0 1
The computed chi –square values between awareness test score of staff nurses and the socio
demographic variables shows that there is no significant association between awareness test
score of staff nurses and selected socio demographic variables at 0.05 level of significance. So the
hypothesis H1 for this study is rejected.
The finding showed that Out-patients had good awareness regarding patient’s rights.
The total mean score secured by the patients is 7.55 on a scale of 1-15 as well as for staff nurses it
showed that staff nurses hadvery good awareness regarding patient’s rights. The total mean
score secured by the staff nurse is 11 on a scale 1-15.
After the detail analysis, this study leads to the following conclusions that the nurses and
patients are having very good and good awareness respectively regarding patient’s rights.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

1. A similar study can be replicated on a large sample so that the finding can be generalized.
2. A similar study can be conducted in other hospitals which are not accredited by NABH.
3. A study can be conducted by including additional demographic variables.
4. A study can be carried out to assess the awareness level of the nurses and patients regarding
patient rights at selected NABH hospital with the help of administering of questionnaire.
5. A study can be done between patient and nurses among patient rights in selected NABH
The findings of this study have implication for nursing education, nursing administration and
nursing research.
Nursing Education
Nurse educators can use and develop newer effective strategies and enhance the
psychometric domain of learning among nursing students in clinical practice.
Nursing education is another important area of nursing research where nurse researcher try to
generate or refine ideas or refine the awareness which is useful to improve the teaching learning
methods and environment in nursing discipline.
Every student should be encouraged to teach the patients regarding awareness of patient’s rights.
Nurse Administration
Nurse administration should take an initiative in creating policies or plans in providing
education to the patients during their hospital stay and at the time of discharge. And also to take
initiation to provide education to the nurses regarding rights of patients. This study will help
nurse administrators to assess the organizational structure, communicates the findings and
evaluate the practice.
Nursing Research
The study throws light on the awareness of Out-patients and staff nurses regarding
patient’s rights. There is a lot of scope for exploration in this area.
Nursing Practice
Health care professionals can provide care based on patient’s rights and their awareness
of patient’s rights need to be evaluated. Educational programmes, leaflet, booklet and posters can
be helpful in this regard.
 The study is limited to staff nurses who are working in NABH hospitals.
 The study is limited to Out-patients of NABH hospitals.
 AbedianA,BagheriNesami M “ The Effect of an Education – based Intervention on Self-
Reported Awareness and Practice of Iranian Nueses in Observing Patient’s Rights,
Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences Iran 2014.
 Abou Zeina HA, EI Nouman AA, Zayed MA “Patient’s rights :a hospital survey in south
Egypt”. J Empir Res Hum Res ethics.2013 July;8(3):46-52.
 Aib –HajbagheriM,SalaliM.Amodel for empowerment of nursing in Iran .BMC health services
Research 2005.
 Geevarghese F “Awareness and Attitude of Nursing Personnel Regarding Patient Safety and
Rights in Hospitals of Delhi. Nurs J India.2012 Nov- Dec;103(6):276-8.
 HakanOzdemir M, Ozgur Can I, Ergonen AT, Hila l A, Onder M, Meral D. Mid wivesand
Nurses Awareness of Patient’s Rights. Midwifery,2009 Dec;25(6):756-65.Epub2008Mar17.
 Ibrahim SA Effect of Patient’s Rights Training Sessions for Nurses on a Perceptions of Nurses
and Patient’s Nurs Ethics 2016 Jan 27 .
 Joolaee S, Hajibabaee F “patient rights in Iran: a review article”. Nurs Ethics.2012
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Assi. Lecturer, OBG & GYN. Nursing,
Bombay Hospital College Of Nursing Indore M.P.

Aim – A research was conducted on Effectiveness of BLS Training Programme on existing level of
practice of CPR among B.Sc. Nursing 4thyear students of Bombay Hospital College of Nursing
Objectives – 1. To assess the existing level of practice of CPR among B.Sc. Nursing 4th year
students of Bombay Hospital, college of nursing, Indore. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of BLS
training programme on practices of CPR among B.Sc. Nursing 4th year students Methodology – an
evaluative research approach with pre experimental research design used to achieve the objectives
of the study. Result - The majority of participated in the study were aged 21-22 years (92%).8%
students were having previous practices about the CPR techniques through participated workshop.
It was observed that about 23(88.46%) students are having inadequate existing level of practices of
CPR techniques and 3(11.53%) were having moderate existing level of practices of CPR
techniques, and none of them were had good knowledge before BLS training programme. After BLS
training program 8(31%) were gained moderate practices of CPR techniques, and 18(69%)
students gained adequate practices and the mean value in pre- test was 9.11 and in post- test it was
increased to 16.15 with a mean difference of 7.04 and the calculated t value was 18.12 which was
found significant at 0.05 level. So it is statistically proved that the BLS training was highly effective
for improving the practices of 4th year B.Sc nursing students regarding CPR among Bombay
Hospital College of nursing Indore city. Conclusion - After the successful completion of the
statistical analysis the investigator revealed that in pre- test practice score it is reflected that more
than three fourth of the students were only had average practices regarding CPR. And in post test
the knowledge score was increased dramatically so it proved that BLS training programme was
highly effective to increase the practices score.
Keywords : BLS ,CPR, Effectiveness , Training program ,Practice BLS ,Nursing
studentsAbstract –

Cardiovascular disease is the leading global cause of death, accounting for 17.3
million deaths per year, a number that is expected to grow to more than 23.6 million by 2030.
In India 9crore Indian suffer from heart disease and 30% more are at high risk.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

“Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a technique of basic life support for the
purpose of oxygenation to the heart, lungs and brain until and unless the appropriate medical
treatment can come and restore normal cardiac pulmonary function.”
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is one of the major achievements in modern
medicine. Among all organs brain with stands hypoxia the least. So within 15-30 seconds of
cardiac arrest the person becomes unconscious and within 4 mints the brain gets irreversibly
Basic Life Support (BLS) includes recognition of signs of sudden cardiac arrest
(SCA), heart attack, stroke and foreign-body airway obstruction (FBAO); cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR); and defibrillation with an automated external defibrillator (AED). It is
very important that every person in the community know about Basic Life Support to save
lives and improve the quality of community health.
BLS training programme is a variety of learning assets such as demonstration, self-
directed learning and interactive activities. this course teach students BLS knowledge and
skills. The BLS instructor led course teaches both single rescuer and team basic life support
skills for application in both pre-hospital and in-facility environments, with a focus on High
Quality CPR and team dynamics.
Need of the study - According to Dr. Ashwani Mehra (2016), India is currently witnessing
nearly 2million heart attacks in a year& majority of the victims are youngsters. One person
dies in every 33 second owing to a heart attack in India. Sudden cardiac arrest claiming about
4,280 lives from every 1lakh of population annually (WHO, 2009)
The statistical study of India related to cardiac arrest shows: -
Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest In-Hospital-Cardiac Arrest
Incidence - 350,000 Incidences – 209,000
Bystander CPR – 46.1% Survival rate adult –24.8%
Survivor rate – 12% Survival rate children – N/A


“A pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of BLS training programme on
practice of CPR among B.Sc Nursing 4thyear students of Bombay Hospital College of
Nursing, Indore in year 2016”
1. To assess the existing level of practice of CPR among B.Sc. Nursing 4th year
students of Bombay Hospital, college of nursing, Indore.
2. To evaluate the effectiveness of BLS training programme on practice of CPR
among B.Sc. Nursing 4th year students.
H1- The mean post test practices score of B.Sc nursing 4th year students regarding
CPR after administering BLS training programme is significantly higher than mean
pre test knowledge score.
1. The 4th year B.Sc Nursing students will not have adequate existing level of practices of
2. The BLS Training Programme will help the students to improve their practices of CPR.
• The study will be limited to the 4th year B.Sc Nursing, Student studying in Bombay
Hospital, College of nursing.
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

• The sample size is limited to 26 students.
• The period of data collection is limited to 3days only.
• Girls who are willing to participate in this study
Research methodology is the systemic way to solve the research problem. This
chapter provides a brief description of the method adopted by the investigator to conduct this
study. This chapter includes research approach, research design, setting of the study and
sampling technique, development and description of tool, pilot study, data collection
procedure and plan of analysis.
Research design provides a backbone structure of the study. It determine how the
study will be organized when the data will be collected and when interventions, if any, are to
be implemented. Research Design is the overall plan for addressing research question
including specification for enhancing the integrity of the study. (Kothari 1998) pre-
experimental research design was used without control group to assess the practices of CPR
among students.
Target population - The target population consists of the total membership of a defined set
of subjects from whom the study subjects are selected and to whom the data will be
generalized. The target population of the study was B.Sc Nursing students studying in
Bombay Hospital College of Nursing.
Accessible population - The accessible population for the study comprises of term 4th year
B.Sc nursing students.
Variables are concepts at different level of abstraction that are concisely defined to
promote their measurement or manipulation within study. Chinn and Kramer (200 7)
Dependent variable - One variable depends upon or is a consequence of other variable; it is
termed as dependent variable. In the present study it refers to knowledge in CPR among B.Sc
Nursing 4th year students.
Independent variable - The variable that is believed to cause or influence the dependent
variable is termed as independent variable. In this study independent variable is BLS
Training program.
Demographic variables- In this study demographic variable are age, gender, educational
status, previous knowledge regarding BLS Training.
In this study, the investigator identified the existing practices of CPR of 4th year B.Sc
Nursing Students of Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore city. The criteria set for the
sampling are:
Inclusion criteria
The study will include
 4th Year B.Sc Nursing Students who are enrolled in selected college in Indore
 4th Year B.Sc Nursing Students available during the period of data collection.
 Students who are willing to participate in the study
Exclusion criteria
The study will exclude:
 4th Year B.Sc Nursing Students who do not give consent to participate in the study.
 4th year B.Sc Nursing students who are physically ill at the time of data collection
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

The investigator obtained written permissions from the concerned authority of the
selected college prior to data collection. Main study was conducted on a total of 26 students
of 4th year B,Sc Nursing who were selected from the Bombay Hospital College of Nursing
Indore. The data was collected and explain the purpose of the study, return consent were
obtained from the students, and assured about confidentiality of their response. A practices
questioner was given to all the samples to assess the existing practices of CPR. On the same
day BLS training programme was given to all the sample by dividing them in to 3 groups, on
the next day the investigator personally assessed the practices on CPR with the same
Frequency and Percentage distribution of socio-demographic variables of 4th year B.Sc
Nursing students on existing practices of CPR
Table -1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of sample according to Age.
Age (in Frequency
years) (N)

18-19 0 0%

20-21 24 92%

22-23 2 8%

24-25 0 0%

Table 1 shows that majority 24 (92%) students were in the age group 20-21 years, followed
by 2(8%) were in age group 22-23 years, none of them were in the age group 18-19 years and
24-25 years

Percentage Distribution of sample according to Age.

E] 18-19

Fig. 3 Percentage Distribution of sample according to Age.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Table 2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of sample according to previous
Have previous practices 18 69%

Not having any practices 4 15%

Participated in workshop 2 8%

Both A & C 2 8%
Table 2shows the distribution of B.Sc Nursing students on the basis of previous existing level
of practices of CPR. The majority 18 (69%) students were having previous practices,
followed by 4 (15%) were not having any practices, 2 (8%) were participated in workshops
and 2 (8%) were participated in workshops and have previous practices.

Previous practices

have previous
8% practices

15% not having any


69% participated in

both (a) & (c)

Figure 4: Percentage distribution of sample according to previous practices


I Assessment of pre-test existing Practices of CPR among4th year B.Sc Nursing students
Table 3.Frequency and percentage distribution of Pre existing practices of CPR among
4th year B.Sc Nursing students before BLS Training Programme
N= 26
Inadequate Moderate Adequate
(%) Frequency (%) frequency (%) N
88.46% 23 11.53% 3 - -

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Table3 shows that the frequency and percentage distribution of students according to the pre-
test existing practices of CPR techniques. In this 23(88.46%) students are having inadequate
practices of CPR techniques, and 3(11.53%) were having moderate Practices of CPR
techniques, and there is no one who is having good practices.

Pre-Existing Practices


10.00% 11.53%
0.00% 0
Innadequate Moderate adequate

Figure 5: Percentage distribution of pre test existing practice on CPR

Table 4. , Mean % and SD of pre-test practices on CPR among 4th year B.Sc Nursing
Practices Number of Total
Mean SD
score statements score

PRETEST 18 18 9.11 1.24

Table 4 shows that the calculated of mean score of pre test existing practices on CPR is 9.11
and with the SD of 1.24

II Assessment of post-test Practices of CPR among4th year B.Sc Nursing students

Table 5. Frequency and percentage distribution of practices level on CPR among 4th year
B.Sc Nursing students after BLS Training programme
N= 26
Inadequate Moderate Adequate

% Frequency % Frequency % Frequency

- - 31% 8 69% 8

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Table5 shows that the frequency and percentage of the students after training program. In the
above data shows 8(31%) were gained moderate practices of CPR techniques, and 18(69%)
students were gained adequate Practices of CPR techniques after BLS training programme.


0.6 69%

0.4 31%




Innadequate Moderate Adequate
Post test  practices

Fig 6 percentage distribution of practices on CPR among 4th year B.Sc Nursing students after
BLS Training programme
Table6. Mean % and SD of post-test practices regarding CPR among 4th year B.Sc Nursing
Knowledge Number of Total Standard
Score statements score Mean deviation

Post test 18 18 16.15 1.29

Table6 shows that the calculated mean score of post test practices of CPR is 16.15 and with
the SD of 1.26
Table7. Evaluation of effectiveness of BLS training program
Knowledge  Total  Mean  Standard 
of  Mean  t‐ value 
score  score  difference  deviation 

Pre‐test  9.11  1.24 

18  18  7.04 

Post‐test  16.15  1.29 
Significant at 0.05 level
Table7 shows that mean value of pre-test is 9.11 and post-test is 16.15 and the mean
difference between pre and post-test is 7.04%. The standard deviation of pre-test is 1.24
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

whereas post-test is 1.29 and calculated t’ value 18.02 is higher than the ‘p’ value at0.05
level of significance. This indicates that after BLS training program the practices level has
been increased.
This chapter dealt with the analysis and interpretation of data collected to generate
the possible solutions of the research study. It mainly included the descriptive statistical
analysis of demographic characteristics, assessment of effectiveness of BLS training (CPR,
Autonomous External defibrillator).
1) On the basis of this study similar study may be replicated on large samples,
thereby findings can be generalized for a large population.
2) A true experimental study can be conducted with control group for evaluating
the effectiveness.
3) A comparative study can be done with mild vs. moderate IQ level of 4th year
B.Sc nursing students to evaluate the effectiveness of BLS training.
The findings of the study have implication in various areas of:
Implications to nursing practice-
Nurses should enhance their professional knowledge. The finding of the study can be
used to bring about awareness among nursing students regading practices of CPR. Health
information can be imparted through various methods like lecture cum demonstration,
mass media, pamphlets, PTP and displays etc. Nurses have to position themselves in all
areas of community. Several implications can be drawn from the present study for nursing
practice. Nurses are the key providers of preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative
services to individuals and communities. The present study would help the nurses to develop
an understanding about the knowledge of BLS training among 4th year B.Sc nursing students.
A major role of the nurses is to follow the techniques of CPR and encourage fellow
Implications to nursing education-
The current trend in education is to be up to the date with all the new knowledge.
The student nurses can engage in providing health education and conduct awareness
programs among the special college students. Finding of the study have implication for
nursing education too. Nurse educators should use different teaching strategies to educate
student nurses in enhancing knowledge and skills in community health care services. The
acquisition of practices in CPR at the student level will better equipped novice nurses to
provide more effective health counsel and support in clinical and community setting.
Implications to nursing administration-
The nurse administrator must take up the challenges to organize continuous nursing
education programmes for the nursing personnel and motivate them to prepare instructional
materials like information booklet and to conduct in-service education programmes which
are beneficial for the students and teachers in special colleges .the nursing administrator
should ensure the use of various alternative and complementary techniques for the students.
The CPR techniques are cost-effective method of improving practice skills of the students,
providing qualitative nursing care.
Implications to nursing research
Re- thinking and reevaluation of the previous nursing art procedures and knowledge
should be done; to keep the knowledge up- to- date Research is a systemic attempt to obtain
answer to meaning full questions about phenomena or events through the Application of
scientific procedure .the study finding would help to expand the scientific body of knowledge
up on which further researchers can be conducted.
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

After the successful completion of the statistical analysis the investigator revealed
that in pre- test practice score it is reflected that more than three fourth of the students were
only had average practices regarding CPR. And in post test the practices score was increased
dramatically so it proved that BLS training programme was highly effective to increase the
practices score
The hypothesis H1 made by the investigator that there will be significant increase in
practices of B.Sc nursing 4th year students regading CPR after administering BLS training
programme is statically proved and accepted.
 Madden, Under graduate nursing students 'acquisition and retention of CPR
knowledge skills, nurse education today 2006 apr; 26(3):218-27.
 Peter basket, progress of the advanced life support courses in Europe and beyond,
resuscitation, 2004 sep ;62(3): 311-3.
 J.Manning ,L. Katz, cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation , critical Care clinics
2000 Oct.; 16(4): 659-679.
 Suzanna c seltzers et al. (2007), medical surgical nursing, 10 ed.,Philadelphia,
 Joyce.M.Black et al; “Medical Surgical Nursing”; 7th edition; Elsevier publication;
pp no: 472-4
 Lewis, Heitkemper et al; “Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of
Clinical Problem”; 7 Edition; Elsevier Publishers; pp. no: 1845-1849
 Davidson; “Davidson’s principle and practice of medicine”; 19 Edition; Churchill
Livingstone Publishers; pp. no: 403-405

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ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Asst. Prof., Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore. [M.P.]

