I. Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing (X) A, B or C!: Penilaian Akhir Tahun (Pat) Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Mi)

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Hari / tanggal : ………………………...... Waktu : …………………………........
Mapel : BHS. INGGRIS Nama : …………………………........
Kelas : II ( Dua ) Nomer : …………………………........

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b or c!

1. My father works in the school. He is a ..... 12. has – Susan – horses – five
a. doctor b. pilot c. teacher a. Susan has five horses
2. Dentist in Indonesian is ..... b. Horses has five Susan
a. polisi b. dokter gigi c. tentara c. Susan horses has five
3. H – R – E – R – T – A – C – E. The letters beside 13. What are you doing ?
are profession names. (huruf disamping adalah a. Watering the flower
nama profesi ...) b. Fertilizing the tree
a. TEACHER b. THECARE c. TEECHAR c. Painting the fence
4. My favorite drink is orange juice.
Drink artinya … 14. This is a ….
a. buah b. makanan c. minuman a. root
5. He is a …. b. tree
a. cameramen c. bench
b. fisherman
c. driver 15. Sari is … the butterfly.
a. catching
6. He is a … b. watering
a. soldier c. planting
b. lawyer
c. tailor 16. The colours of jasmine (melati) is ….
17. What is that ?
7. My mother cook …. a. turtle
a. meatball b. rhinoceros
b. noodles c. rabbit
c. fried fish
8. Meat in Indonesia is .... 18. What is she doing ?
a. bakso b. daging c. naso goreng a. Watering the flower
9. Rudi drinks a bottle of … b. Cutting the grass
a. milk c. Sitting in the bench
b. syrup
c. juice 19. How many elephants
are in the zoo ?
10. It is …. a. five
a. dolphin b. four
b. bear c. three
c. turtle 20. There are bench, fence and flower in the ….
11. That is a … a. zoo b. garden c. school
a. cow
b. snake
c. eagle
II. Match the translate to the correct world !
21. She works in a hospital ( ..... )
22. ….. is your brother ? ( ..... )
23. E – S – I – D – O – R - L ( ..... )
a. Meatball
24. I like … ( ..... )
b. Minuman kesukaan saya
adalah susu
c. He is cutting the grass
25. My favourite drink is milk ( ..... )
d. Nurse
26. Nasi goreng in English is … ( ..... )
27. it is a … ( …. ) e. Fried rice
f. Elephant
g. What
28. The animal is big. They have nose very h. Catching the butterfly
long. The animal is … ( ..... )
29. What is he doing ? ( ..... ) i. Camel
j. Soldier

30. Menangkap kupu – kupu in English is … ( ..... )

III. Arrange the following jumbled words !

31. Ayah saya seorang guru.
Change in the English!
Answer : ……………………………………….
32. Give 2 examples of your favourite food !
Answer : ……………………………………….
33. Give 2 examples of animals in the zoo !
Answer : ……………………………………….
34. What is he doing ?

Answer : ……………………………………….
35. father – cutting – is – My – grass – the
Arrange the sentence above correctly !
Answer : ……………………………………….

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