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Syllabus in Science 10

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SUBMITTED BY: Ms. Nikkie Rose Z. Briones

At the end of Grade 10, learners realize that volcanoes and earthquakes occur in the same
places in the world and that these are related to plate boundaries. They can demonstrate ways to
ensure safety and reduce damage during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
Learners can explain the factors affecting the balance and stability of an object to help them
practice appropriate positions and movements to achieve efficiency and safety such as in sports
and dancing. They can analyze situations in which energy is harnessed for human use whereby
heat is released, affecting the physical and biological components of the environment.

Learners will have completed the study of the entire organism with their deeper study of the
excretory and reproductive systems. They can explain in greater detail how genetic information is
passed from parents to offspring, and how diversity of species increases the probability of
adaptation and survival in changing environments. Learners can explain the importance of
controlling the conditions under which a chemical reaction occurs. They recognize that cells and
tissues of the human body are made up of water, a few kinds of ions, and biomolecules. These
biomolecules may also be found in the food they eat.

Content Standard Students demonstrate an understanding of

 the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicentres, and mountain ranges.
Performance Standard Students shall be able to:
 demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
 suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruption.

Time Objectives / Learning CODE Subject Matter Strategies/ Resources and Values and Evaluation
Frame Competency Approaches Materials Skills

First Week The learners should be able 1. Plate Tectonics

of to…. Lecture INSIGHT Disaster Pre- Assessment:
July to 1.1 Distribution (HOLISTIC Readiness KWL-Chart
Third Week 1.describe the distribution of S10ES –Ia-j- 1.1.1 volcanoes APPROACH IN
August active volcanoes, earthquake 36.1 1.1.2 earthquake Pictures SCIENCE) 10 Increased Formative
epicenters, and major epicenters Unit I Earth and awareness of Assessment:
mountain belts; 1.1.3 mountain ranges Space possible dangers Recitation
Questioning Lesson 1-3 in the
2. describe the different types S10ES –Ia-j- 1.2 Plate boundaries (pp.1-46) environment Seatwork
of plate boundaries; 36.2
Prompting PHOENIX Exploring Explain the Quiz
Life Through different
3. explain the different S10ES –Ia-j- 1.3 Processes and Science 10 Series processes that Group project
processes that occur along the 36.3 landforms along plate Collaborative occur along the
plate boundaries; boundaries learning Science Links Work plate boundaries; Summative
text for Scientific Assessment:
4. describe the internal S10ES –Ia-j- 1.4 Internal structure of and technology Performance
structure of the Earth; 36.4 the Earth Review Literacy Task, Test
(pp.5-46) Yourself
5. describe the possible S10ES –Ia-j- 1.5 Mechanism (possible
causes of plate movement; and 36.5 causes of movement) Laptop

6. enumerate the lines of 9ES –Ia-j-36.6 1.6 Evidence of plate

evidence that support plate movement

Content Standard Students demonstrate understanding of:

 the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum (EM).
 the images formed by the different types of mirrors and lenses.
 the relationship between electricity and magnetism in electric motors and generators.
Performance Standard Students shall be able to:
 produce an audiovisual presentation on the practical applications of EM waves to everyday activities and how to protect ones health and
environment from harmful EM radiation.

Time Objectives/ Learning CODE Subject Matter Strategies/ Resources and Values and Evaluation
Frame Competency Approaches Materials Skills
First Week The learners should be able to.. 1. Electromagnetic
of Spectrum Lecture Insight (Holistic Care and concern Pre- Assessment
September 1.compare the relative S10FE-IIa-b-47 Approach In for ones’s health KWL Chart
To Third wavelengths of different forms 1.1 The nature of Science) 10 and environment
Week of of electromagnetic waves; electromagnetic spectrum Questioning Unit II Force, Motion
October 1.2 Regions of and Energy Formative
2. cite examples of practical S10FE-IIc-d-48 electromagnetic spectrum Lesson 1-3 Consciousness’ Assessment:
applications of the different and uses Visual Aid (pp.53-108) on safety from Recitation
regions of EM waves, such as (EM) radiation
the use of radio waves in
telecommunications; Think pair share PHOENIX Practice
Exploring Life Making Exercises
3. explain the effects of EM S10FE-IIef-49 1.3 Effects of Through Science 10 Predictions
radiation on living things and the electromagnetic radiation Experiential Series
environment; Learning Board work
Critical Thinking exercises: Ray
4. predict the qualitative S10FE-IIg50 2. Light Science Links Work diagramming
characteristics (orientation, Probing text for Scientific and
type, and magnification) of 2.1 Reflection of Light in technology Literacy Care for the eyes
images formed by plane and Mirrors (pp.94-198) Lab. Activities
curved mirrors and lenses; 2.2 Refraction of Light in Giving feed with guided
Lenses backs Appreciation of procedures &
5. apply ray diagramming S10FE-IIg51 Laptop the benefits of questions
techniques in describing the electromagnetic
characteristics and positions of Projector induction
images formed by lenses; Summative Test
6. identify ways in which the S10FE-IIh52
properties of mirrors and lenses Ruler/Meter Stick
determine their use in optical
instruments (e.g., cameras and Magnets
7. demonstrate the generation S10FE-IIi53 3. Electricity and
of electricity by movement of a Magnetism Iron fillings
magnet through a coil; and
3.1 Electromagnetic
8. Explain the operation of a S10FE-IIj54 effects
simple electric motor and

