Description: LLCMS119 Rev01

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LLCMS119 rev01

Admix Grout is a high performance, non-shrink, nonmetallic, cementitious construction grout that
exceeds ASTM C 1107. Admix Grout is designed with specially selected hydraulic cements, blend of
carefully graded aggregates and admixtures to provide a controlled expansion in both plastic and
hardened states. Admix Grout is easily placed with no segregation or bleeding.

Main Applications
Admix Grout is ideal for grouting between foundations and bases for support of equipment and
machinery that require full load bearing structural support. Admix Grout is also used for grout
beneath columns, anchor bolts, caulking concrete pipe and other structural grouting and anchoring
applications. Suitable for both interior and exterior use.

Advantages & Benefits

 Provides a high strength, high effective bearing area for proper load transfer.
 Exceptional consistency for ease of placement.
 Does not bleed or segregate even at fluid consistency when appropriate mix instructions are
 Controlled expansion in both plastic and hardened state.
 Pre-blended product manufactured under strict quality control for consistent on site results.
 Completely free of metallic compounds or other corrosive materials including salts or chlorides.
 Can be extended with clean, sound, well-graded gravel (3/8”), especially for filling large air voids.

Technical Data

Property Flowable ASTM C 1107 Fluid ASTM C Method

Requirement 1107 Req.
Flow (25°C) 130% 125% - 145% 25 sec. 10 – 30 sec. C1437/C939
4.5 L, 5.25 L
Mix ratio (per 25 kg. bag) N/A N/A N/A
W/P=0.18 W/P=0.21
Strength, psi (Mpa)
1 day > 5000 (34.5) 1000 ( 6.9) > 2000 (13.8) 1000 ( 7.0)
> 6000 (41.4) 2500 (17.2) > 3500 (24.1) 2500 (17.0) C 109
3 days
7 days > 7500 (51.7) 3500 (24.1) > 4500 (31.0) 3500 (24.0)
28 days > 8000 (55.2) 5000 (34.5) > 5000 (34.5) 5000 (34.0)
Early age height change + 0.05% +4% (max) + 0.03 % +4% (max) C 1090
Height change of
hardened grout, % +0.15% 0 to 0.30% +0.11% 0 to 0.30% C 827
Set Time
Initial, mins. 240 N/A 420 N/A C 191
Final, mins. 360 600
Yield, m3 0.013 N/A 0.014 N/A C1107

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LLCMS119 rev01
Application Instructions
Follow all instructions and recommendations per latest revision of ACI Guide 351.1.

Surface preparation
Substrate should be clean, free of dirt, oil, grease, mold release, or any other material that
can inhibit a proper bond with the grout. Substrate should be sound, solid and free of any
loose material or debris. Concrete surface should be rough, profiled to a CSP of 5 to 9
according to ICRI Guideline 310.2 (1/4” peak to valley profile).

Grout must be placed over a substrate in Surface Saturated Dry condition. Saturate
concrete surface completely with water at least 24 hours before grouting, removing any
freestanding (ponding) water just prior to placing Admix Grout.

All formwork should be rigid, watertight (seams should be caulked or sealed) to prevent
leakage. Forms should extend at least 1 inch above vertically and horizontally from the
object being grouted, and should be built to allow the grout to be placed as continuously
and expeditiously as possible. Forms should be coated with a compatible mold release to
facilitate form removal. Use a portable headbox with a 45° slope when appropriate.

Use the minimum amount of water necessary to achieve the desired consistency. Mix only
long enough to ensure a uniform consistency using a horizontal shaft mixer with stationary
drum. A low speed drill (400 – 500 rpm) with a proper impeller can also be used for small
jobs. Proper equipment and enough personnel is necessary for large pours. Do not use a
rotating concrete mixer.

Grout should be placed immediately after mixing. The method of pouring should ensure
quick and continuous grout placement. Grout should be placed in a manner that a
pressure head can be developed. Placement should be made from one side and continue
until the grout rises on the other end of the plate. This ensures that no air voids are
entrapped beneath the plate. If a portable headbox is being utilized, it should be moved
slowly along the side of the plate from one end to the other or to the next expansion joint
section. The placement point should be moved at the same rate as the face of grout
moves along the length of the plate on the opposite side. Provide “vent” holes as

Cure Admix Grout immediately after application using Kurad water based curing

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LLCMS119 rev01

Admix Grout is available in 25 kg (55 lbs) paper bags.
Admix Grout can be used up to 6 months after manufacturing date if stored in a cool, dry place
in original, closed bag.

Precautions and Reccomendations

 Use over sound masonry and concrete at least 28 days old.
 Do not apply form release agent on the underside of the machine base.
 Use the entire bag of pre-blended Admix Grout to ensure mixing all ingredients. Using only portions
is not recommended as certain ingredients might not be represented in the portion taken.
 Do not mix more material that can be applied in 15 minutes.
 Do not add more water after initial mixing.
 Use only clean potable water supply.
 Strength development and set times depend on ambient temperature and relative humidity.

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