1 Sect Proforma
1 Sect Proforma
1 Sect Proforma
1 Grid Loc of Pick Up A Ammo (RRR) 1 Where you will be while on duty
2 Freq, C/S, and Suffix B Rations A DTG of call 2 Location of immediate superiors
3 # of Patients by Pri. C POL B Rank, name and C/S and how to contact them
a Urgent (2hrs) D Water C Repair Recovery # 3 By day, if posted forward of the
b Urgent Surgical (2hrs) E Misc D Unit owning eqptmt main position, route that must be
c Priority (4hrs) E Veh type and CFR taken to and from the position.
d Routine (24hrs) ALL ARMS CALL FOR FIRE F Faults 4 Direction of the enemy
e Convenience *send wng order (O this is 31A Fire G Assistance Required 5 What ground to watch
4 Special Equip. Req Mission over) H Mobility (tow or flatbed) 6 Positions of flanking posts
a None A Targt Loc (Grid) I RV location or cas 7 Names of landmarks to your front
b Hoist B Bearing from you to Targt J Tactical situation and route 8 Details and positions of intruder
c Veh Extraction Equip. C Description of Targt K pers with veh alarms or aids such as trip flares
d Ventilator D Type of fire (Destroy, Neutralize, RETURN DETAILS 9 Procedures for challenging
e Other Smoke, Suppress) A C/S of Main Asset 10 Password
5 Type of Cas E Time and duration of fire B ETA 11 Password for next 24 hours if a
a Litter (stretcher) *adjust RIGHT or LEFT X m to C Est time of return change is due
b Ambulatory bring fire onto targt. Bracket targt D Remarks 12 Orders for opening fire
6 Security at LZ until rounds on targt, ADD or 13 Particulars of friendly patrols in
N-No En in area DROP X m. 10 LINER EOD SPOT REP area
P-Poss En in area (IED/UXO) 14 Signal for defensive fire
E-En in area PATROL REPORT A DTG when found 15 Timings for mounting relief and
X-Armed escort req. A C/S B C/S details of relief system
7 Method of Marking PZ B Patrol leader C Type
a Pannels C Patrol size a UXO FIRE CONTROL ORDERS
b Pyro D Patrol composition b IED Group
c Smoke (colour) E Task/Mission D Description Range
d None F Departure DTG E Loc Indication- Clock Ray, Direct,
e Other G Return DTG F RV grid Reference Point, Tracer
8 Patient Nationality H Routes in and out G Contact method Type of Fire-Slow, Normal, Rapid
a ISAF Mil I Terrain info H Tactical Situation
b ISAF civi J Enemy info I Collateral dmg/ potential
c Non-ISAF Mil K Map correction J Protective measures MINE
d Non-ISAF civi L Misc info K Recommended priority Class:
e EPW/PUC M Result of En encounter a Immediate -Anti-Tank
9 Details of landing site/best N Condition of patrol b Urgent -Anti-Pers
direction of approach O Support received/ Req c Minor
P Comms Types of Minefields
MIST (by priority) Q Friendly/Neutral DETAINEE REPORT -Protective
Svc # and priority R Conclusion/ Recommendations A Grid -Tactical
M-Mechanism of Injury B Time -Nuisance
I- Injury type (broken arm) C Number of detainees -Phony
S-Signs and Symptoms AMMOCAS D Names of detainees
T-Treatment (splint) A 5.56mm ball E Father's name of detainees (if avail)
(repeat for each cas in priority) B 5.56mm link F Int value of detainee
C 7.62mm link G COA
D .50 Cal H Medical status (medic examined?)
CONTACT REP E M72 I General comments
A En Grid F 60mm WPN CAPA RoF Range
B En Str (pers, veh, etc) G 25mm (by box and type) C7 30rd Norm- 300m
C Own Action H M203 ARM INDICATOR 5.56 Mag 5 RPM
D Time of Contact I Grenade Armour TANGO, UNIFORM Rapid-
J Pyro Infantry INDIA, KILO 20 RPM
IED CONTACT REP K Captured Eqpt Artillery GOLF
A Grid of attack L En KIA/ WIA Engineers ECHO C9 200rd Norm- 600m
B IED description M Fr KIA/ WIA Helo HOTEL 5.56 Belt 50 RPM
C Own Action N Civi KIA/ WIA
D Time of Contact O Misc (Other ammo types) HABOUR ROUTINE 4 Ball/ Rapid-
1 Security 1Tracer 100 RPM
A En (Size, Str, loc) A Loc of OP C6 220rd 3-5rd 800m
3 Protection 7.62 Belt (bipod)
B Fr (Loc, Action) B Left of Arc (mils) 4 Maintenance Burst
C Admin (imm action req) C Right of Arc (mils) 5 Food
D General (misc) D Contact point if required 4 Ball/ 1800
6 Rest 1Tracer (SF)
E Loc of alt OP
A Reporting period SHOT REP 1 Preparation for Battle
B En (Overall assessment) A Time of incident 2 Reaction of Effective En Fire
C Fr (loc, status, etc) B Number of rounds 3 Loc of En
D Admin C Weapon type 4 Winning the Fire Fight
E General (Cmdr's intent and D Bearing and disteance 5 The Approach
situation assessment) E Action Taken 6 The Assault
7 Consolidation