We Remember: Sunday June 30th
We Remember: Sunday June 30th
We Remember: Sunday June 30th
We Remember
Sunday, June 30
5:00 pm
Sunday Fellowship Hall
June 30th Join us for
8:00 am
FOOD and music as we
Fellowship Hall
continue our celebration
of this
All Eastmont men
and boys are invited Patriotic season
Please pray for our students who are on mission over the next two
weeks. This week Music On Mission with the Baldwin Baptist
Association in the Gulf Shores area. Next week sharing the gospel
through Street Reach in St. Louis, MO.
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From Your Assistant Pastor Children’s Ministry
Art Long - [email protected] Jeremy Lynch - [email protected]
The first day of this week, Sunday the 16th, we celebrated We need safe, loving adults to serve in our Preschool and
Bro. Mike’s thirty-two years of faithful service as our Children's Ministry during Preschool Worship (10:30 am)
pastor. The worship center was filled to capacity, the Timothy Time - Pool Party, Sunday June 23rd from 5-7 pm
worship was Christ honoring and Bro. Mike’s last message at the Lynch Home , 219 Eastwood Dr, Montgomery
in the pulpit as pastor of Eastmont Baptist Church was A Huge Thanks to Karen Bush, Linda Truitt, Donna Clem-
Holy Spirit inspired. To God be the glory! Mark your ents, coordinators and volunteers of Eastmont for serving,
calendar for Sunday, July 14 when we will have a recep- loving and representing Christ—in God’s Incredible Race
tion for Bro. Mike and Connie. VBS. There were hundreds of children discipled, taught
The last day of last week, Saturday, we celebrated the life and witnessed to—that we are One Race in need of One
of 19 year old Aaron Lee. His parents, grandparents, Savior! Thank you to all who participated and sacrificed so
brother, other family members and friends, including our much to make VBS such a great week!
youth are grieving and we will miss him. But we RA and GA Missions Adventure Camp - register on our
remember that he put his faith and trust in Jesus Christ as 252 at Eastmont Facebook page
his Lord and Savior, so we will see him again!
Girls and Boys - 2nd-6th grade - July 15-19, deposit due
There are many people this week who are very tired and Boys Only - 2nd - 6th grade - July 22-26, deposit due
some of those may even be children. It was an Dad and RA - K-6th grade - July 26-27, deposit due
outstanding week of VBS! I can’t thank everyone enough
No children’s Activities and no suppers on Wednesdays,
for the great job you did but suffice it to say, you made
June 12 - July 10. Regular activities resume July 17th
the week possible. Thank you for the many who decorat-
ed, the coordinators, all the workers (including both Jumpin’ with Jeremy - Saturday June 22nd from 8:30 -
children’s and workers refreshments, guides, teachers, 10:00 am. Cost - $5 per jumper. A parent with tots to 5
music leaders, tech crew, registration, offering counters, years old (6 year olds and older siblings are invited to
recreation leaders, parents and children, and Erline and come jump)
Goober)! A special thank you to Linda Truitt, Donna Summer Series in the Word - 4th – 6th graders on
Clements and Karen Bush. Jeremy Lynch did a great job Tuesdays, 6-8 pm. Check 252@Eastmont for further info.
and I appreciate the Answers in Genesis curriculum that
M3—Montgomery, Missions & More - July 29 - August 2.
he used.
9 am - 4 pm. Day camp of missional learning and activities.
God’s Word reminds us that we are all created in His
image and that we all go back through Noah and his three
sons to Adam and Eve in the garden. Our ancestors Senior Adult Ministry
disobeyed God at Babel and He lovingly confused our
language so that today we may speak different languages Forever Young
(over 7,000), come from different parts of the world, and Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 10:00 am in Fellowship Hall
even look differently, but we are really all the same in our (note location change). Our Special guest will be the
Creator’s eyes. We are all sinners in need of a Savior. That Eastmont Student Choir. A covered dish meal will follow
seed of truth was planted in the hearts of our children program.
and we will see God’s growth!
Sunday, July 14th
Our VBS Family Night with Remix Education was both 2:00 - 4:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
entertaining and inspirational. Our S.O.S. Ministry saw Join us for a reception honoring Bro. Mike
eight persons make decisions for Christ! Over $1,500 was and his family for their 32 years of ministry
given to support our own missionaries in Asia, Jamie and at Eastmont.
