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Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology (2018) 32, 139–145

Review Article

Review of the treatment of Graves’ ophthalmopathy:

The role of the new radiation techniques
Iñigo San Miguel a; Meritxell Arenas b,⇑; Ruth Carmona a; Joaquin Rutllan c; Francisco Medina-Rivero c; Pedro Lara a


Graves ophthalmopathy (GO) is an autoimmune disorder and the most frequent extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves’ disease.
GO is an inflammatory process leading to an increased volume of the extraocular muscles and orbital connective and adipose tis-
sues associated with multiple histopathological changes. Despite recent progress in the understanding of its pathogenesis, GO
often remains a major diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. It has become increasingly important to classify patients into cate-
gories based on disease severity and activity. Low doses of radiotherapy (RT) have demonstrated a benefit in the treatment of
moderate-to-severe GO with very few side effects. New RT techniques deliver a more conformal dose distribution to the target
and decrease the dose to normal healthy tissue minimizing the risk of side effects. In this review we briefly analyzed the pathogen-
esis of GO and discussed the most relevant therapeutic approaches, with particular emphasis in the new RT technics. Appropri-
ately designed and powered clinical studies are necessary to determine the most effective treatment with the lowest risk of side

Keywords: Graves’ opthalmopathy, Radiotherapy, Toxicity

Ó 2017 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Saudi Ophthalmological Society, King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Introduction increased volume of the extraocular muscles and orbital

connective and adipose tissues 2. Pathogenesis is related
Graves’ disease (GD) is an autoimmune disorder involving to the activation of T lymphocytes (mostly CD4+) that
the thyroid gland. Graves ophthalmopathy (GO) is an autoim- invade the orbit and release cytokines, usually as a
mune condition of the orbit that occurs in 25–50% of patients response to the presence of circulating autoantibodies that
with GD. GO is the most prevalent extra-thyroidal manifesta- bind to and stimulate the thyroid hormone receptor
tion and may develop regardless of the presence of hyperthy- (TSHR). These cytokines act in a paracrine manner and
roidism. In 3–5% of patients, GO evolves into a severe form, induce the activation of fibroblasts due to an increase in
significantly impairing the quality of life of the patients 1. the production of the hydrophilic glycosaminoglycans
GO is associated with multiple histopathological (GAGs) in the orbital tissue. This excessive secretion of
changes which induce inflammatory process leading to an GAGs together with the lymphocyte infiltration results in

Received 1 August 2016; accepted 12 September 2017; available online 21 September 2017.

Radiation Oncology Department, Hospital Dr. Negrin, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 35070, Spain
Radiation Oncology Department, Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus, Reus 43201, Tarragona, Spain
Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Dr. Negrin, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 35070, Spain

⇑ Corresponding author at: Radiation Oncology Dept, Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus, Tarragona, Spain, C/Sant Joan, s/n, 43201 Reus,
Tarragona, Spain.
e-mail addresses: [email protected] (I. San Miguel), [email protected], [email protected] (M. Arenas), [email protected] (R.
Carmona), [email protected] (J. Rutllan), [email protected] (F. Medina-Rivero), [email protected] (P. Lara).

Peer review under responsibility Access this article online:

of Saudi Ophthalmological Society, www.saudiophthaljournal.com
King Saud University Production and hosting by Elsevier www.sciencedirect.com
140 I. San Miguel et al.

an osmotic pressure increase, significant tissue oedema, improvement in quality of life and GO symptoms, and a lower
and the clinical ophthalmopathy 3,4. rate of progression to more severe forms without adverse
Classification is based on severity and activity and deter- effects 4.
mines the therapeutic approach 5, but activity and severity The therapeutic approach in patients with moderate-to-
are not synonymous. severe GO depends on whether the disease is ‘‘active’’ or
Severity is defined by the degree of functional deficit at ‘‘inactive’’. In patients with active disease an immunosup-
any stage of the disease. The European Group of Graves’ pressive or anti-inflammatory treatment, either systemic ther-
Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) suggests classifying severity into apy and/or RT should be offered. In contrast, in patients with
three categories, based on the subjective symptoms and inactive GO rehabilitative surgery should be considered.
objective signs 6: Finally, in patients with sight threatening GO, first line
treatment is based on immunosuppressive or anti-
1. Mild: minor impact on daily life insufficient to justify inflammatory therapy but if there is a poor response or the
immunosuppressive or surgical treatment. Patients have disease is inactive, immediate surgical intervention is
one or more of the following signs/symptoms: minor lid warranted.
retraction (<2 mm), mild soft tissue involvement, exoph-
thalmos > 3 mm above normal for race and gender, tran- Surgery
sient or no diplopia, corneal exposure responsive to
lubricants. There are two surgical options, orbital decompression and
2. Moderate-to-severe: Not sight-threatening but sufficient corrective surgery for eyelid retraction and restrictive myopa-
impact on daily life to justify the risks of immunosuppres- thy. Actual indications for surgical treatment are optic neu-
sion (if active) or surgical intervention (if inactive). Patients ropathy, persistent inflammation or congestion refractory to
have one or more of the following signs: lid retrac- steroid treatment, desire to reduce excess proptosis and cos-
tion  2 mm, moderate or severe soft tissue involvement, metic discomfort. Surgeons must decide whether or not to
exophthalmos  3 mm above normal for race and gender, remove orbital bony walls and fat, as well as the amount
inconstant or constant diplopia. and location to be removed 4.
3. Sight-threatening: patients with dysthyroid optic neuropa-
thy and/or corneal breakdown. This category warrants
immediate intervention. Systemic therapy