Mental health is how individuals think, act and cope with life and the stressors and
challenges that are part of the human experience. The state of one's mental health can influence
the ways in which they look at themselves, their life and others around them. It also strongly
influences an individual's potential for achieving their goals and is an important tool in obtaining
and maintaining a feeling of well being.

Mental health is how individuals think, act and cope with life and the stressors and
challenges that are part of the human experience. The state of one's mental health can influence
the ways in which they look at themselves, their life and others around them. It also strongly
influences an individual's potential for achieving their goals and is an important tool in obtaining
and maintaining a feeling of well being.
Individuals with good mental health wellness are better able to function during stressful
situations. Good mental health wellness is reflected in several ways:-
1. Bouncing back from adversity.
2. Communicating about your feelings.
3. Forming good interpersonal relationships.
4. Setting and achieving realistic goals.
5. Seeking help in difficult times.
6. Enjoying life to the fullest.
7. Self-appreciation.
Flourish partners with mental health professionals, organizations and communities to
develop positive mental health culture. It not only want to focus on helping those struggling with
mental illness, but to help them and others looking to excel in life and fulfill personal goals. Our
providers believe in the power of holistic care of the mind from a wellness perspective. FMWA’S
work is to spread knowledge about mental health & encourage its practice in all sections of
society. This increase in awareness is essential to improve well-being & also to dispel the stigma
faced by these associated with mental health problems.

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This Association is set up in Mental Health Nursing Department of Bombay Hospital
College of Nursing, Indore [M.P.] and is voluntarily supported by Psychiatrist, Wellness
Therapist, Clinical Psychologist, Social Workers, Psychiatric Nurse, and Yoga Therapist.
“Working Together To Overcome the Barriers of Mental Wellness”
To conjoin mental health professionals & local community partners for promoting mental
health, positive change towards mental illness & reducing its stigma as it is essential to improve
mental well-being.
1. Increase awareness about mental health and mental illness.
2. Identify early warning signs.
3. Open conversations around confronting stigma.
4. Strategies for maintaining mental wellness and overcoming barriers to our wellness.
5. Identify actions that students can take to make a difference in their communities towards
mental health and illness.
6. Provide a forum to initiate and sustain conversation about mental health and addiction
1. Raise awareness about mental health and mental illness through our events (e.g. Role
play, special lectures, symposium etc) to create an environment where individuals can
freely communicate about their questions about mental health and mental well-being.
2. Eliminate stigma towards mental illness by disseminating information through our
events and communications, and helping individuals understand mental illness is non-
discriminatory in who it effects.
3. Provide information about mental illness to school students through an awareness
programme Cuckoo’s Nest: Let’s talk about mental illness.
4. Provide counseling related to overcome behavioral issues.
5. Help individuals to find support groups and wellness events in their local communities.
6. Address coping skills such as stress management techniques, mindfulness and resiliency.
7. Encourage those with mental illness and their caregivers to seek professional help by
making the process easy and accessible.


Overview of the programme
Many people are frightened of mental illness, although about one in four people will
require professional help for a mental health problem at some time in their lives. Mental illness
remains shrouded in ignorance and misconception. In rural and urban communities sufferers face
stigma and discrimination at every turn: from employers, neighbours, friends and even their own
family. Taking the form of anything from name calling to exclusion, stigma prevents those with
mental illness from addressing their issues personally or seeking help professionally.
Even those that have recovered from mental illness face hardships, they report difficulties
in their community, marriage and family as a result of their being branded, 'mentally ill'. These
attitudes are born of lack of knowledge, not experience, and are substantiated by media coverage
that portrays the mentally ill in a far from positive light; using imagery that fills in the gaps in
people's imagination as to the potential behaviours of someone whom they do not understand or
feel that they cannot relate.
Providing accurate information can help correct fears, myths and misconceptions many
people have about mental illness. Studies have shown that a combination of education and face-
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

to-face interaction has a greater impact on changing attitudes than using either strategy in
isolation. Secondary schools provide an ideal environment and natural opportunities to address
mental health and illness issues. Secondary school students, particularly at the senior level, are
eager to learn about mental illness. The movie Cuckoos Nest teaches that people with mental
illness are not violent or incompetent, and that, in one student’s words, “they are just like
everybody else.” The students learn that with advances in treatment and community support,
people with mental illness, just like people with other chronic health problems such as diabetes,
can live fulfilling lives and contribute to the community. Secondary school students are at an age
where they are forming opinions and values that will be with them for life. This program helps
students develop critical thinking skills by encouraging them to examine media messages and
their own preconceptions about mental illness. It helps ensure students develop a strong sense of
understanding, empathy, compassion and tolerance — essential elements in healthy individuals
and caring communities. Teenagers need to know more about mental illness because the first
symptoms of severe, chronic forms of mental illness (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder) generally appear between the ages of 16 and
24. Young people with disorders such as schizophrenia and mood disorders have a very high risk
of attempted suicide. The program provides an opportunity to openly discuss mental illness.
However, this discussion does not replace professional help. It provides the kind of information,
such as local mental health-related resources, that makes it easier for young people to find help
and support for themselves and others to deal with mental illness. In the program evaluation,
students’ knowledge and attitudes about mental illness will be measured. The results will show
that the program increases knowledge and awareness of mental illness and fosters more positive
attitudes about people with mental illness.
Mental wellbeing is of particular importance in younger age groups as childhood
experiences in infancy and the first five years of life have been found to have a lasting impact
upon a child’s mental wellbeing.3 Understanding and improving the mental wellbeing of this age
group may deliver tangible improvement across their whole life course.
Key facts on mental health in childhood:

While the statistics on mental illness are stark there are modifiable risk and protective
factors such as parenting and education which provide opportunities to improve mental health and
wellbeing at an early age and have a lasting impact throughout the life course.
Positively influencing the mental wellbeing of children and young people can enhance their
ability to
1. Develop psychologically, emotionally, creatively, intellectually and spiritually
2. Initiate, develop and sustain mutually satisfying inter-personal relationships
3. Use and enjoy solitude
4. Become aware of others and empathise with them
5. Play and learn

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6. Develop a sense of right and wrong
7. Resolve (face) problems and setbacks and learn from them
 To eliminate or reduce the stigma associated with mental illness through an educational
 To develop a positive attitude towards mental illness among students.
 To provide teachers/educators with appropriate support and materials to implement the
awareness program.
 To organize awareness presentations to take place in local secondary schools or other
community venues.
 To provide secondary school students with information about mental illness and local
resources for supports.
 http://www.wpro.who.int/mediacentre/releases/2017/20170407/en/
 http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2017/world-health-day/en/
 https://www.camh.ca/en/education/Documents/www.camh.net/education/Resources_com

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ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Lecturer , Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore.

Organ transplantation is a bonus to the health sector as it has helped in saving the
lives of those who would have died otherwise. There is a great need for human organs for
transplantation. In fact, the need exceeds the supply of transplantable organs. The shortage of
organs has several reasons. Perhaps the most common is that people are diffident to donate
organs as they lacks adequate knowledge regarding it. In other cases people are reluctant to
donate organs due to the forged beliefs surrounding organ transplantation. Purpose of this study
was to evaluate the level of knowledge regarding organ transplantation among staff nurses. 40
staff nurses were selected through the convenient sampling technique. Findings revealed that
mean value of knowledge score was 7.6 and as per the score grade, it indicates that it is in
average score. Also, there was a significant association of level of knowledge with educational
Keywords: structured teaching programme, organ transplantation, staff nurses.

Organ transplantation is a boon to the medical industry as it has helped in saving the lives
of those who would have died otherwise. There is a great need for human organs for
transplantation. In fact, the need exceeds the supply of transplantable organs. The shortage of
organs have several reasons. Perhaps the most common is that people are hesitant to donate
organs because they don’t have adequate knowledge regarding it. In other cases people are
reluctant to donate organs due to the false beliefs surrounding organ transplantation.1
There is also a distinct lack of awareness among the general public in India about how
immensely beneficial donating organs can prove to be for the recipients and their families. Most
of the people needing transplantation belong to the young and middle age groups. Hence
donating vital organs to a person belonging to these age groups can save a whole family from
being ruined. There is also a superstition among people that by donating organs, they will be born
deformed and disfigured in their next birth.2
New notified rules of transplant act of 2014 may help give boost to deceased
transplantation in India and ease organ shortage. Thousands of lives are lost in India annually
from heart and liver failure since transplantation of unpaired organs like heart, liver and pancreas
is either difficult or impossible from living donors. It is only possible on a large scale if these
organs are available from cadaver donors. There are millions of needy patients all over the world
who suffer from various end stage organ failures and whose lives can be saved only by the timely
replacement of the failed organ.3
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Organ transplantation is one of the most spectacular endeavours till date. Medical
advances have contributed tremendously to its success ratio and have led to a significant increase
in the number of transplants being performed. But there is a shortage for organs and low
response to cadaver organ transplantation. The shortage of organs has been due to the reluctance
of many family members to donate due to the fear of surgery causing loss to their health, smaller
nuclear families with unmatchable donors and a deceased donor programme that is still to evolve
According to a study conducted in 2016 by Savita Thakur, in India every year nearly
5,00,000 lives are losed due to unavailability of organs. Despite a population of 1.2 billion,
people of India stands at a mere 0.08% of organ donors per million population.
About 1,50,000 people in India are waiting for a kidney transplant, however only 3000 of
them receive of them are able to receive a transplant. Only 1 out of 30 people in the waiting list
die without getting a organ.5
India, however slips to the 40th rank in the study of 69 countries in term of number of
transplants per million population, with only three in a million getting a kidney in case of renal
failure, as per a study conducted in 2016 by Amresh Tiwari.6
Because of the shortage of donated organs, an average of 20 people dies each day waiting
for transplants that can’t take place. An average of 75- people receives organ transplants each
A count of 1,40,000 population met with road accidents and die, which occur annually in
India, of which most of the death (67%) occurs due to severe head injuries.
In a study conducted in 2014 by Indo-Asian News Services, India 2,00,000 people need a
new kidney every year and 1,00,000 need a new liver, but only 2-3 percent of the demand for new
organs are met. 7
“A pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on
knowledge regarding organ transplantation among the staff nurses in selected hospital, Indore”.
1) To assess the level of knowledge regarding organ transplantation among staff nurses.
2) To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding
organ transplantation among staff nurses.
3) To find the association of knowledge scores with selected socio demographic variables of
staff nurses.
At 0.05 level of significance
 H1 : There is a significant difference in the level of knowledge regarding organ
transplantation among staff nurses before and after the administration of structured teaching
 H2 : There is a significant association of level of knowledge of staff nurses on organ
transplantation with selected socio demographic variables.
This study assumes that staff nurses may have knowledge regarding organ transplantation.
In this study,
Structured Teaching Programme: refers to the learning package in the form of power-point
presentation in order to impart knowledge about organ transplantation to make staff nurses aware.
Organ transplantation:- refers to the process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from
one person (the organ donor) and placing it into another person (the recipient).
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Staff nurses:- refers to the nurses working in various department in Bombay Hospital, Indore
who fulfils the inclusion criteria.
This study is limited to-
 Staff nurses who working in a selected hospital.
This study is delimited to-
Staff nurses who are:-
 Not present at the time of study.
 Not co-operative at the time of study.

The research approach adopted for the study was quantitative research approach.

The research design adopted for the study was non-experimental descriptive research
The present study was conducted in outpatients department in Bombay Hospital,
Research variable was knowledge.
Socio demographic variables were the extraneous variables.
Population was Bombay Hospital, Indore.
Target population was staff nurses.
Accessible population was staff nurses from Bombay Hospital, Indore.
Sample consists of selected 40 staff nurses from Bombay Hospital, Indore.
Convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample.
Inclusion criteria
Staff nurses who are:-
 working in ICU, and OT.
 available at the time of study.
Exclusion criteria
Staff nurses who are:-
 not willing to participate.
A formal written permission obtained from the Nursing Superintendent, Bombay Hospital,
Indore to conduct the Research Study. Non-probability convenient sampling technique was used

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

to select 40 staff nurses from Bombay Hospital, Indore. After taking written consent from
samples, pre-test was done by administering structured knowledge questionnaire and structured
teaching programme was conducted. Post test was done to evaluate the effectiveness of the
structured teaching programme.
The findings of the study were organized according to sequence of the objectives of the
study. The data were edited, analyzed, interpreted and presented in the form of tables and figures.
The data are presented under the following heading-
 Section-A: Frequency and percentage distribution of socio-demographic variables.
 Section-B: Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding organ
 Section-C: Association of knowledge scores with selected socio demographic variables.
Section - A
Frequency and percentage distribution of socio-demographic variables
n = 40
1 Age (in years)
a. 21-25 7 70%
b. 26 - 30 2 20%
c. 31- 35 1 10%
d. > 35 0 0
2 Gender
a. Male 3 30%
b. Female 7 70%
3 Educational qualification
a. GNM 2 20%
b. B. Sc Nursing 7 70%
c. Post B. Sc 1 10%
d. Others 0 0
4 Years of experience
a. < 1yr 1 10%
b. 1- 5 yrs 7 70%
c. 6 – 10 yrs 2 20%
d. > 10yrs 0 0
Section - B
Level of knowledge among staff nurses regarding organ transplantation
n = 40
Freq. % Mean Median S. D
1-5 Poor 0 0
6-10 Average 9 90%
8.3 8 1.89
11-15 Good 1 10%
16-20 Excellent 0 0

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org



14 Frequency, 9

10 Frequency
2 Frequency, 1
0 Frequency, 0 Frequency, 0
Poor Average Good Excellent

Fig: II - Bar diagram showing frequency distribution of level of Knowledge of staff nurses
regarding organ transplantation.

Section – C: Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding organ

n = 40
Mean Standard Mean difference ‘t’ value
Pre-test 10.92 3.52
9.68 12.48
Post test 20.6 5.53

Section - D
Association of knowledge scores with selected socio demographic variables of staff nurses
n = 40


χ2value df
VARIABLES median median value

21 - 25 4 3
AGE (in yrs) 26 - 30 1 1 0.774 2 0.569
31 - 35 1 0
Male 2 1
GENDER 0.079 1 0.667
Female 5 3
GNM 1 1
B.Sc. (N) 4 3 0.047* 2 0.679
Post B.Sc. (N) 1 0
YEARS OF < 1yr 1 0 1.127 2 0.495

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

EXPERIENCE 1 - 5 yrs 4 3

6 - 10yrs 1 1
* significant at p <0.5 level
The following conclusions were drawn on the basis of the findings of the study:
 7 staff Nurses were in the age group of 21- 25 years, 2 were in the age group of 26- 30
years and only 1 was in 31- 35 years of age group.
 Majority (7) of the staff Nurses were Females and 3 were Males.
 7 Staff Nurses had B. Sc Nursing and 2 had GNM and 1was having Post B. Sc.
 Most (7) of the staff Nurses had experience of 1-5 years, 2 were having 6-10 years and 1
was having >1 year.
 Mean score of knowledge related to Narcotic drugs among staff Nurses was 8.3. This value
indicated that Nurses were having average knowledge regarding Narcotic drugs on the
basis of knowledge scores.
 As calculated values are less than table value, there was no significant association of
knowledge score and socio demographic variables. Hence the research hypothesis is
The findings of the study have implication in various field of nursing, these are:
1. Nursing education
2. Nursing service
3. Nursing administration
4. Nursing research
 Nurse educator can teach students about the organ transplantation.
 More knowledge should be provided to students regarding organ transplantation.
 Students should be taught how to mutually involve with other discipline, as it leads to
high potential of enriching the professional competence of the students regarding
organ transplantation.
 Knowledge about organ transplantation from both living and cadaver.
 Enable for quality care
 The student’s education need to prepare self-learning material such of learning
packaging and programme.
 Nurse administrator can conduct workshop for nursing staffs to increase awareness
about the benefits of organ transplantation.
 Nursing research should be directed to further explore and update level of knowledge
of rural people regarding organ transplantation.
This study was limited to-
 People of 20 – 40 years of age group
 Selected hospital.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

 A similar study can be repeated on a larger sample for better generalization of the
 A parallel study can be conducted in different settings other than community area.
 A comparative study can be carried out to compare the awareness levels of organ
transplantation among people from rural and urban area.
 Harish kumar. Death and organ donation. Amritha J Med. 2007 Internet. Apr cited on
ymd; 8(2). Available from: URL:WWW.rguhs.ac.in/ cdc/onlinecdc/uploads/05-N006-
 Anubhav Shrivastav Organ transplantation in India-How to bridge the dem and supply
gap DREME UPSC:Available from: URL: http://essays2u. blogspot.in/2009/11/organ-
 Mohan foundation, New notified rules of transplant act2014, April 8,2014 new notified
rules of transplant act of 2014 may help, give boast to deceased donation in India & case
organ donation: Available from: URL: http://www. mohanfoundation.org/news/New-
 Monika Bhatkhande Dispelling myths- Organ donation & transplantation India PRwire,
August23, 2006.India. Available from: URL-http://www.indiaprwire.
 Sarita Thakur, Max Shalimar Bagh Felicitates Late Sahels Family, Organ donor to
people, 25 january 2016, state- Delhi. Available from: URL: http://notto.
 Amrish Kumar Tiwari, faciling the patients double helical Double Helical DH

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Lecturer, Bombay Hospital College Of Nursing, Indore

Background:- Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It
affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others,
and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and
adolescence through adulthood.Aim: Assess the effectiveness of training programme on mental
health awareness among B.Sc Nursing 1st year. Objective: 1)To assess the knowledge of B.Sc
Nursing First Year students on mental health awareness before and after administration of
training programme.2) To evaluate the effectiveness of training programme on knowledge
regarding mental health awareness of B.Sc Nursing 1st year students. Research Methodology:
Pre experimental study design was used to achieve the objectives of the study, the study was
conducted with 47 B.Sc Nursing 1st year students . The level of knowledge was assessed by
structured questionnaire. Results: The calculated pre test score mean(19.95) as per the scale is
average(36-48) and standard deviation (5.365).the post test score mean(40.30) as per the scale is
Good (36-48)and standard deviation is 4.876. The computed ‘t’ test value of pre test and post-test
is 37.744 is higher than the p value at 0.05 level of significance. Conclusion: Thus for this study
one can conclude that mental cuckoo’s nest training programme could be an effective to improve
the knowledge of mental health awareness among B.Sc Nursing 1st year students.
Keywords: pre experimental, effectiveness, training programme, mental health awareness.

