Sadp Lab

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IV Year – I Semester
0 0 3 2

Software Architecture Lab

The course project is divided in 6 small components that will be performed during the different
lab sessions; there are, in principle, 7 lab sessions. The project consists of the design and
implementation of the software architecture of a Weather Mapping System (WMS).
Implementation will take place both in Java and C++ (combination of both languages).
Each lab assignment consists of a theoretical part and a practical part, which are defined in
specific lab assignment statements that are posted at least one or two weeks before the session.

Report and demo (if applicable) for each assignment is due for the following session.

1. Tool Presentation

This session is an introductory session; there is no lab assignment for this session.

Introduction to working with an industrial strength software development environment, namely

Rational Rose: how to write and maintain a UML specification; configuration management;
architecture design; CORBA-IDL document generation; Java code generation from a UML
model etc.

Presentation of the Project: Weather Mapping System.

2. Use Case View

Design of the Use Case View. Risk Analysis.

3: Logical View

Design of the Logical View of the Weather Mapping System (WMS).

4: Integrating Patterns in the Architecture

Integration of selected architectural and design patterns in the logical view obtained previously.

5: Implementation, Process, and Deployment Views

Design of the implementation, process, and deployment views for the Weather Mapping System.

6: Component and Interprocess Communication Design

Generation from the previous architecture design of CORBA Interfaces and Components

7: Implementation of WMS

Implementation of the Weather Mapping System (Java & C++), with a particular emphasis on
the Interprocess communication mechanism and the software components identified.

Lab Reports:

Lab reports should include:

• The answers to the questions included in the assignment statement. The answers should
motivate briefly your design choices.
• The printout of the diagrams and related documents (e.g. class, use cases, operations
descriptions etc.) produced using Rational Rose.


Design Patterns Lab

S. No Programs

1. Use case Diagram for Librarian Scenario

2. Using UML design Abstract factory design pattern

3. Using UML design Adapter-class Design pattern

4. Using UML design Adapter-object Design pattern

5. Using UML design Strategy Design pattern

6. Using UML design Builder Design pattern

7. Using UML design Bridge Design pattern

8. Using UML design Decorator Design pattern

9. User gives a print command from a word document. Design to represent this
chain of responsibility Design pattern

10. Design a Flyweight Design pattern

11. Using UML design Facade Design pattern

12. Using UML design Iterator Design pattern .

13. Using UML design Mediator Design pattern

14. Using UML design Proxy Design pattern

15. Using UML design Visitor Design pattern

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