Agenda 21 - Queensland
Agenda 21 - Queensland
Agenda 21 - Queensland
AGENDA 21/2030
In 1992, Paul Keating signed Agenda 21 on behalf of Australia. 178
Nations around the world signed Agenda 21. What is Agenda 21 you
may ask? In short, it’s about global land use, global education, and
global population control and reduction.
Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit 1992 said,
“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class
- involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and
work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”
AGENDA 21/2030
• Eliminating your right to private ownership (property rights)
• Forbidding you from entering woodland and wetland areas
• Punishing you with higher prices at the store
• Restricting your civil liberties
• Restricting the number of children you can have
• Restricting the amount of trash or waste you can dispose of
• Restricting the amount of water you can use
• Telling you how much to harvest on your farm or land
• Forcing you to participate in community projects
This has not been challenged in the high court but we believe that
Australians, under section 100 of the Constitution have the right to
water. John Howard and his Liberal government, separated land
and water in 2004 to make it a saleable commodity. This was not
done for any reason other than for profit and the grubby business of
multinationals and big business to make money.
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Agenda 21 also calls for the fencing of rivers and creeks, at the expense
of the landowner, to stop livestock from accessing the water, supposedly
for environmental purposes. Water is our life’s blood, without it we will
It’s the man on the land that is being targeted today, tomorrow it will be
the cities that will be taxed for the rain water they capture in their tanks.
One Nation will further research, inform Australians and repeal these
Agendas if not in Australian’s best interest. Some states in America are
repealing Agenda 21 due to the desolation it has caused.