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects
how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and
make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence
through adulthood.
Over the course of your life, if you experience mental health problems, your thinking,
mood, and behavior could be affected. Many factors contribute to mental health problems,
including: Biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry, Life experiences, such as trauma
or abuse, Family history of mental health problems.
Mental illness affect 19% of the adult population, 46% of teenagers and 13% of children
each year. People struggling with their mental health may be in your family, living next door,
teach your children, work in the next cubicle or sit in the same church pew.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

However, only half of those affected receive treatment, often because of the stigma
attached to mental health. Un treated mental illness can contribute medical expenses, poorer
performance at school and work, fewer employment opportunities and increased risk of suicide.
The National Institute on Mental Health estimates that mental health disorders affect
approximately one out of every four adult, but just over half of US adult with a serious mental
health illness seek treatment, In addition, the same that just over 20 percent of children between
the age of 13-18 are either currently ill or will experience a serious mental health illness.
Untreated mental health disorders increase the likelihood for suicide, and more US citizens
currently die from suicide than from traffic accidents or homicides. In short, you learn about these
problems and seek professional help as soon as possible to help yourself or a loved one.
Mental Health awareness is essential in our complex world. It aims to increase
understanding of mental health issues and the wide swath they cut through our society
encouraging individuals, family members, educators, and health professionals to reach out and
explore what can help.
Recent reports of rising rates of suicide and substance use ,especially in adult male and
female, reiterate the urgency to promote positive mental health throughout the life course, but
especially in a Childs formative years. According to the national institute of health, nearly 44
million adult (18%) experience mental illness in a given year, and approximately 1 in 5 youth
aged 16-22 (21.4%) experiences a severe mental disorder in a given year.. The American
Psychological association estimates10% of all youth and adolescents have a serious mental health
issue. And a recent study from the centers for disease control and prevention show the number of
suicides in united state has risen 24% since 1999.
School mental health programs can address mental, emotional , and behavioral disorders
so that students are physically and emotionally ready to learn and their families are able to cope
with the stress of daily living. This brief discusses how to support school mental health programs
through system of care principles and initiatives. system of care provide schools and communities
the opportunity programming in schools to address the various mental health needs experienced
by students. This is accomplished by offering students to ensure that they are ready to learn, both
physical and emotionally. Resources are also provided to help students and their families cope
with the stress of daily living, as well as learn new strategies to successful address current
A pre-experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of training programme on
knowledge regarding mental health awareness among 1st year b.sc nursing students in a
selected college of nursing in Indore,(MP)”
1. To assess the knowledge of B.Sc Nursing First Year students on mental health
awareness before and after administration of training programme.
2. To evaluate the effectiveness of training programme on knowledge regarding mental
health awareness among B.Sc Nursing 1st year students.
H1: There is a significant difference between the mean pre test knowledge score and post
test knowledge score of students regarding mental health awareness.
1. The training program will be an effective intervention among B.Sc Nursing 1st year
students regarding mental health awareness.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

1. The study will be delimited to selected college of Nursing in Indore.
2. Students who are willing to participate in this study.
3. Students who are in training programme of mental health awareness.
Vanessa Pinfold,Heather Stuart, Graham Thornicroft, Julio Arsolida were conducted a
study on the impact of mental health awareness programme in school in UK and Canada. In the
UK, 635 students attended the first mental health awareness lesson and completed the baseline
questionnaire. A total of 512 completed the workshop programme and returned the one-week
follow-up survey, providing an 81% response rate at follow-up. In Canada, 1501 students
completed a pre-intervention survey. Post-test surveys were collected for the first 634 students
who received the workshop. Neither the teachers nor the workshop leaders kept track of the
number of students who did not complete a survey (because they were away on the day of the
survey or because they refused), so response rates cannot be calculated. However, all students
who were in class were given a questionnaire, and class time was set aside for these to be
completed. Therefore, it is likely that the response rate is comparable to that of the UK. The two
samples had different baseline demographic profiles. In the UK, at baseline, 76% (483) were
females compared to 48% (697) in Canada (chi square =149.3, p <0.0001).
Jane Wells, Jane Barlow, Sarah Stewart were conducted a study on the universal
approach to mental health promotion and disarms or interventions in schools, Over 8000
publications were identified initially and 425 studies of the universal approach to mental
promotion, and disease prevention programme or interventions in schools, positive evidence of
effectiveness was obtained for programmes that adopted a whole school approach were
implemented continuously for more than one year and were aimed of mental health as opposed to
the prevention of mental illness.
Research approach; Quantitative research approach was used for this study.
Research Design: Pre-experimental i.e one pre test-post test research design was adopted for the
study. this design was used to assess the knowledge of B.Sc nursing 1st year students on mental
health awareness..
Variables used for the study;
The two variables identified in this study are-
Independent variables; in this study training programme on mental health awareness was the
independent variable.
Extraneous variables; in this study the socio-demographic variables are the extraneous
Setting of the study:
This study was conducted at Bombay Hospital College of Nursing in Indore.
The target population in this study was 47 B.Sc Nursing students in Bombay Hospital College Of
Nursing in Indore.
Sample and sampling Technique
In this study sample was selected from Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, 47 B.Sc Nursing
First Year students who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were as the
Selected as the stratified random sampling technique was used to selected the sample for this
 Inclusion criteria
B.Sc Nursing students
1. Who are willing to participate in the study
2. Who are under going B.Sc Nursing first year

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

3. Who are available at the time of the study
 Exclusion criteria
B.Sc Nursing first year students who are:
1. Studying college of nursing.
2. Studying outside of Bombay hospital college of Nursing.
47 B.Sc Nursing first year students were selected randomly, using stratified random
sampling technique. Participants were requested to fill the socio demographic proforma in the
beginning , and the knowledge was assessed using structured knowledge questionnaire.
Section: I Description of socio demographic variables
The data shows that out of 47 B.Sc 1st year students Majority (87.5%) of the subject were within
the age group of 17-19 years, only 12.5% were within the age group of 20-22 years. maximum
sample (91.66%) belonged to Christian family 8.44% were Hindu religion.
Section II:- Assessment of pre test knowledge level regarding mental health awareness
among B.Sc nursing 1st year students
Table 2:Frequency,percentage,mean& S.D of Pre- test
Knowledge Grade Assessment of knowledge score
score Freq. percentage mean median S.D
10-22 Poor 8 17.02%
23-33 Average 32 68.08%
34-48 Good 7 14.89% 19.95 20.5 5.365
49-60 Excellent 0 0%
In pretest 17.02% students have poor knowledge, 68.08% of them had average knowledge and
only 14.89% of them had good knowledge. The calculated mean value is19.95 with SD of 5.365
Section III:- Assessment of post test knowledge level regarding mental health awareness
among B.Sc nursing 1st year students
Table 3:frequency,percentage,mean& S.D of Post test
Knowledge Grade Assessment of knowledge score
score Freq. percentage mean median S.D
10-22- Poor 3 6.38%
23-33 Average 35 74.46% 40.30 41.0 4.876
34-48 Good 9 19.14%
49-60 Excellent 0 0%
In post test 6.38% students have poor knowledge, 74.46% of them had average knowledge and
only 14.14% of them had good knowledge. The calculated mean value is40.30 with SD of 4.876
Section IV:- evaluating the effectiveness of training programme
Table 4 : Table shows ‘t’ test value
Group Mean SD t -value
Before training programme 19.94 5.365
B.Sc Nursing 1 year After training programme 40.3 4.876 37.744*
Enhancement 25.75
*Significant at 0.05 level
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Data presented in the table shows that mean post test knowledge (40.876) is apparently higher
than the mean pre test knowledge (19.94). the computed ‘t’ value 37.744 is higher than the ‘p’
value of significance. Shows that there is a significant different of pre test knowledge and post
test knowledge. This indicate that the training programme is effective to increase the knowledge
of B.Sc nursing 1st year students.
H1: There will be significant difference in the pre-test and post test knowledge regarding mental
health awareness after administration of training programme at 0.05 level of significance
Nursing Implications
1. The findings of the present study have implications in the field of nursing may use the
information obtained to integrate mental health educational programme as well as training
2. In service and continuing education programmes can be organized for the purposes of
prevention and control of mental illness and also need to be planned and implemented for
the nurses working in hospitals , communities and schools
3. More and more research can be carried out on the students knowledge on mental health
awareness to save the life of students.
1. A similar study can be done on a large sample so that the findings can be generalized
Mental health can affect daily life relationships and even physical health. mental health
also includes a persons ability to enjoy life to attain a balance between life activities and efforts to
achieve psychological resilience. awareness can also create new improvements for the mental ill
as there is more demand for the adult and teenage it can produce a flow of attention . there is a
great misconception for the mentally ill. Awareness does not just end here, it is a form of
education this education can cause a positive effects in our community.
 Sreevani R.A Guide to mental health and psychiatric nursing; jaypee brothers medical
publishers private LTD;2004
 Elizabeth Baby. Effectiveness of a planned teaching programme on mental health for
students in selected high school in Kerala (1998)
 Autry T,Finke W,Hail A, Kemper D, survival against mental illness education for school
children’s, 2002
 Suresh K. Sharma, Nursing research and Statistics
 Mrs, Bamarukmani, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka, Bangalore,
Department of Community Health Nursing ,Research Study on 2012-2013

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Asst.Professor, Bombay Hospital College of Nursing

Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable
development. Significant strides have been made in increasing life expectancy and reducing some
of the common killers associated with child and maternal mortality. Major progress has been
made on increasing access to clean water and sanitation, reducing malaria, tuberculosis, polio
and the spread of HIV/AIDS. However, many more efforts are needed to fully eradicate a wide
range of diseases and address many different persistent and emerging health issues. Objective:
To assess the level of awareness level regarding health targets of sustainable developmental
goals among health care professionals. Methodology: A descriptive study design was used to
achieve the objectives of the study. The study was conducted with 20 Health Care Professionals
convenient sampling techniques was to select the sample. The level of awareness was assessed
with a self –reported visual analogue scale. The data obtain was analyzed by both descriptive
and inferential statistics (mean, median, SD and Chi Square) Result The calculated mean score
of exploratory group was Mean Score= 5.9, mean of awareness level of health care professionals
is having average awareness regarding sustainable development goals . Median= 6 , SD=1.445
and the calculated Chi Square value show that there was significant association between
gender , course with awareness test score at 0.05 level of significant but no significant
association with age , year of experience and area of experience at 0.05 level of so hypothesis
H1is rejected .

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the global goals for sustainable
development set by 193 United Nations member states on September 25th 2015 to make this
world a better place to live in. Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all
ages is essential to sustainable development. Significant strides have been made in increasing life
expectancy and reducing some of the common killers associated with child and maternal
mortality. Major progress has been made on increasing access to clean water and sanitation,
reducing malaria, tuberculosis, polio and the spread of HIV/AIDS. However, many more efforts
are needed to fully eradicate a wide range of diseases and address many different persistent and
emerging health issues. Well-being is a positive outcome that is meaningful for people and for
many sectors of society, because it tells us that people perceive that their lives are going well.
Good living conditions (e.g., housing, employment) are fundamental to well-being. Tracking
these conditions is important for public policy. However, many indicators that measure living
conditions fail to measure what people think and feel about their lives, such as the quality of their
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

relationships, their positive emotions and resilience, the realization of their potential, or their
overall satisfaction with life. Well-being generally includes global judgments of life satisfaction
and feelings ranging from depression to joy.,
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The
Present study investigates the awareness of health care professional Preventable diseases like
malaria, TB, and HIV AIDS still claim millions of lives every year, and the recent Ebola outbreak in
West Africa shows how weak many countries’ health systems are. The good news is that investment
in health makes a huge difference, and life-changing progress is already happening. We’ve cut child
deaths in half, HIV infections are down by more than 40%, and more than 6 million malaria deaths
have been prevented.We need to speed this progress up by training more health workers and making
sure they have the medicines and supplies they need. Then we really could see a world where
diseases are stopped in their tracks and everyone can get treatment when they need it.
An exploratory study to find out the awareness regarding S.D.health targets among selected
health care professionals of Indore.
1) To assess the level of awareness regarding health targets of sustainable developmental
goals among health care professional.
2) To find out the association of awareness of SDG health targets among health care
professionals with their selected socio demographic variables.
1) H1-There is significant association of awareness level of health targets of sustainable
developmental goals with selected socio demographic variables of health care
Health care professionals may aware of sustainable development goals .
1.The study will be delimited to selected health care professionals of Indore.
2. Patient who are willing to participate in this study
3. Patient who are in active phase of SD goals.
Descriptive study approach was used to achieve the objectives of the study and the research
design used was exploratory descriptive design.
Population: Health care professionals working in selected hospital
1. Dependent Variable : Sustainable development goals knowledge
2. Demographic Variable: Age, Gender, course, Year of experience, Area of experience ,
awareness regarding sustainable development goals
Convenient sampling technique was used to select 20 health care professionals as
Inclusion criteria
1. Who are willing to participate in the study
2. Who are working in health sector
3. Who is Co-operative
4. Who can understand English and Hindi
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Exclusion criteria
1. Who are not willing to participate in the study
2. Those who are not health professional
Test re test method was used to check the reliability of the tool. The reliability was found to
as 0.95 and found as reliable to collect the data regarding S.D.health targets among selected
health care professionals.
1) The health professional who met the criteria was included for the study. Data collection
was started after obtaining permission from the Hospital Authority. Written informed
consent was obtained from all the health care professionals participate in the study .The
Socio demographic data were collected from 20 health care professionals and the
subject’s awareness regarding S.D goals health targets was assessed by structured
knowledge questionnaire.
Table 1:-Frequency and percentage distribution of socio- demographic variables

Sl.no. Variables Frequency Percentage(%)

1. Age in year
1.1 20-25 5 25%
1.2 26-30 5 25%
1.3 31-35 6 30%
1.4 36-40 4 20%
2. Gender
2.1 Male 6 30%
2.2 Female 14 70%
3. Course
3.1 G.N.M. 5 25%
3.2 B.Sc. 6 30%
3.3 Post B.Sc. 7 35%
3.4 M.Sc. 2 10%
4 Year of experience
4.1 <1year 3 15%
4.2 1-5 year 5 25%
4.3 6-10 year 8 40%
4.4 >10year 4 20%
5 Area of experience
5.1 O.T. 4 20%
5.2 I.C.U. 9 45%
5.3 A.K.U. 3 15%
5.4 Ward 4 20%

Table 2:- Frequency and percentage distribution of awareness level of health care
Knowledge Grade Frequency Percentage Assessment of knowledge score
Score Mean Median S.D
1-3 Poor 1 5%

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

4-6 Average 11 55% 5.9 6 1.445

7-10 Good 8 40%

Table3 :-Association between Awareness and Selected demographic variables of health care
Sl.no. Variables Level of D f x2
1. Age in year
1.1 20-25 5 3 0.436
1.2 26-30 5
1.3 31-35 6
1.4 36-40 4
2. Gender
2.1 Male 6 1 7.26*
2.2 Female 14
3. Course
3.1 G.N.M. 5 3 8.819*
3.2 B.Sc. 6
3.3 Post B.Sc. 7
3.4 M.Sc. 2
4 Year of experience
4.1 <1year 3 3 2.85
4.2 1-5 year 5
4.3 6-10 year 8
4.4 >10year 4
5 Area of experience
5.1 O.T. 4 3 1.313
5.2 I.C.U. 9
5.3 A.K.U. 3
5.4 Ward 4

Result The calculated mean score of exploratory group was Mean Score= 5.9, mean of awareness
level of health care professionals is having average awareness regarding sustainable development
goals . Median= 6 , SD=1.445 and the calculated Chi Square value show that there was
significant association between gender , course with awareness test score at 0.05 level of
significant but no significant association with age , year of experience and area of experience at
0.05 level of so hypothesis H1is rejected .
The findings of the present study have several implications in the fields of the nursing
practice, nursing education, nursing administration and nursing research. The focus of health
professionals is directed towards primary care giving .The health professionals in this study was
to understand the care & well being to maintain SD . They also can help the people to maintain
their health by resolving their specific problems. The health care professional should focus on the
care which they are providing by having good practice & knowledge. The senior & trained
health care professionals can train the nursing students and new joining. The administration of
health care professionals should take initiative to involve the care givers in the SD. The health
care professionals should encourage the staff & students to carry out similar research to find the
maximum attainment of SDgoals .The health care professionals to improve the quality of care by

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

practicing the evidence based practice to achieve the continuous development in SD goal to
enhance the quality of care.
The study can be replicated on lager sample in different setting so that the finding can
be generalized to larger population.
The similar study may be done on health care professionals
Sustainable developmental goals are very important in all over world. Which has been
widely to promote good health and wellbeing the present study investigates the awareness of
sustainable development goals in health care professionals to promote good health and well being.
 https://www.one.org/us/globalgoals/good-health-and-well-being
 Diener E, Seligman ME. Beyond money. Toward an economy of well-being. Psychological
Science in the Public Interest 2004;5(1):1
 http.//www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016881007001169
 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17574700
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_Development_Goals

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Lecturer, Department of Mental Health Nursing,
Bombay Hospital College of Nursing,Indore, M.P.

