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Introduction to ERP
 What is ERP?
 Why we need ERP?
 Advantages of ERP
 Differences between ERP and MRP
 Major ERP Packages

Introduction to SAP & R/3 Architecture

 What is SAP?
 History & Features of SAP
 Categories of SAP People
 SAP R/1 and SAP R/2 Architectures
 SAP R/3 Architecture
 Different components in 3 tier architecture including types of Work Processes

Introduction to ABAP/4
 What is ABAP?
 Start and Stop SAPMMC
 Logon to SAP Environment
 Differences between Practice and Live Systems
 Different parts in the Initial Screen of SAP
 ABAP Work bench
 Transaction Codes
 Multitasking Commands
 Different Work bench tools
 Object Navigator
 Mandatory and Optional Fields
 System provided Help Documentations and Search helps
 Types of Objects and Packages

ABAP Dictionary (DDIC)

 ABAP Dictionary Introduction
 Definition and its usage
 Different types of DDIC Objects
 Data Dictionary Objects
Data Base Tables

 Different Types of Data Base Tables

 Different Approaches to create the Data Base Tables
 Reusability hierarchy of Domains, Data Elements and Tables
 Client dependent and Independent Tables
 Key and Initial Value Check Boxes
 Creation of the Data Base Tables
 Currency and Quantity Fields
 Creation of Table Entries
 Execution of the tables
 Change the selection fields
 Change from field names to Field Labels and Vice versa
 Change the Layout
 Hide and Appear the fields in the Table output
 Download the table data in different formats
 Table Maintenance Generator(TMG) and its uses
 Creation of TMG
 One step and Two step table Maintenance
 Creation of custom T-code for table Maintenance
 Copy, Delete and Change the table
 Need of delete TMG and Recreate again
 Table Adjustment
 Foreign key relation ship
 Importance of relationship between Value and text table
 Creation of the Data base table without using data elements
 Differences between the table with data elements and without data elements.
 Different ways to check the relation ship
 Value table
 Indexes-Primary and Secondary
 Differences between value table and Check table
 Technical properties of the table
 Identification of Different standard tables
 Special tables related to work bench tools
 Differences between Transparent, Pooled and Cluster Tables
 Open and Native SQL
 Table Events and Additional Functionalities to Table Maintenances

Data Types

 Data Elements with and without Domains

 Definition
 Creation of data element
 Parameters IDs and Change Documents
 Structures
 Definition
 Creation of Structure
 Include and Append Structures to the tables
 Differences between Include and Append Structures
 Append the structure in the standard tables
Table Types

 Definition
 Creation of Table Types and their usage


 Definition
 Creation of Domain
 Lower case, value Range and Conversion Routines
 Creation Value range using single values, Intervals and Value table
 Lower case option
 Decimal places importance
 Output Length
 Enhance fixed values of the Standard Domains
 Sign

Search helps

 Definition
 Creation of Elementary Search help
 Creation of Collective Search help
 Different Types of Dialogues
 Assign the Search Helps to the table
 Search help exit and Hot Keys
 Search help using the Help View
 Different ways to provide the search help on the table field
 Enhance standard collective Search Helps


 Database View
 Maintenance view
 Projection view
 Help view
 Usage of Each View

Type Groups

 Definition
 Creation of Type Groups
 Usage

Lock objects

 Definition
 Types of Lock Modes
 Creation of Lock Object
 System Generated Functions for Lock Objects
Fundamentals in ABAP
Data Types, List Format, Different Operations and Functions:

 ABAP Editor and different types of Programs

 Usage of data types and different elementary data types
 Local GUI, User Own, New Editor, Pretty Printer Settings and Copy screen values
 REPORT statement and its additions
 Color identification in the New Editor
 Steps to rectify the syntax errors
 Comments-Entire line and partial Line
 WRITE statement and its useful additions
 Execution and Rename the Program
 Mathematical Operations- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Division ,Reminder
 Mathematical Functions-ABS, SIGN, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, FRAC, SQRT, EXP, LOG..Etc.
 DATA statement
 Differences between LIKE and TYPE statements
 MOVE statement
 Importance of WRITE statement to Move the data
 Useful System Fields
 Text symbols and CONSTANTS
 Differences between hard coded texts and Text Symbols
 FORMAT statement and its useful additions
 Translations
 Help Documentation
 ABAPDOCU Transaction code
 PARAMETERS statement and its useful additions
 Variants
 Selection texts
 Different Execution Modes-Fore Ground and Back Ground