Content Standard  Students demonstrate understanding of:

 organisms as having feedback mechanisms, which are coordinated by the nervous and endocrine systems.
 how these feedback mechanisms help the organism maintain homeostasis to reproduce and survive.
 the information stored in DNA as being used to make proteins.
 how changes in a DNA molecule may cause changes in its product .
 mutations that occur in sex cells as being heritable.
 how evolution through natural selection can result in biodiversity .
 the influence of biodiversity on the stability of ecosystems.
 an ecosystem as being capable of supporting a limited number of organisms.
Performance Standard  Students shall be able to:
 make advocacy infomercial on healthy lifestyle.
 write an essay on the importance of adaptation as a mechanism for the survival of a species.

Time Objectives/ Learning CODE Subject Matter Strategies Resources and Values and Skills Evaluation
Frame Competency and Approach Materials

Second The learners should be able Model Pictures

Week to… Insight (Holistic Care of the body Pre-Assessment:
of Approach In systems Question &
November 1. describe the parts of the S10LTIIIa-33 1. Coordinated Functions Questioning Science) 10 Answer
to Second reproductive system and of the Reproductive, Unit III Living
Week of their functions; Endocrine, and Nervous Reporting things and their Describe the parts of Think-pair and
January Systems Environment the reproductive share
2. explain the role of S10LTIIIb-34 Lesson 1-4 system and their
hormones involved in the (pp.115-191) functions
female and male Active Recitation
reproductive systems; Learning
PHOENIX Awareness of bodily
3. describe the feedback S10LTIIIc-35 Exploring Life changes Labelling
mechanisms involved in Through Science
regulating processes in the 10 Series
female reproductive system Open-mindedness Quiz
(e.g., menstrual cycle);
Science Links
4. describe how the nervous S10LTIIIc-36 Work text for Respect for Summative
system coordinates and Scientific and differences inhuman Assessment:
regulates these feedback technology Literacy features Test yourself
mechanisms to maintain (pp.205-311)
5.explain how protein is S10LTIIId-37 Laptop Determination to
made using information from Projector survive

6.explain how mutations S10LTIIIe-38 2. Heredity: Inheritance Helping others to

may cause changes in the and Variation adapt changes
structure and function of a
Concern for the limited
7. explain how fossil S10LTIIIf-39 resources on Earth
records, comparative
anatomy, and genetic
information provide
evidence for evolution;

8. explain the occurrence of S10LTIIIg-40 3. Biodiversity and

evolution; Evolution

9. explain how species S10LTIIIh-41

diversity increases the
probability of adaptation and
survival of organisms in
changing environments;

10.explain the relationship S10LTIIIi-42 4. Ecosystems

between population growth
and carrying capacity; and 4.1 Flow of Energy and
Matter in Ecosystems
11. suggest ways to S10LTIIIj-43 4.2 Biodiversity and
minimize human impact on Stability
the environment 4.3 Population Growth and
Carrying Capacity

Content Standard  Students demonstrate the understanding of:

 how gases behave based on the motion and relative distances between gas particles .
 the structure of biomolecules, which are made up mostly of a limited number of elements, such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
 the chemical reactions associated with biological and industrial processes affecting life and the environment.
Performance Standard  Students shall be able to:
 present chemical reactions involved in biological and industrial processes affecting life and the environment.

Time Objectives/ Learning CODE Subject Matter Strategies Resources and Values and Skills Evaluation
Frame Competency and Materials
Last Week The learners should be 1. Gas Laws Lecture
of able to… Calculator Critical thinking Pre-
January Assessment:
to First 1. investigate the S10MTIVa-b-21 1.1 Kinetic Molecular Chalk and INSIGHT Diagnostic Test
Week of relationship between: Theory board (HOLISTIC Appreciation of the
April 1.1 volume and pressure at 1.2 Volume, pressure, and APPROACH IN uses and applications
constant temperature of a temperature relationship SCIENCE) 10 Unit of the properties of Formative
gas; 1.3 Ideal gas law Questioning IV Matter gas Assessment:
1.2 volume and Lesson 1-3 Reporting
temperature at constant (pp.201-243)
pressure of a gas; Pencil and Care for the body and
1.3 explains these Paper Exploring Life environment Recitation
relationships using the Through Science
kinetic molecular theory; 10 Series
PHOENIX Advocacy for healthy Seatwork
2. recognize the major S10MTIVc-d-22 2. Biomolecules lifestyle
categories of biomolecules Science Links
such as carbohydrates, 2.1 Elements present in Work text for Quiz
lipids, proteins, and nucleic biomolecules Scientific and Awareness of the
acids; 2.2 Carbohydrates, lipids, technology Literacy dangers and negative
proteins, and nucleic acids (pp.318-406) effects of chemical Performance
2.2.1 Food Labels reactions Task

3.apply the principles of S10MTIVe-g-23 3. Chemical reactions Appreciation for

conservation of mass to chemical reactions in
chemical reactions; and nature
4. explain how the factors S10MTIVh-j-24
affecting rates of chemical
reactions are applied in
food preservation and
materials production,
control of fire, pollution, and

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