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international standard for the design, conduct, performance,
monitoring, auditing, recording, analyses, and reporting of clinical trials. The aim of the study
was to identify awareness of Good clinical practice (GCP) training programme among research
nurses. To find out association between awareness of Good clinical practice (GCP) training
programme with their selected socio demographic variables. 20 faculties of Bombay hospital
college of Nursing were selected by using purposive sampling technique who were willing to
participate in the study. Data analysis was done by descriptive and inferential statistics. Mean
score of awareness of Good clinical practice training programme was 5.1 which as per score
scale is good. The study also revealed that there is no significant association of proficiency level
with years of experience, education qualification, have you attended any research conference/
workshop, have you done any research study socio demographic variables, at 0.05 levels hence
the H1 is rejected and null hypothesis is accepted.
KEY WORDS- Good clinical practice, training programme, research nurses

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international standard for the design, conduct,
performance, monitoring, auditing, recording, analyses, and reporting of clinical trials. The goal
of GCP is to ensure the protection of the rights, integrity, and confidentiality of clinical trial
participants and to ensure the credibility and accuracy of data and reported results. Good Clinical
Practice (GCP) is the ethical and scientific standard for the conduct and reporting of clinical trials
involving human participants. GCP is focused on the protection of the rights, integrity, and
confidentiality of clinical trial participants and the accuracy and scientific integrity of the data
collected during clinical trials and reported in the results. To ensure that results from clinical trials
can support authorization of investigational products internationally, the principles of GCP have
been adopted by regulatory authorities in Japan, the United States, and the European Union.
High-quality research is essential to achieving global health goals; to this end, the past
few years have witnessed an expansion of health research activities in low- and middle-income
countries (LMICs). There is greater demand for research institutions and scientists to efficiently
organize and manage research projects, as well to meet internationally recognized standards of
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

good practice. However, there is little training and options available to increase research
capacities in the developing world. In addition, scientific integrity, including quality of the design
of the project and its ethical conduct, should play a key role from the initial development of the
project, through to planning, conduct and, finally, to reporting and dissemination of the results.
Thus, quality and ethics need to be embedded into all areas of research with human participants.
Throughout the 21st century, the role of nurse has evolved significantly. Nurses work in a
variety of settings, including the hospital, the classroom, the community health department, the
business sector, home health care, and the laboratory. Although each role carries different
responsibilities, the primary goal of a professional nurse remains the same: to be the client's
advocate and provide optimal care on the basis of evidence obtained through research. Nursing
practice must be based on reliable evidence and nurse education must equip practitioners with the
skills to challenge existing practices, read published research critically and evaluate its role in
clinical practice. Health professionals are likely to come into contact with patients taking part in
clinical trials, and have a role to play in maintaining a culture of improving care using a strong
evidence base. Clinical research nurses have become an essential part of the research team due to
an increasing focus on recruiting participants into clinical trials. There are advantages to keeping
a part time clinical role in addition to being a research nurse but, in practice, this can be difficult
to coordinate. A clinical role helps nurses to keep their practice up to date.
1. A Vijaynathan 2008 A study to conduct on ‘The importance of Good Clinical Practice
guidelines and its role in clinical trials’. He explained Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an
international ethical and scientific quality standard for the design, conduct, performance,
and monitoring, auditing, recording, analyses and reporting of clinical trials. It also serves
to protect the rights, integrity and confidentiality of trial subjects. It is very important to
understand the background of the formation of the ICH-GCP guidelines as this, in itself,
explains the reasons and the need for doing so. In this paper, we address the historical
background and the events that led up to the formation of these guidelines. Today, the
ICH-GCP guidelines are used in clinical trials throughout the globe with the main aim of
protecting and preserving human rights.
2. Hanna Kuusito 2011 A study to conduct on ‘A hospital training programme increases
awareness of Good Clinical Practice (GCP);. The main objective of study was to develop
an in-house training program of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) for the whole clinical team
and to evaluate the effect of the program on the personnel's knowledge on GCP. Study
conduct on department of Neurology and rehabilitation, Tampere University Hospital,
Finland, they developed an in-house GCP training program for the whole department,
including nurses. Before the training department staff was sent a questionnaire about their
knowledge of and attitudes towards GCP as well as their perception of GCP compliance
of studies being carried out at the Department. The subjects completed the questionnaire
again after the training. The result revealed that Almost all, 95%, of the nurses and 50%
of the physicians participated in the entire program. The program was found to increase
positive attitudes towards GCP. A study concluded that a simple in-house training
program is easy to implement and may help to improve GCP compliance.
A descriptive study to assess the awareness of Good clinical practice (GCP) training
programme among research nurses of a selected nursing college of Indore. M.P.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

1. To identify awareness of Good clinical practice (GCP) training programme among
research nurses.
2. To find out association between awareness of Good clinical practice (GCP) training
programme with their selected socio demographic variables.
H1. There is significant association between awareness of Good clinical practice (GCP)
training programme among research nurses with their selected socio demographic
variable at p≤0.05 level of significance.
A quantitative descriptive research approach was used in the study, 20 faculties of
Bombay hospital college of Nursing, Indore were selected by using purposive sampling technique
who were willing to participate in the study. The reliability of the structured knowledge
questionnaire was calculated by split half method and found to be r= 0.08 which is indicated that
tool is highly reliable. Data was collected by using socio demographic and structured knowledge
questionnaire and analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics.
It was found that 75% faculties had good awareness regarding good clinical practice
(GCP) training programme. Chi square test revealed that there is no significant association of
proficiency level with their selected socio demographic variables, at 0.05 level hence the research
hypothesis is rejected and null hypothesis is accepted.
Table.1 Distribution of subjects according to their socio-demographic variables
26-30 8 40
30-35 9 45
36-40 3 15
2 Gender
Male 4 20
Female 16 80
3 Educational qualification
M.Sc Nursing 19 95
PhD 1 1
4 Years of experience
0-5 years 15 75
5-10 years 2 10
10-15 years 2 10
15 years above 1 5
5 Have you attended any
conference/workshop 20 100
6 Have done any research
study 20 100

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Table-2 Association between awareness of GCP training programme with their selected
socio demographic variables.
Selected demographic variable Level of awareness df X2
Poor Good
Age in years
21-25 2 6 2 5.99*
26-30 3 6
30-35 0 3
Male 2 2 1 6*
Female 3 13
Educational qualification
M.Sc. Nursing 5 14 1 0.38
PhD 0 1
Years of experience
0-5 years 5 10 3 2.198
5-10 years 0 2
10-15 years 0 2
15 years and above 0 1
Have you attended any conference/ 5 15 1 0
workshop 0 0

Have you done any research study 5 15 1 0

0 0

After detailed analysis and experience of the investigators, finding revealed that faculties
of Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore have good awareness regarding Good clinical
practice (GCP) training programme.
1. A similar study can be replicated on a large sample which might yield more reliable
2. A quasi experimental study can also be conducted to assess the knowledge regarding
good clinical practice.
As a member of health care team, the nurse has the responsibility to promote health.
Prevent illness and to improve quality of life. All health professionals should be educated to
deliver patient-centered care as members of an interdisciplinary team, emphasizing evidenced-
based practice, quality improvement, and informatics. There is a need to control and regulate
clinical trials dealing with drugs and human subjects. The violation of human rights played a
large role in country. So it’s necessary that research nurses should have good clinical practice
1. Written permission was taken from Principal’s of the selected nursing college of Indore.
2. Informed consent was taken from each participants of the study subject.
3. Confidentiality and privacy of the study subjects will also be taken care of.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

 https/www.ncbl.nim.nihgov/pmc/article
 http/ www.ncbl.nim.nih.gov/pubmed/21278002
 http/ www.nihr.ac.uk/our-faculty/clinical research staff
 http/www. Nursing times. net/roles/ nurse educators/ the role of the research
 http/www.nursingtimes.net/journals2014-nsg research-ethics-consent and good practice

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ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Lecturer, Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore

Learning is a lifelong process and is strongly influenced and shaped by experience in practice
Hospitals and other health care centers that provide such experiences to nursing students need to
be assured that practice based learning meets the required standard.

Learning is a lifelong process and is strongly influenced and shaped by experience in
practice Hospitals and other health care centers that provide such experiences to nursing students
need to be assured that practice based learning meets the required standard.
Practice learning is fundamental to the education of all students in nursing. The need for a
rigorous and effective educational audit process is vital to ensure the Continous improvement of
the quality of the clinical learning experience for nursing students during their clinical posting
with number of students nurses increasing nationally, placement capacity being stretched and
further placements being sought it is time to make sure quality of placements in clinical areas
does not deteriorate due to the pressures.
To evidence the quality and enhancement of practice based learning is a process of
educational audit. Educational audit has proved to be an effective way of reviewing current
activities and learning opportunities available to nursing students. It highlights good practice,
identities where there is a need for change as well as providing information for future planning.
(Burke & Smith 2000 p475)
A practice placement is where learning opportunities are available for student nurses to
undertake practice under supervision. A practice placement has a direct bearing on ability to work
effectively and integrate theory to practice.
 Maintaining/improving the students practice placement experience.
 Identifying those areas in which the Students need help and support to maintain, improve
and develop the quality of the learning environment.
 To meet the statutory and regulatory requirements.
 Identify the specific learning needs and work towards the achievement of knowledge and
the required outcomes and competencies.
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To influence the quality of the practice placements at Clinical areas, with the use of
checklists, feedback sheets and involvement in the audit process and identify appropriate learning
opportunities of the students to meet the learning needs, linking general learning objectives to
specific experiences within the practice context.
I. Audit team coordinator
II. Link Tutors
III. Auditors
IV. Clinical Placement Facilitator
 An Audit Team Coordinator who lead and maintain the whole EAPP process.
 Select a smaller team of nursing teaching staff to act as auditors, provide specific training
and the link tutors are the clinical instructors / lecturers who are posted in practice
placement areas to supervise assigned numbers of students.
 Audit team consists of 6 academic staff from 6 department of nursing i.e. Mental Health
Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing, Foundation of Nursing, Community Health Nursing,
Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing and Pediatric Nursing.
 HOD of each department has to submit allocation areas of their concerned practice
placement to auditors.
 A small team, i.e. 6 auditors, would conduct each audit. The auditors have to work in
pairs looking at the evidence relevant to the clinical allocation areas they would visit.
This would consist of at least 4 academic staff and 2 coordinators verifier, along with a
minimum of 2 clinical staff from practice placement.
 The CPF would be responsible for requesting and collating the required hard evidence
from all their allocation areas. The audit coordinator would act as verifier ensuring each
auditor applied the audit tool consistently and conducted the audit in the same manner
with the same degree of rigor.
 Auditor have to examine and scrutinize all documentary evidence that was provided
along with the audits from last year and the all the appropriate student placement
 The audit coordinators plan a schedule of audit weeks and auditors teams. Academic
staffs were informed of the new process via staff development days, team meetings &
training sessions.
 A new student placement evaluation form was devised to mirror the audit requirements.
 Each visit required verification and triangulation of the evidence already seen to ensure
that what was documented was actually carried out in practice included talking to
students, clinical instructors, staff nurse and clients.
 The audit coordinator would be responsible for the feedback of all audit
recommendations to each placements and monitoring action progress through monthly
review meetings and annual quality monitoring mechanisms.
 At the end of the clinical posting educational audit coordinators plan date for evaluating
whether the objectives as per the curriculum is met, records completed, dues of students
cleared, this report involving clinical presentation by clinical incharges and is verified by
the supporting evidence verification done by EAPP committee.
 The whole process was continuing to prove highly successful for several reasons. It
provided a concentrated focus on placement quality.

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 Each report clearly identified good practice and made recommendations. All link tutors
responded with appropriate action plans for improvements.
 All allocations areas provided the same forms of evidence to meet the standards. This
gave the auditors a clear organizational and allocation overview for each audit standard
before they made any visits.
 All minimum standards were being consistently achieved each year.
 Student support and supervision was generally very good across all placements and
individual areas requiring improvements can be easily identified and supported
 Issues raised by nursing students and teaching staffs of nursing college related to clinical
posting were dealt with promptly and/or passed onto the relevant person for further
The successful implementation of this initiative has provided a clear focus for
improvements to the students learning experience, clinical instructor and student’s support. It has
also made the whole process more effective and efficient. It allowed the audit team to focus on
the education, supervision and assessment of students in practice in each placement.
 Ashdown-Lambert J & Jinks A 2004 Clinical Education Project, Multi-professional
Reflections on a New Audit System and Process in Action; An evaluation of the audit of
student placement areas in Staffordshire and Shropshire, Staffordshire University and
Keele University.
 English National Board 1997 Standards for approval of higher education institutions and
programmes ENB London.
 Ghazi F 1994 Auditing student practice placements, Nursing Standard, 8 (40), pp 36-39.
 Quality Assurance Agency, 2001 Code of Practice –Placement Learning, QAA.
 Terri Rapson 2006 Improving student placement learning experience through an innovative audit
process, A paper from the HEA Annual Conference, Staffordshire University.
 The Robert Gordon University, Guidelines for completing work based & placement
learning audit. www.rgu.ac.uk/index.cfmobjectid=1CD56EA0-435B...
 Royal College of Nursing, 2002 Helping students get the best of their practice placement:
a Royal College of Nursing toolkit, London.

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ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Ph.D. Nursing Scholar Shri J.J.T. University

Principal, Bombay Hospital College, Indore

A healthy work environment is…

…a practice setting that maximizes the health and well-being of nurses, quality patient/client
outcomes, organizational performance and societal outcomes.

Health-care professionals are the most negligent as far as their own health is concerned.
They are exposed to high risk of various infections and also become victims of lifestyle diseases
due to their stressful schedules and a high degree of professional responsibility. Increase in the
incidence of deadly infections due to greater exposure to micro-organisms and viruses that cause
blood borne diseases, such as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the hepatitis B (HBs)
and hepatitis C viruses, has led the medical community to initiate efforts to prevent and limit
exposure among health-care workers (HCWs). HCWs are persons working in health-care setting
and they are potentially exposed to infectious materials such as blood, tissue, specific body fluids,
medical supplies, equipment, or environmental surfaces contaminated with these substances.
They are frequently exposed to occupational hazards through percutaneous injury such as needle
stick or cut with sharps, contact with the mucus membrane of eyes or mouth of an infected
person, contact with non-intact skin exposed with blood, or other potentially infectious body

The HCWs are usually extremely busy and overburdened in a busy and tertiary care hospital.
Thus, personal protection may not always remain a priority for them and they may also have
constraints of resources for prevention of occupational exposures, such as hand gloves. Thus,
HCWs are very vulnerable to infections mediated by blood and blood products.
In developing countries like India, the risk of occupational transmission of blood-borne
pathogens is increased by excessive handling of contaminated needles that result from unsafe
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

practices like administration of unnecessary injections on demand, the reuse of non-sterile
needles, capping needles, and the unregulated disposal of hazardous waste2. These are largely
preventable through strict infection control, universal precautions, use of safe devices, proper
waste disposal and prompt management of exposures including the use of post-exposure
prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV (estimated to reduce HIV sero-conversion by 81%).
Determinants of NSIs
Determinants of NSIs include:
 Overuse of injections and unnecessary sharps
 Lack of supplies: disposable syringes, safer needle devices, and sharps-disposal containers
 Lack of access to and failure to use sharps containers immediately after injection
 Inadequate or short staffing
 Recapping of needles after use
 Lack of engineering controls such as safer needle devices
 Passing instruments from hand to hand in the operating suite
 Lack of awareness of hazard and lack of training
But in many countries, it has not been possible to implement these strategies because of
lack The WHO estimate of the global burden of disease from occupational exposures to
contaminated sharps to HCWs is based on the number of HCWs at risk of exposure, the annual
number of sharps injuries, and the prevalence of blood-borne disease in the worldwide
population. The prevalence of HBV and HCV worldwide vary by region, ranging from 0.5 to
10% for hepatitis B and from 1 to 4% for hepatitis C. Prevalences of HIV infection range from 0
(Europe and North American) to 0.3% in Latin America and the Caribbean, to 4% in Sub-Saharan
Africa. According to the 2003 report of UNAIDS, 40 million people in the world are now living
with AIDS. In general, hospitalized patients show higher prevalence of all three viral diseases
than the general population, with median ratios of hospital samples to the general population of
1.9 for HBV, 3.4 for HCV, and 5.9 for HIV infection.
Needle stick Injuries (NSIs) are defined as an accidental skin penetrating stab wound
caused by hollow-bore needles such as hypodermic needles, blood-collection needles, IV catheter
stylets, and needles used to connect parts of IV delivery system.3
According to WHO Bulletin 2003, 30% to 50% of all needle injuries occur during clinical
procedures4.The incidence of NSI is considerably higher than current estimates, due to gross
under-reporting. The Centres for Disease Control (CDC), 2007 estimates that about 6,00,000 to
10,00,000 needle stick injuries occur each year. Unfortunately, about half of these needle stick
injuries go unreported. In USA 6,00,000 to 10,00,000 receive NSI from conventional needles and
sharps every year, while in UK it is 1,00,000 HCWs/year. In India, authentic data on NSI are
Occupational percutaneous exposures to blood borne pathogens can be prevented by strategies
like immunization against HBV, scrupulous and consistent application of universal precautions
and post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent the development of diseaseof data on disease
burden associated with occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens.1

