Rise Your Vibration

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The key takeaways are that everything in the universe vibrates at different frequencies and we are constantly surrounded by and affected by different vibrations. Our thoughts, feelings, and the people and situations around us can impact our own personal vibration.

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe moves and vibrates at different frequencies and speeds. We are all made up of energy and connected at the lowest vibrational level.

Raising your vibration can help manifest your desires more easily and attract positivity, health, fulfillment and ease to your life. Lower vibrations are more likely to be associated with negativity, procrastination, lack and difficulty.

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“The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates - everything is
vibrating at one speed or another. Nothing rests. Everything you see around you is vibrating at one
frequency or another and so are you. However your frequency is different from other things in the
Universe - hence it seems like you are separated from what you see around you - people, animals,
plants, trees and so on. BUT you are not separated - you are in fact living in an ocean of energy -
we all are. We are all connected at the lowest level - a level professor John Hagelin calls this
unified field. Everything has its own vibrational frequency - the table - the car - the picture frame -
the rock - even our thoughts and feelings. It is all governed by The Law of Vibration.” The Law of
Vibration, One Mind Energy

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“If you want to find the secrets of the universe,

think in terms of energy, frequency and
— Nikola Tesla

There are times when what is going on in our life and the rest of the Universe can bring us down.
We can experience good days and bad days. This is a natural part of being human. However we
must not forget that we are all energetic beings made up of our own unique vibrations. We are not
just a physical body. Every single thing in the Universe has its own frequency and we are constantly
swimming in a sea of ever changing vibrations flowing in and around us. It is no wonder we can feel
so up and down sometimes but it does not have to stay this way. I am no stranger to anxiety,
depression and thought patterns of low self-esteem. Through these experiences I have learnt how
to help raise my vibration enough to move out of these low vibrational holds that we all can so often
fall into. I want you to know that you can OWN your energy. YOU can change the way you feel.
You might not be able to change the situation but you CAN always raise your vibration and you
can even keep it there. When you find a good place of balance within your energy, then you
will notice your life become so much more peaceful, graceful and authentic.

“When we allow ourselves to be authentically

free, it raises our vibration”
— Alaric Hutchinson, Living Peace

So lets break this down. When your vibration is low you will most likely find it hard to manifest your
desires and you may find yourself surrounded by negativity, you may be constantly tired and
unhealthy, procrastinate over things, money flow may be tight, work may be unfulfilling and slow.
When your vibration is high it will feel like everything you do is falling effortlessly into place, like
your just in a natural rhythm of life with ease.

When you find yourself in these kind of situations have you ever thought that maybe it’s your very
own vibration that is attracting it? Maybe your big smile and general positivity that you are putting
out into the world each day is bringing you that same vibration back, in the form of positive people
and exciting opportunities? Maybe that recurring negative thought pattern you get trapped into
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and exciting opportunities? Maybe that recurring negative thought pattern you get trapped into
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before you even roll out of bed each day is bringing you down so low that you are attracting that
very same frequency back to you?

Our thoughts and intentions are powerful tools. Stay aware of what you are putting out, being
mindful that the Universe can reflect that right back to you in your life. Making a conscious effort to
maintain a high vibration will help you to stay tuned into your true purpose and enable you to listen
clearly to your inner guidance leading you along the right path, attracting the right things and
experiences for you along the way.

Always remember to take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions. This is the
fundamental key to raising your vibration in a grounded way.



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There is nothing more powerful and pure than spending time in nature. Receiving that natural
energy hit from the Earth is sometimes all we need to bring us back to our centre. Those who live in
busy cities need to make sure there is a healthy balance between concrete and green. It may seem
impossible when you lead a busy life, but you can make that change. Sometimes all it takes is a
short walk outside or in the park to shift any unsettled feelings. Place your hand on a tree, put your
bare feet on the ground.