Activity refers to the presence of inflammatory signs and is First line treatment of active moderate to severe GO is sys-
measured using the Clinical Activity Score (CAS) based on temic glucocorticoids, based on their anti-inflammatory and
the classical features of inflammation. To be classified as immunosuppressive effects. Intravenous glucocorticoids
active, at least 6 of 10 items (Table 1) should be present 6. (ivGC) have a higher response rate and are better tolerated
than oral. Glucocorticoids, however, are not devoid of
adverse events (Cushingoid features, weight gain, hyperten-
Treatment sion, diabetes, etc) and in patients with planned glucocorti-
coids treatment longer than three months, antiosteoporotic
Treatment is based on the severity and activity of GO. The therapy should be considered.
approach is suggested by the EUGOGO consensus Other medical options that have a proven benefit include
statement 5. Cyclosporine, the most widely immunosuppressant drug
Mild forms of GO may improve spontaneously and simple used, that combined with oral prednisone was more effective
follow up and symptom management is usually sufficient. than oral GC alone in a clinical trial conducted by Kahaly 4.
Lubricants and ointments are recommended to help symp- Also other drugs such as Etanercept, a TNF-a inhibitor, used
toms. Glucocorticoids and radiotherapy (RT) are usually not in the treatment of autoinmune diseases, based on the
recommended. In a multicenter, randomized, double blind, capacity to regulate the immune-inflammatory response of
placebo-controlled trial performed by EUGOGO, it was many organ systems, has shown some activity in a small-
reported that a 6-month course of selenium (sodium selenite uncontrolled study 1. Rituximab, a chimeric monoclonal anti-
100 mg twice daily) is associated with a significant body against the CD 20 antigen, is under evaluation but in
some studies shows a similar benefit to ivGC4. Other agents
such as Somatostatin, a peptide hormone that regulates the
Table 1. Items of the clinical activity score.
endocrine system and inhibits numerous secondary hor-
Clinical activity score items mones, had no proven benefit in randomized clinical trials 1.
Painful, oppressive feeling on or behind the globe, during the last
4 weeks
Pain on attempted up, side or down gaze, during the last 4 weeks
Redness of the eyelid
Diffuse redness of the conjunctiva, covering at least one quadrant Rationale: anti-Inflammatory and Inmunosupresor
Swelling of the eyelid effect of RT
Swollen caruncle
Increase of proptosis of 2 mm during a period of 1–3 months The rationale for using RT in GO is based on its
Decrease in eye movements in any direction 5o during a period of modulating role of inflammatory response in irradiated
1–3 months tissues. Therefore this could be considering an alternative
Decrease of visual acuity of 1 line on the Snellen chart during a
to systemic anti-inflammatory therapies 7. Although RT
period of 1–3 months
induces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and
New radiation techniques and Graves’ ophthalmopathy 141

