Professional Conversation Log3 22052019

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Graduate Teacher Professional Conversation Log

Name: Ms Carmen Pinker (e4042054) Coach: Ms Simone Rigelsford Date: 22/05/2019

School: Bull Creek Primary School Year Level/Learning Area: Year 2/3 and Year 3 Start Time: 8:30am Finish Time: 9:30am
What’s Working: Current Focus – Challenges – Concerns:
 Everything is going according to plan – interesting with interruption with NAPLAN  Would really like to “feel” evidence of full engagement from all students. Sometimes they look like they are
(fortunate with technology at our school) not listening, but they actually are listening (evidence based on their response to questioning). Techniques –
checking for engagement – drop name in to remind them to pay attention, prefer not putting kids on the spot,
 Quite a couple of disruptive couple of weeks with NAPLAN preparation – did a test but sometimes will direct a question their way (gauge response). Scanning to see how engaged they are
on “TIME” – used above and below year level testing. My Year 3 students are quite and employing a movement break to freshen up if necessary. Ask for feedback (thumbs up and down) – not
low, I could see what they could do. Some bright Year 2 students showed that they just for the feedback itself, but also to see who is engaging in the lesson.
could achieve at higher level. Great for grading and seeing what they could do not
just what they couldn’t.  If all were engaged, what would it look like? I would expect visual attention – looking at the task (teacher, the
board, the paper etc). Respect emphasised in addition to regular reminders of eyes to me, knees to me etc.
 NAPLAN specific style questions to help Year 3 prepare and mechanics of the test Whiteboard, turn on your bottom to look this way. At desk, instruct when they can talk to shoulder partner.
and test preparation. Did extra on the Maths and definitely more on Reading to give
them strategies. Didn’t stick to usual plan.  Seating plans have been problematic – Kagan grouping last year was good, but difficult this year due to
movement and “interesting personalities”. Responsive to behaviour – know our students well.
 Last week, we did more “fun” activities to recover from the NAPLAN testing.
Students responded well to activities which were still learning experiences.  Challenging having 2/3 mixed ability. Year 2 cohort “tricky”.

 Start of new topic “SHAPES” this Friday – have done scavenger hunt around the  Reporting mostly 2/3 – sharing the load, commenting on Measurement and Health and working
school and used iPads to complete books on what they know. Airdrop these to collaboratively for checking. Done some editing. ABE all done (see comment below). Work in progress.
teacher for assessment and also great idea to use for evidence of progress through
this unit.
ABE reporting - Mention to students that reporting includes behaviour. I try to frame it in a
 Strategy to try this Friday – warm-up to do a graffiti wall to get them to write up positive way – “I am looking for students who…” Gives them goal of what to do. Some
what they know. Keep up to refer to during the unit – add to this at the end of the students will take it on board, while others may not understand what it means. Making a link
unit to see how they have progressed. ADHD students – learning on your feet and with that theme – Growth Mindset and resilience being studied in Health. Choose mat time
movement, so hoping these graffiti wall will assist with their learning style and for general conversation time – expectations reinforced.

 Planning done to create “Word wall” for this unit and visual posters – assist with
spelling, vocab, correct terminology. Progresses through the unit esp as going from
2D to 3D shapes. Hoping to prompt them to be less passive and more proactive
rather than “potato”

Graduate Teacher Professional Conversation Log

©Department of Education 2018
Reviewed Jan 2019
Graduate Teacher Professional Conversation Log

Options for trying to get Year 2 and Year 3 Maths curricula to work together: Next meeting date and time:
 Engaging both year levels Lesson observation – 24/05/2019 11:10-12:30pm

 Friday – introduction graffiti wall, play Year 2 and Year 3 animations, use Teacher’s next steps
iPad, Prodigi. Year 3 working on floor with teacher, Year 2 at desks with EA  Think about script for introducing video footage being taken during class time
will be doing challenge sheet as well. Year 3 need teacher assistance even  Set up paper for graffiti activity
with independent work – give more guidance. How do I know the Year 2  Print off challenge sheet
students are working well, while I’m working on the floor?  Shape blocks – concrete materials.

 Coach will be introduced to class and explain why there. Not for students to Focus for next meeting:
be filmed for assessment. Clear expectations. Goal:
By the end of next term I will have in place a selection of practiced strategies and routines to ensure that Year
 Bringing in own shapes from home and hands on activities 2 and Year 3 students are engaged in meaningful Mathematics tasks based on their curriculum requirements
ie not “Busy work” so that learning time is not is not wasted and students are making progress at their own
level of competence and understanding.

Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4 Standard 5 Standard 6 Standard 7

Know students and how they Know content and how to Plan for and implement Create and maintain Assess, provide feedback Engage in professional Engage professionally with
learn teach it effective teaching and supportive and safe learning and report on student learning colleagues, parents/carers
learning environments learning and the community
1.1 Physical, social and 2.1 Content and teaching 6.1 Identify and plan
intellectual development and strategies of the teaching 3.1 Establish challenging 4.1 Support student 5.1 Assess student learning professional learning needs 7.1 Meet professional ethics
characteristics of students area learning goals participation 5.2 Provide feedback to 6.2 Engage in professional and responsibilities
1.2 Understand how 2.2 Content selection and 3.2 Plan, structure and 4.2 Manage classroom students on their learning learning and improve 7.2 Comply with legislative,
students learn organisation sequence learning programs activities 5.3 Make consistent and practice administrative and
1.3 Students with linguistic, 2.3 Curriculum, assessment 3.3 Use teaching strategies 4.3 Manage challenging comparable judgements 6.3 Engage with colleagues organisational requirements
cultural, religious and and reporting 3.4 Select and use behaviour 5.4 Interpret student data and improve practice 7.3 Engage with the
socioeconomic backgrounds 2.4 Understand and respect resources 4.4 Maintain student safety 5.5 Report on student 6.4 Apply professional parents/carers
1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait 3.5 Use effective classroom 4.5 Use ICT safely, achievement learning and improve student 7.4 Engage with professional
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote communication responsibly and ethically learning teaching networks and
Islander students reconciliation between 3.6 Evaluate and improve broader communities
1.5 Differentiate teaching to Indigenous and non- teaching programs
meet the specific learning Indigenous Australians 3.7 Engage parents/carers in
needs of students across the 2.5 Literacy and numeracy the educative process
full range of abilities. strategies
1.6 Strategies to support full 2.6 Information and
participation of students with Communication Technology
disability (ICT)

Graduate Teacher Professional Conversation Log

©Department of Education 2018
Reviewed Jan 2019

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