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Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) refers to comprehensive medical management to minimise the
risk of infection among Health Care Personnel (HCP) following potential exposure to blood-
borne pathogens (HIV, HBV, and HCV). This includes counselling, risk assessment, relevant
laboratory investigations based on informed consent of the source and exposed person, first aid
and depending on the risk assessment, the provision of short term (four weeks) of antiretroviral
drugs, with follow up and support. Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and National AIDS Control
Organization (NACO) recommend PEP for workers with needle stick injuries. PEP for HIV
exposure is best when started within golden period of <2 hours and there is little benefit after 72
hours. If started soon after exposure, PEP can reduce the risk of HIV infection by over 80%.The
prophylaxis needs to be continued for 28 days. PEP is available as either basic regimen (2
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI)) or expanded regimen (2NRTI and 1 PI
drugs). NACO recommend Zidovudine/Stavudine + Lamivudine (basic regimen) and
Zidovudine + Lamivudine + Lopinavir/ Ritonavir (expanded regimen), and its available free
of cost at all Anti-Retroviral Therapy Centres (ARTCs) and Integrated Counselling & Testing
Centres (ICTCs). Adherence to a full 28-day course of ARVs is critical to the effectiveness of
the intervention. Recent evidence shows PEP uptake has been insufficient: only 57% of the
people who initiated PEP have completed the full course.
 To assess the knowledge of staff nurses regarding needle stick injury & its management.
 To observe the association between the knowledge of staff nurses regarding needle stick injury
& its management & demographic variables.
Occupational exposure to blood or other body fluids in health care settings constitutes significant
risk of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other blood-borne
pathogens.The World Health Organization estimates that 3 million percutaneous exposures occur
annually among 35 million health care workers (HCW) globally, with over 90% occurring in
resource-constrained countries. As a consequence of these exposures, an estimated 66,000
hepatitis B, 16000 hepatitis-C and up to 1000 HIV infections occur each year.
L D Gurubacharya, et. al. (2003); Observed That 4% of health care workers were unaware
that Hepatitis B and 61% were unaware that Hepatitis C can be transmitted, 52 out of 70 had
needle stick injury, 27% had 1-2 pricks per year and only 21% reported to the authority as per
year and only 21% reported to the authority as per their study conducted on 70 nurses and
paramedical staff which shows the urgent measures to impart knowledge regarding needle stick
Patrician P A, et. al. (2011); Observed that <.1% had at least one needle stick injury
occurrence with 78% involving a contaminated needle as per their study conducted on 108000
nursing staff from 2003-2006 which shows needle stick injury continue to occur during periods of
high workloads.
Nagandla K, et. al. (2015) observed that 9.8% respondents sustained needle stick injury as
per their study conducted on 194 health care workers & students which shows there is only a fair
understanding of universal work precaution among health care workers.
Bekele T, et. al. (2015); Observed that the prevalence of lifetime needle stick and sharp
injury was 37.1% and within the past one year was 19.1% as per their study conducted on 362
health care workers which shows the remarkable need of the hospital administrators to formulate
strategies to improve the working condition for health care workers and increase their adherence
to universal precautions.
Debbarma M, et. al. (2016); Observed that incidence rate of needle stick injury among
health care workers is 41.5% but only 11.8% were reported as per their study conducted on 400
health care workers which shows that the reporting of needle stick injury is poor, so regular

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

training programs are needed to raise the awareness level and reporting regarding needle stick
Descriptive survey design was used to collect the data from the samples. The study was
conducted in Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Gwalior. This is the regional cancer institute
with a high quality patient care, so the staff nurses working in the institute was selected as the
population of the study.
Purposive sampling technique was felt to be suitable for appropriateness of sampling. Total
sample size was 80. The investigator collected data from the samples by using closed ended
questionnaire containing 25 knowledge items, a score of one (1) assigned to every correct
response and zero (0) assigned to each wrong answer. The total score of knowledge is 25. The
tool contained questions related to needle stick exposure & post exposure prophylaxis. The level
of knowledge was measured on a 4 point scale namely poor, average, good and excellent. (Poor
0-10, Average 11-15, Good 16-20, Excellent 21-25). Collected data were coded, grouped and
analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, median and standard deviation
and Inferential statistics. Chi-square was used to compare the relationship between demographic
variables and knowledge score of staff nurses.
Demographic data analysis included age, gender, education qualification, total clinical
experience, CNE attended & area of work of the staff nurses.

Category Frequency Percentage SD Mean % of

Scoring knowledge MKS
Scale score
Poor 57 71.25% 7.68 30.72%
Average 23 28.75% 12 48%
Good 0 0 0 0
Excellent 0 0 0 0

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Association of knowledge score with selected socio-demographic variables.
Demographic Category Frequency Percentage SD Mean % of
Variable Knowledge MKS
21-30 63 78.75% 9.22 36.88%
31-40 14 17.50% 7.28 29.12%
41 &
3 3.75% 8 32%
Male 36 45% 9.25 37%
Female 44 55% 8.65 34.60%
GNM 10 12.50% 8.2 32.80%
Professional B.Sc. N 61 76.25% 9.09 36.36%
Qualification P.B.B.Sc.
9 11.25% 8.55 34.20%
<1 26 32.50% 9.42 37.68%
1-5 39 48.75% 8.71 34.84%
6-10 14 17.50% 8.35 33.40%
10< 1 1.25% 12 48%
CNE Yes 38 47.50% 8.1 32.40%
attended No 42 52.50% 9.66 38.64%
33 41.25% 8.51 34.04%
Area of work Emergency 18 22.50% 8.16 32.64%
OT 15 18.75% 9.53 38.12%
ICU 14 17.50% 10.21 40.84%
S. Demographi Chi- Df Tabl Level of
c variables square e significance
value value
1. Age 0.319 2 5.99
2. Gender 0.075 1 3.84
Professional Not
3. 0.097 2 5.99
qualification significant
4. Experience 0.216 3 7.81

5. 0.553 1 3.84
attended significant
Area of Not
6. 0.476 3 7.81
work significant

Table - Statistical inference based on CHI-SQUARE test between knowledge score of subjects &
demographic variables. (Table value > calculated value = Not significant)

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H01: No significant association was found between knowledge score and age, gender,
professional qualification, work experience, CNE attended & area of work(P>0.05). Hence, the
differences observed in the mean scores values were by chance and not true difference.
This study concludes that-
 Limited knowledge to the staff nurses regarding Needle stick injury & its management.
 Inadequate supportive supervision of front-line service providers.
 Lack of quality training and skill building.
 Insufficient information, education and communication on key practices.
 In service education for health providers is needed to be updated with new

This study was confined to 80 staff nurses from selected setting of Gwalior (M.P.).
 Limited time was available for data collection.
 Random sampling could not be applied due to limited period of study.
 Standardized tool could not be located by the investigator, so developed the tool for the
 Non probability purposive sampling limits the generalization of findings.

 The study can be replicated on a large sample for making wider generalizations.
 The study may be replicated with experimental research approach method.
 Knowledge can be carried out by using teaching strategies like teaching program, video,
pamphlets, computer assisted learning,

 Wilburn S Q (2004); needle stick and sharp injury prevention, Online Journal of Issues in
Nursing, Vol. 9(3), Manuscript 4
 Abegaz T, Kaweti G (2016); prevalence of percutaneous injuries and associated factors
among health care workers, Biomed Central, Vol. 16, Pp 1-7
 Dulon M, Lisiak B, Wendeler D, Nienhalls A ( 2016); causes of needle stick injuries,
Journal of Hospital Infection, Pp 1-16

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

KIJECBM/JUL-SEP (2017)/VOL-4/ISS-3/NA17 PAGE NO .95-96
ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Lecturer, Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore

In today’s era, quality in nursing care is considered to be indispensable part of every hospital, to
provide highest quality of patient care. Now a days Hospitals of India are undergoing NABH
accreditation process.

In today’s era, quality in nursing care is considered to be indispensable part of every
hospital, to provide highest quality of patient care. Now a days Hospitals of India are undergoing
NABH accreditation process. NABH accreditation itself is a journey towards quality. As we
believe that hospital services is based on team work, nurses are the integral part of this team so
they should be undergo HSTP in their professional course itself so that when they get exposed to
hospital sector there services should be excellent to mark the standards of NABH.
As the numbers of NABH accredited hospital are increasing, the demand of safe and
comprehensive quality care is improving. B.Sc. Nursing syllabus is not provided the opportunity
to learn the basics that enable the nursing students to deliver standard nursing care at NABH
Hospital in safe manner. To minimize this gap, there is an institutional need to teach & train their
students according to the current scenario of quality standards and care protocol as per the
NABH. For this we developed a new concept to fill the gap between exposures of B.Sc. Nursing
Interns to NABHhospital through ‘Hospital Standards Training Programme’ (HSTP)”.
 To prepare student nurses to provide comprehensive nursing care in order to match the
standards of NABH accredited Hospitals.
 To deliver safe, competent and comprehensive nursing care with compassion, comfort
and collaboration with the patients, the family, and the clinical care team when posted in
NABH accredited Hospitals.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

B.Sc. Nursing internsof Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore. Before internship
posting, we provide training to interns to bridge the gap in exposure to NABH Accredited
hospital. This is done to evaluate their knowledge, which they have gained during their training
Duration of Training Programme
 9 Days (One hour for each topic.)
 From NABH accredited hospital, Indore.
Sl. No Topic
1 Introduction about NABH
2 Ethics in nursing & Responsibility towards patient profession

3 Hospital infection control policy\( Needle stick injury, PPE)

4 Biomedical Waste Management

5 Spillage
6 Sentinel events
7 Emergency Codes
8 Fire safety

 National Accreditation Board of Hospital & Healthcare Providers. Education &
Training. Programme of NABH Standards for Hospitals.
 NABH Module for Training & Education. Nursing Excellence.
 National Accreditation Board of Hospital & Healthcare Providers. NABH Guide Book&
Annexures for Standards & Accreditation. 4th edition. Dec 2015.
 Vinsi M.S. & P.M. Harish (2015). IOSR Journal of Nursing & Health
Science. Explorative study to assess the knowledge & attitude towards NABH
accreditation among the staff nurses working in Bombay Hospital Indore. 4 (1). 64-65.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

KIJECBM/JUL-SEP (2017)/VOL-4/ISS-3/NA18 PAGE NO .97-103
ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Lecturer, (child health nursing)
Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore.

Background: - Indian Hospitals would have to apply for Health care accreditation standards
that will make them comply with Quality standards. Aim: evaluate the effectiveness of structured
teaching programme on awareness regarding NABH policies concerning nursing among b.sc. (n)
Final year students selected nursing college, Indore. Objectives: - To evaluate the effectiveness of
STP on awareness of NABH Policies concerning nursing among B.Sc (N) Final year students of
selected Nursing College in Indore. Material and Method: A structured close ended
questionnaire. Quasi experimental design within pre- experimental one group pre and post test.
A convenient sample of 40 subjects’ B.Sc (N) Final year students selected Bombay Hospital
College of nursing, Indore. Statistical method- Students paired t test, Chi-square Test, One way
ANOVA. Result: - The mean score for the pretest was 3.175 which indicate poor score. The mean
score for the post test was 12.55which indicates Good knowledge score. The levels of knowledge
during the pretest score and post test score was compared to prove the effectiveness of STP. The
tabulated value for n=40-1 i.e. 39 degrees of freedom was 2.00. The calculated‘t’ value was -
27.47 for overall knowledge score. The calculated‘t’ value are much higher than the tabulated
value at 5% level of significance which is statistically acceptable level of significance. There was
no significant association between knowledge score with selected demographic variables. Hence
it is statistically interpreted that STP on knowledge awareness of NABH Policies concerning
nursing among B.Sc (N) Final year students was effective. Thus the H1 is accepted.
Key words: - B.Sc (N) Final year students, NABH policies concerning nursing

Indian Hospitals would have to apply for Health care accreditation standards that will
make them comply with Quality standards. An accreditation system will help to monitor the
quality of hospitals and treatment given to patients A need for a uniform country-specific
accreditation standards and accrediting body, to implement these is realized by healthcare
providers across the country.
International standards too expensive and may ultimately not suit the majority of
healthcare organizations in India. Therefore the need for developing our own standards is now
being urgently felt.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Quality health care is defined as “the degree to which health services for individuals and
populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current
professional knowledge”. Quality has become an essential part of the management and evaluation
of health care. The continual improvement of service quality in healthcare units has become a
prime consideration to ensure patient satisfaction across the world in the modern economic
scenario. Quality management techniques, often borrowed directly and unchanged, from
manufacturing and service sector settings, have often not lived up to their promise in terms of
improved health care provider performance and hospital competitiveness.
Quality health care means “The optimal achievable result for each patient the avoidance
of physician include(iatrogenic) complications, and attention to patient and family needs in a
manner that is both cost effective and reasonably documented” Accreditation is an incentive to
improve capacity of nation hospitals to provide the quality of care.
Why accreditation is necessary in India. The increasing role of health insurance, Rise in
number of medico-legal cases, awakening of patients about their rights, Medical tourism.
National Accreditation Board for Hospital and Healthcare Service Providers (NABH)
under the aegis of Quality Council of India (QCI) with the cooperation of ministry of Health &
family Welfare, Govt of India, is constituted The draft was prepared after studying various
international standards like JCAHO, JCI, Australian, European, Thai Standards, besides various
Indian models available.
The patient gets services by credential medical staff. It also helps the becoming as staff of
the hospital as it provides continuous learning and good working environment Knowledge of
students regarding NABH policies concerning is one of the important think which has to be
access to improved quality nursing care. Assessment of knowledge regarding NABH policies
concerning is the basic Part of improving health care system by knowing knowledge level and
plan to improve it so the researcher felt need to conduct the study
1. To assess the pre test score regarding awareness of NABH Policies concerning nursing
among B.Sc (N) Final year students of selected Nursing College in Indore.
2. To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on awareness of NABH
Policies concerning nursing among B.Sc (N) Final year students of selected Nursing College
in Indore.
3. To find out the association post test score knowledge and selected socio demographic
4. H1: - There is a significant difference between the mean pre test knowledge and the mean
post test knowledge score regarding awareness of NABH Policies concerning nursing
among B.Sc (N) Final year students of selected Nursing College in Indore.
 H2: -There is a significant association with selected socio demographic variable
regarding awareness of NABH Policies concerning nursing among B.Sc (N) Final year
students of selected Nursing College in Indore.
1. The structured teaching programme is an effective strategy for improving the knowledge
of students.
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

2. The students are interested to participate and will give reliable information needed for the
3. The knowledge of student regarding the awareness of NABH varies according to socio
demographic variables
The study is delimitated to the: -
1. The study is limited to those students at age of above 18 years.
2. Students who are above 18 years and below age of 26 years.
3. These study is limited only for students those who are studying in nursing college.
1. Mandeep, Naveen Chitkara, Sandeep Goel Department of Neurosurgery, NASA Brain and
Spine Centre, Jalandhar, Punjab, India:- Study to evaluate change of attitude toward acceptance
of NABH guidelines: An intra-institutional experience: The study was conducted on 10 doctors
and 40 nurses of the hospital before and 6 months after the start of accreditation process in the
hospital. Samples were selected by simple random method. A questionnaire was used to collect
the information about the attitude and knowledge of medical staff about NABH accreditation. The
study revealed that medical staff had a positive attitude and improved knowledge about
accreditation after 6 months working in a hospital on the way to NABH. The attitude reflected in
their positive approach in managing patients under better work atmosphere thus, indirectly
reflecting on the benefit to the society as whole.
Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Nursing, Pune,knowledge among staff nurses regarding NABH
protocol in selected hospitals. Background: Health care system of India is currently operating
within an environment of rapid social, economical, technological, and hospitals are an integral
part of health care system. Methods: This was a hospital- based, cross-sectional survey of 100
staff nurses. A set of questionnaires assessing knowledge regarding NABH protocol were used.
Results: 72% of the staff nurses were having average knowledge, 23% of staff nurses had poor
knowledge & only 5% of staff nurses were having good knowledge regarding NABH protocol.
Source of data: - B.Sc (N) Final year students, Bombay Hospital college of nursing, Indore.
Methods of data collection:-Data will be collected by using structured close ended
Research design and approach:-Quasi experimental design within one group pre and post test.
Research setting:-Study setting in Bombay Hospital College of nursing, Indore
Population:-In this present study the population consist of B.Sc(N) Final Year students of
selected college in Indore
Target population: - B.Sc (N) Final Year 40 students of selected college in Indore .A population
is a group whose members possess specific attributes that a researcher is interested in studying.
Sample size: - B.Sc (N) Final Year 40 students of selected college in Indore
Sampling technique: - Non probability Convenient Sampling Technique
1. Dependent variables: - The effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of
NABH Policies concerning nursing among B.Sc (N) Final year students of selected Nursing
College in Indore.
2. Independent variables: - B.Sc (N) Final year students of selected Nursing College in Indore.
1. B.Sc (N) Final Year students who are willing to participate.
2. B.Sc (N) Final Year students who are available during the period of data collection.
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

1. Students of both sex who are-
2. Students who are not willing to participate
3. Who have attended previous class regarding NABH Policies concerning nursing
RELIABILITY: - Tested by implementation of knowledge based on structured teaching
and reliability will be calculated by using formula by (Guttmann split -half).
The collected data were edited, tabulated, analyzed, interpreted and findings obtained were
presented in the form of tables and diagrams which were represented under the following
Section A: - This part deals with description of demographic characteristic of sample.
Section B: - Assessment of pretest and post test knowledge score of students regarding NABH
policies concerning nursing
Section C: - Findings related to effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme the mean pre-
test and mean post-test knowledge scores.
Section D: - Association of post test knowledge scores of students with the selected
demographic variables.
This section deals with distribution of sample regarding awareness of NABH Policies
concerning nursing among B.Sc (N) Final year students of selected Nursing College in Indore.
With regards to their demographic variables. A convenient sample of 40 subjects was drawn
from the study population, who were taken from selected Bombay Hospital College of nursing
Indore. The data obtained to describe the sample characteristics including Age of students,
gender, religion, previous knowledge regarding NABH policies, sources of information,
attended any conference/seminar respectively.
Table-1: Distribution of samples according to selected demographic variable
Demographic variables Frequency Percentage %
1. Age of the students
1. 18-20 years 13 33%
2. 21-23 years 27 68%
3. 24-26 years 0 0%
2. Gender
a. Male 0 0%
b.Female 40 100%
3. Religion
a. Hindu 3 8%
b. Muslim 0 0%
c. Christian 37 93%
d. Others 0 0%
4. Previous knowledge regarding
NABH Policies
a. Yes 36 90%
b. No 4 10%
5. Sources of information.
a. audiovisual aids 4 10%
b. News paper/Magazine 6 15%
c. Teacher 28 70%
d. Parents and friends 2 5%
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6. attended any conference or
seminar 4 10%
a. Yes 37 92.5%
b. No

Section B: - Assessment of pretest and post test knowledge score of students regarding
NABH policies concerning nursing
This section deals with the assessment of knowledge of students regarding NABH policies The
level of knowledge is divided under following heading poor, average, Good.
Table 2: Comparison of knowledge score in pretest and post test knowledge score
n =40
Knowledge score
Level of Score Percentage
knowledge score range score Pre test Post test

Poor 1-5 0-19% 39 (97.5%) 0(0%)

Average 6-10 20-39% 1(2.5%) 4 (10%)
Good 11-15 40-59% 0(0%) 36 (90%)
Minimum score 1 10
Maximum score 7 15
Mean score 3.17 12.55
Mean % 7.92 31.37
‫ﭏ‬2-value 17.52
p-value p<0.0001, Significant

Section C: - Findings related to effectiveness of structured teaching Programme the mean

pre-test and mean post-test knowledge scores.
Table 3: Significance of difference between knowledge score in Pre and post test
Mean Mean
Overall SD t-value p-value
score Percentage
Pre Test 3.17 1.46 7.92 0.0001
Post Test 12.55 1.58 31.37 S,p<0.05

Graph –No-10 .Significance of difference between knowledge score in Pre and post test
Section D: - Association of post test knowledge scores of students with the selected
demographic variables.