leads to an inflammatory response in irradiated tissues, how- doses of 10 Gy fractionated in 1 Gy once a week over
ever, RT administrated at low doses (LD-RT) modulates the 10 weeks have shown to be equally effective 9. In addition
inflammatory response, producing an anti-inflammatory other protocols have also been employed including 10 Gy
effect. The inflammatory response of LD-RT is a tightly in 10 daily doses over a two week period, 20 Gy fractionated
regulated process that involves a sequence of leukocyte- in 1 Gy once a week over 20 weeks and16-18 Gy in 8–10 daily
endothelium interactions; called rolling, adhesion, and doses over a two week period 10,11. For re-irradiation some
migration to the interstitial space. In a first step, leukocytes centers use a dose of 10 Gy in 5 fractions 12 (Table 2).
are activated through the action of local inflammatory When we look carefully to the results reported on Table 2,
mediators. This activation allows the attachment to the we observe that one of the biggest difficulties to compare
endothelial cells and the migration into the interstitial space. the response rate is the different criteria use to evaluate this
The next step is the accumulation of a variety of immunocom- rate. The two biggest studies 13,14, both with more than 200
petent cells such as lymphocytes, granulocytes, and patients, showed a similar rate of responses in both the
monocytes/macrophages. Whereas some cytokines, such as classification of the response was based on the patient’s
interleukin (IL)-1, tumour necrosis factor-á (TNF-á), IL-6, subjective symptoms. The two other studies 9,15 were based
IL-8, and IL-12, have pro-inflammatory effects, others have on the response rate to objective symptoms. The results
anti-inflammatory effects, as it occurs with transforming observed in the study of Cardoso et al. are in line with the
growth factor (TGF)- â1, IL-10, and IL-4. expectations because, as mentioned above, GO is not a
The hypotheses that explain the anti-inflammatory tumour but an inflammatory disease and, therefore, needs
mechanisms of LD-RT, include decreased adhesion anti-inflammatory doses, not high doses of RT as is the case
leukocyte-endothelial cells, induction of apoptosis in the cells with tumour tissue. Low doses of RT rarely cause side effects,
that comprise the inflammatory infiltrate, decreased expres- especially with this fractionation.
sion of adhesion molecules (P-, L-, E-selectins, ICAM, VCAM), Although RT is well tolerated and safe 13 its use is rather
decreased iNOS that results in a decrease in nitric oxide NO limited in the management of benign disease due to the fear
and reactive oxygen species ROS, increased activation of of toxicity and the risk of radiation induced tumours. The
nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-êB) and increased expression of most frequent toxicity is chronic dry eyes (12%) 16. The risk
anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10, TGF-â1) 8. of other side effects, such as cataract is small (1%) with doses
LD-RT also induces decreased levels of pro-inflammatory of 20 Gy and is reduced further with fractionation. Radiation
cytokines such as TNF-á, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1â), and iNOS retinopathy is extremely rare. RT should not be used in
at 24 and 48 h and increased levels of HO-1 and inducible patients younger than 35 years (potential long term carcino-
heat shock protein 70 (HSP70). Therefore, clinical practice genic risk), and in patients with severe hypertension or dia-
would likely require LD-RT treatments with fractions every betic retinopathy (possible worsening of pre-existing retinal
48–72 h. damage) 14,15. Calculation using risk factors presently known
In vitro studies suggest that the potent anti-inflammatory reveal a theoretical risk of radiation-induced cancer of
effect of LD-RT is produced through inhibition of leuko- 1–4 % 17. However in a long term follow-up study of 205
cyte–endothelium interactions at doses < 0.7 Gy. This effect patients with GO treated with RT 18 there are no differences
was observed in the first 48 h after irradiation and shows an in the risk of developing cancer after a median follow-up of
inverse correlation with concentrations of TGF-â1 and activa- 31 years, compared with a cohort of patients that didn0 t
tion of NF-KB. receive RT. All this studies was done with the standard frac-
In vivo animal studies show LD-RT led to an improvement tionation of 20 Gy in 10 daily doses over a two week period.
of clinical symptoms and insigns of inflammation and pain.
The efficacy of LD-RT has been demonstrated in the
treatment of inflammatory diseases, such as osteoarthritis, Clinical results
humeral epicondylitis and scapular–humeral periarthritis.
The optimal doses of LD-RT ranged from 0.5–1.5 Gy 8. RT has demonstrated benefit in the management of GO in
two randomized clinical trials which compared orbital RT ver-
sus placebo (sham irradiation of the orbit). A better response
Radiation dose and fractionation -What do we know? was found in irradiated patients, mainly in those with
impaired eye motility. In one of these studies, there was an
The most common fractionation is a cumulative dose of improvement in the grade of diplopia in 60% of irradiated
20 Gy, in 10 daily doses over a two week period. Neverthe- patients versus 31% in the placebo group 19. The second
less there are some studies that demonstrate that lower study shows a benefit in improving both eye muscle motility

Table 2. Comparison of the principal fractionations for GO.

Author (year) N Doses Fractionation Response Follow-up Toxicity
Cardoso (2012) 9 18 10 Gy 1 Gy/d-w 10 weeks 100% 18 months 0%
Schaefer (2002) 13 250 16.8–24 Gy 2–1.6 Gy/d 43.6% CR 31 years No reported
2 weeks 41.5% PR
Matthiesen (2012) 14 211 20 Gy 2 Gy/d 2 weeks 44.5% CR 11 months 12%
39.7% PR
Kahaly (2000) 15 22 20 Gy 2 Gy/d 2 weeks 55% 6 months 36%
Kahaly (2000) 15 18 20 Gy 1 Gy/d-w 20 weeks 67% 6 months 0%
Kahaly (2000)15 22 10 Gy 1 Gy/d 2 weeks 59% 6 months 18%
d-w: One day per week; CR: complete response; PR: Partial response.
142 I. San Miguel et al.

