Criteria For Club Grades: A.attendance and Participation (20%)

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a.Attendance and Participation (20%)

1.Punctuality, attendance, and promptness in joining meetings

2.Extent of involvement in activities, projects , trainings, group dynamics, team building, and
outreach programs

b.Leadership, Service, and Output (30%)

1.Ability to influence effective and efficient decision making

2.Degree of integrity and initiative as a leader or a member of a unit

3.Service orientation, especially during outreach, team building, waste disposal, or other
related initiatives and drives

4.Evidence and quality of output in terms of programs or projects initiated or participated in

5.Sense of volunteerism; generosity of time and effort

c.Reliability and Consistency (20%)

1.Trustworthiness or dependability in the delivery of assigned tasks

2.Tenacity and commitment to the organization

d.Cooperation and Teamwork (30%)

1.Capacity as a team player; ability to collaborate with members, officers, and moderator

2.Decorum and conduct in all activities and situations

3.Determination to work with and for others

Ateneo De Iloilo

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