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Demographic variables No. of Means F value Level of
students square value significance
1. Age of the students
a.18-20 years 13 0.262 0.358
b.21-23 years 27 0.229 1.142 NS,p>0.05
c. 24-26 years 0
2. Gender
a. Male 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
b.female 40 NS,p>0.05
3. Religion
e. Hindu 3 0.353 1.287 0.292
f. Muslim 0 NS,p>0.05
g. Christian 37 0.275
h. Others 0
4. Previous knowledge
regarding NABH Policies in
concerning in nursing. 0.869
a. Yes 36 0.037 0.365 NS,p>0.05
b. No 4 0.100
5. Sources of information.
a. audiovisual aids 4 0.655
b. News paper/Magazine 6 0.504 1.300 0.287
c. Teacher 28 NS,p>0.05
d. Parents and friends 2
6. Have you attended any
conference or seminar on
NABH Policies 4 0.278 1.103 0.377
a. Yes 37 0.252 NS,p>0.05
b. No
The minimum score in pretest was 2 and the maximum score was 7, the mean score for the pretest
was 3.175 whereas .The minimum score in post test was 10 and the maximum score was 15, the
mean score for the post test was 12.55. The levels of knowledge during the pretest and post test
are compared to prove the effectiveness of STP. The tabulated value for n=40-1 i.e. 39 degrees of
freedom was 2.00. The calculated value was -27.47 for overall knowledge score. The
calculated„t‟ value is much higher than the tabulated value at 5% level of significance which is
statistically acceptable level of significance. There was no significant association between
knowledge score with selected demographic variables. Hence it is statistically interpreted that
structured teaching programme on knowledge awareness of NABH Policies concerning nursing
among B.Sc (N) Final year students was effective. Thus the H1 is accepted.
1. The study had implications not only in the field of nursing, but also in other disciplines.
2. The study was limited to small samples and only for students nurses so can be organize a
conference for awareness of NABH policies regarding nursing quality improvement.
3. The findings of the study support the need for conducting educational programmes
regarding NABH accreditation to improve the quality of care and adherence to the
prescribed policies.
4. Organizational programme and community based sector study can be conducted in
various areas. Thus in future more studies related to topic can be conducted.

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1. The study can be effective to the student‟s knowledge and awareness about NABH
policies can be replicated on larger sample in different setting so that the findings can be
generalized to larger population.
2. A similar study may be done in staff nurses attitude and knowledge.
3. A Study to evaluate change of attitude toward acceptance of NABH guidelines: An intra-
institutional experience.
4. Explorative study to assess the knowledge & attitude towards NABH accreditation
among the staff nurses working in Bombay Hospital, Indore.
Indian Hospitals would have to apply for Health care accreditation standards that will
make them comply with Quality standards. After the completion of the study it is revealed that
the STP found the students have less knowledge regarding NABH policies concerning nursing
and after the STP, student‟s knowledge has increases.
 C. Ranajit, Relevance of servqual model for determining parameter of quality of health
care services in India context, International journal of research development in
technology and management service, 20(08),2003.
 DK illustrated Oxford Dictionary, Christopher Davis publisher Dorling Kindersley
 Guidelines for Quality Accreditation: By Rashi Agarwal.
hospitals. (Accessed on 2-6-11).
 Helena leino Kilpi and Kristina kurittu. Rights in hospital An empirical investigation,
Finland, June 1995 Vol. 2.
 http://www.nabh.ind.in on Thursday, August 10, 2017, IP:]
 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/303922148_Knowledge_among_staff_nurses_r
egarding_NABH_protocol_in_selected_Hospitals [accessed Aug 27, 2017].
 Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of health science, MHA, 2011
 IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS) e-ISSN: 2320–1959.p-ISSN:
2320–1940 Volume 4, Issue1 Ver. I (Jan.-Feb. 2015), PP 64-65 www.iosrjournals.org
 “National Accreditation Board For Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH)”. Nabh.co.
N.p., 2016. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.
 NABH standards for nursing excellence, First edition; October 2013.
 NABH standards for hospital, Chapter 1-Access, Assessment and Continuity of care, 2nd
edition 2007.
 NABH Accreditation: choosing the right hospital. By Akash Rajpal in Simple Rules
Discuss/11 may 2008. www.completewellbeing.com/article/nabh-accreditation-choosing-
the-right-hospital. (Accessed on 2-6-11).
 P. Sivasankar, Employees attitude towards the implementation of quality management
system with special reference to KG Hospital, Coimbatore, International journal of
management research and business strategy, 2(4), 2013, 121-123
 S.K. Sharma, Nursing research and statistics. Haryana, Elsevier publication,

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

KIJECBM/JUL-SEP (2017)/VOL-4/ISS-3/NA19 PAGE NO .104-115
ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Obstetrical & Gynecological Nursing,
Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore, M.P.

Aim – A research was conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program in
terms of creating knowledge on antenatal visits and investigations, among antenatal women at
selected urban community of Indore. Objectives – To assess pre-existing knowledge of antenatal
visits and investigations, among antenatal women. To determine the effectiveness of structured
teaching program regarding antenatal visits and investigations among antenatal women. To find
out association between mean pre test knowledge & selected demographic variable regarding
antenatal visits and investigations. Methodology – An evaluative research approach with pre-
experimental one group pre-test and post-test research design to achieve the objectives of the
study. The population comprised of 40 antenatal women in the selected urban community of
Indore using purposive sampling. Result - Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to
analyze the data. Data revealed that the mean posttest knowledge (15.57) was higher than mean
pretest knowledge scores (4.6). And there is significant difference between pre-test and post-test
at the level of (t = 42.19, P < 0.05). Majority of the variables showed no significant association
between pretest knowledge score with demographic variables like age, occupation, socio-
economic condition, number of abortion, obstetrical score. Conclusion: The findings revealed
that the structured teaching program is highly an effective strategy for improving the knowledge
of the subjects regarding antenatal visits and investigations.

Keywords: Knowledge, Antenatal Visits & Essential Investigations, Antenatal Women.

Thousands of women could be saved each year if they had access to skilled care during
pregnancy and childbirth, and access to emergency obstetric care. Most of the interventions they
need are simple, affordable and highly effective. World health organization stated that the
pregnancy and childbirth are special events in women’s life. It can also be time of fear, suffering
and even death. Pregnancy is associated with certain risk to health and survival for both women
and her fetus. UNICEF (2015) In India every five minutes a woman dies during child birth.
When compared to the world scenario this accounts to more than 20% of maternal deaths in
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

India. Approximately 30 million women in the country experience pregnancy annually, and 27
million have live births. India’s maternal mortality rate reduced from 212 deaths per 100,000 live
births in 2007 to 178 deaths in 2012. According to sample registration system (SRS) (2011)
worldwide, every year approximately eight million women suffer from pregnancy related
complication over half a million of them die as a result. Routine screening allow obstetricians
gynecologists or midwives to detect, treat and prevent potential health problems throughout the
course of the pregnancy while promoting healthy lifestyles that benefit both women and child.
Prenatal screening tests are tests that show whether a fetus has a higher chance of having any
According to, National Family Health Survey 2006 (NFHS-III), some facts related to
MCH services are as following:
 Only 48.3% deliveries are conducted by trained health personnel (i.e. doctor, nurse,
 Only 36.3% women are getting postnatal care by skilled professionals.
 33% women’s body mass index is below normal
 57.9% pregnant women between the age group of 15-49 are suffering with anemia.
 Only 57% women are familiar with the AIDS
 Out of total deliveries, only 40.7% are institutional deliveries
 Annually, it is estimated that 55,000 women die due to preventable pregnancy-related
causes in India.
The aim of antenatal visit is to achieve at the end of a pregnancy a healthy
mother and a healthy fetus. Ideally the care begins as soon after conception and continue
throughout pregnancy. The screening tests aims to detect a disease or condition in the
early stages before it causes significant problems, and where treatment can be offered.
The potential benefits of a screening test should outweigh any possible risks from the
test. Regular checks-ups of antenatal women assist in identifying and reducing risks to
both mother and fetus.
A study to assess the knowledge of antenatal women regarding antenatal visits & essential
investigations among antenatal women in selected community of Indore City
1. To assess pre-existing knowledge on antenatal visits and essential investigations among
antenatal women.
2. To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on antenatal visits & essential
investigations among antenatal women.
3. To find out the association between pre-test knowledge score on antenatal visits and
essential investigations with selected socio-demographic variables of antenatal women.
H1 - There will be significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge score after
structured teaching program regarding antenatal visits and investigations at the level of 0.05%
1. The antenatal women will not have adequate knowledge regarding antenatal visits &
2. The structured teaching program will help the antenatal women to improve their knowledge
regarding antenatal visits & investigations.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

1. The study will be limited to selected nursing colleges, Indore.
2. The study is limited to nursing educators only.
Research methodology is the systematic way of doing a research to solve a problem. It
contains statement of the problem, objectives of the study, assumption which have been
formulated, tool, methods used for data collection and the statistical method used for analyzing
the data and the logic behind it.
The research design selected for this study was one group pre and post test research
design because this study intended to measure the gain in knowledge score of antenatal women
who were given structured teaching program
Target population
In the present study target population were antenatal women who were available in the
community during data collection.
Accessible population
The accessible population for the study was antenatal women of Patnipura of Indore.
Independent variable:
In this study, the independent variable is structured teaching program regarding antenatal
visits and investigations.
Dependent variable:
In this study, dependent variable is knowledge of women regarding antenatal visits and
Inclusion criteria:
 Antenatal women who are willing to participate in the study.
 Antenatal women who are available during the study are included in the study.
 Who are able to read and write.
Exclusive criteria:
 Antenatal women who are not willing to participate in the study
 Antenatal women who are not able to read and understand.
 Antenatal women who are not available at the time of data collection.
The investigator obtained written permissions from the concerned authority of the
selected college prior to data collection. Main study was conducted on a total of 40 of
selected community of Indore. The data was collected and explain the purpose of the study,
return consent were obtained from antenatal women, and assured about confidentiality of
their response. A questioner was given to all the samples to assess the existing knowledge
regarding antenatal visits and investigations. On the same day structured teaching
programme was given to all the samples on the seventh day the investigator personally
took post test with the same questioner.
This section deals with the data pertaining to the sample characteristics of the subjects. It
is presented and analyzed in terms of frequency and percentage distribution of sample

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

characteristics with respect to antenatal women Age, Educational status, Type of family, Source
of information, Obstetrical status and Family income.
Frequency and percentage distribution of sample characteristic
N = 40
Data presented that 42.5% and 25% antenatal women were from the age group between 21-25
S. No Demographic Variables Frequency Percentage (%)
1. Age in years
 <20 7 17.5
 21 - 25 17 42.5
 26-30 10 25
 >31 6 15
2. Educational status
 Primary 1 2.5
 Middle 9 22.5
 Higher secondary 8 20
 Graduate & above 22 55
3. Type of family
 Nuclear 16 40
 Joint 24 60
4. Source of information
 PPTCT Counseling 13 32.5
 Mass Media 27 67.5
5. Obstetrical status
 Primi-gravida 25 62.5
 Multipara 15 37.5
6. Family income
 Rs <5000 4 10
 Rs 5001-10,000 10 25
 Rs 10,001-20,000 13 32.5
 Rs >20,001 13 32.5
and 26-30 years respectively. It is also obtained that 17.5% and 15% antenatal women were less
than 20 years and above 31 years of age group respectively.
With regard to education, most of the antenatal women 2.5% had primary education,
22.5% had middle education, 20% had higher secondary education, and 55% had done graduation
and above.
Data shows that 16% of the antenatal women were from nuclear family whereas 24% of
the antenatal women were from joint family.
Most of the antenatal women 67.5% had exposure of mass media and 32.5% had from
PPTCT counseling.
Obstetrical status of antenatal women was 62.5% primi-gravida and 37.5% were
Family income per month of the antenatal women with regard to 10% had family income
of less than Rs. 5000/-, 25% had between Rs 5001-10,000/-, 32.5% had between Rs10,001-
20,000/- and 32.5% had more than 20,001/-.

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15% 2.5%



< 20 YEARS 21-25 YEARS 26-30 YEARS > 30 YEARS

Pie diagram showing the percentage distribution of age of antenatal women







Pie diagram showing percentage of educational status of antenatal women

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Pie diagram showing percentage distribution of type of family of antenatal women





Pie diagram showing percentage distribution of source of information for antenatal women

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Pie diagram showing percentage distribution of obstetrical status of antenatal women


Pie diagram showing percentage distribution of monthly family income

SECTION II: Assessment of pre-test knowledge score of antenatal women regarding

antenatal visits and investigations.

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Table 2: Frequency and percentage level of knowledge in antenatal visits and investigations
Grading Score Frequency Percentage (%)

Very Good 16-20 0 0

Good 11-15 0 0
Average 6-10 22 55
Poor 0-5 18 45
Data depicts that in antenatal visits and investigations maximum of the antenatal women 22(55%)
had average knowledge

60.00% 57.50%




0% 0%


Bar diagram showing level of pre-test knowledge score of Antenatal visits and investigations
among antenatal women.
This section deals with analysis and interpretation of the data in order to evaluate the
structured teaching program in terms of gain in knowledge.
Grading of sample based on pre-test knowledge score and post-test knowledge score.
S. No Score Pre-test knowledge score Post-test knowledge score
Frequency Percentage (%) Frequency Percentage (%)
1 16-20 (very good) 0 0 21 42.5
2 11-15 (good) 0 0 17 52.5
3 6-10 (average) 22 55 2 5
4 1-5 (poor) 18 45 0 0

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Data shows that 52.5% of antenatal women had scored very good in post test compared to
pretest whereas 0% of antenatal women scored very good, 42.5% gained good score in post-test
and 0% gained good score in pretest, 35% and 65% had average and poor score in pre-test which
was reduced to 5% and 0% in the post-test scores. It indicates a considerable gain in knowledge
score and effectiveness of structured teaching program.

