6.20marco Logico Proyecto
6.20marco Logico Proyecto
6.20marco Logico Proyecto
This Safety Data Sheet complies with the guidance on Occupation Safety and Health Act and enforcement regulations.
A. Classification of product Skin sensitizer: category 1
Carcinogenicity: category 2
Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure): category 1
B. GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements
This Safety Data Sheet complies with the guidance on Occupation Safety and Health Act and enforcement regulations.
This Safety Data Sheet complies with the guidance on Occupation Safety and Health Act and enforcement regulations.
Zirconium Oxide (ZrO2) 1314-23-4 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2
A5.22 A5.22
A5.22 A5.22 A5.22 A5.22
AWS Classification E309LCbT1- E309MoT1-
E309T1-1(4) E309T1-1(4) E309T1-1(4) E309LT0-1(4)
1(4) 1(4)
This Safety Data Sheet complies with the guidance on Occupation Safety and Health Act and enforcement regulations.
Arcaloy Arcaloy
Ingredient CAS No.
MC 309L MC 310
Chromium (Cr) 7440-47-3 23-25 25-28
Copper (Cu) 7440-50-8 <0.3 <0.3
Iron (Fe) 7439-89-6 Bal. (>60) Bal. (>60)
Magnesium (Mg) 7439-95-4 1.5-2.5 1.5-2.5
Molybdenum (Mo) 7439-98-7 <0.3 <0.3
Nickel (Ni) 7440-02-0 12~14 20-22
Silicon (Si) 7440-21-3 <1 <1
A5.29 A5.22
AWS Classification
EC309L E310T0-G
This Safety Data Sheet complies with the guidance on Occupation Safety and Health Act and enforcement regulations.
A. Suitable extinguishing media
No specific recommendations for welding consumables.
Welding arcs and sparks can ignite combustible and flammable materials.
Use the extinguishing media recommended for the burning materials and fire situation (CO2, water).
Cover fire site with dried sand or soil.
B. Specific hazards arising from the chemical
A harmful gas will be produced at high temperature.
When heated, container may explode.
Friction, heat, and spark can ignite materials.
Materials can be re-ignited after extinguishing.
C. Special protective actions for fire-fighters
Wear proper protective equipment.
Keep a certain distance and extinguish the fire.
If not dangerous, remove container.
If impossible extinguish, protect surround and extinguish itself.
This Safety Data Sheet complies with the guidance on Occupation Safety and Health Act and enforcement regulations.
This Safety Data Sheet complies with the guidance on Occupation Safety and Health Act and enforcement regulations.
10**** /
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) 60676-86-0 0.1 - -
Titanium Oxide (TiO2) 13463-67-7 10 - 10 15*
Zirconium Oxide (ZrO2) 1314-23-4 5 10 5 5
(1) TWA : Time Weighted Average
(2) STEL : Short Time Exposure Limit
(3) TLV : Threshold Limit Values according to American Conference of Governmental Hygienists, 2012
(4) PEL : Permissible Exposure Limits according to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (USA)
* Total dust, ** Respirable fraction, *** Inhalable fraction.
^ Value from OSHA expressed in PPM and value shown is conversion to mg/m
## AIHA WEEL (particulates only)
### Respirable dust
Natural ventilation : If the concentration is low, the space is 284m or more per two workers, and a ceiling height of space
is more 5 meter, the natural ventilation is applied. It is also applied to the non-enclosed space with
Local ventilation : Install the appropriate local ventilation system depending on the nature of processing and welding
materials. If the local ventilation is installed newly, the combined type, local air supply and local
exhaust, is recommended. Local ventilation system installed closer to the worker as possible is
desirable. It must have the ventability lower than the expoosure limit. It is the most effective system to
remove fume, but if the exhaust is too larger, welding defects will be occurred because of disturbance
of the shelding gas. Workers should turn on it while working and conduct maintenance.
Portable local ventilation : It is applied when working in a confined space such as ship-body assembly or in the tank.
Local air supply and local exhaust takes place at the same time. If necessary, run all the time.
If welding fume exhausts to other workplace, portable dust collection equipment should be
Full ventilation : Workplace is ventilzed with fans and blowers. It is effecive when workplace is a relatively small volume.
To remove fume, parallel push-pull ventilation should be considered. It should be designed and installed
accordding to the workplace.
C. Individual protection measures
Use proective equipment cerified by the Korea Occupational Safety and Health agency while welding.
1) Respiratory protecton
To prevent fume or hazardous gases, wear a mask while welding as below.
Dust mask : Wear it in a bad ventilation condition while welding.
Remove dust or dry frequently after using.
Gas mask : Wear a gas mask when ventilation is not sufficient such as inside the tank or in a narrow place.
Select a gas mask that can be used to combined with protective goggles
Use the proper canister according to hazardous substance.
Air-supplied respirator : Use air-line mask with compressed air.
2) Eye protection
Use a facial mask with filter screen from the ultraviolet of arc or spatter. There are face shield helmet or hand shielded
Page: 8(12)
Data revised: 2014.02.19
This Safety Data Sheet complies with the guidance on Occupation Safety and Health Act and enforcement regulations.
This Safety Data Sheet complies with the guidance on Occupation Safety and Health Act and enforcement regulations.
C. Incompatible materials
Combustible or flammable materials, chemical substances like acids and strong bases
D. Hazardous decomposition products
May produce irritant gases and fume
This Safety Data Sheet complies with the guidance on Occupation Safety and Health Act and enforcement regulations.
This Safety Data Sheet complies with the guidance on Occupation Safety and Health Act and enforcement regulations.
This Safety Data Sheet complies with the guidance on Occupation Safety and Health Act and enforcement regulations.