 Usage of Debugger
 Different Types of Break Points
 Watch points
 Set/Delete the break points in the debugger
 Functions key to be used in the debugger
 Change the data variable values in the debugger
 Different desktops in the New Debugger
 Useful functions in the new debugger-Go to statement and Source code
 Switch to New debugger to Classic debugger and Vice versa
 Differences between Classic and New Debugger
 Change and Append the data into an Internal table in the debugger
 Debug the Background Jobs
 Debug modal dialogue boxes
 Set Operators-AND, OR and BETWEEN
 Differences between IF and CASE.
 Numeric Comparison Operations-EQ,LT,LE,GT,GE and NE
 String Comparison Operations-CA,NA,CO,CN,CS,NS,CP and NP

LOOP Statements, Work Areas, Internal tables and SELECT-OPTIONS

 Loop Termination Statements-EXIT,STOP,CONTINUE and CHECK
 Differences between DO and WHILE Loops
 Functionality of SELECT and ENDSELECT Loop
 Work areas
 Field symbols
 Differences between Work area and Field Symbol
 Field strings
 Types
 Internal Tables-Standard, Sorted and Hashed
 Different ways to declare the Internal tables
 Obsolete ways of declaring the Internal tables
 Functionality of an Internal table with and without header line
 CLEAR,REFRESH and FREE statements
 Differences between Normal Search and Pointer Search
 Differences between Work area and Internal table
 Efficient way to copy and delete the Internal tables
 SELECT-OPTION, its properties and its useful additions
 TABLES statement
 Defining SELECT-OPTIONS without using TABLES statement
 Differences between PARAMETERS and SELECT-OPTIONS
 SELECTION-SCREEN and its useful additions
 Where used and Find and Replace functions

Modularization Techniques
 Modularization Techniques Introduction and Different Modularization Techniques


 *TOP,*SEL and *FORMS Includes

 Different ways to create an Include Program
 Reusability of an existing Include program

 Internal and External sub routines

 Restrictions to sub routines
 Different methods to pass the parameters
 Creation of a sub routine
 Passing Tables to Subroutines
 Global and Local data
 Development standards and Naming conventions in Projects


 Definition
 Limitations to Macros

Function Groups & Function Modules

 Different types of Function Modules

 Function Group
 Different Include programs in the Function Group
 Creation of Normal function Modules with all the parameters-IMPORT,EXPORT,CHANGING,TABLES
 Make use of the Import parameters as Select options
 Limitations in the source code of the Function Module
 Execution of the Function Module Independently
 Ways to find the Function Modules
 Sequence execution of Function Modules
 Precautions while calling functions
 Differences between routines and functions

Message Classes
 Usage of Messages
 Different Types of Messages
 Messages without using the Message class
 Message Class Introduction
 Different ways to create a message class
 Different ways to call the message class
 Short dumps analysis

Constants, Text Symbols and Selection Texts

 Usage of constants, Text Symbols and Selection texts
 Translations
 Reports Introduction
 Different types of Reports

ABAP Queries

 Definition
 User Group, Info sets and Queries
 Change the selection screen fields position in the queries
 Location to write the ABAP code in ABAP Queries
 Limitations to ABAP Queries

Classical Reports

 Definition
 Event definition
 Events associated with Classical Reports-LOAD-OF-PROGRAM,INITIALIZATION, AT SELECTION-SCREEN
with all the useful additions (OUTPUT,ON VALUE-REQUEST,ON HELP-REQUEST,ON and etc.),START-
 Pre requisite to use FOR ALL ENTRIES statement
 Differences between SELECT SINGLE and UP TO 1 ROWS
 Control Break statements-AT FIRST,AT NEW, AT END OF and AT LAST
 Pre requisite to use BINARY SEARCH, DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATE S and AT NEW statements
 ON CHANGE OF statement
 Differences between AT NEW and ON CHANGE OF
 Conversion routines
 Read input field values in the selection screen dynamically
 Performance Tips
 Performance Tools-Extended Program check, Code Inspector, Run time analysis and SQL Tracer
 Standard Tables related to the developments
 Version management function
 Where used list function

Interactive Reports

 Definition
 Events associated with Interactive Reports-AT LINE-SELECTION, TOP-OF-PAGE DURING LINE-
 Limitations to Interactive Reports
 HIDE statement
 Interactive report with GET CURSOR statement
 How to call T-codes, Programs, Screens, Forms..etc
 System fields associated with Interactive Reports
 Menu painter-Creation, Different function Keys
ALV Reports

Using the standard ALV function Modules- Normal ALV

 ALV Reports Introduction

 Different type of ALVs
 ALV List
 ALV Grid
 Hierarchical ALV
 Blocked ALV
 Useful types in type group SLIS
 Columns, Rowsand pert cell in different colors
 Different ways to populate the field catalogue
 Different ways to populate ALV events
 Useful ALV events
 SAP and ABAP Memory
 Most of the useful functionalities Interactive, customs push buttons,selected rows, Headings, Logos
and etc.
 Layout, Search Help On layouts and Existence of Layouts

Using the classes and Methods – Object Oriented ALV (OOALV)

 Useful standard classes

 Useful standard methods
 Useful table types of OOALV
 Different types of containers
 Custom container
 Doc container
 Splitter container
 Generate columns dynamically
 Make Particular Cell as editable
 Most of the functionalities Interactive, customs push buttons, Headings and etc.