Water is so deeply soothing and healing, even standing by the sea or listening to it creates the most
tranquil feeling within. Never forget the connection you have with Mother Earth, you are at one, but
if you spend all your time indoors within four walls it is eventually going to take its toll on your
energy. Taking time to be in Earth more really connects us back to source in the most natural way.

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Exercise is a natural high! Your body releases endorphins during exercise which trigger a positive
feeling within, it can almost feel euphoric. Release stress, tension and anxiety by simply bringing
exercise and movement into your life on a regular basis. You will get better sleep and increased
energy levels, the list of benefits is endless! You will be surprised how quickly you will notice the
improvement in your overall well-being and self-worth. If you don’t fancy yoga or the gym then you
could try swapping public transport for walking. Any amount of movement is good so find
something which suits you and make it a vital part of your routine.


Have you noticed when you are kind to someone that you feel your heart filling up too? Giving
good energy and feeling someone receive that good energy and feel good from it is so heart
warming. It is like a knock on effect. You give with no intention of receiving but actually you do
receive too. I live in London and most people know London can be a very suppressive place in
regards to human interaction. You only have to ride the tube to sense the cold silence and diverted
eyes between everyone to feel the realness of the suppression here. It can be quite overwhelming
if you let it but the key in these situations is to be the person you want to meet. Smile at people in
the street. Be kind to people who serve you in the shop. Even if you are feeling low and cannot
imagine doing any of this, push out of your comfort zone and do it! Giving from a pure place is a gift
to others and yourself. Smile and the world smiles with you :)

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Meditation is a game changer. It is a powerful tool which can shift even the lowest vibration. Start
your day with a meditation to keep you balanced and centred. End your day meditating to release
anything you have picked up or taken on that day. Do it whenever you like, it is always there for you
to tap into. Even taking a few minutes a day to just sit, take some deep breaths in and out and just
be is enough. Taking the time to meditate regularly ensures we take care of ourselves by
recharging our own energy. Meditation connects us to divine source. Through it we can move away
from the mind, clear energy blockages and come back to the wisdom of our heart and soul.

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Nourish your physical body by banishing the foods from your diet which you know are not right for
you. You are what you eat. If there are foods you eat which make you feel sluggish, bloated or
acidic then you are getting signs from your body that they are not right for you. Listen to the signs,
our bodies are so clever and will tell us when something is not working for us. Food is very
personal so what works for one person, may not work for another. Find what works for you and flow
with it.

The food we eat has a huge impact on our well-being so honour that and really tune into what you
are consuming. If you eat sugary, processed junk food with no nutrients then you are doing a
disservice to yourself as it is not going to feed your body or energy, it will only weigh it down. So
think alkalising, organic vegetables and fruit. Think vibrant colour, freshness and plant power! Some
high vibe foods you can eat are green vegetables like sprouts and broccoli, leafy vegetables like
Kale and Arugula, fresh herbs as most contain such powerful healing properties, raw nuts and
seeds, pulses, herbal teas.

Vegan is a very high vibrational way to live. If we talk in terms of energy then consuming animal,
meat and dairy products essentially means you are consuming the low vibrations that come with it.
Think about an animal who has been living in poor conditions, abused and tortured throughout its
life to then be killed in the most inhumane way. If you chose to consume that produce then you
need to be aware that you are consuming the low frequencies too. Since I went from a Vegetarian
to Vegan diet 2 years ago I have noticed a significant difference in my energy. My immune system is
stronger than ever, I have only been ill once since my diet change. You become more sensitive and
in tune with yourself and the rest of the Universe too. Of course you need to ensure you get all of
the correct nutrient and protein content if you follow a Vegan or Raw diet to ensure you make the
change in a balanced and healthy way which works for your body.

