A4 Vovos Amathematicalmodelfordynamic....
A4 Vovos Amathematicalmodelfordynamic....
A4 Vovos Amathematicalmodelfordynamic....
13 890
3 authors:
Γαβριήλ Β. Γιαννακόπουλος
University of Patras
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Abstract - This paper develops a mathematical sor techniques and this increases considerably the fle-
model for the dynamic simulation of ac-dc systems. The xibility of the computer program.
basic features of the proposed model are: The basic disadvantage of the model is the exten-
All the subsystems and components of a realistic sive computation required and is, therefore, suitable
HVDC scheme are included in the model. only for applications where accuracy is essential, as
The power system components are modelled using the for the final testing of new converter control systems.
exact differential equations derived from their three
phase equivalent networks and therefore the model can I NTRODUICT I ON
give the instantaneous values of voltage, current and
power at any point of the system. The range of applications of HVDC transmission can
YcVcl = 0 (3)
i e (2 ) O 0 U
iI -
- Ycvc2 = 0 (4)
Thus this representation of the line introduces three
new state variables, the voltages Vcl, Vc2 and the line
current i1. where: [CO()] and [C(2)] are the incidence matrices
The general loop impedance matrix is constructed for the converters 1 and 2
as follows: respectively (7),(8).
and [u] is a 3x3 unit matrix.
0 0
z (1) 0 0 0 Analysing [Zn Rn S[ we finally obtain:
0 0
dt[In] [Ln} [[u] - [Rn] [Inn] (12)
[Zt] = 0 Z (2) 0 + 0 (5)
Ci C2
A high pass and two harmonic filters per phase
Al A2 A3 0 0 0 are connected to each converter bus. The harmonic fil-
ters are of the series R LC type tuned to the 11th and
13th harmonics. The high pass filter consists of a ca-
pacitance in series with a paral lel RL network.
The differential equations for a tuned filter are:
where: [Z(l)] and [Z(2] are the generalized loop im-
pedance matrices of the con- dI1F 1
verters 1 and 2 respectively d = L (VS-VC-RIF) (13)
From the equations (1) we obtain: dV c 1
d = C IF (14)
[Bl] =[ ] [B2] =[ ] (6)
For the set of the two harmonic filters:
[C1] =[o oo O , [c2] [o o] (7)
From the state equations we obtain:
dt IF =[L ] [Vs] - Vcg - [R j I F (15)
where: The index i takes the values 1 and 2 for the bu-
[Al = o O O O O , [A2 = O 0 1 (8) ses 1 and 2 respectively:
The differential equations for the high pass are:
di j=-1 (Vs-Vc)
[yc dVc 1 R (v-v)1
LA3] = O (9) dt C R
1 The static loads are represented by series RL net-
works. The differential equations for the loads are:
The loop impedance matrix of the link for a parti-
cular conduction state of the converter valves is ob- (18)
tained using an incidence matrix (7),(8),(9). [L] [LL] [[Vs] - [RL [I L]]
where: The index i takes the values 1 and 2 for the bu-
[Zn] r [z
[Cn]t ]
[Cn] (10) ses 1 and 2 respectively.
where: LCnJ is tensor relating the independent
currents of the general network to The switching action of the circuit breakers is
the independent currents correspond- represented by a resistance which increases with time.
ing to the topology of the link de- From experimental resistance-time curves we obtain
fined by the state of the valves. the analytical function using polynomial approximation.
REPRESENTATION OF THE SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES The mechanical power input PTi is calculated from
the equations of the turbine and the power-frequency
The synchronous generators in the system are re- control system.
presented using the three phase terminal equations. The
step-up power transformers are represented by their THE POWER-FREQUENCY CONTROL SYSTEM
leakage inductance in series with an ideal transformer.
The equivalent circuit of the machine and the step-up The block diagram of the power-frequency control
transformers is shown in Figure 5. The damper windinqs system is shown in Figure 6. A non-reheat turbine is
are omitted in this stage.Their effect,however,is taken assumed and is represented with a single time constant
into account in the swing equation of the generator. transfer function.
From the equivalent circuit the mathematical model From the block diagram the differential equations
of the machine is derived as follows: of the power-frequency control loop are derived as fo-
l lows:
[Lrs] N [Vsl]
dtd Pci = - KA ifi
i (22)
¶[i r] l rr Vr
dt i TGT (Pci Afi Y ) (23)
dt trr
pEs ] 1 E]
.t- PTi= TT i (yi-PTO
d 1
(19) (24)
I -
[r] rr Ir _ where: The index i takes the values 1 and 2 for the tu-
rbines 1 and 2 respectively.
r cc
rr Irr
U2i = 1:-
[KAi (I V Iref IV[ -
Usi) -
U2] (28)
dtU TE T i (KsiKEiU2i - KsiUri TEiUsi) (29) Fig. 8 The graph of the system.
TEi ,KEi Are respectively the time constant and The loop equations of the generalized transmission
the gain of the exciter.
system are:
TAi KA Are respectively the time constant and
the gain of the amplifier.