Bar diagram showing comparison between pretest and post-test knowledge scores of
antenatal women
Comparison between mean, standard deviation and ‘t’ value of pre-test and post-test
knowledge score.
Knowledge Mean S.D. Mean d .f ‘t’ value
score difference
Pre-test 4.6 1.58 10.97 39 42.19***
Post-test 15.57 2.33
Paired ‘t’39 value = 42.19, P ≤ 0.001
The data presented that the mean post-test knowledge score (15.57) is apparently higher than
the mean pre-test knowledge score (4.6). The dispersion of pre-test scores (SD±2.33) and the
computed paired ‘t’ value shows that there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-
test mean knowledge score, (‘t’39 = 42.19, P < 0.05 level). This indicate that structured teaching
program is effective in increasing knowledge score of antenatal women regarding antenatal visits
and investigations.
i. Highly
ii. There is no doubt that there is a real difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge
iii. When sample size is large i.e. greater than 30 ‘t’ distribution follows normal distribution

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8 4.8

Bar diagram showing mean difference between pretest and post-test knowledge scores of
antenatal women.
SECTION IV: Association between pre-test knowledge score and selected demographic

S. Selected demographic Pre-test knowledge score df ϰ2

No. variables Poor(0-5) Average(6-10) Good(11-15) Value
1 Age in years
 <20 6 1 0
 21-25 14 3 0 6 11.98*
 25-30 4 6 0
 >31 1 5 0
2 Educational status
 Primary 1 0 0
 Middle 7 2 0 6 3.16*
 Higher secondary 5 3 0
 Graduate & above 11 11 0
3 Type of family
 Nuclear 8 8 0 4 1.09*
 Joint 16 8 0
4 Source of information
 PPTCT counseling 7 6 0 4 6.54*
 Mass media 17 10 0
5 Obstetrical status
 Primi gravida 18 7 0 4 7.76*
 Multi para 4 11 0
6 Family income
 < Rs 5000 4 0 0
 Rs 5001-10,000 6 4 0 6 5.61*
 Rs10,001-20,000 9 4 0
 >Rs 20,001 5 8 0
(*): Not Significant at P < 0.5 level

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The data represented shows that computed chi-square values between pre-test knowledge
score and the demographic variables indicated that there is no significant association between
age, source of information and obstetrical status, educational status, type of family and family
The analysis and interpretation of data collected from 40 antenatal women who are
available in community during data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics were, used for
analysis. It was found that mean post-test knowledge score 15.57. The paired ‘t’ value computed
showed significant difference suggesting that the structured teaching program was effective in
increasing the knowledge of antenatal women regarding antenatal visits and investigations.
1. A similar study may be replaced on a large sample so that the finding can be generalized.
2. A comparative study may be conducted to find out the effectiveness between structured
teaching program and information booklet regarding the same topic.
3. Study may be undertaken on antenatal women of antenatal clinic, M.Y. Hospital, Indore
to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on regarding antenatal visits
and investigations.
The findings of the study have implications for nursing practice, nursing education,
nursing administration and nursing research..
Nurse plays important role in health education regarding antenatal visits and investigations
among antenatal women.
 Structured teaching program imperative for nursing personnel working in antenatal unit
and antenatal and antenatal OPD’s to provide supportive and educational services. Every
student should be encouraged to teach the antenatal women regarding antenatal visits and
 Structured teaching program is considered an effective education strategy to improve the
knowledge and knowledge of the antenatal women.
 Structured teaching program can be imparted in the ward, OPD’s through various
methods like planned education, lectures and booklet.
At present the health care delivery system is giving more emphasis on preventive rather than
curative aspect.
 The structured teaching program can be used as an informational and education mode by
the nurses and the nursing personnel for educating the antenatal women in OPD and
 Nursing educator should trained the nursing student to acquire the knowledge and skill in
assessing the learning need of antenatal women to plan out teaching program based on
the same in the hospital and community.
 The structured teaching program may be used as an knowledge purpose. Nurse educator
should arrange in-service education for female health worker to acquire knowledge and to
understand the importance of antenatal visits and investigations among antenatal women.
Nursing administrator does require courage to bring new changes in the profession which is
acceptable for the values it presents.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

 Nurse administrator takes initiative plan to improve the communication with antenatal
women during antenatal visit.
 Nurse administrator can conduct staff meeting, discuss these finding and revise measure
to improve antenatal visits and investigations.
 Nurse administrator should take efforts to organize workshop and in-service education as
this will update the knowledge of staff nurses and aaganwadi workers regarding antenatal
visits and investigations.
 Nurse administrator should motivate the nursing personnel to devote their time for
development of structured teaching program.
More research should be conducted on regarding antenatal visits and investigations.
 The emphasis on evidence based practice is needed to improve the quality of nursing
 There is a great need for evidence based research in the areas of undetected high risk
cases, early identification and management of high risk women to prevent some
 Upgrading the knowledge regarding antenatal visits and investigations is very important
for antenatal women who will help them to find out disorders at the earliest and to take
prompt action.
The overall experience of conducting the study was satisfying one. The constant
encouragement and guidance from the guide, co-guide, faculty and interest of the hospital
authorities and the respondents to participate in the study contributed to the fruitful & successful
completion of this study. The study was a new learning experience for the investigator. The
present study identifies a great need for the structured teaching to antenatal women regarding
antenatal visits and investigations.
 Abdulla, Pg & Levine, G., Better Patient Care Through Nursing Research. (6th Ed.).
Newyork: Macmillan.
 Cooper, Margaret & Fraser, M. Diane., (2009). Myles Textbook of Midwives. (15th Ed).
Toronto; Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.
 Basvanthappa BT (2003). Nursing Administration, 1st Edition. New Delhi; Jaypee
 Bobak, Jensen, (1993), Maternity & Gynecology Care, (5th Ed.)., Mosby; 263
 Burn, N. & Grove, S.K. (2007). The Practice of Nursing Research Conduct, Critics and
Utilization. (2nd Ed.). Philadelphia; C.V. Mosby Publisher.
 Daftary, S.N. & Chakravati, S., (2007). Manual of Obstetrics (2nd Ed.). New Delhi;
 Dawn, C.S. (2004). Textbook of Obstetrics, Neonatology & Reproduction & Child Health
Education. (14th Ed), Kolkata; New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

KIJECBM/JUL-SEP (2017)/VOL-4/ISS-3/NA20 PAGE NO .116-122
ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Lecturer, Department of Community Health Nursing,
Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore, M.P, India

Aim:Assess the level of awareness regarding selected maternal and child health Madhya Pradesh
government schemes among selected rural and urban rural antenatal women.Objectives: 1.To
assess the level of awareness of rural and urban antenatal women regarding selected maternal
and child health Madhya Pradesh government schemes. 2. To compare the level of awareness
regarding selected maternal and child health Madhya Pradesh government schemes among rural
and urban antenatal women. Methodology:A descriptive survey research approach was used
with non-experimental comparative research design. The study was conducted in selected rural
and urban areas, at Indore district, Madhya Pradesh. Study samples comprised of 40 urban and
rural antenatal women selected by non-probability convenient sampling technique. Data was
collected by using structured knowledge interview schedule and the obtained data was analyzed
by both descriptive and inferential statistics. Results:The result revealed that the mean value of
rural antenatal women is 17.65 and an urban antenatal women is 22.45.The mean deviation is
4.8 and calculated t value is 3.579. Conclusion:Based on results researcher concluded that
urban antenatal women are more aware then rural antenatal women.
Key Words:Awareness, Maternal Health, Child Health, Government Scheme, Antenatal women,
Urban area, Rural Area.

Pregnancy is a special event not only in the life of women but also to the entire family.
Pregnancy is one of the wonderful and noble services imposed by nature. This experience of
transformation from womanhood or wifehood into motherhood is a privilege reserved exclusively
for women. Hence this transformation phase that is pregnancy and following childbirth has been
contributed to have a great impact on both maternal and infant health.
In any community, mother and children constitute a priority group; they comprise
approximately 71.14% of the population of the developing countries. In India women of the
childbearing age constitute 22.2% and children under 15 years of age about 35.3% of the total
population, together they constitute nearly 57.5% of the total population. Mother and children not
only constitute a large group but they are also a vulnerable or special risk group.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

The crucial importance of maternal health is underscored by the 5th goal of the United
Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG) which is aiming at improving maternal health.
Millennium Development Goal-5 aims to reduce the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) 109 per 1,
00,000 live births by 2015.
India has made considerable progress towards the reduction of Maternal Mortality Ratio
(MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), but the current pace of decline is not sufficient.
According to Millennium Development Goal – 2015 report, Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in
India is 140 per 1, 00,000 live births and the state of M.P shows poor performance in reducing
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR).Still Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is highest in M.P at 221
per 1, 00,000 live births.
To achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), Ministry of Health and family
Welfare, Govt of India launched a nationwide initiative– National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)
in 2005 and National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) in 2013 and which is popularly known as
National Health Mission (NHM). Under National Health Mission (NHM) Govt. of India as well
as our state government M.P introduced various schemes related to maternal and child health
The central government implemented Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) and
Janani Suraksha Yojna (JSY) schemes and our state government M.P also implemented various
schemes: JEY, VRJKBY, PHPEUY, DBDY, BSY, AVD and DTS.In order to improve maternal
and child health care. The state government is focusing on increasing institutional deliveries,
skilled attendance at birth, and strengthening the emergency obstetric care (EmOC) services as
main strategies.
Efforts have been made to strengthen the planning and monitoring of maternal health
interventions, including expanding the availability of infrastructure, human resources, drugs and
equipment’s and their proper distribution so as to meet the needs of underserved areas of the
state. Still the utilization rate of the government maternal and child health care schemes in rural
and urban population is only 77%. Investigator found that the possible causes for not utilizing of
such scheme may include assumption of better services in private or lack of awareness regarding
the schemes.
Awareness regarding various maternal and child health care schemes among the antenatal
women is not much studied in M.P. With this background the present study is conducted to assess
the level of awareness on maternal and child health care schemes among the rural and urban
antenatal women in selected rural and urban areas, Indore, M.P.
A comparative study on awareness regarding selected maternal and child health Madhya
Pradesh government schemes among urban and rural antenatal women in selected urban and rural
areas of Indore district. M.P
1. To assess the level of awareness of rural and urban antenatal women regarding selected
maternal and child health Madhya Pradesh government schemes
2. To compare the level of awareness regarding selected maternal and child health Madhya
Pradesh government schemes among rural and urban antenatal women
H1: There is significant difference in level of awareness of rural and urban antenatal
women regarding selected maternal and child health government schemes
Assess: It is the method of estimating the level of awareness among the antenatal women
regarding selected maternal and child health government schemes.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Awareness: Awareness is the state of being conscious of about selected maternal and child health
schemes of M.P.
Maternal Health: Maternal health refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth
and the postpartum period.
Child Health: The care and treatment of children
Government Scheme: Schemes which are sponsored by the national government for providing
special service to pregnant women and child
Antenatal women: An antenatal woman refers to pregnant women who are residing in urban and
rural areas of Indore, M.P.
Urban area: Urban area is a geographic area includes the city itself, as well as the surrounding
Rural Area: rural area is a geographic area that is located outside the cities and towns.
i. The antenatal women may aware about selected maternal and child health government
ii. They will honestly respond to the questionnaire which is prepared by the investigator.
iii. Urban antenatal women.
iv. The antenatal women will extend co-operation in providing factual information.
The study is limited to antenatal women who are
 willing to participate in the study.
 residing at Hathod and Bicholi Hapsi
 sample size is limited to 40.
A.R.Johnson B.Rock et al (2015) cross sectional study were carried out among women attending
antenatal clinic in a rural hospital, Karnataka using a structured interview schedule. The
maximum awareness was for maternal nutrition supplements under Integrated Child Development
Services (ICDS) (83.6%). The awareness of the schemes was significantly associated with
education of mother, socio economic status of family, gestational age and parity index. Source of
information was mainly from health personnel (health workers, health professionals), followed by
friends and family. Awareness regarding the schemes among antenatal mothers range from 0% to
N. Ramakrishna Reddy SG. Kishore et al (2015) conducted cross sectional study to assess the
awareness and utilization of JSY among 120 postnatal mothers at UHTC of Bangalore Medical
College and Research Institute (BMCRI), Bangalore during period of 2 months from 1st May to
30th June 2015. Pretested, predesigned and a semi structured questionnaire was used for
interviewing the study group of postnatal mothers. Out of 120 postnatal mothers, 78.3% were
aware of JSY scheme among which the majority (63.3%) came to know through the local ANM.
76.7% had attended ≥4 ANC visits, 82.9% had received cash assistance under JSY and only
58.3% women consumed hundred IFA tablets. The awareness and utilization of JSY in the study
area was found to be satisfactory.
In view of accomplishing the objectives, that is assessing the awareness regarding
selected maternal and child health Madhya Pradesh government schemes, a descriptive survey
research approach was used with non-experimental comparative design. The study was conducted
in selected rural and urban areas, at Indore district, Madhya Pradesh. Study samples comprised of
60 urban and rural antenatal women selected by non-probability convenient sampling technique
and who are fulfilled the inclusion criteria such as domicile of M.P, willing to participate in the
study, able to understand Hindi and English and present during data collection. To fulfill the

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

study objectives the investigator developed tool consists of two parts. Part-I is demographic
proforma consist of 10 items. The characteristics included were age, marital status, literacy level
antenatal women, occupation, family income, gestational age and number of pregnancy, caste,
religion, area of living. Part-II structured knowledge interview schedule on selected maternal and
child health Madhya Pradesh government schemes such as JSY, JEY, JSY, PHPEUY, DBDY,
The researcher self-collected data from the subjects. For maximum cooperation, the
investigator self-introduced to the respondent and willingness of participants was obtained. The
respondents were assured the anonymity and confidentiality of information provided by them.
Ethical clearance was obtained from the Research Ethical Committee, Bombay Hospital College
of nursing, Indore. The final data collection was done after obtaining formal written permissions
from the Medical officer, Primary health center, Bicholi Hapsi and Hathod, Indore, Madhya
Pradesh. The data were collected from 40 antenatal women in which 20 from urban area Bicholi
Hapsi and 20 from rural area Hathod who were selected through non probability convenient
sampling. The subject’s awareness regarding selected maternal and child health Madhya Pradesh
government schemes was assessed by administering the structured interview schedule.
Approximately ten samples were covered per day and 12-20 minutes were spent with each
subject. The data was collected and recorded systematically from each subject and was organized
on master data sheet to facilitate computer entry. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were
used for data analysis.
Frequency and percentage of socio demographic variables of rural and urban antenatal
women N (20 +20) =40
Rural Urban
Sl. No Demographic Variables
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
(n) (%) (n) (%)
1. Age in year
a. 19-25 years 16 80 11 55
b. 26-30 years 4 20 9 45
c. 31-35 years 0 00 0 00
d. 36-40 years 0 00 0 00
2 Marital status
a. Married 20 100 19 95
b. Unmarried 0 00 0 00
c. Widow 0 00 1 5
3 Literacy level
a. Illiterate
b. Primary level 17 85 13 65
c. Middle school 3 15 7 35
d. Higher secondary 0 00 0 00
e. Under graduate 0 00 0 00
f. Postgraduate 0 00 0 00
0 00 0 00
4 Occupation
a. Unemployed
b. Unskilled worker 7 35 17 85
c. Office worker 13 65 3 15
d. Professional 0 00 0 00

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

e. Any other specify 0 00 0 00
0 00 0 00
5 Monthly income of the
a. Less than 1000 12 60 13 65
b. 1001-2000 6 30 7 35
c. 2001-3000 2 10 0 00
d. 3001-4000 0 00 0 00
e. 4001- 5000 0 00 0 00
f. Above 5000 0 00 0 00
6 Caste
a. ST 12 60 0 00
b. SC 1 5 0 00
c. OBC 4 20 11 55
d. Others 3 15 9 45
7 Religion
a. Hindu 12 60 20 100
b. Christian 0 00 0 00
c. Muslim 7 35 0 00
d. Any other 1 5 0 00
8 Gestational age
a. First trimester 10 50 8 40
b. Second trimester 4 20 7 35
c. Third trimester 6 30 5 25
9 Number of pregnancy
a. 1st Pregnancy 12 60 13 65
b. 2nd Pregnancy 8 40 7 35
c. 3rd Pregnancy 00 00 00 00
d. 4th Pregnancy 0 00 00 00
10 Area of living
a. Urban 0 00 20 100
b. Rural 20 100 0 00

Table.1: Showed that out of 20 rural antenatal women 16 (80 %) were in the age group
of 19-25 years, 4 (20 %)were in the age group of 26-30years. Out of 20 urban antenatal women
11(55%) were in the age group of 19-25 years, 9 (45%) were in the group of 26-30 years.
All rural antenatal women married and out of 20 urban antenatal women 19 (95%) were
married and 1(5%) widow
Out of 20 rural antenatal women 17(85%) were illiterate, 3 (15%) had primary education.
Out of 20 urban antenatal women 13(65%) were illiterate and 7(35%) had primary education.
Out of 20 rural antenatal women 7(35%) were unemployed, 13(65%) were unskilled
workers. 17(85%) urban antenatal women were unemployed, 3(15%) were unskilled workers.
Out of 20 rural antenatal women 12(60 %) were earning less than Rs. 1000/-per month,06
(30 %) were earning between Rs.1001-2000/- and 2 (10 %)were earning between Rs.2001-3000/-
. Out of 20 urban antenatal women 13 (65%)were earning less than Rs.1000/- and 7 (35%) were
earning between Rs.1001-2000/-.
Out of 20 rural antenatal women 12 (60%) were belongs to ST, 1 (5%) were belongs to
SC, and 4 (20%) were belongs to OBS and 3 (15) were belongs to others. Out of 20 urban
antenatal women 11 (55%) were belongs to OBS and 9 (45%) were belongs to others.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Out of 20 rural antenatal women 12 (60%) were Hindus, 7 (35%) were Muslims, 1 (5%)
were others. All urban antenatal women were Hindus
Out of 20 rural antenatal women 10 (50%) were in 1st trimester, 4 (20%) were in 2nd
trimester and 6 (30%) were in 3rd trimester. Out of 20 urban antenatal women 8 (40%) were in 1st
trimester, 7 (35%) were in 2nd trimester and 5 (25%) were in 3rd trimester.
Out of 20 rural antenatal women 12 (60%) were having 1st pregnancy and 8 (40%) were
having 2nd pregnancy. Out of 20 urban antenatal women 13 (65%) were having 1st pregnancy and
7 (35%)were having 2ndpregnancy.
Out of 40 antenatal women 20 (50%) women were belongs to rural and 20 (50%) were
belongs to urban area.
Assessment of level of awareness of rural and urban antenatal women regarding selected
maternal and child health Madhya Pradesh government schemes
Rural Urban
Level of awareness n=20 n=20
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
(n) (%) (n) (%)
Poor 0-12 (Less than 40%) 05 25 0 00
Average 13 – 18 (41%- 06 30 03 15
Good 19 - 24(61% -80%) 09 45 11 55
Excellent > 25 (Above 80%) 00 00 06 30
Total 20 100 20 100

Table. 2: showed that some of the rural antenatal women were aware regarding selected maternal
and child health Madhya Pradesh government schemes out of 20 rural antenatal women 05 (25%)
were having poor awareness, 06 (30%) were having average awareness, 09 (45%) were having
good awareness and none of them having excellent awareness. All urban antenatal women were
aware regarding selected maternal and child health Madhya Pradesh government schemes out of
20 3 (15%) were having average awareness, 11 (55%) were having good awareness, 6 (30%)
were having excellent awareness.
Comparison of level of awareness regarding selected maternal and child health Madhya
Pradesh government schemes among rural and urban antenatal women
Level of awareness Mean Mean Standard t value
of antenatal Percentage deviation

Rural 17.65 4.8 4.998 3.579*

Urban 22.45 3.316

*significant at the level of p<0.05.