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Water is sacred, water is life. Make sure you honour the vital power of water within the body by
ensuring you drink plenty of water each day. You will literally notice your energy drop if you are
dehydrated and you will feel it rise if you keep hydrated. Drink at least 1-2 litres of good quality
water per day and feel your skin, body and energy benefit. Avoid tap water because it can contain
all kinds of nasties which our body does not like. I would recommend getting a good quality water
filter. You can get an Alkaline filter which you can find online for as cheap as £30. I use an i9 bottle
which is pretty magical as it changes the structure of water into its most purest form

If you want to drink alcohol and take drugs then please be aware of the negative effects which they
can have on your energy. If you are using them as an escapism then it will likely only temporally
suppress what you are feeling and make you feel on a much lower frequency afterwards and then
you begin to get into other negative patterns like eating unhealthy and attracting further low
vibrational energies into your life.


Creativity is the life force energy which flows through each and every one of us. It is an essential
part of life. If we do not nurture this energy then we can become out of touch with ourselves. When
you are in your pure creative flow you are allowing your soul to feel free. Its this freedom which
makes us feel pure joy. By allowing our creative juices to flow we are connecting to our inner child.
When we are children all we do is play and create. Children do not live in fear about making
mistakes or not having enough time to create, they see the magic in everything around them and
they let it flow through them into what they do. Its this purity which most of us seem to get lost from
as we move into adult life but it is always there within, you just have to connect to it again. Working
with your Sacral Chakra energy will help you to open up and connect deeply with this part of
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yourself. Draw, sing, paint, dance, laugh, have fun and express yourself in whatever way that may


In order to live authentically we have to act upon our energy. Our instincts will tell us who and what
is not working for us. If you want to maintain balance then make wise choices in regards to how you
spend your time and energy. Spend time with those people who bring you up rather than those
who make you feel anxious or drained. Its the supportive, loving, open people who will make you
feel good about yourself. If your introverted you will need to ensure you are allowing space for
alone time to recharge your energy too.

Take regular time out for YOU to do the things you love and to simply just be. Self-care is essential
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so make sure this becomes a usual part of your lifestyle rather than a luxury every now and then.
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Book in for a regular message or healing session. Take a bath and add some epsom bath salts to
cleanse your energy from any toxic, negative energy. Light a candle, relax, breathe and just be.


Have you ever spent some time with animals and noticed your entire mood change after? Animals
are healers in themselves, raising our vibration just by being around us. They give out pure
unconditional love. You can feel it strongly after spending even a couple of minutes with a dog how
pure and loving they are. I signed up to Borrow My Doggy so that I can get my animal fix every now
and then. We can learn a lot from them.


Being present is important as it brings you into a place of acceptance of all that is. The past is over
and the future has not started yet. All we really have is now. Worrying about what has happened in
the past or what may happen in the future is a total waste of energy. Instead focus on the moment
and give it your all. Here are some more tips if you find this hard to manage

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Crystals are literally part of Mother Earth. Therefore they hold powerful Earth energies, each one
vibrating at its own unique frequency. We can wear crystals or keep them around us to help us keep
our vibration high and clear. They are used in many healing practises because of the healing power
and protection they bring.Citrine is great for protecting your Solar Plexus Chakra energy from taking
in negativity from around you. Amethyst is great to use when meditating as it opens up your Crown
Chakra and helps to deepen your spiritual connection but with protection. Lapis Lazuli is great for
communication and awareness.

You can visit a nearby Crystal store to get a feel for which ones you are drawn to. Usually you will
be drawn to whatever you need at that time as your energy will know which vibration is right for

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This may sound obvious but it is a fundamental one - make sure you get enough sleep. If we do not
get enough sleep we are not functioning at our optimum, therefore we are not in our full personal
power. Sleep deprivation can effect all areas of your well-being including physical and emotional
levels, which could mean you are not feeling or acting yourself. When we sleep we are allowing
our body to heal and regenerate, it literally repairs itself during this time. My nutritionist says the
best time to go to sleep would be as close to 10.00pm as possible because between 10.00pm-
2.00am our body is literally in its ‘Beauty Sleep’ stages. Never underestimate the healing power of


Whatever it may be that you are suffering from or dealing with then please know that there are
many different types of natural healing therapies available which can help you and guide you on
your path in one way or another Our physical problems are usually a direct product of an emotional
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your path in one way or another. Our physical problems are usually a direct product of an emotional
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issue which has not been released and built up within us, eventually manifesting in our bodies
physically in various ways. Energy healing is fast becoming the new medicine of our times because
slowly people are realising that we need to treat holistically, ensuring every aspect is looked at
rather than just the physical level.