Lauren Buckley. To God be the glory!
It truly was a week of joy, sadness, celebration, praise, Welcome to Eastmont
tragedy, and victory! But in all things let us give thanks! Mary Lou Moffett (6/9/19)
Please remember to pray for Lance and our youth who Transfer of Letter
are serving in Baldwin County this week on choir tour. Rodney and Carol Smith (6/16/19)
Pray for Cleve and our youth who will be on mission in St. Baptism
Louis June 23—29. We serve him together! Beau Smith (6/16/19)
Eric & Elizabeth Christianson (6/16/19)
Transfer of Letter
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Student Ministry Music & Worship Ministries
Cleve Mallory - [email protected] Lance Maddox - [email protected]
Eastmont Students have an opportunity to help with annual patriotic celebration Sunday, June 30 at 10:30
parking at Riverwalk Stadium for Biscuits games. Families am and Monday, July 1 at 6:00 pm. This is a time to
who serve earn money toward Summer Mission Trip and honor our country, those who have served and to thank
Super Summer. You may sign up for available slots God for the earthly and eternal blessings He provides.
through the Student Ministry Facebook Page or by asking Come celebrate with us, the Community Orchestra,
Cleve. Handbell Choir, Combined Choirs (1st grade and up),
ST. LOUIS MISSION TRIP the presentation of colors, confetti, balloons & more...
On Sunday, June 23, the mission team will depart Patriotic Celebration Rehearsals:
Eastmont at 6:00 a.m.Check out the Student Facebook Sunday, 6/23.......12-3....Lunch/Rehearsal
page for the final details, itinerary, and packing list. Wednesday, 6/26.....6-8.....Worship Center
HOMEGROUPS JUNE 30 Each year a slideshow is presented during The Patriotic
Sunday, June 30, at 5:00 p.m. we will have Homegroups Celebration to recognize members of our congregation
at the home of Heath and Amy Corwin. Church buses that have served or are currently serving in the military.
will be available for transporting students. Students will Please send in any photos to be added or updated by
eat supper and swim. 6/23 to....
SUPER SUMMER July 8-12 [email protected] or [email protected]
For those who registered, be sure to pick up and turn in a STUDENT CHOIR
completed MY TESTIMONY sheet, available outside the Be in prayer for our Students as they are taking Music
TimeOut room. Deadline to turn in is Sunday, June 30. on Mission this week. We will be partnering with the
Baldwin County Baptist Association to minister and lead
worship in the Gulf Shores area. A big THANK YOU to all
who have been involved and help make Eastmont
College & Career Ministry Student Choir a success.
Gene Kim - [email protected]
Mosaic We will be singing in Eastmont’s annual Patriotic
Meets on the last Sunday night of each month at Celebration! If you are in 1st-6th Grade, you can still be
Cloverdale Baptist at 8pm. The next meeting is Sunday, a part!
June 30 at 8pm at Cloverdale Baptist Church. Topic: The Our other rehearsals are:
Sermon on the Mount. Sunday June 23......1:45-3
Home Groups Wednesday June 26......6-7:15
Every Thursday at 7pm at the Kim’s house (4023 John- See Sonya Maddox for a practice CD.
stown Dr). Our series is called Relational Rehab: A study FOREVER YOUNG CHOIR
on the book of Malachi. The Forever Young Choir will join the combined choirs
Beach Retreat for our Patriotic Celebration. We will practice Sunday
At Laguna Beach Christian Retreat in Panama City. July 26- 6/23 from 12-3, Tuesday 6/25 from 9-10 am and
28. Cost: $75. Wednesday 6/26 from 6-7:45.
Guatemala Meeting
Next meeting July 7 at 4pm in Room 110. Please turn in
your passport and deposit to Gene if you have not June 23 - 29
already done so. There will be no activities at the church this week to
allow for building maintenance
Office: (334) 277-6300 Fax: (334) 277-6322 Careline: (334) 277-6384 Prayer Room: (334) 277-8876
Email: [email protected] Website: eastmont.org Facebook: facebook.com/eastmont Twitter: @eastmontbaptist
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