 Differences between ABAP Queries

 Differences between classical and Interactive reports
 Differences between classical and ALV Reports
 Differences between Normal ALVs and OOALV

 Difference between local objects and transportable Objects
 Definition and its usage
 Transport Request
 Different types of transport request
 Creation of Work bench and Customizing request
 Creation of Package
 Transferring local objects to packages
 Transport Organizer or Correction and transportation system (CTS)
 Release the transport Requests
 Change the Owner ship of TR and release
 Multiple tasks under the same TR
 Remove objects under TR and remove TR
 Change the Description of TR
 Standards to be followed to enter the TR descriptions in the real time

System land scape and Release Process

 Definition
 Different systems in the Land scape
 Explanation about an each system and its client numbers
 Import the client dependent changes into Unit test Client from the development Client

Dialog / Module Pool Programming/ Transactions

 MPP Introduction
 Different components in MPP
 Different screen elements in the screen painter
 Screen Attributes
 Relationship between Screen, Flow Logic and Program
 Flow Logic Events and usage in the screens
 Process Before Output (PBO)
 Process After Input (PAI)
 Process On Value Request (POV)
 Process On Help Request (POH)
 Include Programs in MPP
 Include TOP
 Include I01
 Include O01
 Include F01
 Dynamic Screens
 Leave Screen
 Leave to Screen
 Call Screen
 Set Screen
 Processing of List from Transaction and Vice Versa
 MODULE, CHAIN, FIELD statements
 Screen field validations
 Data base table Manipulations -MODIFY, UPDATE, DELETE and etc.
 Usage of Lock Objects
 Usage of Elements in Screen Layout
 Normal screens-Input/Output fields, Push Buttons with Icons
 Sub screens
 Tab strip control with and without wizard
 Table Controls with and without Wizard
File Handling Techniques/ File Interfaces

 Introduction and functionality

 Different type of File handling techniques
Presentation Server/Front End system
 Functionality
 Download and Upload Function Modules
 Obsolete Function modules
 Unicode conversion Importance
 Search help to choose the file path
 Limitations
 Function Module to Upload excel file

Application Server (AL11)

 Functionality
 Importance of Application Server
 Read the data into a program from AL11
 Transfer the data from the program to AL11
 Unicode additions for AL11
 Direct download from AL11 into front end system
 Direct Upload from front end system to AL11
 Search help to choose directory in AL11
 Logical and Physical file paths
 Handle Files in Back Ground

Data Conversions/ Data Migrations

 Usage and Functionality
 Functional Transaction codes identification
 Sales and Distribution(SD) functional flow with T-codes and Tables
 Material Management(MM) functional flow with T-codes and Tables
 Customer and Vendor T-codes and Tables
 Different methods to migrate the data

 Usage and Functionality
 Different Import methods
 Location to write ABAP code

Batch Data Communication

 Introduction and Usage
 Different methods-Session and Call transaction
 Explanation on each function module in session method
 Process the session
 Log file and session over view
 Explanation on CALL TRANSACTION statement with all the additions
 Different Process and Update Modes
 BDCDATA and BDCMSGCOLL structures
 Steps to handle the messages in call transaction method
 Screen flow recording
 Convert the screen flow recording into a program
 Explanation on BDCRECX1 include program
 Steps to handle table control in BDC
 Steps to handle screen resolution and Page Down functionalities in BDC Table Control
 Advantage of Parallel cursor method and usage
 Differences between session and call transaction methods
 Differences between LSMW and BDC
Data migration using standard BAPIs
 Different ways to find the BAPIs
 Check the BAPI independently
 Steps to handle messages with BAPIs

SAP Script Forms

 SAP Scripts Introduction
 Functionality of SAP Script forms
 Print Program and Useful Functions
 Components of SAP Scripts
 Layout Set-Header, Pages, Windows, Page Windows, Paragraph Formats and Character Formats
 Print Program
 Function Modules associated with SAP script forms
 Form routines
 Standard and Application texts
 Creation of TR for standard texts
 Useful standard programs associated with script forms
 Display or Print windows or pages dynamically
 Transaction codes associated with script forms
 Tables and Structures associated with SAP script forms
 Wrap the text in sap script forms
 Why sap script forms are client dependent
 Modifying Standard SAP Script Layouts
 Including Logos
 Different ways to debug SAP script forms
 SAP Script Utilities - Upload / Download
 Copy standard script form and change
 Graphics Management
 Insert hyper texts
 Standard and Application texts
 Add additional functionalities without changing Print Program
 Style and Font Maintenance
 Paragraph Formats
 Character Formats