Energy healing not only raises your vibration but goes directly to the root of an issue by allowing
old pains, blockages and imbalances within your energy field to release. If you are ready to take a
step to begin your own healing journey then luckily there are many options available. Reiki, Sound
Healing, Shamanic Healing, Spiritual Counselling, Homeopathy, Plant Medicine. There are so many
forms of healing available, it is just about finding the right one which resonates for you, including the
right healer or guide to facilitate the process in a grounded and sacred space. Normally you will be
drawn to the right person at the right time or you will find something comes up along your journey
and you will just feel the call to try it. Trust your intuition.

Reiki can be a powerful tool if you want to let go of stagnant energies and open up to receive new
energies into your life. By aligning your Chakras and cleansing your energetic field you are allowing
your bodies natural healing process to take place. When you let divine energy in it will move
through all areas of your life, going way beyond the session itself, guiding you to the places where
you should be, even if it isn’t in the way you would imagine. It is overall a high vibrational healing
tool which allows you to get in touch with your own personal power and connects you deeply to
your true self.

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Sometimes asking for help from a friend or taking the plunge to book in for therapy or healing may
seem like too much if you are used to getting on with things but try your hardest to push through
that barrier and know that by holding onto things you are only hurting yourself. There is strength but
then there is pride. We must not mistake the two. Pride can be like poison for our energy. Let it go
and then watch things flow.


One thing that has completely shifted my life in a positive way is being around like-minded souls.
Whatever it is you are into then surround yourself with people who have the same interests as
much as possible so that you can bounce off each other and inspire each other.

I love to attend Meditation, Sound Healing and Healing related events because each time I go I am
able to have heart felt conversations, away from the ego. It is really warming to be around people
with the same intentions because you feel nurtured even just being in that space. Whatever your
interest may be you can search on sites like www.meetup.com for local gatherings or events.

“Vibration is the core of the spirit. It is the

breath of life”
— Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun




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Comments (7) Newest First Subscribe via e-mail


LillyJ 3 weeks ago · 0 Likes

a nice article. have learnt about Reiki from a fellow passenger while I was travelling from
Delhi to Kota. i have always thought of attending a session to experience it, but could never
make that. wanting to somehow consider it, and exploring now - checked for sessions in
some of the events listings sites, but could not find any free/ trial program and then go for
paid program https://www.visitcalifornia.com/feature/events-california,
https://wearesacred.org/events/ , https://www.eventbrite.com/ pls advice.

Ganesh Ram 2 months ago · 0 Likes

Nice awesome articles. I really appreciate it.

Morgan 3 months ago · 0 Likes

Amazing article!

Nat 4 months ago · 0 Likes

What a great article!! Thank you for sharing this.

Natalia Bugeja

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Kevin Brookes 8 months ago · 0 Likes

That is easily one of the best pieces of writing I have come across. At the moment I am in a
downward spiral as I read about all the anger and violence around the world. The same
anger bombards me every day and we wonder why there is an epidemic of depression,
anxiety and suicidal feelings; especially in western societies. Reading all the messages
above about change in vibration that can only come about from within each one of us.
There is hope that we can transcend above the mass of low vibration and begin to enjoy
and flourish in the world around us. Thank you

lvsazf 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Thank you for sharing all this with us.

Hannah 2 years ago · 0 Likes

Just saw this. Absolutely love it. Thank you xxx

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