Table 3. Principal studies that demonstrate the benefit of radiotherapy.

Author (year) N Study (patients) Treatment response Side effects Follow up
Mourits (2000) 10 60 RT (30) 60% Not reported 6 months
No RT (30) 31%
Prummel (2004) 11 88 RT (44) 52 % Not reported 12 months
No RT (44) 27%
Bartalena (1983) 21 48 RT + GC (36) 72% Not reported 26 months
GC (12) 33%
Marcocci (1991) 22 30 RT + GC (15) 69% Not reported 6–9 months
RT (15) 38%
Prummel (1993) 23 28 GC (14) 48% 78.57% 6 months
RT (14) 50% 7.14%
Marcocci (2001) 24 82 RT + ivGC (41) 87.8% 56.1% 12 months
RT + oralGC (41) 63.4% 85.4%
RT: Radiotherapy; GC: Glucocorticoids.

Fig. 1. Dosimetry for Graves’ disease showing the fields are usually angled 50° to avoid dose to the lens with three dimensional radiotherapy (Fig. 1A)
versus volumetric modulated arc therapy (Fig. 1B).

and decreasing the severity of diplopia in 52% of irradiated New radiation techniques
patients vs. 27% in the sham-irradiated group 13.
In patients with active disease the efficacy of RT is higher The treatment volume in the GO is the retrobulbar area.
when it is given within the first year of developing signs The structures at risk are the retina, lacrimal gland and
and symptoms 20. This is probably because in patients with lens. Until now current RT treatment consists of three-
long-standing GO, fibrosis has already occurred. dimensional conformal planning using parallel-opposed
A double-blind randomized clinical trial was designed to lateral beams. The anterior border of the field is at the lateral
compare glucocorticoids as the standard of care versus RT canthus of the eye, and the posterior border at the edge of
(a 3-month course of oral prednisone and sham irradiation the sphenoid sinus. Superiorly the border is at the roof of
vs. retrobulbar irradiation (20 Gy) and placebo capsules). This the orbit, and inferiorly it includes the floor of the orbit.
study proved equal effectiveness in both groups. However The normal structures are protected using shielding. Fields
the RT group had less side effects, both in severity and fre- are usually angled 5° to avoid dose to the lens (Fig. 1). With
quency 8. Another randomized clinical trial plus two other these techniques all the structures encompassed inside the
studies showed that the combination of RT and oral glucocor- field receive the same amount of radiation.
ticoids was more effective than either treatment alone 21–24 New techniques of RT, such as volumetric modulated arc
(Table 3). In future studies standardize and meticulous report therapy (VMAT) or Intensity-modulated radiation therapy
of the toxicity is necessary in order to know the real incidence (IMRT), give radiation therapists the ability to ‘‘sculpt’’ the
of side effects and which one of them are consequence of the edges of the target, minimizing the damage to adjacent
RT treatment. healthy tissue. Radiation targets are irregularly shaped and
New radiation techniques and Graves’ ophthalmopathy 143

Fig. 2. Low doses of radiation are adapted to fit the target with greater sparing of the opposite globe and the lens of the Graves’ disease-affected eye
with three dimensional radiotherapy (Fig. 2A) versus volumetric modulated arc therapy (Fig. 2B).

Fig. 3. High doses that provide a better sparing of the globe, including the retina close to the target volume with three dimensional radiotherapy
(Fig. 3A) versus volumetric modulated arc therapy (Fig. 3B).

conventional radiation treatments deliver radiation in straight On Figs. 2 and 3 we can appreciate the capacity of VMAT
lines. This means that, while the whole target is treated, any to adjust the doses of radiation to the target preserving nor-
healthy tissue close to the target may receive radiation as mal tissue. Fig. 2 shows how low doses of radiation are
well. VMAT technology allows delivery of radiation to a tar- adapted to fit the target with greater sparing of the opposite
get with more precision and accuracy, potentially resulting globe and the lens of the GO-affected eye so that neither
in fewer side effects while achieving the same high response receives radiation. Fig. 3 only shows the high doses that pro-
rates. With VMAT the treatment delivery time is also faster vide a better sparing of the globe, including the retina close
than with conventional RT or IMRT. Shortened treatment to the target. Fig. 4 shows a dose volume histogram that
times improve tolerability of the treatments and reduce the demonstrates how, with the new techniques, we can reduce
chance of error due to intra-fraction motion. the dose received by normal tissue such as the lens. A recent
144 I. San Miguel et al.

Fig. 4. Dose volume histogram that demonstrates the benefit with new techniques (volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT)) versus three dimensional
radiotherapy in reduction the doses received by normal tissue such as the lens and eye.

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