Advanced Technique in Micro Grid Protection For Various Fault by Using Numerical Relay
Advanced Technique in Micro Grid Protection For Various Fault by Using Numerical Relay
Advanced Technique in Micro Grid Protection For Various Fault by Using Numerical Relay
impedance fault and LLG fault which work successfully for is out of range then load switching is occurred. Outputs of
internal fault as well as load switching operation. Algorithm amplitude comparator block and harmonic calculation block
for operation of numerical relay is based on harmonic- is then fed to AND gate for final output.
current restraint and amplitude comparison .fault current
content various harmonic component if amplitude of har-
monics in between 30% to 60% as compared with funda-
mental harmonic fault is internal. The other harmonics are
progressively less. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used to
implement this approach.
parator module”. Following fig[3] is modeled in Matlab III SIMULATION OF HIGH IMPEDANCE FAULT
Simulink .two values from current transformer as input sig-
When fault current is below pick up of conventional over
nal are given to rms block and output of which is used to
current, If<100 Amps on grounded system, which occurs
calculate absolute value of difference in two output signals. because of Incipient insulator failures, Fallen conductors on
This value is send to relational operator for comparison and concrete, tree, soil, gravel, sand, asphalt, etc. which lead to
accordingly output signal is generated .if difference between firing of some material around us because of high potential.
two signal is equal to 0 fault is external and if value is less This situation leads utility to lost power delivered to load.In
than 1 fault is same time harmonic comparator traditional protection scheme some significant amount of
work on other side . two input signals are fed to FFT block energy directly enter into ground with different relay moni-
and binary output signal is generated from ratio block which toring system and never reaches its load. In this study a
operates on harmonics of these two signals. If value of har- inventory technique is proposed which model, locate, and
detect high-impedance faults. Different Patterns and charac-
monic is between (10 % to 30%) of fundamental harmonics
teristics in the line’s current used for recognition of such
HIF exist or some external fault occur on system.but if value
Emanuel model technique proposed in[10]is used to challenge of system is False tripping of circuit breaker.If
create Matlab Model which contain two DC sources, Vp and load increase on sysetm then complete shutdown of micro-
Vn. where Vn. and Vp represent the arcing voltage of air in grid will occur to protect system is challenging work.
soil and/or between trees and the distribution line; two resis-
tances, Rp and Rn, between diodes which represent the resis- IV RESULT AND CONCLUSION
tance of trees and/or the earth resistance. if line voltage is Fig-[7]shows clearance of double line to ground fault oc-
more than Vp fault current starts flowing towards cur on sample distribution system and fig-[8]shows clear-
ground.and when line voltage is less than Vn. fault current ance of HIF fault on sample distribution system and cleared
reverse back from ground . by using numerical relay. Microgrids can be protected using
digital current differential relay deployed at each line end in
system. Relay structure thus proposed is able to protect all
types of fault in medium voltage microgrid. In this way
complete protection of microgrid system can be achieved.
Future scope is, in this paper Numerical differential relay
Protection is designed for sample distribution system. This
system needs to apply to any bus distribution system with
Fig 5: Emanuel Model of HIF relay coordination within buses. Also back up protection
should also deploy to have complete protection of system if
Using parameters of a variable resistance is modeled in primary protection fails by any means.
matlab with controlled voltage source.Hence To study a
simulation of HIF, a sample distribution system is consi-
dered with 12.47kV three phase source and transmission
line with two circuit breakers on both sides fig[6]. High
impedance fault and LLG fault created on sample distribu-
tion system in matlab Model . and With help of numerical
relay both fault is detected and also pass information to
neighboring element .By further extension in research ,with
standard communication system relay can communicate
with central protection unit which govern overall protection
of microgrid.
Fig 7: Clearance of double line to ground fault with numerical relay
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