Tsi KKsi Are respectively the time constant and
the gain of the stabilizing transformer. v
i i
i (30)
Variable ranges: U2imin < U2i < U2imax, O < Uri < Urmax
where (Vi)
and (I;) are the vectors of the voltages and
currents of the Independent loops respectively.
The equation (30) is valid only when all switches
The ac transmission lines are represented by their are closed. For any other state of these switches the
equivalent i-networks. All possible line faults can be independent currents of the transmission system are gi-
simulated using the general network shown in Figure 7. ven by:
The various types of line and bus-bar faults can be si-
mulated by switching in and out branches of the network
and ad usting accordingly the values of the remaining [Ii] = [C] [Ip] (31)
ial Lal Rai La2 Ra2 ia4 where Cp is an incidence matrix and its elements de-
pend on the topology of the system corresponding to the
particular conduction state of the switches.This matrix
has dimensions 12x(9+m) where m takes values from 0 to
3 and it can be partitioned as follows:
[Cp] =
C41 C42
[c4]= tEc
LE e 3l t E 3E E [
C43 C44
and therefore:
[c4] [V2] = [C4] [ER4 + s [L4]] [C4] [12] (37)
[Cp] [v.] = [Cp]t [Zi] [Cp] [Ip] (33)
[VP] [Z ]
[zp] (34) [Lm] =[cijt [L4] [C4]
[12] [j Zj
[Vjl]= F [ Ij= 1[Zj]= The equation (36) can be further simplified by parti -
tioning the matrices involved as follows:
Vs IF7]
where: 1] [2] [I2]
[ 1], have dimensions 6xl
L i= j
and [ z z have dimensions 6
The equation (33) can now be written as follows: Then equation (36) becomes:
[Ii] I6 III
[ 1J = [[u] + LZc2 Zc2] I[sg + 111I1
[ Ij fL -D - EJ
Ij8 J
j (47)
Lj 1
jl 12
iV where: 1-O-OimOi
1 00100
l [Vall va2
[u] is a 3x3 unit matrix
! VblI LVsj
and = Vb2j
[VclJ [Vc2J ii the current vectors of the static loads
dd [v =- Zi [11 (41)
d 2= [2mj
dt 12 [Lm]
Vm [Rm 12 (43)
[1 I [Zcl2 [zc2 [I
(45) Fig. 9 The bus-bar of the system under considerati-on
The model developed could be extented by adding
REPRESENTATION OF THE BUS-BARS lines and busses but this will result in substantial
increase of the computation required and it could make
The equations developped in the previous section the simulation program impractical. For larger systems,
are expressed in terms of the line capacitor currents. therefore, the use of simpler models could be a better
These currents are used to define the bus voltages and solution.
THE DYNAMIC SIMULATION techniques are used for accurate determination of the
firing and extinction instants of the valves.
The basic structure of the dynamic simulation
program is shown in the flow chart of Fig. 10. The THE CONTROL SYSTEMS SIMULATED -
converter control system although is independently si-
mulated is locked to the model since it uses as inputs To demonstrate the effectiveness of the model de-
the instantaneous values of the commutation voltages ve l oped two cases of converter control were simulated:
and the converter loop currents. The control system si- Case 1: Predictive control (13)
mulation program processes these inputs and produces Inverter : Constant extinction angle control
the firing pulses to the valves. The system model Rectifier: Constant current control
checks the necessary condition, at the firing instant Minimum ignition angle 50
and if they are favorable the valve is fired. At this Constant extinction angle 100
instant the main program recalculates the incidence Constant current slope 400 Ohm
matrix (Cn) and the differential equations are reas- Rectifier current setting 1174 A
sembled to account for the new conduction pattern. The Current margin 509 A
matrix (Cn) is also recalculated when a thyristor cur-
rent approaches to zero due to extinction of a valve. Case 2: Equidistant control (10)
The loop impedance matrix of the system is stored Inverter : Minimum extinction angle control
and inverted using sparsity techniques in order to re- Rectifier: Constant current control
duce the storage and inversion time required. The correction of the firing angle at the
For the integration of the equations a 5th order inverter is given by:
Runge-Kutta method with error detection is used. Theba-
sic integration step is 0.1 msec but special simulation La= K(&5min-6o)
Read circuit data and where: 5min is the minimum extinction angle per cycle
calculate the initial values 60 is the extinction angle setting
for all the state variables K is taken equal to 0.02
This control is combined with a protection scheme
Form (C44) for initial configuration against commutation failures (2) which fires valves out
of sequence in order to improve the development of the
T = Tstep fault and advances temporarily the firing angle for
further protection.
The following sequence of events is simulated:
The system is operating in the steady state when a
single phase short circuit is inserted on phase a 50 Km
from the inverter bus. Two cycles later the circuit
breakeriis activated and at the first current zero the
fault is cleared. The circuit breaker is reclosing
successfully after 5 cycles.
The transient performance of the system for the
two cases is shown in the Figures 11 and 12.
Calculation of ac,f3
and all the state variables
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