Table.3: shows that the mean value of rural antenatal women is 17.65 and urban antenatal
women is 22.45.The mean deviation is 4.8 and calculated t value is 3.579 (the p- value is
=.000963<0.05 level) result is significant at p< 0.05. Hence the research hypothesis is accepted.
The result revealed that the mean value of rural antenatal women is 17.65 and an urban
antenatal women is 22.45.The mean deviation is 4.8 and calculated t value is 3.579. Based on
results researcher concluded that urban antenatal women are more aware then rural antenatal

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

The nursing curriculum in India gives more emphasis on various health programmes and
schemes for maternal and child health. The nurse educators have the responsibility to update the
knowledge about the various schemes to promote maternal and child health. The finding of the
study can serve as guidelines for the nurse educators for planning and conducting educational
programme for student nurses, and all health care workers regarding the maternal and child health
govt schemes. As a member of health care team, the nurse has the responsibility to promote
health, provide basic and emergency obstetric care,prevent illness and to improve quality of
maternal and child life.
 A similar study on a large sample may help to draw more definite conclusions and make
 A self-instructional module on awareness regarding selected maternal and child health
Madhya Pradesh government schemes can be prepared for educate the urban and rural
antenatal their relatives.
 A similar study can be done in various setups with different samples.
 A community based survey can be conducted to assess the awareness and utilization of
maternal and child health govt schemes.
 Parasuram S.et al (1999): “Role of Women’s Education in India:Evidence from National
Family Health Survey”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
 Park K. Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine. 23rd ed. Jabalpur:
Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers. 2015:455.
 Kumar V, Kumar Misra S, Kumar Kaushal S, Chand Gupta S. Janani Suraksha Yojana:
Its utilization and perception among mothers and health care providers in a rural area of
North India. International Journal of Medicine and Public health. 2015;5(2):165-8. 4.
 Millennium Development Goals India Country Report 2015, social statistics division
ministry of statistics and programme implementation government of India.
 International institute for population sciences and macro international, National Family
health survey (NFHS-3), 2005-06 India, Mumbai.
 World Health Organization (2005).Immunization coverage cluster survey-Reference
manual. Geneva, Switzerland: Department of Immunization, vaccines and Biological,
Family and community Health. World Health Organization.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

KIJECBM/JUL-SEP (2017)/VOL-4/ISS-3/NA21 PAGE NO .123-129
ISSN: 2348-4969 IMPACT FACTOR(2017) – 7.8902



Assistant Professor,
Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Background:- Ventilator Associated Pneumonia is one of the most common hospitals acquired
infections and is associated with increased mortality rate. Prevention of Ventilator Associated
Pneumonia is very important aspect while caring for mechanically ventilated patients. The
nurse's role in prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia is very significant as they provide
care to the critically ill patients round the clock. Aim:-The study attempted to assess the
knowledge on prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia among B.Sc. Nursing Internship
students before and after administration of self instructional module to experimental group;
evaluate the effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge regarding prevention of
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia among Internship students. Objectives:- 1.To assess the
existing knowledge score regarding prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia among B.Sc.
Nursing Internship students at selected College of Indore. 2. To determine the effectiveness of self
instructional module on knowledge regarding prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
among B.Sc. Nursing Internship students at selected College of Indore. Research Methodology:-
A quasi-experimental study was carried out with 40 samples from Bombay Hospital College of
Nursing, Indore, M.P. Out of 40 students, 20 students were in control group and 20 students were
in experimental group. Convenient sampling technique was used to select the subjects. Self
administered tool-multiple choice statements were used to evaluate the knowledge before and
after administration of self instructional module. Data was analyzed with both descriptive and
inferential statistics. Results:-The result showed that the calculated mean pre test score of
control group is 13.43 with the S.D is 4.91. Calculated mean post test score of control group is
13.45 with the S.D is 5.01.In experimental group, the mean pre test is 13.4 and S.D is 3.03 . Post
test mean of experimental group is 23.5 and S.D is 2.62.The computed ‘t’value 8.38 is higher
than the ‘p’ value at 0.05 level of significance of experimental group.Conclusion:-Thus for this
study one can conclude that self instructional module could be an effective strategy to improve
the knowledge of self instructional module on knowledge regarding prevention Ventilator
Associated Pneumonia among B.Sc. Nursing Internship students.
Keywords:- Quasi-experimental, Effectiveness, Self instructional module, Ventilator Associated
Pneumonia (VAP).

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) is one of the most common nosocomial
infection in critically ill patients and in patients who receives mechanical ventilation. It refers to
pneumonia that has developed in patients who receives mechanical ventilation and develops it
within 48 to 72 hours after endotracheal intubation. It is a very common nosocomial complication
arising in the ICU. Nosocomial infections in the intensive care unit (ICU) are common and higher
rates of nosocomial infections are associated with increased severity of illness, utilization of
invasive monitoring and treatment, morbidity and mortality. Invasively patients on mechanically
ventilator are particularly susceptible to nosocomial infections and pneumonia. Pneumonia that
occurs when the patients are on mechanical ventilation with an endotracheal tube is termed
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP).1
Currently, pneumonia is a leading cause of death of children worldwide. WHO,(2012)2
VAP is a marked health risk for hospitalized infants and children and the mortality rate for
patients of all ages with VAP is approximately 33% to 50%. More ever, in the PICU, 20% of
nosocomial infections are VAP, with an incidence of 4 to 44 per 1000 intubated children (Casado,
et al, 2011). It is one of the top causes of hospital-acquired infection (HAI) in the PICU,
accounting for 18% to 26% of all HAIs in the unit and resulting in a mortality rate of about 10%
to 20%.Foglia. et al.,(2007) 3 VAP is associated with increased mortality and morbidity,
increased length of hospital stay, and high health care costs.Srinivasan.et al., (2009)4
In today’s health care environment, importance is given on infection control and
prevention. This concern is partly in response to the high number of nosocomial infection
acquired each year, posing serious problem in terms of morbidity, mortality and overall costs for
health care system. Lazzari S.et al.,(2004)5
Several methods are being implemented to prevent and manage serious problems caused
by VAP. Avoiding unnecessary intubation, protecting the oropharyngeal region from exogen
pathogens, careful aspiration of subglottic secretions, protecting the breathing circuit from
contamination, keeping the head above 30◦.As nasal intubation also increases the risk of sinusitis,
oral intubation is recommended as an efficient way of preventing VAP.
ICU nurses are in the best position to put the above strategies into practice as they are at
the patient’s bedside 24 hours a day and therefore they play an important role in the prevention of
VAP. Nevertheless nurses need to have an awareness of the problem as well as knowledge on the
above prevention strategies so as to adhere to such practices. Skilled and knowledgeable nurses
are extremely important and needed to make appropriate decisions in patient care and minimize
risks to patients. Nurses knowledge should bring confidence to make appropriate decisions and
prevent poor outcomes in the recovery of mechanically ventilated patients. Biancofiore G.; et al
Educational interventions on ventilator associated pneumonia among student nurses will
bring awareness and motivation in preventing and controlling ventilator associated pneumonia in
intensive care units. I as a researcher choose to work among Internship students as in short time
they will be entering institution as staff nurses where they will start practicing the learnt concepts.
So it is necessary that these upcoming nurses should aware of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
& its Prevention. They can play an important role in the prevention of VAP. Nevertheless nurses
need to have an awareness of the problem as well as knowledge on the above prevention
strategies so as to adhere to such practices. Hence the researcher feels the need to assess the
effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge regarding prevention of Ventilator
Associated Pneumonia among B.Sc. Nursing Internship students.
A Quasi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of self instructional module on the
knowledge regarding prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia among B.Sc. Nursing
Internship students at selected College of Indore, M.P.
Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

1. To assess the existing knowledge score regarding prevention of Ventilator Associated
Pneumonia among B.Sc. Nursing Internship students at selected College of Indore.
2. To determine the effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge regarding
prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia among B.Sc. Nursing Internship students at
selected College of Indore.
H0:- There will not be significant difference in the pre-test and post-test knowledge
regarding prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia .
H1:- There will be significant difference in the pre-test and post-test knowledge
regarding prevention of needle stick injury after administration of self instructional
module at 0.05 level of significance.
1. The study assumes that internship students may not have adequate knowledge regarding
prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia.
2. Self Instructional module will be an effective intervention to increase knowledge
regarding prevention of Ventilator associated pneumonia among B.Sc. Nursing Internship
The study was limited to-
1. The study was delimited to selected College of Indore.
2. B.Sc. Nursing 4th year students who are willing to participate in this study.
3. Sample size was 40.

Ceran N. et al., (2012) conducted a study in the ICU of a hospital at Turkey to assess the
incidence and etiology of VAP and resistance pattern of gram negative organisms. VAP was
diagnosed with the help of CDC criteria for a period of 2 years. Results of the study revealed that,
VAP incidence rate was 22.6 per 1000 ventilator days. Most frequently isolated pathogens were,
Acinetobacter, pseudomonas, and MRSA. 90% of Acinetobacter isolates were resistant to
ceftazidime, 32% to imepenam and 80% to ciprofloxacin.
Labeau S.et al.,(2012) conducted a study among ICU nurses of Europe to assess their knowledge
regarding prevention of VAP. A validated multiple-choice questionnaire was distributed. The
average score was 45.1%. 55% of respondents knew that the oral route is recommended for
intubation; 35% knew that ventilator circuits should be changed for each new patient;38% knew
that HME were the recommended humidifier type, but only 21% knew that these should be
changed once weekly; closed suctioning systems were recommended by 46%, and 18% knew that
these must be changed for each new patient only; 51% and 57%, respectively, recognised that
subglottic drainage and kinetic beds reduce VAP incidence. Most (85%) knew that semi-
recumbent positioning prevents VAP.
Johnena M. (2012)conducted a pre intervention and post intervention observational study at
Washington to determine whether educational initiative could decrease rates of VAP. Setting
consisted of two teaching and two community hospitals. An information booklet was introduced
for ICU nurses and respiratory care practitioners. Results of the study revealed that, VAP rates for
all four hospitals dropped by 46% from 8.75 per 1000 to 4.74 per 1000 ventilator days after the
educational intervention. They concluded that, information booklet can be associated with
decreased rate of VAP.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

A quasi-experimental research design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of self
instructional module through the difference between the pre-test and post-test score of control
group and experimental group.
Study approach:- Quantitative approach.
Research design:- Quasi-experimental research design with experimental and control group.
Setting:- The study was conducted at Bombay Hospital College of Nursing, Indore, M.P.
Population:- The population for this study was Internship students at Bombay Hospital College
of Nursing, Indore, M.P.
Sampling Technique:- Convenient sampling technique was used to select 40 internship students
as sample.
Sample:- Internship students who met the inclusion criteria were selected as sample.
Sample size:- The sample size for the study was 40.
Variables:-Two types of variables were used in this study
 Independent variable:-Self Instructional Module on prevention of ventilator
associated pneumonia
 Dependent Variable:-Knowledge of Internship students regarding Prevention of
Ventilator association pneumonia
Inclusion criteria:-
1. B.Sc. Nursing 4th year students who have completed Internship duty in ICU.
2. Students who are willing to participate in the study.
Exclusion criteria:-
1. Internship students who were on leave.
2. Internship students who were not willing to participate in the study.
Reliability & validity of the tool:-
The reliability coefficient of structured knowledge questionnaire was 0.83 which showed
that the tool was reliable. Validity of tool was done by experts.
Data collection was started after obtaining permission from the College Authority.
Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. Data collection was done by using
multiple choice statements on B.Sc. Nursing Internship students at Bombay Hospital College of
Nursing, Indore, M.P. The tool consists of two section, first section consist of 4 socio-
demographic variables & second section consist of 30 multiple choice statements related to
prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. Out of 40 Internship students, 20 students were
in control group & 20 students were in experimental group. Pre-test was conducted among both
control group & experimental group. Then self instructional module was administered to subjects
of experimental group only. The subjects of control group were not given any manipulation. Then
post-test was taken from control group & experimental group. The collected data was analyzed by
using descriptive & inferential statistics.
Section 1:- Description of socio-demographic variables.
The data showed that out of 40 B.Sc. Nursing Internship students, 28 (70%) belonged to age
group of 22-23 years while 12 (30%) belonged to age group of 24-25 years. All of the students 40
(100%) were female & 0 (0%) were male. On the basis of area of practice 40 (100%) in Private
hospital. Majority of respondents 31 (77.5%) had knowledge, whereas 9 (22.5%) had not
knowledge regarding prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia.

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Table 1:-Frequency & Percentage distribution of B.Sc. Nursing Internship students
according to socio-demographic variables:-
S.No. Socio-Demographic variables Frequency Percentage
1 Age(in years)
 22-23 28 70%
 24-25 12 30%
2 Sex
 Male 0 0%
 Female 40 100%
3 Area of practice
 Government Hospital 0 0%
 Private Hospital 40 100%
Previous Knowledge regarding
4 Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
 Yes 31 77.5%
 No 9 22.5%

Section-2 Assessment of pre test knowledge level regarding prevention of Ventilator

associated pneumonia among control group
Table 2:-Frequency, Percentage, Mean & S.D of pre test score of Control Group
Grading Pre-test score of Control group Mean S.D
Frequency Percentage
Poor(0-10) 14 35% 13.43 4.91
Good(11-20) 25 62.5%
Very Good(21-30) 1 2.5%

In pretest 62.5% of the control samples had good knowledge 35% of them had poor knowledge
and only 2.5% of them had very good knowledge. The calculated mean value is 13.4 with the SD
of 4.91
Section 3:-Assessment of pre test knowledge level regarding prevention of Ventilator
associated pneumonia among experimental group
Table 3:-Frequency, Percentage, Mean & S.D of pre test score of Experimental Group
Grading Pre-test score of Experimental group Mean S.D
Frequency Percentage
Poor(0-10) 11 27.5%
Good(11-20) 29 72.5% 13.4 3.03

VeryGood(21-30) 0 0%

In pretest 72.5% of the experimental samples had good knowledge 27.5% of them had poor
knowledge and none of them had very good knowledge. The calculated mean value is 13.4 with
the SD of 3.03

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

Section 4:-Assessment of post test knowledge level regarding prevention of Ventilator
associated pneumonia among experimental group and control group
Table 4:- Frequency, Percentage, Mean & S.D of post test score of Control Group &
Experimental Group.
Grading Control Group Experimental Group

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Poor(0-10) 12 30%
0 0%
Good(11-20) 27 67.5% 10 25%
Very Good(21-30) 1 2.5%
30 75%
MEAN 13.45 23.5
SD 5.01 2.62

In post test of Control Group 67.5% of samples had good knowledge,2.5% had very good
knowledge and 30% had poor knowledge regarding prevention of ventilator associated
pneumonia. In post test of Experimental group majority of samples 75% had very good
knowledge, 25 % had good knowledge and no body had poor knowledge regarding prevention of
ventilator associated pneumonia. Mean of control group is 13.45 & S.D is 5.01 whereas mean of
experimental group is 23.5 & S.D is 2.62.

Section 5:-Evaluating the effectiveness of Self instructional module

Table 5:-Table shows t test value of Experimental group
Knowledge score of Mean Standard Deviation ‘t’ test
Experimental group
Pre-test 13.4 3.03
Post-test 23.5 2.62
Knowledge Enhancement 10.1 8.38*
* Significant at p<0.05 level
Data presented in the table shows that mean post-test knowledge (23.5) is apparently
higher than the mean pre-test knowledge (13.4). The computed ‘t’value 8.38 is higher than the ‘p’
value at 0.05 level of significance. shows that there is a significant different of pre-test
knowledge and post-test knowledge. This indicates that the Self instructional module regarding
prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia is effective to increase the knowledge of the
B.Sc. Nursing Internship students. Hence H1 is accepted
H1:-:- There will be significant difference in the pre-test and post-test knowledge regarding
prevention of needle stick injury after administration of self instructional module at 0.05 level of
1. Nursing professionals can motivate the health team members regarding early diagnosis
and treatment of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. Nurses can provide better management of
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia and it will help to reduce the mortality rate

Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org

2. As a nurse educator, there are abundant opportunities for the nursing professionals to
educate the students and staffs regarding prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia which
helps to learn the preventive strategies of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia.
3. The nursing administrator can take part in developing protocols, diagnosis, reporting of
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia cases and appropriate treatment of Ventilator Associated
Pneumonia. The nursing administrator can appoint nursing professionals in ICU based on the in-
service education obtained on Ventilator Associated Pneumonia.
4. This study helps nurse researchers to conduct research on all aspects related to Ventilator
Associated Pneumonia, mainly focusing on Prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia.
1. A similar study can be done on large sample so that the findings can be generalized
2. A similar study can be done on ICU Nurses.
3. A comparative study can be conducted between nurses working in general and private
hospital settings
4. A study can be carried out to evaluate the efficiency of various teaching Strategies like
Information Booklet, pamphlets, leaflets and computer-assisted instruction on Ventilator
Associated Pneumonia.
The main purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of self instructional
module on knowledge regarding prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. After
administration of self instructional module in experimental group there was increase in
knowledge score. So, I concluded that self instructional module was effective to increase the
knowledge of Internship students regarding prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia.
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Copyright © 2017 Published by kaav publications. All rights reserved www.kaavpublications.org


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