Smart Forms
 Smart Forms Introduction
 Functionality of Smart forms
 Why smart forms are client independent
 Different ways to debug smart forms
 Smart forms execution with or without using the print program
 Transaction codes, tables and structures associated with smart forms
 Text Modules
 Different nodes
 Differences between template and table
 Data extraction in the smart forms
 Make template node as table
 Different smart form events
 Graphics Management
 Style Maintenance
 Paragraph Formats
 Character Formats
 Download and Upload smart forms
 Migrate Script form into smart form
 Convert smart form as PDF and send it as an attachment through mail
 Differences between script and smart forms
 Text elements and text symbol translations
 Forms (Script/smart form) execution through an output type using NACE

Customer Exits
 User exits
 Different types of customer exists-Field Exits, Function Exits, Menu Exits and Screen Exits
 Different ways to find the Exits
 Importance of SMOD and CMOD Transaction codes
 Differences between User Exits and Customer Exits
 Different types of BADIs-Classic, Kernel, Filter dependent, Single and Multiple Use BADIs
 Uses of BADI
 Different ways to find the BADIs
 Usage of Fall back class
 Differences between Classic and Kernel BADIs
 Differences between Exits and BADIs
Enhancement Frame work or Enhancement Points:
 Different types of frame works
 Implicit Framework
 Explicit frameworks
Business transaction Events-BTE:
 Different ways to find BTES
 Usage of BTEs
User Exit
 Find User exits
 Implement User Exits without using Access Key

VOFM Routines
 Find VOFM Routines and Implement
OSS Notes
 Find OSS Notes and Implement
OOABAP-Object Oriented ABAP
 Uses of OOABAP
 Features of OOABAP
 Object and Class
 Different types of classes-Local ,Global classes, Friend class and Final class
 Differences between Local and Global class
 Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Inheritance
 Interfaces
 Creation of T-code for OOABAP programs
 Different types of visibility sections-Private, protected and Public
 Differences between private, Protected and Public section attributes
 Static and Instance attributes
 Different types of methods-Normal, Function and Constructor
 Up and down casting
 OOALV with custom, doc and splitter containers
 Differences between Normal and OO ALV Reports

Cross Applications
 Introduction to Cross Applications and different CA components
 Introduction to Distributed Environment


 Introduction to RFC
 Functionality of RFC
 Creating RFC Destination between 2 Systems
 Creating Remote Enabled Function Modules
 Creating program using Remote Enabled Function Modules


 BAPI Overview
 Differences between RFC and BAPI
 Creation of custom BAPI
 Different ways to find BAPIs
 Check BAPIs
 Data migration using standard BAPIS
 Usage of standard BAPIS


 ALE Basics
 Uses of ALE and IDOC
 Differences between ALE and EDI
 Overview of Outbound & Inbound Process
 IDOC Structure-Control, Data and Status Records
 Different types of segments
 Port and Partner profiles
 Message types
 Different types of RFCs
 Configuration Steps
 Define logical systems
 Assign client to logical system
 RFC destination
 Customer distribution model
 Creating Ports
 Distribute the data between two clients using the standard IDOCs
 Distribute the data between two clients using the Custom IDOCs
 Additional steps to distribute the data using Change Pointers
 Extend the IDOCs

 Overview on HR ABAP
 Why HR ABAP is different from standard ABAP
 Most useful tables in HR
 Useful transaction codes associated with HR ABAP
 Logical data bases
 Events associated with LDB
 Different ways to extract the data from Info types
 Identification of Standard and Custom Info types
 Creation and enhancement of custom Info types
 Function modules and BAPIs associated with HR ABAP

Over view Concepts

ABAP Webdynpro

 Overview on web dynpro

 Functionality of web dynpro
 Uses of web dynpro
 Different UI elements
 Demo webdynpro application

Adobe Forms

 Over view on Adobe forms

 Uses of Adobe forms
 Differences between normal and Interactive forms
 Online and offline forms

ABAP Workflows

 Overview on Work flows

 Uses of Work flows
 Define workflow
 Concept wise Assignments by integrating real time scenarios
 Concept wise Interview Questions
 Concept wise Mock Interviews
 Allow in any number of batches
 Real time objects for most of the concepts parallel to the course
 Final assignment by integrating most of the concepts
 Project with real documents
 Final mock interview by covering all the concepts
 Support until get offers
 References
 Project with real documents
 Resume preparation
 Support project work

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